passthroughtime · 7 hours
Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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passthroughtime · 7 hours
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photobooth time!
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
Sunday Six: opening the vault
I ain't written in a minute but I don't want to lapse on S6 for two weeks in a row, soooo have some gay Star Wars OC fun if you like! I've been wrangling some of my old stuff together to post. Most of it is sort of rambling episodes without much of a storyline, so I've been trying to organize it all. You don't really need to know anything about SW to enjoy this. It's mostly just homoerotic teasing.
Tagging: @overdevelopedglasses @jichanxo @skysquid22 @mike----wazowski @passthroughtime
Hobbs stood outside Joiner’s quarters, working up the gumption to knock. It had been a few days since the incident in the transport, and in the chaos, Hobbs hadn’t had a chance to give Joiner his blaster back. He hadn’t even seen Joiner for more than a few minutes since then. Gaius had been keeping him busy, but Hobbs heard Joiner had finally gotten a break. 
Perhaps he should just leave the blaster by the door. Joiner would be sure to get it when he left. Then again, this crew was not made up of scrupulous types—and anyone could come along and take it. Especially those of the crew fortunate enough not to be as familiar with Joiner. 
He sighed. No, do the right thing, he told himself. 
He raised his hand to knock on the door when it slid open on its own. Hobbs blinked at the open door, and saw Joiner on his bed, sitting up against the headboard, throwing darts. He was shirtless and barefoot, although thankfully he still wore his trousers. Hobbs couldn’t help the way his gaze fell over Joiner, enjoying in a distant sort of way Joiner’s muscular but stout form. Hobbs always did have a thing for guys with a little extra to them.
Unfamiliar music was playing quietly, made up of what sounded like high-pitched flutes, fiddles, and some sort of pipe Hobbs had never heard before.
Joiner glanced at Hobbs as he threw his last dart. “Wonderin’ if ya were gonna just stand out there all day,” he said. He stretched out his hand and the darts flew back into his grasp. It was still quite astounding to Hobbs to see even such a simple display of Force powers. 
Hobbs stepped into the room. “I just wanted to return this,” Hobbs said, holding out the blaster. 
Joiner glanced at it, then threw a dart. It hit the bullseye. “Put it on the desk, will ya, Space Cadet?” he said. 
Hobbs did as he was told, but turned to Joiner with a huff. “Will you stop calling me Space Cadet?” he said, trying to sound more commanding. 
Joiner threw another dart. Hit the target dead-on again. “The hell else am I gonna call ye?” 
“My name, perhaps?” Hobbs responded. 
“Your name?” He threw the final dart. It landed between the other two. “Laddie, I don’t call people I like by their proper names.” 
Hobbs started. “You…like me?” 
Joiner reached over and picked up a glass bottle of whiskey that had been resting on an end table, taking a long drink from it. He gave no answer.
“Th-then why do you pick on me?” Hobbs demanded. 
Joiner sighed. He reached out and the darts flew back to him. “Yer just a skinny little greenhorn. Ye gotta cut yer teeth somehow.” 
Hobbs glared, but said nothing in response.
The music swelled into a crescendo. Hobbs recognized the melody. It was the tune Joiner always whistled. Even now, Joiner hummed along quietly as he threw the darts again. It was surreal to see Joiner like this, as Hobbs had only ever seen him stalking around the ship like a caged jaguar. Part of him wasn’t certain that this was that same man. 
“I’ve got to get back to work,” Hobbs said. Joiner took another drink of his whiskey and didn’t say anything. 
Hobbs headed toward the door, but as he got to the threshold, Joiner called to him, “’Ey, Space Cadet.” Hobbs turned and nearly screamed when one of the darts came flying at him. It stopped just mere centimeters in front of his eye and stayed there for a second in frozen momentum before it returned to Joiner’s hand. Joiner started laughing as Hobbs recovered from the fright. 
Hobbs glared at him. “That’s not funny,” he growled. 
“Yer fuckin’ face!” Joiner said, his laughter deepening. 
Cheeks burning, Hobbs turned and left Joiner’s quarters, but Joiner’s laughter echoed in his mind the rest of the day. 
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
sunday six!
hello sunday six nation! o7 @four-white-trees @passthroughtime @overdevelopedglasses @skysquid22
tried writing an alternate kuwagami first meeting for funsies! not sure where i'm going with it, but it's been good fun! (ignores all my other wips)
Yagami looked at the drone photos Kaito sent through minutes ago. “He should be back soon. You can take a seat, I suppose.” 
The other man didn’t, approaching his desk, leaning against it and giving Yagami a look. “You here often?” 
Yagami didn’t glance away from his computer screen. “This is my office.” 
“Oh. You must be the all important Yagami that gets put on the sign outside and everything. Nice place.” He smiled, not seeming to look at the office at all. Yagami bit the inside of his cheek and tried not to give the man any attention. Couldn’t he see he was working, here? 
“You know, I’m something of a freelancer myself.” He continued, pulling a card from his jacket and placing it on the table. “Not from around here though. Visiting from Ijincho.” 
“Uh huh.” Yagami didn’t touch the card. “You know, Kaito-san might be off the clock soon, but I’m not. If you’re gonna wait here, I’d appreciate it if you just sat down.” And shut up. 
The man seemed to catch his meaning, silent for a moment. “Anyway, as I was getting to, the name's Kuwana. Nice to meet you.” 
“Great. Sit down, Kuwana-san.” 
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
I'm so fucking productive. I got so much shit done today.
ⓘ Fact check: This user did the bare minimum for the first time in 3 months.
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
they don't want you to know this but being weird and staying silly really helps you feel young forever
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
So uh
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Here's my interpretation of Itokura and Amasawa when they're older/detectives
I now have judge eyes brainrot
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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the man the myth the legend TESSO
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
Almost didn’t see him at first
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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I'm sorry I keep posting my tiktok comments but please. What does this mean. What do people THINK shipping is for anymore???
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
next up on the docket: the author's blatant (and yet thematically relevant!) fetish
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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Happy B-Day ShUn AkIyAmA 🎂
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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au where Majima dressed like 12yo boy
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passthroughtime · 8 hours
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