reficu1 · 9 months
Heya! Can I get a match up if that's cool with you? I'm shooting for a male character from Danganronpa, V3 & GD specifically!
I'm an 5"11' Aries, ENFP demigirl who uses they/she/it pronouns and is also pansexual + asexual with autism & adhd. My personality can be summed up as energetic, creative, and selfless. I like making new friends and doing anything fun at any time I can. I can also be a bit chaotic at times (iykyk) and will sometimes cause mischief if the mood is right, but all for playful fun! Nothing serious.
I'm also very creative in terms of idea that I utilize in story writing, always building worlds and characters when the motivation and inspiration hits. As for selfless? I care a lot for my friends and I'm willing to do whatever I can to help them, even if its just listening to them while they vent.
Some of my hobbies include writing as I do it a lot whenever I have ideas, playing video games by myself or with friends, listening to music / watching videos, and sending memes to my friends every once in awhile. In terms of my interests, I love anything Halloween (like the holiday), Danganronpa, Astrology (in a way that counts Sailor Moon too) and so forth!
I hope this is enough info for you to work with, overall thank you for taking this match up request and I hope you have a wonderful day / night! :)
I match up for you...
Ryoma Hoshi.
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Maybe he has a depressive, unapproachable character. But Hoshi will support you and your mood. In relation to you, he will act as a more mature figure who will not hold you back as a parent, as you might think, but as a good listener and adviser. He will support you for all your ideas. Looking at your concern for your friends, he obviously doesn't want you to feel sorry for him or something like that, since he considers himself unworthy of this, but if you try hard, then after a while Hoshi will allow this and remain silent.
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Ibuki Mioda.
I'm sure Ibuki will catch your vibe and mood wave. She will approach your work with admiration, even if it is not related to music, she will be happy to join you, just to maintain any positive relationship with you. You have a complete identical relationship, but she won’t be able to help you with some problem, but she will try to give you moral support
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reficu1 · 1 year
hello i was wondering if i could get matched up (harry potter, male character)
im a girl, my prefered pronouns are she/they, INTP 9w1. the house i would be in is ravenclaw.
im filipino and chinese. im 5’2 and my skin is like a medium-light tone. i have black hair with curtain bangs and it goes a bit past my shoulder. i have brown eyes, theyre not dark but not light either, and i wear glasses that tend to stay at the tip of my nose. for my style, i wear a lot of sweaters or jackets, cropped shirts, and jeans with either converse or docs. i prefer dark, muted, or neutral tones over brighter colors. my style is kinda like the downtown girl aesthetic.
things i enjoy are reading, listening to music, playing video games, watching movies, and studying. my favorite books are schoolgirl by dazai osamu and our happy time by gong jiyeong. i dont read as much as i did before, but i do it here and there. ive been really interested in japanese literature and also manga, though, and ive always loved the works of dazai osamu and junji ito. i listen to music almost all the time since it sort of blocks out everything when it gets too loud. i wear my headphones even if im not listening to music since simply having it there kind of comforts me (i also have really bad sensory issues since im autistic. its not only with hearing but all of my senses in general). i listen to a variety of artists, but my favorites are laufey, mitski, lamp, tyler the creator, and childish gambino. besides listening to music, i also play the piano. i play a lot of video games, but its mainly genshin and osu, but i love horror and mystery games. its similar with movies, i love horror and psychological horror, mystery, and action. studying is what i enjoy the most even if it sounds odd. i love learning new things especially if its something im interested in.
personality-wise, im a very quiet and calm person, but im also very observant. i dont talk to a lot of people, but when i find someone interesting, i’ll most likely talk to them first. it also takes me a while to grow comfortable towards people depending on how they are. but once i get comfortable with someone, i become more talkative. i go on and on about what i find interesting and my passions. im also a good listener and im willing to listen to people ramble to me as much as i do to them. im open with my friends venting to me and i tend to only listen since im not the best at comforting people, but if they need it, then id try my best to comfort them. i have a really difficult time expressing emotions. i wouldnt call myself emotionless, i feel a lot of emotions to the point where it can be overwhelming for me sometimes, but expressing them it very awkward for me. im intelligent and i love all kinds of science (its my hyperfixation), but i despise english and history. im not bad at either of them, i just dont find them at all interesting.
just random facts abt me: i have the worst memory its actually concerning, im the youngest in my family i have two older siblings (a sister who im extremely close with and a brother), i love animals especially cats, i love the sky and i always take pictures of it.
(also dont know if this was necessary but just wanted to add it: stargazing, cafe, museum, park/flower garden, or study/library (except we wouldnt get anything done and we’re just in our own world) dates are my fav and my love language is acts of service!)
SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO MUCH HAHA but thank you so so much if you actually respond to this! i hope you have a wonderful day/night!
I match up for you...
