Written by @vosianbird for @zenyaddadingdong
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Drawn for @drel-etons by OP
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For Skelegiraffe from the R76 discord I’m sorry it took so long (and that it’s a weird mesh of pen and digital art) but I hope you like it. Merry Christmas!
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Written by @jiveammunition for @vosianbird
A Picture Says A Thousand Words But All I Need Is One (T)
Title: A Picture Says A Thousand Words But All I Need Is One Rating: T Pairing: Reaper76 Tags: Fluff Summary:
Gabriel always keeps a pen and two notebooks on him at all times. He takes notes in one — observations, strategies, thoughts, and other miscellaneous details he deems important enough to record — and the other is beyond anyone’s guess. Anyone that Gabriel does not know personally, anyway.
Secret Santa gift for @vosianbird​!! Merry Christmas, broski!
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Drawn by OP for @slavetomyheadcanon. (god damn it tumblr let me tag ppl)
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my secret santa gift for @slavetomyheadcanon! i hope you like it!
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For Radiojamming
Written by @senkirowolf for @radiojamming Available on AO3
“They tricked us.”
“I know.”
“I'm going to kill them.”
Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes were sitting in a large cabin living room, staring at a lit fireplace.
They had been duped.
A blizzard raged outside, keeping them from wandering out the doors to leave. They were informed of a mission they had to go on by their Commander, Ana Amari.
She had said ‘top priority’ and ‘need my best on this’. Of course it was all an elaborate trap to get the friends trapped together on a mission to make up.
For the last month the pair had been at each others throats, they didn't even remember what started the fight anymore, just that they were mad.
Jack sighed and ran a hand through that bright blond hair of his and turned to look at Gabriel. “Well we might as well talk since we're stranded here...for a week.”
The elder man glanced at Jack then back to the fire. “What were we arguing about?”
“It was...uh...hm, I don't remember.” The blond looked thoughtful.
Gabriel let out a long sigh. “Ana has made her point I guess. We're best friends, we shouldn't be arguing over stupid things we can't even remember.”
Jack gave a small chuckle. “How does she always win?”
“Because she makes sense, damn her.” He mumbled back.
The phone rang.
Bewildered, the two men looked at each other and then the cordless phone sitting on the mantle. Gabriel got up and approached it slowly, picking it up. “Uh, hello?”
“I am so glad you two decided to make up!” Ana’s voice could be heard over the receiver. “So the fridge is stocked so you can make food and in the closet are some decorations you can hang up and-”
“Whoa, whoa. What the fuck are you talking about Ana? How do you know we made up? What the fuck.” Jack looked over at Gabriel in disbelief.
“Oh, please Gabriel, it's a safehouse. The living room has a camera. I wrote you two off for paid vacation, and you two are spending your Christmas there.”
The latino had no fucking clue what to say to this. “What the hell Ana.”
“Oh shush you need to resolve that sexual tension and admit your feelings and if you don't then I will.”
Gabriel groaned. “I fucking hate you and I'm never babysitting Fareeha again.”
Ana smiled on the other end. “Yes you will. You love her. Now enjoy your holiday, Gabriel. And I'm serious. You two have been avoiding this for twenty years.” With that she hung up the phone.
The latino stood there, staring at the phone dumbly as he hung it back up.
“Was that Ana?”
“Yup. She's trapped us here for two weeks. Merry fucking Christmas.”
The first two days were awkward moments of them avoiding each other. They both realized it was stupid to do so when they would be stuck there for twelve more days.
The third day was the pair teaming up to tackle Christmas decorations, finding them in a closet like Ana had said. They set them up and Gabriel hung up the mistletoe, against his better judgement.
Day five was the day. Three days from Christmas and Gabriel was cooking some ham in the kitchen.
“That smells awesome, Gabe.” He walked up behind him and glanced over his shoulder. “Haven't lost that magical cooking touch huh?”
Gabriel laughed. “Fuck no. I practically fed you through SEP.” He glanced at Jack who was pouting at him.
“Did not.” Was Jack's lame response.
“Did so. You kept whining about the cafeteria food so I cooked in our kitchen and you begged me to cook for you daily.”
The silence was nice as Gabriel continued to cook. “Uh, Gabe?” Jack got a ‘hmm’ in response. “Is that mistletoe?”
Shit. He looked up and spotted the damn mistletoe he had hung up on the light and they were standing beneath it. “Yeah. It is.”
“Oh.” A pregnant pause.
Gabriel huffed and turned. “We don-” Jack cut him off by pressing their lips together. It was short and chaste their lips warm against each other before separating.
The blond's face was a little flushed as he pulled back and glanced away. “Gotta follow tradition Gabi.” He grinned and walked off, leaving Gabriel thunderstruck.
Day six was spent wondering how the hell to confess to each other. Not much progressed.
A week in and the day of Christmas Eve, was when it began.
Gabriel was determined to at least tell Jack how he felt. He was once again cooking, using the distraction to think about what he would say to his best friend.
“Hey Gabi?” He could hear Jack walk up behind him.
“Yeah Jackie?” He turned to look at the blond.
The younger was pointing upwards with a grin. Gabriel looked up at that damn mistletoe he had forgotten about.
Jack laughed and tugged the elder man forward and crushed their lips together. There was a big smile on his face as they kissed, arms wrapped around Gabriel's neck.
“You're such an ass.” Gabe muttered against Jack's lips. “How long have we been dancing around each other?”
“At least fifteen years. Come on. Let's cuddle after dinner.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. After supper was over the two lay on the couch in front of the fireplace kissing and occasionally tickling each other to tease.
The pair was drifting on and off on the couch. Jack grumbled and tossed another log on the fire at some point, before returning to cuddle up to his warm new boyfriend.
They slowly blinked awake early Christmas morning all cuddled and warm. “Hey.” Gabe grinned down at Jack.
“Hey.” The blond chuckled and snuggled closer. “Merry Christmas, Gabe.” He kissed his neck chastely.
Gabriel chuckled and kissed the top of his head. “Merry Christmas, Jackie.” His fingers rubbed across his back slowly.
“You know we're going to be forced to thank Ana.” The blond mumbled into Gabe's ugly ass, red, wool sweater.
He grunted. “Yeah. I know. But until then, we have a week to ourselves.” The latino murmured, hands trailing down.
Jack let out a loud laugh and smacked his hands. “Maybe later, right now I just want to lay here with you.”
Gabriel smiled and pulled him even closer. “I love you.” Soon the pair was fast asleep.
Ana smiled as she spotted the monitor of the safe house. They finally got together after all these years. Maybe she'd leave them there until after New Years.
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Drawn by @courier-mccree for @mad-asian-oatmealcupcake
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For the R76 discord’s secret santa
I really hope they like princess bride (and unfinished art)
Extremely necessary bonus:
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For Blackstar
Written for @buckybuns by @prettyarbitrary Available on AO3
Jack slams the screen door open and all but tumbles down the steps of the back porch while he’s still pulling on his coat. He sinks shin deep in the snow when he hits the ground, and keeps right on going toward the woods that edge the back of the yard.
“Oh, come on, Jack, it's snowing!” his mother calls from inside, voice rising mournfully over the background noise of his dad’s growly complaining.
“I'll be back later!” Jack roars over his shoulder. He knows he sounds rude and angry and he doesn’t care.
The snow makes his steps clumsy, but he refuses to slow down till he's out of sight of the house, plunging into the shadowy grotto the snow has made of the trail opening into their wooded acreage.
They don't want him to enlist. They want him to stay. “It's not safe, Jack, the military is for people who don't have other options.” Well, what they don't seem to get is that if he doesn't get out of this place, he’ll die. He can’t stay here his whole damn life or mid-state Indiana is going to bury him alive, one shovel of dirt at a time.
It's heading toward sunset, not that it needs to be very late for that at this time of year, and the shadows under the trees become increasingly blue as he goes. The snow changes the landscape so that instead of the woods he grew up in, Jack passes through an unexplored new world. With it still coming down, his are the first human footprints to break the fresh blanket of white. He feels like the first person to ever walk here.
