pheavampire · 20 hours
It’s still toxic and dark, but they talk more. And I still can’t believe I managed to draw a comic this complicated…!
…and sad? :v
Seriously, I’m so, SO proud of how it looks!
PS. I refuse to decide what exactly happened between parts 1 and 2. I’m leaving it to your interpretation.
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pheavampire · 21 days
Are you ever going to do a continuation of your "The Radio Is broken" comic? I don't mean smut or anything, but what happens after? Does he manage to get away from Vox? What is the aftermath of the situation?
Hi, I started to work on a continuation, but I don’t know how long will it take to make it - so you have to be patient I’m afraid. Thanks for the interest!
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pheavampire · 1 month
The Radio is Broken
Anyone up for some Alastor and Vox pathology?
I guess I should warn it’s short, but kinda dark.
But honestly? I had no idea I’m able to draw a comic that looked like this ;u;
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pheavampire · 1 month
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Complicated and sad this, complicated and sad that, but how about toxic and dark?
I might be working on a comic or something.
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pheavampire · 2 months
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All those moving fanarts of Alastor discovering asexuality are very sweet and cool, but let’s not kid ourselves you guys, let’s not kid ourselves.
A little bonus:
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pheavampire · 2 months
You know what’s great about being obsessed over a cartoon character? Fanarts are wonderfully easy to draw.
This one is for The_Vengeful_Spirit and their fanfiction „Prey of the Video Star”.
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pheavampire · 3 months
Alastor's (meta) Hell
Some people’s headcanon is that Alastor’s deer features are his hellish punishment - he was a serial killer, a predator, so being a partially prey animal (even if cannibal and kind of wendigo) is quite ironic. Cool idea, probably not canon, but very cool.
But how about this: what if him looking hot according to many people is something similar? What’s worse punishment for a sex repulsed aroace than being the object of desire? Not many characters in the show seem to be actually attracted to him, but from the meta point of view - with all of his fans, ships, fanfics and so on - it’s deliciously riddiculous. If so many people in Hell would see Alastor this way, it would be a real nightmare for him.
And that’s what hell is for, right? To feel like a nightmare.
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pheavampire · 3 months
Velvette: I’m Velvette and I’m the backbone of the Vees Vox: I’m Vox and I’m the brain of the Vees Valentino: … Valentino: I’m Valentino and I hate this game
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pheavampire · 3 months
Me, a writer, after discovering that my favourite ongoing Alastor fanfic’s author is probably a high schooler and she is quite open for suggestions:
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pheavampire · 3 months
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Ktoś musiał to zrobić.
Explanation if anyone cares: It’s a popular Polish facebook meme from last year. The template says: 
Status: „In a relationship”
First person: what the hell is this
Second person: sorry I clicked something I don’t know what it is
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pheavampire · 3 months
Alastor's starting point in season 2
We know that Alastor’s cane in broken right now, which means that he lost a lot of his power.
We also know, that Vees will have a big role in season 2 - „especially Vox” Viv said. According to her, we will learn „about Vox and Alastor’s backstory”. And we also know that Vox saw Alastor being wounded and defeated.
If the writers won’t make Vox use the opportunity and do something deliciously nasty to Alastor, I will riot.
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But seriously; both pilot and the first season established Alastor as an overpowered demon who can do almost everything. We know it’s not exactly true, but still - he is (or was?) very powerful for a sinner.
The whole time he was presented as the one in control, a very competent person - he defeated Vox in the reputation battle, he was able to compete with Lucifer in a specific way, he easily destroyed the shark gangsters and Sir Pentious… But you can't do a semi-co-protagonist who only wins, because it's just boring. It's like Aristotle's definition of tragedy: after a good starting it only make sense to show a character of this kind starting to have more and more serious trouble. Season one was Alastor’s exposition, at the end of it the first turning point happened (loosing to Adam) and now it’s time for some interesting peripeteia. Vox on the other hand started as defeated - it only makes sense to give him an upper hand in this part of the story.
Or I’m just relying on the writing theory to convince myself I’ll see helpless Alastor interacting with Vox at some point haha wishful thinking is the best I tell you
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pheavampire · 3 months
Usually I don’t really like to write such posts, but eh, apparently there is an Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week right now, so why the hell not:
When seeing a cool aroace character like Alastor makes you realize you are so under-represented you didn’t even know you want a representation. 
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It actually blows my mind a bit, like seeing a color that I didn’t know exists. Seriously, for the most of my life I didn’t really understand the joy LGBT+ people feel when they see someone like them on the screen. I mean, I knew it’s nice for them, but didn’t get it on emotional level. I started to get it when I watched BoJack Horseman, but as much as Todd was a nice character, he wasn’t really a material for my I-have-a-phase-character. Also, he wasn't aromantic.
