r-a-c-h-e-l · 8 days
Tom Riddle x prefect!reader
You catch Tom wandering the hallways at night and give him detention, but your actions have him obsessing over you. When he spots you at a party with someone else Tom does a very Tom Riddle thing to solve the matter.
Warning: none
It was this request that encouraged me to write another Tom fic and I started it, but struggled to finish. Anyways, I did after a freaking long time. The song night shift is more of a breakup song, but I just went with the vibe of the song and focussed on the bit about kissing someone and it feeling wrong.
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You always stuck to your regular patrol, but life as prefect was getting really boring and this night especially you were feeling courageous so you actively walked around Hogwarts. You sigh and are about to turn on your heels when you spot something. It was so swift and dark that you almost mistook it for a shadow, but it was your gut that told you it was someone. “Stop there and reveal yourself.” You demand with your voice firm, but also trembling in fear of who or what you had just caught past midnight.
Your demand is answered by an annoyed sigh and then slow steps moving your way until his figure is fully revealed in the light of your lumos. “Tom?” You blur out surprised to find slytherin’s most flawless, but also dubious student in front of you… caught breaking the rules. Tom raises his eyebrows at your blunt use of his first name and also the questioning tone of your voice. As far as scary prefects go you had failed.
As Tom curiously takes in your every detail, you search somewhat clumsily for your notebook. “I’m writing you up for breaking Hogwarts’ nighttime schedule.” At your words a pompous smile makes its way to Tom’s lips. “There’s no need for that.” The ink has almost touched the paper, but his words make you look up at him. Your confused eyes make Tom give you a soft smile. “I’m sure you’ll find that I can be very persuasive… especially to an innocent mind as yours.” Not impressed by who he was and what his last name meant, those last words have no effect on you and to the slytherin’s surprise your eyes drop back to your notebook. You start to scribble in your little notebook, not paying mind to him at all. Confusing him by your lack of interest in him or what he has to say.
“You shouldn’t report me, I had grounded reasons to be outside. I was out studying late.” He utters urgently, hoping to stop your writing. However, as serious as Tom’s excuse was, you were used to other students sneaking around like his younger brother and his friends so you immediately assumed something different. “Studying somebody’s anatomy right?” You mock with your eyebrows suggestively wiggling  and Tom frowns, confused, not understanding the reference immediately.
“I wasn’t having sex if that’s what you’re implying.” He shamelessly blurts and you’re taken aback by his bluntness, but your mind is quick. “So what were you studying then that you had to do so past midnight and in secret?” You ask and lift your quill from the page, studying him. He’s definitely surprised by your question. You were getting more interesting as he now had to admit that he said too much. “On second thought, I was with someone. Definitely having sex.” A soft chuckle rolls over your lips and he can’t help but notice your gentle beauty. You meet his eyes intrigued by what he really had been doing, but you snap out of it almost immediately.
“That will cost you 30 house points and two weeks detention.” It had been a while since Tom had felt so insulted, he almost felt belittled that some ordinary prefect was giving him detention and taking points. “What? That’s outrageous!” He takes a step towards you but you aren’t impressed and just flipped a page in your notebook where all the rules are listed. “No, it's a standard procedure for walking around the castle at this hour. I’ll also have to notify Mcgonagall. Standard procedure.”
“Whatever. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been caught before.” You close your book and cross your arms. How often does he walk around at night? When Tom notices your eyebrows knit together he rolls his eyes. This is the second time today that I’m saying more than I should. This has to be the most annoying prefect there is. You huff and smile at him with confidence. “And prepare to get caught more often, since I’ll be walking these halls for the coming year.” Tom forces a smile and raises his eyebrows. “Delightfull.”
You smile and shake your head at his tone. “Now straight to your common room. If you are spotted again, you violate the direct authority of a prefect and you have to see the headmaster.” You explain and Tom has to refrain himself from saying anything snappy. He raises his eyebrows and turns around. “Let’s avoid that at all costs shall we.” The sass and venom in his voice has you narrow your eyes at him as he starts walking in the direction of his common room.
Tom can feel your eyes burning into his back and a smirk creeps up on his lips. “I always intended to go there, before you showed up of course, so don’t worry I’ll not stray from my path.”
“Good.” You call after him, wanting the last word in the matter. There was something so smug about how he said everything. 
“Detention? You got detention?” Tom rolled his eyes at his brother’s annoying amusement. Salazar, Mattheo can you at least pretend like you aren’t enjoying it this much. Tom’s dark eyes shoot up to Mattheo who tries but fails to hide his smile. “Never thought I would see the day.” Mattheo says, taking the chair opposite of Tom. Really, he’s sitting down for this. Unbelievable. “Neither did I.” Tom dryly states, returning his gaze to his book. “So who outsmarted you?” The younger Riddle bluntly asks, loving how his brother’s entire aura changes at the word ‘outsmarted’. “I wasn’t outsmarted.” Tom snaps with a dark and agitated voice. “Yes, you were.” Mattheo sings. “Was not.” Tom sneers, before noticing how Mattheo had dragged him into a silly argument. Tom sighs and regains his normally calm composure. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll have my revenge.” His brother chuckles. “Oh, I don’t doubt that.”
The week had passed without any incidents and you hadn’t seen Tom at all. Which wasn’t that special. It wasn’t like the two of you saw each other often before the events of that one particular night, but you couldn't help but search for his face so once in a while. There was something intriguing about him and as much as you hated it, a curiosity for him had taken root in your mind. However, there was a Gryffindor party tonight and your plan was to have fun and not even think about Tom Riddle once. 
Tom on the other hand had a different plan. He had observed you carefully without being noticed and his desire for revenge had turned into a desire to have you. He hadn’t seen it coming at all, but suddenly you had a grip on him and now he found himself scanning drinks at some lame Gryffindor party. After several seconds of staring at bottles of booze he finally picks one and pours himself a cup. “You are terribly lost, brother.” Tom rolls his eyes as Mattheo’s voice rings in his ears. “I thought I would try your lifestyle for once. Shitty parties and even shittier drinks.” Tom turns to face his brother and fakes a smile. “Seriously, what brings you here?” Mattheo asks, lifting his chin in curiosity with his brother. Tom is about to remind his brother that nothing he does is any of his business but just then you come into view. Mattheo looks to check what had made his usually so snappy brother fall silent. “You’re never one to gawk, but hey I get why.” Mattheo states as he sees that his brother has his eyes set on you and Tom instantly meets his brother’s eyes with an agitated look. “I don’t gawk.” 
Mattheo snickers and Tom gives him a dark scowl that would have anyone running except for his brother. “Must be embarrassing.” Mattheo states with a taunting tone and Tom ignores him, but this doesn’t take away his brother’s amusement. “You’re just an ordinary mortal after all, capable of falling in love.” Tom stares at you laughing with your friends. Salazar, he hated it when his brother was right. He was falling in love with you and he had only spoken to you once. “Do you think I should go talk to her?” Mattheo is as surprised by the question itself as by the fact that his brother is actually asking him for advice. Mattheo looks at his drink. “You sure aren’t going to win her over by staring at her. Might get a stalking complaint.” Tom lets his head and eyes fall to the side to give his younger brother an annoyed glance, before actually walking over to you leaving a surprised Mattheo behind.
“Ah for once not roaming the halls as prefect.” Tom states with a direct voice and piercing eyes, but also a gentle and captivating smile. Though he still had that demeaning and chill vibe, the obvious attempt at starting a conversation was charming. “No prefect duties tonight. So if you plan to do anything twisted and mysterious tonight is your night, because I’ll be drinking.” You raise your nearly empty glass a little and meet his eyes with your playful ones. “As it happens I have taken a night off from doing twisted and mysterious things and I too will be drinking.” He raises his glass as well and quickly picks up on your nearly empty one. “I think we should get you a refill.” You’re surprised by his friendly and flirty behaviour, but go along with it, intrigued by the man. You spent some time talking at the table refilling your drinks, but your friends call you away and Tom himself becomes occupied with some Slytherins from families loyal to his father and eager to kiss ass. 
Being separated from you for a while has Tom’s eyes eagerly searching for you among the dancing students. When he spots you his stomach turns. Some guy is whispering in your ear and Tom has already made up his mind to interrupt whatever is going on when you are led outside by this guy. “Dean, where are you taking me?” You laugh, slightly tipsy as Dean gives you a playful smile and continues to lead you away from the party. Tom is in quick pursuit of the two of you and overhears your giggling. Finally outside Dean pulls you against him with one hard tug. “I thought we could use a moment to ourselves.” Dean whispers eyes seductively moving to your lips. “You think?” You giggle, teasing the guy as his nose brushes yours.
Tom was raging on the inside, boiling with disgust for what was happening. As his brother had said Tom's fascination with you had proven that he was capable of love but this didn’t mean that you or anyone for that matter was capable of loving him, Voldemort’s firstborn. A crippling sadness squeezes his heart and grips at his lungs. Meanwhile you feel unhappy with the situation as well. Curiosity had led you here, but in all fairness after your little chat with Tom you had hoped to find him again and see if he would take you for a moment alone. Yet Dean was here and Tom was not, and you weren’t going to let a good looking guy like Dean pass just because you were intrigued by the mysterious Tom Riddle who might or might not make a move. 
Dean kisses you and as soon as your lips meet you know that this isn’t what you want, but before you even have a chance to push him away he stiffens and falls to the floor with a hard tut. You immediately get to your knees to check on him. Your heart’s racing and only calms when you know he’s still breathing. It’s then that you notice someone standing next to the both of you, leaning slightly to observe the paralysed guy on the ground. Your eyes move to see that it’s Tom and you look back at Dean, back to Tom and back to Dean. It only takes you a few seconds to accuse Tom. “Did you hex him?” You get up and look sternly at a very calm looking Tom. “You’re awfully quick to draw conclusions and accuse me of hexing someone… but yes I did.” Your mouth drops and you don’t know if you should yell, run or get your wand, but Tom’s gentle tone convinces you to stay calm. 
“You shouldn’t be kissing him.” Tom states like he knows something you don’t. Your eyebrows knit together. “Why not?” You demand with a serious tone, like you were expecting a reasonable explanation from Tom. “Because I don’t like it.” Your lips part but no sound comes, since you are absolutely speechless. Tom stares at the guy on the floor with uninterested eyes while casually shoving his hands in his pockets. “Were you jealous?” You suddenly ask, not really believing it possible but also finding no other explanation for the situation. There’s a silence as Tom meets your eyes. You drown in his eyes and feel drawn to him. “Yes, you could call it that.” At those words you stop drowning and stare at him instead. Tom snorts softly, unable to hide his amusement with your baffled expression. He calmly steps over Dean's paralyzed body to stand before you, barely an inch between you two. Your heart is racing, but for some reason your mind and body go numb. A smirk tugs on Tom’s lips, but his eyes show a sadness that you cannot place.
“Good night, miss (l/n).” Tom says with a low voice, before placing a soft and endearing kiss on your cheek. As the sound of his steps fade into the distant hallways your fingers gently brush the cheek that had just received a kiss. 
In his room Tom sighs deeply as he loosens his tie. He found it so annoying but he had to admit that in a way you had outsmarted him again, because instead of revenge all he wanted was you. 
Word count: 2443
Thanks for reading and know that feedback is always welcome!
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 27 days
Capturing how light works at a trillion frames per second
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 1 month
Making out with them
Mattheo Riddle
His pupils are blown wide with lust, and the look that he's giving you is making you go crazy.
One of his hands are wrapped around your throat to keep you in place and the other digs into the flesh of your butt.
Between heavy kisses he whispers about how insane you make him, how he'd do anything for you.
Theodore Nott
You're pulled onto Theo's lap, his hands around your waist, and your fingers dug into his brown hair.
His mouth tastes of cigarettes and lime, and once he bites into your bottom lip, copper.
He gives you a small, cocky grin as you pull away with a pout on your lips.
Tom Riddle
You're sat sideways atop Tom's lap. You're both sitting on a couch, and a book lays besides you both that Tom was reading before you'd come in to keep him company.
One of Tom's arms are wrapped around your waist to keep you from falling and the other on the back of your neck.
His hand soon makes its way up your head and is enveloped in your hair as he forces you to tilt your head back for him so that he can press his lips against your throat.
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 1 month
love and its lethal consequences / tom riddle
pairing: tom riddle x fem!reader
content: muggleborn!reader, dark!tom, mild swearing, violence
summary: tom grapples between his dark desires and his unlikely affection for you. it’s deadly.
a/n: part 3 to this lil series :> pls lmk if u guys r enjoying so far!! idk how long i want this to be but we shall see where it goes
read the previous parts: one two
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⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Tom has decided. And once Tom decides something, nothing will get in his way.
You are to be his.
The murder would be the easiest part of all. Twice, now, he’s done it. First with that disgusting, grumbling Myrtle and second with his nasty father he can’t even be bothered to think about.
Third time is always the charm. He has it all figured out.
“Tommy!” you beam, following the daily routine. You slide over a treacle tart. “You liked these ones last time.”
He accepts the dessert wordlessly. He’s too deep in thought. You grin.
A few more moments of silence pass and you begin to be irritated by the lack of noise. You have to fill the air up somehow. “Have I told you about Murph yet?”
He’s almost sickened by the name itself. So much so that he can’t stomach the lovely tart your mother has made for him. You’re on a nickname basis now? “You have not.”
You haven’t told him anything about this boy, but he already knows everything. He won’t have to worry about this foul beast for much longer, so he’ll tolerate the giddiness in your eyes for now.