He likes it. It feels mysterious, dangerous, exciting. He feels like he belongs here more than he ever has in Bloomington. A not-insignificant part of him wishes that this could be his reality. After the holidays are over, he's going to enlist, no matter what his parents say, and in a few years he's going to come back and use that money to go to college. Maybe a degree in physics or engineering, and then he could try out to be an astronaut. Chances are good humans will go to other worlds in his lifetime, and then maybe he really could walk on some wild, unexplored planet and leave the first human footsteps.
“You've got big dreams, kid,” a hoarse voice says from the shadows of an overhung thicket. “I like that.”
Jack spins. For a second, all he sees is deep violet shadow and twiggy, clutching branches in a young sassafras thicket. Then it moves forward and a man’s dark, handome face resolves out of the smudge. “Hey, there. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
Jack blinks at him a couple of times, taken aback. He hadn’t been expecting to meet anybody out here. For that matter, he’s never seen this man before and this is a hell of a weird place to find a total stranger. “Uh, hey. Um, what are you doing on our property?”
The man laughs. “This isn't your property, kid.” He waves a hand around. “Does any of this look familiar to you?”
Jack looks around and is shocked to realize that the man is right. He must have been really deep in his head to end up this far out of his way, because he doesn't recognize any of these trees or landmarks. Maybe it's the snow, because if anyone asked him, Jack would have said it wasn’t even possible for him to get lost in these woods.
The man watches confusion evolve on Jack's face and smiles, a sly slash like he’s got a secret joke. “It’s fine, kid. I'm sure you'll find your way back. It’s not like these woods are that big. But hey. Before you go, any chance I could trouble you for a smoke?”
“I, uh. I don’t smoke.” Jack’s pretty sure that would be a better lie if he hadn’t just caught himself reaching around to tuck the crumpled pack deeper into his back pocket, where his shirt tails keep it hidden from his parents. He promised them he’d quit. In his defense, he hasn’t bought a pack since graduation. A friend’s sister gave him the remnants of this one, and he’s been hoarding them.
The man laughs again, teeth flashing as white as the snow around them, and leans back against a tree about five feet away from Jack. “Sure, sunshine. That's why you smell like a trash fire.”
Jack can feel his face heating up. God, hopefully the windburn hides that. “Fine. God. Here.” He pulls the battered pack out and taps out a little white stick to pass it over, along with his tiny book of matches. He taps his fingers against his thigh a couple of times, nettled over a stranger accusing him of smelling bad when the guy smells like he’s spent a couple nights hanging out behind the Circle K himself. "At least I don't smell like someone's burning a bag of...what is that? Old hot dogs?"
The guy glares at him, both hands nearly to his mouth. "That's chestnuts, you cultureless ass."
The man’s pissed, but there’s an amused tilt to his scowl. Jack grins unrepentantly at him, pleased at his reaction and the way it makes his eyes sparkle, then thinks better of it and squints in confusion. "You smell like burning chestnuts? Why?"
“Roasting chestnuts! Holy shit, kid!” He sticks the cigarette in his mouth and then his face lights up orange as he strikes the match. “How do they teach you people to celebrate the winter holidays these days?"
He inhales without waiting for an answer, the end of the cigarette glowing a cheery red as it catches and burns back. Jack watches him breathe out a long stream of smoke. “You can’t really smell it on me, can you?” he finally asks nervously. God, have his parents been able to tell this whole time and they’ve just been waiting to close the trap?
“To me you smell like an ashtray,” the man says, and then turns his head to exhale another cloud. “But then I’ve got a good nose. I doubt they can tell.”
Jack nods absently in relief, then tenses. “Wait. Them who?”
“Your parents.” The man flicks ash to the ground. “The reason you’ve been out here brooding, in between dreaming of adventure and glory. Adventure is a dangerous thing to wish for, Jack.” The man meets Jack’s eyes squarely for the first time. “You sure that’s the road you want to go down?”
“I didn’t tell you my name,” Jack says slowly, feeling like he has to hunt for the words and assemble them manually. The landscape around them still doesn’t look like anyplace he’s familiar with. This tract of woods should only be a few square miles. He’s been everywhere in it. “And I didn’t say anything about my parents.”
“Not out loud, no. You figuring out I’m not human, yet?”
Now that he’s looking straight at Jack, his eyes are tiny pale moons hanging in the starlit black of a twin pair of skies, and Jack wonders how he missed that before.
Part of him registers that it’s creepy as hell, but everything he wants is in there. Endless horizons and unfathomable risks and impossible things.Adventure is such a small word for craving an untamed world, for the opportunity to find out if he’s enough, to be stripped down through his layers and tested until he finds out the truth of what he is.
Nothing in his quiet hometown will ever do that, he knows. If he never leaves, he’ll grow old and die suffocating in the folds of his own bullshit. But this. This.
The man tilts his head. Where shadow falls across his face, his features lose human skin tone and become the purple and silver of moonshadow and scratching branches. “You know what I am?”
Jack shakes his head. He obviously something...else. Magic. Jack didn’t believe in magic till one minute ago, but he can feel it in his bones now.
“Ever heard of the Unseelie Court?” He grunts when Jack shakes his head again. “Look it up when you get home. What matters to you, right now, is that in the right circumstances, I grant favors. Wishes, like I said. For example, in return for a kindness done for me.” He holds the remnant of the cigarette up between two knuckles, and then flicks the ash off it again. “You’ve got one true wish in your heart, kid. But before I grant it, I’ll warn you right now: you don’t understand what you’re asking for.”
Jack should be prudent here. He’s read stories. Nobody’s ever prudent in stories, and it fucks them up. But. He watches the man’s elegant long fingers curl around his face, skin flickering between copper brown and moonlit violet as he brings the cigarette back to his lips for another drag. “Do you know what it's like to grow up on a farm in a dying economy, chestnut? It sucks. I don’t know what’ll happen if I get it, but I’ve got a good idea what’ll happen if I don’t.”
The man...thing...guy stares at him for a moment. It occurs to Jack that he hasn’t really seen him blink. Then his head ticks sideways in a sort of nod. “You’ve got a point. Okay.” He points over Jack’s shoulder. “You can get back if you head that way. Just don’t let your tracks cross over your old ones and you’ll be fine.”
Jack twists to look over his shoulder. He doesn’t see anything special: just dark, snowy trees and his own footprints. But when he looks back, the man is gone, only the scent of tobacco smoke and roasting chestnuts hanging around to prove he was there.
His parents are going to be flipping out by now anyway. He turns and starts for home.
As he passes the first tree, something swats him across the back of the head. “See you soon, Jack. And don’t call me ‘chestnut.’”
A part of Jack has tried for the past four years to convince himself the encounter the woods that day was a dream, but he’s never been able to. Every detail of it is branded into his memory, more real than real, along with the knowledge, which should worry him but doesn’t, that the world is a far weirder place than he can ever explain.
Whether or not the fairy—he looked it up, just like he was told to—ever kept his promise, Jack doesn’t know, but he’s certainly had his share of adventures since then. War, raids, rescues, Special Forces, mercy missions, training programs he thought he’d never escape alive. And now here he is in the SEP, one of one hundred people in the whole damn world crazy enough to see if he’s got what it takes to become “more than human.”
When he walks into the lecture hall to meet his assigned mentor from the program’s first cohort, he realizes that phrase might be more literal than he was expecting. One of the other soldiers from his group staggers into Jack’s back with a grunt when he stops in the middle of the aisle.
“Holy shit. Chestnut? Is that you?”
There’s tittering from their fellow program recruits, and a couple of whispered, disbelieving repetitions of “chestnut!” from the SEP vets grouped in the front of the room. “Goddammit, Jack, I told you to cut that shit out.” It’s him, alright. Jack would know that grumpy-amused glower anywhere. “It’s Gabriel. Thanks, now all these monkey-see assholes are going to start with it.” He strides over to haul Jack out of the way of the building pile-up that’s forming behind him.
The lab-coated staff person who’s standing closest waves them off to the seats. Leading Jack over to the end of the first row, Gabriel raises his voice to make sure everyone present can hear. “First one of you who tries it, I’ll assume that’s a plea for you to be my next sparring partner.”
Something inside Jack has started singing in anticipation. The rest of him is throwing up a big damn ??? because despite the fairy’s parting words, Jack never expected to see him again, and sure as hell not in a place like this. Jack lets himself be pushed into a chair, then leans over when Gabriel drops down next to him. “How the fuck are you here??”
