pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
hellou I would like to request from the list of suggestive indications the number 29 + romantic, for kanata yatonokami with a fem reader (if possible that she has a sweet personality similar to tohru honda :') ) tkm<333
# tags: scenario; current relationship; romance; grumpy!y/n; period time; making out; touching; y/n is so horny, lol; pet names; suggestive
includes: female reader ft. kanata yatonokami {paradox live; cozmez}
author’s note: paradox live, yaaay!
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29. “Please! Please, don’t leave me!”
In pain, you got up from the too soft bed and slowly walked to the front door of your small, two-room apartment. Seeing your precious boyfriend standing in the doorway, you almost slid to the floor in relief. Apart from sweets and a cup of tea, Kanata was your biggest craving today. The young man took off his white shoes and placed them in the designated place, and then spread his arms so that you could calmly snuggle into them and feel the warmth that emanated from his body and the beautifully smelling T-shirt.
“How do you feel?” He asked, knowing full well your period pains, as well as the low mental well-being that occurred during these days. A slight grimace was visible on your face, and you felt an uncontrollable desire for some unhealthy snacks; chips, jellies, burger or double cheese pizza. Nevertheless, you shrugged, grabbing his hand and walking with him to the bed. “Can I order you something nice or make you some lemon tea?” His innocent voice sent the first wave of tremors running through your body.
“No…” You muttered under your breath, sitting down on the mattress. “Kanata... Can you just lie down with me and just hug me?”
“Sure, .”
When his arms wrapped around your lying figure, you immediately raised one corner of your mouth, closing your eyes. For a short moment you lay still, breathing steadily, but as another tightening in your stomach occurred, you frowned, opening your left eyelid. Chocolate, popcorn and sugary drinks moved aside for a moment and you moved your ass much closer to your partner, making him tilt his head.
“All good, honey?” He asked quietly and you shook your head. “What’s on your mind, Y/N? Should I rub your belly?” His warm voice touched the nape of your neck and you turned your head towards him, immediately connecting your lips in a long, wet kiss. For a long moment, the two of you pushed against each other, but eventually the blond boy gave in, enabling you to sit on his hips. This allowed you to sit a little tighter on his crotch, causing a soft sigh from the both of you.
After a few minutes of intense kissing and touching, you were gently and slowly pulled away from your boyfriend’s plump lips. Your surprised face made the teenager chuckle to himself.
“...I think it’s a good time for us to eat dinner. Would you like some teriyaki chicken with fresh rice?” Without much problem, Kanata lifted your hips and then escaped from your grip, disappearing behind the wall and door frame to the bedroom. Your face showed astonishment for a moment, but then you clench your fists and your mouth took the shape of a horseshoe.
“Baby? Baby?!” You fell tiredly onto the pillow and then looked up at the ceiling. “Please! Please don’t leave me! Come back to me...!” You said it in a much louder voice, but instead of answering, all you heard was your boyfriend making noise in the kitchen and then starting to look for something in the fridge and the spice cabinet.
Sore again and tired from another day of your period, you simply closed your eyes for a moment and woke up only to the sound of the blond man’s voice telling you that dinner was ready to eat.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
How had been doing? All this time? Hope your doing just lovely 💗💕💓💓💕💕🙂🙂
Wish the very best!
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hiii. thank you for your message. i’ve had some unpleasant experiences in my private life recently, but it could always be worse – as they say. i hope all is well with you and you are healthy. have a nice day/night, sweetie :)
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
your writings are so goood!!! its just exactly what i need, please never stop what you're doing 🫶
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i don’t know why i didn’t see your message, but thank you very much for your kind words (they warmed my heart...). it’s been a while, but i hope you’re doing well and spending nice time with your loved ones. look after yourself! *hugs*
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
Hi Júlia, it’s been a long time, do you still remember me? I'm here to wish you a belated Happy Holidays haha. I've been rereading a request I made to you a long time ago. I hope you are well, take care
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am i dumb or what? i totally didn’t notice your question, which you asked so long ago… i didn’t have the opportunity to wish you all the best for this year, hana. thank you so much for your message. i hope everything is fine with you and you are happy. i always remember you fondly and always will, love :)
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0 notes
pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
Hiii! Can i request prompt 7 with Fyodor?
# tags: scenario; current relationship; light romance; fluff; ooc!fyodor; reader is a hacker; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. fyodor dostoyevsky {bsd}
author’s note: hii! of course! i really like him!
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7. “You’re so dumb!” “No? You’re dumb.”
There were nights during which Fyodor would stay up until dawn, looking for helpful tips, information and names to make his plan successful for him and his associates. Sometimes he sat until 1 a.m. with a cup of already chilled coffee, and sometimes he stared at the bright screen of the monitor until 8 a.m., with empty vitamin boxes or glasses of half-drunk red wine standing next to him. The mound of sweet candy wrappers was also an everyday sight...
In between all this, all this multitude of numbers, dates and words, there was you: in a warm sweater and fluffy socks, bringing him a nutritious snack from time to time (vegetable sandwiches or fried rice with eggs) or asking if everything was okay. Sometimes you would remind him to drink water or go to the bathroom, and when Fyodor actually agreed with you, he would quickly get up from his chair and go to do his physiological needs.
Then you would sit in his place, enter the appropriate code sequences, then return to the bedroom or living room (depending on the time on watch) and pass the dark-haired man, saying ‘Goodnight’ to him with a light smile or a fleeting kiss.
When Fyodor sat down on the black chair again and continued working, no more than five minutes passed, when various words, symbols or photos appeared on the screen that were an affirmation of him and your relationship; red hearts, photos of kittens touching noses... All this made the young man stunned, and after a while, also slightly amused. On the one hand, he was happy that you were a talented programmer, but on the other, it was his downfall when it was time to make fun of him.
