princessozera · 2 days
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Palestine Sunbird (Cinnyris osea) © levyd
Children's Relief Fund
Care For Gaza
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princessozera · 7 days
Mods are asleep, post pride sosigs.
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princessozera · 13 days
100/ 10 would recommend, Tor's style is stunning and their coloring is 🤌🤌🤌🤌
And let me show off my own commission really quick 😤💖
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(Character on left belongs to tiredcircles on insta!)
hi! i do commissions by the way :3 currently i’m offering busts and full bodies like these!
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princessozera · 13 days
Miss Piggy and The Demons
(Fuck it I’m doing this mini crack fic XD)
The delicate. The beautiful. The angelic and utterly famous superstar Miss Piggy did NOT expect her morning to turn out like this. But…. it wasn’t half bad. At one point she was in hell which was unfortunate. But at another point…. 
Look at all these HOTTIES! 
Before her stood a very handsome man with dark red hair and some sort of red dress. Change out the dress for a nice skin tight pair of black pants and a shirt…. No wait, scrap the shirt. Have him shirtless….
“Welcome to the Devildom…” The HUNK of a man began talking before stopping with a bewildered look on his fine face. 
The other hunk, the one with black hair, looked confused as well. The blonde one with that bowtie began laughing while the other gorgeous blonde, wearing lovely pink nail polish, was also laughing. Miss Piggy had no idea what they were laughing at but she did know they all rightfully were staring at her. She flipped her hair. 
“Excuse me, FINE gentlemen but….what am I doing here?” Miss Piggy asked in her most delicate voice. 
“I’m confused as well. I don’t know why Lucifer brought a pig here.” The barbaric blonde with too much pink said. 
Miss Piggy shot him a dirty look as Lucifer sighed.
“She is technically a resident of the human world….so… I suppose her papers weren’t excluded. She’s still a candidate.” Lucifer said. 
Candidate? They should be honored to be in the presence of someone as beautiful and famous as her! They gave Miss Piggy a run down of what was going on. She was an exchange student from the human world for culture or something blah blah blah. Most of her attention was on Diavolo's lovely eyes…. And his massive chest. How in the world did he get such pecs?!
She had to give a phone call to some bozo with a new phone. D.D.D. Whatever. It was the same thing. 
“Yoooooo.” The stranger on the phone said. 
“Hello? You are speaking with the elegant Miss Piggy.” Miss Piggy responded with all the grace and loveliness of an angel. 
And she got back immediate laughter. Her temper rose as she heard the jerk laughing right at her. Fortunately Lucifer commanded this “Mammon” fellow to get down there. When he finally arrived, he ran up to Miss Piggy and demanded money from her. That was it!
She karate chopped him right in the face and sent him flying. The other demons looked at the scene with eyes wide open in surprise. 
“And it’s MISS Piggy to you! Humph!” 
“Looks like Miss Piggy will be able to handle herself.” Diavolo said with a laugh. 
This would be one interesting year…
(@roseycanvas you asked for this..... XD)
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princessozera · 13 days
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I will elaborate because I finally had the time today. Yes the "burn him at the stake" was still residual from Satan's original valentine card so lets go through a rewrite/ different pov shall we.
Notes before you read: for an insecure MC that also overthinks
Light angst (??? Another middle-of-the-road feel so I'll let you decide)
GN MC (They/Them, 3rd ppov)
No word count bc im mobile.
Had Satan not asked MC about holidays from across the human realm, they would have never noticed that next week was Valentine’s Day. They didn’t care either way for the holiday, and since it wasn’t widely celebrated in the Devildom, they hadn’t planned on doing anything to commemorate the day passing.
However, in these few weeks since getting Satan’s pact, he’s taken a greater interest in all things human. Satan has been spending more time in their room, much to Mammon’s annoyance, and most of their conversations these days revolve around Satan asking MC a ton of questions about the Human ExperienceTM and MC trying not to generalize too broadly. His interest is endearing, and perhaps that’s why MC ended up agreeing to a small gift exchange and hangout with Satan for valentines day.
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" Actually even as a demon-"
MC thinks back to his startling words while they shop for his gift. They hadn't necessarily considered Satan more than a friend before, but his interest was flattering. His excitment had grown on them and made them excited for the exchange, knowing that they'd love whatever he got them. There were so many oddities in the Devildom, what would this little cat bring home?
