rad-reblogs · 5 months
Warnings: Depictions of violence, cannibalism, demons being demons
Which demon would let you be evil?
It was bound to happen. Threats about getting your heart ripped out thrown around left and right have made you a bit… prone to violence.
You just itch to call on your demon to eviscerate the incubus that couldn’t take no for an answer.
You’re prone to calling your demon to rid the area of creatures you don’t like.
To cut down the forest housing biologically necessary creatures that stung you once.
The answer is all of them. They love you— your newfound twisted nature is just a bonus.
And it’s not really, really twisted. It’s the Devildom, evil is the norm.
Sure does look good on you.
You’re at your most beautiful when you don’t see the need to call your demon to deal with a meddling imp. They aren’t worthy to be cursed by the presence of your pact demons, let alone Lucifer. No. You’ll kill them yourself.
Mammon knows Lucifer is wrong. You’re the sexiest when you steal for the fun of it. That succubus’s prized anklet? You wanted it so bad, you had no problem whistling for Mammon to drown her in the toilet while you pilfered her stuff. Mammon asked if you could make out after.
You’re cute when someone has something you want. Not in that disgusting greedy, sticky-fingers way, no— Levi knows you’re downright adorable when your eyes crinkle in distaste at an imp coming first. You worked so hard on that project. How could you let that lesser demon walk all over you, gloat all over you? One look towards Levi has him quivering, rushing to destroy the demon that’s worked you into an envious frenzy.
Envious frenzies are nothing compared to how stunning you are when you’re worked into a rage. Satan was peacefully reading, plotting to curse another one of Lucifer’s ties when you bathed in. He’s awestruck. The rage is oozing out of you, and when you grab him by the tie and tell him to erase the demon that humiliated you today, he’s more than happy to.
Bloodlust is sexy. Fullstop. Shaking, twisting, grinding at the Fall and Asmodeus wants to put his hands all over you. Please, let him. You tut, gently turning his face towards the succubus that had tried seducing him earlier. Wouldn’t it be so cute if she wasn’t bothering him anymore? You know you would both look good in blood red. Asmo loved your confidence.
Hunger kills. There’s a long line to Madam Screams, you’re starting to tap your foot impatiently. Beelzebub’s stomach growls. That sets you off, what sort of pact master would let your sweet little demon go hungry? You’re attractive as you step aside and tell Beel to clear the path. You’re to die for when you laugh and laugh that the long line is gone, ignoring the half-eaten hand sticking out of Beel’s mouth.
You’re cute asleep. Vulnerable, almost angelic. Belphegor knows your the furthest thing from angelic when you’re rudely woken up, interrupted from your dreams of world domination. Stupid lesser demon for barging in to your classroom. Didn’t she know you’d be in here, huh? She didn’t, and you knew that. Here’s what Belphie finds ridiculously attractive and annoying— you yawn and wave at him to do your bidding, ridding of the pest. He complains and grumbles about his own sleep, but he relishes it all the same.
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
Finally, I can polls now!!!!!
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
Hello, I was wondering if you could do the brothers reacting to a s/o with a connective tissue disorder? Mc’s joints will lock up, dislocate, get winded easily, etc and they’ll just act like it’s normal lol. (Ps, it’s fun on the stairs lol)
yes of course!! i apologize for the lateness, I’ve been a bit sick but i hope you enjoy!! i actually go through a same thing so it was pretty nice to write this! i didn’t really think to write about it so i’m glad you gave me the chance!! thank you for the suggestion!!!! <3
LUCIFER ; you didn’t tell him about your issue, partially because you didn’t want to bother him, other half because you kinda forgot (surprising i know), he was quick to find out though, he’d noticed how you’d fall behind sometimes when you’d walk with him, he’d patiently wait for you but never rush you or mock you, on one occasion your knee did the unfortunate thing of locking up when going down the stairs, luckily he was there to catch you, he’d immediately pick you up despite your hesitance to let him, he wanted to make sure you were safe and not having to be in too much pain, ever since then he’d make sure to hold you hand while going down the stairs or walking long distances
MAMMON ; this demon was incredibly oblivious, to most things including this, he never knew why you’d trail behind, or would have to pause a bunch, he’d almost mock you for it (unknowing that it wasn’t something you couldn’t control), you’d apologize for keeping him up while you leaned against a wall using it as support, his eyes widen seeing how winded you were and noticing you avoiding pressure on one of your legs, he’d ask a million times if you were okay and if you needed anything, he was very worried about you, after explaining your situation he’d complain that you didn’t say anything sooner, he’d be very protective of you whenever he was with you, even carrying to and from places if needed
LEVIATHAN ; he would notice you would get up every so often from your gaming sessions with him, you’d walk around a bit, sometimes stretch out your legs just so your knee wouldn’t lock up, he’d look at you with curious eyes but not say anything, in fear he’d upset you, when you do catch him looking you’d obviously explain it to him, he beat himself up for not knowing sooner (even if he couldn’t have known), after that he’d set alarms to remind you to stretch out and walk around, he’d help you occasionally, blushing as bright as he could while holding your hand while you walk around his room, since he didn’t physically attend rad he’d worry for you constantly, texting you almost every second asking if you were okay, that if you needed him he would drop anything to come help you, despite how much of a recluse he was
SATAN ; while browsing the library you didn’t expect to come across a book about your connective tissue disorder, you didn’t think the devildom would have books like that, satan saw your interest about it and asked why you were browsing through it, before you could explain your body did it for you, your knee buckled almost causing you to fall, luckily satan was there to help assist you to a place you could sit, you would finish explaining it to him and share your experiences with it, the next morning when you’d come for breakfast satan approached you telling you what would help the most for your occasional swelling and joint pain, he’d even plan to go to get you to best things to help with it, you noticed the stack of books besides him, you couldn’t help but feel touch by his nerdiness 
ASMODEUS ; asmo noticed the smallest details about you, and you didn’t really know how but he did, he notice how you’d be winded sometimes, or how your joints would be a bit swollen, he’d lovingly pester you to go in his room, where he would pamper you to hell and beyond, he’d run a warm bath along with his most precious bath oils, and make sure you were completely comfortable, he’d offer you messages if you’d want it, and anything else he could possibly do to make you a bit better or at least get your mind off of it, he wasn’t the strongest of the bunch but he’d offer his shoulder to lean on (physically and mentally), he’d also spoil you way too much but he made it so very hard to decline
BEELZBUB ; he was sporty and athletic, he’d seen injuries and knew how to take care of them, at least at a basic point of view, so when he’d see you struggling with your joints he’d take care of you, during the days when things were very difficult he made you crash in his room so it was easier to take care of you, he’d also bring your fav foods just to cheer you up and to distract from your pain, with beel by your side everything was so easy, body giving out from walking too much or it’s just one of those days? no worries beel is here, he’d throw you over his shoulders like it was nothing, he was a big softie when it came to taking care of you
BELPHEGOR ; in ways you and belphie were similar, your condition made you exhausted most of the time, causing you to crash at somewhat random places in the house, belphie found you once laying in an odd position, he’d make sure you would be in a postion where your joints weren’t hurting when you awake, you only told him about your condition in passing but he made a mental note and underlined it, other times when you’d fall asleep at a chair or the couch he’d just carry you to his room, and take a nap beside you, being there in case there was something you needed, he didn’t make it too obvious but he was worried about you, sometimes not even sleeping while you napped, to make sure you were still okay
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
Retribution for the torment he puts Yuu/Player through.
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concept: disciplining grim for his action towards gn!yuu's boyfriend
characters: grim
disclaimers: reader is gender neutral || reader is yuu || fluff
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he finally thought the world would be at peace. he thought wrong. very wrong
you took away ALL his snacks and his tuna, he wasn't even allowed to stay up after 10 pm anymore.
he had to make a 1500 word essay on how he was sorry and asked for forgiveness from your partner.
everyone in the first year friend group was laughing at him and teasing him for WEEKS, poor fireball
he would cry and complain about this whole thing even in his sleep, you would record it and send it in the group chat
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this req also can be seen as a sort of retribution for the grim mischief
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
My life is a burning pile of garbage right now and I feel like tormenting fictional characters. Your extremely overprotective Grim series is perfect. So imagine Yuu's wonderful bf is getting really sick and tired of having to put up with Gremlin Fire Cat. They make the (very, very, very, very) tough decision to break-up with Yuu. Of course they don't really want to but Grim refuses to behave and let Yuu have any form of non-platonic relationships. Obviously Yuu tries to prevent the break-up but it's pointless. This leaves the poor prefect depressed and unwilling to do anything, especially for Grim. Now you can decide between Grim feeling pretty damn guilty and going to Yuu's (ex)bf and giving the apology of a lifetime with a promise to leave the two alone and it working or the ex not believing Grim and they remain ex's. Which the boy regrets because (and only in this ending) Crowley actually finds a way for Yuu to go home, so they leave with a broken heart.
((I dunno about you but despite my need for pain I actually have a HUGE preference for hurt/comfort.))
stares at my hurt no comfort tag sitting in my favorite tags
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concept: very protective little brother!grim trying to fix relationships
characters: [insert character]
disclaimers: reader is gender neutral || hurt/comfort
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he never wanted to break up with you, but it was just so draining being around you and grim. the most painful thing about the breakup is that it was just a week before your anniversary
it was also so uncalled for because well, he could hide his feelings so well it hurt so much when he was suddenly just "[name] i dont think we can go on together"
grim was so happy that his countless torture finally worked but he never expected you to stop taking care of yourself altogether, he just wanted you to be happy, he didn't want you to be so sad about it.
of course the fireball thought it was normal, everyone gets heartbroken once in their life. so, why were you so empty after that? he didn't understand, now you two can go shopping endlessly without having to worry when your next date is or or just be happy without [character]!
you refused to do anything. you didn't even wanna get up and eat anymore. grim knew it was his fault but he just found it so hard to apologize, but he knew he had to put it aside. it was either his ego or you. nothing else
grim couldn't stand your crying, he knows this is his fault and he should hold himself accountable for once and apologize. but this is grim we're talking about, it's not that easy for him
it took the fireball a few days to prepare his apology speech and another few days to finally get the guts to sneak in [character]'s room, he was so amazed and moved by the apology, you wouldn't believe it was grim who wrote that
you finally had enough motivation to go out and take a moment to appreciate air. you however, did not expect your "ex"-boyfriend to suddenly show up on your doorstep with a gift box (that he was supposed to give to you on your anniversary)
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so the trick here is just to listen to 7 hours of mitski (I'm so bad at angst pls send help)
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
Bokuto x reader - In My Mind (pt. 2)
⚠️ Warnings - none !
Pronouns - male, he/him
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you can find part one here!
(Y/n) (L/n) was not fine.
(Y/n) (L/n) was stressing.
(Y/n) noticed something was up the moment Bokuto didn’t shriek his usual morning greeting from the doorway. What’s wrong? Was he sick? He walked in, shoulders hunched like he was trying to make himself smaller, and slid into his seat. For once, Bokuto Koutarou was trying to not gain any attention.
(Y/n) tried his best to hide his subtle stares. Bokuto was hunched over his desk, eyebrows slightly upturned and bottom lip between his teeth, like he was trying to hold back something. He didn’t look like his usual, cheery, bright self. 
