pablitogavii Ā· 2 days
Accidental meeting
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ā€œSo Gavi you said once that the way you met your girl is funny? Can we hear the story?ā€ Man asked Gavi during an interview which made him chuckle to himself remembering that day like it was yesterday.
He was stuck on the parking lot waiting for Pedri to call and tell him where to meet after training when a girl came closer to the blacked out window carrying a small purse.
Pablo wanted to say something but when she leaned in and started applying her lipgloss while looking at his window he smirked admiring her beautiful face.
He couldnā€™t waste this chance as he opened the window interrupting her and the girl jumped now completely embarrassed when she saw that someone was actually in there.
ā€œUmā€¦s..sorry Gavi I didnā€™t know anyone was inside..okay bye!ā€ She was about to walk away quickly but Pablo was quicker to grab her hand and pull her back.
ā€œYou didnā€™t finish applying it thoā€¦so please finishā€ he said rolling the window down again and she shyly took her lipgloss and finished what she started moments ago. He then rolled the window back down.
ā€œThat color looks good on you..ā€ he said flirtatiously
ā€œW..what?ā€ She was stunned that this is how she just met the biggest heartthrob of EspaƱa. And he was calling her pretty!?
ā€œOnly..come hereā€ he said and now she was too stunned to say anything but doing as he said as his finger wiped a side of her lips gently smiling when their eyes met.
ā€œHmm better..perfecta nowā€ he said and she was bright red whispering a quick ā€œthank you Gaviā€ while he was smirking proud of himself.
ā€œAnd does she use your car as a mirror now?ā€ Man said when Pablo was done talking looking towards you sitting in the corner with pink cheeks..that day still seems like a dream.
ā€œHmm all the timeā€ Pablo said smirking to himself knowing that God sent him an angel who happened to forget to apply her lipgloss at home hehe :)
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pablitogavii Ā· 6 days
Happy Family 1
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Day 1
I arrived to Barcelona on March 21st at 7:35 pm only a day after I turned 18. My dream was to join this exchange program and travel to Spain ever since I was a little girl and now I was finally here.
"Welcome! I'm Aurora, your new hermana for a year" sweet looking girl approached me seeing the paper that said my name on it and i blushed nodding my head as the older couple approached us.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n." I said politely shaking the older's couple hand and Aurora tightly hugged me already making me feel like we were real sisters.
"Ready to go home, girls?" woman said and I smiled thinking to myself that this will be "home" to me for a whole year nodding in excitement while walking with Aurora towards the car.
"Um..and your brother?" I asked obviously knowing who Pablo Paez Gavira was but also feeling nervous that I haven't met him. Ever since the Gavira accepted me into their home for a year, I was nervous to meet the boy all of my friends are drooling over.
"Pablo is a cabrĆ³n whose flight from Verona got delayed, but he'll be home tomorrow" she said while I gulped while nodding my head.
"Lengua Rora! Pablo will surely like you as we do" her dad said and I nodded although deep down it still made me nervous to meet the infamous footballer.
They showed me around the house and my room before leaving me to get changed and ready for bed since it was already getting late and I had my first day of school tomorrow.
Maria: so you haven't met him still!!!??
Sofi: Girl, he's literally the hottest guy! He has the body of a God!
Tina: Be careful not to fall for your "brother" girl ;)))
"Life is not a freaking wattpad story" I told myself while brushing my teeth and reading the group chat with my friends from US still going crazy that I am in house of THE Pablo Gavi.
I fell asleep exhausted from the long flight. When Pablo arrived home a lot earlier than expected everyone was asleep and he walked out of instinct into what till not used to be his room.
He was confused when he smelled strong floral scent but decided not to pay it much attention taking off his wet shirt since it was raining heavily tonight and even his hair got soaked.
When he tried to sit on the bed to take off his pants I wiggled making him jump and me to scream while sitting up. Awkward..
"What? Who? Where am I?" I said now completely confused and almost forgetting that I am no longer home and am face to face with a complete stranger who rudely woke me up.
"Who the hell are you!? What are you doing in my room!?" Pablo said and I brushed the sleep out of my eyes finally realizing who it was standing shirtless across from me right now..fucking great!
"Um..they said this is my room now?" was only thing I could say in that moment and he finally remembered that the exchange student was coming today.
"Joder! That's right, sorry. I'm Pablo.." he said reaching out his hand I shook it nodding my head and giving him a warm smile.
"Y/n.." I said shortly.
Even though this was kind of awkward he was still very nice and nothing like I expected. All my friends said footballers are supposed to be cocky and narcissistic but he seemed genuine.
"I'll see you in the morning..um..goodnight" he said before grabbing his shirt and quickly leaving my room closing the door behind himself.
So this was his room then...no wonder why it smelled so masculine when I first walked in..suddenly I felt my cheeks blushed as I laid in his bed feeling him surround me in that moment. Maybe my friends were right..
The next morning, I walked down where all of them were sitting at the breakfast table welcoming me to join them.
"Y/n this is Pablo." Belen introduced and just as I was about to say we have met already, he interrupted reaching out to shake my hand yet again.
I played along introducing myself one more time to him..maybe it was for the best for his family not to know that we met in the middle of the night with him half naked inside my room.
When breakfast was over and everyone went to tend to their own business, I slowly moved towards Pablo who was packing for training and he turned to face me.
"I won't say anything, don't worry.." I said and he smirked tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I froze..fuck that feeling will be the death of me!
"It will be our little secret.." he said before turning back around to finish what he started and I went upstairs to grab my school bag.
First day at school wasn't bad. There was a girl who sat next to me in math class and we immediately clicked. Masa quickly became my best friend here and many things that will happen to me in the future wouldn't have been bearable without her by my side..
"Tonight is a back to school party at the beach, you have to come tĆ­a!" she said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Aurora is coming too so I'm sure you can go with her?" Masa said and I nodded really happy to meet more people and start this school year off right.
"Obviously you're going hermanita!" Aurora told me the moment we talked at home and I smiled nodding my head excited for tonight.
"If you expect me to cover for your ass again, you owe me big time!" Pablo walked in without knocking realizing that he just interrupted "girl talk" as boys always called it.
"Or you can fulfill the dreams of all those girls and come with us tonight?" Aurora said and something in me tightened knowing deep down that Pablo Gavi was wanted by every single girl at that school.
"She's going too?" Pablo said not even looking at me and I thought what happened this morning was probably my own brain making up things..he was clearly not interested.
"Obviously!" Aurora said while Pablo seemed more agitated than before..like he didn't want me to go for some reason? It was weird.
"I might pop in later.." he said nonchalantly.
"You always say the same thing hermano!" Aurora said but he just left without another word. Why would he mind if I went to this party? What's it to him?
Pablo was at home looking at his phone when he saw his sister's story mentioning my username on it..out of curiosity, Pablo clicked checking out my profile and the new picture I posted from tonight.
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A brunette to my blonde :* @masa.bb
liked by pablogavi and others
aurorapaezg: and the best photographer jaja
masa.bb: luv you girl!
theodore.ross: two hottest girls tonight!
Pablo was looking at that guy's comment for a solid 15 minuted before he got dressed and snuck to the beach telling himself it was because he was bored at home.
When I saw him walk up, all the girls were already calling his name rushing to take pictures or offer him a drink. I decided not to join the crowd instead walking to sit by the water.
"Solita?" Theodore said about to sit down but someone's very much angry voice interrupted him as it was getting closer to where we were.
"She's not, now leave vale!!!?" Gavi said and the boy smirked raising his hands up in surrender before winking towards me and leaving to rejoin the party again. Now I felt confused..what the hell does this mean?
"You came?" I said standing up to face him noticing the way his jaw was clenching and unclenching. "Damn was he beautiful under the moonlight..." thought to myself.
"Your top is too revealing" he said simply and I looked down before meeting his eyes again..did he come to look after me tonight?
"Pablo.." I spoke but as always he was quick to interrupt me.
"Callate!" he said before grabbing my jaw and crashing his lips to mine passionately while my hands found his hair and his snaked around my waist protectively.
At the end of very my first night here, Pablo slept over at my new room (and his old one) with me cuddled up to his side and him holding me against himself protectively...
Interesante right? ;)))
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pablitogavii Ā· 8 days
Reader getting really shy with gavi?
Family time
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After a year of being in established relationship, Pablo wanted to bring me to Sevilla to meet more of his family and since he was traveling with the team for the last game it was the perfect timing.
I was a little nervous but he reassured me that they would love me just as much as him which calmed down my nerves a bit. Meeting his tĆ­a Almudiera and her family was very nice and she welcomed me to stay at her home while Pablo is in the hotel with the team.
"Estas segura, mi amor? If you're uncomfortable I can get you a hotel room?" he asked me on the side and I shut him up with a kiss reassuring him that I'd love to stay with his family which made him smile brightly.
"Bueno, I will come in the morning amor" he said after evening passed and we had nice dinner with his family before he was ready to depart. It was always hard goodbye especially since I got so used to sleeping in his arms at night.
"Will you..um leave your sweatshirt with me cariƱo?" I asked shyly and he knew the reason I needed it is to have his smell with me when he is away. It made him proud and he took it off immediately giving it to me with a sweet kiss on my hungry lips.
"We'll take good care of her niƱo, no te preocupes" his aunt said making us both smile as he embraced me and Pablo left smiling while stealing another look of me surrounded by his family..made him proud for finding the right one.
The next morning, I was sound asleep when Pablo came after training being told by his aunt that I was still sleeping. He promised to wake me up for breakfast before entering the small guest room they gave me.
He smiled seeing me cuddled up to a white comforter wearing one of his sweatshirt with a peaceful look on my face. He sat next to me holding around my waist and leaning down to leave wet kisses all over my neck which slowly woke me up with a smile.
I enjoyed his little ministration for a second completely forgetting that we were not home quickly pulling away thinking some of his family can come in to check on you.
"Amor, que pasa? No te gusta mis besitos no more?" he acted hurt looking down at me while moving a strand of my hair behind my ear so I can slowly open my eyes to look at him.
"No! Obvio que me gusta amor..I'm just worried someone will come in" I say looking at the door and he chuckled leaning down to capture my lips.
"My shy girl.." Pablo teased making me blush even more as we kissed a few times before a knock was heard and he told me that meant breakfast was ready for us.
We spent all day exploring Sevilla with his family, going to a little lake for a picnic with kids and I started feeling much more comfortable but still any physical touch from Pablo put me on edge.
Knowing my boyfriend and that his love language is physical touch, it was hard for him not to show it in front of his family. Not to mention he loved seeing em all flustered.
"Our reservation is ready, kids" his tĆ­a said and we walked to the little restaurant by the beach and the moment I sat down next to Pablo, I felt his hand gripping my thigh making me close my legs as smirk appeared on his handsome face. Little devil!
"Amorrr!" I whispered and he leaned in acting dumb for a moment.
"Something the matter, princesa?" he whispered back and I gave him a stern look to which he only smirked keeping his hand right where it was.
"Mrs. Gavira" waiter said and you smiled thinking a little about that title..imagining it belonging to you one day, and just like he could read your mind Pablo's hand moved from your thigh to hold your hand kissing it in front of everyone not really minding people watching.