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Ron Weasley. And I'm talking about Ron from the book, because in the film he is shown as a coward, stupid, weak and only likes to eat. But in the original, Ron is quite smart, he has a lot of "beyond expectations". Yes, he lacks perseverance. Ron has a strategic mind, if you remember his interest in chess. But damn, his game didn’t end with a checkmate, it was a check and the enemy could be blocked by a queen_._._ Your love of reading and studying didn’t bother him, he would probably sit next to you and listen to you if you want to discuss something, otherwise as he has many older siblings, he has a lot of experience that they passed on to him. But because of them, he would be less likely to express his thoughts or knowledge. Ron is very insecure, due to the fact that his mother always set only the older ones as an example, and Ron is the only younger one. But every year the guy learned from his mistakes and admitted them! This is a wonderful quality in people, it helps us to improve ourselves.
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reficu1 · 1 year
hello, can i request a matchup for bsd and/or genshin? i am omni but would prefer male matchups <3
i'm an aries, INTJ and 4w5, and I'm sadly short. I am a chorus and theater kid, so I really enjoy music and singing. i also have massive mood swings and ADHD 💀💀, I'll cry if someone raises their voice at me lmao. i would say when you first meet me, i am an introvert who doesn't like to talk, but then once you really get to know me i am very extroverted and clingy. i also am really smart (book-smart , NOT street-smart) and love classic literature.
my love language, i'd say, is words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time. i also get flustered really easily.
i hope that's enough info lol </3 and i understand if you aren't able to answer. have a lovely day/night, author!
I match up for you...
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Kenji Miyazawa. His most characteristic feature of manner is heightened emotionality. He understands the mood of people around him only because of their body language, so he tries to support the other. When the situation is very dire, Kenji still keeps a smile on his face. A very strange reaction. Rather, it's because his family bullied Kenji and told him to be accommodating and expected him to be helpful. Therefore, it would be very comfortable for you. Kenji will not force you to open up to him, he has such energy that you want to communicate with him.
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Venti. He has a lively atmosphere, so he seems to be very sociable and friendly. Of course, this is a place to be, but he also needs time to rest from communication, this time is clearly used to create more texts for his performance. Therefore, in a hobby, you definitely converge. About your "shell" while meeting new people. Venti doesn't want you to make you trust him. Therefore, it gradually creeps into your daily life, as if it has always been here. His method is "let it be what will be". He would like to accustom you to this, so that you are more alive and freer in your abilities.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hellooo, could I get a matchup with a genshin character?
My online alias is Vivi, 19 and I'm pansexual with a lean towards women but guys are cool too (SPECIFICALLY pretty guys, not handsome, pretty guys)
I enjoy painting, drawing and writing. I only recently picked up painting but its starting to grow on me, I've been drawing every since I was 12 as a hobby and to go with it was writing. I have ADHD so my thoughts are reaaally messy and every sentence I write down in my brain Im already 10 sentences ahead lol. Writing is mostly what I do now these days, no exact story cuz i mostly write the technical details of the world i built in my mind. Worldbuilding is one of the things i love to do. I draw my ocs after i get a good thought of how they look and have painted a few paintings. (Got a few paintings on my wall, but a ton of drawings) Im learning the guitar cuz i want to write a song about EACH of my ocs, its a really strong urge. For dislikes, probably bugs and people who are the pick me kind of extrovert. Another thing i dislike is people who yell alot, but its kinda hypocritical since I raise my voice involuntarily when im excited Thankyou in advance, have a good time writing <3
I match up for you...
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Yae Miko. It would all start with the fact that you were recruited to work with her publication. She sees well the prospects of new ideas and projects. Therefore, she is interested in everything in order to find something unique. For Miko, you have an extraordinary approach to your hobby and work. And with the fact that your thoughts run ahead of you and you are ready to follow them. Yae Miko would see you more often than other writers, listening to your ideas. Yes, it is really difficult to get close to her because of her sharp remarks and postirony, but still it is part of her personality. But she needs care for the last century, will be indulgent, as she is to you with her jokes.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hi! I came for the genshin impact matchups if that's still available!
I go by demi and I'm non-binary (she/they) panromantic/Demisexual.
My Zodiac is Gemini-cancer cusp and my MBTI type is INFP-T
Likes: Cats, sweets (more sour sweets like warheads) Drawing, speculating over media, walking, and playing video games!
dislikes: Tomatoes, geese, most sunlight (light sensitivity issues), and stairs. fuck stairs.
hobbies: drawing, video games, collecting video games, and cooking!
personality: Talkative, dumb of ass thicc of heart, loud (rip i lost my volume control button) Can sometimes be a brat but mostly compromisable and willing to talk, and I'm pretty open-minded and very accepting. and a verified villain fucker (it's self proclaimed but wedontneedtotalkaboutthat)
Not ENTIRELY sure what else to put here so I'll leave it as this.
TYSM for doing these they're really sweet! make sure you take care and don't overdo it, please!
I match up for you...