Maybe there should have been a price limit. But how could MC have expected Satan to hand them an intricately carved box, inlaid with opals and filled to the brim with other jewels? They turn a few in their hand and fight down the urge to feel stupidly inadequate- the leather diary in their bag feeling as heavy and unappealing as a brick in this moment.
There isn't much time to linger in their embarassment- they had to choose one gem fast before Satan assumed they would want all of them and think them greedy. Maybe, had it been someone else, they would have saved the gem for the year then sold it in the human world to pay off a few bills. But this was a gift from someone MC had grown to care about and consider a friend. Anyway, how would they keep it safe from Mammon for a year? What could they even use a gem for, a paper weight? That seems almost as disrespectful as selling it for rent. Something useful... could pure emeralds be used as crystal balls?
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And just like that, MC is hit in the face with the reality that they overstepped. All it took was a few sweet words and they had gotten too comfortable. Their confusion turns into a bitter taste in their mouth as they drop the gems back into the box. This wasn't a gift exchange between friends or a possible love match, MC was just a novelty and this was an experiment to expand Satan's worldly (or other wordly)- ness.
Embarassed and reeling, they hand the box back over to Satan, mumbling "That's not necessarily true for everyone." He tries to shove the box back into their hands, looking ready to drop it just to force MC into grabbing it.
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Right. More items of prestige and ridiculous status because "you're all the same." Of course he would't have any qualms about obtaining and departing with an entire box of gems. He's a demon, and a lord to boot. MC doesnt bother wondering how many lifetimes of work it would take them to get him something of equal value.
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Okay maybe hold on to that idea-
Nope, no. Mc shakes their head, both to turn him down and ignore their calling as a super villain. After Satan has taken the box again, they pull out their gift, subtly trying to flatten out the wrinkles in the box and wrapping paper with their thumbs. Satan tucks the box under his arm and opens the gift. He's quite for a moment, turning it and inspecting every detail. His fingers run down the spine and MC feels as if he could see the giant "For Sale!" sign the book had been under. Before MC could defend their choice, Satan turns and tossed the box -probably worth 8 cars- casually on his bed to free up his arm and take a look inside the journal. The outside has been plain brown leather with a few pretty markings, but the pages inside where a green not to far feom Satan eye color, the bottom border lined with trees and a few cats on every page. He takes another minute to admire it before looking up.
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Satan is smiling at MC, but it dips and he looks back down at the book. He flips through the pages quickly, and when he looks back up this time, he was pursing his lips. He looks between MC and the book for a few times and MC could swear they heard the gears turning in his head.
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Mc's chest isn't quite so tight, knowing that Satan liked the journal. And having him understand why they turned down his gift without having to talk through it was an even bigger relief.
"You're all the same".
It would keep them up on bad nights, but Satan's apology in this moment made it okay for now. He was apologizing over and over again, promising to get them a better gift, that he knew MC wasn't shallow or conceited- it was starting to feel like over kill. To draw the attention away from themselves, MC points out that it's still valentines day. They don't need a present, but how about spending some time cooking together? It was their night and they could use a little help. Satan disagrees on the first part, but with MC's permission, takes their hand and follows them into the kitchen for the second. He's a good debater and convinces MC on a compromise- he helps them cook for the brother but also cooks something for only them 2. He tells them where they'll take their little picnic, a hill overlooking the Devildom, and as he seasons a few steaks he tells them about the bioluminescent flowers that grow there. Satan takes all the prep and cleaning work from MC, still feeling embarassed about his gift slip up from earlier. MC had their hands full watching the stove, they didn't even notice Satan cooking a full 3 course meal and packing a basket while MC finished plating the food for the others.
A light breeze and the smell of ripe apples followed them up the climb to the top of the hill. Satan lays out a meal of fruits, cheese, crackers and steak, hiding the little tiramisu cups he'd bartered off Beel for dessert. The light of flowers was soft but enough to see by. Away from the brothers and with some fresh air in their system, conversation wasn't forced and the moments in silence were also comfortable. Satan opened the journal MC got him and explained in detail how he'd format the pages when writing, talking about the different styles common in the Devildom, and why he'd recently switched from a different format. He encouraged MC to talk about their interests, trying to recall the books on their shelves and the items strewn about their room. Satan even took a page from Asmo's book, asking to compare phone wallpapers and joking about taking a photo right now so thsy could match.
