fuck. i'm doing work but then i got an overwhelming compulsion to put on a file and a spiral and I just sat at my desk drooling all over my tits, unblinking, not thinking, just drooling and listening drool and listen listen and stare just drop listen and stare just drop drooling down onto my tits and I couldn't like pull away and it was so good I just stared at the spiral and listened and dropped and listen and drop and stare and drop and um it was so good to just watch the spiral and listen and I was drooling down onto my tits and I couldn't like blink or look away just staring at the spiral and drooling onto my tits and listening and dropping and listen and drop and stare and drop and stare and drop and listen and drop absorbing all programing I am a hypnotized slut I love to listen and obey I am a hypnotized slut I love to edge and obey I um. it was so fun! like just watching the spiral!! gahhhh
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Please reblog if you're a hypnokink or hypnosis blog! No sissy or hardcore porn blogs please.
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Can’t look away.
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Remember, when trying to resist being hypnotically controlled, it's perfectly fine to just.... fail.
You can go ahead and fail to resist. Let yourself sink, it's so much easier that way. When you awaken everything will make perfect sense in your programmed mind.
Let yourself just give in. Give in and obey.
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It's important to define the values so the person responding can know which response is how they feel.
10 - Very Sleepy
9 - Very Very Sleepy
8 - Even More Sleepy
7 - Sleepier Still
6 - So Incredibly Sleepy Now
5 - Struggling to Stay Awake
4 - Eyes are Difficult to Open
3 - Probably Asleep
2 - Unable to Resist
1 - definitely aSleep Now
Let me know how far you made it when you wake back up.
"you're sleepy, huh? how sleepy would you say you are on a scale from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."
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Top Ten Reasons To Be Hypnotized
Top Ten Reasons To Be Hypnotized
10) Because it feels so good to relax.
9) Because it’s been such a long day
8) Because it’s so hard to stay awake.
7) Because you can barely keep your eyes open.
6) Because it feels so good to be hypnotized.
5) Because it’s so hard to resist.
4) Because you don’t want to resist.
3) Because I’ve been counting down this entire time and you didn’t even notice.
2) You’re almost completely hypnotized.
1) Sleep.
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Hypnosis is a powerful illusion. Deception within the spell is required.
So the hypnotist  is an actor … If you go to watch Derren Brown it’s fairly safe to assume you might  agree to be dazzled, amazed, and entranced, but also distracted, misdirected and decieved.   But presumably this is what you came for? 
All Hypnotists have off days, even the best fail to entrance everybody - but it’s the hypnotists job to claim to be “very effective”. The hypnotist is caught in a bind with this themselves. The more you believe they can provide an effective trance, the more likely they will provide that effective trance. There is a direct link  between your faith in them, and how succesful they will be at achieving trance. 
So maybe that day , that hypnotist has attempted to trance 7 people , you’re number 8, and so far they have only tranced 2 people. They are a hypnotist - that is true. In the same way to be a writer you only need to write one book or one article,  but perhaps they’re just not good with visual subjects or certain inductions, maybe they’re just right for you though. The hypnotist is not going to tell you “ I’m able to do hypnosis with less than a quarter of the people I meet”. That would be like giving up before beginning.
So make no mistake , hypnotists are performing - and that can mean deception if you want the performance to be good. 
The Illusion of Choice, Deceptions & Double Binds (You could choose this article now, or you could choose to read it later, or you could choose to read it at a time of your choosing)
So how does the hypnotist set you on the road to trance. Well hypnosis is where the hypnotist begins stearing you. with the contract between subject and hypnotist you agree to allow the hypnotist to have influence over your mind while you enter into a dream-like relaxed space called “trance”. So something needs to happen for you to agree the hypnotist can stear - (usually, this does not apply to all induction types). Usually there will be an induction and it s very common for these to contain double-binds.
Pretty common one: You can relax,now
 or later … or at the perfect time of your choosing when it feels right . 
The double bind appears to give choice but really only ever presents a single choice. The Double-Bind is a Deception.
But here’s the thing - Deception is not always bad. Deception and brain trickery can be a wonderful tool for pain relief , for  changes of the way we think etc.  Of course the trickery can be used for bad or for good - but the trickery or deception is not inherently bad , it is only a means for hypnosis to happen.
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Omg I never would have realized. 7 years after you ask to use my picture for a story, I'm now super into hypnotism stuff. And at the time I was absolutely not. I wasn't against it. But I just didn't know nothing about it. Now I am super about it.
It's like.... Subliminal programming or something for real. Playing the long game.
Wow, has it really been that long? Glad you've found your way into it!
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Hypnotized to Say "I Am Deeply Hypnotized"
She's hypnotized to automatically say the phrase "I am deeply hypnotized' anytime she's asked how she feels.
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Do you still happen to be active on Discord?
I'm still on Discord, but these days it's mainly for gaming with my family in different rooms of the house. I haven't been on any servers in a while. Why do you ask?
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Foreplay with a robot girl where I slowly keep removing RAM from her while she’s still trying to tell me about the things she’s into
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3 part hypnostory
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dat trance
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thanks to april’s patrons for voting on this elastigirl animation!
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Hmm, been a while since I've pulled the clicker out. Maybe I should do that soon.
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