It sounded selfish, but (Y/n) had always looked to Bokuto’s light to brighten up his own dull self. He couldn’t radiate happiness the way Bokuto did. Bokuto brought a smile to everyone’s faces, hell, even his own.
So what had happened today that had dampened his happy?
And… where was his good morning? 
In the midst of thinking, (Y/n) had kept direct eye contact with Bokuto’s pathetic form. Bokuto looked up, and eventually trailed off and met eyes with (Y/n). His eyes widened horrifically, and he averted his gaze faster than (Y/n) could process. In fact, he turned his whole body away from him. (Y/n) furrowed his eyebrows, a small frown tugging at his lips. He put his head down in his arms, both him and Bokuto now sporting the same, closed off, sulking pose. One thing had been abundantly clear, in (Y/n’s) brain. He had definitely done something wrong.  
It continued like this for days. No more good mornings.
There were also no more endless rants or splurges during passing periods, no more walking home from school with Bokuto, no more lunches where Bokuto would plop himself down suspiciously close and start bugging him for his bento, nothing. 
And (Y/n) didn’t know why. 
Today was the 7th consecutive time Bokuto Koutarou had ignored him. He had kept count. He didn’t even hide the way he’d stare at Bokuto with hurt puppy eyes. He’d burn holes into Bokuto’s side with his gaze, and all he got in response was an uncomfortable shift in his seat. 
After staring him down for the nth time that morning, (Y/n) looked down to his lap, where he was fiddling with fingers. He could think of at least eighty-nine things he could’ve possibly done to upset Bokuto, and if he thought some more, he could probably come up with even more. 
“—This assignment, I will be assigning partners. More or less who I believe you will get the most work done with, or for those of you who… struggle, who could help you get work done. However, I don’t mind if you decide you want to work by yourself for this one either.” The teacher had been talking, and for the first time, he hadn’t realized he was missing everything. He usually paid attention and would regurgitate the information back in a dumber way for Bokuto.
He looked up just in time to hear the teacher listing off the names of people in partners. He hadn’t been paying much attention to the work right now, so he’d have to have his partner explain to him what they were doing—
“Next, (L/n)-kun and Bokuto-kun. You two seem to be very good friends.”
(Y/n) froze. From shock or excitement, he didn’t know. But he saw a chance. His eyes flicked to Bokuto, who wasn’t looking back at him. His eyes burned with hope he didn’t have once in the last few days. Screw this assignment. He couldn’t care less about his grade right now, but he couldn’t thank his teacher more for pairing them up together.
(Y/n) was memorizing what he would say to Bokuto, when he stood up. 
“Teach’?” Bokuto murmured. His face was downcast, his eyes staring off to the side and completely unreadable. The teacher hummed in acknowledgment. 
“I wanna work by myself.”
Never once did Bokuto’s eyes land on (Y/n). There was no show of any sort of emotion on his face, and if there was, it wasn’t a good one. It unsettled (Y/n). He couldn’t read him.
“Alright. (L/n)?” (Y/n) looked up to the teacher reluctantly. “I think you’ll get along with Kazashi-san well. I know how reserved you are. Why don’t you work with her?”
(Y/n) cringed at the mention of working with a complete stranger. He wanted to work with Bokuto. Still, that didn’t stop ‘Kazashi’ from sauntering over to his seat, and sitting down in the chair in front of him.
“Hello, (L/n).” Kazushi said. The tamber in her friendly, bubbly voice made (Y/n) want to puke. It wasn’t the same when someone other than Bokuto was cheery and sunshiny.  
“I-I would like to work alone as well-!”
(Y/n) blurted out, raising his hand and standing up from his seat. Kazushi puffed out her cheeks, a small scowl on her face. The teacher blinked, and mumbled out a “Sure… Kazushi-san, uh, go work with Akiro-san and Toshi-kun.”
(Y/n) fumbled back down onto his seat, swallowing a very flustered clump in his throat. For some, that was the loudest people had ever heard his voice. He stared blankly as papers were passed out, placed on his desk, as did Bokuto. 
(Y/n) couldn’t breathe. His vision wouldn’t single in on the paper he was supposed to be writing, alone, and it only grew fuzzier when he tried to focus. Maybe more he relaxed, the more the feeling would go away, and maybe he could take in some oxygen. Yeah, yeah that should work. He gently laid his head on his desk, trying to ignore the achy feeling in his chest as he took labored breaths. He tried to make himself as tiny and limp as possible. He didn’t realize how stupid he looked.
But as he lay there, doing everything to ease the nonexistent pain in his gut, he knew. He had a name for that achy, hollow feeling. As he watched Bokuto, who hated working alone, choose solidarity just to get away from him, as scenes of him not paying Bokuto much direct eye-to-eye attention, as he sat there, alone, wanting to sob and scream and crawl out of the depth of rope he was tied under…
That horrible, gnawing feeling clinging to his insiders was named “guilt.”
New day, new beginnings. 
(Y/n) repeated those words in his head, gripping the condensing can of green tea in his shaky hands. The forming drops of liquid seeped into his palms, but he couldn’t care less. He set the bottle down gently on Bokuto’s school desk. (Y/n) wiped his hands on his school blazer, and hurried off to his own desk. He was the only one in the classroom, a bit eager to see Bokuto and maybe apologize.
After pointless minutes of waiting and waiting, the sound of the door sliding open caught his ear. He stared shamelessly as Bokuto, Konoha, and Washio all filed in, mid-conversation. It was all coming into place. He’d see the little gift, then see him, he’ll say sorry for whatever it was he did, and he won’t have the aching, incessant throb in his chest suffocating him anymore. And better yet, he'd have Bokuto back.
He watched with glassy eyes as Bokuto stopped mid-sentence, picking up the drink from his desk. He watched as Bokuto studied the bottle of green tea bought from the school vending machines, turning it this way and that. And he watches as Bokuto’s eyes flickered to him, himself. (Y/n) stiffened, but wilted when Bokuto's eyes flitted back to his friends seemingly without a second thought. 
And that aching throb in his chest only grew louder when he watched the drink he bought get offered to Konoha, who refused. Bokuto twisted open the drink and went back to talking with his friends. He could only sit there in awe as more and more students filed into the classroom.
Even in a room full of people, (Y/n) felt alone. And, for once, he didn’t have Bokuto there to save him. 
Every single fiber of his body ached with a guilt he didn’t even know how he caused. 
He ached to fix it. He ached to get rid of the ache. God, this whole ordeal was starting to make (Y/n) lose sleep. 
(Y/n) trudged his way through the rather empty hallway. Skipping out on his club was something he never did, but he got too antsy and ticked off by his fellow club members trying to pry inside his mind, asking if he was ‘okay.’ Of course he wasn’t okay.
It’s been 3 weeks since he’d spoken to Bokuto. 
Guilt was eating him up. It crippled him, consuming his every thought, action, everything. He thought he knew emotion. He thought he had the concept of ‘guilt’ down to perfection. But he underestimated its power. It made him irrational.
Which is why he found himself waiting outside the school gates, long after dark, waiting for Bokuto to get out of practice. 
He had been waiting outside in the cold for hours- when the hell did practice end?- warming up his numb hands with his breath, and part of him wanted to just go home and try again tomorrow. It was really cold. 
And even if he did get to speak to Bokuto, what would he even say? He didn’t even know what he did, what they were fighting over. What was supposed to say to that? How would he even get past stopping him at the school entrance? 
(Y/n) was so lost in thought, he didn’t even notice the gaggle of sweaty volleyball players heading towards the exit of the school. (Y/n’s) manic eyes widened dramatically, landing on Bokuto, who began parting with his teammates. He waved goodbye to the remainders of his team, before looking back ahead, and freezing. 
For a while, the two just stared at eachother, unmoving, in the breeze of Tokyo’s cold nights. (Y/n) somehow forgot all about his numb hands. After what seemed like ages, Bokuto averted his gaze stiffly and attempted to speedwalk away without saying a word. It was clear as day, now.
Bokuto Koutarou was ignoring him.
The bitter truth seemed to hurt more that (Y/n) had anticipated. It stung like a slap to the cheek, though (Y/n) had no time to recoil, as Bokuto was already heaps away. He snapped out of his daze, and began stumbling his way in Bokuto’s direction.
“W-wait…” (Y/n’s) voice wouldn’t come out the way he wanted it to. “Bokuto-kun, I-”
No response. His figure grew smaller as he walked away from him. (Y/n) began to stutter towards him faster, with his hand extending out shyly.
No response. (Y/n) staggered towards him like a tipsy man. Chains and chains and chains and chains and chains of guilt pulled him away. Bokuto seemed to be moving so fast, whilst (Y/n’s) world played in slow-motion. 
No response. Bokuto never once turned around. The wall of invisibility between them only grew thicker with every step he took. It all happened so slow, yet so fast at the same time. (Y/n) began to push against the weights.
No response. (Y/n) forced his voice out, and for once, it obeyed. His legs pushed faster. They were at such a distance that there would be no way Bokuto wouldn't have heard him. He knew it clearly, as more guilt wrapped around his legs. Bokuto was actively ignoring him. It hurt.
No response. Rows of houses surfaced. The world seemed to spin against (Y/n’s) will, spinning and spinning, playing a melody of ringing that blared in his ears. Bokuto seemed to walk impossibly faster- he was practically jogging. (Y/n) met the ground, tripping over his non-existent chains and crashing pathetically onto his knees. 
No response.
But when he didn’t hear the sound of booming footsteps growing smaller, (Y/n) looked up to find Bokuto staring back at him. There was a blank, slightly awed face on his features, staring him down as if he was waiting for him to speak. (Y/n) picked himself up hastily, and a bit pathetically. 
They were staring at eachother again, and (Y/n’s) voice had decided that it had had enough of yelling for tonight. Nothing would come out of his mouth, and god, with the way Bokuto pursed his lips sadly, and began to walk away, he wish something would’ve. 
Bokuto turned back around. His head was down, and his shoulders sagged with the heavy sigh he let out. (Y/n’s) face darkened. “W-wait, please-”
He didn’t. Bokuto kept his head down, and kept walking. His vision began closing in on him, the world melded into purely nothing but the disappearing figure that was practically his only friend. 
Friend. Did he even have the right to call him that anymore? Why wasn’t Bokuto saying anything? (Y/n) continued to call out to him, telling him to wait, even just for a second, but it all seemed to get lost in translation. Does he not see him at all? (Y/n’s) body seemed to seize up limb by limb under the deafening silence. Did he not care? Did he not care about him? Did he not care about him anymore? Did he ever care? It hurt. It stung. (Y/n) whipped up his head in a state of hysteria. “I’m sorry!” 
(Y/n) grasped at his, surprisingly messed up and sweaty, hair. His eyes were blurring with tears, everything in front of him turning into a meld of watercolor. He brought his trembling hands to his eyes to messily wipe away the tears on his sleeves. They kept coming. He wiped more. He kept his arms guarding his face, hiding his vulnerable state from Bokuto as much as he could. It was embarrassing. He looked, and felt, pathetic. He was gasping in breaths, but every breath in seeming to produce endless tears in return. He sank to his knees. “I’m sorry I- I don't know what I did and I- I feel so- so- so bad and I- I miss you so much-” 
“What!?” Bokuto yelled, a sense of dread lacing his voice. (Y/n) didn’t hear him over his hips and sobs, continuing his nonsensical babbling of “I’m sorry,” and “I feel horrible.”
