orangesand-lemons-234 · 42 minutes
Buttons was thrown across the floor, landing awkwardly against the back wall. His lip had burst, and blood was dripping down his chin, but he had bigger issues to be worrying about then that.
Snyder walked slowly, the heel of his shoe clacking with every step. His breath hitched when he saw what he could only assume was a baton in his hands, swinging side by side.
"So Benjamin...how many newspapers have you sold over the last few days?"
"Twelve sir."
Snyder scoffed, now holding the weapon up close to his chest. "And how much money have you made?"
Buttons brain racked through how much he must've made. One paper is three cent, so three by six is equal to...eighteen? And then you'd have to double it? Which would give him-
His thoughts were cut off by his shoulder being struck with the baton. He hissed, trying to hold in a painful scream.
"36 cents, you idiot." Snyder huffed.
His shoulder was throbbing as he tried shoving himself further against the wall, as if he could somehow dissappear, but to no evail. He was still sitting there on the floor with a rapidly bruising arm, his uncle standing before him.
"Boy, that's as much as you should be making a day, and yet that's all you've made this week."
He nodded, a cold shiver rushing through his bones. God, he wished he lived in the Lodge. He wished his folks were still around. He wished to be literally anywhere but here.
He would be making more money from selling, like he used to. But it's difficult to try and sell numerous papers a day when you're been beaten for simply existing in your new home and are struggling to stand up straight, let alone run around screaming the latest headlines.
Snyder sighed. "That's not good enough, Benjamin."
Buttons nodded. He was right. This wasn't good enough. He should be doing better.
He slowly looked up at his uncle, whose baton was raised above his head now, getting ready to pound it against his nephew. Buttons squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the incoming hits and-
Buttons shot out of his bed, a loud cry escaping his throat. That was the fourth time this week he'd had a nightmare about that night, keeping himself and probably the people around him awake.
He snaked his arms around his legs, holding them close to his chest as he tried to slow his heart rate and hold back the tears pricking at his eyes. JoJo climbed up the ladder of their bunk, already knowing what he was about to find.
"You a'ight there, Buttons?" He questioned, climbing in front of him and placing a hand on his knee.
No words needed to be spoken as Buttons threw himself into his arms, sobs wracking through his body as JoJo held him close, brushing his fingers through his hair as he tried to calm him down.
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I've been here so long that I'm bopping along to the songs playing
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Add in the comments if you think you look your age and what others guess
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mine are carrots, specifically raw. i can demolish a bag of baby carrots in one sitting. eat them like chips, no dip required
(sorry if tumblrs limit made me forget yours but pls tell me)
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seriously where did bro go
where has my friend gone dude omg-
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where has my friend gone dude omg-
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David Jacobs had never thought much of the bunk house. It was where the boys slept, he knew that much, but he was always glad he had a home to return to at the end of the day, a bed, even if he shared it with Les; he was lucky to get to go back to a sister, parents.
The lodge house, he had concluded from the couple of visits he’d made, was at the best of times, messy. But in the aftermath of the fight. It was chaos.
People and things everywhere, buckets of water and bandages and ripped up shirts, crying, and arguments and blood staining into the wooden floor.
David didn’t know what to do. His own head was aching. His gaze was darkening at the edges. He’d lost track of Les at least ten minutes ago. Crutchie wasn’t here. Jack was gone, god knows where. Splasher wasn’t waking up despite Buttons attempts to make him open his eyes, the gash on the side of his head had been cleaned they best they could and bandaged up but the blood was soaking through and splasher wasn’t waking up. David couldn’t help but look at him and see Les.
To his right, on one of the bunks curled in on himself, Tommy-boy was holding his cross and praying, low mutters under his breath that David couldn’t make out amongst the myriad of the voices, Race snapping out instructions, Specs arguing back. A fight between who David couldn’t even tell breaking out in the back of the room and the two, Albert and Finch it looked like upon second glance being shoved apart by Mush. David blinked again. The world swayed.
“Jacobs. You wanna help or are you jus’ gonna stand there.”
“Yes. Yeah. Of course. Sorry. Have you- where’s Les.”
“I dunno. But he’s fine ain’t he.”
“He. Yeah. What can I do.”
“JoJo.” Henry said. “Oscar got a real mean hit in with his knuckles. Jus’ fuckin. Wrap it alright?”
Henry stilled. The world spun.
“You okay Jacobs?”
“I’m fine.”
“They hit you?”
“No. No. ‘cept morris. With one of the bats.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Davey, can you hear me.”
And David could. Wanted to smile at the nickname cause that was kind, a thing that friends did, that friends called eachother.