The lines of code that corresponded to given inscriptions or images were deleted automatically, so nothing bad happened to your partner’s work, and you just continued to bury your face in the pillow with a slight smile or read the next page of your favorite book, having in mind the sight of Fyodor with slight blushes on the face.
Then, depending on the time and situation, Fyodor would text you saying “You’re so stupid!” to which you usually responded with a simple “No. You’re stupid. You don’t appreciate my advances...”
It all usually ended in quiet laughter or a war of nicknames and emojis.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 months
may i please request prompt 49 and 51 for William James Moriarty from mtp?
Like the reader is as smart as william and helps him with his plans and stuff and they both fall for each other but can't be together?
Thank you, have a great day!!
# tags: scenario; kinda lovers/enemies; unrequited love; light romance; mostly drama; also angst; reader as police inspector; mention of murder and blood; nsfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. william james moriarty {mtp}
author’s note: long time no see. sorry for that but thank you sm for your request; due to the rules i only chose the one number you asked for :) i hope you like it, love u all
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49. “I told you this is how it ends.”
You looked with visible regret at the figure sitting across from you, on an uncomfortable chair in a cramped room lit by dim white light. Next to you stood your friend and co-worker, who is a five years older than you, and opposite your person, with a calm expression on his face, sat William, who just a few days ago was drinking tea with lemon with you, and today he was accused of murder. And with particular cruelty.
The young man, however, didn’t reveal anything; no sadness, no bitterness, his eyes showed no positive or negative emotion. Just plain emptiness, interspersed with the flash of a lamp above the three of you.
“What made you kill Sandy Moriarty, née Lonewood?” Asked a young policeman, also a profiler by profession. “She was your sister-in-law after all.” Your eyelid twitched with slight sadness. Sandy was Louis’ partner; they had been together for over two years. You even had the opportunity to meet her – she had foxy hair and calm eyes, and she was a talented painter. “Moriarty answer to me.” The uniformed man’s voice was low and firm. Unlike your expression: soft, full of despair.
“… Well. I had my own reasons, sir.”
“What reasons?”
“It’s all my business, sir.” Your co-worker just sighed, looking at the accused with a disbelieving expression. His nose wrinkled and the whiskers beneath it twitched slightly.
“Y/N, I’ll be right back. I’ll go get some papers and things. Keep an eye on him.” You only nodded at his words, never taking William out of your sight. His long blond hair fell unruly over his forehead and his chest slowly moved back and forth.
As soon as Alois left the small room, devoid of furniture and color, your hands trembled slightly and your eyes turned to the right wall.
“Who are you protecting, William? Tell me.”
“… For your safety, let it go. It’s not a matter of solving the mystery of who stole the little child’s candy and why. Just accept it all that it just had to be like that and let it go.”
“Why?” You repeated in a slightly more confident voice, and your eyes met the ruby ones.
“I told you this is how it ends.” He whispered. “I’m not from your world, Y/N. And I never will be. You wanted to protect me, I appreciate that, but it won’t always go your way. We’re too different.” He added, and after a while the door to the room let in a bit more cold and light. Your work partner stopped next to you again and threw a few photos and descriptions from the scene on the gray table, pursing his lips at the same time.
The photographs showed the silhouette of a woman in a beautiful yellow dress, with a large smear of scarlet blood and several bullets around her.
Whatever your intentions were, you certainly wouldn’t be able to help William anymore, who in your eyes at that moment was just a murderer hiding behind a mask of a calm smile and pale skin. Although your heart was obviously burning like a hot coal, you couldn’t do anything more than look at the photos and move one of them closer to the blonde male.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 months
hello julia :) are you alright? hope you're doing okay!
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hiii, hello :) i’m fine. i’m planning to come back to writing, to tumblr app. the last few months have been quite hard for me; i was working (then i lost my job), i had a lot of exams at uni for the last month, also i was often sick (i have weak immunity and iron deficiency)
i’m so sorry if i disappointed you all, especially those who sent me requests. i will write them slowly!
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Hello! May i request 11 with Dazai and Chuuya (she/her pronouns please)
# tags: scenario; friendship; a bit of fluff; but also kind of drama and angst; love triangle; one sided love; friendzoned; study!au; reader has no idea; sfw
includes: female reader ft. osamu dazai & chuuya nakahara {bsd}
author’s note: nooo :( poor chuuya and dazai :(((
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11. “I– I like both of you…”
Chuuya – even though he didn’t have to – picked you up from your university every day, feeling obliged to make sure you returned safely to your small, two-room flat near the city center. You were studying and in your third year in your chosen field; you were also in the process of writing a thesis that would be the culmination of your whole work. Your close friend was really caring, although you tried to explain to him that you didn’t need a bodyguard at all.
But then the thought popped into your head that Chuuya was doing this on purpose to invite himself to your apartment for dinner, and while it wasn’t entirely true in the young man’s eyes, that was how you tried to explain it, giggling to yourself.
Very often, halfway or at the end, right next to the entrance to your tenement house, Osamu was waiting for you, smiling from ear to ear – your second dear friend and at the same time your former-but-regular-customer who often left you tips when you were working in a cafe as a cashier. Even though his tips were never huge, talking to him and his friendly expression always brightened your mood, even on the gloomiest and rainiest of days.