“I just- don’t leave me… you can- can hate me, just… don’t-- don’t… Please… I-I love… I need… I want-” 
“No! Fuck! Wait!” Bokuto panicked, rushing over to (Y/n) and practically throwing himself onto his knees. “Why are you crying!? Did I do something!? No! No! Please- no-! Stop crying, please!”
Bokuto scooped up (Y/n’s) melting face into his hands and tipped it up. (Y/n) let his hands drop placidly to his sides, still sobbing violently and purling nonsense. He began hastily and nervously shooing away tears. 
“Fuuuuuck-! Why are you crying…?” Bokuto squawked. (Y/n) hiccuped. 
“You- you’re ignoring me and I- I- I don’t know why-!” (Y/n) sobbed, voice slightly muffled from Bokuto hastily wiping away tears. “I’m sorry if I did something just please-”
“No!” Bokuto squawked. “No! Fuck! I got- you- we got it all wrong!” 
“I thought you hated me!” 
(Y/n) blinked. He sniffled. “What…? Who told you that?” 
“Well-” Bokuto thought back. Now that he thought about it, no one really told him that (Y/n) hated him. Give him personal space, sure, but no one said (Y/n) hated Bokuto. Bokuto grimaced. “Well… I just.. thought so!” 
“So I just trying to… give you personal space a bit n stuff yanno…” Bokuto’s voice died out into a murmur. 
“I don’t want ‘personal space’..!” (Y/n) clasped Bokuto’s hands. “I… I like it when you tell me good morning every day..! And- and when you have lunch with me! And when you walk me home sometimes! I-”
“I love you!”
Bokuto blinked. (Y/n) was huffing. This was not happening. He pinched (Y/n’s) cheeks lightly. They were real. He wasn’t making shit up. “Holy shit.” was the first thing that came out of Bokuto’s mouth, and he kind of wished he said something cooler. “Holy shit!” 
“I love you too! Like- so much! I love you so much! We should- we should like, go out! Does that mean I can hang out with you again!? I’m so happy!” 
Again, Bokuto wished he would’ve said something cooler, but (Y/n) didn’t mind, and so did Bokuto. He got his point across.
Especially with the way (Y/n) leaned into Bokuto’s hands, still cupping his face, with the way (Y/n) smiled one of his cute, reserved smiles, with the way Bokuto clumsily clacked foreheads with him, he’s pretty sure he got his point across pretty well. ——————
“You guys are fucking gross.” Konoha said. Bokuto looked up, as did (Y/n). Bokuto was laying his head happily in (Y/n’s) lap, as (Y/n) stroked and messed with his hair. “Get a fucking room.”
“You’re the one intruding on our precious lunch time!” Bokuto whined. He buried his head stubbornly in (Y/n’s) lap. “We’re not even in a public space! This space is private!” “You were the one who actively sought us out, so maybe you’re the pervert here.” 
Konoha sighed, and walked away. There was no point in trying to get Bokuto up and off to their little impromptu volleyball practice. 
Man, sometimes, he had no clue what went on inside of Bokuto’s mind.
tags: @iwillbiteabitch
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
Omg I’m so glad you’re back and doing good !! If you’re still looking for hurt/comfort fic ideas maybe one w Bokuto and a reader that’s super emotionally closed off and bokuto thinks he did something wrong and it all ends in the reader breaking down to him :) for a male reader using he/him pronouns please :)
this was such a fun prompt! this made me feel like i was back into the groove of "hurt/comfort king mizu" LMFAO. anyways, i decided to be an ass and split it into two parts even though i could honestly pull a "sweet sweet lies call drunk miya atsumu" and just make a hella long fic. ANYWAYS ENJOY, BECAUSE I SURE DID AHAHA
i took a bit of creative liberty with this prompt, mainly because you gave me a really good idea!! I'm sorry if its not completely true to your request!
Bokuto x reader - In My Mind
⚠️ Warnings - none !
pronouns - male, he/him
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you can find part two here!
Every morning, the loud man with the spiky, grey-ish hair would yell “Good morning, (Y/n)!” from the door to the classroom. 
It became a routine. Every morning, without fail, the man would yell “Good Morning!” specifically and only to (Y/n) (L/n), and only after the thirteenth time, did (Y/n) learn that the man's name was “Bokuto Koutarou.”
(Y/n) didn’t know why. In fact, their interactions weren’t only limited to morning greetings before class. In recent times, Bokuto would self-invite himself to (Y/n’s) secluded lunch spot, or walk him to and from classes, after school, hell even before school and talk, talk, talk his ears off.
Before he did, but now, (Y/n) didn’t seem to mind it. It was… good white noise, was what he told himself.
“Good morning, (Y/n)!” Right on cue, Bokuto slid the classroom door open, and chirped out his greeting right in the doorway. (Y/n) sat in the back of the classroom, and he never quite knew why Bokuto insisted on yelling his greetings from across the whole room everyday. How was he not embarrassed?
As per usual, (Y/n) didn’t respond. What are you supposed to say to something like that? Everyday? Was he supposed to yell it back? ‘Good Morning, man with spiky hair who I’ve barely learned was Bokuto Koutarou!’ 
Bokuto never seemed to mind his silence, though. He strut his way over to (Y/n), plopped down in his seat (which was so conveniently next to (Y/n’s) seat) and began talking about the funny looking cat on the street he found that morning, one that resembled some dude from another school. How could a cat look like a person? Spiky hair? Slanted eyes? (Y/n) didn’t know. 
Bokuto Koutarou was a funny guy.
Bokuto sulked down the hallway. 
Sometimes, the break between classes felt longer than usual. And though he was grateful for less time sitting down and shutting up, sometimes he didn’t really know what to do in the downtime. He couldn’t find seem to find Akaashi, Washio was off with Konoha to wash the wasabi stains off his shirt, (Y/n) was…
…doing nothing, walking down the hallway aswelll! Bokuto’s eyes glimmered. (Y/n)! His current infatuation! The quiet, pretty boy who sat next to him! (Y/n)! 
“(Y/n)!” Bokuto jogged up to (Y/n), who had flinched when his name was, quite literally, hollered from ten feet away in a relatively quiet hallway. (Y/n) turned around, squinting and holding his chest in shock. Bokuto grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, sorry! Did I scare you!? I was just really excited when I saw you because I got really bored and really lonely but then I saw you and was like all ‘YEAHH’ and…”
(Y/n) turned back forward, and Bokuto trailed slightly behind him, still talking. It was baffling how many topics this guy could pull out of his ass at any given moment. But how could he not? There was so much he wanted to tell (Y/n)! 
Lunch time was the trickiest for Bokuto. 
(Y/n) would always beeline for the door and to his little lunch spot behind the school yard, and Bokuto would struggle catching him in time to walk with him. He was really good at dodging everyone clammoring for the door, wasn’t he? Maybe he was just too… beefy. Nonetheless, Bokuto could never seem to catch (Y/n) in time before he was out the door.
The lunch bell rang, snapping Bokuto into focus mode. He would catch him today.
“(Y/n)! Wait up-!” Bokuto spat, fumbling out of his desk as quickly as he could, but (Y/n) was already out the door. He wilted. 
But it’s okay, because Bokuto always finds his way to (Y/n’s) lunch spot, and plops himself down close to (Y/n) and opens up the sandwich he buys from the cafeteria. 
“You’re way too damn fast, (Y/n)!” (Y/n) says nothing, glancing at him with an unreadable expression before digging into his lunchbox.
Oh, well, he’ll catch him tomorrow. He’ll definitely catch him tomorrow. 
Bokuto takes a big chomp out of his sandwich and begins talking like he usually does.
Afterschool, every time he didn’t have volleyball practice, Bokuto would say the same thing. 
“(Y/n)! Lets go eat ramen! I’m free today!”
And (Y/n) would say the same thing everyday. 
“...not today.” 
Bokuto would wilt, but spring back up again so comically after five minutes, when he spots an interesting looking rock, or when he sees a new keychain on (Y/n’s) bag. Everyday.
And today was no different. 
“(Y/n)! I don’t have practice today! We should do something! Like ramen! I’m hungry!”
Bokuto walked uncomfortably close to (Y/n), making (Y/n) shuffle away a few steps, red in the face. 
“I…” (Y/n) didn’t know what to say in times like this. “...I’m not really hungry.” 
“That’s okay! We can go to the arcade!”
“It’s very loud there.”
“T-then maybe we could-!”
“My house is over there.” (Y/n) muttered, gesturing his finger over to the block of houses across the street. Bokuto didn’t realize that they were there already. He deflated, with a small ‘oh.’
(Y/n) gave a reserved “bye,” and Bokuto yelled back, “Goodbye, (Y/n)! See you tomorrow!”
Bokuto waved, and kept waving until (Y/n) disappeared from sight. Once he was gone, he paused, let his arm drop to his side pathetically, turned around, and in the opposite direction, began walking home…
…which was about a mile away.
But that didn’t matter! He got to walk with (Y/n) just a little more everyday. And one day, they’d go out for ramen! One day for sure!
Bokuto hummed a little tune to himself, kicking up pebbles as he walked. 
“But-but-but-but-but theeeen!” Bokuto whined, getting changed into a practice shirt in the club room. Akaashi, once again, was subjected to Bokuto’s long rants. If it wasn’t (Y/n), it was usually Akaashi. “He was all like, ‘i’m not really hungry, hurrr-durrr.’ like- who isn’t hungry after school!?”
“Well, for one, he packs bento every morning, and two, he doesn’t burn calories like sand like you do, Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto sputtered. “But! But--But then- he was all ‘arcades are too loud’-”
“Some people don’t like loud. And the arcade is very loud. It gives me a headache, and it probably gives him one, too.” Akaashi said, slipping on his knee pads. He didn’t bother looking up at Bokuto, who was currently flustered and stammering like a broken car engine. Just as Bokuto gathered his tongue and his teeth in his jelly-mouth to form words, Konoha cut in, and cut deep. He had said nothing until now, choosing to ignore Bokuto’s daily whining about his puppy love crush, but he felt like he should get a thought into Bokuto’s feeble mind.
“Bokuto, dude, in the nicest way possible… do you even know if (Y/n) y’know… sees you as a friend? Can you name a single time where (Y/n) had welcomed your advances with a friendly attitude?”
“Well of- of course, I…” Bokuto’s memories played on 15x speed, searching and scanning each interaction he’d had with (Y/n), forwards and back, just to find a single time (Y/n) had at least said “Good Morning.” A “Hi,” at least. He wracked his brain, but alas, he found nothing. Bokuto’s mouth fell into a small “oh.”
Akaashi averted his eyes pitifully. Konoha didn’t need to say it so brashly, but it was what everyone was thinking. Sarukui nudged Konoha’s shin roughly. “Now look at what you’ve done, it couldn’t've waited until after? Now he’ll be all depressed during practice!”
No one dared to speak after that. Bokuto stood there, like a kicked puppy no one had the guts to help, until Akaashi cleared his throat. “Bokuto-san, if you really want to make a good impression on him, maybe it’s best if you… give him his personal space.”
"Not everyone gravitates towards bright rays of sunshine like you are, Bokuto-san."
Bokuto said nothing for a while. They all either stared at him, waiting for anything from their captain or looking away meekly, not daring to meet his hurt eyes. 