Satan has always been a bit loose with words, influenced by his years of reading both romance and fabtasy books. He hadn't thought much about how he'd implied that he'd woo MC even as a demon. He hadn't thought much about this suggestion of matching wallpapers, it had just flowed into the conversation. So he's surprised to feel his heart beat speed up when MC agrees and curses himself for not taking Asmo's perfect-photo-angle advice more seriously. While it was cute to have matching backgrounds, he couldn't stop himself later that night from changing it to just show MC.
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princessozera · 20 days
boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop
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princessozera · 20 days
i wanted to like your drabble about the obey me brothers visiting MCs apartment but it’s at 666 notes, just wanted to let u know lol
Thank you anon, now it is immortalized on this blog
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princessozera · 22 days
Scientist MC ( Power points part 2)
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Word count: 1.2k
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“Care to enlighten me on how you got out?”
“Well I didn’t need 6 pacts this time :) “
“MC please stop smiling like that, it’s ominous”
“And threatening”
“I love how this backfired horribly because I’ve had time to contemplate how horribly you run your STEM fields, but I’m sticking with the sciences again for today.”
“Don’t just ignore me-”
“What do you mean he banished you to a secret room?”
“Do you mean the attic?”
“For spell-bound reasons I can’t say more than no it’s not the attic and that it’s okay because the spell was placed on the door only affected demons and I’m just built different 💅💅💅 either you really have no idea which spells only affect demons or you are selectively stupid Lucifer”
“Did MC really just call Lucifer-”
“I’m gonna keep complaining now-”
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princessozera · 22 days
Scientist MC (Power Point edition)
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Word count: 665
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Where in the world is that annoyingly bright bastard- I mean the sun
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“… MC, you can’t be serious.”
“I’m Dixie Chicks serious, Satan; I can’t believe I almost let you all convince me you don’t have a sun.”
“MC, I think WE are well aware what our realm contains and it does NOT have a -”
“Do you have a space program??”
“Any field dedicated solely to off planet observations?”
“NO, because it’s irrelevant to-”
“First, your lack of wanderlust for the vastness of space is wack as hell. More importantly, as someone who studied THEIR realm’s astrological patterns I can deduce that you DO have a sun.”
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princessozera · 22 days
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Warning: Manipulation, illness, vomiting, poisoning, I think this may count as dark content but let me know
Word Count: 1.8 k
They/Them used (3rd ppov)
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"It's so nice to get some time alone with you MC," Satan all but purrs as he nuzzles against MC's neck. "My brothers are always butting in, can't they see we just want some peace and quiet? They're always pulling you away from me."
"Shh, don't worry about them. You have me right now don't you?" MC leans back into the couch, petting Satan's head with the arm that was wrapped around him. He scoots closer still, considering just laying on their lap at this point.
"Oh, careful there-" MC is quick to scoop up the cup before Satan can let the demonus spill over them. They put the cup on the side table and guide Satan into laying down. They run their hand through his hair as he gushes over the latest book he read- a brilliant and headstrong protagonist against a cunning philanthropist hiding a dark secret with twists that don't hit you could never see coming. It was a little hard to make out his words, slurring almost unintelligible gibberish as he grew more tired, but MC continued to comb his hair and agree like they understood. When Satan finally stopped raving, MC saw him lick his lips so they open a fresh bottle of golden demonus to top off his cup. They try to hand it to him, but Satan makes a face.
"I dunno MC, I'm starting to feel kinda sick." Satan doesn't realize just how true this was until the words were already out. He was feeling hot flashes and the room was spinning a bit too much considering he was still laying down- just how much had he already had to drink?
"You always feel sick after a few glasses, don't you?" MC gives a half-defeated sigh and puts the cup back down. "I'll get you some water. Maybe I should have started with this demonus after all, I ordered it for tonight because-"
"No, I'll drink it!" Satan lunges over the couch arm rest, elbowing MC in the stomach in the process. He downs the cup before giving a rather undignified burp, " Sorry MC."
"I'll live," they give a breathless chuckle, rubbing their stomach as they pull Satan off. "But let me know if you start feeling worse. Just because you're a demon doesn't mean we shouldn't worry about alcohol poisoning."
Satan tries to speak, but gags on something. He goes to wipe his mouth and pulls away a handful of silver bubbles, no, froth? He gags again and this time he can taste it in the back of his throat- pungent and bitter, as if he had just stuck his head in a tub of bathroom cleaner. It's taking over his senses, filling his mouth and spilling over his lips and into his throat.
