random-comfort · 6 hours
shoutout to selfshippers who depend on their f/o. who can't ship them with others because it hurts to imagine them having another partner.
shoutout to the selfshippers who are touch starved or lonely, who can't bring themself to love anyone like they love their f/o. who rarely ever (or never) crush on others because their love for their f/o is too strong.
shoutout to those who print out pictures of their f/o, have them as their wallpaper, imagine them next to you, draw and write about them. who treat them like an irl partner.
shoutout to selfshippers who don't just like their f/o because they're "your type," or they're attractive. shoutout to the selfshippers who have a deeper connection with them than that.
shoutout to the selfshippers with many f/os, and the ones who only have one or two.
shoutout to the selfshippers who kin characters from their f/o's source material, even if it creates some weird rarepairs. (i've been there.)
shoutout to the selfshippers who hate what happened to their f/o in their source material, and to those who love every direction it went.
shoutout to selfshippers with quote unquote "weird," f/os, or nonhuman ones. shoutout to selfshippers who are open about that fact, or who are nervous to tell others about it, even other selfshippers.
shoutout to ALL selfshippers.
you're great.
and remember, no matter who you are, if you fit all these boxes or not, your f/o(s) love you very much!
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random-comfort · 6 hours
self shippers should remove themselves from the chains that is the fear of judgement. like my beautiful bestie, you are not evil for having multiple f/os because you're not cheating. you are not selfish for having boundaries for not wanting to share f/os. no one is going to hate you for having obscene f/os that no one knows. no one is going to hate you for only having f/os of the most popular anime characters. relax a bit homie. its gonna be aight.
and if they do hate you? man. who cares. do what makes you happy. its your life and you deserve to have harmless fun.
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random-comfort · 6 hours
Watched howls moving castle and you know what I’m gonna say… I’ll watch it one more time to come up with a good tag but HES GOING ON THE LIST!!
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random-comfort · 2 days
to just lie in bed with your f/o...
the both of you splayed out among the sheets and blankets, hands linked as you talk about yourselves, your days, the future... anything at all. it comes to you so easily with them.
turning to look into their eyes to see the most loving gaze reflected back at you... their soft, tender smile as they sidle closer to you in bed. pulling their hand away from yours only to wrap their arms around you, blankets and pillows and them surrounding you in a comforting shell.
cuddling as the both of you wind down for bed, your conversation becoming peppered with yawns. the giggling and teasing over who's sleepier.
the moment they catch your eyes fluttering as tiredness overtakes you, their adoration written all over their face. a hand reaching up to cup your cheek, eith their thumb rubbing soothing circles that lull you deeper into sleep. try as you may, the earlier banter melts into hushed whispers and low hums of comfort as your beloved grows sleepier and sleepier with you.
as the two of you drift off to sleep together, the last thing you register is the safety and comfort of their arms wrapped around you, the rise and fall of their chest steadying you.
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random-comfort · 5 days
wising you a very sleeping on your f/os chest so you can hear their hearbeat or vice versa. wishing you a very instinctively moving towards one another and pulling eachother close and holding on tighter in sleep. wishing you a very one quietly talking to the other who's spouting off sleeptalk-nonsense in loose responses. wishing you a very ignoring blankets in favor of eachothers warmth. wishing you a very kisses to the crown of the forehead and the cheek and the collarbone and the shoulder and the crook of the jaw right where it meets the neck. ok?
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random-comfort · 5 days
your f/o can't stop thinking about you. whether they freely admit it or mutter it under their breath, it's true. you come to mind in their most mundane moments, and they love being reminded of you by little things. this flower is your favorite color. this is your favorite weather, too, isn't it? they know you'd love this little shop they came across. you also come to mind when they're feeling down, because what better way to cheer up than to see your lovely smile? when they're already in a good mood, you're probably the reason why. it seems as if you're always on their mind; they'd love for you to always be by their side, too.