But seeing these small ace-themed scenes with Alastor and some of fan works is so damn satisfying I can’t. It’s the first time in my life when a fictional character that perfectly suits my taste (at least for now, in season 1) is also canonically asexual - and probably aromantic, judging by his behavior and Viv’s old suggestions (I know, I know, she never said it officially, but so far all clues we have seem to say "aroace"). 
This is so weird, but also awesome.
And by the way, does it mean I don't want him to be an object of someone else's affection? Hell no - let them be attracted to him, just let him not reciprocate anyone's feelings, please. Give me drama, if you want. Show me frustration of this other person, revenge for rejection even, maybe caused by misunderstanding, maybe not. Show me how Alastor reacts to it and how he deals with it. I want to see this on the screen.
What can I say - you gave me an inch, now I want to take a yard!
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pheavampire · 4 months
When Alastor made his mysterious deal?
Some people think that Alastor made his deal during 7 years of absence or shortly before it. It’s what the season 1’s world building suggests, this is how the deals work - they are being made in hell. Husk made his with Alastor when he was an overlord. Angel Dust sold his soul to Valentino, who - according to the old info from Viv - died in 1970s, so years later than Angel. They had to make the deal in hell, so obviously not before Angel died.
But Alastor is presented as a rather unique character.
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As Mimzy said, he was very powerful from the beginning, right away when he appeared in hell. And the narrative presents this as a mysterious, unique case. The conclusion is simple - and this theory already exists in the fandom too - Alastor had this power even before death, or got it immediately after he died. Next argument: Husk knows Alastor „is also on a leash”. If he sold his soul during those last 7 years, it would mean he told Husk about it soon after he summoned him to the hotel. And I really, really doubt Alastor would give such valuable information about himself to anyone. My guess is Husk learned about it long ago, probably by accident.
And there’s also this delicious line: „I’m hungry for freedom like never before.”
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Would Alastor use the phrase „like NEVER before” if he didn’t mean very, very long time, definitely longer than 7 years? 
The truth is, I think we still have too little clues to make a solid theories, but for now I have a feeling, that Alastor sold his soul in a very classic way - when he was a human, probably by experimenting with voodoo. It was one of those „I grant you a great power and then you serve me forever after your death”. Perhaps he was one of those clever, power hungry occultists who believe they are able to cheat the devil himself - whoever „the devil” is in this case… and who finally die and learn what „forever” really means.
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pheavampire · 4 months
I know it's been a bit since you posted about bg3, and i don't know if you still care about it, but man, the new ascendant kiss animations/dialogue kind of match what I headcanoned early access corrupt magistrate Astarion to be like, i.e. dude that would say nice things but actually not give a shit about his partners and turn face the minute they stop being relevant because he's just using them. I kept thinking back to your epitaph post watching them and got real nostalgic.
Yeah, my BG3 phase is over I'm afraid. It's cool you found a glimpse of old Astarion in there though! I'll probably check it sooner or later.
Corrupted magistrate Astarion always in out hearts </3
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pheavampire · 4 months
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I'm a bit sceptical about the Lilith theory, but I needed to draw someone there, so.
"I'm hungry for freedom like never before", "Big talk for someone who's also on a leash"... You know what's going on here.
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pheavampire · 4 months
I think the way alastor loses to Adam is important to note. He only got hurt when he stopped dodging. Specifically, he had his staff out in front of him, in both hands, AS IF HE WAS USING IT TO BLOCK THE ATTACK! But it BROKE INSTEAD. He looks around confused before the smoke even clears; like he FELT something was off before he even saw it. All the dark magic and stuff around him probably just blinked out of existence as soon as the staff broke.
He looks like he fully expected the staff to be able to block that hit, with no damage. It probably WOULD HAVE if he was at full power, but he’s NOT at full power right now! And he probably didn’t realize just how much his power was weakened until that very moment!
Yup, he was surprised and the damage definitely took away at least some of his power! I'm not sure what to think about his "full power" state though. On one hand, Alastor doesn't seem to be very restricted in that matter during the season. When he kills gangsters who came for Mimzy he goes full monster to protect the hotel, BUT at the same time he says it's good to be able to do something like this again, as if he couldn't murder people without a good reason. On the other hand, there is this line about "unclipping his wings". I think it's also possible, that he had his full power all the time and whoever "clipped his wings", simply forbade him to use his abilities, if they would be used to achieve Alastor's own evil goals.
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pheavampire · 4 months
Alastor's reactions to mentions of his absence
It’s nothing revealing really, but I like it that when someone gets a bit too curious about Alastor’s mysterious disappearance, he can’t help but react emotionally with his eyes for a second or two.
With Zestial he seemed nervous: 
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With Husk - angry. And even before Husk says he is on a leash - it looks like Alastor tries to control himself and NOT to show his irritation. As he could reveal too much by showing the emotion in this context maybe?
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Obviously, whatever happened during these 7 years, it wasn’t pleasant for him.
Also, it’s funny that at the same time he actually wants to be asked about this. Of course, he wouldn't tell them the truth and would just tease them.
But Carmilla knows better than that.
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