Satan vomits on to the carpet, coughing and hacking- trying desperately to clear his airways and get even the smallest bit of clean air. He's gifted no such mercy; it's coming out of his nose, his head's full of cotton, the clothes are constricting him to death and he was all too aware of eyes staring him down.
Satan tries to claw out the bubbles- his tears and saliva now dyed red. He tries spitting, blowing his nose, desperately wiping at any body part that felt like it was leaking. With his heart pounding and no clean air, he was quickly succumbing to the fear of asphyxiation.
Satan falls to the carpet, curling up and rubbing his face against a clean spot as he continues to scratch at his exposed flesh, flinching away from everything that felt unfamiliar and far too agitating for his overloaded senses. He reaches out to MC, but they stand back, watching him convulse on the ground. He couldn't see up to their face, but they made no move to come to him, or get help. Instead, he sees them pull out a thin rectangle from their pocket, there's a click, and a mumble barley audible above the static in his ears.
"15th of March, hour 3. Subject is showing signs consistent with-" is all he can make out before his vision goes black, losing consciousness to a lack of oxygen.
Satan wakes up sweaty and still suffocating, thrashing under the covers until he can manage to throw them off the bed. There's a muffled cry from the blankets, but he pays it no mind, attempting to jump out of bed like a bat out of hell, only to collapse on the ground when he can't hold up his own body weight. His head on a swivel, looking for the danger that his body was telling him was nearby, in this unfamiliar environment.
"Shh, it's okay, I've got you." Someone pulls themselves free from the blankets and guides Satan back to sitting on the bed, but he's still looking around. A cold hand cupped his face, and when Satan tried to pull away, another hand forced his head straight. After a few minutes of hyperventilating, MC's face came into focus and Satan's heartbeat slowed significantly. Once he stopped struggling against them, MC let go of Satan's face and wiped away his sweat with a damp washcloth. He let the cool water continue to calm him and help him reorient to his surroundings. Looking around again, he recognized his room, just a bit brighter than normal and smelling of disinfectant. He even let's them change his shirt with no complaints, but takes the glass of water himself, grimacing at the metallic taste it left in his mouth.
"MC, what happened last night?" He takes another sip of water to gargle, trying to get the awful taste out of his mouth.
"You mean you don't remember?" MC gestures to the couch behind them, piled with a small mountain of bottles. "We were hanging out yesterday and I think we over did it with the drinks. You got sick and I wanted to call Beel or Mammon, but you said you just needed to sleep it off and that they'd never let you hear the end of it."
Satan balks at the sight, counting at least 15 bottles on the couch. He's had more of his share of booze when partying with Asmo, or competing against his brothers, but this was another level. He still couldn't remember anything, but throwing up would explain the taste in his mouth, and maybe even the nightmare he probably had while sleeping to cause him to wake up with palpitations. Satan ducks his head into MC's neck for comfort, and to hide his embarrassment for being seen in such a horrid state. "I'm so sorry MC, that was from the special bottle you got me too wasn't it? I promise I'll make this up to you."
"No, it's okay really. I'm just glad you're feeling better." MC wraps an arm around Satan, rubbing circles into his back to soothe his agitation. "And anyways if I had gotten your brothers, Lucifer would have ripped us both a new one if he saw how much we had last night. So really, you helped me." Satan didn't believe them, and was ready to jump straight into planning his big apology. It was going to take a big effort on his part to make it up to them after such a colossal screw up, and MC was still being so caring with him.
"I love you, MC."
"... I love you too."
Experiment Catalog 21:
Codename 'Demonus'
Preliminary Notes:
Much in the same way that liquor is toxic to humans, but consumed by the masses none the less, a little birdie let it slip that there is a high likelihood that Demonus contains some degree of holy water. A little bit of time in the RAD food science kitchen verified as much.
The thought that spraying bottle of demonus over a crowd being as effective as using my holy water gun on demons pissed me off to no end, but I digress.
After I was done steaming, the flood gates opened. Demonus, it's perfect. If it really is just diluted holy water, stronger demonus contains a higher percentage of pure holy water and by that logic, it would only take a few bottles to push it into a deadly concentration.
Test specimen (those before testing on subjects) took an average of 4-6 drinks before they could no longer identify the more potent holy water drink. Symptoms set in within 30 minutes of drinking the strongest concentration. Symptoms include: fever, chills, uncontrolled muscle spasms, crying, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, heavy sweating, dizziness, and smoke from ears/mouth.