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Heizou. He assesses relations by the degree of their democracy. That is, the less formalities and ceremonies, the better for him. Therefore, the more mundane the dialogue, the more your talkativeness will definitely be supported. When I was looking at other candidates, Heizou is not tied to one place for long with his profession, so the walks would be quite frequent if they do not become a routine for the two of you. He is like a seeker in his spare time trying to learn something new, but this something has no real value in the real world. Just for general development. Since Heizou himself is a "villain", he asked you some stupid, but actually philosophical question as a joke. He would love to put you in a stupor.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hello,@keikokogi I remember about your match up ^.^
I match up for you...
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Kaito Momota. I again chose for you a more extroverted person than you. His violent reaction, his active persona will definitely keep you awake. Don't like to get up early? Weeell, imagine a comical anime scene where someone drags a sleeping person out of bed by the leg. No matter which of your "moods" meets Kaito, he will easily adapt to you. He feels the alignment of forces well. He quickly catches who is strong, who is weak, who needs support, and who does not. Therefore, he would like to support your chaotic mood more, since you look happier and more alive. And this is the best response or gift to his actions for you.
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reficu1 · 1 year
hiiii ^^ was wondering if I could have a matchup for genshin?
name: Periwinkle or just Peri but i also go by quin sometimes
sexuality: bi with a preference for guys
gender: non-binary, they/them
likes: music, art, true crime, animals but especially sea creatures, makeup, fashion, the cold, dark psychology, night, horror movies an books, gore, monsters <3, tropical fruits, icecream, sleeping, giving gifts, snow, thunderstorms, nature, and dinosaurs lmao.
dislikes: rules, anyone super serious reminds me of my m o m lmao, people who interrupt others, sports, heat, people touching my sides without warning me first, people not paying attention to me when i talk, people who always hold a pity party for themselves as their whole personality, koalas, and people who think they have it worse than you.
hobbies: singing, poetry, painting, sketching, writing, cooking, crocheting, bike riding while listening to music, swimming, video games like (skyrim, minecraft, botw, subnautica)
personality: INFP-A. a lot of people say i seem intimidating at first glance, i'm very aggressive and tend to be very loud by nature yet not very energetic if that makes sense. i talk too loud basically lmao. im socially awkward and try to make people too comfy too quick and tend to overshare. my mood changes rapidly due to being a borderline. I have a very happy personality tho and laugh at so much its ridiculous yet im diagnosed with multiple mental disorders. im really lazy and hate even standing for more than 5 mins mainly cuz my whole body always hurts tho lmao. im quite introverted and unless i HAVE to i hate going out and meeting new people. i isolate myself a lot if i get even slightly mad or sad. i have a lot of self-destructive habits and just dont work on them lmao. i talk a lot about things i like. i have bad trust and attachment issues yet i dont completely trust anyone due to past issues. a lot of people ik say im someone very trustworthy since i can keep secrets and know how to stay loyal and help people when they need to vent. im very blunt to the point it has ruined relationships. i try to watch my speaking due to having grown up in an environment where if i said anything wrong id be screamed at or beat so i tend not to say a lot of things im thinking despite being blunt. i can barely speak up for myself if someone is mad at me for fear of them hating me or leaving me, to the point if i stand up for myself i start crying and shaking and have to leave the room. i have really bad issues with self-harm. i have a very short attention span and get distracted super easy t the point i can barely read properly lmao. im really hypersexual at times and then sex repulsed at other times. i have an obsessive personality and if i find anything i like i surround myself with it as much as i can and if not, im daydreaming abt it. i have a thing for correcting people abt anything ik a lot about. i have a thing for loving anyone, whether real or fake, that's usually unliked whether its for being weird, scary, or ugly in any form. so basically i love the unloveable cuz i understand them. i cuss a l o t lmao. im very clumsy and jumpy at all times lmao i get hurt a lot, randoms bruises everywhere. i find comfort in my depression so i dont plan on getting better but im not suicidal. im the type of person to be like "huh?" even tho i heard you loud and clear.
insecurities: my body. i'm overweight for my height and have really defined curves so i get oversexualized a lot so i hate my body, plus my scars do n o t help. ive been told my whole life by my grandma and my cousins that im only good for my body so yeah. the way i get obsessed with things and people so easily. the fact im very poor and currently am homeless along with my parents lmao. the way i look for bad in anyone i like becuz i dont want to let myself love ever again. how i dont want to get better at all, i just wanna stew in my shit lmaoooo. the way i eat really unhealthily. how when i would cry as a child my family would say i was being dramatic so now when i need to cry i gaslight myself into thinking im being cringe. the way i try to seem a bit cooler than i am in front of people online. my impulsive lying (im working on it with my therapist tho so i barely do anymore compared to before). My taste in people. my fashion sense cuz of my mom. the way im agnostic now since i grew up religious. my darker interests. my boyish personality. how i cant keep anything around me clean for more than two days.