“We’ve just gone on a date. I think it went well, you know? He’s sweet. Opens the door for me, matches pace. That type of thing.”
Tom could do that too if that’s what you really wanted. “How wonderful,” he deadpans.
You’d be a fool not to notice the way his eye twitched when you said the word “date” or the poorly hidden sarcasm he laced in his speech.
“I think our next one is this Wednesday,” you continue.
He’s absolutely fucking repulsed. If he didn’t know any better, he’d march on over to that moron’s room and take care of it himself. But there’s a plan, procedure to be followed. And Tom is nothing if not methodical.
“I can’t believe it! The both of us have dates this week. What even are our lives now?” Camilla cheers, leaning back in her seat.
“I don’t think Tom is very happy about mine.”
She raises a brow. “That’s because Murphy isn’t pure. I’m telling you, Riddle’s lot is psychotic.”
“Okay, I’m not a fan of them either, but Tom knows I’m not pure. He’s been perfectly pleasant.”
“He hardly speaks!” she retorts.
You roll your eyes and urge her to continue reading her book. She complies. Camilla’s never been very argumentative.
As she settles in the pages, all entranced by the words, you lean back in your chair. It is a strange twist of fate that you’re now friends with Tom, but despite Camilla’s warnings, you can’t get yourself to leave. It’s a comfortable trap.
“Hello,” Tom says from behind you as you swing your feet on the railings.
You don’t skip a beat. “Hi!”
Tom knows by now that he can’t surprise you.
The echoing chambers of Hogwarts are bathed in soft moonlight, and no one else is around. Tom is usually by himself at this time. You only steal each other’s afternoons.
“You know,” you muse, breaking the comfortable quiet that settled between you. “You’re very important to me.”
Tom clears his throat. He’s never really been important to anyone. He swallows. “Likewise.”
He’s avoiding your gaze. You think it’s cute. His lips quirk into a faint smile, a rare glint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes, but it’s gone as soon as it comes.
Suddenly, you study his face, trying to unravel the mysteries hidden within. He’s more withdrawn recently. Even quieter, if that’s possible. You suppose it has something to do with Murph but you never can be too sure when it comes to him.
“You’re staring,” he says.
“I like the view.” He sighs.
Tom is not a good person. Far from it. Your friend realises it but you don’t. You’re a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatens to consume him, that’s already consumed him. You’re both refuge from his despair and a constant reminder. He finds solace in your company and he hates it but now he has no choice. He can’t bring himself to kill you. He knows he never will and so it has to be this way.
It will hurt you, undoubtedly. It will make him more terrible than he already is.
Time is creeping up on him. You’re growing closer with that wretched Ravenclaw and the longer he waits, the more you will be affected.
“Murphy Atthill.”
He turns around at the call of his name and can’t help but feel uneasy. Tom’s presence tends to do that. “Riddle? What can I do for you?” he asks politely. He isn’t very good at masking his anxiety.
Tom casts the Killing Curse and he feels the unmistakable split of his soul as he recites haunting Latin incantations. He knows there’s no going back.
A chilling sense of finality looms over him and yet it weighs light on his conscience. All for the better, this is. In fact, it’s a twisted sense of satisfaction that he feels knowing that the deed is done. He knows he’s crossed a line with you from which there is no return,
But Murphy’s eyes lifeless are much prettier that way.
taglist for this series!! @mariamyousef702 @enidths @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @girlogies @unwrittenletter @helalokithor
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 2 months
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completed commission for @writing-intheundercroft 🥰 Sebastian Sallow x MC, from the fic "The Night Shift" [AO3 & Tumblr]
Thanks so much for commissioning me!
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 2 months
The dark lord’s favourite always gets what she wants
You use your influence with the dark lord to get a certain someone to behave.
Theo Nott and Mattheo Riddle imagine
Warning: toxic reader, crucio, bit angsty? and suggestiveness
Quick post forecast: today, we’ve got toxic Thursday with Theo and Matt, tomorrow it’s flirty Friday with Enzo and if all goes well we’ll have a smutty Saturday.
Tumblr wouldn’t let me insert the pictures in text, which makes me so sad. 🥺 Sorry, you’ll have to scroll down, I hope I can fix it later… Fixed it!!!! anyways happy readings!
Requested part 2
Theodore Nott
The dark lord smiled with genuine admiration for your work as you handed him Merlin’s spell book. “I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me, you never do. Like your parents you know what loyalty means.” You nod and he continues. “If there’s anything I can do to show my gratitude, please let me know.” You shake no, pretending like you didn’t already have something in mind when you entered his office.
After a few seconds you speak up. “Actually, there might be something, a little annoying matter that I can’t seem to manage myself.” His silence is his way of telling you to state your wish. “There’s a guy in my year, he never shows me any respect. Belittles me all the time. Yesterday, he even stole from me. I can’t do anything about it, Dumbledore doesn’t allow students to curse one another.”
The dark lord circles around you, listening attentively. He already has his suspicions, but nevertheless asks: “His name?” You meet Tom Riddle's eyes. “Theodore Nott.”
Without warning he points his wand to the door and it slams open. “Theodore, join us.” Every hair on Theo’s body raises as soon as he hears his name, but calmly follows orders. Theo’s eyes immediately land on you and a scowl forms on his face, this can’t be good. “I’ve been told your behavior isn’t what it should be.” Theodore’s eyes darken. “Whatever she said is a lie.” The dark lord snaps his head at Theo, not pleased with how he talks about his favorite. “Crucio!” Your eyes widen as Theodore falls to his knees, reaching for a nearby table to keep himself from fully collapsing. “I think his behavior will now drastically improve.” You nod and the dark lord turns towards Theodore. “Return what you stole and don’t leave this room until you’re forgiven.”
As soon as you and Theo are alone he looks up at you with hatred. “You are vile.” You simply grin. “If I were you I would change your tone and maybe throw in a few compliments.” Theodore pulls his eyes away from you. You were probably right. His orders were clear, you had to leave this room happy or whatever was waiting for him would be worse than the curse he had already suffered.
Now that he’s standing again you slowly walk towards him and he quietly stares at you bottling up his anger. “I want my essay back.” You demand. He huffs, but you quirk an eyebrow reminding him to behave. Theo takes a deep breath as he surrenders and reaches for the inside pocket of his jacket. “Here’s the essay you wrote based on my idea.” He offers you the paper and a content smirk tugs on your lips. Theo turns around, pleased to be done with you, but you grab his arm pulling him back.
“You aren’t forgiven yet.” You remind him. “How about you start with a little ‘I’m sorry’.” You suggest, making him close the distance between you two and tower over you. You try to hide the fact that you’re a little intimidated and bravely look him in the eyes. “I won’t apologize.” You lick your lips patiently. “I’m not responsible for what happens to you if you leave this room unforgiven. The dark lord might see you as an unloyal freeloader who only follows orders when it fits him.” Theodore balls his fists as his frustration with you peaks. You want to say something more, but Theo won’t let you. He forcefully grabs your chin and pushes you against the desk behind you. “I won’t apologize to you.” The boiling hate in his voice is undeniable and honestly you don’t blame him. He started playing games with you without knowing how dirty you play and now his ego’s was taking some serious damage. You speak through gritted teeth as Theo’s hold on your chin stays. “If you aren’t going to use that mouth of yours for apologizing, you better put it to good use elsewhere.”
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Theodore jaw clenches and he stares at you debating his options, but you know him better than he knows himselfs. Your core is aching for what is to come. “Fine.” Theo spits as he surrenders to your will, but not without being an arrogant ass about it. With one harsh move he spreads your legs and you grip the desk behind you for support. Your smug grin is irresistible to Theodore, but he’ll never let you know how turned on he gets so he keeps his eyes dark as he slides down on you.
Mattheo Riddle
You are part of the Slytherin friend group but you know that Mattheo isn’t too fond of you. He’s always ridiculing you for something stupid. It was like his hobby was getting on your nerves. However, you’ve had enough of it and tonight his attitude was going to change. You had managed to get your hands on Merlin’s spell book before Mattheo and were currently handing it over to a very pleased Tom Riddle.
“Your extraordinary effort for our cause is admirable and doesn’t go unnoticed by me.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, but kept quiet as he sat at a table with the Malfoys. The dark lord wrapped his arm around you pulling you into a cold but appreciative hug, while whispering. “Anything you wish, my dear?” You look over at Mattheo, but as soon as your eyes meet he looks away and you can’t help but smirk. Softly you whisper something to Tom, making Mattheo look back up with anxious eyes. “Unappreciative, you say?” You nod. “And disrespectful.” You add and the dark lord seems to get more agitated. With a dramatic calmness he points his wand at the table, making everyone’s face flash with terror.
Suddenly, the quiet room is interrupted by a loud smack as Mattheo’s face is forced against the table by a spell. The emotional pain is just as visible as the blood dripping from his nose. With fuming rage and yet a stern calmness his father makes his way to the table, while every other person looks down in an attempt to hide their fear. The dark lord grabs Mattheo’s face forcing him to make eye contact. “You do not mistreat my dear (y/n). She’s loyal. A woman like her should be appreciated and pampered. From now on you’ll be good to her. Understood?”
The grip on his face is too strong for Mattheo to properly nod, but his eyes tell his father everything he needs to know. Mattheo will comply with everything the dark lord demands. When Tom releases Mattheo he looks up at you and you sincerely bow to show your gratitude and respect, thereby affirming your spot as favorite.
After the world’s most uncomfortable meeting you’re pleased to wander the hallways in solitude. You spot Mattheo cleaning his face through the half opened bathroom door and you stop to watch him. When your eyes lock in the reflection of the mirror his whole body tenses, but this doesn’t stop him from giving you a scowl. This makes your pity for him ebb away. You take a few confident strides and join him, taking the cloth from him to clean his face. “He could’ve done worse.” Your words just make him scoff. “Is my pain and humiliation not enough amusement for you?” He grabs your hand telling you to stop, you try but fail to get out of his grip and his attitude starts to frustrate you. “Stop whining, Riddle, and let go of me or I’ll go crying to your dad again.” Mattheo’s jaw clenches, but he reluctantly releases your hand allowing you to clean and heal him.
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After you’ve fixed him up you both make your way back to the other guests. When you enter the room Mattheo is quick to leave you a few steps behind, searching for his friends, but one disappointed and contemptible look from his father makes Mattheo instantly turn back towards you. To your surprise he’s quick to snake an arm around you. You glare at Mattheo for being so obvious about only being nice to you to save himself. “I’m not feeling really appreciated.” Mattheo rolls his eyes at your words, while leaning in to whisper through gritted teeth. “You expect a lot of love and appreciation from a man who never gets any himself.” You look at his dark eyes, while they dart around you. “Just tell me what you want and you’ll have it.” You lay your hand on his cheek forcing him to make eye contact. “Take me to your room and fuck me.” You demand, surprising Mattheo. His harsh and frustrated eyes turn softer as he realises you might not be as unreasonable as he thought.
A/N: Typo’s, grammatical errors, forgotten warnings, worries, disturbances, disastrous thoughts? Let me know, feedback is always welcome!
Picture source: https://pin.it/33fAo21Oe
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 2 months
Heirs of Hogwarts | part 3
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Genre(s): Nuisance to Lovers / Fake dating / Fluff / No Voldy au Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader Summary: After finding out your (now ex)boyfriend cheated on you with the girl he told you not to worry about, you decide to get into a fake relationship with the kid of another founder of Hogwarts. What could go wrong? Warning(s): Matt's thirsty (but so are you also lowkey) / Awkward family moments / Visuals (Don't like them? Don't use them🤷🏻‍♀️) / I suck at writing kiss scenes (yes it's happening) / it's spicy but not full on smut (smut adjacent) A/n: For now this is the end of the mini-series. Thank you all for enjoying my story and see you all in the next one! [Masterlist] [part 1] [part 2]
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Normally you would love to be proven right. Revel in the knowledge that they should have listened to you. But now? Fuck being right. You don't want to right. 
You've been carrying the letter with you for a couple of days and the weight of it makes your schoolbag makes it feel like it's filled with bricks. The letter is weighing you down, and everybody around you seems to notice it. Especially Mattheo. You still hang out with him, of course, but every time the words are on the tip of your tongue, you chicken out.
"Have you told him yet?", asks Susan as she sees you reading the letter again during lunch.
Giving her a frowned look, you shake your head. How in Merlin's name can you inform him that 'hey, my parents want to meet you because Meemaw saw us sneak into my dorm. Now they think we are together and having sex and want to meet the hypothetical father of my hypothetical baby if we were actually having hypothetical sex and not being careful. All hypothetically of course. Why else would I sneak a boy into my dorm?' 
Not casually at least. 
You look over towards his table and meet his eyes. He motions with his head towards the door. You nod with a small smile and finish your juice. "See you in class."
"Have fun with your boyfriend!", she calls after you and you flip her off. 
"What was all that about?", asks Mattheo with a small smile while the two of you walk side by side towards Herbology. 
You shrug, scratching the nailbed of your thumb. You feel a sharp pain but you continue. You know now more than ever that this is the time. "I've... I've received a letter. From my parents." You fish the letter out of your bag and hold it out for him.
Mattheo stops and looks unsurely towards the folded-up paper. When you give him a nod he unfolds the letter. You watch nervously how his eyes scan over the words.
When he stays silent, you begin to panic. "We- you don't have to! I can totally write my parents back and tell them... something! That we broke up or whatever."
