pasttorn · 3 years
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        -- SHORP. not me finally buying & playing monster camp & falling head over heels over a spicy red baby all over again
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pasttorn · 3 years
someone: i love and appreciate you
me: thanks. anyways if anyone tries to harm or hurt you please do not hesitate to use me as your physical meat shield 
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pasttorn · 3 years
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pasttorn · 3 years
i loved you so much and i couldn’t save you. do you know what that’s like, when your hands aren’t stable enough to hold something so important. to watch your own reflection drop everything precious in this world into the fire. do you know what it’s like to burn alongside, whispering, please, i tried, i swear to god that i tried
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pasttorn · 3 years
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Lava Cake
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pasttorn · 3 years
→ “ I... have doubts about this ‘ plan ‘… “ They were only three left with one of their kind on the chair, currently guarded by the hunter they went against. By no means did he doubt the ability of the other to go for an almost perfect rescue but rather was he afraid that the plan might go wrong and it ends up with all of them on the ground, bleeding, again. Only one cipher machine was left for them to decode until they could get to the gate but the issue with that one was that it was too far away to decode it in time. 
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→ “ We likely won’t make it out all three of us anyway… “ He didn’t wish to encourage the idea of leaving their teammates behind, however, he was trying to see it in a more realistic view and if he was being honest, he doubted that even two of them could make it out of here without any injuries at the very least. “ But… if you are certain it will work… we can give it a try… “ 
       a GRUNT leaves him as they finish patching up his injury, dulling the pain enough for him to be able to move around. two injured, one on chair, & the last cipher machine sitting on the other side of the map. boy oh boy, this was a TOUGH one wasn’t it ? mind races with possibilities; he still had one more pocket watch, it was the other’s second time on the chair, & aesop still had a coffin with him... it would be tight, but they could do this— or at the very least, he hoped they could ( they HAD to ). 
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       he takes a deep breath before turning to the other; & when he smiles, he hope it looks at least somewhat comforting as he places a hand on aesop’s shoulder, ❝ TRUST me, dear carl. i’m sure it will work. ❞ no he wasn’t, that was a blatant lie— but he had to say it, had to seem confident ( if the captain FELL, what would happen to the crew ? ). ❝ if anything else, i’ll make sure to pull off the rescue successfully & buy you enough time... so please just focus on heading to the last cipher & decoding it as fast as you can. ❞
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pasttorn · 3 years
@kyousei​​ said: Shino has never been one to worry about giving or receiving gifts on Valentine's Day, save from Hinata as a gift between teammates. Now, though, as thoughts of the puppeteer plague him more that he'd like he was forced to do the unthinkable. He clears his throat to get Kankurou's attention and wordlessly offers him some chocolate covered honeycomb. (First Valentine's???? Babies...)
       there was no denying the ATTRACTION he felt for the fellow genin. he might be a romantic, but valentines were beyond him-- he was more than happy to receive, but it was the first time he genuinely considered giving. or at least, it was the first time he was so anxious & worried about GIVING something ( or not receiving anything ) this year. especially now that his heart skipped a beat every time a certain bug user was mentioned. especially now that he grew much TOO self conscious about how he dressed or how he acted around a certain member of team 8. especially now that days seemed much longer when he was at home, while they seemed so SHORT when he was walking around konoha hoping to catch a glance of the other.
       so tense & hesitant he was of coming up with something completely amazing to say while giving away the hand carved chocolate he had wrapped up in a bag in his backpack ( while making sure it wasn’t TOO embarrassing-- he didn’t want to seem as if he actually had any feelings for the other. it was just a friendship thing-- yeah that’s ALL it was. an apology for everything & whatever ), that when he was suddenly stopped by said object of his affections, he was thrown COMPLETELY off guard.
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       though his heart rate SPEEDS up at the sight of the shino, the puppeteer does nothing but stare at the extremely sweet looking candy for a couple moments, visibly confused about what this was for & why he was being handed it-- by shino no less. ❝ i-- are you giving this to ME ? ❞ a blink, & another, before gloved hands raise to take the gift, still puzzled by current events, but offering a smile nonetheless. lines he’d practiced before hand ( in the very off chance shino actually gave him something ) refused to surface, mind BLANK as it raced to come up with something to say that wouldn’t make him seem like an absolute fool, ❝ uh, thanks i guess. ❞ there was no way, right ? there’s no way the other meant it in that way. it was just friendship chocolates-- it HAD to be.