“Yeah… yeah, that sounds smart.” Bokuto’s voice was more subdued that it had ever been. He grabbed at his kneepads. 
“It’s alright! I’m alright, promise! I’m gonna make him like me with this information! Hey hey hey!” Bokuto stormed out the club room before anyone could catch him. 
Bokuto never lies. What reason do they have to believe he was? He’ll be fine. 
Bokuto Koutarou was not fine. 
Bokuto Koutarou was stressing. 
Bokuto, for the first time in forever, hadn’t woken up absurdly early to book it (Y/n’s) house, to walk him to school since he lived ‘so close.’ He had fought the urge to sprint all the way to (Y/n’s) just to walk with him. He was really clingy, huh? It’s on the list of things he needs to fix before he could present himself to (Y/n) again. 
Well, at least he got like, an hours more of sleep than he usually did. Despite that, Bokuto trudged on his way to school like he had gotten no sleep. Even his hair seemed tired. 
Bokuto paused at the entrance to the classroom. He took a deep breath.
He opened the door. 
Some people looked to the door on instinct, seeing Bokuto, and expecting him to give his daily “Good Morning, (Y/n)!” It even seemed like (Y/n) was waiting for it. Oh, well, it was probably all in his mind, anyways. 
Bokuto walked to his seat, for the first time in forever, silent. 
leave me an ask in my inbox if you would like to be tagged part two!
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
flipped pt 2
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Warnings - Cursing
Hey i was gone for like forever but here u are babes
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What Sakusa didn't expect was the guilt.
He hated you, he always has. Why was it, then, that he felt so bad when he saw your uniform neatly folded on the bench?
Well, at the time, he didn't feel guilty. He actually breathed a sigh of relief, because you finally quit and he could stop dealing with you. You weren't showing up to practice anymore! You weren't greeting him in the mornings, walking to and from school with him, checking in on him. Hell, you hadn't texted once! It was like for the first time in years, he could stop suffocating around you.
The euphoria lasted two and a half weeks. Then he started to feel bad. He steeled himself for your greeting every morning, thinking that you would just show up again. After the first week and a half, it felt more like he was hoping to see you.
He chewed on the inside of his lip, casting a glance to where you had your head down at your desk. You'd barely glanced at him in the past week, ducking out of rooms as fast as possible to avoid him. He let his eyes trail over your frame less discreetly now, frowning under his mask. He'd never seen you sleep in class before; you were the model student. A small, small part of him was grateful that you were asleep. You looked peaceful- at ease.
His eyes softened at the soft rise and fall of your back, your hair messy around your head. His gaze hardened almost instantly, though, when one of your friends shook you awake. You blinked groggily, rubbing your eyes and running a hand through your hair to make it somewhat presentable. Sakusa's breath hitched in his throat. You smiled at your friend softly, starting some conversation that he couldn't much care about.
He didn't want to miss your companionship, if he could call it that, but he felt...odd. Now that it was gone. Like you should only be smiling at him, or texting him. He wished that you would at least tell him off. Glare at him, slap him, as long as you would just look at him. Somehow the avoidance felt worse than a much deserved slap to the face. He felt like a dick, to put it shortly. He was harsh, too harsh. You were sweet and caring and so fucking nice. Too nice for him. He felt a little selfish for missing you. Motoya and the others loved you. They were sad when you were gone. And he had driven you away- he had made you cry and quit the team.
He thought about it a lot. About how crushed you'd looked when he said "no." He hated you, he did, but the guilt was eating away at him. Should he have been nicer? What had you realistically done to him except make sure he was okay and greet him with a smile every morning? He lost sleep thinking about you. Why did he hate you in the first place? Was it because he didn't like guys? Truthfully, he didn't even know if he liked guys. Why had he said that? Why was he such an asshole to you for years when all you wanted was for him to be okay?
That should have stopped him from finding you after school. It should have stopped him from running after you and calling out your name, but it didn't. You froze in place, shoulders tense as he caught up to you, pulling his mask down around his chin. "What do you want, Sakusa," you said softly. Even with the bite of venom and hurt in your voice, you still sounded oddly angelic.
Sakusa didn't feel like himself, not at all, when he flung his arms around you and pulled you back into him. "Sakusa- what the fuck!" You clawed at his arms. "Let me go! What the fuck do you want?"
He buried his face in your neck, his dark curls tickling your cheek. "Please," he whispered softly, "please wait for me." You paused, your grip on his arm going slack. What was he trying to do now?
"You already rejected me Kiyoomi, you don't have to mess with me," you broke out of his grip, keeping your head down and walking faster. You felt like if you looked at him you would break and go crawling back, and your pride couldn't handle that.
"I'm sorry!" He yelled, causing you to stop in your tracks. "Please, (y/n), please don't leave!" You didn't move as he ran around to face you, grabbing your shoulders. You couldn't stop yourself from meeting his dark eyes, tears starting to well up in your own.
"Why are you doing this?" Your voice shook. You brought a hand up to rub away the tears in your eyes harshly, refusing to let yourself cry in front of him again. "Why can't you just leave me be?" He didn't say a word when you started to cry a little harder. "You can't just shoot me down like I mean nothing and then ask me to stay!" You sobbed into your hand, ignoring his grasp on your shoulders. It felt like his hands were burning through your clothes.
He opened his mouth, but stopped short. He didn't know. Why did he stop you? No, wait, he knew exactly why. "I'm sorry," he whispered, concluding that he really wasn't acting like himself. "I didn't realize just how much I needed you when I had you." His voice was soft. "I was scared, okay?" He tilted your chin up so that your watery eyes met his. "I was scared of you. I was scared of how close you were to me, of how much you cared about me. I convinced myself that I hated you for it, and I was a dick." He almost felt like crying himself.
You stared at him, dumbfounded, tears still dripping down your cheeks. "Please," he moved his face closer to yours, dropping his voice to a whisper. "I need you. I've always needed you." he cupped your face, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. "I never should have rejected you." You grabbed one of his wrists, and for a second he feared that you would pull his hand away. That you would rip away from him and that he'd really lose you forever. To his surprise, you didn't.
"Why couldn't you have said that sooner," you whispered, frowning. He was about to answer, but decided against it. Instead, he put his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. You didn't pull away. Part of him wished you would, part of him felt like he didn't deserve to be this close to you. But you didn't. You stood there with him, forehead against forehead, your hands around his wrists, his hands cupping your cheeks.
He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve you, but by some otherworldly grace, you stayed. He needed you all right, and he was determined to show you that.
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rad-reblogs · 1 year
sakusa who genuinely doesnt like reader for a big while but we hang aruond him anyways. by the time we realize that he doesn't like us and we start to move on, he starts catching feelings for us
happy endings bc the sakusa angst was ouch :/
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Warnings - Sakusa no like you at first
Note: In light of 🖕🏽 getting a boyfriend im writing this. definitely projecting D: oops, no happy ending? ill make a part 2. out here making this inspired by Flipped by Wendlin Van Draanen because why not
Not everything in the fanfic circle is yours smh. I don't care if you like reading it, back off. Don't think I'll allow it under any circumstance.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi was perfect. At least, to you he was. (And about a million other people). He was tall, he was mysterious, he was determined, those black eyes of his were like a well of secrets that you were sure you could unlock. After all, those lingering glances your way had to mean something! You never saw him looking at other people like that, right?
All throughout junior high and then your first year of high school, you were convinced he could do no wrong. You signed up to be manager in your first year, thinking that 'hey, he's shy! I can help make him comfortable!' You were always so bright and cheery, yet he was the opposite.
To him, you were annoying. That silly boy who kept following him around, who wouldn't just leave him alone. He dreaded going into practice just because he had to see your all too bright smile and hear your annoyingly happy 'Good morning Sakusa-kun!' Fuck, he hated it. You never seemed to just get the hint that he wanted you to leave him alone.
So now he's left here, wondering why everything changed in your second year.
~ "Good morning, Kiyoomi-kun," You said to yourself in the mirror, practicing how to greet him. "No, that's too flat." You rubbed your temples and tried again. "Good morning, Kiyoomi-kun!"
You let yourself grin toothily in the mirror. You didn't know when you started practicing to say good morning to him. It used to be natural every morning, but now you find yourself not wanting to mess anything up.
As the years wore on, you started to get a little...discouraged. Sakusa was so handsome. Not even in a gay way, you were jealous. You weren't oblivious to how many confessions he got as time continued. You weren't oblivious to how many people were talking about him, the strong, tall ace. You knew he would grow to be something amazing, but you always thought you would grow with him.
With a sigh, you threw your bag over your shoulder and pulled your manager jacket on, trudging out the door. Even with all of this, you were still excited to see Sakusa every morning and evening. He didn't text you often, (Because of how shy he is, you figured), but you broke out into a stupid smile whenever he did. You borderline skipped all the way to school, waiting to see him.
"Good morning, Kiyoomi-kun!" You said without fail once you spotted him. You instantly hated how it came out, frowning softly before breaking out into a smile again. He visibly tensed, because of the shock of course. He nodded gruffly, not sparing a glance at you.
In truth, Sakusa hated you. You and your stupid, obvious crush on him since the first day of junior high. Of course Motoya always egged you on, giving you his number. He wasn't even into guys, but you never got the hint and never stopped pursuing. As the years wore on, he hated you more. How you wouldn't stop greeting him in the morning, giving him hand sanitizer when he forgot his or wearing a mask around him. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't complain about you intruding on boundaries.
He considered getting a girlfriend in hopes that it would throw you off, showing you that he was straight and not interested. That was ultimately too much work though, and he decided against it.
"Here, Kiyoomi," you handed him a water bottle at the end of practice first. "You did great!" He looked away, muttered a strained thank you, and turned around. You didn't miss how he handed the bottle off to Lizuna.
In the afternoon practice, nothing changed. Except you got to walk home with him in the evenings. "Sakusa-kun!" You called happily, running up to him. You looked around. "Where's Motoya?"
"Helping his teacher." He responded. You nodded, feeling yourself flush softly. Whether he could tell or not, you were flustered. You were walking home with him, alone, for the second time.
After a couple minutes you broke the silence, not missing the agitated tic appearing in his forehead. "So, how was your day Omi-kun?"
"Fine," he gritted out.
You played with your hands. He didn't try to talk to you further. "Omi," you start, feeling your voice get shaky and your heart start hammering in your chest. Moyota wasn't here, the afternoon sky was painted with pink and orange- it was perfect.
You waited a beat before speaking.
"Do you- do you like me?" Romantically or platonically, you didn't care. He stopped in his tracks, causing you to stop after him, turning around to face him. It felt like hours before he responded, icy silence freezing you in your tracks.
Finally, he looked up from the floor, meeting your eyes. (When was the last time he looked you in the eyes)? You didn't miss the hatred in them. You shook, waiting for his answer. You were glad your mask was on, or he'd see your lips shaking.
There it was. It felt like everything you had thought for the past five years shattered before you. You managed to force out a weak "Why?"
He didn't even change his tone, flat and uninterested. "You're annoying. When have I ever asked you to show me all this attention?" You didn't get a word in before he continued. "I'm not gay, (y/n), when have I ever showed interest in you? What do you even see in me that prompted you to annoy me for five years?"
