quakinqueer · 4 days
So based on the internet this is the consensus on the atla live action series:
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quakinqueer · 4 days
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quakinqueer · 4 days
genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back
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quakinqueer · 12 days
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quakinqueer · 14 days
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quakinqueer · 25 days
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every autistic person watching this episode of dungeon meshi:
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quakinqueer · 25 days
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Yay! This is great!! Please donate if you can! Here's the QR code you can use to do that!
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But also, I have some thoughts.
(as always, please do not engage if all you want to do is start an argument)
I wanna make one thing and one thing very clear, it is FANTASTIC that he is doing this. Showing actual concrete support and trying to help the cause publicly. Even if he was donating previously (which I've seen people saying but am not certain of), doing it privately is not nearly as impactful or helpful as doing it publicly and rallying your dedicated fan base for the sake of COMMUNITY SUPPORT.
All that to say, much like smosh, he should've been doing things like this for months, but better late than never. It's great that he's actually doing something.
That being said, from a purely PR perspective, doing this without ANY sort of apology to Zayna or acknowledgement of his behavior last week, was not the best move, purely with regards to those who've been expecting and hoping for such a statement, only to get nothing, and then suddenly this; those who are likely going to see this as performative or "damage control". I personally don't agree with this stance at all, but I've already seen ppl on twt claim these things. Admittedly that's more a 'them just having a grudge against damien' problem, but I digress.
(btw I can't believe it's been a full week of this personal hell)
If he did this thinking it would entirely clear his name and absolve him of any wrongdoing, then he clearly misunderstood the situation just as badly as any of his stans did. Showing support is great, now are you going to address the actual situation or just ignore it forever?
Obviously, this is a VERY good thing for him to be doing (I can't emphasize that enough), but frankly, his apology to zayna is still needed and pending, and an acknowledgement, or better yet explanation, of his terrible behavior last week is not *needed* but certainly expected and anticipated.
He did a good thing, awesome, those of you who can please donate. I still think he should've said something first.
At this point, a full week later, it seems silly to still expect an apology or explanation, and I think at this point it's about time to give up. I just- what happened? What happened to the damien that would sooner crawl out of his skin than allow someone to think he had any sort of ill will toward them? What happened to the damien that is supposedly a "recovering people-pleaser" and always takes other's feelings into consideration, often before his own? What happened to the damien who was recently described by a fellow cast member as "not having a mean bone in his body" and across the years has received many similar comments and compliments? Where is he right now??
I'm not AS disappointed as I was to begin with, but I certainly haven't gained any respect for him either (personally).
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quakinqueer · 26 days
New comfort vid just dropped.
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no seriously this might be one of my new favorite videos on the internet.
Two queer femmes with enough emotional intelligence and perspective to make up for a whole city's worth of toxicity talking for almost an hour? Hand it over. Literally just two incredibly funny, insightful, hardworking content creators talking about their experiences with work-life balance and stress and therapy and just. Everything abt this is so comforting.
My only issue with this vid is that I can't tell if the vibe is two besties who've known eachother for years catching up after a slump or two slightly distant friends who are on a maybe-sorta-kinda date.
(no im so srs their chemistry is PALPABLE and I say that as someone who is fully aware boze has a bf and am not trying to be wierd or start anything)
Anyway. Love these two. And if you catch me listening to this 50 times a day, no you didn't.
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quakinqueer · 26 days
Hello! I'm going anon because I don't want the hounds on my trail, but I really need to get this off my chest and I think you will understand.
Everything else about this situation aside for a moment, it disturbs me just how many of Damien's supposed "fans" infantilise him because he's neurodivergent. Sure, he struggles more than average, and sometimes his mistakes are influenced by his neurodivergence. But he's also still a grown-ass man capable of self-reflection and improvement. The stans who act like he's a fragile little doll that must be handled with satin gloves need to check themselves, because they don't actually respect Damien as a creator AND as a person. They're just being ableists. It's some kind of irony that Zayna treated Damien with more respect than those "fans" do.
Thank you for reading my rant. I hope you'll have a nice weekend!