On the other side of the room, staff members start calling names, matching up the rest of the recruits with their more experienced partners. Chestnut—Gabriel—gives him a slightly manic grin. “I tried out, same as everybody else. Now shush, Jackie. We’re big badass soldiers now. They’re gonna tell you all about this fucked-up hell program you volunteered for. You’ll love it. It’s right up your alley.”
Lighthearted as the words are, Gabriel says them with a finality that leaves Jack feeling shut down. He tries his best to pay attention during the ensuing the orientation, but he can’t shake the sense of being wrong-footed and confused, even when they’re dismissed to have their senior partners show them to their new quarters.
Which, it turns out, he shares with Gabriel. Each of the new recruits is housed with their mentor, who’s supposed to help them adjust.
The orientation schedule keeps them all hopping. It’s not till close to lights-out that Jack finally finds himself sitting on his bed with nothing special left to do besides stare at Gabriel. It occurred to him, sometime during the day, that he doesn’t even know this man...thing...person. They spoke exactly once and it was the weirdest experience of his life. There’s no reason that having him around now should make him feel more at ease or at home. There’s no reason that he should feel gratified by Gabriel’s attention, or snubbed by having it denied him.
In fact there’s every reason to feel the exact opposite, considering what he is and the way he’s turned up so bizarrely in Jack’s life again. If he had any sense, he should probably be feeling threatened right now.
When Gabriel turns his head, the midnight purple of his true skin gleams in the shadows that play across his face. Those dark eyes still fall on Jack with all the weight of a moment of truth. The heft of them finally brings some stability back into Jack’s head. “So what do you think of your first day, kid?”
He’s not such a kid anymore. He’s 22 and he’s killed people. He’s faced a few moments of truth before, too, but the one he sees in Gabriel’s eyes still feels daunting. He thinks about the things he was told today about the program. The other things he’s heard about it. The fact that Gabriel is here.
“This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” he asks at last.
He hardly needs an answer to that. Special Forces training hurt like hell. He’d eat his own hand if every poor son of a bitch in the program hadn’t thought seriously about giving up at some point. Every new challenge he’s met in the military has been a step up from the one before it, more painful and more exhilarating. Just qualifying for the SEP had him on his knees throwing up from exertion on more than one occasion. And like Special Forces, it sounds like qualifying mainly means the privilege of facing more and harder tests. But then that’s always been the point: you can’t push the limits of your potential if you don’t have the courage to confront them.
But he did all this by himself. He didn’t need wishes or favors or help. That was never what he asked for. The very idea of it makes him bristle. “I don’t need a fucking cheat code,” he snaps when Gabriel steps over to stand in front of him. “If that’s what you’re here for, then you can just leave.”
He closes his eyes when Gabriel settles a hand on his head, hoping he won’t get the answer he’s afraid of.
Instead, Gabriel laughs. “Oh, sunshine. Your window for sending me away came and went a while back.” Fingers card through Jack’s hair. The touch makes his scalp tingle with hyper-awareness.
After a moment, Jack tips his head back to look up at him. “I don’t understand, though. Why are you here?”
He braces to be shut down again. This doesn’t really make any sense. Last time felt like a moment out of time, like stepping out of reality where the rules were different and he could draw boundaries. But this… He reaches out to put a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder, and is unsettled to find he feels entirely real, solid and human.
“Did you do your homework like I told you to?” He might feel human, but he doesn’t look like it right now, or smell like it. It’s not as strong as he remembers from the woods, but this close, that savory, musty smell is still there, along with the scent of ice and wood smoke. He never noticed that before, but then everything smelled like ice and wood smoke when they met.
“I read up,” Jack confirms. “I read a lot.” He means that as a warning. He understands now that he was playing with fire. He still is, but now he knows what he’s doing. Gabriel—Chestnut, Jack can’t shake the old name when he looks at him with those spooky moonbeam eyes—smiles like something with fangs, eyes all but crinkling shut into pleased crescents. “Then you know that once we touch something, we never really let it go.” He pauses just long enough to watch Jack’s eyebrows bounce at that thought, then keeps going. “You ever ask yourself what I was doing there that day? That piddly little scrap of woods seem like a place a fairy would go for vacation to you?”
Gabriel is standing between his knees, looming over him half wrapped in shadows and gleams of ghostly white. ‘Chestnut’ is a cute name, and cute doesn’t seem to suit him suddenly. He knew Gabriel could be dangerous, but this is the first time he’s really felt it.
He’s not much for being bullied or intimidated. Jack pushes to his feet and leaves it up to Gabriel whether he wants to give him space or or knock them both down in an embarrassingly hyper-macho heap.
Gabriel laughs and takes a step back, letting his hands fall from Jack’s hair. Instead he tugs him over toward their little bathroom and plants him in front of the mirror. “Here. I want to show you something.”
Gabriel looks a lot more shadowy and moonlit in the mirror, Jack notices. He meets Gabriel’s eyes over his own shoulder.
“So here you are, Jackie. All those stories you read, all those fairytale heroes. You’re one of them now. Have you ever noticed what they all have in common?”
He has no idea. Gabriel is warm against his back. “Uh...the call to destiny?”
Gabriel rolls his eyes. “Oh good, you worked your way down to Joseph Campbell. Forget The Chosen One’s Starter Kit and look.” He grabs Jack’s jaw and turns his head to look himself in the face.
It’s his face. He’s got no damn idea what he’s supposed to be seeing.
“You haven’t felt normal a day in your life,” Gabriel says. His voice is almost a purr, right against Jack’s ear. Jack’s nostrils flare as something warm and nervous rolls through him. He can see it in the mirror, along with the faint tint of pink in his own cheeks that follows. “You know why? Because you’re not. It’s not ordinary people who get stories written about them, Jack. It’s the ones who’re the right combination of extraordinary and desperate enough to keep running toward the danger.” He drops his chin onto Jack’s shoulder. “You were always going to be something special, sunshine. I could smell it in you the first time I saw you, like the taste of starlight on snow. But I can take you further than you could go alone. That’s why I’m here. To take you as far as you asked to go.”
Jack studies himself in the mirror again, and thinks about how far he wants to go. He wanted to find himself. To find where he really belongs. What he’s really meant to do. The outermost limits of what he can be.
He thinks about the stories he’s read since the last time they met, and what the characters in them went through and accomplished. “That’s pretty fucking far,” he murmurs. His gut clenches in fear and a thrill of anticipation sings through him at the same time.
Gabriel laughs, low and rumbling. His arms wrap around Jack’s waist and pull him back till they’re pressed together. Jack sways back against him, breathless suddenly for so many reasons. “Yeah, it is. Oh, Jack. We’re going to put on a hell of a show.”
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Drawn by @hinoart for @bluehairedmonsters
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im sorry this is too simple ;; this is for the r76 discord secret santa. i just hope you like this! 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。
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For Canny
Written by @bamfbugboy for @torrinidae Available on AO3
I'll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams
Jack Morrison sits in the middle of the annual Overwatch Christmas party and finds himself detached, despondent, and uninterested in the party. He isn't feeling the Christmas spirit, not this year. Everyone but Gabriel Reyes is here. Gabe just couldn't catch a break. He left three weeks ago on a solo Blackwatch mission to Russia. Jack didn't know the details. Gabriel didn’t have time to tell him.
Since their days in the SEP, it was always Gabriel who inspired Jack to have a little Christmas cheer. This year, he stares out the window as snow flurries fall outside Zürich HQ. Even if Gabriel finished his mission, he wouldn't be able to travel back in this snowstorm. All Jack wanted for Christmas was Gabriel's safe return.
Jack slouches in the couch, nursing his glass of hard cider. He takes another drink then braves a glance at the other members of Overwatch. Everyone is busy enjoying themselves. He can't help but feel jealous.
Jesse McCree stands behind the bar mixing drinks. He whistles with the Christmas music and wears an obnoxious sweater Gabriel must have knitted for him.