"You've got nieces?" He's got a soft smile on his face as he traces the embellishments of the letter. Of course, the stationery of House Hufflepuff has its letters decorated to match the vibe of the family name.
With a shake of your head, you run a hand over your hair. "Out of everything... the thing you focus on is my nieces? Not that fact that my parents want to meet you?"
Mattheo shrugs, handing you the letter back. "Yeah, so what? That's what boyfriends do, don't they? Meet their girlfriend's parents. Fake relationship or not. Wasn't it your parents you wanted to fool?"
That shuts you up and a flaring heat spreads over your face and neck, even towards the points of your ears. "I-I yeah... But I never imagined them doing this! Then I would have never done all this to you!" With a guilty look, you slowly reach for one of his hands. You rub slow circles over the back of his hand.
Mattheo's brain short circuits as his eyes focus on your hand and his. How soft the pad of your thumb feels against his skin. He wonders if your hands feel as soft on different parts of his body. Or how sharp your nails feel when you scratch his back.
He snaps out of it and shakes his head. Taking his chance, he turns his hand around and laces his fingers with yours. "So... how do I leave a good impression on your parents?"
You think for a moment, looking away. "As superficial as it sounds, they put great value in looking a certain way." In that way they're just like other pure-blood families, you want to add but don't. You don't want to offend him or his family.
With a determent nod, Mattheo starts walking the opposite way you were going, pulling you behind him.
"Where are you taking me? Divination is that way", you point over your shoulder as you catch up to him.
Mattheo gives you a daring smile, his eyes wrinkling playfully. "My dorm. I need your advice on what to wear."
You protest and sputter about your attendance all the way towards the Slytherin dungeons. A snake made of metal rises from the ground and reveals a set of double doors. "Pure-Blood", says Mattheo and the doors swing open. You give him a look and he shrugs. "It's the password. Nothing I can do about it."
"I said nothing!", you laugh, being pulled through the entrance
The common area looks like it's carved out of rock, with marble pillars and arches. Large windows give you a look into the endless depth of the Black Lake, fish swimming by. It takes your breath away how stunning the Slytherin common room looks. It's oh so different from your own, but just as beautiful.
You try to ignore the stares you get from the Slytherin's around the room. You do stand out like a sore thumb with your sunshine yellow robes.
"Don't you ever need to pee very much when you are in the common area?", you ask, motioning towards the waterfall you circle as you enter the common room and the many water features around.
Mattheo rolls his eyes with a smile as he leads you down a corridor and holds open the door for you to enter his dorm. Four four-poster beds with green drapes are arranged in a circle with a heater in the middle of the room, spreading warmth around the room. He motions for you to sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet.
You lean back on your hands as you watch him pull one after the other crumbled-up shirt and pants out of the closet. He sends you a slightly embarrassed look and you hop off his bed.
"Let me have a look", you say softly, pushing him to the side.
"I'm sorry... It's a bit of a mess." He scratches the back of his neck as a slight blush colours his cheeks. 
You wave his worries away as you spot a nice pair of jeans and a not-too-crumpled black shirt. It could totally work paired with a dark green jacket. You lay out the pieces on his bed and look proudly between the outfit and Mattheo. It's something you're parents would approve of while still being himself
"If you wear this with the shirt tucked in and your hair just styled like you always do, everything will be okay." You turn towards him with a smile. 
While you were arranging the clothes, Mattheo snuck closer to you. He now stands so close to you, that you can smell his cologne. Your lips part as you look up at him. "Matt?", you whisper as he slowly cradles your face with both of his hands.
His eyes flicker from your eyes towards your mouth. Your eyes flutter closed as you feel soft puffs of breath on your face.
Mere millimetres before his lips touch yours, the door swings open and the two of you jump away from each other. "God fucking damn it", you hear him grumble under his breath as Enzo and Draco stand in the doorway.
The two boys look at you with wide eyes before Draco's expression morphs into something more teasing. "I hope we didn't interrupt anything", he says slyly, sending a smirk towards Mattheo. Who gives the blond a scalding glare.
Feeling way too awkward about the situation, you quickly gather your things. "I-I have to go. I wouldn't want to be late for my next class." Giving Mattheo a shy smile, you rush out of his dorm and the Slytherin common room — almost stumbling down and then up the stairs. 
Once you deem yourself far away enough, you slump against a wall and cup your scorching hot cheeks. Your heart beats wildly in your chest... and somewhere else. Did that really just happen? Or almost? In Merlin's name, when did you get so hot and bothered about Mattheo Riddle? Not long ago he was a nuisance to you. And now? Now you've almost kissed two times and he's meeting your parents this weekend.
When you close your eyes you still see Mattheo's warm honey ones, looking at you with such softness and want- no need. 
Shaking your head, you steady yourself and with slightly unsteady legs you walk towards Arithmancy.
Meanwhile, back in the boy's dorm, Mattheo collapses onto his bed and curses out his friends. "Fucking twats!" He presses the balls of his hands into his eyes, frustration running rampant through his body. 
This was the second time someone interrupted him trying to kiss you. Just when he has gathered the courage to do so. First your friends and now his own. Who out there has it so out for him to cockblock him two times.
Draco and Enzo just look with high amusement towards their frustrated-to-no-end friend. They're gonna take this moment and tease him forever with it.
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You don't get a chance to talk to Mattheo about the kiss. To talk to him in general. Because every time the two of you spot each other, either his or your friends wisk you away and it's driving you mad. It's like they planned it together or something.
It makes you all sulky because you want to discuss what happened between the two of you multiple times. You want answers — which you are lowkey scared of. But it's better to rip the bandage off quickly and get your heart broken than live with questions and never get an answer.
You walk into the Great Hall that Saturday, your fingers anxiously clawing at the nailbeds. But you've taken precautions and bandaged up your thumbs so you can't scratch. The pain stays but there's no blood.
"Don't you look all lovely", smiles Hanah brightly, making you twirl. 
You smile and show her a cheeky leg as the split in your skirt falls perfectly when you sit. "Well...", you let out a nervous sigh, "Matt's meeting my parents today. So, we have to look the part, don't we?"
Your friends' eyes bulge out at the nickname you gave Slytherin bad boy Mattheo Riddle. Nobody ever dared to call him anything other than his name. 
"Is that why he was not-so-subtly sneaking glances at us before you came?", wonders Susan out loud, which makes you tense up.
Looking at the Slytherin table, you find Mattheo easily. He gives a small wave with a smile and you return the gestures. "I'm going to sit over there. I have to prepare him from the wolves."
Slowly, you rise from your table and walk to the other side of the Great Hall. You feel the eyes of the Hufflepuff's and Slytherin's on you. But the only important ones are Mattheo's liquid honey ones, who look at you in wonder.
"Hi", you whisper when you finally reach him.
"Hi", he whispers back, a wide smile on his face.
"Can I sit with you?"
Without hesitation, he nods and slides to the side, almost shoving Enzo into Blaise's lap. He pats the now-empty spot next to him and you swing your leg over the bench. Mattheo zero's in on your bare leg and his brain shortcircuits.
You try to ignore the weird looks the Slytherin's present are giving you as you reach over and grab a piece of toast. You meet Hannah and Susan's eyes from across the room and they give you enthusiastic thumbs-up.
Swallowing your bite, you turn towards the boy next to you to say something. But your words die on your tongue at the look Mattheo gives you. It's unreadable. But not bad unreadable. There is some fondness in there you believe. "I have to warn you, by the way."
He cocks his head to the side, an easy smile on his face. "For your parents?"
A snort escapes you and you shake your head. "No- well... maybe my dad will grill you. But my brothers are way worse. They will either try to embarrass me or you."
"How many do you have?"
"Brothers? Four. There's a twin pair in there too. They are the second youngest after me."
Mattheo pales slightly. Four brothers? He found Thomas already trouble enough. But Four? He knows he's in for some shit.
You can't help but laugh as he visibly pales. Taking his hand, you pat it. You look around the Slyherin's. They all look very amused at Mattheo's despair.
The two of you finish your breakfast before it's time to go. Your parents expect you for lunch but knowing your family, there's not going to be time during just lunch. 
"How are we getting to your home?", questions Mattheo as you both walk through the halls towards Professor Sproud's office. 
You knock on the door and when there's no answer, you enter the room. "Via portkey. Which should arrive any second now." And like you said, a little yellow cup appears on the desk. 
Placing a hand on the cup, you hold the other out for him to take. Mattheo does so and the two of you are whisked away from the castle.
You stumble for a second before you find your footing. Taking a deep breath, your senses fill with the floral aroma of your home. It feels good to be back.
"Holy fucking shit", you hear Mattheo whisper under his breath as he looks at the estate your family owns. It looks centuries old, with ivy covering most of the outer walls. A sprawling garden buzzes with bees and butterflies. A fountain is heard somewhere in the back.
You feel slightly embarrassed at Mattheo's slack jaw. This is mostly the reason why you never told about or took anyone home. The house mansion has been in your family's name for centuries. It's said that Meemaw bought it, but there's no proof of it.
"Come on." You tug him by his hand towards the front door. Mattheo's too caught up by the exterior of the house that he bumps into you when you stop in front of the front door. "Ready?", you ask, and he shakes his head.
As you ring the bell, Mattheo looks at the inscribing above the door. "Dum spiro spero, vi et animo. What does that mean?"
"As long as I breathe I hope, with strength and courage", says your father as he opens the door with a wide smile. "It's our family's motto. Nice to meet you, son." He holds out his hand for Mattheo to shake.
As he pulls the boy inside, you try your bestest to not cringe. "Dad this is Mattheo. My boyfriend." You shyly glance towards Mattheo to gauge his reaction. A slight blush paints his cheeks and you bite your lip hiding your smile.
Your dad shakes the dark-haired boy's hand enthusiastically. He starts to ramble off about the family motto and what it means and it morphs into an in-depth history lesson about the house. How the tiles and pillars in the foyer are at least four hundred years old and how they're kept in such fine condition by magic.
"Dad!", you call out, not having missed the hidden panicked looks Mattheo has given you, trying his best to look interested. "Don't you think it's a little early for Staghill History 101? Let the boy breathe."
Your father lets go of Mattheo with a jolly laugh, his moustache curling upwards. "You are right. I am so sorry, good chap. Why don't you two go to the library while I round up the twins? They're all very excited to meet him."
Tugging on Mattheo's hand, you nod. "Sure. Make sure they clean off any dirt before Mum has an aneurysm. Again."
As you lead him towards the south wing, you stop just outside of the library. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. My dad's a lot and he's just happy to see anyone and everyone. Could be Father Christmas with how jolly he is." You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, looking away.
Mattheo laughs. "It's okay. He's... nice. Now I get where you get it from."
"What?", you question with a cock of your head.
Mattheo wets his bottom lip, his eyes focused on yours. "That twinkle in your eyes when you talk about something you're passionate about." He reaches out for your flaming hot cheeks, cupping them.
The doors to your right swing open and the two of you feel like little children caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Your oldest brother, Felix, raises one disapproving brow and the two of you quickly step away from each other.
"Is it them? Don't hog the door, you big oaf!" Behind Felix appears Herbert, immediately engulfing you in a big, bone-crushing hug. 
"They were snogging", says Felix, walking back towards the couch he always sits on when he visits home. His comment earns him a swat from his wife next to him.
"We were not!", you protest scandalised, wrestling out of Herbert's hold. "We were just... It's none of your business what we were doing!" You grab Mattheo's hand and walk into the library, towards your mother.
He scoffs under his breath, mumbling; "You made it everybody's business when you let Meemaw catch you." That earns him another swat from his wife and a stern look from your mother. 
"Mum", you say after giving her a hug, tugging Mattheo closer, "I would like you to meet Mattheo."
"It's very nice to meet you, ma'am." Mattheo puts on his most charming smile while holding out his hand. 
Your mother shakes her head and gives him one of her signature warm hugs. "None of that! Call me Clementine. Or Clemmy. Or Ma. You're practically family now!"
You blanch, shrinking into yourself. Dear Lord. Why does your mom need to be so much?
Felix snorts. "Is he to stay? What happened to that bloke from Christmas?"
Yours and Mattheo's eyes meet and you purse your lips. "I rather not speak about it..."
That gets their attention, both men leaning forward in their seats. "What did he do?"
"Nothing!" You grow irritated at their endless questions as your mom ushers the two of you towards a couch. Sitting closely together, Mattheo lays a hand on your knee. You don't know if it's to comfort you or to ground himself.
Herbert studies the two of you with his eyes narrowed. He purses his lips while leaning back into the chair. "He beat the ex up, didn't he?"
"Oh, my Gods! Can you not play detective about my life? Stop talking about my ex with my new boyfriend right next to me", you scowl, not wanting the two of them to flip out over something that you're way past.
At that, your mother claps in her hands. "That's right! Mattheo, why don't you tell me something about yourself? What house are you in for instance?"
Mattheo glances nervously towards you and you lay a hand over his own, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "I'm in Slytherin, ma'am. I hope that isn't an issue."
Your mom chortles and waves his concern away. "Oh please, we aren't that kind of family."
"Speaking of family", pipes Herbert from across the room, "Who's family you belong to?"
Both your mom and you sputter and scold Herbert. But the twins coming in gives your brother his answer.
 "Why on Meemaw's good name is Mattheo Riddle sitting next to our sister?", sneers Victor, Danny leering over his shoulder.