I hope you have a great night/day ^^
Oh, it's sad how similar we are. I hope that in the future you will get rid of people who make you uncomfortable, or your parents will change their parenting methods. Although the scars on the body and on the nervous system will remain.
I match up for you...
Okay, it was difficult. I chose between two characters whose 7 is dominant in the enneagram, because of this they avoid their problems _(._.)_well...
I wanted to choose Venti, but he has huge problems with responsibility or absence. He is used to drowning out moral pain with optimism, conversations, and a penchant for bad habits. And a pretty sloppy attitude.
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That's why I chose Child. Of course, I don’t know what will happen in the future and whether you want to have a family, so I will talk about his family in Snezhnaya. For the comfort of his family, he will do everything. Just look at his spoiled younger brother<^!^> Of course, the "lie" question bothers me. In his case, it is rather "a lie for the good" and "a wolf in sheep's clothing." The first is for the family so that they do not worry, and the other for his work. I talked earlier about avoiding reality or problems. Tartaglia has a tendency to avoid real issues that only concern his life and injuries. In conversation, he avoids the question by making a joke out of it, so as not to begin to study himself deeply. Since you don't really like touch, I see that his love language is deeds, gifts, money.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hello, you are still making match up?
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reficu1 · 1 year
While I wrote match up. And inadvertently came to the conclusion that she would not date with my double. It would have ended with me strangling her or she me. Or a duel on the gallows staged. god my idiotic humor
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hi! Can I please get a matchup for Harry Potter? I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her
Physical description - I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I have a fair skin tone, I'm slim and I've got full lips and slight dark circles under my eyes. I wear glasses and I have broad shoulders. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I think my aesthetic is dark academia with a little bit of 90s mixed in?
Hobbies/likes - I love reading, my favorite genres are poetry, Russian lit, and mysteries! I also love true crime very much. I love learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything, I'm very interested in psychology, history, mythology and folklore, and fashion! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I listen to a lot of modern/indie rock and I love watching psychological thrillers and romcoms.
Personality description - It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I sometimes struggle with the hardwork and conviction needed to get there though, and I'm deathly afraid of failure and disappointing the people I love. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I also daydream a lot and I can get lost in my own world for hours. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn and distant at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. My love languages are acts of service and quality time. I'm an infp and my enneagram is 4w3
Thank you very much <3 I hope you have a lovely day       
I also love Russian literature, especially the classics of the Golden Age. Dostoevsky, Gogol, Lermontov. Indeed, in their works, the cruel reality was presented even darker.
I match up for you...
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George Weasley. Of two different twins, I chose him. Since he is less active than his brother, he always continues his jokes. Of course, they are very close, so the three of you will hang out at recess. Therefore, your interest in a fun pastime will definitely be supported by the two of them. Due to the overflow of energy, there would be meetings / dates full of playful flirting under fun spells. I am sure that until the death of one of the brothers, your role as "friend-therapist" will not be needed here, rather you can become their patient, if such an opportunity arises. But another conversation, after death. Weasley could clearly have Gemini syndrome, so the loss is very hard to bear. In most cases, these two points would get in the way of a personal life, so if you were with him from the very beginning, you would be more likely to accept your role as "therapist".
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hi can I get a matchup with a genshin character?
My name's is Kira. I'm bi, so dude or lady would be good.
I'm a Cusp, leaning more towards cancer these days (I'm also a Gemini, so take outta that what you will lol). I think my moon is a Sagittarius.
I'm into a lotta things, I guess? I like to try new things: I really enjoy exploring teyvat in genshin and recently I've gotten into the TCG. It's kinda addicting. I'm kinda analytical, like whole spreadsheet for my units in genshin and stuff. Data collection calms me, I guess? I like to learn about a lot of different things.
As for dislikes, I don't really care for kids, especially people trying to push me to spend time with them or telling me I'll change my mind and have them. Like, eww. I'd rather hang out with animals. not a fan of bullying or inequality either.
Hope this helps!
I match up for you...
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Faruzan. I am sure that the relationship with her is a relationship of revision. It would all start with recruiting you as an apprentice, as data gathering is a practice that calms you and your analytical mind. Therefore, Faruzan would definitely take you on an expedition with her. There are a lot of unsolved secrets in Teyvat, which are not all connected with ancient languages, so the two of you could raise the level of your knowledge. The girl would not be strict, it can be seen in her statements about Tighnari and Collei, where she does not understand his strictness towards the student, so Faruzan will make your adventure comfortable, interesting and exciting.
