patchwork-crow-writes · 11 hours
Source: fineasthecat
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apologies to anyone who ever thought i was cool and reached out to me only to discover i am just a weird little hermit who can't carry on a conversation to save my life
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thinking about anxious attachment style ralsei
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Looking Glasses Pages 85-86
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And that's the end of Part 2! Kind of a big update, huh? I've written up some thoughts about the themes of Looking Glasses over on the website. If you're surprised or upset about the direction I'm taking with Susie and Noelle's story, I'd ask that you read it.
Instead of our usual ten days before the next update, I am going to take a two week break before starting Part 3. I have a lot going on and a bit of break to rebuilt my buffer will be nice. I'd take even longer but I have a feeling y'all want to see what's next.
So, next page Monday June 24th.
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*So, Angel, when you’re just floating around can anyone but Kris see you?
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♥ *Sigh* No....
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♥ Hmm...
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The orphanage that suplexes together, uh
they uhm
Skyrim's a funny old game isn't it
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i have seen the notebook horde… what secrets are contained within them?
Whisper it, but most of them are actually... empty! Yeah, turns out buying 10-20 notebooks a year makes it pretty difficult to fill them out with writing and scribbles, even for the most devoutly-scribble-happy individual... which I am not right at this moment in time.
Of the notebooks that DO have stuff in them though... mostly they contain snippets of stories and fics that I may or may not edit and publish at a future date, concepts for video games and romhacks that I'll likely never get round to making, theories and ideas that interest me about my favourite media, the odd piece of self-introspective writing and journaling, some doodles of wildly-varying quality... and shopping lists.
Now that I have my camera, I am intending to post pictures of each of my notebooks individually and perhaps show some of their more intriguing contents, so if that's something you think you'd be interested in be sure to let me know! Thanks for the ask Bleakoutlo :)
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If posting fic online has taught me anything, it’s that I have no idea how the reader will react to anything. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not the faintest clue.
Fics that I think I scribbled off just to get them out there get the kindest, most rapturous feedback. Fics I slaved over, agonized over, bled my soul into get a couple tepid replies. Fics I thought were me revealing the darkness and weird kink that lives in my brain, scared to even post it for fear of judgement, get, “Aaaw that’s so sweet!” replies. Baffling.
My conclusion? You just never know. You really just can’t know. When I did a workshop with 20 other writers I would try to guess what their critique of my story would be and I was right maybe 1 in 20 times. Only one other writer would have the same critique for my story that I had. And it wasn’t even always the same person.
The encouraging part about this is, if self recrimination, the fear that you know what people won’t like about your story, is holding you back, just say fuck it! You’re almost certainly wrong! All you can do is make it the best story you can for the energy you have. And yeah, sometimes that means scribbling it out in an evening and kicking it out to the void of the internet before you can change your mind or worry about editing it more than once because then you’ll never post it.
It’s all chaos, man. You don’t get to decide what the audience thinks. All you can do is create it and put it out there for them to decide.
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Concept art Ralsei is the cutest being in all plain of existence
Why toby why is he not like this in the game??
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Kris didn't change much actually
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Based on that one piece of concept art
I wonder if we will actually see this happen in game or not
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Ralsei update
Hes doing good he likes walking around and looking at stalls
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We all know about your love of Deltarune, any other pieces of media you're into but don't talk about as much?
Ohh, we could be here awhile... but let me try and narrow it down as best I can!
So I am mega mega into Star Fox, which as you can imagine is pretty annoying since they haven't released a new game for that franchise since Zero back in *checks notes* 2015... nearly a decade! But yeah, the first two games are incredible - the original for the SNES is a touch dated nowadays, but full 3D polygons on a 16-bit console blew my tiny 4-year old brain when I first played it. And what can I say about Lylat Wars (StarFox 64 in America), except that it's one of the best arcade experiences on the console? The controls, the scoring system, the cheesy voiceovers... it's the pinnacle of the series, and I'll happily die on that hill.
The Phantasy Star series is also something I've been really into for a lot of my life, starting with the original Phantasy Star Online on the Gamecube. Essentially a proto-MMORPG that's set in space - think photon-based weaponry and guns instead of steel swords and shields, with a loot table that legitimately has 100,000 to 1 odds for some of the best gear. The games get increasingly anime-esque as you go through the series, but beneath that unassuming exterior there's a heck of a cosmic horror story. You might have seen me post about Dark Falz Loser a couple of times - he's essentially one manifestation of an eldritch force of entropy who wishes to consume the entire universe so he might become omniscient. Others exist as well, but he's my favourite on account of being a weird birb creature :3
One last game I got weirdly into for a time was Eternal Sonata, which is a JRPG staring famous pianist Frederic Francois Chopin. It takes place in a world created by his dying dreams, where everything and everyone is named after musical terminology. The combat system evolves as you progress and is a really fun hybrid between real time and turn-based. It's one of the few games I actually completed to 100%, back when gamerscore was a big deal lol.
I'll have to stop there for everyone's sanity, ahaha :P But yeah, if I'd got into fandom spaces before Deltarune, it probably would have been because of one of these games! Thanks for the ask :D
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Reblogging this manually. Op doesn't want credit for fear of being terminated.
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What's your favorite tree species?
Hmm, this is a toughie! I think in terms of pure aesthetics I think it has to be the Weeping Willow, they're very pretty and I love their curtainlike foliage. But I am also a big fan of cherry blossom trees (or sakura to the Japanese-speaking folk :P) during the spring - I'd love to go and see them one day!
Oh, but then there's Japanese Acers! The colour of their leaves have so much variance, between deep reds, peaches and ochres... oh man, they're every bit as pretty as any flower you'll find!
...yeah, Japanese Acers cinch it for me, but the others I mentioned are also awesome :)
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Remembering how fun it was to answer asks last time I invited people to submit questions, so I'm doing it again! Feel free to ask me anything about me or my work, quickly beofre the wine wears offand I become boring again :P
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Canned Merlot hits different
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