origamipeople · 8 years
men who love men are real and they exist outside of ships. they fall in love and go on dates and have relationships and get married and theyre not just cute fictional ships or your otp. theyre not there for your consumption either as “omg coffee shop au x3″ or “hot gay smut ;)” they exist for themselves
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origamipeople · 8 years
Kitty: *Sits on the keyboard, making one long drawn out synthesized note while a human accompanies them on an acoustic guitar*
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origamipeople · 8 years
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origamipeople · 8 years
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Predictable news pundits are predictable.
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origamipeople · 8 years
History wants so badly for Cleopatra to be beautiful. Like they can’t conceive of Rome being intimidated by anything less
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origamipeople · 8 years
Conservatives: I hate Muslim people. Look at what that Muslim person did at that Orlando LGBT bar.
LGBT people: So, does that mean you care about LGBT people?
Conservatives: No! Gay people are pedophiles, and transgender women are just men who want to invade women’s restrooms and harass women! WE NEED TO PROTECT WOMEN!
Women: So, does that mean you care about women?
Conservatives: Shut up, feminazi! Women in the United States are not oppressed! If you want to talk about women’s oppression, you should be focusing on how women in other countries are treated!
Refugees: So, does that mean you care about people from other countries?
Conservatives: Stay out of our country! Why should we care about refugees when we have people here who need help?
Homeless People: So, does that mean you care about people who need help?
Conservatives: No! Get a job, freeloader!
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origamipeople · 8 years
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Art Nouveau inspired wedding dress, made of 3 layers of golden shimmering taupe chiffon, upper layer of pure silk, and golden French wedding lace along the neckline embellished with numerous little pearls.
Mail to [email protected] if you’d like to have a unique custom made wedding dress designed for you.
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origamipeople · 8 years
summer: trying to get things done. trying to be productive. trying to be better. trying to learn the entirety of the latin language again before october. trying to make money and not spend money. trying to become physically strong as proof of mental strength. trying to find solutions.
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origamipeople · 8 years
a few tips for first-year college students:
if you don’t have air conditioning, you want a fan. you can get a box fan at Target for $20 and stick it in your window. if you don’t want to go all-in on that yet, get a clip-on fan that you can stick on your desk or your bed and aim directly at your face. 
in case nobody has told you yet, you need to wear flip flips in the shower
if you’re going to be storing stuff over the summer, keep all the boxes that things come in. a lot of times you can flatten them and shove them away pretty easily. now your string lights have their own box when you’re moving into a storage unit and your actual box space is freed up. last year I stored my sheets in the box my snow boots came in. boxes.
you can totally survive without a refrigerator and a microwave. I’ve done it. but they’re really fucking nice to have. (same goes for fans.) if you don’t have a microwave or fridge, find a friend whose fridge you can put leftovers in the one night you go out or get takeout and a building with a microwave students can use.
if you’re ordering your bedding online and having it shipped directly to college, go feel the stuff in the store first. related: buy cotton sheets. microfiber is gross. you’ll need a lighter summer pair if you get flannel.
travel bottles for shampoo and conditioner can be found at places like Target and Bed Bath and Beyond and then if you buy shampoo in bulk (I get liter containers), you don’t have to carry the whole thing with you. oh also don’t bet on having a place to hang a shower caddy–get one you can put on the ground without it grossing you out, and expect everything in the shower caddy to get wet (bar soaps are p much out).
figure out when you do your best work and when you do best in class and work your schedule around that, whether that means never taking a class before 11am or making sure to take a 10am class so that you’re up and moving for the rest of the day. late classes (after 5pm) can conflict with club/event things, so try not to have one every night of the week. anyone who tells you “never take a class at x time” is full of shit.
don’t be afraid to ask for an extension on a paper. for a lot of professors, if you get your work done and you’re a generally good student, you don’t need to have a Capital-R Reason beyond just “my paper will be better if I can have an extra 24 hours.”
any time you can do a reading early, do it early. just make sure to look over your notes before class.
everyone always says this, but seriously, participate in class. answer questions. ask questions. if you’ve got really bad anxiety about participating in a class (like I did with Greek history), write down some questions and go into office hours to talk to the prof one-on-one so that they know you’re engaged. 
when I am writing papers, I take one entire day for just that paper, no other assignments (other than readings): therefore it is important for me to schedule my time so that I have that day, which might mean writing an essay a week early. block out time for big assignments well in advance, whether you plan your paper in one day and write in one day like I do (not recommended) or plan one evening and write a paragraph per day.
take notes by hand????? unless you have a medical reason to use a laptop and that is necessarily How You Take Notes, taking notes by hand is the way to go. you can’t get distracted by other tabs, you remember things better when you write them out, and a bunch of profs won’t let you use a laptop in class without a medical accommodation anyway. 
if you’re not printing the reading and annotating it, take notes on the reading by hand in a notebook. (my #1 way to take notes on readings is to annotate the reading while I read it, and then transfer my annotations to modified Cornell-style notes afterwards) 
use whatever organizational style makes you the most happy and stress-free. I use Rhodia side-stapled notebooks for notes, yellow legal pads for things to hand in, and two expanding files, one for carrying and one for dorm. some people use binders (get a three hole punch if you do). some people use folders. your prof gives 0 shits about what you use.
bullet journals are cool and I want one.
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origamipeople · 8 years
Hypothetically, what would you do if you lived in a swing state, and you desperately don't want to vote for Hillary, but also definitely don't want a Trump presidency?
In that case, I look at the consequences of each outcome, and I vote against the one that I believe is worse.
In that case, I look at Clinton as slightly regressive but mostly status quo, and I look at Trump as an absolute catastrophe at every level. 
In this hypothetical case, I would vote for Clinton, because I want the swing state to NOT go to Trump. 
Non-hypothetically: while I’m not enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton as president, I know that my real choice will be between her and Trump. In that case, I not only want Trump to lose, I want him to lose in an historic, humiliating, record-breaking landslide, and I want him to take as much of the Republican party down with him as possible.
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origamipeople · 8 years
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origamipeople · 8 years
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Natasha Lyonne and Samira Wiley at NYC Pride 2016
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origamipeople · 8 years
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The Force runs strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. And my sister has it.
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origamipeople · 8 years
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origamipeople · 8 years
“Hold the fuck up.” I say. I am the fuck up. Please hold me.
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origamipeople · 8 years
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origamipeople · 8 years
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“Enchanted Forest” by Shyamal and Bhumika (Spring/Summer 2016)
Models - Archana Akhil Kumar, Namit Khanna, Dayana Erappa, Prabh Uppal and Arshia Ahuja
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