"I'm thinking about it too.." he said and I blushed which he adored continuing talk with his family while holding my hand under the table. Obviously we were both young..but hearing his say he's also thinking about it made me so happy.
Next day, Pablo had long physical exam and training so we didn't see each other until lunch and when he arrived he saw me jumping in the pull with his little cousin smiling with his tĆ­a.
"Ella es una chica de oro Pablito, mucha suerte" she said and that made a boy even more proud that his family was loving me just like he knew they would. He knew it's impossible not to love a person like me.
"Pablo! Look the braids Y/n made for me! Are they pretty!?" his cousin was excited and Pablo smiled seeing you blushing shyly while grabbing a tower for the little girl.
"So pretty! You enjoying Y/n's company?" he asked and the little girl jumped up and down while nodding and rushing inside to grab some snack while Pablo walked up to me.
"They're all so nice to me amor, I love it here" I said gulping when he pulled me by my waist close to himself not caring much that I was wet.
"I love you mi amor.." he said to my bright red face before kissing my lips lovingly and I giggled resting my head on his shoulder while his family watched us with smiles. They were happy Pablo could find someone so genuine for himself.
"You need to be all packed up tonight when I pick you up" Pablo said and I pouted nodding my head as he pulled me in and kissed my forehead lovingly.
"We'll come back soon, bueno? Te lo prometo" he said and I smiled again nodding my head before he pecked my lips once again and we joined the rest inside.
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pablitogavii Ā· 17 days
hi luna first time doing this but if itā€™s not too much of a hassle could i request a nsfw alphabet for gavi ā¤ļø
completely fine if u ignore or are not taking requests
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note: thank you for being so patient and sorry to everyone that i havenā€™t written a full piece in a while <3
A = Aftercare (what theyā€™re like after sex)
gavi gets super soft and affectionate after sex because he knows how rough and hard he is during sex. gavi will cuddle you and tell you how good you took him during sex. he loves to sit in bed and watch movies with some sweets holding you until you fall asleep on his chest.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partnerā€™s)
gavi loves his big biceps. if he fucks you doggy style heā€™ll fuck you in front of the mirror and flex and sometimes heā€™ll put you in a playful headlock when he wants to mess with you but when youā€™re having sex heā€™s a bit stronger with it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
CREAMPIES! gavi loves creampies and filling you up to brim until his cum seems out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
gaviā€™s wants to have a threesome with pedri or fermĆ­n so bad but heā€™s scared youā€™ll judge him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what theyā€™re doing?)
gavi isnā€™t that experienced, heā€™s still young. heā€™s only had two sexual partners before you so heā€™s still learning how to fuck.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
doggy with your back arched just for his girthy dick.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
gavi is very serious in the moment and he gets insecure whenever you make him laugh because with you he tries to be very masculine and dominant but sometimes his goofy side will slip out.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
heā€™s very well groome. while gavi doesnā€™t shave, his hair down there is trimmed for you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
gavi so sexy and romantic when heā€™s inside you. ā€œte amo baby take every inch of me inside youā€
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
gavi loves stroking himself to the pictures you send him whenever youā€™re not with him or not in the mood.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
choking is his favorite. depriving you of a breath with his bicep or with his dick make him throb.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
definitely on the balcony where the neighbors can hear his skin slapping against yours.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
winning game gets him the horniest and he loves the reward of your body after a win.
N = No (something they wouldnā€™t do, turn offs)
he would never degrade his angel.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
gavi loves giving you head. heā€™ll randomly get underneath the sheets while youā€™re relaxing in bed to eat you out while you play with his hair.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
gavi is a rough guy, heā€™ll put every bit of his strength into fucking the shit out of you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
gavi loves head right before he leave the house for training. just you on your knees servicing every inch of him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
the main risk gavi likes is fucking you on the balcony because he likes the thought of other people hearing you fuck.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
gavi can go as many time as you want. heā€™s a footballer thatā€™s young and full of cum so if you wanna go for tons of rounds he can do it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
heā€™s not really into toys his tongue, cock and fingers do the work.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
gavi doesnā€™t tease you much.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
gavi is so loud when he fucks. heā€™s makes the loudest moaning and grunting you could imagine, filling the room with orgasmic screams.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
gavi loves face fucking your throat and hearing the sounds of you gagging on his dick.
X = X-ray (letā€™s see whatā€™s going on under those clothes)
heā€™s about 6 inches and very girthy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
his sex drive us through the roof, if gavi could fuck you all day every day he would.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
when heā€™s done all the sessions you want, heā€™s knocked out cold on your breasts.
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pablitogavii Ā· 17 days
The reader doing an everything shower and gavi keeps whining for her to finish? It would be soo cute! šŸ¤­
Too long
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I usually showered with Gavi partly as he would famously say "to save water" but also because we were always enjoying each other's company, if you know what I mean ;)
"Amor, why can't I join you like always!?" Pablo was whining while I took off my clothes and turned on the shower in our shared bathroom.
"Because, cariƱo It's my everything shower and I need to do some girl routine stuff" I tried to explain but he was still a pouting mess until I went to him and on my tip toes kissed his lips.
His hands went around my waist and he pulled my naked breasts against himself.
"Don't tempt me nena.." he smirked and I moved away promising some "fun times" when I am done with my girl shower.
"How long will it be?" he immediately asked like a child waiting to go to Disney and I chuckled promising to be as quick as possible.
Not even five minutes into my shower did I hear Pablo's whining voice coming from our bedroom. I smiled at his impatience..he was so cute right now!!
"The more you interrupt me, the longer it will take Pablo!" I said and he snuck back into the bathroom poking his head through the shower making me giggle.
"Pablo!" I said before we both were giggling at his little antics.
"What can you be doing in there that I can't see!? he said and you show him that you were currently shaving your legs and using some skin scrub.
"I'm almost done, cariƱo. I promise." I said leaning in and kissing his lips before he moved and left me to finish my shower finally.
When I finally came out, Pablo was sitting on the bed with a big smile on his face as you sat down and grabbed your body lotion to put on your skin.
"Could you help me with my back cariƱo?" you asked knowing how impatient your boy was right now and he eagerly took the lotion and started massagin your back.
I closed my eyes and he slowly moved his fingers massaging all tension from my muscles smirking while slowly cupping my breasts as I opened my eyes and turned to look him in the eyes.
"I think I said my back, cariƱo.." you say with a smirk while he enjoyed massaging your breasts shamelessly.
"Tienes las tetas ricas mi amor" he smirked and you leaned back against him as his hand moved up around your neck and he started kissing your lips passionately.
"P..Pablo..I'm not done yet" I say into the kiss and he sighed heavily.
"Why is it taking too long!!??" he said and I chuckled walking back into the bathroom to get dressed and finish my skincare routine.
"Amoooor...you don't need any of that mi nena linda" his arms aware wrapped around your waist from behind and his chin was rested on your shoulder. You smiled turning around in his arms and placing some moisturizer on his skin.
"This keeps our skin healthy mi amor..tan guapo" you say massaging it into his face while he closed his eyes enjoying your ministrations.
"Your skin is so glowy now mi amor" you say as he opened his eyes looking down to kiss your lips sweetly.
"Now that you made me all guapo, can I have my girlfriend back porfi?" he said and you chuckled nodding your head snaking my arms around his neck as he carried me back to bed eagerly.
After our little "activities" hehe I was laying on Pablo's exposed chest as he kissed the top of my head.
"You were so needy mi amor" you teased him and he rolled his eyes back to his stubbornness acting like a big strong man like always.
"I don't know who was begging in the end princesita" he said definitely wining this argument since i was bright red hiding my face into his neck while he chuckled kissing my forehead.
"I like it so much amor.." he said and you looked up kissing his lips lovingly.
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pablitogavii Ā· 19 days
Hello can you do a Fanfic about Pablo Gavi and the reader are in toxic Relationship but with some smut? Btw no pressure take your time writing šŸ’˜šŸ’Œ
They are not in a relationship..yet ;)
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Moving in with Pablo Gavi might have been the worst choice of my life. Even though the apartment was in the center, very luxurious and nice, having him as a roommate was the same as having him as a jealous boyfriend sometimes!
"I'm telling you that you're not going out like that!" Pablo was determined laying back in the sofa watching some old BarƧa game while I was getting ready in my own bedroom.
"And I'm telling you to stop acting like my dad Pablo! Just because we live together doesn't mean you can boss me around!" I yelled back rolling my eyes while messaging his sister. She is the one who suggested I move in with her younger brother so I at least have someone in Barcelona.
"I won't repeat myself, Y/n..you..are..not..going..anywhere" he was now at my door frame checking out my little black dress trying his best to look me in the eyes instead.
"Why do you care what I wear!? Maybe I want some attention tonight!" I said the first thing that came to mind obviously not meaning it..truth be told, I quickly developed a crush on my jealous roommate.
"Whose attention!?" he was quick and I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone but he quickly snatched it from my hands looking at the screen.
"Hey! That's mine! Give it back asshole!" I jumped trying to grab my phon from him but his hand quickly wrapped around my waist holding my down while he looked at my messages with his sister.
"You're dissing me to my sister, bug?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes pulling away and crossing my arms in front of my chest in anger. Pablo gave my phone back when he was satisfied that it was only his sister I was texting.
"Now if you're satisfied, move so I can go"I said about to walk past him but he was still as a statue shaking his head looking down at my little outfit.
"You will get in trouble looking like that at night.." he said more so worried than angry now. I looked him with big eyes using them to my advantage per usual. I quickly learned how to get my way with this man.
"Fine! Do what you want but have me on speed dial!" he said leaving my room and I smiled nodding my head quickly kissing his cheek before leaving for the night.
Barcelona, Spain
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See ya tonight Barcelona āœØ
juancarlos: aiii mamiiii šŸ¤¤
javierbar: i'll search for you in the crowds hermosa
braxtonmall: things I'd do to that body mamiii
gavifans: is Gavi coming???
aurorapaezg: lindašŸ’—
y.n.bebe: šŸ’—šŸ’—
Pablo just kept scrolling down at the comments of various men saying the most gross and nasty things they would do to me. He was so anxious that he couldn't even pay any more attention to the game so he turned the TV off.
All he could think about is me in that black dress..all alone..with all of those sick people out there. He quickly changed into some fancy clothes texting to ask for my location. I didn't respond cause music was too loud to hear anything, so he called Aurora in the middle of the night.
"Do you know what club she went to Rora!?" he asked and the girl was just waking up from her sleep confused.
"Pablo? Did something happen to Y/n?" she asked
"No! I mean, I don't know! But she shouldn't be out looking like that and alone! It's dangerous Rora! They know she lives with me, so what if someone attacks or kidnaps her!?" he was spirling and Aurora told him to breathe for a moment.
"Seriously, Pablo. You care almost like you're her boyfriend. She's probably fine, why don't you go to sleep?" Aurora said knowing deep down about her brother's crush on me.
"I can't sleep when she's not here...just please tell me where she went!" he said feeling his own heart jump at the words he used. He really cared about me and wished I knew how much.