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reficu1 · 1 year
hi :p for matchups, i hope this okieee <3 genshin and bsd
my names kuro, no gender preference. im gender-fluid, i look like a cute girl and a cute boy depending on how i want haha. im INTP, depends on day. also virgo.
like idols, skincare, vampires (im vampirekin/i am one), cats (i love taking care of them and cats usually nice to me since i know how best to approach them). love music (gothic rock, neoclassical dark wave, breakcore, experimental rock, ec). love fashion aLOT, im very very into vkei, lolita/ouji and gyaru (i usually dress in kogyaru fashion). love night-time and wandering streets at night, especially in cities where its active and people are around. good food (rare beef, curry, mooncakes, mantou, castella, manju). would have cat ears and tail if i could.
dislike dogs 👎 scared of them. being center of attention (i prefer to watch people than be watched by others). dirt (including messy people). people who are very loud and annoying. birds, anything gross or violent. i dislike fashion styles i wouldnt wear.
hobbies include designing clothes, sewing, listening to music, baking, attending festivals, interior design.
personality: i prefer to listen to others than talk, but depending on who/topic i can speak for hours and hours. relaxed mainly, i dont like being energetic or loud/fastpaced. very picky with food/texture/fashion/literally everything. i comes off weird/scary to a lot of people but it doesnt bother me, its nice. can be a little lazy, i let people do first move. prefer doing things my way, and isolate from others a bit. very careful with how i look.
insecurities: not many, wish i was taller (162cm). dont want to gain weight (in the 40's of kg). i guess maybe how pale i am but im sensitive to sun so i cant help it.
thank chuuuuu
I match up for you...
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Xinyan. I think you would agree on your best interests for sure! Of course, you may not be a songwriter, the main thing is that you share her hobby, for which she was offended in her childhood. Of course, now there are no problems with the recognition of her work, but still. She is so full of energy that she would take you with her to her concerts or other festivals. Imagine how one day Xinyan gathers all his friends from Líyuè, you are asked to design clothes for the guys and ideas for the interior of the festival. In such preparation for the event, there is work for everyone, and everyone would help each other. I want to note right away that Xinyan has a violent reaction, and you mentioned that you don’t like loud people, but based on her manner of communication, I can say that she strives to evoke positive emotions and comfort in people in the company. In the circle of close friends, she does not entertain them, she maintains a kind and cheerful atmosphere. Yes, that's why at first you did not immediately consider each other.
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Koyo Ozaki. I want to say right away that in the works of bsd I try to be realistic and work with character analyzes, so they can be preyedat by negativism. Her manner of communication includes pathos and a dramatic and stormy character. She has a beautiful speech and can use metaphors well. "A flower grown in darkness will not survive on the side of light." I'm sure she would try to do whatever you want. But Koyo does not have a wasted maternal instinct (sorry that I use this incorrect term), so she would take the position of an auditor who would watch you, and Koyo is one of those parents who are convinced that they know better how their child lives and what to choose. BUT! You can consider your interaction after Koyo's conversation with Dazai, then she reconsidered her attitude towards you and it would already be more like a healthy relationship. Of course, she would continue to follow you, give in, help, indulge. It's just that it's all part of the consequences of her psychological trauma. She wouldn't want to lose you.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Mashup tiimmmeee just because I’m lazy as fuck
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Name - “Echo” or “nick” mostly since it’s gender neutral but it changes when I feel feminine or masculine 
Gender identity - questing but it/its gender or Demigender
Sexuality - pansexual,greyromantic+greysexual (under aroace),possible polyamorous
Dislike - going out too much,talking while being looked at,
Likes - biology sooo nature and animals??,being on the internet,doing my studies
Hobbies - writing,drawing,gaming,editing,eating,watching stuff?,reading
Personality - lazy perfectionist,emotion yet someone emotionless???,funny,caring,sometimes aggressive with my jokes??,can’t say no easily,nag others,not that open,and literally forgets to take care of myself
Insecurities - chest and face(most of the time I just cover it up)
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I match up for you...
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Lisa. Based on your description, I would even choose her as your kinn. You mentioned that you don't like to walk too much, Lisa doesn't leave the Favonius building too much either, as she is "busy" in the library. You can have a good dialogue with the exchange of information that is new to you from your field. Since she herself goes out on business, she will definitely take you with her to a restaurant for a delicious meal, and then go outside the walls of Monstad for your further training. Lisa is a good speaker, she may not show it, but she is, she usually spends it on cute remarks about how good or cute someone looks or behaves. Therefore, in her manner it will be to say a playful compliment about your insecurity, even if she did not see them, Lisa is not stupid and understands that you are not comfortable, so she will try to save you from embarrassment and excitement in this matter. But that doesn't mean she won't tease you in other areas. And you wrote that sometimes your humor is aggressive, so you can answer her. She won't take it to heart, maybe put her hands on her breasts dramatically, and continue the battle of jokes.
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reficu1 · 1 year
I mentioned that I will write about mbti without stereotypes, at least I tried.To do this, I used my experience of communication and observation with socionics.
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INTJ. This is a stubborn and self-sufficient researcher. I want to note that the image of a VERY smart nerd for INTJ is really a stereotype. Since INTJ have an alpha quadra (this is a value or a mission). And in this value, everyone is jolly guys. But the exception is the strict upbringing of the INTJ. Do an INTJ do something for the soul or out of curiosity, so is it useful or profitable? Or not? INTJ don't ask such questions. Yes, they are inquisitive and expand their horizons. Therefore, this type of personality can often change their hobbies and interests. Also, INTJs do not like competition, as it takes a lot of strength and energy, so they don’t need conflict for the sake of conflict and negative emotions. But they can say what they see to their face. straightness.
