qu0rky · 22 hours
apparently calling Vox a twink is controversial😭😭 If you feel like he doesn’t fit the definition, cool, idgaf, let me be silly on the internet, i’m running with a 50% on the twink scale and that’s fine by me❤️
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qu0rky · 2 days
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qu0rky · 2 days
Fuck we are so back Ateez comeback, Full Moon episode, Alhaitham banner coming soon, my albums are hopefully getting shipped next month, i might start playing Honkai, seeing Skz for the first time in July. Love my life but i’m still depressed😮‍💨
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qu0rky · 2 days
Full Moon made me absolutely LOSE IT.
I was so sure the conflict would stem from miscommunication, Stolas gives Blitz the crystal and Blitz assumes he wants him out of his life but NO. Stolas made it loud and clear what he wanted, he explained why he was giving the crystal, explained that he actually wanted Blitz in his life but not under a forced transaction, and he STILL managed to get mad at him??? I hate you Blitz and i hate you more knowing that you remind me of myself and i would’ve done the exact same thing. Hopefully Stolas breaking down in front of him made him realize that he needs to change his perspective QUICK if he doesn’t wanna lose him.
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qu0rky · 14 days
i feel the need to tell you the marvin vox post is getting absolutely torn to shreds in the falsettos discord lmaoooooo
i think it’s very distasteful that a completely harmless post about two things i like should garner such intense reactions tbh, and it’s even more distasteful bringing it up to me because you have no idea how harmful this shit can be to the wrong person. If you people enjoy doing this sort of stuff good for you, but i really wasn’t looking for any insightful discourse because i don’t have the patience or time to let my silly thoughts become anything more than that. It’s beyond me how no one can ever accept opinions on the internet. Have a peaceful evening.
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qu0rky · 14 days
Marvin and Vox are incredibly similar. will not elaborate. argue with a wall if you disagree
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qu0rky · 15 days
I like Dottozhu. I like Dottozhu very much.
Canonically they have never met, and probably never will meet. But i still like it.
The moral dilemma, Baizhu may be the only man Dottore is sweet to, because how could anyone hate Baizhu.
Baizhu is beautiful, i know it, you know it, Lee Knows it (get out of here, wrong fandom buddy), and Dottore should know it as well.
Two doctors who practice in VERY different ways, but two doctors nonetheless. They could bond over that.
Dottore finds out his pretty liyuan boyfriend has a child, Dottore does not mind. Qiqi gets another dad.
But let’s imagine they met when they were much younger.
I like to believe a certain someone attended the Akademiya as well.
So they meet as students, have a falling out after graduating, Dottore goes sicko mode, they meet again, the spark is still there. One could not deny. Dottore may be a piece of shit but he would not fumble this badly. So he takes his chance.
Don’t mind me, just planting this little seed in your head
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qu0rky · 16 days
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qu0rky · 17 days
Why make so many shippable characters if i have to fit in a neat little box and only ship what “makes the most sense” or is canon. I reject your norms and now everyone is gay and dating each other in different universes, congrats.
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qu0rky · 17 days
Baffling thing I keep seeing lately is people saying ‘oh Blitzø is the canonically hot one out of the pair’ and like ‘remember how Stolas is canonically ugly lolol’.
Let me defend my boy real quick: theres no evidence that people think Stolas is canonically ugly. I’ve only seen people citing what Stella says at the not-divorced party? Which like… c’mon. She’s hardly a reliable source, for one, but also nowhere does she actually say ‘Stolas is ugly’. She says that he’s bad in bed (because he’s gay, girl), that he’s a ‘scrawny twig arse’ (which whilst a mean way to put it is true - he’s tall and skinny) and that he’s ‘a pathetic fucking man’ (ouch) - but she never says UGLY. People also compare Stolas to the other bird demons in canon and say his colouring is ‘boring’. Which like 1. It isn’t, his colours are v nice purply gray ombre’s? Also the man is stylish, we’ve all seen the galaxy cape! And 2. They’re all… different types of bird? You cant blanket compare them. Like one of the demons Stella is bitching about him to is ‘just’ black and white. And she’s cute as heck!
Anyway, this is not to say that Blitzø is ugly either. They can BOTH be hotties.
And like look. I’m not opposed to the idea that Stolas is supposed to be just plain looking, if thats your headcanon go for it - but if thats the case, we havent ever actually been canonically told that.
‘People want us for our money AND our bodies’
He’s feeling his oats for the first time in years! Stop calling my man ugly with no receipts! 😡
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qu0rky · 17 days
Is this a hot take, cus i hate when people say “and then Vox woke up!!” on anything that even implies mutual radiostatic😭😭, like it was funny at first but now it’s just getting annoying
On my blog it’s not! Because i feel the exact same way lol, seeing how no one who doesn’t ship radiostatic takes it seriously is very draining. I barely see people do this for radioapple or huskerdust. I don’t know if it’s just because they hate Vox or they hate their dynamic in general, but these people are delusional if they think Alastor and Vox have always hated each other.
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qu0rky · 18 days
when you got really into an incomplete fic but as time goes on each chapter gets worse and you just have to silently accept that you wanna drop it because it’s ruined
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qu0rky · 23 days
I've always like. Had a thought. Amaguji thought. I get Amaguji thoughts all the time. They shoukd keep happening. They should take over my mind. Amaguji thoughts are so amazing. I love Amaguji thoughts. We should make more. Let's make more. Let's make more Amaguji thoughts.
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qu0rky · 24 days
currently missing my Naegami days… does anyone still care about that ship?
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qu0rky · 27 days
human stolitz save me… save me human stolitz
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qu0rky · 27 days
it’s actually hilarious how angry that trailer made the stolitz antis — they are doubling down on some wild takes, making some wild leaps of media illiteracy, comparing them to some other relationships they bear no similarities to. They are in a complete tailspin trying to morally shame people for wanting that imp and that owl to get their happily ever after.
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qu0rky · 27 days
The hate hazbin fans have been getting is actually crazy (cough, specifically from tiktok, cough)
Like there's a clip that's been trending of a Youtuber Morgan Terry, that has them reacting to Angels S/A scene and crying, and people are making fun of them for it??? I've seen people harass them and even purposefully misgender them, calling them she, or even worse "it"
Like oh if it was your favorite character you would cry about it too, but suddenly because it's from a thing you don't like suddenly all emotions towards that show are invalid
Like why are they watching people reacting to hazbin anyways, you shouldn't care what other people like, it's their choice, and whatever you like is your choice, trust me, just because someone is actually feeling emotions towards something they like doesn't mean the universe will fucking explode
Right! I’ve especially seen kpop stans take that clip to replace the episode they were reacting to with a kpop m/v… some of my mutuals have done it and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. ESPECIALLY since kpop stans also used to be viewed as “losers” for enjoying the music, we are on the same boat, let’s not act like you’re superior now. I 100% think that if the person in that clip was conventionally attractive and was reacting to something less hated there would not have been as many memes made about it. The normalization of bullying on that app has completely chased me off it, and i’d much rather have discussions here than with rage-baiting loser trolls.
Regardless of wether Viv is problematic or not, Hazbin and Helluva will get hated on because people see it as “cringe” and they cannot stand to see something new become a shared interest for a lot of people. They do it in the name of chastising a problematic creator (who, by the way, has done far less than the things she’s getting blamed for) but won’t account the young teenagers just trying to enjoy a show. Every media is somewhat problematic if we only look at it with the thought of wanting to criticize it, so this picking and choosing looks really dumb and hypocritical imo. Let people fucking enjoy stuff, that, for the 50th time, is not harming anyone.
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