plasma-sky · 4 days
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OH UM. Sooooo I may have an X-Naut OC... this is Cocoa please be nice to her
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plasma-sky · 6 days
Finally got around to making an official reference sheet for Lumin!
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I’m so happy with the improvement over the original picture. Aaaaaa!!
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plasma-sky · 6 days
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Reblog if you are less advanced than a jumping spider
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plasma-sky · 8 days
Honestly I feel that. Inlines are so tough. Maybe I’m just weak but it kills my shins. Hahaha-
3 is real actually!
So I worked at a doughnut shop, brand withheld, and they had a problem with bees coming around the shop all the time. They’d get inside often, looking for the sugar. Everybody likes glaze. Even bug. They had talked about getting an exterminator. (Which honestly felt rude. Just relocate them, cowards. There are local beekeepers. Call one you guys.)
But as far as we were told they couldn’t do anything about it because the hive was off property. Whether that’s true or not was above my pay grade but I didn’t really care anyway because the bees were better than the job. >:)
Anyway, bees got in the shop all the time. And since nobody wanted to deal with bugs, they’d always have me handle them because they knew I liked them. I did not realize how much personality bees had until working that job. I did a lot of busy work in the back instead of dealing with people. And I would often times be covered in or holding bees while working. I feel like an inspector prooobably would’ve had something to say about bees in the shop if they ever saw it. Buuuut. Never saw one in all my time so heck them I got bees.
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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plasma-sky · 8 days
1. It’s perfectly believable. But I feel like the other two are even more so? Aaa I dunno.
1. I like to voice act as a hobby but never post it here. I’m a little out of practice and embarrassed.
2. I hopped on the wrong train once and wound up in the next city over. It made for a fun day all things considered.
3. I used to work in a bakery that had a beehive just off their property they couldn’t do anything about so I got to hold and handle bees daily when they’d find their way over. Easily the highlight of the job.
Tagging: Anybody that wants to do it!! ^u^ Have fun!
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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plasma-sky · 8 days
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JET SET RADIOOOOOOO. I hope the JSR community here is big
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plasma-sky · 9 days
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lord crump came along for pose practice
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plasma-sky · 9 days
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Hey @onenicebugperday, what is this jumping spider? It has black and white stripes like a zebra, I am just curious on what it is :)
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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jsrf 2001 prototype is truly inspirational
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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mr. haniwa, salaryman
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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Flattie spider, Selenops radiatus, Selenopidae
Photographed in Spain by marcdomenech
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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Bonus Swedish version!
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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happy gay month guys (i think i’ve lost it)
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plasma-sky · 10 days
Plasma don’t associate characters with electro swing challenge
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plasma-sky · 10 days
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erm, what the pride ?!
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plasma-sky · 11 days
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plasma-sky · 12 days
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requested by @swiftthecardinal
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