INTP. They avoid a lot of emotions, so they use their logic. Therefore, if they need to leave, they will simply say that they have business and INTP will leave. INTPs have a complex relationship with emotions, so they cannot sense or anticipate other people's emotions. Because of this, when INTP plans something, it may not take into account the opinions of other people, so INTP may begin to be considered "selfish". INTP is a critic and a negativist. Usually they will come up with something, even something that is not there, and will worry or hate it.
ENTJ. Straightforward and logical people. But is naive in relationships. Yes, they know their business well or how to get something quickly and easily, but do not understand the psychological impact. Over the course of a lifetime, an ENTJ can collect a large number of templates and use them for a lifetime. So if someone in the ENTJ's social circle behaves differently, it will take them by surprise. But he will try to solve the problem. ENTJ only look at the actions that are directed at them, so if you say one thing but do another, the conclusion will be from the actions.
ENTP. They love to joke immorally. Call someone an idiot. It's all ENTP style. Since people do not like to use pain blocks, and for ENTPs this is the ethics of relationships. They don't like the topic of relationships. Since this makes him plunge into the analysis of their own actions in relation to other people. ENTP see the world through a wide range of ideas and opportunities. Therefore, we live once and do everything that interests us, what if the sign "dangerous" is lying?
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ENFJ. Feel the emotions of others very well. Even rather shades of human behavior. They see well the bad that is customary to hide in society. This happens unconsciously when trying to bring a person into conflict and analyze how the other person will act. Therefore, the ENFJ is like a dog in an airport looking for a criminal. ENFJ do not want to judge anyone, but will only say what is necessary to the face. ENFJ believe if you are their friend, then act like a friend, but if you make a mistake, then it is fatal.
INFP. This type is immersed in his inner world and fixated on the present time inside their fantasies. It can be noted that INFPs do not want to take money for their work, especially if it is a hobby. They can easily obstragirovatsya and believe in the best. Freedom is very important to them, but order is needed, as they can quickly relax and lose energy while lying on the couch. Routine work is slavery, so if there is no freedom in life, then there is no INFP in life. Because of this, memes about suicide appeared.
INFJ. The most comfortable. Usually INFJ inspires confidence in other people, as this type of personality finds its own individual approach to everyone, to share revelations. Attuned to changes in interpersonal relationships. Usually INFJ is a mirror, INFJ seem to be trying on someone else's image. Due to global thinking and emphasis on the ethical component, INFJ divide people into groups. Often they try to resolve the conflict quickly or not even start. Therefore, it is easier for them to forget or forgive the person who told them rudeness.
ENFP. Easily maintains friendly relations, especially if it brings a lot of positive and interesting events. But ENFP will not communicate with someone else, as this is a very reasonable type of personality. But on an intuitive level, the ENFP know if this person is theirs or not. Only at close range can one recognize this positive person as a rational person. Thinks ENFP very spontaneously from one thought to another.
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ISTJ. They look at the world through his logic, so if you don't like their logic, you can leave. Therefore, the ISTJ is very picky about people so that other people are close to their opinion and logic. The longer the relationship with the ISTJ, then more rules may appear, but it depends on the upbringing. It can be noted that since childhood, ISTJ set its own rules. And in order to bring them back from heaven to earth, others need to throw a tantrum. An ISTJ can become bored in a relationship with a calm person.
ISFJ. They usually want to know more so that nothing bad happens. But at the same time, ESFJs are afraid of the new and the unknown. Therefore, this type is inherently suspicious. Unlike ENTJ, ISFJ draw conclusions from words, not from actions. Trying to change someone. This type of personality is not conflict, but if a quarrel have already occurred, then he will begin to lecture. It is also important for ISFJs to have a plan and understanding of their future. And ISFJs are very loyal friends, and it is difficult for them to part with a person if they have a lot of memories.
ESTJ. They are always ready to meet the problem face to face. A very tense personality type. Because of this, ESTJs can get busy and work hard, which is why they can be called a "robot" and it's normal for ESTJs to forget about their condition. If some kind of chaos is going on around them, then ESTJ is cut off and continues to work. Therefore, at work, the ESTJ do not pretend to work.
ESFJ. They spend a lot of his energy on communication. Who sees what alone and sees who, who is. Able to compare and draw conclusions from this. ESFJ switch between modes, so if they have moved home, it will be difficult to get them outside. Any changes or innovations stress the ESFJ. There is a distinctive feature of the ESFJ "If something helped me, then it will help you too" or "It's delicious, so it will be delicious for you too." And if someone wants to prove that it doesn't work that way, it will be very difficult.