!!! i think i’ve been feeling like this for a while but just didn’t know how to word it.
damien’s a grown man, and the way i’ve seen some people talk about him gives me a weird grossed-out feeling because it’s like they assume he’s always coming from a place of “innocence” or not knowing better, and because of that he’s automatically absolved of any harm. you can’t bring up any faults because those people will get mad and immediately revert to “he’s just a little guy !! he doesn’t understand what he did wrong!! 🥺 because autism 🥺”. like hey! pretend you think autistic people are capable of critical thought challenge!!
and it’s a minority of damien fans, but a consistent minority, and a loud one too. it just makes me so upset when autistic people are babied like that- it happens to me all the time and it’s the most frustrating thing ever.
do i think he went into that situation with malicious intent? absolutely not. damien’s not a bad person, and this didn’t make him one. he was defensive and acted out of impulse without taking a pause to rethink if it was the right thing to do. i’ve done that often, it really sucks, and he’s most likely looking at it now and going “damn i should’ve handled that better”.
anyways, thank you for the ask. i really like damien and am confident he’ll do what he needs to do— i hope you have a good weekend too :)
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quakinqueer · 28 days
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quakinqueer · 28 days
This is purely just a vent post, so do with it what you will.
Pls do not engage if all you want is to start some sort of argument, especially one in bad faith. I think we've had enough of those for a lifetime, and everything that needed to be said has been said
Rant under the cut.
Another day goes by without any sort of response, and with it another missed opportunity (stream day) to resolve things and do whats right passes. And on top of that, he apparently has a sponsored stream today?
I know, I know, contractual obligation and all that. But the thought of him coming back to socials for this obligation and then doing a full sponsored stream while still having not addressed anything or made any of the needed apologies (just the one to op rlly) leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Am I being irrational? possibly.
I just. Truly, what is stopping him from just unblocking zayna, apologizing to her specifically for his behavior and the unwarranted backlash she received as a result of his own actions, and then continuing his break if he's not ready for more yet. What is stopping him?
There's one answer to this that honestly makes me incredibly upset just thinking about: He doesn't think he needs to. He hasn't comprehended that he was genuinely in the wrong every step of the way here. (not *every* step, but the unfortunate majority)
Surely he knows, right? Surely he's aware of where he went wrong. He's already had a couple days to reflect and examine things. Surely he's taken this time to think on the situation and his behaviour and why it may have warranted such a unanimously negative reaction, and come to face the reality of his position as a public figure and the responsibilities that come with his influence? Right? Right???
In case you couldn't tell this is just me being incredibly anxious over this whole thing, and beyond disappointed in damien for just how long it's taking him to say anything, let alone apologize to the one person who really deserves it. The longer it takes, the more I fear it will never happen. I know I'm being dramatic, I know. It's only been a few days. But the longer he lets this sit, the worse it looks for him.
I'm also aware there is the matter of his mental health to consider, which is extremely fair and an important factor, but to me doesn't necessarily excuse his lack of response (just like it never excused his initial actions, even if it explained them). Like I said, what's stopping him from making the necessary apology, then continuing his break? Really, the mental health thing for me just brings into question if he's really in the right state of mind for a sponsored stream. Like always, we'll see how it goes.
I'm genuinely praying to deities I don't even believe in that he says something. Anything. Ofcourse, an acknowledgment of guilt and a valid explanation for his behavior would be ideal, but at this point that feels like wishful thinking (pls tell me I'm being unreasonable in thinking that way, cause trust me I don't want to believe it). I mean it when I say that if he fails to ever address this the right way, my opinion of him might never recover. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.
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quakinqueer · 28 days
Openly praying that Damien makes a more proper apology on a stream or something, that shit was so disheartening but i believe that he just was in the wrong headspace so now that he's had time he can talk about it. Idk how I'll feel about him ignoring it forever.
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quakinqueer · 28 days
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quakinqueer · 28 days
last chance to evacuate
as you may know, israel has begun its ground operation in rafah. they dropped leaflets last night ordering people to evacuate, and bombing in east rafah has already begun.
The border is about to become unreachable.
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Rafah is trapped.
We have literal hours until no-one, all the GoFundMe's you've scrolled past, all the people desperately begging on TikTok, will be able to escape.
Give now. Give whatever you can.
I am fundraising for the Odeh family, which is only 3k away from meeting its goal.
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you will not get another chance.
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quakinqueer · 28 days
people act like him hurting a fans feelings is worse than being a zionist. Actually donating to help palestine and sharing helpful links is much more productive than going after someone who made a dumb mistake. Even if that fan is palestinian him hurting her feelings doesnt mean he supports genocide
Previous post
You’re right.