Subject 1 (weight: XXX, Height: XXX): Specimen is larger than those before him and is known to hold his liquor well. 6 cups were given before the elevated dose was administered and seems undetected. 1 hour after dosing the subject finally showed symptoms of fatigue, decided not to risk a second dose for now. Antidote administered by air.
Subject 2 (Weight: XXX, Height XXX); Another large specimen that can hold his liquor well. 6 cups before dosing, but there was also a surplus of food in his system. Symptoms began at about 25 minutes after dosing, taken to my room for closer investigation. Dilated pupils, low grade fever and chills, and sweating. After 40 minutes of observation without much change, antidote was administered with food.
Subject 3: Data inconclusive. Experiment was not conducted in ideal conditions and large doses of unregulated drugs were introduced to the person's system. Antidote administered with more untainted demonus.
Subject 4 (Weight: XXX, Height XXX): Smaller than most before him, but a well seasoned drinker. 5 drinks before the high dosage was given. Seemed inconclusive at first, but upon closer inspection, subject was very good at concealing their symptoms. Of those I could see after the 30 minute mark: increased sweating, auditory hallucinations, dilated pupils, chills, and dizziness. Antidote administered with food.
Subject 5: Experiment aborted. Subject fell ill much faster than all test subjects before him and needed immediate treatment to prevent long term harm and exposure. Antidote administered after only 10 minutes of observation because the symptoms were evolving rapidly.
Ending Notes:
Minimum of 5 drinks need to be administered before attempting a high dose.
Antidote can be administered up to 4 hours after ingesting poison- unless the symptoms are extreme, developing rapidly, or are not in accordance with the most commonly recorded symptoms.
H.W concentration can be up to 75% concentrated in standard 12oz cups.
Death sets in at 8 hours after poisoning.
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princessozera · 22 days
Scientist MC: PADs
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Word count: 1.3k
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It’s come to my attention that certain feminine hygiene products are rare in the Devildom. While the Devildom isn’t completely barren of these items, I’ve looked them  over and they all contain one ingredient or another that would prove extremely harmful to any human exchange student that might need to use them. As such I’ve prepared a short letter to Diavolo where I ask to use an empty stock room at RAD for human-centric necessities and comfort items, that I will provide if need be: 
Okay, I don’t think any of the brothers honestly give a damn, and they’ve all stopped reading by now. I need to come up with a secret code or carve out a piece of furniture so I can hide these notebooks. I caught Mammon snooping around in my room last week with Beel and while I don’t think either of them would care too much about a random journal, I REALLY can’t risk them finding out I’ve been using them like Guinea pigs. 
P(rotection) A(gainst) D(emon)s: PADs.
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princessozera · 22 days
Scientist MC
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Experiment catalog 1: Salt Circles
Preliminary notes: This is the first time in my life I wish I had a bigger interest in the supernatural. Human mythology is filled with supposed tips to protecting yourself from demons and the only thing I can think of is fucking SALT CIRCLES. Hopefully I’ll remember more rumors that I can test out later, but for now, bring on the seasonings.
Attempt #1: (Line of salt; Mammon) -FAILED-
A straight line of salt, approximately 1.5 cups, was placed at my door, underneath a rug. Mammon was the subject because he barges in pretty frequently of his own accord.
The line of salt went undisturbed for an hour before Mammon ran into my room, not a sliver of hesitation.
Attempt #2: (Square salt; Satan) -Inconclusive-
I lined my entire dorm room with visible line of salt, most of which was obscured by some piece of furniture to avoid suspicion. Satan was the unwitting suspect this time because he came into my room unannounced to get back a book on demon physiology.
While Satan had no trouble crossing into the room, he did seem to become disoriented for a minute before sneezing. He told me I should dust the room before taking the book.
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princessozera · 22 days
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A/N: I could be remembering demon lore/ bible demons incorrectly, but here's the ramble anyways:
Isn't there an interpretation where Lucifer fell because he came to believe humans were equal to angels? That was blasphemous and thus cast out-
So is MC corrupting Luke simply by hanging around him because he genuinely likes them as a person? He is constantly equating MC's words/actions to the way angels act, in his opinion.
MC Is GN (they/them) but not really mentioned
Word count: 859
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Everyone thinks it's adorable, Luke clinging to MC and seeing them as an older sibling, or even a parental figure. Great! Silly little Luke! Regardless, the exchange program worked, he was exposed to demons and humans and now he understands the world a bit better. Just not how they wanted him to understand it.