Angela sits with a cup of cocoa by the decorated tree Reinhardt chopped down and brought in a week ago. Genji rests beside her, his visor removed. Both wear a crown of flowers. The two close friends exchange gifts, and from the sound of Angela’s laughter, Jack knows she must’ve loved it. Jack looks away before he can see what either of them bought for each other.
Ana and Reinhardt dance together, twirling to the upbeat music. Fareeha watches them while swaying to the music with a dreamy look on her face. The sweet, tender affection shared between the older couple makes him smile. The scene fills the Strike Commander with longing, his dark drink swirling in the porcelain mug.
The small velvet box in his pocket feels heavier and his heart aches. It’s his Christmas gift to Gabriel. He wanted to give it to Gabriel before he left, but the right time never presented itself. Jack wanted the moment to be perfect. He doesn’t like admitting his tendency to be a perfectionist, but in this, he can't help himself.
Jack feels silly for sitting here moping. Instead of sitting here unhappy, green with jealousy, he could be making better use of his time. Like catching up on that never-ending stack of paperwork from their last few missions. Standing from the couch, he slips out a side door in the middle of the party. No sense drawing attention to himself and making a fuss.
Jack doesn’t rush back to his office. The cold, clinical hallways of the Overwatch facility have only ever felt like home when accompanied with Gabriel or one of the other members of the team. Tonight, however, it doesn’t matter if he’s with a group of friends or standing alone by himself. The man he loves isn’t here to spend the holiday with him. He can’t overcome the loneliness that settles in his chest like a stone.
Every Christmas since their days in the SEP, they’ve spent it together. One year, Jack went with Gabriel to his mother’s home in Los Angeles. Even though it didn’t snow in southern California like it did back in Indiana, he enjoyed the company and felt welcome. That year, they went as friends, but they left as a couple. Gabriel’s younger sisters were devious, and they somehow managed to nudge him and Gabriel to cross paths underneath mistletoe. They shared their first kiss to young girls cheering their older brother on. Since then, they’ve been near inseparable.
When Jack arrives in his office, a wave of disappointment washes over him. No, why would Gabriel be here to surprise him. Christmas miracles didn’t work that way. He only turns on his desk lamp, creating a small circle of light in otherwise overbearing darkness. With a groan, he slumps down into his chair and leans over his desk. He rubs at his tired eyes, sighs, and wishes he brought that bottle of cider along with him. He looks up, stares at his door, and prays silently that Gabriel will burst in with a smile and a laugh.
Why aren't you at the party, Jack? Gabriel would say. Can't you take one evening off to relax? It's Christmas Eve.
Instead, no matter how hard Jack hopes his wish will come true, it doesn't. It won’t. Gabriel’s thousands of miles away doing God knows what in Russia for the U.N. Saving the world takes priority over a little holiday get-together.
The door remains closed. His room remains bitterly cold.
Christmas just isn't the same without Gabriel.
x X x
Gabriel hops onto the helipad and signals goodbye to his pilot. He salutes goodbye, and he’s thankful she was willing to brave the storm. He shoves his hands into his pockets. He hurries off the rooftop helipad and enters the elevator where it’s warm. He slams his fist against the button to level thirty-two, where he hopes the Christmas party still continues. He hopes he isn’t too late. He made damn sure to make it back in time. It may no longer be Christmas Eve, it's past midnight, but he hopes his coworkers and friends haven't thrown in the towel. Knowing Jesse McCree, however, they're probably all drunk off of the cowboy’s infamous ‘High Nog’ drink. The drink was a nefarious mixture of eggnog and top shelf whiskey.
Gabriel hopes to see Jack there. While Jack's always had a hard time celebrating Christmas, he hopes his best friend and partner at least tried to partake. Every since their days in the SEP program, Gabriel had been there to help keep Jack's spirits alive. Christmas is always hard because as a teenager, Jack lost his father to cancer in December. They had been close, and it was never easy during the winter months to inspire Jack to celebrate. Even when they had to work and fight on Christmas during the Omnic Crisis, Gabriel made sure to be at Jack's side as someone to lean on.
They aren't getting any younger. This year in particular has been stressful between them. If the increasing amount of grey hairs on each of their heads is anything to go by. Nonetheless, they worked together through their problems, carrying the stress together.
Gabriel brushes his hand against the small velvet box in his pocket. His heart starts to race. Tonight he plans to throw caution to the wind. Tonight he's going to do what he's been waiting to do for years.
The elevator chimes. The distant uproar of laughter and Christmas music echoes down the hallway. He heads down to the mess and opens the door to find his coworkers and friends still very much awake and very drunk.
"Gabriel! Welcome back!" Reinhardt bellows. "It's good to see you, my friend!"
Reinhardt pulls Gabriel into a hug and then offers him the Santa hat on his head.
"Keep it.” Gabriel grins. “I'll grab mine from my office."
"Merry Christmas, Gabriel," Ana says with a smile.
Angela and Genji wave from across the room. Jesse offers to make him a drink of the finest eggnog he's ever tasted. Lena zooms around the room, inconspicuously trying to hang mistletoe for unsuspecting pairs. Gabriel looks around the party, finding the usual suspects all here except for Jack. He frowns.
"Hey, Jesse, have you seen Jack?"
Jesse offers him a glass of eggnog, and Gabriel drinks it quickly.
"Jack? Oh yeah, he was sitting right there on the--" Jesse trails off abruptly when he discovers they’re missing their Strike Commander. "He was there a moment ago, I swear."
"Thanks for the drink.” Gabriel rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, I'll find him."
"Good luck! He seemed pretty down in the dumps."
"I'll find him. Thanks, Jesse."
"No problem, boss. Hope he's alright."
Gabriel slips out of the party. He imagines there's only one other place Jack would go tonight of all nights.
As he walks through the winding maze of corridors and halls to Strike Commander Morrison's office, he reflects on their decades long relationship. They’ve seen so much together. Through the hard, grueling days of SEP, they had clung to each other and fell in love. Through the darkest hours of the Omnic Crisis, they pulled each other back from the brink of ultimate despair. When the battle was won, they continued forward, hitting the ground running as the respective leaders of Overwatch and Blackwatch. They worked together, fought together, bled together, and they had seen it all, together.
After knowing each other for this long, Jack’s become predictable.
Gabriel arrives at Jack's office and takes a deep breath. His heart races in anticipation. Tonight’s the night. He fixes up his appearance, trying to look his best, and he puts on the winning smile that always makes Jack fall head over heels. He knocks on the door. No response. He knocks again. No response. He fishes into his pocket and pulls out his master card key, which opens the secure door. He walks inside half-expecting to find Jack busy at work, keeping his nose to the grindstone.
Instead, Gabriel Reyes finds Jack Morrison with his arms folded under his pretty blonde head of hair, fast asleep. Three datapads lay scattered beneath him, their displays off, and the desk lamp gives off a warm glow. The light paints Jack as an ethereal being amidst the darkness.
Gabriel edges around the desk as quietly as possible and places his hand upon Jack's shoulder. He gives it a tender squeeze. Jack groans in response and Gabe pulls him out of the chair, into his arms, supporting the other man’s weight. He holds Jack to his chest and cups the pale, chiseled cheek.
"Can't take a night off, huh?" He says softly, with a low chuckle. "Always gotta be a boy scout."
Gabriel carries Jack to the small couch in front of the wall-sized window. He lays him against the plush fabric and fetches a wool blanket. Once settled, Gabriel sits down beside him and brings Jack's head into his lap. He runs his fingers through the blonde strands, and he's thankful Jack at least looks at peace while asleep.
They rest there, together, well into the morning. The snow storm doesn't show signs of stopping. It's a white Christmas, an absolutely beautiful sight to Gabe. Rooftops covered in snow, green trees sprinkled ivory, and icicles form on the overhang of the office balcony.
It reminds him of the year they went to Jack's family home in Indiana one Christmas during the SEP. They spent that morning playing with Jack's younger cousins. They made snow angels, snowmen, and Gabriel even managed to make an immaculate snow fort for the Morrison family’s annual Christmas snowball fight. It was the year following the death of Jack's father, and even amidst so much grief, they had been able to laugh and smile.
Jack stirs beneath him, yawning and slowly opening his eyes. He blinks up at Gabriel, who puts on his best smile--the one he saves for Jack and Jack alone. Jack raises a hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes and then blinks, his eyes widening in shock.