However, it wasn’t just hurting the fan’s feelings. It was the added death threats as a result of it, intentional on Damien’s part or not.
I think some people can be more visibly angry about people who they see as being performative than people who are actively being Zionists because they can completely ignore them and choose not to engage with the Zionists. Performative activism, especially when people previously viewed the person as genuine in their activism, can feel more personal, like a betrayal.
I personally don’t see this as the case. In my opinion, Damien is genuine about his support of Palestine.
That being said, here are some helpful links:
To Operation Olive Branch, which helps Palestinian families in need, even a single dollar can make a difference to any of these families
A link to donate to a grassroots organization in Congo to help people in need. The people of the DRC are actively struggling due to the exploitation of workers for cobalt mining.
And the link to Creators For Palestine, which is giving to UNRWA the UN’s relief agency for Palestine refugees, MAP, Medical Aid for Palestinians, HEAL Palestine and has already raised $250,000 for the PCRF which focuses on helping children in Palestine. They are currently at $525,000.
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quakinqueer · 29 days
Can you actually explain how he was acting passive agressive? People love to misunderstand and twist his words and to me he was coming off as blunt but not rude. And yes his autism definitely plays a part in how he expresses himself and people might interpert it as rude when it wasnt his intention. Remember he might want to be considerate but he still struggles with empathy and understanding how other people might feel.
I did not address the passive aggressive comment in my personal post because I did not believe that viewpoint was contributing to the conversation that needed to be had. I outlined one way he could be viewed as passive aggressive in my last answer to an ask. I’ll link it here later if you can’t find it. I’m typing this out on mobile and I’m new to posting this much, so I’m not quite sure on how to do that.
Regarding his autism, I’m studying as a psychology major, going into my third year and I just took a class on Abnormal Psychology, so I know more about this than I previously would have. His autism, ADHD, etc. are a possible reason for his irritability, lack of awareness of the situation and sounding brusque, yes. However, my first sentence was directed towards people who say that he is autistic, therefore he can’t be expected to do anything about what his words caused.
Like I said in my original post, his autism and other mental illnesses are an explanation of his actions, but regardless, there are consequences to those actions that he does have to deal with. Those consequences being active harm to another person.
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quakinqueer · 29 days
I did read that post and i did not make me think he fucked up that bad. Can you explain why you think he looks worse the more you see them? Cuz i dont understand how he sounds passive agressive at all. He just sounds blunt and defensive.
Hiya. His first two replies were the most outwardly blunt and defensive, as you said. It's his last reply that people took as more passive aggressive. Bringing up follower count, and that op hadn't deleted the post, basically implying that op had bad intentions (or atleast that's how most people took it) without directly saying so, when op had done nothing to indicate such bad intentions. Either way all his actions were definitely rash but not irredeemable.
More under the cut. Not directed at you asker but more my general thoughts at the moment.
Honestly this has just been a wildly polarizing emotional roller coaster. Everytime I see people trying to defend him and demonizing zayna in the process, it makes me incredibly upset as someone who watched the entire interaction go down and had zaynas back beginning to end (and still do), and frankly just makes me disappointed to see people defending this priveliged public figure over a palistinian fan with family in Palestine.
But at the same time, everytime I see someone being extra critical of damien and acting as though he's done something absolutely unforgivable, my inner "protective stan" starts to rear its ugly head. Which I honestly kind of hate.
I'm exhausted. I find it extremely concerning how much this has genuinely impacted my real life and the ease with which I'm able to go about my day. But I suppose that sort of unhealthy attachment is for me to examine on my own time.
All I want is for damien to address things, and hopefully do it well. Until then, I'm gonna need everyone to stop jumping to his defense claiming that he acted perfectly reasonable and that zayna was "harassing and pressuring him" (seriously laughable as someone who watched the interaction), and to for the love of God stop demonizing zayna, the original op. But also to stop treating damien like he's this monster whose career can never recover (this is mostly aimed at twt). He acted incredibly stupid and immature and impulsive, but if he just apologizes properly, then it could turn out okay.
Stop trying to turn this into some war over damien's honor. He messed up, but he can fix it if he just goes about it the right way. That's all. (again, not really at you asker)
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