Meanwhile, the party was getting boring. People were too drunk and everyone started touching random strangers. I was never into that kind of stuff so I decided to call myself an Uber and go home knowing Pablo must be going mental already.
When I turned on my phone, I gulped. Shit! He called me nine times!? Ohh he's probably pissed off right now.
"Pretty girls like you don't need to pay for an Uber, I can drive you home linda" half drunk man walked up to me and I politely said that I was fine.
"What!? You think you too good for anyone but Pablo Gavi!? I have the same car as him, princess..vamos!" he was grabbing my hand now and i panicked speed dialing my emergency contact..Pablo Gavi.
"Y/n! Are you crazy not to answer your phone! Hola!?" Pablo's voice was heard as he was yelling as I tried my best to make him realize I was in trouble.
"Um..I don't want to go with you please leave me alone" I said a bit louder hoping Pablo heard before hanging up the phone.
Since Aurora told him where I was, he was already almost there seeing me in the parking lot pulling away from the guy and quickly braking and rushing outside of the car not caring that he almost cause a car accident.
"Hey hijo de puta! How do you like this, huh!?" he fist punched him and I screamed while he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car with him before cameras and paparazzi showed up.
"Oh my God Pablo! You won't believe what happened..I.." I was catching my breath trying to talk but he interrupted me rather rudely.
"Callate! We'll talk when we get home!" he said and I gulped looking at his clenched jaw and bloody knuckles..fuck he was pissed off now!
"Come on, let me help you" he said seeing a little bruise on my knee when I fell trying to run and he carried me bridal style onto our shared apartment. I felt my heart beating fast as he sat me down on the sofa grunting a little while inspecting his hand.
"Pablo..I.." I tried again but he shook his head making me shut up.
"Are you really angry with me?" I said sadly but he was in no mood for sentiments. He was scared half to death when he heard my helpless voice on the phone.
"Yes! I am angry with you!" he yelled and I punted curling up in the ball leaving him alone.
"I told you what would happen! Bot Mrs. Independant does anything she wants even if it puts her in trouble!" he was saying it still not looking into my eyes.
"I didn't know that would happen, okay!?" I was angry now too. Why was he scolding me when if I try to be closer to him he pushes me away!?
"What did you think huh!? That you can protect yourself if a guy throws himself at you!?" he said finally looking at me with eyes red from anger.
"Whatever, Pablo! I didn't need your help anyways!" now I was acting out of stubbornness hating the fact that he still looks at me as a child. I tried getting up but he wouldn't let me throwing me on the sofa and hovering above me.
"Oh yeah!? And what would you do if a guy pins you down like this, huh!? Hold your arms above your head? You would fight him off, no?" he was mocking me now and I blushed bright red at the position we were currently in. He was only inches away from my face holding me tightly against the sofa.
"Pablo, let me go!" I said trying to struggle which only made the boy laugh.
"That's all you would do? Please, bug you don't have half of my strenght!" he said and I stopped struggling looking away with a sad face. He was right..he really saved me tonight and I am giving him the attitude again.
"I know what I would do.." I whisper and he leans down turning my face towards his.
"What is that preciosa?" he said looking from my lips to my eyes and I bit my lower lip..fuck it!
"I would call you.." I admit and he smirked nodding his head and leaning further down to capture my lips in a sweet passionate kiss.
"And I would always come..to protect you princesa" he spoke while leaving butterfly kisses down my neck and shoulders while I closed my eyes enjoying the new sensation.
"Mm Pablito?" I said and he raised his head looking me in the eyes.
"Yes mi amor?" he said and I swear something in be broke the moment i heard those words leave his gorgeous lips.
"Are you still angry with me?" I say with a smile and he shakes his head in disbelief shrugging his shoulders in response.
"What if I help you now?" I said moving a little to sit on his lap and he welcomed it curious to what I will do next. I smile leaning forwards to kiss his knuckles and he smiled playing with my hair gently.
"Better mi heroe?" I smile looking up and he smirked nodding his head and leaning down to kiss my lips hungrily.
"Don't ever do something stupid like this again, princesa!?" he said sternly and I blushed nodding my head.
"Now i have all the attention I need at home..from mi novio" I said and he grabbed my neck pulling me a little up before smashing his lips onto mine again.
"How long I wanted to hear you say that mi amor.." he whispered into my lips while we were kissing.
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pablitogavii Ā· 22 days
Please new story šŸ™šŸ»
Ojos de su papĆ”
For those that loved dad!Gavi <3
You've had one of the most trying days at the clinic where you work as a doctor so you couldn't wait to get home to get some rest.
The moment you entered the house, you heard Matteo's loud cries and your head started pouding immediately. Looking at your watch, you knew it was his bottle time.
Pablo was in the living room with the little boy in his arms trying to pack for his evening training while telling him how "mami will be home soon" which you found so adorable.
"Aii que pasa precioso mio? Papi forgot your bottle?" you say walking to them but Pablo showed you three different bottles on the table that he tried to use to feed the little boy.
"He only let's you do it, amor..he loves you more" Pablo said while pouting and you giggled shaking your head and taking the little boy in your arms as he started to calm down.
"It's normal Pablito..he's used to me breastfeeding him but he loves you just as much. He's a mini version of his papi, right Matteo?" you say and Pablo looks at the little boy in your arms immediately opening his mouth as you brought one of the bottles to his lips.
"Go get ready for training while I feed him cariƱo" you say but Pablo noticed the way your temples were scrunched and he wanted to know what made you feel bad.
"Amor, if you're tired I can just cancel training and then double up tomorrow..or after the game?" he said touching your hand and you smiled that he was always so careful and gentle with you. always makes you his priority.
"It's okay, mi amor te lo juro. I just had a long day but me and Matteo will eat something and get some sleep, right precioso mio?" you said kissing the little boys forehead while he sucked diligently on the bottle.
"Tan bien. I will be right back, just to grab my shoes" Pablo said leaving to the closet as you sat down letting your muscles relax while looking at the little hungry boy in your arms.
His big brown eyes are looking at you softly while he sucked on the bottle that it made your heart melt. Those same eyes that Pablo had when he looked at you with love for the very first time now has your son..and it was a beautiful feeling.
"Mis ojitos morenos lindos..tienes ojos de su papĆ” mi amor.." you said gently to your son not knowing that Pablo was there listening and blushing profusely.
Ever since you had a baby, everyone said he was a mini version of Pablo and it made your husband both timid and proud. Having a son with a woman he loves so much and hearing her call their shared eyes beautiful made his whole body shiver.
"Bien. Pablo you will be late if you don't leave now!" you finished feeding Matteo and reminded your husband who was lost in thoughts walking towards you on the couch and laying his own head on the free spot on your lap.
"Amor, pero I want to stay with the two of you tonight.." Pablo said giving you his infamous puppy dog eyes that Matteo will surely learn to use later on you as well.
"Stop using your eyes to get everything you want Pablo!' you said softening when his eyes became bigger as the pout found itsway to his face.
"But you let Matteo do it!" Pablo was complains like a baby and you giggled looking at your son which has an identical look on his face. Damn it the two of them and their pretty eyes!
"But he's a baby Pablo" you say and Pablo nuzzled his face into your neck.
"Well, aren't I still your baby amor?" he asked and you sighed knowing where this is going.
"Si, you're both my babies" you answered and he smiled looking up at you again this time pecking your lips gently.
"And you said we have the same eyes, no?" he added making you smiled and nod your head.
"Then we can both use them to make you say si, amor" he giggled leaning in closer to Matteo so both of them could look at you with their same dark brown eyes.
"Bueno..si! But..make sure to tell Xavi you were not feeling well, bueno?" you say and Pablo cheered kissing your lips while Matteo giggled making you both smile. He was happy his papi is staying tonight too.
"Te lo prometo!" he said kissing your lips before sitting up and pulling you in his arms while Matteo started napping in yours.
"He might have mis ojos, amor..but he has your cute little nose" Pablo said making you blush and look at the perfect little boy sleeping in your arms.
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pablitogavii Ā· 23 days
ā€“ "Heyy can you please do when reader asks Pedri to pick her up and when he picks her up she is crying because some guy touched her. And he is like overprotective over her. (Sorry if ur not comfortable with writing this)"
I only write for Gavi but I'll still do this request :))
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You were still shivering while running out of the bar and hiding behind the wall while pulling out your phone and dialing your best friend.
" Hola bajita, how can I help you??" Pablo's voice sounded a bit raspy so you assumed you've just woken him up since it was almost ten o'clock.
"Um..could you..please..pick me up Pablo?" you couldn't help your voice sounding broken as tears fell down your face just wanting to be home already!
"Yeah! Of course I can! Just send me your location..I'm on my way! Are you..are you alright??" he was already jumping off his bed and putting on some old sweatpants and a hoodie before grabbing his car keys and rushing outside.
"Was that Pablo that left?" his mom asked Rora who was just as confused with what happened just shrugging her shoulders and going into her room.
"Um..I'm fine..I just want to go home..and I couldn't call anybody else" you were clearly not alright from the way your voice was shaking as you spoke but Pablo was glad he was the one you called.
"I'm almost there..just stay on the phone with me alright?" he spoke while driving and you nodded saying a quick 'yes' before squatting down and burying your head into your knees while waiting.
Pablo was really there in a matter of two minutes parking his car and rushing towards you with worried expression on his face. You were drinking tonight too so your head was a little fuzzy but your heart always felt the same when he was there..you were in love with your best friend!
"Que pasaba? Come here" he said helping me up and holding me against his strong chest and although this was not the moment to get turned on, I certainly did after feeling his strong six pack with my hand.
"Um..n..nothing..I..um" you were a horrible liar especially to Gavi who knew you since you were both nine years old so he quickly cut you off.
"Don't lie to me! What happened tonight?" he said and you knew it was useless trying to keep it a secret now that he was here and wasn't gonna let it go.
"I went on a date..and he tried to touch me but I didn't want it..so I ran away..like a coward!" you were feeling so ashamed in that moment that you hid your face in Pablo's hoodie feeling his large hands move through your hair which always felt so freaking heavenly!
"It's completely normal if you're not ready..." he said and that warmed your heart while you wished there were more guys that truly thought the same way as him. Most of them say they can wait but never want to do that later.
"You're shivering..here put this on" he said pulling away and you felt cold again from the lack of contact with his body but shortly after his hoodie came over your head falling all the way over your knees covering your whole dress.
"Aii little girl was so much braver on Tinder!" man came out and you felt yourself freaking out when his eyes met with Pablo's angry ones..you knew your best friend has a short fuse and is easy to react when provoked. Not to mention now he knows you were on Tinder..he definitely thinks you're pathetic now!
"Back up from her!" Pablo said pulling you behind his back and you held onto his shirt with your face hidden feeling one of his arms holding you there.
"Oh come on man! We can share her..I'll hit it from behind while she rides you" he was slurring his speech while moving towards Pablo who was losing all his patience pushing him backwards while grabbing you and pulling you into him walking towards the car.
"You will not lay one finger on her you nasty hijo de puta!" Pablo said after securely putting you into the car and turning towards the drunken man who was laughing loudly.