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random-comfort · 6 days
Just now realized my pinned still says I'm 18... I'm 20 in less than 2 months... hehe
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random-comfort · 6 days
your f/o(s) feeling so giddy about you btw. every thought they have of you makes them feel so unexplainably warm and fuzzy, but at the same time makes them do incredibly stupid things maybe. like thinking about you so much it makes them want to scream into a pillow and roll around in bed stupidly (and maybe they do so and you/an f/o in the same media just. walks in at that moment). or they noticeably space out and get way too distracted when they’re busy with something or at work, to the point they’re bumping into things and stubbing their toe. they sigh a little too heavily when they don’t get to see you, or end up staring at their phone/mailbox way too often for anything that’s from you. basically they’re just insane about you
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random-comfort · 6 days
F/Os with longer hair is always so fun! Like yes I will brush your hair and play with it! Yes I’ll braid your hair then add ribbons and flowers to it! Yes I’ll help you wash your hair in the bathtub! I love you <333
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random-comfort · 6 days
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This post was stolen from a proshipper!!! Proships fvck off ^-^
Imagine your usually cold f/o cuddling you. contrary to their demeanor, their arms are warm around you, embracing your body close to theirs. it might not show on their face and they might not express it much through words, either, but you can tell by their heartbeat that they're glad to have you with them.
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random-comfort · 6 days
imagine your hand casually brushing against your f/o, just for them to frown about how cold it is and insist on taking both your hands in theirs to warm them up <3
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact.
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random-comfort · 6 days
Imagine your f/o tucking a flower behind your ear, placing a loving kiss onto your nose, cheek, forehead, or chin.
"Every time I see you, it's so breathtaking. Even just witnessing you exist as you are, it's such a wonderful sight. I'll never get tired of you, of this." They express to you with a warm, loving smile.
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random-comfort · 6 days
Imagine your f/o opting to sit in your lap rather than next to you on the couch one movie night.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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random-comfort · 6 days
Imagine falling into your f/o’s arms.
Imagine flopping into their chest, burying your face into their neck. Your f/o’s soft chuckle or eye roll as they feel you land on them, instantly engulfing you in their embrace. Simply letting go of all your thoughts; too busy snuggling ever so close. Your f/o’s even breathing seems to fill your ears. The gentle massages they rub into your scalp making you melt... You can’t help but drift off, all cozy with the one you love.
“I love you.”
You hear them murmur as your eyes drift shut.
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random-comfort · 6 days
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Imagine your F/O slipping behind you at a party and laying their hands on your hips, a possessive feel in the way the cling, fingers digging in. They’re already drunk, face flushed, giving off heat like a radiator as they sag against your back, nuzzling into the side of your neck. You smile and chide them for drinking so much, leaning into the warmth of them while they giggle and rest all their weight against you, pulling you down a bit as they moan about being exhausted.
With a sigh you pat their hands and promise to take care of them, feeling them lean into your touch and sloppily drag their lips over your neck in a happy mumble. Keeping their grasp on your hips, they lean back and smile as you turn in their arms to look at them, eyes half lidded and face red. They pout when you laugh at their drunken, lovesick expression and give you puppy eyes until you tug them in for a kiss, warm and sweet and with the slight sting of alcohol lingering in your mouth.
They are smug after the tender kiss, turning to lean against you again, head resting on your shoulder as they tell you what a good kisser you are. With a laugh, you roll your eyes and tease them as you urge them towards the door to take them home for the night. The whole way there they cling to your hand, drunk and happy, all lopsided smiles and a mumbled ‘you’re the best’ slurring from their mouth.
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random-comfort · 7 days
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Imagine your F/O’s smug expression the first time they lean in for a kiss. How it deepens, eyes half closing, a barely perceptible twitch to the corner of their mouth as they feel the nervous swallow in your throat, an excited inhale at the obvious tremble in your bottom lip as you return their affection.
‘What, have you never been kissed before?’ The smirk on their lips is playful as they brush against your lips once more before pulling away, amused to see you lean in closer, trying to recapture the taste of them again. Their amusement is short-lived as they watch an embarrassed expression slip over your face, feeling something wild and hot in their stomach at the realization that they’re the first - your first kiss.
Gone is their amusement and in its place is an urgent desire to have you entirely for themselves. Hands lock onto your face, holding you in place as you try to look down in embarrassment, fingers digging into your chin as their mouth crashes against yours in a bruising, choking press.
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random-comfort · 7 days
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selfshippers who need surgery for whatever reason, now or in the future, imagine your f/o(s) helping you through recovery! wether it be mental or physical recovery or both! if you're left with scars after, imagine them tracing those scars when they're fully healed and don't hurt anymore. over all, they're just there for you the entire time you need them to be, no matter how hard it gets for either of you.
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pro/com ship do not interact. i do not consent to my content being reposted in any manner and will report anyone who attempts to do so.
divider credit: @.cafekitsune
taglist: @howliloveyou @angeliicwifey @tothemoon-ships @self-ship-haven
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