You met a red-haired man with a hat on his head one night when you were returning from a meeting with your friends from university; you drank one beer with raspberry juice and walked home late at night – on the way to the tenement house, you accidentally bumped into an older and incredibly aggressive man who immediately raised his voice at you, insulting you and ridiculing your way of being. Paralyzed, you didn’t know what to do: apologize, run away, answer rudely that he wasn’t looking ahead...? But instead, you slowly stepped back, and as he tried to grab your wrist, he was immediately pushed back, and your body was covered by the shadow of a young boy with long, fox-like hair. Your rescuer introduced himself to you by his full name and then offered to walk you home. You hesitantly agreed to this, and perhaps this moment caused Chuuya to this day to be very worried about you and your night returns – first from work during the summer, and then from university.
“... Dazai.” Your companion muttered, and the taller man just chuckled.
“Hello, Y/N.” As befits a gentleman, your other male friend took your hand in his much warmer one and then placed a short, yet tender kiss on your skin. You greeted the twenty-two-year-old, inviting him over for tea. It was just the perfect time to sit at the table, eat some sweets and drink something warm, especially since the weather outside was looking more and more like real autumn.
While climbing the stairs and opening the bright door to your place, the two men behind your back kept teasing each other with glances and gestures.
Neither Osamu, whom you charmed during your first meeting in the cafe when you painted a tiny daisy on his coffee, nor Chuuya, who you thanked for saving – probably – your life and gave him a charming paper bag full of handmade and decorated cookies, didn’t like sharing you with each other.
They both thought that your relation was much stronger and more honest than the other one – after all with Chuuya you talked about studies, cooking, wine and music. With him that you occasionally went out for a drink or to the club, had fun on the dance floor and then took a taxi back to your or his apartment, laughing a lot. However, the brown-haired detective had a different opinion. Maybe because with Osamu you had amazing adventures when he took you to the shooting range and when he helped you decorate your smol nest, while having an incredible understanding of colors and types of wood?
With one you felt incredibly safe, while the other was your cure for every, even the smallest, mental ailment. You had known each other for over two years and at that moment you really couldn’t imagine your life without this crazy boy who got drunk very quickly, or without this idiot who constantly said something about suicide and his other friends.
Seeing them with ‘their’ cups in their hands and hearing their compliments on the cupcakes you baked the day before made you feel really happy. So you quickly got up from the table and excused yourself for a moment, going to the second, very tiny room, which only contained your bed and a tiny nightstand with a lamp.
In the drawer there were two tiny packages. You grabbed them in your hands and returned to the two men who were looking at each other with hostility in their eyes.
“Umm…” You hesitantly walked towards them, holding out both of your hands. The blue bundle went to the taller man, and the green one to the slightly shorter one. “You know perfectly well how much you mean to me.” You started more confidently, trying to smile softly. “I– I like both of you…” You breathed a sigh of relief as you said the words, then blinked your eyes, trying not to get emotional. “You are equally valuable to me, although I have a slightly different relation with each of you and we support each other in completely different ways. It’s just a little thing in gratitude for everything you have done and are doing for me. Both of you. As my best friends.”
In a way, both Osamu and Chuuya were extremely happy knowing that they were so damn important to you, and the key chains in the little boxes only made them more confident of what an amazing girl, friend, soulmate you were to them. One showed an adorable, gray octopus with a huge smile and round eyes, while the other showed a chick with yellow plumage and a laughing expression. This gift really gave them a lot of joy.
On the other hand, calling them ‘friends’ and putting them on equal terms was very insulting to them. Because they were both in love with you, they couldn’t stand the thought that you would never look at them as anything other than colleagues, acquaintances or buddies. Chuuya wanted to drink wine with you on your anniversaries and other important dates, while Dazai wanted to take your hand and steal a kiss on your lips, not on the skin of your fingers.
Nevertheless, they thanked you for the gifts, and you accepted their thanks with a smile, repeating once again that they were really important to you and you were really happy that your fates were connected.
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Hello, is the person with two fishes in your profile (?) the god named yato from noragami?
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hi! yes! :)
my theme is made by glenthemes (on tumblr)
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
:) you already know 😅 could you do prompt 50 with Kaneki or Urie with fem reader? Thank you, love! Your writing is always magnificent and can’t wait to read this one!
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; also fluff (kaneki deserve it!); kid!fic, family!au; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, on the sofa, kaneki wants another baby (breeding), unprotected sex, lactation, sloppy kisses, body worship, bites, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ken kaneki {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hii! i wrote about urie for you, so i chose kaneki this time :) i hope you find the plot and tags interesting and you enjoy it. i am also sorry you waited so long :(
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50. “S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when in the tiny bedroom with two cute beds you could only hear faint snoring and calm breathing. Your (almost) two-year-old daughter had her eyes closed in a white cradle with a pacifier in her mouth, and your five-year-old son was sleeping peacefully in a small bed, cuddled up to his beloved mascot in the shape of a yellow tiger. At the same moment, the very pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee reached your nostrils, so you just kissed your children on their smol foreheads and then left the room, closing the wooden door behind you. After a while, you returned to the kitchen where your husband was waiting for you.
In his hands there was a black mug with the image of a white cat, and next to his person, on the counter, there was a white mug with the image of the same animal. With a smile, you thanked him for the life-giving caffeine, and a moment later you felt a light kiss on your left cheek. Leaning against the counter, you started a conversation with Ken about light-hearted topics, and somewhere between the first sip of the hot drink and drinking it to the last drop, you moved to the living room, wanting to turn on a movie from the plan to watch list on Netflix app. It was a simple horror movie with a predictable plot and comedy elements. However, the horror faded into the background the moment you started talking again; about your husband’s friend’s birthday party, about household chores, about wanting to go to the mountains, about Ken’s job... There were quite a lot of topics, and the quiet evening and the presence of a few lights hanging on the curtain rod added a pleasant atmosphere between the two of you.