A groan escapes you while you slink down the couch, hiding your face in your hands. You had hoped that Mattheo's family wouldn't be a subject. The twins are the only ones from your family who have seen the kind of nuisance Mattheo has been to you before leaving school last year. Of course, it looks very fucking weird that he is now cosying up to you, his hand on your knee and claiming to be your boyfriend.
You feel everybody's eyes on the two of you. Mattheo shrinks down under the many gazes, his hold on you tightening in a silent plea to not abandon him right now.
Not knowing how to get away under the scrutiny, you glance at your mom. She looks shocked and when she meets your eyes, her gaze softens before turning stern. "Didn't I always tell you boys to not judge people? What can the poor boy do about which cradle he was born into? So get off your high horses and be nice to the boy!" She stands with her hands on her hips, berating your brothers.
"What did I miss?", asks your father, standing in the doorway with a tray filled with cookies and teacups, the teapot floating behind him.
"Nothing", smiles your mother, turning towards you, "I was just saying that Mattheo should have a tour of the house. Why don't you do that, honey?"
Getting what she's implying, you nod exuberantly. "Yeah, right! Let's go." 
Mattheo's all too happy to escape the tense room and quickly follows after you, walking with a big arch around the twins, who are still glaring at him.
"I am so sorry." You cast your eyes towards the floor as the two of you walk through one of the many art-lined hallways. "I- There is no excuse for how they treated you..."
Mattheo's hand on your waist makes you stop and look up at him, unsheathed tears dancing in your waterline. He tuts, wiping away the single one that has managed to escape. "Don't cry, pretty girl. It's a warranted reaction. I'm used to it by now. How awkward it was anyways."
You pout while leaning into his hand. "That's horrible Matt. You don't deserve to be treated like that because your father made a wrong choice!"
"It was more than a wrong choice, lovely. Besides, there's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin, remember?" He laughs, but you see that there's sadness in his eyes.
With a shake of your head, you lean closer to him. "You aren't bad! Such a vile stereotype."
This time a genuine laugh bubbles out of Mattheo's chest. "Oh, sweet, sweet, Hufflepuff", he trances your cheek with the pads of his fingers, "there are many things that make me as bad as they say. Mostly for the thoughts I have about you."
Your brain short circuits and you blink up at him, processing his words. He has what? Heh?
Mattheo chuckles at your dumbfounded look. Oh, how cute you are when you are clueless. He clasps his hands behind his back and looks around. "Is there anything in particular you want me to see?", he asks, throwing you a bone.
That seems to snap you out of your daydream of what Mattheo could do to you and you shake your head. "Yes. There is one final person I have to introduce you to."
The two of you walk side by side as he studies both muggle and magical paintings. You lead him towards the main sitting with an empty frame with a chair hanging above the fireplace. Dragging an ottoman over, you motion for Mattheo to follow your lead and climb on top of the cushions.
"Meemaw", you call out towards the empty portrait, "I would like to meet someone."
It takes a second or two before your ancestor appears from the side, graciously draping herself and her skirts on the chair. "My littlest Badger! How are you, my dear?"
You lean closer, smiling. "Hello, Meemaw. I would like you to meet someone." You motion towards Mattheo, who looks with big eyes at her.
"Isn't that...?"
Heat spreads over your face and you bite your bottom lip. "I- yeah..."
"Mattheo Riddle, your ladyship." He bows slightly, earning a hearty laugh from her. 
"Aren't you a charmer? You musn't call me ladyship. Just Helga is fine. Or Meemaw, seeing as you are our littlest badger's love." She sends you a doting smile. "Say, if I may ask; aren't you one of Salazar's boys?"
"Yes. I hope that isn't an issue for you, Helga."
She waves his concerns away. It surprised you how easily Meemaw's taken by Mattheo. He's a naturally charming person when he wants to be after all.
"Oh, of course not, dear boy! Your great-grandfather and I had a... very special relationship of our own when we were younger. It warms my heart that our descendants have found each other." A fond look paints her face as she looks off in the distance. 
As a melancholy glimmer befalls her, you take that as your cue to leave. "I have to continue my tour of the house, Meemaw. See you later."
Waving her off, you hop off the ottoman and put it back in the right place before exiting the sitting room. A sigh escapes your lips and you swing your arms back and forth. Mattheo gives you a raised brow before taking your hand in his and continuing the swinging.
It's nice. The two of you just walking and talking about nothing special in particular. You sometimes point out some facts about you growing up around the house. "In that room, we always used to build pillow forts in." Or "I once ran against that door and lost both my front teeth. They were loose anyways", you add quickly at his concerned look.
Everything's so easy with Mattheo that it scares you. How are you supposed to go back to strangers after your arrangement has come to an end? Can you even go back to strangers? Even if Mattheo doesn't feel the same, you wish you at least could stay friends. Because he's genuinely a nice person to hang out with. It would sadden you to lose him.
The ring of a bell plucks you from your thoughts and you turn towards where the sound came from. "Oh! Dinner's ready." You lead the both of you towards the dining room, taking shortcuts and hidden doors. Mattheo chuckles as you press open another hidden panel before finally arriving in said room.
Out of habit, you go to sit at your usual place at the table and Mattheo follows you. But as he pulls the chair back, Danny is quick to sit in it. After sending a glare at your brother, you look apologetic towards the dark-haired boy. His eyes scan the room and the only free seat is right in front of you, between Herbert and Felix. 
Mattheo sighs and takes place on the empty seat. He feels your brothers stare at him, and he does his best to try and act normal. He smiles politely and answers any questions your mother asks him. Eventually, he learns that — who he believes is Felix — is a beater for the Caerphilly Catapults. His wife plays for the Holyhead Harpies and that's how they met each other. 
Dinner seems to pass by smoothly — not counting the snarky remarks of the twins. But they're dicks. As everybody starts to collect the dishes, your father clears his throat. "Why don't you all go outside and...", he glances towards Mattheo, "Take a lap around the fountain so Mattheo and I can have a heart-to-heart."
Both you and Mattheo send slightly panicked looks towards each other as he gets led away by your father. As your brothers let out an 'oooh', you jab Danny in his side with your elbow. He rubs his side with a slight pout and you poke out your tongue. 
"The last one is a rotten egg!", yells Victor and he sprints towards the back door. You let out a curse and start sprinting after him, the others following. 
While you and your brothers race towards the burrow, Mattheo gets led towards your father's office. He anxiously takes place in the chair in front of your father's desk. The man leans forward and studies the Slytherin boy with narrowed eyes. 
"What are your intentions with my daughter?", he asks, getting straight to the point. 
What are his intentions? Well... he can think of a few things. But none are parent-approved answers. "I like her. I really do, Sir. I wouldn't dare to hurt her." Because that is the truth. He always had a crush on you, but getting to know you? You're everything and so much more than he imagined. 
Your father hums. "I ask this because I have received some chatter that you've been in a... physical altercation with one Malcolm Preece. So, Mattheo, what is the deal with that?" He leans back in the leather chair, one brow raised.
For the first time in a while, Mattheo feels genuinely nervous. And it's not the same kind of nervous before he took you out on your first date. No. This is a different kind of nervousness. A deep-down fear to disappoint the people who he cares about. 
And yes, you are one of those people he realises. He cares about you the most.
Lying will do no good. Because, as your father has shown, he somehow has a way to get information about what happens at school. "In all honesty, sir, Preece was threatening your daughter. They broke up and he kept bothering her. It... indeed got physical because some guys don't know when to take a hint." 
Your father purses his lips, his eyes scanning over Mattheo's face. Searching for a sign of dishonesty. But he finds none. 
"Did you at least get him good?"
That makes the dark-haired boy laugh. "Yes, sir. He won't dare to bother her again."
Your father stands up from his chair and holds out his hand for Mattheo to shake. With a smile and a firm handshake, he says, "You did good son. Now, I believe someone's way too anxious to wait a second longer." He points towards the door, where a shadow is seen pacing under through the crack.
Mattheo closes the door behind him and sees you look at him with wide eyes, chewing on your thumb. "How did it go? What did Dad say?" You fling your arms around him and press your cheek against his shoulder.
He smiles and wraps his arms around you. "Don't worry. Everything's fine." When you look up at him, he cradles your face and wipes away some stray dirt. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it", he smiles.
You roll your eyes but can't help but smile. "Fine. You know what, if we leave now, we maybe have some time left before curfew."
A smirk grows on Mattheo's face while he wetts his bottom lip. "And do what?"
"I don't know", you shrug playfully, pulling him with you, "We will see."
"Absolutely not", says your mother when you come and say your goodbyes. "Your room is already set up. Fresh sheets and everything! Wasn't that clear from my letter?"
Your eyes dart nervously towards Mattheo, who gives you the same look. You silently ask him if he's okay with it. If he's not uncomfortable. He shrugs. He's not too bothered by the idea of staying over.
A sigh escapes you. "Fine. But we don't have anything to sleep in."
Your mother claps in her hands and gets up from the couch, motioning for the both of you to follow her. She leads you through the house, towards your bedroom. 
The smell of clean cotton hits you as soon as you enter your room and you breathe in the smell. That's one of the many things you miss about your home. The house elves of Hogwarts don't use the same detergent as your mother and it just hits a special spot in your brain when you finally smell it.
"I'll grab a pair of Felix's clothes for you, Mattheo." Your mother pats his shoulders before exiting the room.
The boy in question stands in the middle of your bedroom and a smile grows on his face. He can't explain why but it so much you. In the short period he has gotten to know you, this is exactly the type of room he imagined you to have. Maybe with fewer plants.
A four-poster bed stands in the middle of the room, facing a fireplace. On top of the bed grows some hanging plants that spread onto the walls and turn into wallpaper. There's a cosy-looking chair next to the fireplace with tons of pillows and blankets. 
You watch him eyeing the chair and you mention towards it. "You can sit in it if you want. It gives you also a really nice view over the garden." 
Mattheo does so, burying himself between the pillows. The garden is almost too perfect with the way it's lit up by floating lights and lightningbugs. When he looks back at you to comment on the beautifulness, he sees you pull away the many pillows from your bed into a trunk at the front of your bed and readying the bed for sleeping.
"I... I can sleep on the ground- if you're more comfortable with that. I could even fall asleep in this chair."
You stop what you're doing and look at him with such a scandalised look that it makes him shrink. "Uhm how about no? I dragged you into this, like hell I let you sleep on the floor!"
Your mother comes back at the right time with a pair of joggers and a shirt in her hands. She gives him a warm smile as she hands him the clothing, instructing him to where the bathroom is. Mattheo takes that as his saving grace to get a moment of his own. He has to admit, your family is a lot. This whole situation is a lot. And he has nobody to blame for it except himself.
Not that he blames himself. He's quite enjoying himself, being with you, meeting your parents and seeing where you grew up. He now gets why you are how you are. How you can shine so bright because your parents do everything to lighten you.
When he comes back you are also changed in quite the same outfit as him. You are sitting on your bed, nervously nibbling on the side of your thumb. He strides towards you and grabs your hand, stopping you from destroying your nailbed and making you look up at him.
"Are you okay", he asks, interlacing your fingers.
You nod with a hum, eyes focused on your interlinked hands. "Yeah... I'm just tired from today." You run a hand over your hair, brushing some stray strands out of your face. "Are you okay?"
Mattheo lets out a light-hearted scoff. "Don't worry about me, lovely. My family is much much worse."
You blink, wanting to ask more. But a knock on your door stops you. Your father stands in the door opening, Victor looming over his shoulder and glaring daggers at Mattheo. 
"Will you do your old man a favour and keep the door open? I know it makes you uncomfortable, hun. But I don't think I have to explain why?" He motions with his eyes towards how close the two of you are and with a sigh, you nod.
The house is so old that it creaks and groans with even the slightest breeze. And it freaks you out when you hear it at night. Are you saying that this centuries-old house doesn't have ghosts? Likely.
As your dad walks away, Victor takes a step forward, his jaw taut. "You", he points towards the dark-haired boy, "I'm right next door and these walls aren't as thick as they seem. I will hear everything. No funny business!"
Mattheo sends him a charming smile that you know will irritate Victor. "I promise." But when he turns around when Victor storms away, he shows you his crossed fingers. You let out a giggle and swat him.
After that you take it as a cue to get ready to sleep so you crawl under the covers. Mattheo positions himself between you and the open door and the two of you lay on your backs, staring up at the canopy. 
It... feels weird having Mattheo Riddle next to you in your bed. The even weirder feeling is the desire to keep him there.
You turn so you're facing him, your hands tucked under your pillow. "I've been wondering... When you spoke in Parsletongue, what did you say?"
Mattheo tenses slightly before turning towards you, a pink flush heats up his cheeks. His eyes trace every inch of your face, taking in the details; moles, freckles, perfect imperfections. It makes him want to reach out and trace every one of them.
"Oh I don't remember", he says offhandedly, his eyes fleeing yours.
You scoot closer, a mischievous smile on your face. "Yes, you do! Please tell me. It can't be that embarrassing."
His lips part and the same sounds fill the room, raising goosebumps on your arms. "You are... you are the most beautiful person I know and I don't know if I can keep pretending that this is fake."
Your smile melts off your face and you look with wide eyes towards him. An unsure look fills his eyes as his brows knit together. "Say something", he whispers- begs. A hesitant hand reaches out and gets placed on your cheek.
Your heart beats a million miles an hour and every word just escapes your brain. So you do what you have been wanting to do for a while now. And you kiss him. Pressing your lips against his, you close your eyes while your hand travels from his wrist to his shoulder, gripping him tightly.