"Oh but she wants is..she's a little whore" he said while you opened the window and begged Pablo not to pay him attention and just go home with you.
Pablo couldn't stop himself from hitting the man's face and yelling "when a girl isn't ready you don't push her cabrĆ³n!" which made you gulp and stare at him in awe...nobody ever fought because of you before..nobody defended you like this.
"Oh she told you she wasn't ready? Nahh man..she only want's Pablo to touch her..isn't that right little one??" man got to his knees wiping his busted lip and looking at your now completely red face..fuck!
"Pablo.." you say meeting his shocked eyes and the man only started laughing louder when he realized what just happened.
"Stay the fuck away from her!" Pablo ended before getting into the car and driving towards your house in complete silence. You definitely fucked up good tonight! You most definitely look pathetic to him and you wouldn't be surprised if he never wants to see you again...fucking hell!
When you arrived in front of your apartment building, Pablo turned off his car still sitting there in silence.
"How could you go out with someone you don't know like that.." Pablo's voice sounded lower and somehow even hotter than ever before..here it come..he thinks i'm freaking pathetic for looking for love on dating apps.
"Pablo.." your voice sounded like a whisper but he wouldn't listen to what you had to say now.
"What if something happened to you tonight!? I would never forgive myself!" Pablo was yelling now and you flinched a little never really seen him like this. Although characterized as "angry", he was nothing but sweet with you..always.
"I'm stupid okay! I know that already! Thanks for the ride home! Bye!" you got out of his car quickly but he followed all the way to your apartment getting in after you and gluing your back to the door. Fuck, you were so close as he was trapping your body there and you could feel his hot breath!
"You won't find what you need on those apps.." Pablo whispered tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear and you forgot how to breathe when for the first time his touch didn't feel "friendly" but intimate.
"What I need?" you answer meeting his deep gaze as he nodded tilting his head slightly while looking at your lips longingly..how you wished he would just kiss you.
"Mhm..you're not a girl for occasional sex..you need someone to make love to you..slowly..passionately..make you his whole world..and then hold you close never leave again" his words were burning your skin while your head was spinning from the sudden rush of adrenaline you felt.
"P..Pablo.." you half moaned when his hand rested on your hip and your eyes met once again but this time with more force and need.
"What you said to that asshole..about wanting me to touch you? Is it true?" he said and you felt embarrassed but now there was no way back..you had to finally tell him the truth.
"Mhm..only you" you said with your hands around his neck and your forehead rested against his sweaty one while he observed your relaxing into his hold.
"I wanted to touch you for years preciosa...all those sleepover you would cuddle up to me at night..and each time I had to stop myself from rubbing against you in the morning..when you would touch my bicep my mind would go wild..wondering how it would feel to wrap my arms around your small naked body and never let you go again.." Pablo spoke while his hands massaged your hips and then finally you both moved closer until your lips met into a passionate kiss that made you both hold tightly onto each other.
"Te amo.." you said in union before giggling and pulling away walking into your bedroom. You were staring up at him wearing his oversized hoodie and he couldn't help but feel proud in that moment...you were all his finally.
"I want you so bad right now.." Pablo's arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into another kiss when his phone rang and interrupted you little moment.
"Hey Rora what's up?" he answered and she asked him what the hell happened and weather he was planning on coming back home tonight.
"I had to go..get my girl" he said the last part through a smile looking down at your blushed cheek before telling his sister he won't come home tonight and hanging up.
"Your girl huh?" you said playfully and he nodded his head pulling you onto bed and hovering above you.
"All mine..forever" he said starting to slowly pull up his hoodie off your body.
I hope you enjoyed the story :)
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pablitogavii Ā· 26 days
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Dancing In The Dark
Requested: anon
Prompts: 4) Dance with me
Warnings: none
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"Are you reading?" Y/n asked, clearly confused. Pablo nodded his head. "But you never read. Not on your own accord anyway." Pablo shrugged his shoulders and flicked to the next page. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Y/n grinned and sat on his lap, looking for attention but his eyes didn't tear from the book, he just repositioned his arms to be around his girlfriend now. "You're just doing it so you have a good impression on my dad, aren't you?" Pablo's lips became no more than a thin line. "Maybe." He mumbled. "Do you understand it at all?" She asked, fiddling with his short hair. "A little." She simply stared at him. "No. No I don't. It's in English what do you expect?"
"For you to find a book you understand? You speak English but can't read it so just, I don't know, read a Spanish book?" Pablo continued reading, ignoring her. "Do you need help?" He read a few more words and nodded. "Please, yes." She smiled and looked back to the book, going through every sentence and explaining it patiently. Pablo kept looking to her in complete awe of her. He couldn't have found a more beautiful soul to have dated. "Baby? Are you listening?" He smiled and sat up, taking her along with him. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Dance with me." He whispered, taking her hand into his and placing a hand on her lower back. She smiled. "What do you mean? There's no music." Just as she said that, he turned to play something. "Alexa, pon musica romantica por fa."
Y/n laughed and danced along with her boyfriend as she did. "At least you improved your footwork. Last time you were standing on my feet." Pablo muttered. She gasped, pretending to be hurt by his words. "Wow, being dragged by my own boyfriend." Pablo chuckled and kissed her forehead. "You know I love you, mi amor." Her smile widened at his words. "Of course I know, you tell me daily." His face twisted into one of confusion. She realised he might not of understood what she meant by daily. "Every day, you tell me every day." He nodded, now understanding. "I have to tell you. I'll tell you every day and even then it won't be enough."
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pablitogavii Ā· 27 days
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summary: Itā€™s easy to imagine a footballerā€™s partner feeling insecure about his world but what if said footballer sometimes feels insecure too?
pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
ā€œWhereā€™s Pablo?ā€ your friend Pierre asked over the music. You were having a get together at one of your university friendsā€™ house tonight and your boyfriend Pablo was coming straight after practice.
You and Pablo met after a game a few months ago and became friends and have been dating for the past two months. It was fairly new but a cute relationship, he was a gentleman and you liked being around him every chance you got. Tonight was also the first night Pablo was meeting your friends and you knew he was excited.
ā€œHe should be here any second.ā€ you glanced at your phone to see if there are any notifications from him. There werenā€™t.
You were mid conversation with Lilah when the door rang and guessing itā€™s him, you got up to answer.
ā€œHi bebe.ā€ he said smiling but then he looked at you up and down and saw your outfit and felt like he couldā€™ve been more prepared. He was coming straight from practice so he was dressed pretty causal with some jeans and a hoodie and you were all dolled up with a skirt and shirt. His face immediately dropped but you didnā€™t think much of it and hugged him. You brought him inside holding his hand and introduced everyone.
ā€œThis is Lilah, Denise, Sergio and Pierre.ā€ you said pointing at them one by one. He smiled like the kind person he is and shook their hands. Pablo also looked at their outfits and felt even more embarrassed about his choice of clothing, all of you wore dress pants or skirts with shirts or turtlenecks and it looked more like an academy gathering rather than a friend get together. He could also sense their eyes on him and wanted to hide behind you but knew he was being childish. He repeatedly told himself he was overthinking it and went to sit down next to you.
You and all your friends attend the same university. You Sergio and Lilah were studying to be architects while Denise is studying engineering and Pierre studying law. You had formed a close friendship through your classes and your social clubs and have been this close since the beginning. You had told all about them to Pablo and he was excited to meet them until now because he could sense he was being heavily criticized by most of them, you knew they can be snobby and look down on people sometimes which obviously isnā€™t good but they were not bad people and you thought they wouldnā€™t do something like that to your boyfriend.
Even though there was a slight tension at the beginning, your friends seemed to open up quickly and that relieved Pablo too. He was becoming more and more comfortable around them and you sighed in relief.
ā€œSo, Pablo how are you managing your studies and your career?ā€ Pierre asked nonchalantly.
ā€œI actually donā€™t attend any university at the moment.ā€ he answered truthfully. You knew his passion was football and he was incredibly talented and this is the way he wanted to go.
ā€œOh, but what if something happens and you want to quit? How are you going to continue your life?ā€ he inquired.
ā€œI knew early on in life this is what I wanted to do so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever want to drop out.ā€ he said clearly a little uncomfortable about the topic.
ā€œBut what about injuries?ā€ Denise asked. You knew they werenā€™t doing this on purpose but even you were pretty uncomfortable.
ā€œWhy donā€™t we play some game?ā€ Sergio suddenly said and cut the conversation short and you gave him a thank you nod as you didnā€™t know how this would go.
Your friends really failed to understand not everyone has the same journey and not everyone has to follow the same path for success. Pablo was 19 and doing what he loves and this never bothered you because it shouldnā€™t, it even makes you love him more as this is not easy but he still manages to do it amazingly.
But to your luck, they decided you should play taboo and you obliged teaming up with Pablo and Lilah. First it was the other teamā€™s turn and they did well and then you were up. Pablo offered to start and you were fine with it so you give him a kiss for good luck and stayed on the couch as he got up and picked the cards but as the clock started rolling he just passed and passed seeing some words that he doesnā€™t even know which frustrated him and you could tell by his flushed cheeks until he started talking about a word and said it was a football word.
ā€œOh okay this is good, this is a position on football.ā€
ā€œStrike, keep, wing, uh I donā€™t knowā€ you started guessing but Lilah was no help.
ā€œI donā€™t even like football.ā€ she said and not even tried.
ā€œDefense.ā€ you finally said and he relaxed meaning you got it right and you also knew 3 other words which put you behind the other team but it was fun.
The game went on for a couple of rounds and Lilah got up for her turn.
ā€œOh this is easy, when life ends, what happens?ā€
ā€œdeathā€ you and Pablo both scream laughing.
ā€œAnd whatā€™s the thing people throw for the dead?ā€
ā€œA funeral.ā€
ā€œYeah, you read this at a funeral.ā€ she says.
ā€œEu-eur- I forgot uhhā€ Pablo tried to find the word as you said ā€œEulogyā€ earning your team another point but you caught Pierreā€™s sly smirk and Lilahā€™s annoyed expression. You looked up at Pablo as he looked defeated and sad and he excused himself to use the bathroom. This was just a stupid game and meant nothing if he couldnā€™t remember a stupid word but you knew he felt outcasted. You gave your friends a death glare and followed him. You didnā€™t even bother to knock and went inside the bathroom.
ā€œI couldā€™ve been on the toiletā€ he remarked as you walked over to him standing in front of the sink, hands on the counter.
ā€œYeah but you werenā€™t. Pablo this is just a game, itā€™s supposed to be fun.ā€ you said knowing he must feel weird.
ā€œYeah but it doesnā€™t feel like it.ā€ his head hung low and his voice was merely a whisper.
ā€œIt is. You donā€™t need to dwell on it.ā€ you tried again reaching for his hands and giving them a squeeze.
ā€œThey think Iā€™m dumb.ā€
ā€œNo they donā€™t and even if they do, that doesnā€™t mean anything. They donā€™t determine who you are.ā€
ā€œBut theyā€™re your friends and if they donā€™t think Iā€™m on the same level as you, what if you do too? Iā€™m afraid one day Iā€™ll make one more mistake and youā€™ll finally realize.ā€
ā€œRealize what?ā€
ā€œThat I donā€™t deserve you.ā€
You wanted to cry at that moment, you never ever felt that way or thought about Pablo like this. You liked that he was out of your circle, he wasnā€™t entitled or stuck up, he was just a genuine guy with a huge heart.