You held your hands in a death grip. "But I- " I love you. "I just thought that-"
"You thought wrong." He rolled his flat black eyes, once so mysterious and deep, moving to walk away. He stopped just behind you, facing away. "Stop bothering me."
That hurt.
That hurt like nothing in the world had hurt before. His cold black eyes glowering down at you, voice flat and uninterested. Was he always like that? So devoid of emotion? So cruel? Had he always looked at you like...that. Like you were a burden on his strong back. You brought a hand up to stifle a hic. A sob.
Now that you think about it, he never really did try, did he? Scrolling back through your texts. He never sent more than one at a time, a curt, two to three word answer. You always started and ended conversations, the blue bubble always being longer and bigger.
He wasn't all that, was he.
Just a guy- a guy who wanted nothing to do with you.
You let your finger hover over the block button. Somehow though, you couldn't do it. Instead you turned your phone on vibrate, not being able to completely disconnect. Maybe it was a mistake...maybe he would apologize, say he was being foolish and that he couldn't bear to lose your smile and your laughter.
You sobbed again.
No, he wouldn't. Because he didn't care for you. Motoya would apologize for him. Because Sakusa was handsome and talented and all you ever wanted. All you wanted. You were nowhere near what he wanted. You wanted to be his somebody- the person he calls at 2am when he can't sleep. The person he randomly texts during the day, the person he lets his guard down to hold hands with.
You thought that maybe all the care you showed him- keeping your distance, wearing masks near him, caring for him- you thought that would thaw him a little bit. Get him to open up, to see the beauty inside you that you saw in him.
Pulling yourself together, you gently stood up. Maybe it was a rash decision on your part. Still, the only reason you joined was for him right? And he didn't want you. He didn't need you. You folded your manager uniform neatly, placing a note on it. You'll return it to the gym tomorrow before morning practice, then you'll wait in the library for school to start.
Sakusa Kiyoomi turned out to be far less than the sum of his parts, and you didn't know how to feel about that. He got you so high, so giddy.
Turns out you were nothing more than a stain on his boot.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
gn reader x satan, handcuffs, d/s, 'kitten' and 'kitty' used on satan, overstim, fingering
"Nuh-uh, if you want these, then you're going to have to beg for it." You sing, twirling the handcuffs around on one of your fingers. Never in your life did you think you would have Satan kneeling at your feet, begging to be tied up by you. He's completely nude, while you remain clothed.
"Please, Master," His voice is hoarse, his face is red, his hair is a mess, and this is absolutely shameful, but he needs it. Nothing relieves him of a bad day more than letting you have absolute control. "I need you to cuff me, use me, please! Turn me into your toy!"
A smirk plays on your lips and you use your foot to nudge him into the position you want. Kneeling with his legs spread, his chest down, and his face against the floor with his hands behind his back.
"Good boy," Your finger trails down his back, sending shivers across his body. "I suppose I can oblige."
"Thank you Master! I don't deserve the p-privilege..." He shudders at the satisfying sound of the cuffs shutting. The only key dangles on a necklace around your neck.
"You're mine, aren't you, kitten? Just mine?" You thread your fingers through his hair. It's absolutely mind-melting for him, his small, demonic trill fills the air.
"Yessss, Master, just yours... I only belong to you, Master."
"And you'll do anything I ask, right?" You don't have anything too harsh in mind, you know that he needs some stress relief, but he does enjoy it when you remind him of your power over him.
"Anything." His cock throbs. "Please allow me to please you!"
"That's not what I'm looking for tonight, sweetest," You kneel next to him so you can have full access to his body. "What I'm looking for tonight-" You squirt some lube onto your fingers and immediately prod your fingertips against his tight hole, not giving it time to warm, "-is to milk you dry. What do you think?"
"I- I want anything my Master wants." He tries to mask just how into it he is. "Are you... Are you going to break me, Master?" He trembles with anticipation of it.
"Of course," Two of your fingers push into him and he hisses, "I know how much you look forward to becoming a mindless, trembling little kitty."
Truthfully, you're a little bit under-prepared. You hadn't been ready when Satan messaged you, practically demanding you come to his room to help him take care of his sour mood. You didn't have the chance to grab any fun toys, so you'll just have to work with your hands and the few things that Satan has in his room.
"Have you been good for me, kitty?" You ask while you start pumping your fingers in and out of him. "You haven't touched yourself?"
"Not- not once, Master." He was telling the truth. He was shamefully close already. If how pent up he was had anything to do with his bad mood, he wouldn't dare speak of it, for fear of it sounding like he was blaming you and your rules.
"Good kitten." Your other hand moves down between his legs, stroking him as a reward. You didn't bother lubing it up because you know he loves the rough, dry feeling.
"Master, close!" He mewls, twisting on the floor.
"Go ahead and cum, it won't be the last of the night." You say nonchalantly. He pants, breath quickening and cock throbbing in your hand before he gasps, cum spurting between your fingers and onto the floor.
You let go of his cock, but you don't give him a second of reprieve with your fingers inside him. He grits his teeth in the overstimulation, but he wouldn't even think of asking you to stop.
"Good boy. Just feel it, okay? You don't have to do anything but take tonight, alright?"
"Yes, Master," He grits out, fully submitting.
This is going to be a fun night.
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
Got any ideas for the demon bros with an MC who can carry them?
The Demon Bros with an MC who likes to carry them 
Demon Bros x Gender Neutral Reader (separately) 
Genre: Fluff
Content/Warnings: Mammon being a dumb tsundere, Asmo’s innuendos, Reader is a big strong sweetheart, very brief and small mentions of NSFW 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Asmodues uses he/she pronouns 
Oooohhh man 
Luci is, to put it bluntly, quite startled the first time you pick him up 
He’s used to thinking of humans as these fragile, puny little things 
So this was…jarring 
“W-What do you think you’re doing, human?!”
He’s used to being the one in charge, being the big domineering force 
So to suddenly be made to feel so small and frail is so foreign 
It puts butterflies in his stomach in a way he cannot explain and has never experienced before 
“Put me down, foolish human! …Why? B-Because I cant have anyone see me like this!” 
But he’ll think about it for days after 
He won’t ask for you to do it again, but if you do he’ll fight you significantly less 
He’ll grumble, but he won’t thrash in surprise 
“I don’t understand why you insist on doing this…No, that does not mean put me down. If you like it then…continue.”
Once he gets more comfortable with the idea he’ll start “asking” you to pick him up 
I put “asking” in quotes because he’ll really just hug you tight and whine and hope you get what he’s asking 
If you don’t, he’ll get frustrated and simply demand it 
It feels so nice to be held and carried, to finally be the one being supported 
To be lifted off his aching feet and give his body a break 
He needs more of that
His favorite time to be held is after a long day 
Especially if you carry him to his bed 
He’ll cuddle into your chest and cling to you until you put him down 
Please stay and lay next to him 
Nearly shits his pants he’s so scared
Kicks and flails like you’re holding him over the side of a cliff 
Hold him a bit tighter and shush him and he’ll calm down 
Only for a few moments though 
Then the embarrassment sets in, and his face goes red hot at the close proximity 
“Okay, okay! Y-You’ve had yer fun! Now put me down before somethin’ bad happens, ya idiot…” 
Crosses his arms and huffs as you put him down 
Like Lucifer, he won’t stop thinking about it for days 
Won’t do anything in front of his brothers, he couldn’t take the teasing 
But in private he’s much more open 
He’ll plop himself in your lap and simply demand to be carried 
And if you’re alone in the House of Lamentation he loves to be held while you do stuff around the house or just walk around 
He’s always looking for an excuse to jump into your arms as well
“I think I saw a demon rat! What? N-No, I’m not scared, I just don’t wanna get bit! Those things are wicked good at hiding, so maybe you should hold me for a while, just in case!” 
Likes to be held against your chest the most, but if you throw him over your shoulder (especially if you’re going up to the bedroom for…alone time) he’ll get so flustered his brain shuts down 
Give his ass a playful slap too
You’ll have him wrapped around your finger
Nearly flatlines 
Red faced immediately 
Melts when he looks up to see you smiling down at him 
A thousand anime scenes of this scenario are flashing through his head guarantee it 
He tries to speak but it just comes out as whimpers and stutters 
Physically cannot form words
So instead he gives up on speaking and just throws his arms around your neck
He can’t say a word or look you in the eyes, but he’s definitely not protesting 
He might be trembling a bit, though 
Don’t worry, it’s good nervousness 
You make him nervous in the best way 
“O-Oh my stars…I-I didn’t…this is…woah….” 
Poor sweet baby is flabbergasted 
Assure him he’s okay and that you won’t drop him, and then he’ll calm down a bit 
“I’ve imagined being swooped up by a brave hero before, but…this is even better!” 
His love language is definitely physical touch, so he enjoys not only being held and cuddles but carried as well 
Especially if you talk down to him sweetly 
Oh, he’ll look up at you with the most love drunk expression 
He’s definitely the most forward about wanting to be held 
He’ll sit on your lap or if he’s really desperate even jump up and wrap his legs around you 
“Will you, um…p-please carry me? You don’t have to, I-I just…really want to right now…” 
He WILL reach up and do the cute little grabby hands
And he WILL say “pwetty pwease” if he has to 
He loves his strong human
One of the more nonchalant reactions 
He’s a bit surprised at first, but doesn’t really mind it 
“Oh, what are you— Human? Is this some kind of game? …No? Hm, alright then.” 
Once he’s ascertained that you don’t need anything and simply wanted to pick him up, he’s done asking questions 
As long as you let him read while you hold him bridal style, he’s all good 
It’s quite nice, being rocked by your steps and small movements while he gets back into his book 
He’ll blush a bit if one of his brothers sees, but he doesn’t care enough to make you put him down 
If you have this skill, you may as well use it 
And you like carrying him too, so it’s a win-win! 
Every once in a while he’ll plant yourself on his lap and ask to be carried, but he doesn’t particularly desire it, so he’ll simply wait for you to do it if you’d like 
He’ll gladly oblige any time 
Squeals in delight the first time you pick him up 
She’s simply giddy with excitement at this newfound ability! 
“Oh, human! You’re so strong! You know I loooove being manhandled…” 
His mind wanders to the gutter very quickly, so be ready for that
Jumps into your ames whenever he sees you 
He’s the shortest/smallest one, so it’s not like it’s particularly jarring or anything 
She’s always taking you to stores with her so you can lift her up and help her get stuff from the top shelves 
“Oh dear, those shoes are so high up! Could you be a dear and lift me? Pretty please?” 
Giggles like a schoolgirl with a crush whenever you lift her 
He’s pretty much always clinging to you, even if he doesn’t have a good reason 
He’s shameless 
And he wants what he wants 
And he is going to make it everyone else’s problem until he gets it
So be a good little human and hold her, okay? 
Definitely the most unbothered 
Doesn’t even stop eating his snack
It’s a bit odd seeing as he’s used to being the biggest and strongest, but  it’s definitely not bad 
Doesn’t crave to be held, but also doesn’t dislike it 
If you want to carry him, feel free to do whenever you’d like! No need to ask 
He trusts you enough to hold him tight without so much as a word 
Which is good since 60% of the time he can’t even say words with all that food in his mouth 
“You wanna carry me? Uh…can I ask why? ‘Just because?’ Alright then, but I’m not putting down my sandwich, okay?”