You haven’t had an evening to yourself for a long time; you were busy raising your children and taking care of the house and your husband working hard and earning money for the four of you. Plus, there were many other, unforeseen situations that were often full of emotions, stress, happiness, or great physical and mental effort.
That’s why you needed each other more than usual on this particular night.
The light kiss you received from your partner was full of tenderness and longing. His cool hands touched your waist at one point, and you smiled because of caress, almost melting between the blond man’s fingers.
“... Aren’t you tired, butterfly?” He asked with a slightly raised eyebrow, wanting to respect your possible tiredness and desire to watch the movie to the very end. But you shook your head, giving him a quick smootch on the cheek. Ken took that as an answer and then moved slightly closer to you, while settling your body on the spread out sofa, full of soft pillows and beige blankets. His kisses changed their position in a short moment and now, instead of your lips, his teeth were lightly biting the skin of your neck. A few long seconds later, with his right hand, he pushed aside the nightgown you were wearing and also kissed your breasts, which were still very swollen from feeding the younger child with your own milk. “You’re very beautiful, you know, love?”
Your both cheeks immediately turned red and your eyes sparkled a bit as you felt your panties being slowly pulled down. The long blue fabric stayed in it’s place, as did your husband’s pajama top. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a rather large bulge in Ken’s boxers, but you didn’t comment on it in any way. Too busy touching his body under the material of his clothes, you almost forgot about the condom you kept in several strategic places around the house. So you wanted to reach into the small, mahogany hiding place in the armrest, but your beloved grabbed your hand between his long fingers.
“Maybe you want to have sex without it?” He asked a little uncertainly and a little with hope in his voice; he also couldn’t hide the smile that involuntarily appeared on his lips.
“... Why?”
“Hmm. Wouldn’t you like another child?” He asked, pressing his cock harder against your damp pussy, and you bit your lip, feeling your body heat up even more. “You look very pretty when you’re pregnant, baby.” He added in a light whisper, nibbling on your left ear.
“Oh. Really?” You laughed, and then after a moment of thought, you nodded, retracting your hand and intertwining your fingers with your husband’s.
In a short moment of a few more kisses and sincere compliments about your future pregnancy, you could finally start enjoying your husband’s cock, perfectly fitted to your body, which was entering your wet as fuck pussy with the greatest gentleness. Young man touched specific parts of your body and face every now and then. He adored your breasts, your hips, your neck decorated with several red marks, as well as your deep eyes and lips swollen from pecks.
“Maybe this time we can have twins, huh?” He asked quietly, rolling up your shirt and pinching one of your nipples, and when some of the white fluid came out, he almost ejaculated right inside your hole, thinking about how good you would look with a big tummy and then with another two newborns. “What do you think, Y/N?”
“Mhm… Maybe.” You hummed, your eyes squeezed tightly shut. His fingers wandered through your partner’s soft hair and back, and he held your hips tightly as he bounced against your body. The tip of his cock touching the back of your uterus. You imagined your family growing even bigger and you almost groaned out loud.
However, instead of making any sound between your lips, you heard a slight creaking of the panels in the living room and you opened your eyes at once, looking towards the noise almost inaudible to the human ear.
“S-Stop. Someone is looking at us.” You whispered, your voice hoarse, and then you raised yourself slightly on your elbows, smiling at the five-year-old who was rubbing his eyes with his fists. “W-What happened, Kenji?” You asked your little boy, almost throwing off your husband, who quickly hid under the fabric of the blanket, and you invited the child closer to you.
“...I had a nightmare, mommy.”
“Oh, a bad nightmare? Well then, why don’t you stay here with us and we can talk about something pleasant?” You asked quietly as your son sat down next to you. The boy nodded tiredly and then snuggled closer to you.
You were embarrassed, but with full professionalism, you told a child’s story about dinosaurs and treasure hunting, every now and then sending a glance to your husband who didn’t even know how to react to the situation.
You two will definitely finish what you started, but first you had to take care of your duckling, who – in a short while – will fall asleep.
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Is the event still open?
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hi :) ‘quote prompts special’ lasted until the end of august 2023; i am currently writing prompts from this event.
i am not accepting any new requests for now. but when i re-open the askbox, i will gladly accept new suggestions.
p.s. questions are always welcome!
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Nsfw 41 for ango from BSD for fem reader
Maybe their married idk
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; hot romance; smut; ango as a workaholic; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual acitivities, oral sex (female receives), fingering, desk sex, kisses everywhere, squirting, no condom, creampie, a bit of dirty talk, pet names
includes: female reader ft. ango sakaguchi {bsd}
authos’s note: i am sorry you waited so long, but i started working in mid-august, and i am also on an internship and i just don’t have much free time to write stories :(
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41. “Of course. I am yours. Only yours.”
It was a quiet afternoon; September was a transitional month between warm summer and rainy and windy autumn, so today was a sunny day, and at the same time a gentle rain had been falling since the morning, which watered the plants in a natural way and also was a nightmare for women who had washed the windows or hung up the laundry at balcony the previous day.
However, you were proudly walking in the middle of the sidewalk with an dark blue umbrella in your hand. On the way, you only stopped at a bakery for two oatmeal cookies with dark chocolate, and then you got to the well-known building without any major problems. In this huge place, guarded by two security guards, your husband, Ango, worked. You had known each other for over a dozen years, and you met at university, when you chose the same field of study. At the beginning, your acquaintance was based on quick ‘Hellos’ and ‘Goodbyes’, but during one integration trip you became a little closer to each other and at the same time became friends. Then, during your second year of studies, you became a lovely couple and a few months after writing your diploma theses, he proposed to you. Your relationship was textbook and problem-free, and your arguments consisted of very domestic things like: taking out the trash, dirty dishes in the sink, and hair in the bathtub drain.