Mattheo lets out a surprised humph, his eyes wide as he watches your eyes flutter close. He breathes in deeply before kissing you back, pulling you closer.
Two pairs of lips mould against each other while Mattheo's hand slides down and grips your thigh, wrapping your leg around his middle. Your body melts against his as the kiss grows more fierce, lips parting and tongues exploring each other's mouths. 
A low growl emits from Mattheo as you part, your chest raising and falling rapidly. He zeros in on your neck and decides then and there how kissable the skin looks and that it needs to be marked.
Your head gets thrown back as Mattheo attacks your neck with kisses, licks and bites and you do your best to suppress the breathy moan that wants to escape you. You bite your bottom lip as your eyes squeeze close. 
Mattheo's lips travel down, tracing the shape of your throat with his teeth and he flips the both of you over, hovering above you. He relishes in your bitten raw lips and the half-lidded look you give him. The way your chest raises and makes your shirt tighten... he thanks whatever god there is out there that made this possible.
His admiring takes too long in your opinion and you grab the back of his head, yanking him down so he kisses you again. Mattheo complies and cradles your face, his big hands engulfing your cheeks, feeling the heat underneath them. 
He pecks your lips a few times before trailing down, Mattheo's hands finding the hem of your sleep shirt. He glances at you and only continues after a nod. He pushes your shirt up, above your breast while his lips trail from your chin, neck, and collarbones, to your sternum. 
When he flattens his tongue tentatively against one of your nipples, a moan escapes you. It makes him smirk against your skin, doing it again. 
"Matt... ah!", you squeak out, gripping his shoulder.
His tongue swirls against the nub and one of his hands reaches up, clasping a hand over your mouth to silence the sweet noises pouring out of your mouth. Your tongue swipes over one of his fingers. Mattheo presses the pads of his pointer and middle finger against your tongue before sliding into your mouth.
A 'mmph' escapes you while you suck around his digits, hands trying to ground yourself as everything feels too much; his tongue against your boob, his fingers in your mouth, and something hard pressing against your core. 
Your hands find the hem of his shirt and your nails rake up against his bare back. He moans against you and releases your nipple with a 'pop'. He looks at you with dark eyes and swollen lips while he lowers himself towards your core.
While his fingers dance over the elastic of your underwear, you push his fingers out of your mouth. "Matt wait..."
As if your words scorched him, he's off you immediately, his chest raising rapidly and face flushed. "I'm-I'm sorry. I got a little carried away..."
You sit up, pushing your shirt down and shaking your head. "No... please don't- it's okay. I-I enjoyed it too. It's just...", you cradle his face and peck his lips, "I don't want our first time to be in my childhood bedroom and avoid making too much noise."
Mattheo leans into your touch and kisses your palm. You pull him down with you and lay on top of his chest. When you move your legs, you accidentally bump against his boner. You sputter out an apology, feeling bad for blue-balling him.
His hands grab your hips tightly and he presses you closer against his body. He brings his lips towards your ear. "Don't worry about it, Princess. Because when I have the chance, I'm gonna fuck you so good you forget our whole relationship was fake to begin with."
Oh Gods, you created a monster... 
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Tag list (bold means I couldn't tag you): @mylosz0 @kermits-bitch @jolly4holly @daisiesformylove @frogtape @dancing-inasnowglobe @slytheos @undercover-smutlover @reverse-soe @nikkissecretlibrary @moon-struck-meraki @bengbengbengi @justhavingsomefun1 @itsamusical4lifee @genshingeeksworld @y0urm0m12 @alnitakstarsky03 @mel-vaz @slytherinboysappreciation @sailtomarina @bubybubsters @jasmine2105 @abaker74 @lovelyygirl8 @vickykazuya @eltrss @llpovi@m1kasawps @sol3chu @ledtassoo @itsarajr @glittervame
302 notes · View notes
r-a-c-h-e-l · 2 months
Heirs of Hogwarts | part 1
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Genre(s): Nuisance to Lovers / Fake dating / Fluff / No Voldy au Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader Summary: After finding out your (now ex)boyfriend cheated on you with the girl he told you not to worry about, you decide to get into a fake relationship with the kid of another founder of Hogwarts. What could go wrong? Warning(s): Cheating boyfriend (Matt could never) / Matt is a cheeky shit A/n: Kinda tried something new with the notes. Lmk if you like/dislike it [Masterlist] [part 2] [part 3]
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There is a certain expectation that comes with having a well-known surname. People expect you to act in a way that befits a Malfoy, Abbott, Prewett or any other name on the Sacred Twenty-Eight list. And while there is no person left who carries the Gaunt name anymore, a Riddle is as good as a Gaunt in the eyes of the Pure-Blood community.
The one thing nobody realises that also carries on for the ones who are literally Wizarding World royalty. Like you. A Hufflepuff. No, not like the house. But your surname is literally Hufflepuff. Helga Hufflepuff is your great-grandmother many times over. And it sucks.
You're expected to be the embodiment of Hufflepuff House. Be kind, be ready to help everyone who asks, be patient, be humble, be just, be good at Herbology. You hate Herbology! The dirt under your nails. The smell of the classroom. The way magical plants are not really safe for children to be around. I mean... hello? Mandrakes? Yeah, didn't think so.
And it's not like you're not all those things. You are kind, you do help others when asked, you are humble, maybe not as patient as you should be, and just. Just not all the time. 
Like right now. Right now you are not patient with Hannah and Susan for hogging the bathroom. You've slept like shit and you are hungry. So, you've decided to go to breakfast without them and have them join you later. You can always brush your teeth after breakfast
As you walk across the common room, you greet your Great-Grandmother in passing. "Morning, Meemaw."
"Good morning my little Badger!", she calls after you cheerfully, earning a couple snickers from your housemates. You choose to ignore them and make your trek up the stairs in silence, giving every student who greets you a polite smile.
You don't even know half the people who call out your name when you pass them. They don't even use your name. Just a variation of Hufflepuff. Huff. Puff. Badger. Queen Badger — you really hate that one. You nearly punched a guy for calling you the Top Notch Yellow One. But to be fair, you were in an abysmal mood that day.
By now you've got a pro at tuning out the stares when you walk into the Great Hall. It's mostly the first years who stare at you with wide eyes and mouths agape once they learn who you are. 
You plop down at a free spot and start to plate up some food and pour in juice. Just as you're mid-sip, you feel someone loom over you.
"Good morning", gets whispered in your ear before your boyfriend takes a seat next to you.
You hum and slump against his shoulder. Malcolm pats your head as he knows that is the best attempt at getting a response from you before you've got a semblance of food in your stomach. 
Malcolm Preece and you have been dating for almost a year now. He's a year above you and on the Quidditch team. Your friends don't really like him — and if you are completely honest with yourself neither do you. He's too possessive. He always needs to know where you are and with whom. It also drives you absolutely up the walls.
It has always been expected of you to be in a respectable relationship by the sixth year. Even non-Slytherin families have that kind of pressure. Surprising hmm? You needed your parents off your back and Malcolm was there. Do you feel bad for the guy? Yeah, of course. And it's not like you don't care about him but it's more an obligation; the kissing and the touches and the handholding.
"Guess what", you grumble, whipping your mouth. Malcolm hums as he butters his bread. "My first class of the day is Herbology."
Malcolm laughs and shakes his head. He places a kiss on your hair before saying, "I know. You've been whining about it all last evening. Is there absolutely nothing you can find to enjoy about the subject. Or why don't you ask Sprout if you can drop the course?"
You give him a look. "You know I can't do that. Everybody in my family graduated top of their class and I am not about to be the first one of my siblings to royally piss off my parents. Amelia came close when she almost dropped Meemaw's cup." 
Your boyfriend laughs but doesn't say anything else. Because your hate for Herbology doesn't come from your general dislike of dirt. It comes from the first thing you see when you walk into the glasshouse.
You share many classes with other houses. You also share many classes with Slytherin. That also means you share many classes with Mattheo Riddle. He's a pompous prat who likes to make your days worse for absolutely no reason. 
Normally you sit on the other side of the classroom and ignore him and his friends. He's not above pulling your hair or bumping against you in the hallways. It's petty. And you have no idea why or how it started in the first place.
Herbology is the only class you actually have to interact with Mattheo. For the others you usually sit with Hannah or Susan. But Professor Sprout wanted to hustle up the usual groups and pair random students with each other. That's how you got stuck with Mattheo.
"What is it, princess? Scared a little mud will ruin your manicure?", he says with a shit-eating grin as you put on gardening gloves. You shoot him a glare but continue to tend to you Fluxweed.
"Looks like your Fluxweed can use a little manicure." You give a pointed look at the sad sprig that used to be a plant and continue to do your own thing. "That reminds me, we have to finish our report on Fluxweed. Do you have any time this week? I mean, between your busy schedule of pestering first years and tripping up Neville Longbottom."
You hear a snicker behind you. Hannah holds up her hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter and you wink at her while Mattheo sends her a scalding glare.
"Sure", sneers Mattheo, "if you have any room between tea parties and snogging that sad sack you call a boyfriend."
"I don't have-", you want to interject but you know it has no use. Only if Professor Sprout wouldn't be hoovering around you all the time you would have 'accidentally' stomped on his feet.
You turn your back towards him and walk towards the supply closet, searching for a pair of shears. But Professor Sprout keeps them on the top shelf. As you want to grab your wand, a hand suddenly tugs at the ribbon in your hair. 
With a gasp, you whip around and you are met with Mattheo's chest, his tie hanging loosely around his neck. He gives you a bored look before turning around and walking back towards his table. 
You shake your head and turn around. When you want to Accio the shears to you, you see that they've been placed on the shelve at eye height. Huh.
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Once your classes before lunch are finally over you walk out of the classroom with a smile as you spot Malcolm waiting for you. But your smile soon falters at the person standing next to him. Gladys Prescott stands way too close to your boyfriend. She's twirling a lock of hair with her finger as she laughs obnoxiously at one of Malcolm's jokes. They're great, but not that funny.
When you first started dating Malcolm you voiced your questions about his and Gladys' relationship. You were under the impression that they were dating because of how close they were. You and your friends were surprised when he asked you out on a Hogsmeade date.
The worst thing is that Malcolm swears nothing's going on between the two. That they're just friends. But the way he looks at her and treats her makes you glower. It's not that you're jealous. Just... you don't want to get berated by your parents for choosing the wrong partner.
"Ready?", you plaster on a wide smile, clutching your books in your hands.
Gladys and Malcolm look like they are snapped out of their little world before Malcolm registers that it's you and he returns your smile. "You don't mind if Gly joins us, do you?"
You turn to the girl, who gives you a fake ass big smile. "Of course not. The more the merrier! Now, tell me about your morning."
The two of them speak more to each other and don't bother to include you. Resting your chin on your hand, you look around the Great Hall. Susan and Hannah are doing their Prefect duties so they are unable to join you for lunch. 
Tuning out Malcolm and Gladys, your eyes flicker to the other students who are enjoying their lunch. You suddenly make eye contact with Mattheo over at the Slytherin table. He raises his brows at you. You mimic his expression before continuing with your surveying. But when you look back he's still looking at you.
His expressionless eyes flicker towards your boyfriend and Gladys before back to you. He raises a single eyebrow at you, silently asking if you tolerate it. 
You send him a pinched look back before zoning back into the conversation. Malcolm and Gladys are laughing loudly and Gladys has a hand clasped over his. The hold on your fork tightens and you swear you feel it bend in your hold.
You stand up abruptly. Gladys and Malcolm pull their hands away like they're burned and look up at you. "I'm... I have to ask Professor Slughorn something before class begins." You think up the excuse on the spot.
"Oh... Do you want me to walk you..?" Malcolm looks at you with big eyes.
But you shake your head. "No. I wouldn't want to pull you away from your fascinating conversation." You give Gladys a sickly sweet smile, which she doesn't return.
Instead of making a left once you leave the Great Hall, you keep on walking until you're at the edge of the forest. You survey if nobody's following you. With a deep breath, you crouch down and feel your bones and skin snap and pull.
One thing that nobody seems to know about Helga Hufflepuff is that she is a born Animagus. And she has given the ability to transform into a badger at will to all her descendants. The Ministry knows about it and every Hufflepuff descendant gets tested at age ten. By then most children are already used to the transformation.
And you love it. It helps you clear your head and release frustration. As of late you've been doing it a lot more. 
Your little legs move easily over the forest floor towards your little burrow. You know, the Dark Forest isn't that scary when you're one of the animals. Mostly because you know which sides of the forest you need to dodge. Badgers are vicious but spiders are a paint in the butt. 
The afternoon is spent frolicking in flower fields, munching on berries and nuts, and reinforcing the little stick bridges you made for your fellow badgers and woodland creatures over the many rivers that pass through the forest.
By the time you return to the castle, it's already dark and you're tired. You want to curl up in your bed and hear about Susan and Hannah's day. 
But something stops you in your way when you pass a dorm. A whiney, feminine voice comes from Malcolm's room. Gladys. "For how long do you have to pretend to like that stuck-up brat?"
You inch closer to the door and peer between the crack. Malcolm and Gladys are on his bed, her between his legs and they're pecking each other's lips, naked. Your chest tightens at this display of intimacy Malcolm never wanted to show you. Too 'old-school'. Or so he claimed.
Malcolm hums. "I know, Pookie. But next year I'm graduated and I want a good job. If I manage to sit it out any longer Mr Hufflepuff might recommend me for a good position at the Ministry."