He’s pretty good at picking up on emotions, so to him it’s plain as day that it makes you happy 
And it makes him to happy to know you’re happy 
So he gladly goes along with it 
Because why shouldn’t he? It’s not hurting anything 
Even if it was, he would readily accept the consequences if it meant seeing you smile 
Oh this sleepy motherfucker is IN LOVE 
Absolutely melts against you when you pick him up 
Sighs happily and shit too 
You’re so warm and he feels so secure in your arms, he could sleep here forever! 
“Wow, this is so comfy…how much would I have to pay you to get carried around all day?” 
You’ll gladly do it for free, don’t worry Belphie 
He likes when you carry him while you walk, the steady movements of your steps lull him to sleep 
90% of the time he’s asleep within the first two minutes of being held 
He’s the best at asking to be held or carried to 
“Hey, human, ‘m getting sleepy. Would you hold me until I fall asleep? I can’t get comfortable without you.” 
Bonus points if you hum him a lullaby 
He’ll fall asleep with a smile on his face 
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
hi, I saw your requests open and I was wondering if you could write some angst about being stood up on a date (but like kinda by accident) by some obey me characters. Specifically, Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, Diavolo, and Mammon (separately though.) so like you have a date planned but something comes up and they forget or just miss it somehow? But like angst-y cause I love reading angst,, (makes me forget about my own problems kinda.) anyways if you can do this that’d be great!! Oh and Gender neutral mc if thats ok too :)
yay, my first request! this is really interesting, i love reading some angst myself, so i hope this is to your liking. granted, it's been a while since i wrote angst so i might still be a little rusty. thank you so much for the request <3
Dateables + Mammon Stooding Up The Date
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You've been waiting for almost an hour now. He told you to meet up with him at Hell's Kitchen for lunch this morning, said he wanted to tell you something important. The lounge was boosting of demons alike and you continue to glance around the room to try and spot the man you were looking for.
Meanwhile, Mammon was at the House of Lamentation in his room counting his grimm. He had just scammed a couple of the students from RAD for a bit of pocket change. He had completely forgotten about meeting you in Hell's Kitchen. He forgets a lot of these things, he's not prone to remember dates or certain information or activities. His mind is elsewhere.
Back at the resturant, you checked the time and sighed to yourself. You knew he wasn't gonna make it. You stood up from your seat and walked out of the establishment with a known frown.
How could he do this to you? Why would he flake out like that? Where the hell is he?
A knock was heard at Mammon's door but he didn't stop what he was doing. Not looking up from his grimm, he yelled out "Whaddya want?!"
Lucifer walked in, a stern look smeared across his pale face as he crossed his arms – staring directly at his brother.
"Where is MC?"
His hand froze and his eyes widened at the question. He dropped the grimm that he was holding and stood up, quietly cursing at himself. He ran out of his room, nearly pushing past Lucifer who roared his name but he couldn't care less.
He forgot about you.
He struggled to pull his D.D.D out of his pocket, searching for your contact number before calling you; quietly urging you to pick up as he left out the front doors of the House of Lamentation. No Luck. He tried again, shoving past demons and yelling at them to get out of his way.
How could he have let this happen? Stupid Mammon... You made the plans in the first place, how could you be so forgetful? He had to tell them something important. And he forgot.
Stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid..
You didn't answer any of his phone calls. He made it to Hell's Kitchen, his chest heaving and his breathing became labored. He looked around, yelling for your name before a former employee walked up to the now sweating demon.
"How can I help you, sir?"
"I'm.. I.. I'm lookin' for someone"
"Someone just so happened to leave a moment ago, I'm not sure if thats who you were looking for but–"
Mammon walked out of the building, running his hands through his hair. You were gone.
"MC... I'm so sorry.."
"And that concludes our meeting!" Diavolo clasped his hands together in delight, the rest of the demon brothers sighed as they all begin to stand up from their seats and walk out of the room.
You followed along, gathering your belongings. Mammon tapped your shoulder, asking if you were gonna go with them and you simply nodded – telling him that you'll catch up with them in a bit. As everyone left the room, Diavolo stood up from his seat and called out your name.
"What's up?" You asked, turning to face him.
"I must say, I'm very pleased with how comfortable you're getting within the Devildom. I would like to repay you for your hard work and for joining us yet again!"
You accepted his request in delight, looking forward to having dinner with him as you both exchanged your absents before you left the room – quickly joining the others down the hallway.
The week has past and you were supposed to meet up with Diavolo for dinner. You waited outside the place in the nicest attire you owned, constantly checking the time and wondering when he will arrive. It's been past an hour and you began to get worried. You understood that he had other duties to fufill but surely he would squeeze in the time for you; after all, he did invite you.
Without sparing another glance around the area, you huffed and walked back home to the House of Lamentation.
"What a day.." Diavolo sighed, adjusting his tie as he sat down on his throne – Barbatos following beside him as he stood next to his seat. "Is there anything else left on my schedule today, Barbatos?"
"You were supposed to meet up with MC about an hour ago, my lord."
"Hm..?" He hummed, sitting up from his throne as his eyes went wide. "Oh dear.. I must've already missed it then.."
Barbatos simply nodded at his words. Although, Diavolo could noticed a faint frown on his assistance face. He stayed put on throne, thinking about how disappointed you must've been to not see him tonight.
You were aware that Barbatos was a busy demon, always fufilling and assisting Lord Diavolo requests and whatever tasks he gives him. You knew it would've been a bit dificult to be able to pull Barbatos to the side and ask him on a date with you. And to your surprise, he accepted your offer and told you he would meet you at the place you picked out.
You spent the rest of the day planning your outfits, wondering what something Barbatos would like and how to look presentable for him to compliment you with.
It wasn't until the next morning when you woke up with excitement. After waving goodbye to the brothers, you would happily march to the place you texted him to meet up at. As purist as ever, you fully expected him to be there early.
By the time you have arrived, you looked around and found no sight of him at all. Shrugging your shoulders, you convinced yourself that he's running a little late. Perhaps he was dealing with another request that Diavolo has told him, but he would show up for sure. He wouldn't have forgotten, you told to yourself.
However as time would pass, so would your patience. You tapped your foot on the ground, those 5 minutes begun to sound like an hour.. almost two hours. You were sitting at the emtpy table outside of the shop, palms resting at your cheek as you traced the patterns along your D.D.D case and sighed to yourself.
Who are you even kidding? Of course he wasn't gonna make it. He's always busy after all.
Taking one last look around the shop and you stood up from your seat. Taking your D.D.D by the hand, you called one of the brothers and asked if you could hang out with them. As they continue to ask what was wrong, you shook your head and made up an excuse.
Barbatos came rushing by the shop, dusting off his clothes and fixing his hair. As he made his way over, he cleared his throat as he closed his eyes and took a seat at the table you were at.
"I'm terribly sorry, MC. I was a bit caught up with a few errands but i'm here now. Could you ever forgiv-" And to his own shock, he's met with an empty table when he opened his eyes.
"I'm late!"
The angel gasped as he saw the time on his clock. Luke flinched at his gasp, eyes staring at the confounded angel.
"Late for what?!" He asked.
"I was supposed to meet MC," Simeon mentioned as he quickly dusted and checking himself in the mirror. "Do you think they're still waiting for me?"
"I dont know but you better hurry fast!" The much shorter angel responded.
You stared at your D.D.D, wondering when you were gonna get a message from Simeon to let you know that he was here. You were both planning on taking a nice stroll to the park, catching up on anything new happening within your stays at the Devildom and especially at RAD.
Simeon has always stood out to you, his angelic feel and his sheer kindness towards you has swoon you to your feet. You were ecstatic when he accepted your date, charmed by his pretty smile and his eyes gleaming at how eager you were.
You had the whole date planned, you even managed to pack a couple of snacks as you were not only planning on walking around but also having a picnic. You thought after a long stroll, it wouldn't hurt to sit down somewhere and eat while you catch up on whats been happening.
None of that would've come to fruition however, Simeon was running awfully late and you were doubting if he was ever gonna show up. The packaged snacks that were in your picnic basket were getting left cold and untouched and you started to feel hungry yourself.
As you continue to watch demons walk past you, the basket clenched in your hands were gripped even tighter as you turned your heel around and started walking back to the mansion with the brothers. You turned your D.D.D off, not wanting to be notified by anything at the moment.
It hurt. It hurt that the fact the angel you trusted the most, who you were the most thrilled on meeting would ditch you so unexpectedly. It was out of character and it hurt.
By the time Simeon got there, he was greeted by a nearly empty park. He made an attempt to call and text your phone, not getting a call or text back. He gripped the device that was in his hand as he slowly made his way back to the Celestial Realm.
He messed up big time, he was never going to forgive himself over a mistake like this. How could he ever let this happen.
"Of course I'll pick you up, just wait for me."
That's what he said. That's what he kept telling you.
And yet here you were, mindlessly sitting at the bottom of the main stairs at the House of Lamentation staring at those closed doors. You've been there for a while now, attempting to call the white haired man several times but he wouldn't pick up.
It was a bit out of character for him to ignore your messages and calls. Usually, he would call or text back when he had the time but those messages have been in delivered – meaning he hasn't even checked them at all.
You understand that he can be a busy individual as well. He's a wizard after all, having to learn and know many spells and potions; surely he would've been needed somewhere? However, it's odd that he has yet to reach out to you to have let you know if he was busy or not.
He might've forgotten all about it for all you know.
You should've known better than to trust him, after all, the rest of the brothers have told you to not trust him and yet here you were.. being friendly and inviting him on a date. It felt nice not being the only human around Devildom and you wanted to get to know him some more.
The thoughts pummeling in your head had distracted you from a certain demon who was standing behind you by the steps of the stairs.
"Why the long face, honey?" Asmo's sweet tone of voiced asked, snapping you from your train of thoughts as he wrapped his arms around your body and gently pulling you onto his chest.
"Solomon was supposed to pick me up.. but he never came.." You explained.
"Well didn't you know? He's on a trip right now."
"What...?" You said outloud, shrugging off his touches. "He never told me that."
Asmo covered his mouth with his palms, unsure if he was supposed to tell you that or not. In a fit of rage, you walked past him and headed straight to your room.
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
Lurking and Lusting
warnings: dom amab reader, sub Michael Myers, voyeurism, exhibitionism, handjobs, virgin michael, written with '78 mikey in mind
Michael loves lurking around the house.
He stands in doorways of the rooms you hang out in, he watches you through windows and through cracked doors, and even if you close and lock a door you can see his feet under the door frame- giving away how he’s looming outside and waiting for you. He’s like a particularly evasive and aloof cat, except instead of leaving you dead mice you sometimes stumble upon a decapitated head. 
You've heightened your senses to pick up on his presence better, first as a way of survival, yet now due to an interest in the large, quiet, distant man.
He really is like a cat, with the way you feed and house him. You'd never call him a roommate considering he doesn’t pay rent like a roommate would. Though you wish he would, because feeding and covering for him should be a bit financially rewarding. You’d broached the topic once and Michael had just stared at you until you’d awkwardly laughed and left it at that, knowing you were getting nowhere (but sometimes you find random people’s wallets on the bedside table. You take the money and forget you saw anything).
A lot of “conversations” end like that, with him staring at you, like maybe you’re stupid for getting this comfortable with a killer in your home. Maybe you are, because you are getting really comfortable with a killer in your home.