"Gabriel?" He whispers. "I-I thought..."
"I made it back late last night." Gabriel brushes the hair out of Jack's blue eyes. "I didn't want to miss out on spending today with you."
Jack sits up and embraces Gabriel tight, clutching at his shoulder and fisting his black shirt.. Gabriel pulls him into his lap and sighs.
"I thought you wouldn't make it back in time."
"I wouldn't miss today for the world." Gabriel cups Jack's chin and turns his head. He runs his thumb along Jack's bottom lip and winks. "You know me," he purrs. "It's just not Christmas without you."
Gabriel leans in and kisses him, and he tastes the salt of tears.
"Don't cry over me Jack, I'm here," he murmurs in between kisses, "I'm not going anywhere."
"Yeah, I know." Jack takes a shaky breath and presses his forehead against Gabriel. "Thanks for making it back. I missed you."
Gabriel caresses the back of Jack's neck, toying with the blonde hairs at the nape.
"Merry Christmas, boy scout." Gabe wraps his arm around him. "No more paperwork today, you hear me?"
Jack rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Merry Christmas to you, too."
They both look away momentarily, and then they both glance back at the same time with something to say.
"I have something I want to give you."
They both say it at the same time and laugh afterward.
Gabe can’t help but grin. “Go ahead.”
"No, no. You first," Jack insists.
Gabriel's heart starts to race in his chest. He nods then takes a deep breath. He swallows down his nerves and absently toys with a loose thread on Jack's shirt.
"Alright, well, Jack... I-I wanted to do something special this Christmas. You know we've been together for a long time. We've known each other for years. Seen a lot together. You've always been at my back looking out for me, and I've always tried to do the same to you."
Suddenly the words Gabriel practiced over and over to himself on the helicopter blur in his thoughts. He closes his eyes and grounds himself in one thought alone. This is the most important conversation they'll ever have.
"I know this year's been rough on us both. I'm proud we made it out alright together. But you and me, we've been dancing around this thing for years. I don't want to waste another moment. I don't want to miss my chance. I love you, Jack Morrison, and I want you to always know that, even when I'm not there."
Gabriel disentangles himself from Jack and slides off the couch. He kneels down in front of Jack and reveals the small black box from his pocket. He opens it and inside lies a simple golden band with the word Forever engraved onto it.
Gabriel stares up into Jack's eyes and sees stars there. He sees the shock upon his lover's face, and his heart thuds in his ears. The moment of truth, after years of waiting, finally arrives.
"I want you to know that even when we're apart, I'm with you, forever."
"Gabriel, I..."
"I should have asked you after the Crisis. I've been waiting a long time, and I can't wait any longer." He smiles up at Jack and softly asks, "Will you marry me, Jack Morrison?"
x X x
Jack doesn't hesitate. Whether in combat or in life decisions, he never hesitates, and it’s served him well so far.
"Yes. Of course I'll marry you, Gabriel."
"I knew it, I knew you were sweet on me." Gabriel takes the ring and slips it onto Jack's finger. He takes a shaky breath, and Jack sees tears welling up in his brown eyes. "Can't resist my charms, can you?"
Even Jack feels hard pressed to keep it together. He hasn't felt this overwhelmingly happy in years.
"Not in the slightest."
Gabriel hops back onto the couch and pulls Jack close to his broad chest. "Now, what was it that you wanted to give me?"
Jack laughs nervously. "Well, I guess two great minds think alike..." He digs into his trouser pocket and reveals a similarly small, velvet box.
Gabriel's eyes widen, his lips parting in silent shock.
Jack blushes and scratches the back of his neck. "I was planning on asking you at the Christmas party if you made it back in time."
Jack opens the box and shows Gabriel a golden band that has the word Together engraved on it. Jack slips the ring onto Gabriel's finger.
"Together. Forever. That’s a little cheesy I guess.”
"I love it."
Gabriel laughs. "I guess great minds really do think alike."
Jack leans in right as Gabriel does. They share a kiss, warmth spreading between them as they hold each other close despite the chill. Jack lays his head on Gabriel's shoulder and breathes a sigh of relief.
Some Christmas wishes really do come true.
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For Jive
Written by @clockworkseraph for @jiveammunition
Christmas, Gabriel figured, was just another day when you were a soldier, super enhanced or not. Stuck at where they were, it wasn’t exactly a cozy little winter wonderland.
At least the food tended to better this time of year, roasted turkey and stuffing replacing the plain old chicken breasts and steamed vegetables. Not to mention the pies, slices large enough to satisfy even his own large sweet tooth.
Working on his third slice, this one chocolate pecan, Gabriel brushed crumbs off the file he was reading to his new charge. Recently inducted into the program, Gabriel had taken one Jack Morrison under his wing, the skinny little blond taking surprisingly quickly to the rigorous environment.
“-So, they want us to work on your accuracy, but believe that with the next round of injections your speed can be- Jack!”
Snapping out of it, Jack jumped, nearly upturning his mess tray before turning to Gabriel with a sheepish smile.
“Oh! Sorry! What were you saying?” Giving his charge a deadpan stare that seemed to strike fear in the hearts of everyone but Jack, Gabriel sighed, gesturing to the papers in front of him.
“Whatever’s going on in your head seems to be much more interesting than your reports, so please, share, because this the fourth time today I’ve had to drag your ass back to earth.” At least Jack had the decency to flush, his freckles popping out amidst the pinking skin.
“A-ah, sorry! I was just thinking about home, is all. Christmas is a big deal in my family. First time I won’t be able to be there.” Sadness briefly settled over Jack’s face, and Gabriel found himself with a rather out of place feeling of guilt before Jack brightened again. “I wonder how much snow they got this year. Ma always made the best peppermint ice cream when it first fell-”
Gabriel’s lips quirked up as he let Jack go on about Christmas on the farm, a new feeling of warmth settling into his gut at just how happy Jack looked. A wisp of wistfulness fluttered in his heart as he thought of his own Mama and his three younger sisters. Gabriel had made sure they were sent money, but he knew his mother prayed to see him again someday, and he wondered how big the triplets had gotten since he last saw them four years ago. It had been right around Christmas, actually, the last one he was able to go home before he joined SEP, the weight of the rosary Mama gave him heavy on his chest next to his dog tags. Not that he particularly cared any more for religion, but, he loved his Mama, and somehow, it seemed to be a lucky charm.
“And you tease me for drifting off?” A laugh brought him out of his musing, Jack’s grinning face replacing his Mama’s. “Do you miss them?”
“Every day.”
“I always wondered what it would have been like to have siblings...Sledding by yourself isn’t much fun!” Wrinkling his nose, Gabriel snorted, waving around a forkful of pie.
“I’m used to the warm ocean and the sandy beaches, cabron. Much better then that cold wet shit you farm boys love so much.”
“It makes everything so beautiful, though. And you just have to have a white christmas at least once, Gabriel.” Thoughtful as he took a bit of his own pie -apple, Gabriel had to notice with a mental chuckle- Jack brightened again. “Maybe one year, you can come home with me! I’m sure my family wouldn’t mind.”
“Sure thing, Boy Scout.” Laughing as they finished their dinner, Gabriel couldn’t find the heart to argue with Jack, being the newbie’s first Christmas away from home, but as the days went by, he could tell the boy scout was definitely dejected, no matter how bright he smiled for everyone else.
Jack, contrary to what others believed, didn’t always wear his heart on his sleeve. He was the smallest of the bunch of new recruits, the youngest, and knew he had to shape up and prove his worth more than anyone to be allowed to stay.
But alone on Christmas Eve, in the suite he and Gabriel shared, he could be a little wistful, to imagine his walls were honey golden wood instead of cold steel, and that he could feel his mother’s hand knotted rugs under his feet then the stiff carpet. Sure, their basic needs were met, but as the holidays got closer and closer, Jack found he missed even the smallest touch. His mother’s ice cream made with the first snowfall of the season, laughing with his father as they hauled the Christmas tree in…
Sighing as he tossed and turned in his cot, Jack burrowed into the thin blankets, missing his grandmother’s thick quilts, and grandfather’s special hot cocoa. It must have been nearly midnight, but he just couldn’t fall asleep. At least they were all given a free day tomorrow, so he could just rest.