Anger bubbles from within you and you turn around, marching out of the common room. You ignore the calls of your name and keep on walking until you're outside and on one of the old defence walls of the school. Your thinking spot.
It doesn't hurt that he is cheating on you. You weren't blind. What hurts is that he is using you to get further in life. He's just like the others. 
Your shoulders tense up at the sound of someone making them up the stairs and the smell of cigarettes. Great. You really need him to bother you right now.
Mattheo halts once he spots you sitting between the battlements, your feet dangling off the edge. He blows out a puff of smoke before sitting next to you. Out of politeness, he offers his cigarette. He doesn't expect you to accept it and take a drag.
"I didn't know you smoked", muses Mattheo as he watches you blow out the smoke mesmerised.
You glance at him while giving the cigarette back. "I don't."
The two of you stay silent, neither of you wanting or knowing what to talk about. Until it's Mattheo who breaks the silence. "What has the pretty Princess so stressed?"
"I'm not stressed." You opt to ignore the princess part for your sanity.
"Sure. And I can't talk to snakes. You're destroying your nailbeds", he points out and you look down. Your fingers are picking at the skin around your thumbnails. You've managed to make it bleed.
Sticking your thumb in your mouth to suck the blood away, you stare defiantly at the darkness that envelops the forbidden forest. "Malcolm's been cheating on me", you say after some contemplating, eyeing the Slytherin boy next to you.
Mattheo raises one brow unimpressed. "What?", he asks when you give him a look, "do I have to act surprised?" He dramatically fake gasps. "Oh, my Merlin! He did not!" He impersonates an American Valley Girl while covering his mouth with his hand.
You roll your eyes annoyed. Of course, you shouldn't have brought up the subject to Mattheo fucking Riddle. "Forget it if you're going to be a dick about it." You push yourself up and dust off your hands.
But Mattheo's hand around your wrist stops you and he leans back, his eyes somewhat apologetic. "No, don't go. I'm sorry. How did you find out?"
This time you raise your eyebrows. Mattheo Riddle never apologises. What in the... 
Against your better judgment, you sit back, your hands folded in your lap. "I just came back and I heard him talk about it with Gladys. How he wants my dad to give him a good job when he graduates." You take a deep breath, the nicotine tickling your nose. "I had a hunch he was fooling around with her. But using me, that hurts, you know?" 
He nods as you glance at him. Mattheo knows. He, just like you, is used to people only talking to or befriending him because they want something from him. They think getting in his good graces gets them somewhere. Absolutely not.
"You knew?"
You hum. Your fingers start to attack your nailbeds again as you think back to the many times you've had to bite your tongue. To keep face in front of the others at school. "I needed someone to keep my parents off my back. My parents expect all of us to have a steady partner by our sixth year. My siblings did it, but only the oldest actually had a girlfriend. The twins just told me to find someone to play the part."
A groan escapes you as you bury your hands in your face. "And now someone will rat to their parents about my break-up, who in turn tell my parents and then I'll get a stern letter about my future. This whole break-up is more an irritation than a heartache."
The Slytherin boy next to you is deadly silent. Why would you be so stupid to air your grievance to him? It's not like he cares. Standing up for real this time, you give him a curt nod. "Thank you for listening, Riddle. Best not to mention our meet-up with anyone, alright? Goodnight." 
You make your way back towards your dorm and crash into your bed. Pressing your face against your pillow, you try your hardest to forget today.
But as suspected, sleep doesn't come easily. Or not at all. And you feel like a zombie walking towards breakfast, your friends giving you worried looks after you explained what happened last night — minus the Mattheo part. 
"I swear if one more busybody comes up to you to say they're sorry", grumbles Hannah as she gives the students around you glares. She balls up her fists and punches the air in front of her. You and Susan chuckle while students around you look at her weirdly.
It's the worst when you enter the Great Hall. The general breakfast noise quiets as your peers start to whisper when you pass them. You keep your eyes focused on a far-off point until you are at your usual breakfast spot.
The three of you eat mostly in silence. Hannah and Susan try to engage you in a conversation but you just play with your food. 
"Can we talk?"
You tense up and drop your fork. Slowly, you turn around and look up at Malcolm. He has a guilty look on his face and it angers you. "I don't know. Can we?" You cock your head condescendingly to the side.
You turn back around and start abusing the piece of toast on your plate. Malcolm lays a hand on your shoulder but it gets promptly ripped off by Hannah. "I strongly advise you to back off."
Malcolm scoffs, looking down at the girl who stands protective in front of you. "Or what? Can't I speak with my girlfriend?"
You slowly rise and turn around to face the prick. "Don't speak to her like that, you insufferable twat. You best believe my dad will make sure you won't get a job anywhere in the Ministry, not even as a wand polisher", you bare your teeth, your chest raising rapidly. The Great Hall has fallen silent, watching the exchange.
"You little bitch." Malcolm's jaw ticks and he balls a fist. But the voice of a teacher stops him.
"Mister Preece, I would strongly advise you to step away from Miss Hufflepuff if you don't want to lose your position on the Quidditch team." Professor McGonagall comes striding from the teacher's table, where they could have seen the interaction between the two of you clear as day.
Malcolm's eyes flicker from you towards the professor and back. "This isn't over", he grumbles before leaving the Great Hall.
"Thank you, Professor." You give the woman a small smile as you collect your schoolbag. She waves you away and you grab both Hannah and Susan's hands, dragging them out of the Great Hall, the stares the whole ordeal created starting to creep you out.
Hannah grumbles all the way towards Charms how's she going to 'beat his face in the next time he dares to look at you'. Susan and you share a look but you're glad you've got Hannah to look out for you.
It's again Hannah who sends glares around as the three of you take place at your usual spot — upper bench all the way at the end. That way the three of you can whisper among each other without bothering anyone.
The class goes as usual before a paper bird lands before you. You look surprised to the other side of the classroom. Mattheo Riddle is already looking at you and miming for you to unfold the bird.
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You raise your brows at his note. He has such a chicken-scratch handwriting.
"What is it?", asks Susan in a whisper, leaning closer to you to read the note. A soft gasp escapes her and she looks over at Mattheo. Who's eyes are still trained on you, by the way. "Since when are you and Mattheo Riddle sending notes to each other?!"
"Since never!", you hiss, "what time are we done today?"
Hannah looks up from her book. "Three. Why?" She snatches the note out of Susan's hands and her eyes trail over the words. "He needs to fix his handwriting, my brother in Christ. Is 'Fluxweed report' some kind of secret code?"
You snort and swat her chest, earning a smug smile from the girl.
"I think it's rather romantic", says Susan, the hopeless romantic that she is.
A grimace forms on your face. "What is so romantic about finishing a Herbology essay?"
Susan sighs exorbitantly as she rolls her eyes. "You're officially single now! Free to go and explore and find someone who you really like! Mattheo obviously has seen his chance and took it!"
You and Hannah look at Susan as if she just swallowed a flobberworm. She gives the two of you an exasperated look. "What?! Isn't it like so romantic if the two descendants of Hogwarts founders end up dating? I bet ten galleons that he asks you out on a Hogsmeade date."
You huff out a breath. "Fine. But if he ends up humiliating me I'm going to enjoy those ten galleons with all my heart. Now, what do I write him back?"
"Oh! You should ask to meet at those tables at the back of the library where nobody really comes. That way you two could really cosy up."
You turn towards Hannah, feeling betrayed. "I thought you were with me on this?"
Hannah shrugs. "I'm always down for some drama. Besides, he has been staring at you and I always wondered when he would make his move."
"Since when has Mattheo Riddle been staring at me?", you ask genuinely shocked.
"Since like forever! He always manages to look away just in time. You were also too busy with him who we won't name. Bad joojoo."
You ignore Hannah's observation and pen an answer back.
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You wait to send it towards him when Flitwick isn't looking before chucking the balled-up paper towards the other side of the classroom and hitting him in the face.
You clasp a hand over your mouth while you and your friends stifle your laugh. Mattheo unfolds the paper, his eyes following every letter you wrote before he shows a thumbs up. 
"Dibs on being you guys' child's Godparent", whispers Susan with a grin and you elbow her in the ribs.
You try to bring your focus back to Flitwick, but you keep on glancing back at the curly-haired boy across the room. Has he some sort of plan to ask you so publicly to study? What is his motive? It can't only be studying, right?
Throughout the day you've grown quite nervous about meeting Mattheo. If it wasn't for your stupid friends and their stupid words you wouldn't have thought about this afternoon like any different from any other Herbology class. 
For Merlin's sake! You just broke up with your boyfriend and your friends are already pushing you onto the next. You wanted to take it slow for a while and enjoy the rest of your year without the worry of having to please a guy!
You fix your hair and uniform behind a bookcase as you see Mattheo already sitting at the table. With a curt breath and nod to yourself, you walk up to the table and take place in front of him. "Hi. Sorry if you've been waiting for long." You send him a small smile as you grab your book and notebook out of your bag. "It takes more time than I imagined to get from Divignation to here."
Mattheo gives you a half-smile and waves away your apologies. "Don't worry. I just got here too actually. So... what needed to be in that essay again?"
The two of you work together surprisingly well. If Mattheo isn't throwing his snide remarks around anyway. You also don't feel the need to be as snappy as you usually are with him. It's actually... nice? For once. 
As you're writing the last part of the essay, you feel his eyes on you. You look back up and raise your brows, silently asking what his deal is.
"I was thinking", he begins.
You let out a chuckle. "That's dangerous."
Ignoring your quip, he continues, "you need your parents off your back, right? And I imagine that you would like to smite Preece after that embarrassing stunt he pulled this morning."
You lean back with your eyes narrowed. "I wouldn't quite call it that. But continue."
Mattheo licks his bottom lips as he instead leans close to you, his voice softening. "Go out with me. Just a couple of dates so that you're seen with me. You know it will drive him nuts seeing you move on so quick."
You contemplate it for a moment or two. He is right. Malcolm always was a bit too paranoid for your taste when you talked with a boy. 
He hums. "So you agree?"
"What do you out of it? This all is a bit too suspicious."
He laughs and he runs his tongue over his teeth. "You don't believe me that I'm just content with having a pretty girl by my side?" When you shake your head he grins. "Smart girl. Maybe by 'dating' you, it will pull Preece's attention away from Quidditch and they'll lose the cup."
"So I'm sabotaging my own house?", you muse, your eyes flickering between his own.
Something seems to falter inside Mattheo's eyes for a second before a teasing smile grows on his face. "Well, you can't have everything princess."
Huming, you fall back into your chair. "Sure. When and where will our first 'date' be?", you use air quotations when you say date.
"I've heard that Saturday is going to be a sunny day."
"Sure. Eleven okay? We could meet up in the Clocktower courtyard. That way a lot of people see us leave together."
And with that, quite casually, your totally not fake date with Mattheo Riddle is agreed.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn't tag you): @mylosz0 @kermits-bitch
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 2 months
lucky i love you ✰ m. riddle
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summary: you and matthéo had an argument the night before, and he still hasn’t apologized.
pairing: bf!matthéo riddle x reader
warnings: hmmm maybe slightly toxic matthéo?? lowkey?? idk y’all can decide for yourselves!! slight angst, nothing else really??
note: okay i don’t love the ending but i still think it’s cute so i’m posting anyway!!! i’m such a sucker for slightly toxic matthéo who’s soft for u and u only :’)
reblogs & comments are so appreciated! <3
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“is there a reason you’re not talking to me?”
you startle softly at the sound of matthéo’s voice. you’d been intently ignoring him since he found you in the library, still quietly hurt about what he’d said the night before.
every inch of you longs to give in - you were never very good at staying mad at him - but you stubbornly refuse to move a muscle, lips turned downwards in a barely-there pout. you flick your eyes upwards, but only for a moment, offering him a shrug.
matthéo sighs in this defeated way that tugs at your heart. “i can’t make things better if you don’t tell me what i’ve done wrong, sweetheart.”
it’s your turn to sigh. when you look back up, you let your gaze linger - far past the point of caring if matthéo sees the stubborn little tears that pool in your waterline. “you should know what you did wrong, théo. i shouldn’t have to tell you.”
he’s silent for a few moments, before a look of understanding settles on his handsome features. “are you still upset about last night?”
another shrug. you can’t bring yourself to respond. you want him, no - you need him to piece it together for himself.
suddenly, matthéo’s chair scrapes loudly against the floor. he’s behind you in a few quick steps, and then you’re gasping sharply as he drags your chair away from the table. “matthéo! what are you-” he spins the chair suddenly towards himself, before crouching on the ground at your feet.
“darling - i’m sorry.” his hands find your thighs, fingers gripping firmly at the soft flesh as he looks up at you. “i’m sorry for being an arse, and i’m sorry for not apologizing sooner.” his thumbs trace absentminded circles into your skin as he speaks. “you haven’t done anything wrong - merlin, i don’t think you could ever do anything wrong - and i’m sorry for treating you the way i did.”
you open your mouth once, twice - trying to respond - but you can’t seem to find the right words. a lone little tear rolls slowly down your cheek, and matthéo’s quick to swipe it away with his thumb. with a sad little smile, and a softness in his eyes that seems to be reserved for you alone, he continues. “i know i’m not good at… at this - at being a boyfriend - but i am trying. and i promise that i’ll get it right it eventually.”
you’re silent for a few moments, but your lips tug upwards in a fond little grin you can’t seem to suppress. with a shake of your head, you place your hands on either side of matthéo’s face, leaning down to kiss him softly. “you are so lucky i love you, riddle.” your words are murmured softly against his lips, but you feel his smile and know he hears you.