You’ve gotten him to sit with you- instead of him standing for sometimes hours- more and more, every once in a while you hear him grunt when you talk to- or rather, at- him, and you know he’s getting comfortable with you too. So comfortable that he likes to stand outside the door and watch when you masturbate. 
You don't mind it, obviously, otherwise you would've told him off, but it is a bit disappointing. He never enters, nor does anything to make himself known to you. The tension grows between the two of you as you continue to touch yourself to the thought of him, and he continues to watch. 
It occurs to you one night, laying on your back propped against your pillows with your lubed hand fisting your cock, that maybe Mikey- he’d kill you (maybe actually, really kill you) if you called him that to his face- is waiting for permission. It wouldn’t be the first time that his lack of communication has led to you needing to call all the shots in your arrangement. 
You've called out his name before, of course to no answer, but tonight you try again. 
"Michael," you groan, and of course, no answer. "You can, ah, come in," it's worth a try, but you doubt he'll make any moves. 
You squeeze your dick in shock as the door creaks open. The light from the window illuminates his mask, and maybe it’s a trick of the light, but you think you can see how he eyes you up hungrily. It makes a shiver go down your back, and your cock twitches in your hand. 
He steps forward just enough to close the door behind him, and stares at you, just watching. You slow down your pace, staring back at him. The two of you look at each other for a moment, the slick sound of the lube and heavy breathing being the only noises in the room. 
“You can take a closer look,” you finally suggest playfully, quickly adding, “if you want.” Michael shifts from one heavy boot-clad foot to another, then steps closer. 
He stands, tall and stiff, at the edge of your bed. His thighs touch the bed but he makes no move to get onto it. With him hovering over you like this, watching you so intently, you briefly wonder if maybe this isn’t a good idea. 
Michael's hands are empty, but there’s no saying that he couldn’t have a knife in his pocket. He might just be waiting for the very last second to stab you to death- killing you for your hubris and sinful nature- as he’s done to so many before you. Strangely enough, the thought of that doesn’t make you any less turned on. In fact, you think, if it’s even possible, maybe more blood rushed down to your cock at the idea of him straddling you with a knife.
Despite your grim fantasies, you can tell Michael is at least a little interested in the scene before him. With him so close to you, you can easily see how his coveralls are tented by his erection. And if he hasn’t killed you yet, maybe he never will. 
“Do-” Michael, who’s been staring at your dick, watching you stroke yourself, snaps his head up to look at your face at the sound of your voice. “Do you want to touch me?” you ask carefully, knowing that you look as flustered as you feel. Michael waits for a moment and you can’t tell if he’s really thinking about your question or just teasing you. Then he nods.
You let out a breath you didn’t know that you were holding, spreading your legs. “Come sit,” Michael follows orders surprisingly well (and you wonder if it’s just because it’s you who’s doing the ordering), getting between your legs slowly. 
As soon as you remove your hand Michael goes to touch your cock, “wait-” he pauses, looking up at you expectantly. You grab the lube, pouring some onto his hand. Michael flexes it, grunting softly at the feel of it coating his fingers and palm.
“Do you ever touch yourself, Michael?” you ask as he wraps his hand around you. He nods, slowly jerking you off in a similar fashion to how you were stroking yourself not minutes ago. You fist your hands into the bed sheets, trying to ground yourself as Michael Myers, the shape that’s been haunting Haddonfield for years, strokes your cock. 
“Do you- yeah, just like that- do you touch yourself when you watch me?” Michael nods again, staring at your cock as he plays with the tip of it in a way that could best be described as curious.
You let him mess around with you for a bit, let him get used to touching another person, let him learn what you like and don’t like, before you start talking again. 
“Can I- ah- touch you?” Michael freezes, slowly looking up at you. “I wouldn’t touch the mask, promise,” he seems relieved hearing that, so he continues jerking you off and nods. You slowly start unzipping his coveralls, revealing the black t-shirt he has on underneath. Getting it opened up a bit more you slip your hands under his shirt and run your hands along his chest, feeling him up and not missing the way his breath hitches as your fingers come in contact with his nipples. 
You’re starting to get a little fuzzy headed as he continues stroking you, like your climax is steadily approaching. You don’t want him to stop touching you, but you also want this to last for as long as possible. 
“Michael,” he looks up at you, squeezing your dick at the sound of his name falling from your lips. “I want to see you with your clothes off,” you tell him honestly. He seems to consider this for a moment, and then he’s removing his hand from you backing up off of you. He gets off the bed, and you’re a bit scared for a second that you may have scared him away. Those thoughts dissipate when he starts to undress for you. 
You’re salivating by the time he’s naked. Of course the mask is still on, you would have been shocked if he took it off. His body is littered in scars, fresh and old, and they remind you of who he is and what he's done. You brush off the reminder that he's a murderer easily, so easily it should be beyond concerning. Instead of worrying about all that you let your eyes wander more. Seeing his pretty pink nipples makes you want to suck on his chest and kiss your way down his happy trail to his cock. 
Speaking of his dick, he's uncut and currently so hard and red it looks like it hurts. You coo softly and pat your lap, “c’mere baby,” with him undressed you can see the way the pet name makes his chest flush. 
He plops himself down in your lap like he’s meant to be there. His thick thighs, which are stationed at either side of you, have you drooling. You have to hold his hand to stop him from touching you again. Michael cutely cocks his head to the side in confusion. 
“Can I touch you more?” you ask, adjusting so your dicks are touching one another. Michael nods quickly, like he’s eager for it. You hum, quickly lubing up your hand again, and then slowly you wrap your hand around both his and your dick.
Though it’s muffled by the mask, you can hear Michael gasp at the feeling of your hand on his skin. He makes a noise that’s somewhere between a whine and a grunt, squeezing your hand that’s been holding his, hard. You get the message he’s trying to send, and begin stroking the two of you off. 
“Has anyone touched you like- nngh- this?” you ask, picking up the pace, because you don’t think either of you will last long. Michael shakes his head no, jerking his hips against yours. His breathing is heavy behind the mask, and every so often you hear a quiet moan or whimper come from him. You feel yourself throb at the fact that Michael is a virgin. 
“I wanna- ah- I wanna make you cum Michael,” you tell him, leaning in to kiss his now sweaty chest. Michael arches slightly into your kisses, starved for any touches you give him. “Been such a good boy waiting for permission,” you murmur against his chest. You notice the way his breath hitches when you call him a good boy. Michael’s cock is leaking pre, and with the way he’s jerking into your hand, frotting his dick against yours, you can tell he’s close. 
“Cum for me baby boy, cum- oh,” it catches you off guard, because he’s so quiet, but just like that he’s cumming. He again squeezes your hand- and for a brief moment you worry he’s going to break it. He shakes and twitches atop of you, cum shooting from him and dirtying your hand and his chest. You watch spurt after spurt shoot out, and come to the realization that though he may touch himself when watching you, he’s been pent up for a while now. 
“Good boy, fuck lookit you,” you groan, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching. You up your pace, working him through his climax while you bring yourself closer with each second. “Michael,” you cum with his name on your lips, as you have so many times before. The difference being that he’s right here with you and not 15ft away, watching through a crack. 
You’re still catching your breath when Michael leans his entire weight on you, painfully smushing his plastic mask into your skin. You make a noise of discomfort, but he’s too far gone to do anything. 
Once you regain your strength you carefully ease him off of you, and help him get comfortable in the bed next to you. You’re about to go grab a washcloth and a glass of water, but Michael's hand, rough and steady (and a bit moist with lube) around your arm stops you. “I’ll be right back,” you smile, “I promise. Just lay back, I’ll get you cleaned up, baby.” 
Michael blinks a few times, still holding you tight in his grip, before letting you go. You fulfill your promise, returning with the items necessary for a decent aftercare.
He’s observing your every move, like if you make a wrong one it’s over for you. Despite his watchful gaze you clean yourself and him up, then offer the glass of water to him. Michael shakes his head and you shrug before gulping it down. Then, you make yourself comfortable in the bed next to him, pulling up the covers.
Though it feels entirely awkward you press a kiss to the cheek of the plastic mask, wrapping an arm around Michael. He snorts, likely amused by your attempt at affection.
“I’m glad you came in this time,” you tell him honestly, rubbing soothing circles into his skin. “I’m gonna want to touch you a whole lot more, is that okay? Would you want that?” Michael is nodding before you even fully get the question out. You laugh, delighted by the strange, spontaneous, and exciting turn of events that occurred tonight. 
“Okay, we can… talk more in the morning,” you yawn, the adrenaline from getting off with the Michael Myers finally wearing you down. 
You turn off your light and pull him a little closer, smiling to yourself when you feel him cuddle up to you. The mask pressed against you is uncomfortable, but you don’t mind it if it means Michael is close to you.
“Goodnight,” you mumble, and receive a hum from him that you could get very used to hearing.
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
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First Time
You have your first time with the Avatar of lust♡
m!reader; smut; virgin!reader, corruption kink, blowjob(reader receiving), deepthroating, cum swallowing, still kinda dom!reader ?
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Your breath is uneven, matching your fingers, which shakily run over Asmodeus' naked shoulders, feeling the skinny flesh span over warm but subtle muscle. The demon keeps kissing you, his lips invasive, pushing you further and further back onto his mattress. Nervousness grows in your gut, tingling through your body until you can't handle it anymore and you have to push Asmodeus off of you, earning a questioning look.
"I- fuck this is my first time," you reveal, your words fast and slurred, not wanting to speak them but knowing you have to.
Asmodeus' eyes widen, the gold irises lighting up at your revelation, and he can't help a small squeak. Even more eager now he pounces onto your lap, pushing his face incredibly close to yours.
"Is it really? Oh, how exciting, darling!!"
You didn't expect anything else from the Avatar of Lust but even so, you can't help a small shiver from spreading at the enthusiastic grin on the demon's face.
"And you're having your first time with a demon! Not just any demon too, ah~ mc, you're so lucky," he whispers his last words before licking over your lips, kissing you again after.
The nervousness doesn't subside, although now arousal mixes between the sparks of anxiety, fueled by Asmodeus rocking against your lap, grinding over your cock shamelessly. Small gasps slip from your lips and you feel embarrassed for being so sensitive, but can't exactly it either. It's like Asmo put a charm on you.
His hands wander down your body, soon sneaking into your pants to grab your dick, the sudden contact making you mewl while pushing your hips into his grip. Asmodeus giggles while his fingers start teasing the head of your cock pinching and rubbing the extra sensitive area. Your squirming spurs him on, and soon your pants are lost somewhere in his room and Asmodeus is full-on stroking your cock, his intense eye contact making you feel lightheaded.
He kisses you again, chastely this time before moving down your body. You dare to look down but regret it immidiately as you stare right into Asmo's gaze as he takes your cock between his lips. It's embarrassing but you feel like you could cum just from the sight, your dick twitching, and dribbling embarrassingly large beads of precum onto Asmodeus' tongue.
He keeps eye contact while taking you deeper, the feeling unlike anything you've had before. Shy moans fall from your lips, and you can't help your hand from moving towards Asmo, though stop yourself just before you reach him, too embarrassed to touch the demon.
Asmodeus caught on though, and moves your hand onto his hair, encouraging you to take control. You hesitantly push him further down, claiming his throat with your shaft, and the overwhelming feeling sends bursts of pleasure through your body, making you thrash around the mattress and force Asmo to take even more.