Eventually, he would drift off to sleep, dreaming of a snow dusted country christmas, unaware of the small wrapped gift placed on his nightstand…
Blinking at it the next morning, Jack carefully untied the gold bow, opening the shiny blue box to peer inside.
A snow globe?
Lifting it up, Jack gave it a careful shake, a bright smile lighting up his face as he peered inside to see, of all things, a little farmhouse! Winding the key, the notes of “White Christmas” filled his ears, both inflicting homesickness, but somehow, also making it easier to bear.
Gabriel denied it giving it, of course, even as a smile curled at the corner of his lips, but Jack knew, and a small seed of something was planted in his heart.
And every year since then, even when they graduated SEP, and joined Overwatch, on Christmas Morning, there would always be a new snow globe waiting for Jack, wrapped in blue paper with a golden bow. Jack would always ask Gabriel if he gave it, and would always get only a soft smile in return even as he denied it.
Jack’s favorite was the double snow globe, each orb holding a bird, one an owl and one an eagle, both with a heart in their beaks, from the year where they finally admitted their feelings for each other.
And when it lay broken on the floor after the explosion, Jack, as his ears rang and his vision blinded by his own blood, his mind numb, shakily reached for the owl, tucking it into his jacket as he ran.
And somehow, over the years, through battles and bullets, grenades and recoil, it always held up.
When Overwatch was recalled, it came with him to Gibraltar, perhaps a little worn, but a comfort, the only thing he had from happier times.
Sighing softly, Jack could only stare at the ceiling of his room, all sense of sleep forsaking him even at his clock blinked a soft twelve am. He could hear the waves in the distance, and as if Nature was trying to cure the pain in his heart, a soft pattering of rain as well. It was a rare thing for Gibraltar to have, and appreciated, but it just wasn’t the same.
It was a dream, that affected him so deeply enough to rouse him from even medicated sleep, and a place in his heart long thought dead ached at the thought of it.
Not a nightmare, surprisingly, but instead, memories of a Christmas long since past, before politics and pride drove wedges between hearts that had once been close enough to be as one.
Reaching for his communicator, Jack flicked open his music playlist. Searching for, then hovering his thumb over, one song in particular, putting in his earbuds, he closed his eyes as the first notes played softly into his ears.
“I’m dreaming of a white christmas...just like the ones I used to know…”
The next morning, amidst the heaps of shiny paper and sparkling ribbons, as the rest of the Base celebrated merrily in the common room, while it was nice to finally have the company of friends new and old, it just wasn’t the same, and he missed Gabriel more than ever. It would have been twenty years, now...
Trudging his way back to his room a few hours later, claiming a headache, Jack managed to evade another round of Reinhardt’s eggnog-fueled karaoke, intent on simply trying to sleep until the day was over.
To his surprise, there was a package, neatly set on his nightstand, wrapped in blue paper, with a golden bow. Thinking it a gift from Angela, perhaps, or Ana, Jack peered at it for a tag, and unable to find one, frowned at it. Nobody could have gotten into his room save for two people, and one of them was…
Shaking his head, Jack opened the box, his fingers curling around the smooth surface as he lifted the object out, tears welling into his eyes as they widened.
A snow globe?
Shaking it, Jack peered inside, his throat tightening as he slowly sat down on his bed.
An Eagle and an Owl, perched together on a branch, cuddling amidst the slowly falling snow. With a shaking hand, Jack wound up the key, and as the first few familiar notes chimed in his ears, he could swear that Gabriel was with him again, whispering into his ear, a cold hand wiping away the tears falling down his cheek before lips pressed to the damp skin.
“You still owe me that white christmas, Jack.”
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For Goldiepoppy
Written by @slavetomyheadcanon for @goldiepoppy Available on AO3
The snow glowed with the light of the strands of hundreds of tiny bulbs on each of the houses up and down the street. It fell in fat, fluffy, flakes, the whisper of it the only sound in the air. Jack Morrison-Reyes sat cupping a mug of hot chocolate in his hands, listening to the silence. A moment later, the front door opened, bringing with it a burst of soft Christmas music.
“Come on, it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride together…”
The door closed a moment later and Jack closed his eyes.
Gabriel Morrison-Reyes joined Jack on the porch swing, slowly pushing it forward and back with his legs.
The war had ended years ago. Overwatch was a distant memory, though they still bore the scars.
Jack sipped his hot cocoa and tilted his head against Gabriel’s shoulder with a sigh.
“Tell me,” he said, softly.
Gabriel kissed the top of Jack’s head, then leaned his cheek against him.
“It’s mostly red and gold, this year. The Petersens put Santa and his reindeer on their roof again, but they didn’t put Frosty up like they did last year. The Wilson’s tree is in their window, and it looks like Missus Wilson went overboard with the tinsel again. I can see it sparkling from here.”
Jack listened quietly and sipped at his cocoa. He could hear the snow falling, and now very distantly the sound of carolers, but it was Gabriel’s voice that painted the picture for him.
“Sam and Jace made a snowman massacre in their front yard again. No doubt they got a lecture from Missus Wilson about appropriate holiday decor again,” Gabriel said with a chuckle that Jack joined him on.
“They’ll never learn,” murmured Jack.
“Of course not,” said Gabriel, “but I don’t really want them to. They’re gonna make some lucky kid a great pair of dads.”
Jack hmmed softly, and Gabriel slipped his arm around his shoulders.
“We would have too,” he said, finally.
“I know,” replied Gabriel.
They were both quiet for a moment, acknowledging the regret without getting upset about it. The carolers grew louder as they moved up the street.
“Lindholm’s got his house rigged with the programmable lights this year,” said Gabriel, picking up where he left off, “and it looks good except for the grand finale, because all the lights go on then, and let me tell you, that sucker is bright. There are two cars sitting there now, watching.”
Jack smiled at the thought, thinking of the families snug in their cars with their radios tuned in, listening to the music and watching the synchronized display. He could clearly picture the excitement on the faces of the children, and sighed again.
“The Coopers look like they had an argument about what kind of lights to use. Half the house is blue, half the house is green, but there’s a purple swatch in the middle of it, and the tree in the window is all in gold and pink.”
Jack laughed. He expected as much from that family. They got along so well their arguments were always about insignificant shit.
“Trudy has just the Nativity again, but the Greenburgs put up a giant… and I mean giant inflatable menorah on the front yard. I didn’t even know they made stuff like that.”
Jack chuckled at the thought, then sobered. “What about… what about Swoboda?”
He felt Gabriel shift to lean forward to look further up the street. “She has a tree this year!”
“Really? That’s great!” exclaimed Jack. The young woman had moved to the neighborhood to escape something two years ago, and recovery had been a long time coming. The tree was a good sign. “We’ll have to take her some cookies later.”
“Definitely,” said Gabriel. He was quiet for a moment, but Jack knew he was thinking about something.
“What is it?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing. Here, let me have your mug. I’ll be right back.” Jack held the mug out for Gabriel to take, and sat back and listened to the carolers as the other man went back inside.
“And since we’ve no place to go- let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!”
Gabriel was gone for one whole song, and Jack knew they were in front of his house. He lifted his hand in a wave even though he couldn’t see them, and heard one voice pipe up, “Hey Mr. Morrison!” He was about to say something in reply when the front door opened again and there were several giggles. He heard Gabriel make a shushing noise and wondered what was going on.
Gabriel sat back down on the porch swing again, and the carolers started up, breaking into one of Jack’s favorites.
“Said the night wind to the little lamb Do you see what I see? Way up in the sky, little lamb Do you see what I see?”
Jack smiled, leaning back and listening. Suddenly he heard another noise; a movement that didn’t come from Gabriel or the carolers, and he sat up again. Gabriel huffed a small laugh through his nose, and Jack knew something was up.
“I can’t fool you at all, Jack,” said Gabriel. “Here.”
Something small and furry and wiggling was deposited onto Jack’s lap. The something immediately put its paws on Jack’s chest and started licking his chin, and Jack could smell the milk-sweet breath of the puppy.
“What… what’s this?” Jack reached down to start petting the dog, feeling the long and short hair, the big feet, and fluffy tail.