        silence falls, whatever strategical plan he had for today to spend valentines together with the other had completely been thrown off course. nervous fingers CLUTCH at the chocolate covered honeycomb, taking a quick deep breath as he grasps for something to say before shino went away. ❝ DO-- ! !  ❞ he starts abruptly before stopping himself when realising how eager & desperate he sounded, taking a moment to clear his throat & gather himself before continuing, ❝ i mean-- do you, i don’t know, have any PLANS for today ? ❞
       a hand raises to scratch at the back of his head, SWAYING from one leg to another in order to try to get some of the flustered feeling running rampant inside him to dissipate, ❝ y’know my sis-- she thinks it ain’t a good idea to be headin’ back right now, so we’re gonna be here for longer & i don’t have anything else to do right now-- & i mean i could come up with something to do because it’s not as if i got TOO much free time, but i can spare some time to hang out with you and--  ❞ another deep, s h a k y  breath ( god how did he say that all in one go ? ), ❝ do... do you have any plans ? ❞
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pasttorn · 3 years
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      -- SHORP. mega quick update on what’s up with me & a mini announcement that i’d LOVE if y’all could spare a couple minutes to look through ( & maybe consider joining or sharing with a friend y’all feel would be interested ! ). 
      �� -- EVEN if y’all don’t care about me as a mun / blog, at least skim the announcement section bc it’s important to me & where i am rn ! 
     UPDATE ! !
       -- SINCE december, i’ve started college ! ! the saving up year of college at least, bc the college i’m in has this thing where if we don’t have enough money to pay for the tuition fee ( which rly is just, money for us to spend throughout our first year & our trips & other expenses like food or gasoline ) we can join the saving up year & they’ll give us a job to earn the money. & while i was a bit more free before, they finally found a job for me at the canteen, which means i’m off cooking with the head chef for literally the entire day for the whole campus-- which is largely the reason i haven’t written much or said anything here ! !
      -- I’M trying as hard as i can to manage my time better in order to not be so tired / drained at the end of the day, in order to try to write something here or spend time with closer rp friends, but between moving to a new place ( since i’m living in the campus now, which is in a whole different country to where i was ! ) & getting used to the job & getting to know my teammates / classmates that i’m gonna be working with the next four+ years, it’ll take me a lil’ bit longer to try to get this blog up & running again. 
       -- FOR those wondering, i’m NOT dropping this blog & i’m not dropping any of the threads / asks i have saved up unless my rp partners don’t wanna keep writing them anymore, because this blog is too important for me to just give it up, but i am gonna be quiet / on a mini hiatus a lil’ bit longer. if any ship partners ( be it platonic or romantic ) that have a close relation w/ my muse want to break things up & move on, then even though it’d sadden me to see it end, i’d understand, because i cannot guarantee i’ll be the most active in plotting or thinking about our muses relationships & it might take some more time before i can go back to ‘ normal ‘ here-- but if y’all are willing to wait a bit longer, then i’d love it if we could continue it. if you don’t, then please tell me so we can make changes at some point because the last thing i want is for y’all to feel i’m neglecting you or your muse, which is not my intention & i apologise if i ever made y’all feel that way.
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       -- TIME to promote the college i’m currently studying at ! ! or am gonna be studying at in september, at least ishuegrdfmkcvx. the college is DNS Necessary Teacher’s Training Programme, & it’s a college dedicated to training teachers ! ! honestly i’ve only been in the campus for a month now, & from the chats i’ve had with people from other years & from graduates & from my teammates in general, i can already tell it’s gonna be a worth it sort of experience. in their own words, we’re all not looking to be the ‘ traditional ‘ type of teachers, & are learning by experiencing & travelling-- the first year we travel to africa, & in the second year we ( your school year team ) picks a country in europe to live in & work in ! ! 
       -- IF you don’t have enough money, that’s alright ! you can join the saving up year, & earn the money here yourself ( & in the chance you don’t make enough, the team is here to pay the difference if we can ). if you’re worried you’re too young or too old for the programme, let me just tell you that in the 2021 school team ( the year i’m in ) the ages range from 18 to 27. if you’re worried about previous experiences, just know that this my first time in a college or even getting a job, & we’re all ! ! willing to help with anything as a team. all you really need is the drive to be committed to the programme & to the team-- because you are going to be busy almost all day, & it might get tough to deal with sometimes, & you need to know what you’re comfortable with or are not comfortable with doing.