Luke overhears a group of angels passively dismissing humans and their silly actions and passions; how easy it is for humans to fall for petty ambitions such as money or attention. These conversations are common in the celestial realm, and while Luke used to jump in and bash humans along with the adults- eager to prove his knowledge and superiority to the easily corrupted mortals- this time he can only let out a frustrated sigh as memories of fun/odd antics with MC come to mind instead of the images of greedy humans that he used to believe. Luke can't help but feel a little embarrassed, knowing exactly how the adults would grimace at him and send him off with a side eye if they knew, but he's also mad at himself, for ever feeling embarrassed about happy memories with MC.
As he avoids more of these conversations, resentment starts to plant itself in his heart. He'd been so eager to talk about you and all the nonsense he'd seen in the Devildom when he first came back, but it never ended well. The other angels would make underhanded comments about the brothers and MC, saying how they'd never be caught in those messes and how disgraceful that must have been, offering Luke sympathetic hand pats and pity sighs for his distress. But he hadn't been distressed, and he couldn't make them understand that; yeah, some of the stories sounded bad out of context but it really wasn't that bad, if only they could get to know MC they'd understand! Only Simeon would smile and laugh at his stories, offering his side of things only when others weren't around.
The other angels praised Luke's baking. He'd always been a good baker but now his pastries were unmatched. An unexpected benefit from the program- he must have been so scared and isolated in a place like that, of course he had a year to do nothing but hone his craft! But nasty little rumors start to spread, better traveled angels recognize the techniques used and it becomes undeniable the child has been learning directly from demons.
"Do you think it's true? That he baked for the demon prince and lords directly?"
"He must have been forced to do it, such a tiny thing couldn't put up much of a fight if Simeon was elsewhere with his former friend."
A council meeting is held late at night, only the highest of the elders allowed to attend. There is only one thing to discuss, the child who was bordering on blasphemy. He isn't as attentive or social, seeming much more withdrawn than before he was sent to the program. He still performs his duties and attends ceremonies, as all angels do, but he is seldom found at the events afterwards, seen sneaking off to stroll the gardens or retreating to his private kitchen to bake until he's called on again. Even though they had to make sure only the highest authorities knew of this meeting, no one in the council was worried on how to proceed, such behavior was easily amendable.
At the next monthly ceremony, Luke is presented with his own holy adornments in honor of his hard work and dedication, 2 identical cuff bracelets and and a matching brooch. In the sea of gentle applause, no one cares to notice the only person watching with a strained expression, not that he could do anything now if he wanted to. He thought he'd taken enough attention off of Luke after coming back, Simeon had known exactly what was expected of him after returning from the Devildom. He never spoke too lovingly of his time there, and was always sure to put in sly remarks against his old friend and the other royals of the Devildom as he was expected to do. Simeon can't help but wonder if there was anything else he could have done to prevent this, a lump settling into his throat as the cuffs were clasped shut on to Luke's wrists.
MC's in the Devildom, pacing the halls of RAD. They'd heard that Luke was finally going to visit again, and even if it was only for official business, MC hoped they could convince him to stay for a quick cup of tea and some of his favorite dessert as Madam Screams.
MC not immediately recognizing the tall boy who walked past them, stiff and closed off, without so much as a nod, but that fluffy golden hair was impossible to misplace.
The tall boy turns back, still looking bored and even a bit annoyed, doesn't even crack a smile when he looks at them again.
"MC, you're still here." There's a nod of dismissal and nothing more as the angel who MC once considered a brother walks away from them.
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princessozera · 22 days
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The Devildom wasn't built for humans
I mean no shit right? Succubi, demons, wraiths and a hundred other malignant forces- magnitudes stronger than humans and if religions were to be believed, with half as much empathy.
There were little things too that MC had to adapt to if they wanted to avoid ridicule. The doors too heavy to push without throwing your whole body weight and then some. Being held to the same academic and sometimes even physical standards but only being allowed a fraction of the margin of error others were allowed. They're the human, they have the demon lords wrapped around their little finger- they didn't need to be coddled by anyone else in the school too. Can't have it going to their head.
Simeon can see somethings is wrong but there is only so much he could do- he hasnt been in direct contact with humans in a millenia, his job hasnt required it. Solomon can tell and tries to help, but MC is just another weak human after all. It's hard for any mere mortal to even grasp the concept of the power he and the others are wielding with ease.
