redstarwriting · 1 month
me, summarizing ‘his girl’ for my best friend immediately after telling her my eddie munson fanfic idea who doesn’t have a tumblr but i always tell her my whacky stories i think up for input
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redstarwriting · 2 months
oh OBVIOUSLY we're doing this one let's GOOOOOOO
The first character I first fell in love with: 
James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, the Winter Soldier, White Wolf, the man the myth the legend
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Nebula baybee, never thought it would happen but i'd do anything for her idk
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
i hate to say it i really do but... Miguel O'Hara, you are cut off baby get out of my sight
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Captain Marvel, okay like i know the majority of people who dislike her dislike her because they're lowkey incels but Carol baby they could never make me hate you!! Shuri, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, all the women clowned on for not good reason are also included in this as well idc
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Star-Lord, i don't dislike him necessarily but idk, just not feeling him anymore. at least not like i used to
The character I would totally smooch: 
too many to list but top three: Bucky, Pietro Maximoff, and Valkyrie (honorable mention: Yelena Belova)
The character I’d want to be like: 
LOKI. i wanna be Loki so bad. either him or Wanda!
The character I’d slap: 
Ego. annoying ass bitch. also Star Fox. i love harry styles but Star Fox can Star Fuck Off
A pairing that I love:
A pairing that I despise:
it's not a canon pairing but the people shipping Shuri and Namor sent me into a tailspin like. Absolutely not. Also, not a big fan of the Black Widow and Hulk pairing, felt a little sloppy and like they felt like they needed romantic tension between two of the main Avengers idk
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redstarwriting · 2 months
found this while going through this account to transfer some stuff omg please i wanna do this LMAO
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with:  The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  The character I love that everyone else hates:  The character I used to love but don’t any longer: The character I would totally smooch:  The character I’d want to be like:  The character I’d slap:  A pairing that I love: A pairing that I despise: 
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redstarwriting · 2 months
hi friends!
new stardew update dropped which means i'm simply obsessed with it again (not like i'm ever not but anyways) and that means i want to write for it again because my brain only works in cycles of fixations, and with all of that being said...
i've decided to make a new blog!
as some of you know, i have a separate writing blog for anime and video games over on -- @shinsorokiri
while i'm keeping that blog up, my goal is to make it easier for myself lol and start a new blog under the umbrella of my main writing blog right here on redstarwriting! that being said, all of my other content is going to begin to be posted and moved to...
keep in mind it may be a while before i actually post on it since i want to move the majority of my posts from shinsorokiri over to it, but from this point on all of my video game, anime, cartoon, maybe even some other things writings will be on that blog!
thanks for everyone's continued support! you are all appreciated deeply 🖤
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redstarwriting · 4 months
The hate against the Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm cast should be studied bc ppl still can’t separate actors from characters
fr!! and even on top of that they didnt even necessarily hate the character at first until they started to hate the fact that he had so many fans that it got annoying!!
he quite literally became so popular that it became popular to dislike him for no valid reason
and tbh if that ain’t johnny storm material baby idk what is
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redstarwriting · 4 months
i miss being on here and talking to y’all :/
real life sucks sometimes and it makes it really hard for me to write, but i do have ideas and wanna come back. i just have to convince my brain i have time to sit and enjoy a hobby and that is unnecessarily hard to do sometimes 😭
i might even start posting just in general about marvel things because like, the fantastic four news REALLY got me hyped again :,) so fingers crossed my brain stops being a little bitch for once LMAO
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redstarwriting · 4 months
i personally started crying from excitement because i think that each of those actors can really nail the roles! i could be biased abt certain people but i am very very pleased with the casting and excited to see them on the big screen :,) also the fantastic four is very important to me and i’m excited to see doctor doom get brought into the mcu bc like… they gotta? right? its doom’s time to shine? this highkey made me feel a love for the mcu i haven’t in a while and i think thats beautiful
(oh also if the Thing doesn’t call Johnny Storm cousin at least once i will very upset)
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redstarwriting · 4 months
ok based off the results maybe someday i’ll post something else but for now i’ll stick with x readers! thank u all!
question for you all:
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redstarwriting · 5 months
side note i will never get over how many of you follow me and engage with me this got 10 votes in 5 minutes and idk thats WILD to me lmao
thank u all for ur support and love even when i’m not consistently present it does not go unappreciated 🥹🖤
question for you all:
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redstarwriting · 5 months
question for you all:
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redstarwriting · 7 months
listen i know i’ve been inactive and the absolute WORST but sometimes i just have to disappear to get the urge to write again
also, yes, i did finish spider man 2 for the ps5 (little known fact, venom is my absolute favorite character in ALL of marvel and realistically my actual spidersona is venom)
my hyperfixation has reached sky high levels again 😅
also i think something smart for the way my brain works is to write a lot before releasing, we’re gonna try a new method of posting — it may take longer and the posts may come in bursts, but i think it’ll work better and i won’t disappear off the fucking face of the earth again
anyways, hopefully my head is out of my ass and in a spider-man mask again and i can deliver some fics to all soon! 🖤
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redstarwriting · 10 months
i have tried to write something at least 14 times and nothing has been produced wtf
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redstarwriting · 10 months
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Really random but this is exactly how I imagined Shadow the cat to look like in your “The Clash” series
plz he’s the best character after Spider-Goth and Hobie 🤭
i agree hehehehehe🤭
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redstarwriting · 10 months
considering maybe starting a side blog where i write solely for eddie munson from stranger things and i’m not even kidding
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redstarwriting · 10 months
i swear i have ideas and i will write them and i will also write some requests but i’ve been swamped with ✨real life duties✨ recently
i have something with spider-goth and hobie started and as soon as i finish i will post! promise!
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redstarwriting · 11 months
feeling like a human again!!
after i see the barbie movie tomorrow and after work the next day y’all might get fed 🤭
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redstarwriting · 11 months
sorry for like disappearing, depression is a little bitch. i’m starting to feel a little bit more like myself, so maybe in a day or two i’ll be able to sit and write again
thank u all for ur support and patience, very appreciated🖤
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