ā€œPablo, you are the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me and it pains me that you canā€™t see it. I donā€™t care about anyone, I know who you are and I know how smart you are. Being a footballer isnā€™t easy itā€™s requires so much talent and hard work and determination. You have the best qualities Iā€™ve ever seen and I just hope one day Iā€™ll live up to the standards you set. I love you.ā€
This speech was out of your heart and you just spoke before you thought about it. You hadnā€™t even realized what you said at the end and when he heard it, his head shot up to meet your eyes searching if there was any doubt in them. There wasnā€™t, even if this was the first time you told him you loved him you didnā€™t want to take it back. Youā€™re in love with the guy in front of you and really believe everything you said.
ā€œI love you too.ā€ he smiled for the first time and squeezed your hand, you were now standing in front of a sink holding hands and smiling at each other like two people crazy in love. He leaned in and kissed your lips with so much devotion that you could feel his emotions as your lips moved in sync. His hands found their place on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. When you pulled apart, he bumped his nose against yours and smiled again.
ā€œLetā€™s get out of here, shall we?ā€ you said
ā€œWe have to join them eventually, donā€™t we?ā€ he asked hesitantly
ā€œWho said we were going to stay with them, weā€™re going home and Iā€™m showing you how I appreciate you in every way imaginable.ā€ you smirked as he led you through the house.
note: this was harder to write than I thought but I think it came out pretty sweet, please please please let me know what you think and what should I write next because Iā€™m slowly running out of ideas (but not yet ofc)
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pablitogavii Ā· 28 days
Gavi wanting yn to play with his hair please
There for you always
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I could never understand why he needed to hate me so much. Ever since Aurora introduced us, Pablo found a reason to mock and tease me about every little thing.
During the festival in Sevilla, I was the only girl he didn't compliment and say my dress is beautiful. I felt like an outsider whenever he was there..
During Aurora's birthday, it was no different. He greeted all of her friends but when it came to me he just said underneath his breath "you again" and moved away. I want to know what I did to deserve him treating me this way.
"Ignore him amiga! He probably has a secret crush on you!" Aurora once said to me long ago and I felt my heart skip a beat..what hurt the most is the fact that I liked Pablo..a lot..and with time I think I began loving him too.
Gavira family asked me to look after their family home in Barcelona while they are away on a trip to United States and I agreed making sure their plants are watered and their house stays clean.
Pablo didn't know I was staying there, so when he showed up one night unannounced finding me in the living room curled up in a ball he sighed carrying me to bed.
I woke up in a guest room confused only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast for himself before his practice.
"P..Pablo? Did..did you carry me to bed?" I asked shyly but he was having the same stern face as always.
"You should learn to lock the door before falling asleep, enana" he said and I sighed nodding my head and walking to make myself a cup of morning coffee. Something in my stomach was fluttering thinking of Pablo carrying me to bed..it wasn't the first time he showed his sweet side to me.
One time when I came to watch his game with Aurora and the rest of her friends, he noticed goosebumps on my arms putting his jacket over my shoulders without a word..when I said thank you, he told me to start carrying my own jackets. Somehow he always needed to ruin the moment with his rudeness.
I accidentally ran into him thinking about it spilling some coffee on the floor and making him groan loudly.
"Dios! You're so clumsy! And all over all the damn time!" he sounded angry and I felt my heart hurt.
He didn't want me here and it was his house..I apologized starting to clean the floor but he placed his hand on mine taking the towel and cleaning it himself asking if I got burnt. I said no.
"Good. Just sit and I'll make you coffee. You can have some breakfast if you want too" he said and I smiled nodding and taking a bit of his toast while he finished it all up.
"Thank you Pablo.." I said when he sat down and he started eating his eggs while being on his phone. It didn't matter that he was cold when he gave me at least some of his warmth..it's all I needed.
"Are you going to uni today?" he asked after packing and getting ready to leave for training.
"I don't have classes this week, so I'll be here if you want me to make some lunch?" I wanted to be nice feeling my cheeks blush at the thought of having this "domestic" life with Pablo.
"No, I'm good. Bye" he said and I nodded knowing that would be the answer.
"Bye Pablo. Have a good training." I said and he left to his black Audi outside as I watched him leave from the window not knowing that he was thinking similar thoughts as me in that moment..us two..living together..like a real life couple.
It was barely evening when Aurora called me and I put my book away.
"Hey, amiga! How is US?" I asked but her voice was nervous and scared.
"Y/n! Thank God you answered! Could you get Pablo home from training? He's not feeling well, they said it's a high fever?" she said and I felt panicked jumping up and calling an uber to the sport center.
"I'm here to pick up Pablo Gavi..I'm his.." I said to the man at the front door being interrupted by Pablo's tired voice as he tossed his keys to me.
"Try not to crash my car! Let's go." he said and I nodded seeing that he was very pale and there was wet sweat on his forehead.
"I can give you some pain medication when we get home.." I spoke seeing him hold onto his head as he leaned on the door while I drove with rain pouring all around us.
" I don't need your help! You're not my damn girlfriend!" he said bitterly and I swallowed nodding my head and staying silent for the rest of the night. He was right..I am nobody to him..so I just left him alone for the rest of the night when we got home.
When I was about to go to bed, I secretly checked on Pablo who seemed to be sleeping in his room. Just as I was about to fall deep sleep, I heart him yelling in pain from his room.
I ran to him opening the door seeing him tossing and turning and holding onto his head. His hair was all wet from seat and he was shaking. I sat on the bed shaking him awake.
"Pablo! Please, wake up" I said and he opened his eyes breathing heavily and staring at my eyes deeply.
"Y/n..it..hurts" he said and I nodded touching his face which to my surprise he let me scared of how hot he was underneath my touch. His fever wasn't breaking!
"Pablo, you're burning up! Let me get you cold compress" I was about to move away but he wouldn't let me grabbing my hand rather roughly and pulling me back.
"Don't go..please don't leave me..I'm scared y/n..and I need you" he said and I felt my heart beating fast at those words..I wanted him to say them for so long and now he did..he needs me and doesn't want me to go.
"I'm not going to leave you Pabs..I promise..I'm just going to bring you some more medicine and something to help lower your fever okay?" I said touching his face again and he looked at me as a scared child nodding his head.
"Promise me you'll come back to me?" he said and I smiled. Never did Pablo ask for reassurance before..it was special.
"I promise.." I said and he smiled letting me rush downstairs to grab everything. When I returned, I helped him take another pill before touching his face with cold compress towel. He was shaking violently and I added blanket on top of him.
"it should start working soon Pabs.." I said gently removing the cold compress and he sighed.
"I'm so cold.." he said and I looked around but there was no more blankets in his room.
"Do you want me to go grab my blanket?" I said and he shook his head reaching for me pulling my waist closer as I was reaching over him hearing him whisper to me.
"Come here...please..only you can warm me up" he spoke and I felt. a-shiver move down my spine in that moment..he wanted me to lay down next to him?
"Pabs I don't.." I started but his arms held on tighter pulling me until I was on top of him our face inches apart.
"Please.." he spoke his hot breath fanning over my face making me blush bright red.
"Okay..okay I'm right here" I said laying next him underneath the covers while he quickly got on top of me laying his head on my chest moving until he got comfortable and I tried to control my heart from beating too fast in that moment.
"You're okay..I'm here" I said feeling him shaking so I started playing with his hair which seemed to calm him down a bit as he rested comfortably on top of my chest. When I thought he was sleeping, I stopped but quickly he looked up eyes watery and cheeks red from his fever..he looked so adorable in that moment.
"Y/n.." his lips were grazing mine and I froze "don't stop playing with my hair..please" he said looking at my lips but not daring to kiss them.
"Okay.."I said continuing to play with his curls but this time he just kept looking slowly moving to nuzzle his face into neck which made me shiver. He smelled my skin leaving a few wet kisses and I just let him laying back with my eyes closed. He doesn't know what he is doing..he's in delirium.
"You smell so good enana..and your skin is so soft on my lips..I wanted to taste you for so long.." he spoke and I couldn't believe his words in this moment..this couldn't be real.
"Pablo..I'm not your girlfriend" I said reminding him of his own words and his hold tightened like he was afraid of losing me.
"Are you someone's girlfriend?" he said and I felt my cheeks blushing. Was he really jealous right now??
"No..but.." I said but couldn't finish as he started kissing down towards my chest touching them and coming as far as kissing my stomach looking up into my eyes.
"Be mine enana..please forgive me for being rude to you, but I couldn't say that I like you" he spoke closing his eyes and kissing my hard nipples which made me moan lightly.
"Why..not?" I said and he looked up returning to my neck and leaving a few marks before touching my face and staring into my eyes.
"Because I'm an idiot..but I want you...need you" he said resting his sweaty forehead against mine and I blushed smiling which made him lean down and finally place his hungry lips onto mine.
We kissed for long few minutes until I pulled away making him lay back down onto my chest so he can get some well deserved rest. His nose was buried in my neck and his hand holding onto my breast possessively..it was a sight to see.
"Mine.." he would murmur from time to time until he finally fell asleep and I did as well resting my head against his own.
We got woken up by my mobile moving a little but he kept his head on top of my chest. I answered Aurora who started asking about Pablo making me embarrassed and nervous..I couldn't exactly tell her that I was in bed with her brother right now..
"yeah Rora he's fine now..you have a good days" I spoke while Pablo was purposefully kissing my neck pecking my lips from time to time while I gave him a warning glare. The his mom jumped on call making him smirk and start to kiss down my chest again.
"Thank you so much for caring for him, querida! I hope he didn't give you trouble?" Belen asked and Pablo smirked looking up at me while I blushed avoiding his eyes in embarrassment.
"No..he was very nice to me so no worries seƱora" I answered fighting an urge to moan as Pablo started sucking onto my tit waiting for me to finally hang up and be with him only.
"Tell him to call when he wakes up" she added before we hung up and I touched Pablo's hair making him look up and return to kiss my lips passionately.
"You're crazy!" I said and he smiled nodding his head and cuddling into me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked playing with his hair and he nodded holding me tightly.
"Much better..with my girl playing with my hair..and not leaving me when I needed her" he said and I smiled kissing the top of his head.
"I will never leave you Pabs..I promise" I said and he nodded closing his eyes wanting to get some more rest never feeling safer than in my arms.
This was real...I was his girl now<3
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pablitogavii Ā· 1 month
When the reader is mad at gavi and he just keeps apologizing and it's soo cute?
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I told him ten times NOT to leave his shoes everywhere! On top having a horrible day at uni, submitting my project late and fighting with my best friend now I have to deal with this! Just great!
"Pablo! What do we do with training shoes!?" I said but he didn't reply obviously oblivious with his gaming head set on laughing with Pedri about something.
Usually I wouldn't care so much but today was such a bad day and I wasn't having it standing right in front of his screen making him notice me finally.
