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Artwork by Valin Mattheis.
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a man shooting a nerf gun at his light switch from the bed, missing every shot, and going to sleep with the lights on
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Rogues are one of the most stereotyped and pigeon-holed classes in fantasy RPGs. But if you want to step outside the box they’ve been shut into, try asking yourself these 5 questions about your next rogue.
A great submission, thanks!
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more dnd dudes!
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hope this works!
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Terrible Character Ideas:
A monk based on a European Christian archetype. They have sworn a sacred oath to defeat the giant snail plaguing the countryside.
A dragonborn desperately trying to convince the party that they’re really an aarakocra with a skin condition that made their feathers fall out.
Your standard horny bard, but they play a washboard. 
A sentient hat piloting a mannequin.
A dark elf who’s afraid of the dark, and terrified of spiders.
A peasant farmer who joined the adventure because they’re going through a midlife crisis and want to ~find themself.~
A druid who got involved because they’re the party’s weed dealer.
A werewolf who doesn’t believe in the moon.
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Ongoing collection of posts that inspire a new character im formulating
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Hey folks, I’m probably going to kill this blog soon
If anyone really cares about it, and really wants me to start it up again, please don’t hesitate to contact me. However, I just really don’t feel like it’s worth it to try to get it back up and running again, and I have WAY too many side blogs.
Note: the blog and it’s posts will still exist, but it’ll be in permanent hibernation and no new posts will be made.
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inventing new d&d alignments just for fun
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new d&d character
Merlin Monroe
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D&D NPC Idea
Perfectly Ordinary Dog
Low strength, very low dex, low constitution, high intelligence, low wisdom, godlike charisma
Is capable of doing anything a PC can do (climb/intimidate/bluff/etc) but with disadvantage on anything that would be difficult or impossible for a dog.
A loyal dog that follows the party. No one knows where it came from. It does its best to help the party, but it only knows a few generic commands. They are:
Sit: Perfectly Ordinary Dog sits. Leave It: Perfectly Ordinary Dog disengages from all opponents. Shake: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Earthquake. Come: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Teleport on itself to move directly next to the person who issues the command. Stay: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Turn to Stone on itself. The effect lasts until Perfectly Ordinary Dog is told otherwise. Speak: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Speak With Animals on itself. In addition to the spell effects, it removes disadvantage from all rolls involving speech (bluff, etc.) Sing: Perfectly Ordinary Dog uses Bardic Performance. Heel: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Cure Light Wounds on the most injured party member within range. Down: Perfectly Ordinary Dog casts Gate and summons a portal to a random netherworld dimension.
The PCs do not know about any of Perfectly Ordinary Dog’s abilities and must find them out via trial and error.
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character concept: the best trick archer in the world, the trick to which is that he’s actually not an archer at all, he’s a speedster and he can’t aim for shit, every time he takes a shot he actually just grabs the arrow, runs over to what he wants to stick, then runs back before anyone can see him move
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A cleric who is the Team Mom and only heals by kissing you on the forehead and buffs you by licking her thumb and rubbing away some schmutz on your face
someone’s like “you know that’s not actually required for your job” and she’s like “shhhhh my beautiful child, my healing my rules, I made you a potion, it’s chicken noodle mana” 
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Terrible Character Ideas:
A monk based on a European Christian archetype. They have sworn a sacred oath to defeat the giant snail plaguing the countryside.
A dragonborn desperately trying to convince the party that they’re really an aarakocra with a skin condition that made their feathers fall out.
Your standard horny bard, but they play a washboard. 
A sentient hat piloting a mannequin.
A dark elf who’s afraid of the dark, and terrified of spiders.
A peasant farmer who joined the adventure because they’re going through a midlife crisis and want to ~find themself.~
A druid who got involved because they’re the party’s weed dealer.
A werewolf who doesn’t believe in the moon.
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Necromancer that doesn’t know they’re a necromancer and thinks they’re just a really good emt
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