quimichi · 9 minutes
I think I wrote heart instead of hat in my last ask if that wasn't the case ignore this ask
naaah it ok haha
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quimichi · 11 minutes
The real reason Scaramouche needs his hat is because he's so pale that if a single Ray of sun beamed upon him he would burn to Ash immediately/j
We don't want our baby to get a sunburn now, no no
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quimichi · 12 minutes
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Hey pookie
hi cutie ♡
(Cute omfg--)
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quimichi · 58 minutes
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Dog jumpscare
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quimichi · 1 hour
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Nah cause why am i back in that phase again--
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quimichi · 3 hours
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I mean--i have some fashion choices haha. I'd wear them all ♡ THX FOR TAGGING ♡♡♡
TAGS: @hehothrowawayfae @lucienbarkbark @rikasurl @ryu--19 @theblades
how does pinterest see you? search up:
and put the first picture that shows up
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tag ur moots!!!!
@batschistcrazy @julia-bonkers @girlbossblog444 @greengirllover @turnerside @ohmanareyoucereal69 +anyone who wants to join<333
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quimichi · 12 hours
@merbear25 SO SORRY I'M LATE :((( I had it in my drafts, hit post and--missed and didn't notice--I had soo much fun doing this tho! I hope my picks for you are to your liking ♡
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@ i seriously have almost no idea why i imagined megumi with you specifically...but i think its really cute so deal with it-♡
@ first of all, he would TOTALLY get why you want time for yourself sometimes. Mainly because he does need his time sometimes too. Maybe you can both agree on specific "alone times" so no one is like lonley alone when the other is alone??? Yk what i mean???
@ we all know Megs is a little stoic- he would never EVER admit you're cute. Like super adorable and sweet. You're caring, supportive and clumsy?? Makes him all fuzzy inside. Especially when you maybe drop something out of nervousness
@ or when you silently or loudly support him. The latter makes him blush tho
@ oh but he can hate your strong-willed ass. No you're not coming to this misson, stop preparing. HE SAID STOP WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN HE WANTS YOU SAVE???
@ sooo you're patient? You really need that with him. He would take it very slow in the relationship. Like don't get me wrong he trusts you, loves you and appreciates you so damn much. But he still kind of struggles to show his feelings to you. So your patience will be greatly appreciated. You're gonna be rewarded too :3
@ not really a cuddly person but would try it for you. If the time really allows it yk.@ but would hold you close at night nonetheless. Kind of a harsh grip on you but hey, he just wants you close-
@ can he watch horror movies? Yes. Does he like them? They're ok. Does he watch them for you/with you? Most definitely yes!
@ oh but hes kinda creeped out by your collection. He's not scared of many things, maybe like none...but what definitely makes him uneasy are those dolls and nutcrackers-
@ oh and hes super scared of you being mad-
@ its like me, I'm not scared of many things but my mom being mad?? Nah--it's the same for Megumi
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@ Sanji 🫥
@ you do know how to have fun! You're adventurous! But also you're a very responsible and collected person (at least thats how i see you-)
@ i feel like Sanji wants and needs someone like you! You're not boring. You're very interesting and different. And you can hold his ass back-
@ would teach you cooking! And if you ever crave pizza, sushi, chocolate strawberries or a lemon cake, he will do it for you. Any meal and dessert for his beautiful lover!
@ many many many MANY compliments but its Sanji...its a crime to be insecure around him
@ your dolls lol-he gives you some as presents but is still like...creeped out at them.
@ definitely yelled a "QUIT STARRING" at one of them some time
@ ok now the difficult part...You're scared of large bodies of water (same) he will make sure you forget about it. Just don't go outside--or don't think of it. Just prepare dinner with him!!!
@ would definitely hold and comfort you if you're ever scared of a Strom. Especially on the sea cause...2 dislikes collide with one another--
@ super protective of you, what a surprise ik. Not even Luffy can get roo near you lol-and hes his captain-would kick his ass--
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quimichi · 20 hours
How do you do those chats??
i use a app called "MeMi" ♡ hope this helps!
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quimichi · 2 days
I feel like you've Cursed me with the Jade talk we had recently /hj
✨️and you will never get rid of it
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quimichi · 3 days
Its sooo super cute i really love it ♡ and compared to Law my introverted ass is more extroverted haha
And what is it with me always being shipped with Nanami??? I'm not complaining tho- its so jsjwiauauw cute---
Matchup trade for @quimichi
Hello again, dear! Thank you for suggesting this trade. I enjoyed learning about you and writing these for you! I hope you like them 💜💜
For One Piece I match you with Law!
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Okay, so there were a few men I thought of for you right off the bat, but after some time, I realized that Law would probably be the best fit for you! Your personalities complement each other nicely and there’s an equal enough amount of similarities and differences to balance out your relationship.
Since he’s more reserved, your kind and polite nature would make it just a bit easier for him to feel comfortable around you.
He’d appreciate any willingness from you to aid him, but he’s a self-sufficient man and would only accept it if he really needed it. However, he’d thank you nonetheless. He’s got rather healthy boundaries set up, so I feel like he’d be able to give advice if your helping syndrome ever got in the way of your personal needs.
Your open-mindedness is something he really loves about you. He may not show it, but he admires how much you enjoy trying new things. You could help him step out of his comfort zone, of course starting small since he’s not the most adventurous person.