"Perdon chicos but I have a hot distraction here..dame un besito mi amor!" Pablo smirked reaching for me but then I tossed the shoes right in front of him and walked away making him confused.
"Looks like mi chica had a bad day, gotta go!" he said logging out and following after me into the bedroom seeing me at my makeup vanity taking off my makeup in silence.
"Amor, que pasa? Why are you enojada?" he asked but I was done talking for the night last thing I wanted was to fight with him too.
"Silent treatment don't work with me principesa, I'll make you talk.." Pablo smirked trying to kiss my neck but I pulled away not really in the mood for his little ministrations.
"Princesa porfi habla conmigo.." he said but I really couldn't do that right now so I just walked past him to the bathroom and he followed me like a lost puppy. Poor Pablito...
"Aii at least dame un besito and I'll leave you alone, I promise!" he said pouting and I couldn't resist just pecking his lips and pulling away but before I could his arms snaked around my waist roughly kissing me with passion and I sighed walking away.
He really did leave me shower and change which I appreciated since I needed my space right now. When i came to bed tho I started to miss him..I'm not used to not talk to him about my day, to have him hold me and tell me it's okay and to kiss me goodnight.
"Umm P..Pablito?.." I said not too loud so if he doesn't come, I can just pretend that's because he couldn't hear me.
"Couldn't wait for you to call mi amor! Mi princesa! Mi vida!" he was quickly on the bed pulling me in and I giggled but still decided to act "angry" with him. WHo can be angry with this boy!?
"Aiii no porfi enough with the silence..I wanna hear my girl's pretty voice again..how you call me Pablito..say it.." he said holding my face and I just smiled refusing to talk.
"Amor say it...porfiii" he said nuzzling his face into my neck leaving butterfly kisses and since he didn't shave this morning there was a little facial hair (nothing crazy) that was tickling me so I giggled and that gave him an idea.
"If you don't say it I'mma tickle you till you cry!" he said giving me a moment to talk but when I refused he started tickling my sides pulling me underneath him and I was laughing so hard my chest hurt.
"P..Pablo..st..op..porfavorr" I begged him really feeling tears coming to my eye but he wasn't back away moving closer to my ear to whisper his words.
"That's not my name amor..say..it..right" he said and I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Pablito! Stop!" I said and he finally let go letting me catch my breath and laying besides me instead.
"Now tell your Pablito why are you enojada with him, Hermosa?" he said and I moved closer hiding my face into his neck and leaving a few kisses there..he smelled like him..like home and I was finally able to relax.
"Long day amor..very long day" I answer and he kissed my head nodding his head and holding me tightly just like he knew I needed.
"And your annoying boyfriend leaving shoes all over the house?" he added and I giggled knowing it was silly as I nodded my head.
"Lo siento hermosa, I put away all my shoes just like you like.."he said and I looked up smiling at his handsome face..he really cared so much about me that it was impossible not to kiss him right now.
"I love you Pablito.." I said as I moved away from the kiss and he smiled nodding his head.
"I know mi vida..and I love you so much..even when you're enojada comigo" he smiled kissing me again before we cuddled up and got some well deserved rest together.
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pablitogavii Ā· 1 month
Hiii gorgeous ā˜ŗļø
But I have this adorable idea for a story featuring Pablo . How about a future story where the reader attends a wedding with Pablo and his family? They decide to wear matching outfits. Before his family member's wedding, when they see each other in their wedding attire, he wants to give the reader a kiss. She asks him to kiss her gently so that her lipstick/lip gloss wonā€™t smudge, and they share a very cute moment together. Maybe even his parents or Aurora tease them playfully, but in a fun and non-offensive way. Throughout the whole wedding, they are being so cute, and they steal the show.
Hope you like the idea, and maybe consider writing it in the future! I just genuinely wanted to share my idea with you ā˜ŗļø
Summary: You and Pablo were family friends since childhood and you were invited to attend wedding as his date..little did they know you two had a secret crush on each other.
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"Do I have to wear this mamĆ”!?" Pablo was already whining not sure how to tie his bow properly and Aurora was giggling and showing me his confused face on the face time call.
"Pablo, stop complaining and finish getting ready! Y/n is waiting for us to pick her up.." Belen said rushing around the house to make sure she gets all the gifts and the cake she made for the bride.
When they arrived, I came out in a black dress matching Pablo's suit and he politely came out and opened the door for me. We were friends for a long time but in the past few months I started to develop feelings for my close family friend and now we were attending wedding together! Just great!
I never expected Pablo to feel the same way since he had so many beautiful fan girls some of them photo models and influencers that were so much more attractive than me.
"Porque estas triste chiqui?" he asked touching my hand and I felt a shiver move down my spine at that simple physical contact. I always feel insecure when I think about this..so I ignored it often.
"Just tired.." I lied and he smiled moving closer and kissing my cheek. He was always a physical touch type of person so it wasn't weird to have him hug or kiss my cheek often.
"We'll survive this together.." he said and we both giggled while pulling up the the venue and a bunch of girls attached his window begging for photos. The same feelings returned..Pablo will never return my feelings when he has so many options.
When we walked in, Pablo pulled out my chair, brought me a drink and always checked if I needed anything. Aurora and Javi danced majority of the night while me and Pablo sat together and talked about random things.
"You look beautiful tonight chiqui.." he randomly said and I blushed.
"Thank you! You cleaned up nice yourself, only.." I said fixing up his bow tie a little not expecting him to take my hands in his and kiss them lovingly..luckily Belen interrupted out moment before i freaked out!
One thing I loved most about our relationship is that it was never boring when we were together, there was always something to talk about and no matter what it was never avkward.
"Um..do you maybe want to dance with me Y/n?" he said shyly and I looked at him with blushing cheeks.
"Since when do you dance Pablo?" I asked and Belen caught onto what we were talking about pushing us to try it together.
"Let's go embarrass ourselves together, shall we my lady?" he said and I swear my heart almost broke our of my chest when I heard him call me my lady. I stood up taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.
"Okay just try and follow me..." he said snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me close while I gulped trying not to faint from the feeling of being this close to him finally.
"So tell me what makes you sad chiqui.." he asked again and I felt nervous not really knowing how to approach this topic the right way..I couldn't tell him the truth and I hated lying to my best friend.
"It's really nothing Pablo.." I tried the same method and his hand went to the side of my face making me shut up and just stare into his eyes.
"We don't lie to each other chiqui?" he reminded and I sighed. He was right..so I decided to say partial truth.
"I just wonder what your fan girls have to say for me being your date for a wedding..?" I said and he rolled his eyes as his grip on my waist tightened.
"I don't care about that! And I'm glad it's you..because I know you and I feel comfortable with you. We were friends for so long.." he said and I sighed about to pull away but he pulled me back quickly making me look up.
"Stop!" he said sternly and I whimpered pouting at him as he sighed.
"Why?" I said and he drew invisible circles on my waist. I was breathing heavily looking at him as his eyes moved lower watching my lips now.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered underneath his breath while focusing on my lips and I was in utter shock at his question. I wasn't even sure that I heard his right..did he just ask to kiss me!?
"U..um..do you want to?" I asked and his hand started caressing my cheek while his eyes were glued on my lips. Damn I wish he would kiss me already!
'So bad chiqui.." he said moving closer and looking into my eyes as to check if I was approving of his actions. When I smiled and didn't move but nodded he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips passionately.
"P..Pablo.." I whimpered and he smiled pulling me in again and kissing my lips with passion while his hands went into my hair not letting me move an inch.
We completely forgot where we were, standing there, holding each other and kissing like we are the only two people left on Earth..and it was perfect..everything I ever imagined. Suddenly people clapped around us and we pulled away embarrassed.
"We really embarrassed ourselves.." I said and he grabbed my hand looking around the crowd who was aweing and smiling.
"Come with me chiqui.." he pulled me outside into the garden passing Aurora on the way who slipped "congrats hermano!" and made him smile wide.
"Come here.." he said pulling onto my waist while sitting on the bench and placing me on his lap. I rested against him blushing and smiling like an idiot the entire time..was this real?
"Is this real Pablo?" I asked turning to face him and he smiled nodding him head and pulling me close to leave a few more sweet gentle kisses on my lips.
"Why wouldn't it be real mi amor?" he said using the words I waited so long to hear leave his mouth..he was saying it to me..he called me mi amor like in some fairytale.
"B..because you're Pablo Gavi and I.." I started and he shut me up with a kiss.
"You're the most gorgeous and kindhearted girl I have ever met mi amor..and the only one I want" he said making me stare at him in awe. Just as I was about to lean in and kiss him first this time did Aurora pull my hand making me stand off his lap.
"Aii que lindo but they are throwing a bouquet! All ladies have a chance to catch it!" she said pulling me inside as I gave Pablo apologetic look and he smiled walking inside as well.
"Whoever catches it, will be a happy bride!" Belen said walking up to Pablo with his father who smiled pretending to close his son's mouth when he watched him stare at me form afar.
"I take it she said yes Pablito?" his dad asked and Pablo blushed nodding his head while his father tapped his shoulder proudly.
"Que!? you and y/n hijo??" his mom was surprised but happy at the same time that her son is with someone she knew and trusted so much to take care of him.
"Only you were clueless to their secret crush they had on each other Belen" his dad said making everyone laugh. The the bouquet was thrown and it landed straight into my hands making everyone call "Gavi Gavi!" and my face to go completely red. Pablo saw this and quickly joined me pulling me into his chest while everyone cheered.
"You would be a perfect bride in the future amor.." he said kissing the top of my head as everyone went back to their business and we slow danced with each other once again happy to finally do so as a real couple!
"Are you happy now mi amor?" he asked while we danced resting his forehead against mine and I smiled.
"The happiest!" I answered and he smiled pulling me into another kiss.
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look at the starts..look how they shine for youšŸ’—
pablogavi: mi amorcitošŸ˜
y/n/bebe: šŸ˜³
aurorapaezg: the way she looks at mi hermanitošŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—
y/n/bebe: heheā¤ļø
gavigavifans: adorable!!
belengavira: future mrs Gavira šŸ˜
aurorapaezg: she caught the bouquet!
y/n/bebe: šŸ˜³
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pablitogavii Ā· 1 month
Protecting her
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Life with Pablo Gavi, the boy everyone adores, and I hate with all my passion not for any particular reason. I actually tried making peace with him the moment I stepped foot into his house at the beginning of my exchange program.
I tried to be nice, to even become his friend but he would always push me away and find some reason to fight me. Even Aurora and his parents tried to make us like each other but it didn't work so I just deiced to stay out his way..somehow that didn't stop him to sabotage me every step of the way all the freaking time!
leo: look at what your brother did to me! boy is a delinquent! I can't do this anymore Y/n..I'm sorry.
There was a picture attached of my soon to become boyfriend with bruised eye and busted lip. Did Pablo really did this just so Leo dumps me knowing it would spite me!?
I heard stumbling and rushed towards the front door to comfort Pablo about this. I was done staying on the sidelines and letting him do whatever he pleased just because I am guest at this house..this is MY life he was messing with for his own amusement!