Everyone at Ango’s work knew you well, so they greeted you with a smile and a slight nod of the head. The woman behind the reception window didn’t even have to ask for your name or last name, she only nodded, saying that your husband was in his office and filling out the documents that had recently been delivered to him. You thanked her and wished her a peaceful afternoon – since it was almost 5 p.m. – and then headed to the right floor and then to a room you knew well. You knocked three times as was your custom and then went inside.
When Ango saw you, he merely tocuhed his glasses with a slight smirk, inviting you to sit right on his lap. You hadn’t really seen each other since last night, as your partner got up quite early and after a quick see you later kiss (while you were still asleep), left your cozy apartment twenty minutes from downtown.
“... I brought you a cookie, honey.” You giggled gently, placing the paper bag on the wooden desk right next to the stack of large books, papers and the black monitor.
“Thank you.” He replied, his soft smile was still visible. “How was your day, love?” And this simple question consumed you for the next half hour.
{ ・゚✧ }
At some point, between eating a delicious cookie and drinking a cup of tea from the coffee machine under the window, and a short conversation on the phone with Hana – the woman from the ground floor, from the reception desk – that everyone had already left the office, you were seated on hard, slightly too cold wood, and your bare buttocks slid across its surface, soaking it from time to time.
Your husband’s tongue brought you to the brink of orgasm without any problem, and his hands gripped the skin of your thighs and calves. From time to time you felt his fingers pushing against your hot walls, and soft moans escaped your lips, muffled by your own hand. A feeling of uncertainty and at the same time excitement and joy bubbled in your mind and heart. At some point, your orgasm was so close that you tightened your legs around your husband’s neck, apologizing to him after a while.
Your pussy was throbbing, and although oral sex was an amazing alternative to regular one, at that moment you wanted nothing more than to have your beloved, long-term partner’s cock fill you to the very back of your uterus and fill you with cum until the last drop. At that thought, a few trickles of your juice wet Ango’s two fingers and his chin again.
“...Tell me what you want.” He said from between your legs and you just tilted your head back, biting your bottom lip between your teeth. “What’s going through your pretty head?”
“Ango…” You muttered, breathing raggedly. “Please stop. Enough of this. Just fuck me already.” The desperation in your voice was palpable and visiable. The dark-haired man only raised the right corner of his mouth. “Please...”
“You’re mine, right?” He raised an eyebrow slightly and you immediately nodded. Perhaps too fast and too chaotic, which could look comical from a third-person perspective.
“Of course. I am yours. Only yours.” You assured the twenty-five-year-old, and he smiled more clearly. “Ango, please. Baby.”
A few moments passed, too long for you, before your husband lifted his body and then rested both of his hands on the sides of your buttocks. He leaned down slightly to kiss your lips, swollen from biting, and you moaned once again that evening, feeling not only the taste of coffee without sugar and milk, but also yourself. Your hands immediately tangled in the unnaturally soft hair and your thighs tightened around the man’s waist. You felt his erection against your pussy and you almost died when his right hand cupped one of your breasts. Your bra was far away from you, as were your pants and lace panties. Ango was still in his clothes, although his belt was loose and his shirt had lost its white buttons.
“Make love with me.” You said shyly. Your voice was like a small cat begging for some attention. Your husband just chuckled under his breath, kissing you once again on the lips and then on the forehead before sliding his pants down to his ankles along with his black boxers. His cock glistened with precum, making your pupils big. “Ango...”
He ran the wet tip of his dick over your entrance a few times and you almost screamed at how much he was tormenting and toying with you. It only took a moment for you to melt between his fingers, but luckily after three seconds his cock entered you without any problem. You never needed lube, the overwhelming arousal gave you enough lubrication.
The room became stuffy as your breaths mixed together and your bodies hit each other, causing the desk to creak. You felt your pussy pulsating from the inside and your clit slapping against his pubic mound. Your husband’s cock was fucking you as good as ever, and the fact that you were having sex at his place of work added a strange but interesting edge to it all. Everything around seemed exciting.
A few moans, gasps and grunts later, the desk was getting wetter and wetter, your juices dripping onto the wooden floor, slightly lighter than the furniture. Your teeth bit into the skin of your husband’s neck while he tightened his grip on your waist, ass and thighs, sometimes your neck and hair as well, although he wasn't a fan of pulling them. He hit your g-spot with the greatest precision and didn't spare you a few hickeys, which after a few minutes proudly decorated your breasts and cleavage.
When you felt the distinct slap, you squirted like clockwork, making your pussy tighten even more on your man’s cock. He let out a long growl and then rested his forehead against yours – they were both sweaty and red, just like the rest of your faces: ears, nose, cheeks. He moved inside you a few more times, causing a few drops of cum to fall onto the wood between his legs, and then he sighed, tired.
“... We have to clean up.”
“Yes. We have to.”
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
12 fluff promt for uta plz
# tags: scenario; current relationship; soulmate!au (tattoos); light romance; fluff; couple goals; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. uta {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hope u like it :) have a nice day/night!
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12. “But we are not married.” “Then marry me.”
Punk music played at medium volume and spread throughout the building, and you jiggled your right foot to it while keeping your both eyes on the colorful magazine in your hands. From time to time you also glanced at your boyfriend, Uta, who was a few meters away from you, tattooing another client who wanted a huge red dragon across the entire width and length of his back. His concentration was really intriguing, and not even your warm gaze could snap him out of trance.
That’s why, after a few tries, you focused entirely on the thick periodical, reading about the biggest fashion bloopers of this month and dozens of romances in the world of showbiz stars.