“i know”
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 4 months
𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫:
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SUMMARY: Tom devises a plan to get you back even if it means forcing a guy to stalk you then so be it. - Prequel (where Tom and Matteo made the plan) ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆。゚
The night was shrouded in darkness, a perfect setting for the twisted plan Tom Riddle and Matteo had devised. Hidden in the shadows, Tom cast the Imperius Curse on an unsuspecting passerby, turning him into a puppet for their scheme. For weeks, the innocent man followed and texted Y/N, growing more unsettling with each message.
One evening, as Y/N walked alone under the starry night, her phone buzzed with a message: "How beautiful you are under this starry night." She rolled her eyes, assuming it was Tom playing another one of his games. She texted back, "Tom, when did you get so cringy?" Unbeknownst to her, the hooded figure in the dark corner continued to watch and wait.
Growing annoyed by the persistent messages, Y/N turned and spotted the hooded figure, his face hidden in the shadows. Her frustration boiled over as she approached him, pushing him forcefully.
"Tom, if this is you, I swear," she warned, but as the hood fell, it revealed a sinister smile that wasn't Tom's.
"Not Tom, sweetness," the stranger sneered. Y/N took a step back, realizing that this was no joke. Fear crept into her eyes as the hooded man spoke again, "What? are you scared or just disappointed?"
Panic set in, and Y/N turned to run. Her phone continued to ping with messages as the hooded figure chased her through the darkening streets. In desperation, she threw her phone into a bush, the dim light making it hard to see in front of her. She called for help, the terror in her voice echoing through the night.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Tom stood under a nearby lamp post, watching the events unfold with a wicked grin. As she ran towards the light, relief flashed across her face as she saw Tom waiting for her.
She engulfed him in a tight hug, burying her face in his chest. "Please help me, Tommy," she whispered, her fear evident. Tom glanced up at the hooded stalker frozen in the distance.
"What did you do to my girlfriend?" Tom shouted, lifting his wand menacingly. Y/N, too frightened to process the title he used, clung to him, wanting the threat to disappear.
She couldn't hear the conversation between Tom and the stalker, but suddenly, Tom whispered, "Close your eyes, my love." Y/N complied, feeling a surge of magic in the air. Blocking out Toms words, "Avada Kedavra" as a green light illuminates through the air. When she opened her eyes again, the hooded figure lay on the ground, dead.
"Please don't ever leave me again," Y/N whispered, her grip on Tom tightening. A triumphant smirk crossed Tom's face as he held her close. The plan had worked, and he had finally succeeded in winning back the love he desired.
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 4 months
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 5 months
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Retelling of Harry Potter but inserting the Slytherin group - Tom Riddle III, Matteo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkinsire, Blaise Zambini, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass and Astoria Greengrass. The main character obviously being the heir of Salazar slytherin Tom Riddle III (Voldys son)
Here, y/n y/l/n stuggles being a twin, her sister is sorted into hufflepuff while she's sorted into Slytherin. There it is revealled that she's just like her father after all. A father that was never mentioned let alone told that her parents met at Hogwarts. Y/n and her twin sister were raised in London, hidden in the muggle world because of you know who terrorising the wizarding world. Y/n soon discovers with his son that there was more reason for her being hidden (but thats revealled in book four ;) (in the goblet of fire soz)
Authors Note: Here is drama, and a bit of dark content so be aware. Mostly some cute scenes with the slytherin group especially interactions with Pansy and the boys. (cause your girl is on Slytherin react tiktok lol)
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫
✶ Prologue ✶ Chapter One: Platform 9 3/4 ✶ Chapter Two: Sorting Hat ✶ Chapter Three: Common Room ✶ Chapter Four: Charms ✶ Chapter Five: Troll ✶ Chapter Six: Dorms - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Seven: DADA - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eight: Hogsmead - Coming soon ✶Chapter Nine: The Mirror - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Ten: Detention - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eleven: First Slytherin Party - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Twelve: Sisters Fight - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Thriteen: Slytherin for life - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Fourteen: Nicholas Flammel- Coming soon ✶ Chapter Fifteen: Astronomy Tower - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Sixteen: Study Buddy - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Seventeen: Mother Visits - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eighteen: Fight - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Nineteen: Stone - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Twenty: Hello Son - Coming soon
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬: 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫
✶ Chapter One: Bookstore - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Two: Petrified Cat - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Three: More Riddle Secrets - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Four: Mudblood - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Five: Dobby Knows Tom? - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Six: Duelling Class - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Seven: Snakes? - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eight: Polyjuice Potion - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Nine: Griffindors in Slytherin? - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Ten: Moaning Myrtle - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eleven: Meet Tom Riddle Snr - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Twelve: Hagrid? - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Thirteen: What Happend to Hermione? - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Fourteen: Follow the Spiders - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Fifteen: Meet Basi - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Sixteen: Ginny? no! it was meant to be you! - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Seventeen: Tom you do look like your father - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eighteen: all of this and Grifindor wins? - Coming soon
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐳𝐤𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫
✶ Chapter One: Leaky Cauldron - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Two: Who's Sirius Black - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Three: Dementors - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Four: Maurauders Map - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Five: Meet Sirius Black - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Six: Hermione vs Draco - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Seven: Laurel returns to Hogwarts - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Eight: Hermione is badass - Coming soon ✶ Chapter Nine: Boggart - Coming soon
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 5 months
need another part right this second
Crossroads (I Guess You Can Say Things Are Getting Pretty Serious)
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tw/cursing, drinking, infidelity(not hasan), toxic boyfriend, fist fight, over-use of the term princess',insta-love
part of a college au series
freshman year, month one
later, he'll remember it started the same way it ended.
it's a friend of a friends backyard, and it's hot, even by September's standards in the south.
he's nursing a beer in between his fingers, long since gone warm, pulls his baseball cap lower over his eyes, trying to cover his face to carefully watch you.
later, his friends joke that you two never talk to each other, it's only yelling. sure there's the different kind: when he does something dumb and you're yelling, "you idiot!" but your hand is on the back of his head and you're pulling him closer into you, a kiss on the forehead, or when you're both winning on the beer pong team, and you're yelling for him to "stop fucking curving your throws what the fuck are you doing, hasan?!"
your friends joke that you two never talked to each other, only yelled.
so when you two began talking, he knew it was the end.
hasan saved you, and he never lets you forget it.
both figuratively and literally, you guess.
your (now ex) boyfriend was a dick, plain and simple, and anyone with eyes knew this.
You look-miserable, to say the least. Pushed against the wall, alone, at this party, nodding your head to the song blasting, but it's obvious you don't know the lyrics, or even like the song-
hasan is across the room, in a half circle with his fellow frat brothers, discussing the possibility of them winning a game this year (literally any game, even the possibility of winning an overall season this year is too far fetched for them, even drunk) and hasan is half listening, doesn't let himself really indulge in those silly fantasies-
He decides after tonight, he has one new rule for parties.
and no-it isn't drinking less. it's to stop adopting strays.
look-it wasn't planned. you just-you look so fucking pathetic
and he has a soft spot for people who so clearly don't want to be at these parties, especially since he spent all these years fighting tooth and nail to be at one-he might not get why you don't want to be here but fuck-you look so miserable you're bringing the vibes down.
He excuses himself from his group, even though the half circle immediately closes up as he leaves, his absence immediately filled and not missed, and he tries to not think much about it as he slides up next to you.
"You could probably at least act like you're happy to be here." He teases gently.
You snort, not looking at him. "Sorry, I'm not a Fine Arts major, that's not my specialty."
He smirks, tries to act like he's not happy you're finally someone with half a personality, who hasn't used the word bruh, or dude-to him in the last five minutes-
“Political science major.”
he corrects gently, his smile evident. this close, it’s easy to see the freckles that line his face, tiny spots that run up and down his cheeks in an unfamiliar constellation you’d like to learn.
he turns, offers his hand, "Hasan.” He says, leans against the wall and throws his cup back into his mouth, swallowing whatever dark liquid was in it.
You hesitate, letting his hand linger in the air for a second longer, darting over the crowd for any signs of your boyfriend-even talking or looking at hasan would be a fight, and you don't have it in you tonight-
"Charming." You say instead, finally take his hand and give a half assed shake.
"Wanna go outside? This doesn't look like your scene" He says, and from an outsiders perspective, the way he's leaning in to talk into your ear, an effort to be heard over this music, probably does look bad, sure.
He takes a step forward, offers his hand to you, and-look, it isn't a smart decision, probably, but your hand immediately goes into his and you let him pull you to the backyard, gently weaving in and out of the crowd.
The backyard is less crowded then inside, but that isn't saying much.
The drunks of the party have somehow made the outside their place to be, laying on their backs on the lawn and swaying back and forth to the music from inside, some throwing up into bushes that line the backyard-
"C'mon." hasan gives your hand another gentle tug, still tangled into his, pulls you to a quieter corner, sits cross legged on the grass and pulls you down gently. You look unsure for a second, of the grass, know for a fact that it's damp from the storm earlier, and he makes an exaggerated eye roll, but the smirk stays on his face as he stands up, lets go of your hand long enough to take the hoodie that swallows him off, lay it on the grass, gently pull you down.
"Better?" he teases as he sits cross legged across from you. He reaches for your hand and even though you know you should probably like-not hold his hand, there's no reason to or anything either-you can't stop yourself from holding it in the wet grass, letting it lay between you two.
"Much better." You smirk.
He rolls his eyes, "Tell me about yourself, princess."
Now it's your turn to roll your eyes as you tuck your hair behind your ear, so fucking cliche, refuse to let him see the pink on your face-
something about him is comforting, somehow?
Like, you don't know him. He doesn't know you, a brand new student, new to this school, this frat, his team-but something about him, the smile on his face, the way he tilts his head and looks at you when you talk like you're the only person that exists around him, truly looks like he's hanging onto every word.
And something about talking to him makes the time disappear. Like, you aren't thinking of Doug, your boyfriend, and his arm thrown over the girl next to him until you look up and there he is.
“oh, fuck.”
hasan is still laughing at whatever you said, the smile on his face, as he follows your eyes and sees your boyfriend, the star football quarterback, all muscles and hard edges, glaring at him from across the room, shaking his head at him slowly like it's a scene from a bad 90's rom com.
"Who's that chucklefuck?" hasan snorts until he looks at you, sees the fear in your eyes, "Do you know him, princess?"
"You need to leave, like now, hasan." You're struggling to get up, trying to pull him up at the same time, and words are falling out of you:
"That's Doug. He's my boyfriend, I should've said earlier-I'm so fucking sorry-"
"Doug is your boyfriend?" hasan sounds genuinely confused, decides not to say the obvious about you two being complete opposites, instead seattles on: "I literally saw him in the corner with another girl earlier"
You snort, "We all have our flaws. Look, i'm sorry, please forgive me, but you need to leave-"
It's too late, as Doug walks over, and you're cussing, but hasan sighs as he stands next to you, knows what's coming, won't say it, tangles his hand into yours.
Listen, you don't know him, but he feels like your backbone, like maybe things won't be so bad forever with him by your side, which is ridicolus, you know, because you don't know him-
he snorts, "Yeah, sure. i'll forgive you-" throws his chin at the man bustling towards him, "if you convince him to not do what he came here to do."
"hasan, don't be a fucking hero. Get out-" You try and say to him, but it's a jumble of words as Doug snorts, looking at you two.
"What the fuck is all this about?" He laughs without humor, throws his chin at the two of you, at your hands tangled into each other-
"Who's this idiot?" Doug laughs at hasan, who doesn't back down, doesn't shrink, stands taller, if anything, and he says a silent prayer his voice doesn't shake as he speaks.
"I'm terribly sorry man," hasan speaks, but a smirk pulls at the side of his face, "is this your girlfriend, clinging to my hand?"
you don't dare pull away from him, but you do elbow him hard, your hand still tangled into his.
"hasan-" You say quietly, you even know this guy-and you can't even get more out before the unmistakable noise of skin colliding with skin-
the sucker punch is all your (now ex) boyfriend had on hasan, and you tell him as much, a small crowd forming around the two of them, a quiet chant about a fight, even though this isn't high school, something of this feels reminiscent of it.
hasan stands back up, a smirk:
“That's the best you got? A sucker punch?" Acts like his eye isn't already red, and that he's blinking back tears as he snorts, wipes at his nose,
"C'mon, like you mean it. I'll give you another chance. You are so much better than a sucker punch, yeah?"
"hasan, you idiot." You say, tugging on his arm, but he's enjoying this small crowd, the people recording, the people cheering him on, cheering for the underdog, tired of Doug and only talking with his fists-
"No, princess," hasan laughs, "A suckerpunch is the best he has?"
And Doug is pissed, this is obvious, moves his arm back for a hit but hasan is quicker, colliding with his nose, the unmistakable noise of his fist colliding with bone, can already see bruised knuckles-Doug teeters back, the alcohol made it one punch for him, and you see this opportunity, take it, lean down long enough to grab his hoodie before you're up, holding his hand again, pulling him away.
"You idiot." But it's filled with affection as the crowd covers over Doug, tending to him, and you pull hasan back into the crowded house.
“guess my plan worked,” hasan smiles as you shove him down, his back against the cabinets, his legs long and sprawled out in front of him, “all according to plan.”
instead, you’re half listening, digging through a freezer.