       -- I was very nervous before coming bc rly, i’m an introverted fool that still doesn’t know what i want out of life even though i’m 21 & should know at this point, & even had a breakdown the first night i got here bc i was in a new place on my own & didn’t know what the fuck i was getting into & was so afraid of disappointing everyone, but god everyone here is super welcoming & understanding about everything. since the month i’ve been here, i’ve made friends that also very much love anime, have found out that sexuality ( or the lack thereof ) is openly discussed & accepted, there’s a D&D group & there’s just, a bunch of creativity everywhere. & yeah, it can be overwhelming sometimes, but there’s always someone in the team who would be willing to spend time with you & to help you out with whatever you may need, because in the end we’re all dealing with the same things. i’ve even gotten along with people from other school years ( that started their studies in 2020 or 2018 ), & honestly you can’t even tell they’re in a different year at times bc everyone is always so kind & open about everything.
     -- I’M not gonna lie, i’ve only been here a month for the saving up, & so far all of this feels like a real life acnh adventure, where everyone in the team is the mayor. wild comparison but everyone is so welcoming & we all live in the campus & see each other every day, that it really feels like interacting with other villagers & the money we make goes to maintaining the college / the community / our team, so it very much feels like i’m the mayor / mc in anch trying to decorate the island / make it better idK
          LINKS to check out ! ! 
Quick 3 min video ! ! ! pls watch ! ! !
       -- IF you have any questions about the programme or what it’s like to study here, pls don’t be afraid to hit me up in DM’s either on here or on disc//ord ( SHORP#8549 ) ! ! i’d be more than happy to answer any questions or share images / videos bc god, it’d be so cool if one of y’all or someone y’all know would be interested in the programme ! 
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pasttorn · 3 years
     Tail flicks behind the king at the mention of his name. Meruem notes the shovel in the man’s possession first, although the obvious flight response is duly taken into account. He supposes having knocked this one out in the blink of an eye during their last encounter would warrant such a harsh reaction. Regardless, the feeling of warmth is what the King remembers most about this man’s nen. Even now, there was no malice… With an enemy only yards away one would expect he wasn’t prepared in the least to fight back.
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     ❝Youpi and Pouf are this way,❞ he starts, turning his head toward the trees that once lined the pathway into the palace. One had fallen, its empty branches no longer filled with cocoons. Pointed ignorance is offered in way of an explanation, partly because the man was correct in some way. Meruem was sure that he had been dead, at some point. Waking had been just as much of a surprise to him. ❝They are buried by those trees. I was unable to find Pitou to pay my respects to them as well…❞
       it had to be a lie, it had to be a TRICK of some sort— a way to lure him into a trap of some kind; these are the thoughts that plagued his mind as soon as the king spoke once more, the hunter & warrior in him SCREAMING to not trust a single word he said. but the softie in him was what allowed him to look to where meruem was pointing, to actually listen to his words & TRY to trust. after all, the king had no need to trick him in order to hurt him— the had grown painfully clear to him during their last encounter. if he wanted to kill him, he could do so with EASE, the act probably needing less than a second to be done.
       but it struck him how different the king had been since the last time he’d seen him ( granted, he never really had a CHANCE to take a good look ). he’d heard bits & pieces of the change that had happened in the king from killua & palm, about how more humane the king had become near the end of that fateful battle. was this what they’d meant ? how did he survive to begin with ? what was his goal now ? if the king wanted to destroy all humans again, there was probably NOTHING the hunters could do to stop him now— not with all the losses they’d suffered & still haven’t completely recovered from. 
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       -- ❝ ... did you bury them ? ❞ with a thousand questions ringing in his head ready to be asked, with heavy, HEAVY hesitant steps he slowly starts making his way to the pointed out trees, gaze not once leaving the king as he does. ❝ that... seems awfully kind of you. ❞
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pasttorn · 3 years
Rosy eyes watched his back as he stood up to search for more little creatures elsewhere and she is mindful of his words as he does so, nodding to him as a means to say ‘ yes, of course ‘ while she silently listened to the idle stream bubbling along its natural course. He was always so careful with her, but never made her feel less than or like a burden because of it. Koyuki felt warm as she watched him go, and when she caught herself thinking how cool he looked when he was serious she whipped her head in another direction. 
Koyuki is quick to recover when she spots a small patch of clovers among the taller dry grass. It was only a few paces away, so she shuffles over to get a closer look. While Hakuji is looking for bugs, she could certainly do something with these, make him something fun to show her gratitude, even if a bit silly. She sat on her knees and carefully picked out tall blade of heather-colored grass, twisting the strands, braiding them and adding more until a circle was formed. When she was satisfied with the crown of grass, Koyuki picked out a few clovers to thread through the spaces. It wasn’t fancy or intricate by any means, the early springtime leaving few options of usable materials, but it would smell pleasant. She wondered if he will like the little creation.
