this post is for you. yes, you! you are so deserving of a good, happy, content life. you are so strong and resilient, and i am proud of you. you will make it through all this hardship and come out the other side doing better than ever.
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do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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Note: You don't have to know how to make anything fancy. Just do you know the basics well enough to at least get started?
(Please reblog for a larger sample size)
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I've been having that same issue!!! It's all just smut!!!
just found yet another downside to the oversexualization of breasts: no references for sizing and measurements. i've been wanting to get a reduction for years and am finally starting to work towards getting it covered by insurance and so i am trying to decide on cup size. anyone have any recommendations on where to look for visual references on the differences between cups both clothed and not? i'm specifically trying to decide between going down to a b or c cup.
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I’m not trans, but i had a breast reduction at 22 and because of that I have the same anchor scars that many trans men get after top surgery.
I like to think of them as my “scar brothers,” or “brothers in scars” if you will. Scar Siblings for my nonbinary peeps.
I think it’s neat.
CW: Medical stuff under the cut
If I was going to say anything else it would be a note on said scars -
If you find your top surgery scars healed super thick and you find that upsetting, you can get them redone several years after your initial surgery and they will heal better the second time. (My insurance covered it as a “follow up operation” ymmv) (also no shame if you like your scars thick, that’s totally cool too).
The reason for this (to my limited knowledge) is because your first surgery is a much deeper heal. The cut went deep, and a bunch of stuff was removed, so the body had to heal all the way from the tissues to the skin all at once. Deeper cuts often end up in bigger scars.
However!! If you come back a few years later after the initial surgery has fully healed and settled (I think mine was 3-5 years? Not sure) and get the scars redone (they cut the scar out and sew up the unscarred skin on both sides) the scar generally ends up much smaller and less noticeable.
My first scars were big, ropey, and purple in some areas. They were very obvious and the keloids would hurt when I hit them by accident.
My second set of scars are much MUCH better. In some areas it’s hard to even notice them. They’re flat and the coloring is barely notable. I have one or two spots that are thicker but on the whole, the scarring is much less noticeable and less painful.
So just something to keep in mind if the look or feel of your scars bothers you.
Best of luck all my scar siblings!! (and wear your scar tape post surgery, it helps keep those scars flat and provides support to the skin so it doesn’t get shuffled about or pulled apart by movement and gravity and helps control keloiding)
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Good to know, useful information for other people seeking a breast reduction for any reason!
Something I have learned as a cis person with big boobs looking to get a reduction that I’m passing on to other boob people looking for less or no boobs:
If you are looking for a breast reduction, for whatever actual reason, to get partial or full coverage by your insurance, start telling your doctor that you have back and neck pain. Your boobs are pulling you down and forward. It’s a struggle to sleep, especially on your back. Complain, complain, complain. They’ll probably prescribe other options, but keep complaining (and don’t actually take the meds if the pain is emotional and not physical).
Your insurance will be more easily convinced to cover breast reduction if there is a paper trail of physical pain. I’m getting mine in May of next year.
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The person I reblogged this from deserves happiness and love
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Exactly this!!! I'm just not comfortable with it!
btw wanna warn that i do NOT send pics or videos of myself. Its not because im younger than i say, or im catfishing. I just dont feel comfortable showing my body online, not for now atleast. And because of past situations with being leaked, i dont want thag to happen again, thank you for reading!
(feel free to reblog if you relate at all!)
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(I bring a sort of “Everyone has inherent worth regardless of their productivity” Vibe to every conversation that ableists don’t really seem to like)
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Not diagnosing a child doesn't mean they won't notice they're different. It just means that instead of thinking "I'm struggling because I have autism/adhd/anxiety/depression/schizophrenia", they will just conclude that they are struggling because they are stupid, weak, annoying, unlovable, etc.
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rb to give a flower to the person you rb this from
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white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer
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stop holding ya pee for so damn long
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idk why i just remembered this but all throughout kindergarten and first grade i used to draw a lil snail in the corner of every paper i had to turn in because it was a happy snail so i thought it would make my teachers happy when they were grading papers because i was a pure and simple child but in 2nd grade my teacher would take off 2 points if i drew it on my homework and 5 points if i drew it on a quiz or test so i stopped but like it was so harmless it was just a lil shitty doodle of a smiling snail it wasn’t distracting me or anything from the task at hand so i’d like to say to mrs whoeverthefuck that snail was supposed to be a happy thing u bitch
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