{ ・゚✧ }
After another three hours, Uta finished part of the tattoo and thanked his male client for staying in the uncomfortable position for that time. Together with a middle-aged man who had a black beard and dark eyes, they agreed on the last meeting, and thus the last part of the beautiful painting that was to appear on the right shoulder blade. They shook hands, wished each other a nice evening, and then Uta closed the front door to his small tattoo studio, which he had been running for years on his own with no other employees. He turned off all the lights, then returned to a room decorated with a tattoo table, several cabinets, special equipment and a trash bin.
There was also a small, dirty-green leather couch and a table with a glass surface. There was you on the sofa, clutching a magazine in your hands, though your eyes were squeezed tight and your mouth slightly open. The calm face and light movements of the chest spoke loudly about the fact that somewhere in the middle of Uta’s work you fell asleep, and the only thing that appeared in your sleepy thoughts was the desire to drink a cup of coffee without milk and sugar.
For a brief moment, Uta didn’t have the heart to wake you up because he knew your life had been quite stressful in recent days and you had a lot of responsibilities in your private life, but at the same time, he didn’t want your head to hurt after this short nap, or worse, your back and neck.
Before waking you up, however, he glanced at one of the hands that was touching the paper and smiled at the small tattoo adorning your little finger. The drawing showed a full moon; light streaks and lines were made with the utmost precision – the tattoo looked like a real moon that can be found in the sky. After briefly glancing at your finger, he looked automatically at his own left hand and the left corner of his mouth twitched. On his pinky there was a drawing of the same size – the only difference was that there was a tiny sun on his pale skin.
He sighed though, touching your soft cheek covered with gold highlighter.
“... Mgmhm...” You muttered something unintelligible under your breath, which made the man laugh again. “Uta... It’s your turn to... Y-You have to take our kids to school... Mhm...” You said a little more clearly, though your voice was still quiet, muffled by yawns and the desire to stay asleep. It was, after all, close to eleven in the evening.
“Kids?” He raised an eyebrow and the silver earring a bit up. “But we are not married.” He added directly into your ear, and you wiggled your nose, keeping your eyes shut.
“Then marry me.”
Surely you dreamed something nice – there was a slight smile and a huge blush on your face. Uta gave up and decided not to wake you up. Instead, he lifted your body off the couch with no problem. He had placed the magazine on a glass table a moment earlier, next to a small candlestick and a vase of dead roses.
You were already soulmates, and that meant the bonds of marriage. Nevertheless, the vision of you two with a bunch of children and then grandchildren, although too beautiful, did not have to be unattainable.
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pillow-anime-talk · 9 months
Hello! For your event can i request 45. “Should I fuck you? So beg for it.” with Haruomi Shingu? Thank you very much!
# tags: scenario; kinda friends with benefits; roommates!au; hot romance; smut; pwp; adult!reader; but still age-gap (10 years); nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual acitivities, from dry humping to lazy sex, sex on the couch, sloppy kisses, hips gripping, kinda daddy kink
includes: gender neutral reader ft. haruomi shingu {paradox live; buraikan}
author’s note: he is so fine...
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45. “Should I fuck you? So beg for it.”
It was the most ordinary Friday in the world, and there was nothing to indicate that you were doing anything more that day than making yourself warm dinner, cleaning your bedroom and turning on the latest Netflix series, which premiered since March last year. You recently came back from work, your back hurt and all you wanted was a hot bubble bath, a glass of sweet wine and some peace in the presence of cherry candles. However, plans changed as quickly as the weather outside the window; suddenly the clear blue sky was covered with dark clouds and Japan was covered with torrential rain.
“Should I fuck you? So beg for it.”
That’s the change of plans I was talking about.
Instead of lying under a blanket and eating buttered popcorn, your ruddy face and large pupils were focused on Haruomi, who had come home from his restaurant. His strong, large hands held your hips tightly, and you moved your body, rubbing against the swollen cock hidden under the fabric of black very tight pants, decorated with a belt with silver elements.
You and the man lived together for several years – your presence did not bother the other person, you often passed each other in the corridor or in the kitchen, being from completely different worlds. He worked in a small Chinese bar, which he founded himself, and by the way he had a great musical talent. You focused on developing your career as an employee in an international company as an HR manager, and by the way you had a knack for learning languages. You were complete opposites: you were organized, had natural sleeping and eating habits, while the ten years older man suffered from insomnia and, despite running a restaurant, ate small portions and often drank energy drinks or coffee, and disliked basic household chores. Nevertheless, you got along like old friends without much commitment to each other.
Because of your jobs and way of life too, you both were quite extreme about relationships, marriage, and dating. So you entered into an innocent idea that consisted of an occasional dinner together and an occasional quickie to ease the stress on your souls and forgot about your responsibilities.
“Just fuck me, I know you want it. You can’t stop your body from responding to me.” You replied with a slight smile, pressing harder on his cock, which all he wanted was to free himself from the tight clothes. The dark haired man just rolled his eyes, squeezing the skin on your hips once again. The black T-shirt covering your chest was definitely very unnecessary. So he quickly got rid of it and then changed your position – this time you were on the couch, causing your back to touch the dark, slightly hard surface. “Please.” You gave in, purring low and looking at him with a smol twinkle in your eye. Haruomi only unbuttoned his pants, and after a short second he untied the bow made of a thin string. Your sweatpants have been slightly slid down.
From inside his wallet, which was always in the back pocket of his pants, the man took out a gold-wrapped condom, which he immediately put on his manhood. You immediately wet the underwear that was still on your hips. So you decided to speed up the process of getting ready for sex and took off your comfortable tracksuits and greenish lace panties, dropping them to the dark wooden floor.