“what was your plan?” you finally ask, kneeling down next to him, even though he still towers over you.
“first it was your name.” his voice is low, gravel, as he flinches as you set the defrosting broccoli to his eye, “and then, getting you alone.”
he’s still smirking as his hand reaches for yours, to cover yours and to hold it over his own eye.
“stop.” you smack his hand down and he rolls his eyes but his shoulders slump as he listens.
“there’s so many better ways to talk to someone.”
“guess not,” he laughs, “because it all worked out for me.”
“your drunk,” you say gently, “you won’t even remember this in the morning.”
“i wish i was drunk,” he sighs, “it would make my fucking eye hurt a lot less.”
his bottom lip puffs out, pulling a face:
“stay with me?”
knowing it’s not worth the fight, you slide into sitting next to him, your hand on his eye, the smirk right on his lips:
“like i was saying before i was so fucking rudely interrupted-“
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 5 months
rip tom marvolo riddle u would’ve loved saltburn
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 5 months
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james potter who always wants you in his lap because you sitting next to him isn't close enough. james potter who lifts you onto his shoulders after he wins a Quidditch match. like he is so hyper that he jumps up and down, seemingly forgetting that you are holding onto his hair for dear life. james potter who bribes you with your favorite sweets when he needs help on homework. james potter who needs a cuddle break every five minutes when you're tutoring him. james potter who gives you piggyback rides when you're tired after a long night out. james potter who lets you win when you play-fight. oh who am i kidding, he would throw you over his shoulder and dance around before pinning you down and kissing every inch of your face delicately. james potter who would randomly tell you which piece to move when you’re playing chess against remus or sirius because he always wins against the three of you.
remus lupin. sirius black.
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 5 months
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Professor!Tom X Professor!Reader core
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r-a-c-h-e-l · 6 months
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˚₊ ⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆ ₊˚ prompt — Professor Slughorn assigns Tom a potions partner— the only problem is that it’s a girl he’s never met before. Will Tom ignore his growing feelings for his new partner or will he give in and accept how he truly feels.
Full Request: HERE
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: I introduce to you — Tom “she’s not like the other girls” Riddle. Also I’m sorry girl, I forgot to make her sort of weary of Tom and skipped straight to her just being nice. 😗
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“When you think of me, is it fondly?”
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Tom resisted the urge to rub his hands together to warm them. The frosty January air was unrelenting, seeping its way through the thick stone walls of Hogwarts making the lengthy descent into the school's dungeons more unpleasant than usual.
Eager to get out of the frigid hall, Tom mentally thanked Salazar when the door to the potions classroom came into view. Walking through the door, Tom saw a few of his fellow classmates already huddled along the back wall and talking amongst themselves. He gave them a polite nod as they wished him good morning, continuing to make his way to the opposite end, away from them.
From his spot in the back, Tom watched as the other students slowly trickled in. Girls linked arm in arm, whispering and giggling to one another; boys knocking into one another, speaking loudly about next week's Quidditch match. The sense of comradery left Tom internally recoiling in disgust as he tried to imagine himself acting in such a way.
Tiernan Lestrange came to stand next to him, a little closer than what Tom was comfortable with. Tom side-eyed the boy, but ultimately said nothing to him, choosing to instead focus on Professor Slughorn who called the class to attention as he used his wand to wave the classroom door closed.
Tom began to tune his professor out as he began his theatrics about the point they’d be working with today— befuddlement draught. A potion used to cause the drinker to become reckless, something Tom would take precautionary measures not to spill or ingest in any capacity.
“I will be pairing you off today—” was all Tom heard before he felt the trickles of irritation creep into his mind. Working in pairs was always something Tom hated, preferring to work alone instead of having to potentially be weighed down by some idiot.
“And Mr. Riddle,” Professor Slughorn called out, breaking Tom out of his thoughts, “you will be working with Ms. Y/L/N!”. Slughorn’s arm was stretched out, motioning towards a girl standing on the other side of the class, just out of view. Tom ran the last name over in his head a few times, trying to spark some form of recognition in his mind, but he came up blank.
Slughorn clapped his hands, telling them they have until the end of the hour to finish their potion. Tom mentally prepared himself for what kind of girl he may be working with as he made his way through the dissipating crowd of students to find his partner.
Ah, there she was.
She hadn’t noticed him just yet, so he took those few seconds to give her a once over. It would make sense he didn’t recognize her, she was not in his house. They locked eyes as she finally noticed him just a few feet in front of her, and she swiftly closed the distance between the two.
“I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/N” she said, introducing herself. Her voice, though a bit quiet, was sweet. It wasn’t the same condescending tone Tom was used to receiving from the girls that hung around Lestrange and Avery, and for that he was glad. Giving her a polite smile, Tom guided the both of them to an empty cauldron, “I don’t believe we have, my name is Tom.”
Y/N was not unbearable to work with, much to Tom’s relief. The only hiccup didn’t occur until thirty minutes into making the draught when she unknowingly overstepped a boundary of his. Tom had brought his hand up to drop the scurvy grass into the cauldron when she grabbed him; his eyes immediately snapped to her, surprised that she had the audacity to grab him.
“Wait,” she said, a hint of panic in her tone, “you have to add the sneezewort first.” Their hands stayed locked together as Tom took a peek at her potions book laying out in front of them. As his eyes glided over the instructions he saw she was right, causing him to now feel a little embarrassed at the mistake he almost made.
“You’re right,” Tom cringed on the inside, “it is sneezewort first.” Y/N let go of his hand as he lowered it to switch out the ingredient he was holding. Her grabbing him should have left him disgusted and discreetly wiping his hand against his robes to rid himself of the feeling of her touch But, it wasn’t disgust he felt from her touch; just annoyance and a lingering tingling feeling in his hand that he did not want to think about.
Tom and Y/N had just finished their potions when Slughorn had stopped in front of them. “A perfect brew! Though I expect nothing less from either of you!” Slughorn exclaimed in his usual jovial tone. “Thank you, sir,” Tom and Y/N replied at the same time. Tom and Y/N looked at one another, and he watched, unable to look away, as a genuine smile tugged at her lips.
Tom momentarily forgot they had been talking to Slughorn until the old fool spoke again, telling them they were welcome to spend the last few minutes of class how they wished. The two chose not to speak, something Tom was grateful for, as they put away their belongings. It wasn’t until the bell chimed telling them it was time for lunch that they spoke again.
“I’ll see you next Thursday, yeah?” Y/N looked at him with, what he could only describe as a hopeful look in her eyes. Tom nodded, “of course.” Tom watched as she left, her figure sauntering out of the potions door. He was once again reminded of where he was when he heard Avery’s grating voice ask him a question.
Though Tom did not have another class with her till next Thursday, he couldn’t seem to stop seeing her in some form. He saw her in the halls, a weird feeling gathering in his chest when she would give him a friendly wave as they passed each other by. He saw her in the Great Hall, his skin growing warm as his eyes accidentally caught hers from where they both sat at their respective tables.
Their next potions class together, Tom planned to work alone, but Y/N fell into step beside him, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she asked, “do you mind if I join you?”. Tom, who should have found a polite way to tell her to ‘fuck off’, couldn’t bring himself to turn her away.
“Not at all,” Tom wanted to hex himself. Why would he say that? Tom worked alone, he didn’t want nor need a partner, yet he did not hesitate to let her join him. It was beginning to drive him mad, how out of character he was being towards a girl he’s known for no longer than a week. Tom needed answers for why he was acting this way, for why he was being affected in such a way.
But answers wouldn’t come. For the next month Tom was tormented every time they worked together: sweaty palms, shortness of breath, conflicting thoughts. He was beginning to think she was attempting to bewitch him in some way, casting discrete spells on him. So, he began to pay closer attention to her, trying to catch her in the act, paying attention to her every move.
He noticed everything. From the way she hid behind her hands when she laughed all the way to how she liked her fruit cut a certain way. Every mannerism he noticed, he mentally jotted down— in case it was needed for future blackmail of course (he was sure he could spin the fruit thing into a vicious rumor of some kind).
Everything came to a head on February 26th. It was a chilly Friday night and the Slug Club was supposed to meet for a lavish dinner in Slughorn's office with its usual attendants.
Except, when Tom walked in it was anything but the usual attendants or atmosphere. Instead Tom walked into an office decorated to look far more lavish than usual with trays of food and drink floating about for guests to pick off of. As Tom walked further in, he saw more than just the typical group of boys that met once a month. He saw other students, as well as other adults, whom Tom assumed were acquaintances of Slughorn.
Tom thought of skipping this meeting, as gatherings such as this were out of his comfort zone, until something caught his eye. ‘Sweet Salazar,’ Tom thought to himself, exasperated. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at— or should he say, who he was looking at. It was Y/N, dressed in a flattering knee length, emerald dress. Tom thought of approaching her, but found himself rooted in place.
After a second, he finally found himself moving towards her, but before he could make it to her side, another boy approached her first. Tom slowed his steps as he felt a surge of white hot anger consume him at the sight of this Neanderthal touching her, as if he was worthy of such a thing. He was a plain looking fellow; average height, basic attire, and dull features.
‘As if she would go for the likes of him,’ it was that thought that made alarm bells go off in his head. Why would he think that? If not that boy, then who would she go for? Tom’s mind raced as he thought the question over. He fought with himself as he kept coming back to the same conclusion: Y/N deserved himself.
It was a conclusion he didn’t understand, but it was the only one he kept coming back to; the only one that made sense. Needing time to process what he realized, he slinked off, out of Y/N’s eyesight.
Tom was good at sneaking around and avoiding others, it was something he’d done since before his days at Hogwarts, when he was just a young child at Wool’s Orphanage. So it wasn’t hard to avoid Y/N for the remainder of the gathering, but in trying to avoid her, he ran into Slughorn.
“Tom! My boy! How are you enjoying the party?” Slughorn asked, clapping a heavy hand on his shoulder. Tom, though he wanted to be left alone, faked a polite smile, “I’m enjoying myself well enough, sir, you’ve truly outdone yourself this time.” He hoped a little flattery would help spend this conversation up, as he wasn’t in the mood to deal with him right now. “Good, good..” Slughorn trailed off, Tom hoped that would be the end of it, but the Professor seemed to have one more thing to add.
“I’ve noticed you hanging around Ms. Y/L/N more, and I must say, I like the idea of you two growing closer,” Slughorn confessed. Tom, though feeling embarrassed that his teacher noticed and decided to comment on an aspect of his personal life, played the bashful card. He forced himself to smile and glance at his feet, “I see.”
Slughorn gave Tom a pat on the back, wishing him luck, and departed to go mingle with more guests. Tom managed to avoid both Slughorn and Y/N for the rest of the night as he stayed in the furthest section of the party, mingling with the likes of Mulciber and Nott.
Finally having had enough, Tom decided to slip out of the room and into the empty hallway, intent on going back to his dorm and getting some rest. He hadn’t made it far from the party when he heard Y/N call for him from behind.
“Tom!” Y/N’s voice echoed throughout the hall. Tom stopped and turned to her, unsure of what she could need from him. Once she finally caught up to him, she stopped before him, slightly winded. Tom gave her a moment to collect herself, but a bashful look crossed her face as she seemed to be second guessing herself.
“Yes, Y/N?” Tom gently goaded, trying to get her to spit it out. It was another second before she finally spoke, “will you walk me back to my common room?”. It was a question that took him off guard, as that was not in the realm of what he guessed she could want. The fact that she wanted him to walk her back to her common room made his heart thump wildly against his chest. Giving her a slight nod, he held his arm out to her.
Feeling her hand delicately grasp his arm made him feel sick, having never done anything like this before. “Did you enjoy yourself? I assume this was the first time you’ve been invited?” Tom asked, trying to fill the silence. Well, that’s what he told himself at least. Truthfully, he just wanted to hear her voice; he could listen to her speak all day if she let him.
“Yes, this is my first time going,” she confirmed, “it was alright, a bit overwhelming if I’m being honest.” Tom nodded, knowing what she meant, “I felt the same.”
The two of them lapse into silence, only the sounds of their shoes could be heard as Tom escorted her back to her common room. Tom made sure to take smaller steps to be sure he didn’t accidentally drag her across the castle, but also, to prolong their walk.
Still, the walk was over far too soon as they came to a stop in front of her common room entrance. She let go of his arm, and the two of them faced each other. “Thank you for walking me back, Tom,” Y/N said. Tom gave her a genuine smile, “it was nothing.”
Y/N looked from Tom, to the entrance, and back to him again. She seemed as if she wanted to say something, and Tom, not wanting to be rude (for once) patiently waited for her to gather her courage to say what was on her mind. “I plan to go to Hogsmeade next weekend, would you mind accompanying me?” She asked.
The look on Tom’s face must have been awfully amusing as Y/N’s laughter reverberated throughout the hall. The sound of her laughter making his chest ache with how sweet it sounded. It made Tom wish he could bottle it up and keep it on a shelf; save it for moments when he needed to be reminded that something other than pain and cruelty existed in this world.
“So..” Y/N trailed off, laughter still evident in her tone, “is that a yes?”.
Finding his voice Tom agreed, “that’s a yes.”
Tom and Y/N bid each other goodnight, parting ways as she stepped through the entrance to her common room. As the entrance closed behind her Tom turned to make his way back to the dungeon, a feeling of anticipation filling him as thought’s of Y/N and their future date overrun his mind.
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Taglist: @r-a-c-h-e-l
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