"Why did you do it!? Tell me he said something to provoke you? Tell me you weren't just trying to spite me by doing this Pablo.." I said but he completely ignored me, like I was invisible, unimportant and that drove me mad.
"No! You're going to start listening to me! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO LEO!!??" I said pushing him against the wall with all my strenght which was not possible unless he let me do it.
"Hm..or what if I don't listen chiqui? What will you do to me precious..huh??" he pushed back and I needed up glued on the wall in the matter of seconds. I gulped..he was so close..and I was no longer angry at him..I was tired of this whole "hate" thing.
"I'm tired of this Pablo..just leave me alone!" I said trying to push him but he wouldn't budge looking down at my face like he was lost in thought. I would give up everything ot know what he was thinking right now.
"P..please.." I was close to tears yet again being dumped not to mention that all my "friends" here only hang out with me thinking they will get to meet my new "brother"..I just wanted to be left alone by everyone especially Pablo Gavi who made this whole trip horrible!
"Fine.." he moved and i walked away not knowing that something in him broke seeing me so sad in front of him knowing he was the reason for it.
I was crying rather loudly knowing his parents and Aurora are not here and Pablo probably didn't even care about it. I was very wrong since he was glued to my door listening to each sound until finally opening the door and walking closer to the bed.
"Stop crying.." he said and I realized that he was indeed there watching me, probably in amusement.
"Leave me alone asshole!" I yelled feeling the bed move as he laid behind me making my whole body contract especially when his strong arms wrapped around my body..what was this nervousness and why did it feel so good to be held by him!?
"Please stop crying...if you like Leo that much I'll stay away.." he said while his hands were tracing invisible shapes on my bare skin making shivers moving down my spine and make me breathless. I truly didn't care that deeply for Leo..I almost cared more how it was angering Pablo..how I finally gotten some type of reaction out of him. I slowly moved turning around in his embrace to face him.
"It's not about Leo..it's about you..why can't you just stop hating me!?" I spoke my hand moving to his face caressing it gently and he let me do it for a few moments closing his eyes looking like he was enjoying it..maybe Pablo felt something for me..maybe I did for him too..maybe that's this tension between us..maybe it's love?
"Because you're annoying!" he pulled away and that gentle caring Pablo vanished in a matter of a second and he was back to being hateful asshole..he only wanted to feel in control and I gave him the chance..like an idiot..thinking he was genuine.
Quickly, he was out of my room returning to his crying himself to sleep..he was a coward to speak about his emotions..because I am not permanent..I will leave him soon and he couldn't afford to get attached.
Weeks went by and I couldn't sleep without imaging those strong arms wrapped around me. Leo asked me to try again but I rejected him..I couldn't stop thinking about my "gentle" Pablo wondering if that was his true nature..I wanted to get to him again..to feel that way again..to understand him.
"Are you ready hermanita?" Aurora said and I met her outside as she was my ride to the stadium for El Classico. I rarely went to his games thinking he would hate me there, but today I wore his jersey and went with the rest of his friends with pride. I wanted him to look me in the ye and tell me hates me if he does so much!
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Rora and me at #ElClassico ā¤ļøā¤ļø
gvirafans: with Gavi jerseyšŸ‘€
aurorapaezg: hermanitaašŸ’—
belengavira: pretty girls ā¤ļøā¤ļø
pablogavi: ā¤ļø
I saw his comment..he probably did it because people would talk if he didn't..but a heart..it felt special..and made me even more determined to get close to him again.
During the game, Gavi was comeptlely focused as always wanting to win against the biggest enemy. Barca was better but it was frustrating that no ball would finally enter the goal..and time was running out till end of first half.
"I saw that new hermanita of yours..hmm..the things I'd do to her body" Vini provoked and Gavi lost it kicking the ball into the audience and walking towards him while everyone pushed him backwards and referee showed him a red card.
"Say that again hijo de puta!? Let me hear you say it again!" Pablo was not stopping until Xavi himself pulled him away from the pitch giving him a whole lecture about being more mature player.
"It was a good game hermano" Aurora said when we met with Pablo since BarƧa still ended up winning. Pablo was still heated and seeing me there wasn't helping.
"It's all her fault!" he said pointing at me in front of everyone and I looked away sadly..he was trying to hate me so I give up but I'm not giving up that easily because i know what I felt that night is real!
"Leave her alone! She did nothing wrong!" Aurora tried defending me but I was done being silent walking towards him bravely.
"Let's leave them alone.." Pablo's guy friends said and everyone left as the two of us stood there across from each other not saying a single word. Two can play this stupid game Gavi!
"What did I do to you huh!? Why don't you admit that you don't actually hate me Pablo?? I know you don't.." I said touching his sweaty jersey but he pulled away quickly like he was scared..
"Don't touch me!" he yelled expecting me to turn away and run but I moved closer again.
"Why? What are you sacred of when I touch you huh?"I said once again touching his chest and this time he didn't move staring at my lips longingly.
"Chiqui don't.." he whispered when I moved closer feeling my cheeks blush at the new nickname he chose..the feeling was back and I didn't want to lose it.
"Why?" I asked touching his face and again he closed his eyes as his hands wrapped around my waist pulling me even closer as our chests touched.
"B..because I won't be able to hold myself back" he whispered as we both opened around eyes looking into each other.
"P..Pablo.." I said breathlessly moving even closer but then Leo's familiar voice interrupted our little moment and Pablo pulled away angrily.
"Please let's talk Y/n..about us" Leo said and I internally cursed seeing Pablo's disappointed look as he just walked away without a word..freaking great!
"Is she coming?" Aurora asked
"She has another ride" Pablo said annoyingly reminding himself why he put up a wall..last thing he needed is to get hurt by a girl right now.
"No! I don't!" I said rushing after them after telling Leo I was done with him and sitting in the backseat next to Pablo whose jaw was clenching and he was clearly angry.
"He understood that it's over.." I whispered to Pablo but he was unfazed..once again like he didn't care. Here we go again!
"I don't care!" he whispered back before going on his phone as I sighed loudly besides him.
That night I couldn't sleep..I couldn't have him mad at me anymore..I did maybe the stupidest thing in the world walking to his room in the middle of the night. Luckily he was awake..
"P..Pablo.." I said and he turned around sitting in his bed with a surprised look on his face.
"Go away!" he said but I moved closer standing in front of him.
"I'm not going anywhere..I know why you hit Leo, he told me what he said to his friend and that you heard him" I said and Pablo looked up with raised eyebrows.
"He said you're alone and he can get with you in a week..and I showed him you're NOT alone" Pablo said and I smiled nodding my head and touching his hair as he looked up at me.
"And Vini?" I asked moving my hand down to his face while he looked at me finally putting down his guard and being vulnerable once again.
"Don't talk to me about that disgusting hijo de puta!" he said angrily and I knew he must have said something about me on the pitch..something that didn't sit right with Pablo and he needed to protect me..something you don't do for a person you "hate".
"Don't get angry.." I said and he nodded feeling more sad than angry while his hands snaked around my waist and he pulled me in kissing my stomach over my dress and I breathed heavily.
"I can't stop hating you chiqui.."he spoke into my stomach and I sighed raising his chin up and moving to sit on his lap.
"Why Pablo?" he said moving his hair back and he leaned into my touch as his face went into my neck and he started kissing my skin passionately.
"Because you're leaving me so soon..and I don't want to lose someone I love so much.."he finally said what's been on his mind for awhile and I felt my heart banging against my chest.
"So you decided to hate me? Why didn't you just ask me to stay with you??" I said with a smile and he was surprised to hear me say those words looking up into my eyes hopefully.
"And would you stay for me chiqui?" he said while I held his face and his hands tightly held onto my waist.
"Hmm it depends.." I said smirking moving in and he gulped once again looking at my lips longingly and I smiled.
"On what chiqui??"he smirked and I blushed to scared to tell him what I wanted right now..I just wanted him to finally kiss me.
"Hm..let me guess then" he held my face pulling me in and kissing my lips hungrily making me breathless but never happier. Then he pulled away..and I wanted to cry..I was so tired of these games and I just wanted to be with him!
"Please don't push me away again..please" i latched onto his shoulder and he smiled kissing the top of my forehead before pulling me in bed with him letting me lay my head on his strong chest.
"I'm never letting you go again precious.." he said as I looked up kissing him again as we continued to make out pulling onto each others clothes int he heat of the moment...
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pablitogavii Ā· 1 month
Could you write one Gavi fic where he's talking to her through social media, just as friends, but he starts to develop feelings for her, his agent finds out and gets really worried about his career if he gets in a relationship, so he "makes" Gavi's mind to get away from the reader (she has abandonment and rejection issues) without a proper explanation, he excuses saying that the reader wants his money and whatever. But some months after the reader moves to Seville and gets really close to Aurora (she knows Aurora is Gavi's sister but Aurora doesn't know her), and one day Aurora takes her to a barca match, and Gavi tries to make up to her?
I guess I'm back y'all lol! I like this idea very much!
New York, USA
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I think I like this little life...happy birthday to me hehe
liked by pablogavi and others
brimccormix: happy birthday bebsss
y.n.bebe: thank you gorgeous girlšŸ’—
stacymiggs: princesaaa
y.n.bebe: nooo youuu!šŸ„ŗ
brianfereda: happy birthday!
y.n.bebe: thank youu!
pablogavi: pretty girl
y.n.bebe: šŸ˜³
When you saw that THE Pablo Gavi called you "pretty girl" for the whole world to see, you couldn't stop staring at that comment for the next two weeks.
Your friends went crazy calling you lucky, and pushing you to send him a message but you were obviously too shy to do that. Besides, who knows how many "pretty girls" he's talking to on the internet.
Meanwhile, Gavi spent all of his free time and training brakes going through your posts and smiling like an idiot at your cute face on his phone screen.
When you first popped up on his screen, he just had to reach out and pray you don't find it cocky on his part. You were just so pretty...
"Sempre con esa nena, cabrĆ³n! Dale! Enviale un mensaje!"Pedri hit Gavi's head making him groan and finally get the balls to slide into your DMs. He said a simple "hey pretty girl" before leaving his phone in the locker room to join his teammates.
pablogavi: hey, pretty girl
y.n.bebe: heyšŸ˜Š
And ever since that night, you've started texting, face timing and chatting non stop. You haven't told anyone about it, not wanting to make a drama over something so new and also not wanting him to think fame is what you're after because it's not.
"I'm so tired, nena" Pablo groaned while laying in bed and face timing you as you did your math homework diligently.
"Then go to bed, tonto!" you giggle and he just stayed quiet staring at your face until you looked back at the phone screen and blushed at how intense his gaze was.
"Me gusta cuando hablas EspaƱol conmigo, bebƩ" he smirked making you blush bright red and roll your eyes pretending to be annoyed.
"When do you have training in the morning?" you ask while he yawns.
"Five am" he answers and you open your eyes wide really looking up to him being so diligent about his career.
"Then you really should get some sleep, and we can talk tomorrow again hm?" you ask not really wanting to end the call but also wanting him to get his rest. He always loved how selfless you are and how much you took care of him. It really warmed his hearts.