“I’m tired and you only think about yourself.” He said in a bored voice. After a short while, he was over your body, tapping the head of his cock against your private parts. You giggled contentedly. “It’s not fun. You work eight hours per day, and I work from the time I wake up until I go to bed.” He rolled his eyes.
You lifted your hips slightly, letting him know you wanted more than stupid talk, and he sighed under his breath.
“... Don’t be so strict, daddy.” You said half jokingly, half seriously. The twinkle in his eye was far too visible. And that was quite motivating.
Haruomi spat on his hand, smearing latex with his own saliva, and then entered you in one quick move. You moaned in pleasure at the feeling of the pleasant pushing against your walls, then wrapped your legs around him.
The light movements of the hips in the next few seconds became much stronger, more measured, definitely deeper. You were in seventh heaven; a hard week at work, recent projects, home chores, meetings with friends and lack of time for yourself was finally rewarded with a moment of pleasure, sloppy kisses full of groans and pleasure touching both the top of your head and all your toes. Your breaths mixed with each other, and your hands automatically tightened on his thin shoulders and soft hair.
“... Don’t stop, please.” You asked softly while your eyelids were squeezed shut. Waves of impending orgasm pounded against your G-spot, against your thoughts. Haruomi buried his face in the crook of your neck, kissing it lightly and biting it from time to time. Despite fatigue, reluctance to live and a huge desire to close his eyes he was also in huge pleasure – it was perfectly visible.
He hasn’t had a partner for years, and his only distraction from work and meetings with his only friend – Chisei – was you. Your sex was pure pleasure, there was no feeling or love in it.
You both just needed the occasional moment of elation, blissful orgasm, and just the feeling of warmth spreading through your bodies.
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
17. “The princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” with Iori Suiseki from paradox live please?
# tags: scenario; current relationship; light romance; fluff; couple goals; soft!iori; adult!reader; mention of working in a restaurant; kisses; pet names; sfw
includes: female reader ft. iori suiseki {paradox live; akanyatsura}
author’s note: ooo! thank you!
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17. “The princess shouldn’t wait, you know?”
It was definitely one of the warmest and at the same time one of the windiest days of August this year. You just finished your morning shift at the restaurant – you were working as a waitress in one of the smaller but very popular sushi bars in the city center. You liked your job, and your co-workers and bosses were really great people; they were helpful, the atmosphere between you was very family and the whole team was so well-coordinated that you often met privately, e.g. as part of one of your birthdays or even during the wedding of another waitress working with you on shift.
However, you were not currently near your workplace, quite the opposite. You took the subway a little bit of the city to get to the club that your partner, Iori, owned. It was lunch time and you wanted to take your loved one for a quick meal and then go home and fulfill your duties, e.g. cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, and then preparing supper for the two of you (you’ve been living together for almost a year and it was a really good decision that strengthened your relationship and love a lot). Iori will certainly stay after hours at his job, which is why a late dinner together was your daily must-have.
The wind started to blow a little stronger. You almost wished you’d brought a thin sweater or a lightweight hoodie today to numb the visible shivers down your both arms.
So you quickly took out your phone with a colorful case on it, searching for your boyfriend’s number with his nickname and a cute red heart emoji.
you; do you want to go to dinner with me? i'd love to eat korean bbq and tofu ramen...
You waited impatiently for a message from your boyfriend, but instead the dark-haired called you. You quickly answered the call, greeting him in a light tone of voice.
“... Honey, you should have texted me earlier that you were coming. I’ll try to be there as soon as possible, because I’m not at work at the moment. I went with the managers to one of the advertising companies... I’ll be there in less than half an hour, okay?” His voice was worried and a bit sad. He didn’t like to let you down, but lets be honest, it wasn’t his fault. You knew that and you didn’t blame him.
But still, you enjoyed teasing him.
“The princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” You said in a serious tone, holding back a laugh. You barely made it.
“But... baby...”
“Just kidding, Iori. I’ll wait for you at the pub and order us some food. Everything will be ready when you arrive. Sounds good? Don’t worry about it, really, it’s my fault that I didn’t tell you about my plans.”
“I should have written that I was going on business.” He admitted. “Zen should be in the building. Find him and ask him to drive you to this restaurant. You won’t be waiting for the bus... It looks like it’s going to rain soon. I don’t want you to get sick, my love.”
A slight smile appeared on your lips.
Korean BBQ is one thing and you really want some fried noodles, mushrooms and sweet corn, but the love your dearest partner gave you was definitely worth the wait and even better than a hot meal accompanied by music, the smell of tons of sweets and cool soda.
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
Prompt 12. "But we are not married." "Then marry me." With long hair Nate River, I know it’s sfw but could it be more suggestive. Along with feminine pronouns, also congrats ! You deserve it
# tags: scenario; current (long distance) relationship; college!au; kira case; longing kiss; touching; being alone and sad; sfw/suggestive
includes: female reader ft. nate river {death note}
author’s note: thank you!! hope u like it ♡
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12. “But we are not married.” “Then marry me.”
Last year was so hard for you; not just for your health, but also for your relationship with Nate, who handled Kira’s case and was alone after the death of his mentor and also friends.
The passing days and nights in the cozy apartment were only torment for you and the desire to return to your partner; however, you knew that at that moment you couldn’t go back to your beloved who was trying to find the best way to defeat Light and other enemies.
You did not communicate by phone, e-mail or even by letter. The last year was one deaf silence that resulted in sleepless nights and sad looks at joyful couples who held hands with a smile. Nevertheless, you did not give up, bravely finishing high school and going to college.