MC works themself to death out of dedication, but there is always the edge of fear. No matter how much they're told they're loved and hugged or kissed, running themselves ragged those first months, and still never quite believing they won't be killed for stepping out of line. But it can't end at academics. Culture, slang, language, physique. Every moment was spent training, even if it wasn't obvious to the others.
Strong muscles could hold up the dinner chalice, but their grip remained firm to stop their shaking hands. Their body can handle the long walks across town, but their breath is cut short for every person who stares at them for a second too long- disdain, pity, and friendliness all indistinguishable from one another.
The Devildom wasn't built for humans.
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princessozera · 22 days
Diavolo tracks the human students
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While I was trying to plan out a more coherent plot for my fics about the 2nd/3rd/4th generations of exchange students, I was actually thinking about scenarios with the DDDs and I though… isn’t it a tiny bit weird that we got to keep our phone? Like if this was fully in universe, why would Diavolo allow both MC and Solomon to keep their phones?
I get MC had a special connection with everyone but it’s still a little odd especially since I’m assuming that he’s VERY SLOWLY incorporating humans into the Devildom.
What if another human saw the DDD? What if it broke on the street and the tech did something/looked weird enough to raise questions?
And in regards to my 2nd-4th generations; what if everyone got to keep their DDDs after they left?
Tactically, I feel like it makes sense. As much as I love himbo Diavolo, he is genuinely intuitive, cunning, intelligent and above all, PREPARED.
Who’s to say the chosen human isn’t manipulative and smart?  Who’s to say they won’t try to take control of more than just a few demons?
Humans are bonding and pact animals. Yes, leaving them with the phones would help with: separation issues with friends, maintaining good relations part the exchange year, and memories.
It’s also the only communication line they have with demons and other exchange students who know the ins and outs of the Devildom. If they have the DDDs, they won’t look for their ow ways of communicating with each other and the demons, and Diavolo has total control of the communication lines. They even tell you early on, high ranking administrators can see all the other messages on someone’s phone.
But also, he knows the disagreement over the exchange. He knows that while Lucifer is efficient and a great second in command, there is no way he can know everything.
Putting a tracker in the human phones can help them be found anywhere in the Devildom in an instant if they go missing. If the human somehow manages to get back into the Devildom without permission, for either good or bad reasons.
TL;DR: Diavolo tracks the human students through their DDDs as a safety measure for them and in case they want to overthrow the Devildom, for whatever reason.
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princessozera · 22 days
MC, clearly DONE with everything: How do you kill a god?
Simeon: Well, you see MC you can't really kill a god, they're indestructible and conceptually speaking-
MC, grabbing him by the collar of his cape thing: I will fist fight that bitch one way or another, do NOT fuck with me Simeon. None of this philisophical bull-
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princessozera · 22 days
Alternative Pacts
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MC *just made a pact with Mammon*: Ok, so I guess that's it? I'll see you tomorrow-
Mammon: wait wait wait, where do you think you're going? You need to give me 5,000 grimm.
MC: No??? I Don't????
Mammon: Yeah, ya do! What kind of economy do you think we're running here? You have to fill out paper work and pay some bozos in suits to make the pacts official. Jeez, didn't you learn anything today?
MC: That doesn't sound right-
Mammon: oh what so you think we're all unadvanced or something? Think that just because we have a pact our labor and legal system mean nothing? Don't you have notaries in the human realm?
MC: but I don't have any money....
Mammon: Well since I'm such a great guy I'll cover most of the fee for you- but you still owe me 2,000 grimm, so get a job.
MC: It's literally my second day here 😒
*gets Levi's pact and is surprisingly not dead*
MC: Cool, cool. Well, I don't have my wallet on me, but let me go to my room to get you the grimm.
Levi: what grimm?
MC: The 5,000 grimm fee to register our pact. It's the weekend so you probably have to wait until monday to file right?
Levi, realizing what Mammon did but still mad about the spoilers: Actually if the demon hates you the fee is doubled if you want to make sure I actually come to save you in a non-crisis.
*Gets Beel's pact after almost getting offed by Lucifer*
MC: If you want to go ahead and grab the 5,000 grimm from my room, my wallet is on the desk.
Beel: ...To get us lunch ?
MC; No, for making the pact official and registering and all that.
Beel: Oh they've been fucking with you, huh.
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