poiiuuiuu · 2 years
Various theories laid out arguments to explain the emergence of language. The animal sound theory claims that language was acquired by man through the vocal sounds that animals make. This theory seems logical since primates’ vocal noises can somehow develop meanings. On the other hand, human intelligence theory suggests human intellect led man to discover language. As man evolved, he grows intelligent. This gave him the ability to communicate. Next is the Meme theory. It says man’s ability to mimic enabled him to obtain language. This theory is supported with a claim that aside from man, there are no animals who possess the ability to mimic. Moreover, emergent phenomenon theory argues that man’s evolution enabled him to discover language since it is already existent in the first place. Apart from that, the sign language theory asserts that monkeys are capable of understanding gestures/signs executed by another monkey similarly to humans. Lastly, the Creation theory. According to it, language is created by God. He removed all the barriers that may prevent language from existing.
Such theories inevitably met criticism. Thus, ambiguities were highlighted. For instance, in animal sound theory, scientists believed that animal language is only limited to emotions; however, we humans can convey our ideas. Vocal sounds associated with emotions and those that are meant to share ideas are different. Apart from that, the human intelligence theory fails to explain the connection between intelligence and language. As for the Meme theory, several studies claim that monkeys can imitate actions just as much as humans in contrast with Blackmore’s claim that only humans can mimic. Moreover, the emergent phenomenon theory disregards the complexities of language. Language is systematic and logical for humans to discover it by chance. On the other hand, sign language theory was not able to explain how sounds were added to signs. Along with this is the question of how syntax is formed. Lastly, the Creation theory lacks concrete evidence on how the language emerged.
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
It emphasizes vocabulary and accuracy in grammar. The GTM focuses on reading and writing. Technically, this method aims to help the learners to read and appreciate foreign literature. Hence, activities that will improve the said macro skills are employed.
In link to this, there is limited oral work. The only time the learners get to talk is when they are being asked to answer an objective type of question and tasked to translate a passage. Hence, the learners are given limited opportunities to use the language through an application.
Moreover, GTM also utilizes vocabulary words. Teachers teach the learner vocabulary words through memorization, bilingual word list, and dictionary.
Further, GTM teaches language deductively. The learning begins by presenting and studying the grammar rules. Then, the learners will practice through translation exercises given by the teacher.
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
Making the classroom fun does not necessarily mean that I must blast my students with jokes. Creating a friendly environment for each one of them can make the classroom fun. Approaching them with a warm demeanor, starting discourses to which they can relate, addressing their needs, and supporting them all the way are the things that I would do. Helping them be at ease in class is where the fun begins. After all, a classroom is meant for learning not for creating terrors.
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poiiuuiuu · 2 years
This method method addresses the gaps in the previous learning strategy. In contrast to the GTM, this method utilizes the target language as the medium of instruction. Thus, this (1) provides an opportunity for the learners to communicate using the target language developing their communicative skills. In link to this, this method also focuses on a question-answer pattern. It (2) allows the learners to participate, interact, and answer questions utilizing the target language helping them to handle discourses and conversations. Moreover, unlike the previous teaching method in which the learners are receptive, this method (3) enables actual use of the target language. Furthermore, the direct method uses the inductive approach wherein the students unravel the rules themselves. Thus, (3) promotes critical thinking by evoking the students to analyze and generate rules depending on the information given to them.
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