“That’s Rose,” said Gabriel, and Jack could hear the smile in his voice. “She’s a golden retriever. We got approved for your seeing-eye dog. Merry Christmas, baby.”
Jack reached over to pull Gabriel close for a kiss, tears prickling his eyes, the puppy licking both of them all the while. The carolers paused their singing long enough to cheer, then picked the song back up again. Rose settled on Jack’s lap as he stroked her soft fur and leaned against Gabriel’s shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, Gabriel,” he murmured, and relaxed against his husband with a smile to listen to the carolers sing.
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Written by OP for @clockworkseraph
The First Overwatch Christmas
So the R76 discord did a Secret Santa thing. For SOME stupid ass reason, it’s refusing to let me even GET to her tumblr to link back to her, so FALLEN THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!!! I’m sorry Tumblr hates me a lot. 
Anyway, possibly the SAPPIEST thing I’ve ever written and I’m not even sorry.
At first, the idea blending the traditions of the entire squad seemed like a daunting task. So far as most of them could tell, they were all from vastly different cultures that couldn’t even decide whether or not salt was a spice, let alone how to celebrate what was, for some, the biggest and most important holiday of the year.
So in the lounge, they all sat down to talk about how best to go about it.
Keep reading
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Drawn by OP for @mincylantern
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secret santa for Mincy over at the r76 discord!!!
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Gift for Orenjimaru
Written by @drel-etons for @orenjimaru Available on AO3
Jack Morrison groggily rolled over and tried to shield his eyes from the sunlight that streamed in through the windows— a gentle reminder that it was time to wake with the rest of the world. But really, Jack wanted nothing more than to stay in bed.
  Why worry, I’ve got everything I want right here: I’m retired, I live in a decent house, and I have my husband right he—
Jack suddenly realized that the bed was lacking a weight on the other side and he quickly fumbled around, feeling for what should be there.
In a moment of panic he threw off the covers, swung his legs over the bed, and stumbled out of the room.
  Where was Gabe?? Oh god, it’s Talon. They just can’t leave well enough alone, can they?
As he was running, Jack picked up a smell…. Somewhat fruity, a little spicy, and…. Was that coffee?
He slowed down and rounded the corner into the kitchen and found his husband standing there in front of the stove. A pitcher of orange juice was on the counter to his left and just to the right sat Gabriel’s favorite mug (it read: #1 Old Guy Love, Jesse) half full of coffee.
At the sound of strained breathing, Gabriel turned and found Jack nearly out of breath in the doorway. He put down his spatula and hurried to Jack’s side.
“Jackie, is everything alright?” Gabe fussed over Jack, trying to physically check for anything out of the ordinary.
Jack smiled to himself and let out a breathless chuckle.  Of course he’s here. There’s nowhere else he would be; Talon’s long gone, the war’s been over for 4 years.
He reached out and put a hand on Gabe’s shoulder reassuringly, “Yeah. Yeah, Gabi, everything’s fine. Just forgot is all….thought you were gone.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened and a look of concern washed over his features. “Oh. No, Jack. Jack I’m right here. Everything’s fine; was it the nightmares again?”
“Yeah. That’s what it was; I woke up and you weren’t there and I….” Jack paused and tears began welling up in the corners of his eyes, “I thought I had lost you again.”
Arms quickly wound around Jack as Gabriel hugged him as hard as he could. “Jackie,” Gabriel cooed, “I’m never going to leave. Ever.” He paused for a moment and laughed, “God, even if I wanted to I couldn’t. Stupid wraith form won’t let me anymore.”
It was with that statement that Jack snapped back to reality and really took inventory of Gabriel: his greying hair, supernatural powers waning, that feeling of contentment with domestic life that only comes with old age….and it wasn’t just Gabe, he was feeling it too. Sometimes he woke up with aching joints….the kind he always heard Reinhardt complaining about.
Here he was at 64 years old with his husband of two years, enjoying a normal domestic life. That’s something he certainly never thought would happen, but damn if he wasn’t grateful. Just the two of them in a small ranch house in the middle of nowhere California, warm enough all year to not have to worry about snow— even now, in December.
He looked at Gabriel, realizing he had spaced out again, and lifted his hand to Gabriel’s cheek.
“Hey, Gabe,” he said in his usual gruff voice, “you’re cute and I love you.” He couldn’t suppress a smile at the sound of his own words.
Gabe gave his husband a questioning look before smiling and leaning into the touch, covering Jack’s hand with his own.
“I don’t know if I’d use the word ‘cute’ to describe me but I love you too. Now, what do you say to some breakfast that’s probably slightly burnt on the bottom?”
Jack chuckled and straightened up. “Yeah, that sounds good. Sorry it’s a little burnt….I always manage to burn something don’t I? Even when I’m not the one cooking.”
While he walked over to the stove Gabriel smiled, remembering all the dishes that Jack had “spiced up” over the years— eventually he had become used to the taste of burnt food.
He found his pancakes quite a bit darker than he usually liked them and the few rashers of bacon were stiff. He sighed before turning back to Jack, who had already poured himself a glass of orange juice and set the table, and asked, “Do you want to have the plain pancakes or try one of the cayenne ones?”
Jack hummed, “Do we still have maple syrup?”
“Then I’ll try one of your….spicy pancakes,” he said with a hint of sarcasm. “I don’t see why you have to add something extra to something that's already perfectly good.”
Gabe set down a plate with two pancakes— that were more like crackers because of that extra cooking time— and cocked an eyebrow.
“Okay….maybe they’re not  perfect but I know they would have been!” Jack paused, looking for the syrup that would hopefully soften the pancakes enough to be able to eat without breaking his teeth on them. He was surprised when it suddenly appeared above him, dangling in front of his face. He smiled, “Thanks Gabi.”
“No problem, Jackie,” Gabriel replied while bringing over the bacon and his own plate of pancakes. “I still don’t understand how you drench everything in that syrup— it’s just sugar.”
Jack looked up from his now dripping plate, “Are you saying you never put sugar in your cereal when you were a kid?”
“Oh my god! That stuff was sweet enough, Jack!”
Jack just shrugged and dug into his food. “You’re missing out on something great, Gabi.”
Gabriel picked up a piece of bacon and part of it crumbled back onto the plate. He scoffed.
“Maybe you should use some of your maple syrup to help reconstitute this bacon while you’re at it.”
Jack’s brow raised and spoke around a mouthful of food, “Ooh! Gabi, you’re right. That’d be perfect.”
Horror struck Gabriel and he was quick to try and stop Jack from actually going ahead with that plan. “No wait! Jack! I was kidding please do not—”
It was too late, Jack had already picked up a piece off of Gabe’s plate and put it in the puddle of syrup. Gabriel just shuddered and continued eating his ashy food. A few bites in he smirked.  It’s still early enough, Jack’s not all the way awake yet….
“Aww, Jackie. Am I not sweet enough for you?”
Jack nearly spit out his juice. “What- I- No! Wait, yes!” Jack dropped his fork and buried his face in his hands and quickly picked his head up. “I mean….you’re enough. You’re good—”
“Jackie,” Gabriel laughed, “You know I was kidding, right? I just wanted to see if I could catch you off guard.”
“I….yeah I knew that! I’m just….not ready for words yet,” Jack said, eyeing the mug on Gabriel’s side of the table. There was only a little bit left in it but with the way Gabe brewed coffee it would probably be strong enough for a pick-me-up.
He flicked his gaze up to Gabe then back to the mug and snatched it up, Gabriel didn’t even get a chance to object before Jack had finished downing what was left in the mug. Jack cringed at the bitterness but grinned triumphantly as he put down the mug.
“Thanks for the coffee, babe. A little strong but I know you tried.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes at Jack’s antics. Even after all we’ve been through he’s never lost his sense of humor….Even when we were fighting each other the man had puns to throw at me!
“Hey, you gonna finish eating Lake Maple or what,” questioned Gabe, motioning to the half-eaten pancakes nearly floating in the plate.
“Well I was planning on it eventually, why? What’s your hurry?”
“Did you really forget what day it is,” Gabriel laughed. “It’s Christmas and it’s about to be noon, I want to give you your gift.”
