purplegeorgina · 15 days
“It's time to think a little differently. Embrace thinking differently to avoid making the same mistakes. Innovation happens when we change habits and start challenging our thinking. Don't just follow what worked in the past, try to grow in different ways. Let's work on change and try something bold. Thinking outside the box and changing patterns is how we can move forward to a better future.”
I am grateful for the person I have become and will continue to do the inner work with God’s grace and mercy because it’s all about consistency ♥️ 18 May 2024
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purplegeorgina · 21 days
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Aurora Australis today at 21:13, 11th of May 2024
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purplegeorgina · 1 month
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purplegeorgina · 1 month
Thank you, God, for always being there to fight my battles. 🤍 19th Apr 2024
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purplegeorgina · 1 month
video not mine. @https://www.instagram.com/itsbookgains?igsh=MTJkdnB3a3NoN2x2
“Personal growth is closely tied to our willingness to face and accept the truth about ourselves, even when it's uncomfortable or challenging. It implies that the more honest we are with ourselves, the greater potential we have for growth. It's like saying, "Facing your truth is the first step toward growth." This idea underscores the importance of self-awareness and introspection in the journey of personal development. By confronting our truths instead of avoiding them, we create opportunities for transformation and progress.”
if indi pa ni mainchindihan, meaning, amo lang kita gyapon. one day, pag season ta na, then we will come to our senses nga ka cringey gali and immature pa gihapon sa aton regardless of age; nga indi kita gihapon happy sa self ta na need pa validation sang iban na tao ultimo enemy. Paano? Ang pabati-bati para lang ma prove ang point ta sa iban. para ipabalo na letter A lang ang chakto kag ang letter B sala. Daw ka, indi sapat na self mo mismo kabalo chakto ka? Na ikaw mismo gapati sa self mo? if indi na sapat then there’s no SELF-CONFIDENCE dira na natabo. Amo na natun-an ko. partida kaya ko mag confront/mag pranka face to face.
grabe, thank you guid, Heavenly Father, for the power to discern. 🤍 18th April 2024
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purplegeorgina · 2 months
Happy birthday, My Manang Meling!
As a kid, I had two favourite things— reading mystery and comic books at the library and my daily recess! These simple joys brought me happiness and taught me the value of leisure. Do you know what made it even better? My Manang Meling's delicious home-cooked meals! While other kids had boring(for me boring pero of course indi an boring for them) snacks like chips, sandwiches, and juice boxes, I had a complete meal with rice and a different dish each day para sa recess and lunch. It was always a highlight of my day and something I looked forward to. This appreciation for simple, home-cooked meals has stayed with me into adulthood, reminding me of the importance of gratitude and contentment in my personal growth journey. Kitaay ta liwat soon! 5th April 2024
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purplegeorgina · 4 months
Healing is a journey
I draw strength (with God's grace and mercy) from my courage to acknowledge my mistakes, a trait I take pride in. My words are filled with sincerity, humility, and the bravery that comes from taking full responsibility for the pain I have caused myself and others. My rock Bottom has become my foundation for growth and transformation, and I have the unwavering strength to persevere through any challenges that come my way. With God by my side, who has been my guiding light— helping me find my way back to righteousness.
Every day, I progress towards becoming a better version of myself and am proud of my journey. Through my unwavering faith, I have broken free from old habits and negative cycles of behavior. Indeed, healing is a journey, not a destination. :)
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purplegeorgina · 4 months
Reaction & Response
Are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. A reaction is an automatic and unconscious response to a situation, while a response is a conscious and deliberate action taken after careful consideration of the situation.
Have you ever noticed that some people react impulsively in challenging situations while others respond thoughtfully and calmly? It turns out that there's a big difference between the two approaches. A person's true character is often revealed by how they handle a "No." pero, don’t get me wrong. May mga tao gid you ga-fawn. Ina balanh ma- yes lang pero resentful gali. If you stayed silent or pretended to understand while secretly harbouring resentment that you later used against someone, that does not make you a responsible person. You are still the same person you were before. Remember, true confidence comes from being honest with yourself and others.
My question: Do you tend to be more of a responder or a reactor? I'm curious to know your thoughts on this.
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purplegeorgina · 4 months
Kanami sang feeling mag hibi while ga drive. Ang hibi nga joyful kag relief nga sa wakas, nakahalin man gid ako. Waay guid ko regrets ah sa mistakes nga na learn ko kag ginhatag. I am convinced that the experience I went through was part of a divine plan to enable personal growth not only for myself but also for everyone involved. All glory to, Heavenly Father. 🤍🙏🏼
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purplegeorgina · 4 months
Thank you, Heavenly Father.
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purplegeorgina · 4 months
Sa iban, romantic relationship sila mas gaka heartbroken or ga rock bottom mentally and emotionally. Ako lang ni ayhan nga sa pamilya mismo na- heartbroken? But it’s okay. Nalagpasan ko sya with flying colours and grateful gid ko sila ang pamilya ko. 🤍
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purplegeorgina · 6 months
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purplegeorgina · 6 months
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Lol. We found each other. 😊🤍💜
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purplegeorgina · 7 months
James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
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purplegeorgina · 8 months
I agree to this and with God's grace, I am also working on it. Age doesn’t matter in a quest for success. Something I have learned and I take to heart that success is not always physical tangible. Waking up each day, leaving and returning to home safely is a blessing for me. This simple routine I never appreciated before. I am grateful that it brought ne back to my senses. This only goes to show that Heavenly Father is giving me the chance to work on my purpose here on earth. 🙏🏼
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“It is about learning from your mistakes, growing, and improving. Success is unique to each person. What may be considered successful for one person may not be the same for another. It is important to define success for yourself and not let others dictate your definition…”
“…Ultimately, success is about creating a life that is authentic to you and brings you a sense of fulfillment. It is about focusing on what truly matters in your life and being grateful for what you have. Success is not always what you see, but rather what you feel within yourself.”
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purplegeorgina · 10 months
“Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” Romans 14:19 Thank you, Heavenly Father.
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purplegeorgina · 10 months
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Tasha Tudor
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