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The girl stays seated by the rest of the grass, idly moving on to make herself a crown of grass and clover to match the one she would give to Hakuji when he came back. She is just weaving the last clover into the crown as she sees his face in the sunlight, and she excited waves to him. ❝ Hey, hey! Come look at this! ❞
       to say that he came out victorious would be to EXAGGERATE. he’d wandered off in hopes to come back to her side with more than a simple handful of creatures for her to admire, if only JUST to hear a sweet laugh escape her lips or see the lively shine in her eyes once more. more is better than just one or two, is the mindset that DROVE him as he searched every nook & cranny— only to huff in slight displeasure when he comes out with a couple worms, an ant and a ladybug. he makes a little pouch with the hems of his uniform shirt, where he places all critters he’s found ( he really should’ve brought a box or something, that’s something he’ll have to remember to grab for NEXT time ).
       it’s only when he finally, finally finds a tiny frog that he feels somewhat better about his findings, doing his best to approach it without startling it & having it hop away. it takes him a couple attempts— for despite his best attempts, the tiny thing was WAY too aware of its surroundings— but he finally manages to catch it with a free hand, stuffing it in the makeshift pouch with a huff & instantly making his way back.
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       so focused he is in keeping the WRIGGLING creatures inside the pouch without hurting them, that he almost misses her calling him over. & oh, how warm it made him to see her waving at him so excitedly. how his heart swelled in hearing the joy & pride in her voice as she actually calls out to him in a LOUD voice rather than the simple soft spoken comments she usually gave. he shows none of this in his expression ( apart from the softness hidden in his eyes & the warm smile he offers as he reaches her side once more ), deciding to HOLD onto the insects in the pouch for a little longer before showing her, eying the arrangements of flowers in her hands, ❝ yes ? what is it, koyuki-san ? did you need something ? ❞
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pasttorn · 3 years
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pasttorn · 3 years
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       -- SHORP. ngl i was iffy about idv bringing out a new survivor when we’ve had so many new characters & i’d rather they spend more time on lore & stuff but goD ,, , , ,  GANJI, , , , , SIR I ALREADY LOVE YOU WELCOME TO THE CLUB
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pasttorn · 4 years
Why is life testing me so hard lately? I mean I’ll survive, but damn give me a fucking break.
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pasttorn · 4 years
anonymous said: Just starts playing some music for Jose " cheer up old man "
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       insert the most exhausted sigh
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pasttorn · 4 years
@virusvirtue​ said: "that move was so cool!! high five!!" (gingerbrave @ dino-sour)
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        cue a very enthusiastic jump high five, arms raised up high once its done as if the gesture itself wasn’t GRAND enough for the amount of excitement that was currently pumping through him, ❝ isn’t it ? ! the jellysours & i have been practicing that mountain backflip for WHILE now-- we’re mega proud of it ! ! ❞
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pasttorn · 4 years
@slf-sxcrfe​​ said: ‟I don't want to close my eyes. I just want to keep them open.” He mutters, sitting atop the wooden deck just outside the estates house. Despite the dark circles drawn underneath his eyes and a yawn stifling its way pass his lips. ‟It's impossible to get good sleep, even though I'm safe now... I still dream about what is out there– things I've had to bare witness to before your brother took me in.” (for Senjurou !)
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       the young rengoku sits & listens in silence as the other speaks, arms wrapped TIGHTLY around the comforter he’d been folding moments prior to their conversation. he’d reached out in concern, motivated to do so by both, the noticeable eye-bags under ray’s eyes that seemed to be growing by the day, & the almost SLUGGISH way he carried himself compared to the days prior. ❝ ... it’s not nice to have bad dreams, but sleep is important. ❞
       worry creeps on senjurou the more he observes more of ray’s worn down state, gaze falling to his lap as he processes what the other’s said, & what he could POSSIBLY say in return. at least, something he could say that wasn’t as dumb as he’s what just said. sleep is important, cheeks redden slightly in embarrassment at his own response. of course it is ! & it’s exactly BECAUSE it’s important, that ray was telling him the reasons why he couldn’t sleep ( truly, how useless was his response ? ). 
        grip on the comforter tightens slightly as he thinks of a more suitable response-- a KINDLING of a solution--, before silently peering over at the other, offering him a small smile, ❝ um... then do you want me to sleep with you ? elder brother puts his futon NEXT to mine when i have nightmares & can’t go back to sleep. it might seem childish of me, but sometimes feeling safe helps you sleep better & keeps the bad thoughts away. it.... may not help you FORGET about what you’ve witnessed, but at least it’ll help you remember you’re okay now, & that you’re not alone anymore.... i think ? ❞
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pasttorn · 4 years
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