I see him as one who’d appreciate sarcasm and dark humor. You’d have bits of banter and have a few laughs bonding over the humor that others may not understand.
He’s a rather calm and level-headed person (even when he gets annoyed), so whenever your anger or annoyance gets the better of you, he’d be your rock, offering you stability so as to ease you down from your rising emotions. 
Despite being quiet himself and easily annoyed by chaotic people, he wouldn’t necessarily mind you rambling from time to time. He’d be listening even if it feels like he isn’t, but he’d of course want peace and quiet when he needs to focus. You being able to read the room and give him that is very much appreciated.
You mentioned you love parking lot dates, and I have the cutest image of the two of you going to a drive in movie. After spending a while chatting in a parking lot, you choose to catch a film, enjoying it in the comfort of your own car.
For JJK I match you with Nanami!
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He’d be drawn to your kind-hearted and polite nature, even if he appears to be rather distant. Your need to help others is something he’d find very admirable, yet he’d step in from time to time if it appeared to be draining you. He’d give you soothing words of praise for your big heart while also reminding you that it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.
Being the one to want to take things a bit more slowly, eventually not having to work as much, he’d appreciate your quiet and calm moments. That being said, he won’t mind your bursts of energy. It was another way for you to express yourself, and he saw it as you feeling comfortable around him. Honestly, it warmed his heart to see you with so much life and spark.
He’d adore quality time with you: moments when you’re sitting together chatting, or even in silence, would be memories he’d cherish.
Seeing as he’s very calm, even when he’s irritated, his level-headedness wouldn’t waver during any moments of you feeling angry or annoyed about something. He’d listen to you, give you time to blow off steam, then talk you through any lingering issues you may have.
You're both supportive of the other’s dreams. Hearing about your hopes for the future gives him more incentive to work harder, so that he can make them a reality. Your smile and happiness would be what gets him through difficult days.
He’s much more of a homebody, not that he despises going out, but he’s like you—preferring going out to be peaceful. Taking a stroll through the park, enjoying the peaceful sounds of nature with you by his side would be one of the best ways to spend his freetime. 
You mentioned that quality time is your love language and that you also thoroughly enjoy spending time with friends and family, so I have a cute image of the two of you having friends and/or family over for game night. The night would be filled with warm, tender moments that you two would hold very dear for many more nights to come.
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quimichi · 4 days
↳ ❝ [I LOVE YOU] ¡! ❞
↳ Chat: Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
characters: Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Silver & Sebek x F!Reader
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quimichi · 4 days
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The thing i drew in my besties note book rn-quick sketch and then she noticed and laughed lol--
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quimichi · 4 days
Awww thx when i do these post i don't think lol i just go and type out what comes to mind ofc also making it or trying to make it accurate--what you find so funny is just me-like--me lol
But pls don't laugh so hard--I want you in good health even tho laughing is healthy--
↳ ❝ [I LOVE YOU] ¡! ❞
↳ Chat: Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
characters: Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Jamil, Vil & Rook x F!Reader
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quimichi · 4 days
Sijsisie @b0njourbeach-reblogs that genuinely makes me so happy you have no idea--reading this? Ahhhalqlsosjsb---thx so so much for sharing your thoughts ♡
↳ ❝ [I LOVE YOU] ¡! ❞
↳ Chat: Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
characters: Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Jamil, Vil & Rook x F!Reader
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quimichi · 4 days
when will you continue your genshin break up prank story? 👉👈🥺 of course, if you don't want to continue, you don't have to. ❤️
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quimichi · 4 days
I reaaaaaally hope im not making any kind of spoilers about the boss battle of Penacony but this is just an idea that doesn't leave my head and I want to share it with you 👁️
Okay, so, did you know that in the second phase of Phantylia boss fight there you cna heard Aha laughing right? yeah because is so funny watching those stupid flowers consuming my team's hp and taking away my skills points 🤷🏻
Well, the thought that doesn't leave my head is that how they will react when they get to know that we literally hit a gigant opera robot with the astral express (and, of course, make a victorious pose with clockie while doing it ✨)
Because i still can't get over it!! It is so fucking funny to do it!! 😭 I just can't imagine what Pom Pom could be thinking in that moment!! I bet he felt like in fast and furious
And there is no way he wont get to know, I know we were in the dreamscape but he is way too self aware to dont know 🤨
And here's my lazy ass who didn't continue the story for a while--you don't have to worry about the spoiler! I'm just always behind the plot-
Like i literally started Fontaine act 1 and didn't continue till the last act came out and even THEN i waited a good 1-2 months till i continued--why? Idk I'm lazy--
But honestly Aha is like so easy to get to laugh. They find anything and everything hilarious, have their nose in every book and have to watch everything. Basically child behavior if you ask me-- they gotta hold themselves back tho not to interact more than just giggling
I truly think that aha is way more powerful than we all know and believe. They have their strings all over and creat chaos where they want. Aha is a maniac-
In germany we say "Schadenfreudig" so...aha has a lot of malicious glee. Any damage done is a good damage, mentally or physically its entertaining to watch
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quimichi · 4 days
↳ ❝ [I LOVE YOU] ¡! ❞
↳ Chat: Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
characters: Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Jamil, Vil & Rook x F!Reader
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