As his nose comes in contact with your pelvic, you cum, prematurely and embarrassingly loud, but Asmodeus seems utterly delighted by it, pulling himself off of you to have some of your cum stain his lips too.
He makes a show of licking them, the visual bringing a burning blush under your skin, and you quickly hide your face behind your hands as Asmodeus comes back up your body, babbling about how good virgin human cum tastes like.
"You're so cute like this," he giggles, back on your lap with his crotch pressing against your sensitive one, "but that was only the beginning, mc! I have so much more to show you, so don't think I'm done with you just yet~"
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
Hey 👋 I just read your "short mc" hc's and I was wondering if you could do the opposite with a really tall mc (taller than beel)? You did really great with the short mc one so I was curious about what you'd write for the opposite.
+ the other characters besides the brothers if you want/happen to have the time. No biggie if not. Thank you! You're fantastic ❤
Ty <3 I’d be glad to write this
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Obey Me! With a tall MC
Warnings: language, fluff, crack
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-Pretty surprised tbh
-He’s a generally tall individual but you?
-He finds it attractive on you somehow-
-Will not let you being taller than him affect his pride though
-Still as smug as ever 😎
-Dude he’s falling for you pretty quick
-Something about you specifically being bigger than him just 😫✋
-Will pull you down to him if needed
-Give him a kiss on the head and he’s gone
-He finds it very much attractive
-You?? Looking down on him?? God damn he’s in love
-He likes if you lay your head on top of his oml
-In love with you- did I mention that? 🧎‍♀️
-How interesting
-He totally likes to lay his head in your lap to read
-It’s.. cute??
-Little spoon!!! Literally needs this
-The shortest brother but by no means below average
-But he finds it kinda hot you’re taller than him?
-Will get heels and compare heights at some point
-Sorta jealous??
-How tf first of all
-Ok ok but in all seriousness he likes you for your personality rather than height like the rest
-And he’s happy it’s easy to find you in crowded areas
-Loves hugs from you even more
-Better for cuddling
-Bc there’s more to cuddle
-He loves being the big spoon if possible (clings to you like a koala)
-But plz if you make him be little spoon he’s ascending
-Ok seriously wtf
-Like he’s above average but you?? Taller than him??
-More for him to love ig 🏃‍♀️
-I’ve said this before, but BEAR HUGSSSSS
-This boy is lifting you up with ease regardless
-Likes something like you for a change
-Still is how he would be if you were shorter
-Secretly loves hugs from the back
-You’re MC either way
-Your height doesn’t matter but he does find it alluring
-Give him a head pat plz he loves it
-Will kindly ask you to bend down if he needs you for anything
-He will still mess with you either way lol
-It’s funny how almost nothing changes about him
-Has made you shorter with a potion to see what it was like
Taglist: @Polly-loves-chocolate @sinnersft @milkandcookies-post @chirikoheina @angryhope @Lolom0-com @cafesho
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rad-reblogs · 2 years
So I was recently dumped over text, and it honestly sucks so much. I've been binge eating, listening to so many sad songs, and have reading too much angst.
Now I really want a change of pace, so could I get like hurt-comfort sorta thing with the bros (and maybe undateables if u want) comforting MC and sorta taking taking revenge for them. I really want to punch that mf (but unfortunately I can't :( bcoz he's a pretyy popular person with a lot of influence and I don't wanna get bullied so nope ), so I can at least feel some satisfaction while reading fictional men comfort MC and taking revenge for them.
***So! I should be writing an essay and I'm technically not taking requests right now, but I've been there Hun and I totally feel for you. So I shall very quickly whip something up for you. Hang in there, love. You deserve so much better than that dickwad. I'm gonna call him Chad. You can do so much better than a Chad. -B***
The Heart is a Fragile Thing
Summary: MC's human boyfriend breaks up with them over text and the boys are there to help comfort them.
NOTE: I do not condone beating up ex's. Violence isn't good, but the boys are demons and aren't exactly good so ...
You could barely make out the words on your phone screen — your hands were shaking far too much and tears were blurring both your vision and the screen below.
You couldn't believe it. Your boyfriend, Chad, had just ended your long term realtionship over a single text.
"It's over," it read. "I can't date you anymore."
No explanation. Nothing to make sense of the sea of heart break that he was putting you through. That was it.
It had been days at this point, and you were still crying yourself to sleep.
You were so fucking sad, but more than that, you were tired. Tired of the pain, of the tears, of the stress. You needed a break.
You sniffled as you shakily took your D.D.D. out of your nightside table and pressed the contact of the one person who you knew would have your back no matter what.
"MC! Where ya been? I haven't heard from ya in ages." Mammon teased as he answered the phone.
You felt your bottom lip tremble at the casual joy in his voice and suddenly you were falling apart all over again.
Mammon's breath caught as you began to sob. "MC? Woah, hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
You tried to answer, but could seem to even get air into lungs as your body shook and trembled. You could hear Mammon curse on the other side. "Don't worry, treasure, I'm comin'. Just- HEY LUCIFER! OPEN THE FUCK UP! Just hang in there, MC."
There was a banging noise, presumably as Mammon pounded on Lucifer's office door. You could hear bickering from not just two, but seven voices as the others rushed over to see what all the commotion was about.
By the time you had finally caught your breath to tell him that it was alright, that he didn't have to come over, a portal opened beside your closet door.
All seven of the brothers stumbled out of the portal, Mammon leading the charge as he rushed over to you still quivering form. "Hey, hey, what's going on? What's wrong, huh?" He slid into your bed beside you and gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he pulled you close. "What's got ya all mopey?"
You sniffled as you shook your head. "I-I'm just being stupid. It's fine."
"No offense, hun," Asmo began as he looked at you sympathetically. "But you look like you haven't stopped crying for days. You cheeks are all puffed up and your eyes are swollen. Not a cute look, which is totally not you," he sat at the edge of your bed and placed your feet on his lap. "Tell us what's wrong."
Your heart ached from the genuine concern gleaming in his eyes and the sincerity in his voice. Before you knew it, you were crying again just from being offered the first touches of comfort you've recieved since the breakup.
Mammon instantly pulled you into his arms and held you close as the other gathered around for a group hug.
"Let it out," Satan hummed as he rubbed your back. "We'll still be here when you're finished. Just let it all out."
You whimper into Mammon's chest aa you turned your head and made eye contact with Lucifer. You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you held out your phone to him in explination. Lucifer frowned as he took the device and Mammon pulled you in closer.
Everyone watched Lucifer as he carefully looked at the opened text messages. His eyes widened and flared as he read the text and his grip nearly crushed your phone. "Chad broke up with you over a pathetic text message?" He gritted out through his teeth.
"THE NORMIE DID FUCKING WHAT?!?" Levi shrieked as ripped the device from Lucifer's grasp and glared down at the screen. "What the hell?! That's like relationship rule number one! Who the fuck does that?!"
"Chad does," you moaned sadly into Mammon's shirt.
Beel soothingly ran a hand through your hair. "Oh, MC," he cooed as he comforted you. "You deserve much better. I can get you some ice cream if you want?"
You pouted as looked over at the gentle giant. "I already ate it all."
He smiled softly and ruffled your hair. "Then I'll have to make a grocery run to get more. No shame in extra sweets. Whatever you want to snack on, it's my treat."
You mumbled out a thank you as you nuzzled back against Mammon.
The second-born's grip tightened on you as he glared at the phone over your head. "Is this why ya haven't been in contact with us recently? Cause you've been cryin'?" His gaze hardened as you nodded your head.
"We can deal with him, you know," Satan promised coldly. "No one would even know."
Belphie nodded his head. "No one gets to make our favourite human cry like that and get away with it."
You shook your head, "I don't want to start anything. H-He obviously just wants it t-to be over and f-forget about it, so I should too."
Asmodeus scoffed, "Fuck that," everyone turned to him. "MC, darling, love of my life, that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard," you opened your mouth to argue but were cut off as he held up his hand. "You're allowed to be sad about this. You're allowed to be angry. Chad is an asshole and the way he broke up with you is so not cool. You're allowed to want revenge."
You frowned at his words, "B-But I still love him."
Asmo's expression softened. He pulled you out of Mammon's arms and into his own rose-scented embrace. "I know, Lovebug. I know," he softly kissed the top of your head. "That's not something that you can just change over night."
You whimpered as you felt your eyes burn once more, "Th-Then why did he- I-If he actually loved me, than h-how could he-"
Asmo gently shushed you as he wiped away your tears. "I can't answer that. But, I can promise you that you will get over him eventually. One day you'll look back and laugh at the mere idea of people like Chad."
You whined as you nodded against Asmo. Feeling the motion, Asmodeus made eye contact with his brothers and nodded at them.
They all rose to their feet and moved towards the door.
"We're going to get those groceries, okay? We'll be right back." Belphie promised as they all left the room. The moment the door closed, they all turned to Levi who had been messing with your phone since he was handed it. "Did you find it?" Belphie asked venomously.
Levi smirked as he held up the device. "Got his full name and address. Let's go pay our friend a little visit."
Not even ten minutes later, six of the Avatars of Sin stood outside Chad's door radiating rage. Belphie kept a straight face as he leaned forward and pressed the doorbell before standing straight again.
The door opened and revealed the scrangly little punk, who blinked up at them once before tensing as he took in their presence. "U-Uh, hi? C-Can ... Can I help you?"
Lucifer tilted his head, "Are you Chad Chandler?"
His eyebrows narrowed as his grip tightened on the door, "Who's asking?"
He didn't get a chance to say another thing before Satan lunged forward and grabbed hold of the guy's shirt and lifted him off the ground. His eyes were glowing a poisonous green as his demon form flickered in and out of existance. "You listen here, you selfish, arrogant little weasle," he spat as the brat whimpered in his grasp. "You hurt someone very dear to us, and that just cant slide."
Chad squirmed in his hold as he looked frantically at the glaring demons. "A-Are you talking about MC?! Fuck, did they send you after me? What the fuck is wrong with-"
He was quickly silenced as Belphie's fist decked him across the face.
"Do not talk about our friend like that," Beel growled as he stood behind Satan.
Lucifer scoffed as the boy began crying. "Here's how this is going to work. You're not going to tell anyone about this. You'll forget we were even here,"
"And most importantly," Mammon spoke with ice threading his tongue. "You'll never go near MC again. If we get another call of them cryin' to us, or we find out that ya so much as looked in their direction," he growled as he flashed into his demon form. "Then ya won't have eyes to look out of. Capiche?"
Chad sobbed as he nodded his head and blood trinkled down from his nose. "Capiche! Totally capiche! J-Just please don't kill me!"
Levi hissed as Satan threw the blabbering boy onto the ground. "Fuck, what did MC ever see in you? You're just a worm. A pathetic little normie. They could do ten times better than the likes of you."
Belphie glared at him. "Remember are talk, Chad. We'll be watching."
Without another word, they all turned and left, heading towards the grocery store.
"Do you think MC would like a sorbet or normal ice cream?" Beel asked, the asshole already in the back of his mind as ways to make you feel better took over his thoughts.
Belphie hummed as he wiped off his knuckles on his sweater. "Sorbets are always good. Maybe some chips too."
***Hope this helped! Feel better love ❤❤❤***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid
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