"I hate it that you're so far! I swear I'm gonna travel to New York and kidnap you and bring you back to Barcelona with me ... and never let you go ..." he said sleepily and you felt your heart jumping thinking about the possibility.
"Hm and if you get bored of me?" you smile and he shakes his head still staring intently at you in the eyes.
"Impossible, my pretty girl..." he said and you smile remembering the very first time you read those words on the screen.
Pablo Gavi was a man of his words, and since that conversation he promised himself that he will surprise you with a travel to Barcelona really soon. He planed everything and mailed you a ticket during his two week vacation.
He still remembers the nerves while standing at the airport waiting at your gate to see your pretty face finally in person. The moment you walked out he recognized you...he couldn't forget the pretty face he stared at through the screen for past four months just now it was real.
"Hi, pretty girl..." he said again and you jumped into his eyes smiling wide and holding onto him tightly. You couldn't believe this was real yet. It just felt like a dream.
"Ready to explore Barcelona conmigo huh?" he said and you smiled and taking his hand nodding and walking to him car with your baggage.
Days passed so quickly and everything was PERFECT. Ice cream dates, walks on the beach, coffee shops and all the infamous tourist attractions...you were falling in love with this city...and you were also falling in love with this boy.
Day before your flight home, Pablo took you to a football game for the Juvenil and you were excited to watch it with him knowing it was his passion.
"So what do you think?" you show him your BarƧa jersey and he so badly wanted to ask you to wear one with his name on the back but how could he? He still didn't have the balls to ask you to be his official girlfriend!
Barcelona, Spain
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it's so pretty here šŸ„ŗšŸ˜Š
liked by pablogavi, pedri, joaofelix and others
pablogavi: pretty girl in barcelona šŸ˜
y.n.bebe: hehešŸ˜Š
brimccormix: girl!!?? spill the TEA!
y.n.bebe: what tea???
lucasmith: looks like someone stole my crush!
y.n.bebe: šŸ˜‚
"Next time I come, I want to watch you play..." you said while the two of you sat sadly on the airport waiting for your boarding.
"Y/n..." he said looking down as you looked up
"Hm?" you say feeling your heart beating fast from how close your lips were to each other.
"Don't go..."he said and you swore your heart broke when you saw his pleading eyes. Neither of you wanted this distance...it was so unfair but there was nothing you could do about it now.
"Pablo we're friends now and you can visit me in New York..." you said but before you could finish his lips were smashed onto yours to shut you up and you closed your eyes enjoying the sweet sensation of his cold minty lips on your.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend, pretty girl?" he said and in that moment all your past insecurities and abandonment issues returned yelling inside your head. What if you get attached and he disappears like other did? You were so scared but looking at him it was impossible not to agree!
"Yes! I do Pablo..." you say and he kissed you again until they called for your flight to start boarding in five minutes.
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pablitogavii Ā· 1 month
can u do where the reader is a nursing student and has to do a test and makes gavi their ā€œpatientā€ since heā€™s injured. I can see it being so funny and gavi throwing a small tantrum. Etc Ty šŸ¤—
nursing student - pablo gavi
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summary: youā€™re a nursing student and gavi is your "patient" to practice on.
genre: fluff
a/n: i absolutely have no idea about anything medically related, so everything here is made upšŸ¤£ and thank you for the request! iā€˜ve actually got two requests like that in my inbox so i combined them:)
ā€žDo I really have to do this?ā€œ Gavi whined, already being splattered across your bed, accepting his fate as your test subject.
You were an ambitious nursing student, currently studying for your final exams of this semester. You were specialized in sports medicine because of the internship you were doing at FC Barcelona. Thatā€˜s also how you met your boyfriend Gavi. You were the one taping up his ear as he injured himself against Osasuna.
ā€žI just need someone to practice on, but I can also practice on FermĆ­n if you want.ā€œ You teased, knowing Gavi would become jealous quite quickly. As you predicted, he swiftly turned his head, giving you an annoyed glare.
ā€žThat was not funny.ā€œ Gavi said, placing his hands behind his head, watching you as you prepared everything for your examination.
ā€žBaby I was joking. I wish you were the test person during the exam.ā€œ You chuckled and walked over to him, giving him a kiss for reassurance. He shyly smiled when you broke apart, feeling better after you gave him a small ego boost.
You put on your gloves and walked over to the side Gavi was laying at.
ā€žOkay just tell me if I hurt your knee during the examination.ā€œ You said. Gavi was still recovering from his ACL injury, so you were more careful than usual.
He nodded, then sat up to remove his shirt for your general body check-up.
Your eyes swiftly glanced over his toned body and you felt your temperature rise. After all it was difficult to concentrate when your handsome boyfriend laid there only with shorts on. To that, you knew he was going to tease you for becoming shy.
ā€žAre you nervous?ā€œ Gaviā€™s voice lingered in suspicion, his eyebrows were crooked. You rolled your eyes but he was right, you were a bit nervous.
You first checked his heart and lungs with the stethoscope and as soon you pressed it onto his chest, Gavi whined again.
ā€žAmor itā€™s cold!ā€œ He twisted around the bed, making you let out a chuckle.
ā€žCā€˜mon itā€™s not that bad. Youā€™ve done this a thousand times during medicals, do you complain there too?ā€œ You scolded with a laugh and continued to listen to his heartbeat.
He gave you a side eye, pouting slightly at your words. You kissed his pout away a second time and looked for a flashlight to check his eyes. (a/n: i hope you know what I mean lol)
ā€žDo you kiss all your patients?ā€œ
ā€žOnly the hot ones.ā€œ You returned with a grin, to which Gavi let out a smile.
ā€žAlright letā€™s check your flexibility.ā€œ You said, trying to distract yourself from the teasing. After all you had to practice, there was no time to swoon over your man.
After checking his knees, being extra careful with his right one, you moved over to looking at the anatomy of the human body. This was also a big part of your exam, so it was the perfect time to look at an athleteā€˜s body.
ā€žOkay so this here is the biceps brachii muscle.ā€œ Your hand softly traced over his arm until you reached his shoulder. ā€žā€¦and this here is the trapezius muscleā€¦ā€œ you were in your own world, your gaze shifting from the textbook over to Gaviā€˜s body several times to see if you were right. Gavi smiled softly. He first wanted to tease you again about something, but as he saw you so concentrated, so focused on studying the right thing, he let it be and just admired you.
Gavi was proud to see you studying medicine. You were so smart, always giving him a massage or taping him up if something was nagging him after practice.
ā€žAlthough I donā€™t like being your test subject and would rather cuddle with you, I canā€™t stop being so proud of you.ā€œ You looked up, your cheeks red once again after hearing his words. A shy smile spread across your face as his compliments still made you nervous.
You stood on your tiptoes, textbook and anatomy long forgotten and grabbed his neck to bring him closer. His lips soon found yours and you both got lost in the sweet feeling of each other. Gavi brought you in a hug, quietly whispering into your ear.
ā€žCan we cuddle now?ā€œ
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pablitogavii Ā· 2 months
Smut pls?
Hermanita ;)
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Coming to Spain as an exchange student was one of the bravest things I've done at the age of 18. I always felt adventurous to explore new cultures, but what I didn't expect is to start "exploring" the body of my new "hermano" for a year.
Pablo and I immediately clicked, first it was competition where he always wanted to win, then teasing each other whenever we had a chance but soon that tension turned heated and we were sneaking around the house making out whenever we have a chance.
"Hola, bajita! You didn't come to watch the match?" Pablo came back home all sweaty in his Barcelona uniform and I smirked leaning against the doorframe of his room clearly too busy observing his fit body.
"Hm..I wanted to wait for you at home..hermano" I said moving closer to him and snaking my hands underneath his shirt to touch his flexed abs..hm they were so hard.
"Hmm mi hermanita mala...muy mala...and this pajamas? All this for me bombĆ³n?" he said resting his hands on my hips pulling onto the bands of my shorts with his teeth biting his lip.
"Mhmm you played so good so I wanted to treat you...unless they are coming back home too?" you ask and Pablo gave you a sinister look while shaking his head and pulling you closer. Since you study in Barcelona, you stayed with Pablo but his family sometimes visits from Sevilla.
"They have a flight tonight...hmm I'm going to devour you tonight!" he said kissing and licking my neck before leaving some obvious bite marks clearly in the mood to mark his territory.
"P..Pablo..let me treat you tonight" I said but knowing Pablo's character there was no chance he would give up his dominance that being the best treatment to relieve some of his tension after a long game.
"Hmmm you will treat me by shutting up and being a good girl, hermanita" he whispered those words into my ear and I rolled my eyes nodding my head obediently as he laid me down on his bed discarding his sweaty jersey on the floor.
"Hmm knowing you are always waiting for me at home...with this small precious body of yours...all mine to enjoy...damn it you were the best gift I got hermanita.." Pablo spoke while touching me all over starting to suck on my clothed chest making my nipples hard and visible through my white tee.
"Fuck! You're perfect bombon!" he groaned after finally taking off my shirt and teasing my chest while leaving his marks all over my pale skin. I felt on fire with his mouth licking and sucking on my skin as his hands moved in between my desperate thighs.
"Aww baby you're soaked for your hermano...you dirty girl..you're dripping all over my sheets...and they already smell only like you" he spoke moving lower and kissing the inner thighs while his figners started to explore my folds teasingly.
"Do you know that sometimes when they're here and you can't sleep besides me, I get so hard smelling you all over my sheets..I start touching myself at the though of you hermosa..and I explode every time wishing you were here" he spoke while fingering me so perfectly that I could see stars on his celling right now. Fuck! He knew my body so well..it was his body after all.
"Mmm I'm here now P..Pablo.." you moaned the last part contracting around his fingers as he pulled them away undoing his jersey shorts and taking his hard self out while stroking.
"Hmm yes you are preciosa...I'm gonna fuck you so good tonight so you won't be able to leave this bed for days!" he growled plunging into me with force and making me scream his name on top of my lungs. Fuck it felt so good!
"Yes! Scream for me hermanita...we're alone now!" he smirked continuing to plunge into me fast and hard until my thighs shook and I came undone around his hard member.
"Fuck my baby came so hard..good job hermanita...you did so good for me" he smirked sucking the rest of my juices with his mouth which only made me more horny at the moment.
"Mmm more hermano.." I begged shamelessly and he flipped me over making me go on all fours while his hands touched and caressed my ass and his cock teased my entrance again.
"You wanna make me cum inside of you, hm preciosa..wanna get us caught and become mi esposa?" he spoke and my whole body contracted at those words..fuck yes you wanted to be his esposa in the future..you wanted only him forever!
"Answer me, hermanita!" he slapped my ass and I whimpered biting my lip to stay quiet.
"Mhmm please.." was only thing I could master and he smirked fucking me mercilessly from the behind until his cock contracted inside of me and he spilled all of his seed while falling on top of me breathlessly.
"We're so fucked when they come back, baby.." he smirked pulling my naked body on top of his and I smiled shrugging my shoulders and starting to kiss his neck.
"Hmmm..tan mala" Pablo said seeing my smirking again before getting on top of me quickly...let's just say we had a long night!
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