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ISFP. Their stereotypical positive attitude has a place to be. An emotion-driven personality type, meaning if an ISFP is in a good mood, they will go out and buy something to please themselves. ISFP will not look at their financial condition, if they have enough money for some kind of purchase, they will take it. ISFPs are masters of emotions, so they can help other people and fix their emotional state for better or worse.
ESFP. The type of people who do first, think later. And if because of this they did something bad, they do not find a place for themselves and there is no forgiveness for themselves. They try to gather everyone and chat everyone. Also, ESFP believe that they should do everything perfectly, and then get praise. Often they believe that they are doing their job better than anyone else, and more often this is self-deception. If you point out that their work is nothing, then congratulations ESFP think you're an idiot. And if ESFPs like you, it shows in the way they listen to you, then talk about themselves, even admitting their shortcomings.
ISTP. Bring in the soul, but not in words. Therefore, ISTP will not say something beautiful and poetic, but this type of person tries to do and show his feelings by this. They put their soul and feelings into their actions. ISTP see problems and do not idealize others. If you don't like something, you say it straight to your face. It can also be noted that ISTPs have a "creative" clutter that they don't notice. But in chaos, they always find everything they need, but if they get tired of this dump, they can take it apart. A very picky personality type, as convenience is important to them.
ESTP. When they want something, they always try to achieve it through participation in all events and ESTP take responsibility for the "parties". ESTP can always make logical arguments in their favor. And if ESTP don't get what they want because of some other person, then that other person may look stupid, because ESTP's arguments are ironclad. Can often tell others what to do so that the result is faster and better. But this is not out of malice, and if his actions lead to hatred towards the ESTP, it can drive them into a corner and lower their social activity.
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reficu1 · 1 year
hi!! can i please get a matchup for bsd and genshin impact?
name: nini
sexuality: bisexual! no pref
gender: she/her, cis
likes: animals, soft and cute things, fruit, makeup, smiling at strangers, iced drinks, scary movies, fuzzy blankets, and horror movies!
dislikes: bugs (they scare me) & tomatoes
hobbies: yoga, gardening, skating, baking, going for walks, reading, and doodling!
personality: im an esfj and a cancer! i’m fairly my bubbly, optimistic, and sensitive. i also seem to act a lot nicer and happier than i actually am, i don’t really like big crowds or lots of people and i tend to take a little while to really open up to people. in spite of that i’m still really physically affectionate with everyone.
insecurities: i tend to really put up a front and not allow people to get close or actually know me, i don’t want anyone to really hurt me at all so i avoid that hehe!!
please & thank you :)
I match up for you...
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Kamisato Ayaka. As far as I can tell, if you don't want to let people get too close, so I guess there will be small talk at the beginning of the introduction, which Ayaka can carry on very easily. It is usually assumed that the “church” voice is extinguished by a cheerful mood, but the girl herself is absolutely not against joking, she definitely catches the note on which communication with her begins. I want to note that your relationship can never be businesslike, so some of the manipulativeness that is inherent in Ayaka in her "work" will not affect you. But that way, it certainly won't alienate you or anyone else. She is ready to wait as long as she wants and listen until you calm down.
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hi! Happy holidays <3
Do you take requests for stranger things or Harry Potter?
hi, can i write about harry potter
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hello! I would like to request a Genshin Match-Up if it would be no trouble! (My apologies in advance for the long read, feel free to ignore this if it proves too troubling)
Name - Alex
Sexuality - Currently Unlabeled (though I believe I have a preference for men? Ultimately gender doesn't matter to me, though I might also be Aspec?)
Gender - Unlabeled, He/They
Likes - Good music (regardless of genre), the sky, respectful/in-depth conversation, character/cinematic analysis, bouncing off of someone else's energy nicely, sources of light and color (say if its visually appealing in regards to lighting and color then my attention can be caught pretty easily), essentially shiny things I guess? (say in forms of accessories, utensils, weaponry, ect)
Dislikes - My loved ones being mistreated, being talked over and never being allowed to get a word in socially, uncomfortable textures/stimuli, lack of communication, moths (yes this is specific, I know.)