But the world tipped sideways before he could say anything in response.
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waiting on my friend
standing awkwardly in the corner with my pepsi and phone
how yall doing
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while we're here platforming for a funner tumblr: talk to strangers like you're a stupid teenager again. reply to a person's post in a tag even if you've never seen their url in your life. if you want. just like. loosen up and have more fun. it feels like for a while there some very weird takes about how we should interact on tumblr got popular and I don't love it. this site used to feel like Nov. 5th 2020 every goddamn day but now those are rare events. we gotta get back to it. everyone is getting too bitter
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When I say nonbinary people can look like anything I am aggressively including nonbinary people who have beards, body hair, and who are assumed to be cis guys, firstly because that’s also me and secondly because we’re always overlooked or subjected to cringe culture. Nonbinary doesn’t just mean skinny, pale and absent of gender signifiers.
[Don’t be an ass in the notes, I can turn off comments if I have to]
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what the actual fuck
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 15 hours
I hate that "in in" is grammatically correct
"I'll be in in a minute" RAHHHHH MY GODDDD
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 17 hours
Anyways Finch, Albert, and Race poly, they also make a restaurant/tavern/thing for the newsies to hang out called The Racing Red Finch.
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 17 hours
me having an anxiety attack at 3am for no reason: MMM I JUST LOVE THE TASTE OF NOTHING
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 18 hours
hello nobody asked but here are more unsolicited Newsies Uno ReVerse thoughts that I can NOT get out of my head
Crutchie is Jack’s brother, but he never expects him to go out selling with his disability
When Les and Davey meet Crutchie for the first time, Les tells Jack something borderline offensive like “Why didn’t you tell me youse had a little brother with a bum leg? Between my face and his leg, we coulda been making MILLIONS this whole time!”
Davey is appropriately embarrassed and apologizes profusely on his brother’s behalf
Davey is obsessed with Portland, Oregon (it’s his Santa Fe) somewhere he can get away from the heated claustrophobia of the city, lock himself away in a cabin and finally put down on paper the little stories he tells himself to get through the day
Jack volunteers to go to Brooklyn with Davey
Les is the one hauled away to the refuge after Seize The Day
David and Katherine are the ones who hit it off, and Jack is The Pining One (TM)
Post-Rally, the Something To Believe In scene starts off with Kath confronting Davey and i don’t have details but I do have this piece of dialogue:
“If you weren’t a girl, you’d find out exactly why they call me Mouth.” “I think your inability to shut up might have something to do with it.” “No, it’s because when I hear someone talking about something they have no idea about, I aim for the mouth. And I don’t miss.”
And then Kath kisses him and Davey’s like omg??? Do I…..??? Like girls??? (Bc living in a house full of boys there’s no WAY he doesn’t already know he’s gay (umbrella term))
This Affects Post Canon bc I said so. Fun Post Canon Stuff (it’s fun for ME. Probably not for yall. You’ll call it angst or something):
Jack catches a Davey and Katherine kiss when they win the strike and it kind of makes him Unwell
Davey gets a job writing for The World
Jack has a hard time adjusting going back to school, can’t focus, realizes he’s happiest when he’s with the newsies (and Davey)
He brings up to Medda the idea of dropping out to get a job. She agrees because she sees how unhappy he is and school really just isn’t I for him
Kath gets him a job as an artist at The World
This means he has to see Davey and Kath Together Every Day and it makes him even more Unwell (although he loves the art part of it!)
Davey notices this because he is Davey
Because he is Davey and is the smartest man in the room but also the biggest idiot on the planet, he completely misconstrues the reason Jack is Being Weird
So Davey invites Jack to hang out one on one, without Katherine and Jack accepts at first but it gets harder and harder and Davey is more engrained in his life than ever and he just can’t do it
So Jack stops interacting with Davey at work, blows him off outside of it, and generally starts distancing himself and Davey is totally clueless
Finally, he goes to Katherine and complains about it and the conversation goes something like this:
“I thought spending time alone with him, away from you—no offense—would make him feel better. You know, remind him that no matter what’s going on with you and me that he’s still my friend.”
“I think that’s part of the problem, Davey.”
“I mean yeah. Truth be told if he and I weren’t friends I doubt you and I would even be an issue. I think he’d just go for it.”
“…… What?”
“I think he’d ask you on a date outright, instead of feeling guilty about his feelings for you.”
“….. oh my god you fucking idiot.”
Don’t ask me how this is resolved because i have absolutely no idea :)
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 20 hours
more newsies twitter yippee!
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image 2: staring at me so intently*
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