You watched television with noticeable interest and read many information on websites, because only there you could read a bit more about the famous scandal related to the heart attacks of prisoners and criminals, as well as the great fight of the two sides of the conflict. You knew why Nate left you for those twelve months, and you appreciated that he put you above himself; forbade you from contacting him, forbade you to search for his name and ask about him... And all this to protect you and your life, as well as your loved ones (family, friends, pets, co-workers, etc.). So you promised him that you would wait for eternity, and if anything happened to him, you knew you’d get a message from last living member of the ‘Special Provision for Kira’.
Fortunately, in all these weeks you have not received even the smallest confirmation that something bad happened to your lover. On the contrary – the long-awaited day finally arrived and one night you heard a loud knock on the door. For a moment, you suspected it was one of your friends from college, but seeing a very familiar, though much more masculine face, you almost fainted, instantly got so emotional; your cheeks got wet and your nose slightly red.
You could barely pronounce your boyfriend’s name as he stood in the doorway with a tiny smile and tired eyes. Two days ago he defeated Light, and today he was already in your apartment, which he bought especially for you. Even though he didn’t look like it, he was happy like never before.
“... Nate.” You whispered, touching his pale face shyly. You didn’t see any scars, bruises or other suspicious wounds. His face was as smooth as you remembered it, and you almost groaned at the sight of his smirk and warm eyes. “It’s you.” you added. “You are here, Nate.”
“I’m home.” He answered quite audibly, and you hugged him tightly, inhaling the familiar scent and enjoying the pleasant warmth of his whole body. Skinny arms wrapped around your waist.
The two of you stood in a motionless hug for a moment, but after a few minutes a fair-haired young man entered the flat, closing the oak door with a lightly too loud slam. Literally a second later, you felt a delicate (though long) kiss on your own lips, which tasted of children’s love, great longing, apologies, new promises, lots of joy, a handful of sadness, full of emotions.
“Let’s go somewhere. Somewhere far away to celebrate our reunion... I hear that Hawaii is the perfect country for a honeymoon and a multi-day getaway.” He whispered, resting his forehead against yours and you frowned a bit.
“...Honeymoon?” You repeated, wondering if you heard his calm words correctly. “But we are not married.”
“Then marry me.” He replied by kissing your soft lips again – slightly bitten and scarred from constant stress. Your legs almost automatically made their way to the sofa in the living room connected to the kitchen.
This year has been a tough one and you had to enjoy yourself again and make up for lost time.
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
hi, can i request nsfw 42 + Mycroft Holmes from Moriarty The Patriot with brat/slutty reader
# tags: scenario; one night stand; hot romance; strip club; stripper!reader; bratty!reader; nsfw
warnings: mention of sexual acitivities, size kink, a bit of dry humping, erotic dance, commands, just touching, no panties, ass gripping, slutty names
includes: gender neutral reader ft. mycroft holmes {mtp}
music inspiration {click}
author’s note: i liked my own idea and the character of mycroft in it, so i hope you like what i wrote too :) have a nice time!
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42. “… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
You encircled the metal pipe twice, then wrapped your left leg around it and tightened your grip on its cold surface, all the time looking at your regular customer – Mycroft. His huge and breathtaking posture occupied the entire soft burnt red armchair, and his face was directed at your naked body from the beginning of your strip dance. He carefully watched your agile legs, waist, neck adorned with a gold necklace, as well as glossy red lips and cunning eyes with a long line of black eyeliner.
He came here to see you twice a week: always on Tuesday at ten o’clock in the evening, and every Saturday shortly after midnight.
“… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” You pushed your hair back, giggling a little. “... As always.”
“Let’s just meet after your working hours.” He grunted with satisfaction, taking a sip of whiskey with an ice cube, and you just smirked, shaking your head in disapproval.
“I don’t sleep with my clients, you know that. I play with them, tease them; you can look at me and touch my body, but nothing else, pretty boy.” You said in an amused, slightly playful tone of voice, pressing the chest against the smooth long stick. Your make-up reflected the lights of purple and gold lamps beautifully, and your skin was smooth and juicy like never before. You were sexy, attractive and talented (not just in dancing, of course). “Should I do more or just dance next to this pipe? Have you come to confess your nasty sins to God and drink some alcohol or what?” You asked after a short while, touching the metal with your musculed back at the same time. Your high heels tapped loudly on the dark wooden floor, and the man set the glass down on the table next to the chair.
“Come here.”
“As I thought.” You responded by smacking your lips and then slowly walked over to the man, placing your hands on both of his knees. Your chest immediately caught his eye. The necklace reflected the light from the small lamp next to the two of you, and you crouched down, wiggling your ass. However, you quickly lifted your body, standing over one of your client’s legs and sat on it with a confident movement. Your bare skin touched the cool material of Mycroft’s black pants, and you smiled in his direction. “Touch me, I know you want to.”
Both large hands touched your waist, then moved to your bare buttocks, squeezing them. The grip was so strong that you moaned slightly under your breath, biting your lower lip with your teeth. For sure, after this night, red marks will be visible on your skin. That wasn’t a problem though.
“You’re my favorite cumslut... So disappointing that you don’t want to meet me for free. You know I’d please you very well.” He grunted, obviously dissatisfied, and you only moved your hips, rubbing against the man’s soft pants. The pleasant friction caused a slight wave of pleasure in you.
“Meeting outside of my job would certainly be more expensive than a private car. You wouldn’t have paid off until your future grandchildren died.” You leaned to him and whispered the sentence into his ear, licking it lightly with the tip of your hot tongue.
“One day you will succumb to me, bitch.” He responded by squeezing your ass once again and you lifted the corner of your mouth up.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” You replied, catching his massive bulge in his boxers with your right hand.
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