Hobbies - Dancing (not publicly), listening to music, writing, cooking, taking quizzes as a way of learning about myself as well as a way of indulging in interests of mine
Personality - I am an INFP-T (though pretty close to being INTP-T), I'm often regarded as wise and/or an intellectual but there are times where that dips and I can come across as a little dumb or slow, it can be situational and it may depend on who you ask. I have been told by several people that they feel comfortable in my presence and that they trust me more than anyone else (in regards to vulnerability for who they truly are instead of the face they put up for others or in that they trust that I'll be honest and that I won't leave them, in the case that they fear abandonment); though I have learned as of this year that I actually come across as intimidating at first (to some at least) and there have been people who have assumed more negative things of me only for said assumptions to later be clarified as incorrect. I am often regarded as calm and quiet more than I actually would think I would be, but overall I am seen as both loud and quiet in a way, its moreso situational I guess. Personally I assume I talk more than I should, especially about myself or things I like to a bothersome extent or I just am straight up too blunt or impulsive with my speech, though I can also see why I would be regarded as quiet as I can have long periods of such to where I'm practically a ghost socially. I do my best to accommodate for others, providing them a comfortable atmosphere and I can be very attentive to others when it comes to there being a dip in their mood, thus I do my best to help them if they so wish (though if they need a respectful distance and some alone time then I'll respect it). I do however have a record of saying concerning things in a casual manner due to my morbid thinking or desensitization to certain things. On a lighter note compared to that though, I have been regarded as witty and very sassy. I am also prone for being petty and spiteful but mainly really out of humor or messing around with people who know me well enough. Speaking of people knowing me well enough, while I may be regarded as observant by some, I actually can be pretty dense socially sometimes as my level of observation had to be actively developed whereas naturally I am prone for missing social cues, so it can be situational, but I will say that someone needs to actively tell me how they percieve me (say as a friend or other) because otherwise I will just assume I am regarded as an acquaintance even if there's consistent/active interaction. It has surprised many people when I've asked for clarification on if we're friends or not because they had assumed us being friends was already established I guess. Once we are established as friends though, I can be rather protective and clingy (though I can also have long periods of social absence/quiet). I have also learned that I am more sentimental than I had first assumed as it is hard for me to let things go and if you give me just about anything as a gift of sorts, I will likely keep it regardless of what it is even though I am not the best at actually giving or accepting gifts as expectations on both ends can overwhelm me and stress me out and I feel bad if I cannot meet those expectations (whether it be giving the right gift or giving an enthusiastic and grateful response, I'm actually quite awkward about it but I have been working on it over time). Also when it comes to interests, if you express you're interested in something I will probably fixate on supporting you on said interest (so long as its not harmful to anybody), I'll learn as much as I can about it so you're free to talk about it to/with me at any time and I'll give you a lot of content related to it (though I do feel like I push it and I delve a little too hard into it), I'll basically do anything I can to understand what it is you like (as my way of connecting socially I guess because I feel I often struggle otherwise).
Insecurities - My trust issues, that I'm either too little or too much to the point of driving other people away, my indecisiveness, my personal interests, how I am a picky eater and very particular about sensory related issues (mainly in regards to food/drinks and clothing) as it makes me feel demanding/high maintenance when I don't intend to be (and no I do not regard others in the same way, I just am a hypocrite in favor of being harder on myself than necessary though I know I probably shouldn't, I have been working on doing cutting myself more slack), my social skills, being unable to meet expectations as some people (in my opinion) expect/think too highly of me, my appearance (I have been working on this though in regards to being more positive about myself), how stiff I can be about leaving my comfort zone (also have been working on this), how there are times I can be argumentative and I may push/carry a subject for longer than its worth (I actually really dislike conflict, I think I just push it because I fear miscommunication as well as me personally not being heard or regarded seriously. In the end I do try to just find a level ground of understanding rather than ultimately trying to be right over someone else though it may not always come across as that way), how while I have been regarded as opinionated, I actually struggle a lot with expressing my opinion as I either fear judgement or negatively effecting others, how I can either be too emotional or too apathetic sometimes (it can lead to inappropriate emotional responses to things sometimes) and finally, my perfectionism.
And that should be it, again I apologize for the assumable long read as well as any redundancies! Try not to stress yourself out on my account and with that I hope you have a lovely day/night!
Hi, Alex, thanks for the details. They helped in the selection of the character. But I want to note about the type of personality. I'm more inclined to the fact that you are an INTP. Maybe even today I will post an analysis of each type of personality without a stereotype (at least I will try)
I match up for you...
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Arataki Itto. This is a relationship of complete complementarity. Because of your sensory experience, which is your insecurity. You try to develop your "least advanced functions" by spending a lot of effort on it, after which a person with your sensory skills usually tries to demonstrate the results. This can usually lead other people to think you're pretty smart or good in some area, which can lead to misunderstandings and high expectations. But Itto can fence itself off from any unwanted influences. Of course, such an artistic person will also demonstrate his abilities, but if he wants, he will fulfill the "condition" or "task". But since we are looking at your relationship, it is clearly seen that Itto person who would support you in your "self-development" and other hobbies even join! But if people want to put you in charge or some other "role" that you "should" follow or conform to, then Arataki won't allow you to be treated like that. Perhaps he would dramatically yell at these people or take on this responsibility, depending on the situation. If we consider the main function of Arataki, then we can say that he is independent and independent of other people's opinions, willingly accepting any new help / stories / comfort and also does not make concessions because of "want" or "seems", so when other people misunderstand him , then it does not cause anger, only this theatrical anger. And I can tell how he does not take your blunt remark to heart, perhaps even trying to correct it later. And since you are trying to give comfort to your loved ones, Itto will return to you everything that you gave him emotionally doubly.
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