“Oh, right! Then by all means-” said Jack just before he shoveled the rest of the syrup-coated pancake into his mouth, “-lead the way.”
Shaking his head, Gabriel stood up and walked out of the room with Jack in tow.
  Wait, present?! I don’t remember him going out to buy anything….we went Christmas shopping together last week and all of that was going to be shipped out to friends. We weren’t going to exchange gifts this year….What??
“Wait, Gabriel! I thought we said—”
Jack’s jaw almost dropped to the floor. Gabriel was standing at the door with it flung wide open, revealing all of their friends and comrades. Most of them had gone back home after the Crisis had ended, he didn’t think he would ever get to see all of them again, at least not in one place.
“And happy anniversary!” McCree stepped forward into the house with three mugs in his hands. Two of them read ‘Happy Anniversary’ and one read ‘#2 Old Guy Love, Jesse’. “Y’all have been together for a while now, I figured you should match.”
Everyone else started filing into the house, saying their ‘merry christmases’ and ‘happy anniversaries’, giving hugs, and catching each other up on how life had been. After a few minutes Gabriel pulled Jack off to the side.
“So, how do you like your gift, eh?” Gabe smiled.
Jack was positively glowing, he barely had words to even respond. “Gabi, this is…. How— how did you get everyone to come visit?”
“I told everyone that you wanted to see them. And just like that, everyone cleared their schedules and made it a point to come out here,” he explained. “They love you.  I  love you, Jack.”
He couldn’t hold it any longer, Jack hugged Gabe as hard as he possibly could and quietly sobbed, “Thank you, Gabriel.”
Gabe wrapped his arms around his husband and slowly rubbed his back. “You don’t have to cry, Jackie. We all wanted to do this for you.”
“I know….but it means a lot, you know? To see everyone here,” he croaked out.
Gabe pulled back to wipe a tear from Jack’s face. “You alright, now?”
Jack laughed, “Better than I was earlier.”
“Good,” Gabriel hummed, “So….where’s my present?”
Before Jack could start stammering, Gabriel pointed upwards. A small piece of mistletoe was taped to the doorway and Jack quickly got the message. He kissed Gabe with probably a little more force than he should have and they both teetered for a moment before they caught their balance. Gabe let a small bit of laughter rumble through his chest and Jack tried to keep from smiling so much so that his lips wouldn’t leave Gabe’s. After a few moments they broke apart and gazed into each other’s eyes, enjoying the warmth and love contained in them.
“I love you, but please….next time you use the entire bottle of maple syrup, brush your teeth afterward,” laughed Gabriel.
“Well it’s not like I had a whole lot of time,” Jack scoffed at him as the two made their way back into the living room to mingle with everyone else, thoroughly enjoying the holiday and each other’s company.
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Drawn by @mincylantern for @me-is-creepy
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Happy holidays @me-is-creepy! Say hi to sneaky Santa P: I really hope you enjoy your present, and that this is sweet enough to sate your need :]
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For Catchingadri
Written for @catchingadri by @torrinidae Available on AO3
The sun had already set and the window beside Jack’s desk had grown cold and dark, not that he had noticed. He labored away in front of the holoscreen: reviewing files, editing documents, and reading emails. His work was never done, even on Christmas Eve. Jack definitely didn’t know what time it was, but he figured it didn’t matter as long as he wasn’t working into Christmas.
He wasn’t sure when the front door to his office had opened, it only occurred to him that there was someone in his little work box when dark skin slid into view, a hand shoving the keyboard out of the way to sit large thighs on the desk.
Jack’s eyes traveled up red hot pants to a bare chest decorated with tinsel and garland beads. He snorted at the red glitter on that goatee and the matching glittered Santa hat. “Gabe, really?”
“Babe, you're missing out on the party.”
“Looks like it,” Jack agreed blandly before he went for the keyboard. Gabriel spread his leg out to block Jack from his goal.
Gabriel grinned, “you made me do this. I warned you.”
“Do wh-“
“I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need,” Gabriel started singing low and slow in his dark bass voice as he switched off the holoscreen. Jack’s face lit up bright red like Gabriel beard as the man continued, “I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree.
“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know.
Make my wish come true ooooo…”
Gabriel grinned as he slid himself into Jack’s lap, “All I want for Christmas is yoouuuuu.”
“Gabe, no, stop that,” Jack interrupted hurriedly as Gabriel tugged on his tie. Jack wanted to wipe that shit eating grin off his lips with his own just as much as with his knuckles.
“Okay fine, a different song then,” Gabriel breathed, and before Jack could stop him, he was singing yet again. “Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me.” The man spun, sitting across Jack’s lap and putting an arm around Jack’s neck.
“Been an awful good boy,” he accentuated his words with a boop to Jack’s nose
“Santa baby, so hurry down my chimney tonight,” he winked, purposefully messing up the lyrics.
“GABE!” Jack shoved at the man, who fell to the floor with a thunderous laughter.
“You should see your face cariño!”
Jack sat in his chair, red all over as Gabriel picked himself back up, leaving glitter on the floor. “Come on, it’s time to get out of here. You’ve been stuck in here all day. Join the party down stairs and then we can go out and grab a bite to eat. My treat?”
“You’re not going out dressed like that.”
“Am I?” He grinned, taking it as a challenge.
“Absolutely not, put a coat on. I don’t want to explain to Ana why your nipples froze off.”
After Gabriel washed the glitter out of his beard (with less success than he hoped) and got dressed, the two men ignored the holiday party flat out to walk out into the snow.
“What’s open late on Christmas eve?” Jack asked, eyeing Gabriel. The man shrugged and looped his arm with Jack’s, shoving his hand into his hoodie pocket. Jack blushed but pulled Gabriel’s arm close, anyway.
“I don’t know, but whatever we find is good enough for me. Besides I just like the excuse of stealing you away from everyone else,” Gabriel smiled as their boots crunched in the snow. Jack’s rosy cheeks heated up further as he turned his head, muttering something about Gabriel being ‘too sappy.’
Jack never had looked at the time, but he realized it was late enough that most shop lights were off and the streets had become empty. But that didn’t deter either of them; they were in a city and something was bound to be open, even on late Christmas Eve.
Eventually they stumbled across a hole-in-the-wall sandwich shop, where they ended up seated at the window with two hot sandwiches and two cold beers. They ate in silence, but there was something about the quiet that was warming and friendly. They didn’t need to fill the empty space with much more than the sound of chewing, the ambience of the shop, and the distant Christmas music playing on the radio in the back. It wasn’t until they had left and stepped out into the cold that they talked again.
“I guess you don’t have any plans for tomorrow either, huh?” Jack asked, looking at the streetlights. Gabriel shook his head and pulled his beanie lower to cover his ears. Jack hummed and smiled. “I wouldn’t mind spending Christmas in bed, maybe cuddling for warmth.”
Gabriel looked to Jack with a sly grin. “I suppose we would have to go out for chinos at some point, though.”
“Excuse me?” Jack raised an eyebrow, confused before Gabriel barked out a laugh.
“Chinese food, dummy.” Gabriel patted Jack on the back to calm down the bristled commander.  “Come on, it will be fun. Maybe we can see if there’s any store open right now and grab some stuff. We can pretend we gift wrapped each other slippers and socks and put up some lights around the room. Mood lighting of course,” Gabriel chuckled, Jack joining in as he pulled out his phone.
“That doesn’t sound half bad. I’ll check and see.”
A few hours later Jack and Gabriel made their way back to their tiny military-subsidized apartment with several bags. They hooked up the lights along the window and even put a tiny fake fur tree on the dresser.
They never bothered to ask each other why they didn’t take leave to see their families, or even if they were bummed out to be away from family for the holidays. Instead, they made it their own and relished in the company rather than moping.
There was nothing like waking up late in the morning on Christmas day with someone drooling on your shoulder. Sure it was kind of disgusting, but Jack thought it was endearing. Plus, the man was warm. They exchanged their gifts and drank coffee in bed and did absolutely nothing for the rest of the morning. The only thing that had brought the grinchy-grump out of Jack had been the realization that his shoulder was covered in a terrible red glitter.
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Drawn by OP for @prettyarbitrary
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Happy Holidays from grumpdads. Secret Santa for the amazing Reaper76 Discord!
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