rexsokaficquotes · 15 days
“Ahsoka-” Rex hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words for what he wanted to say, before continuing, “Why are you here?”
“What do you mean?” Her face had a quick flash of puzzlement but her tone was gentle.
“Are you here because of the rebellion?”
“No, Rex.” She stepped closer and looked him square in the eyes, “I’m here for you.”
— BlueStarlalight, from Chapter 3 in ‘Untrained’
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rexsokaficquotes · 16 days
He gazed down at the female togruta who just laid there watching them. Walking down the dune, Jesse snarled while Fives looked ready to pounce. With a huff, Rex stood tall looking up at the female where she laid on the rock.
“You have one of my baby brothers.” Rex growls showing teeth.
The female squinted down at him for a few moments, “You're not ready to survive out here.” She looked behind him at his pack, “None of you were ready for the harsh life of the desert.”
— RedWolf9481, from Chapter 2: Chapter 2 in ‘Journey to a new home’
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rexsokaficquotes · 17 days
He shrugged, swinging her sword in his hand just once. Then, he reached for its sheath. “There were ten of us. Fox was already involved with Pantora. I was the one offered on the table since I keep getting myself tangled with Coruscant.” The sword clicked after he kept it away, its cover hiding the blade from view. “With you.”
— HiddenEye, from Chapter 6: Breath that is Drawn in ‘Sharp and Glorious Thorn’
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rexsokaficquotes · 18 days
Regardless, the absolute last thing Rex had expected when he dropped by Dex’s One-Stop Grocery Shop for a six pack was for the first words he heard out of Ahsoka’s mouth in over a year to be “Fuck me” as “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” played in the background.
— NocturnalWishes, from Chapter 2: We Could Call It Even in ‘'Tis the Damn Season’
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rexsokaficquotes · 19 days
“Give me a reason to leave all this behind and pick up the fight again,” she murmured as she stole a kiss and the bottle.
“I can’t,” he answered, nipping her bottom lip. “I don’t want to lose you.”
— saviinika, from Hidden Battles
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rexsokaficquotes · 20 days
“Whoa,” she murmured.
“What is it?” he asked, sounding surprised.
“I didn’t know humans could have hair here.”
Rex laughed, and put a hand over hers. He was so warm, that she didn’t want to stop touching him.
“I think we got so used to each other we didn’t realize we’d be different.”
— Lif61 (UltimateFandomTrash), from First Time
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rexsokaficquotes · 21 days
He followed her lead, watching as her starmallow reached the perfect shade of brown before she blew on it and popped it into her mouth.
"Are they safe for you to eat?" he asked skeptically, taking his own starmallow from the fire. He still wasn't entirely sure what he was dealing with here.
"Sure. It's mostly sugar and some gelatine," she replied with a casual shrug, even as he eyed her warily. He had heard her make similar assurances before, only to suffer the consequences of indulging in something she shouldn‘t have later.
"What's gelatine?" he asked.
"It's made from animal—you know what, just trust me, it's safe. Just try it," she urged.
— LadyLucksRogue, from To Light the Path Forward
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rexsokaficquotes · 22 days
That was not what catches his attention, although it was a relief to see that the final moving box was taken care of.
No. What made him stop and stare was what she was wearing.
The first visual were her long and bare legs, a distraction themselves. Then a blue garment that looked like a tent in her small body. A hoodie, his mind provided.
His hoodie.
And that was it.
— wiserhero, from and all at once, you're all i want
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rexsokaficquotes · 23 days
Heartmarks aren't rare among humanoids in the galaxy; they are, however, rare among clones. Rex can name on one hand which of his brothers were blessed with soulmates, especially those who were still alive.
(Are heartmarks a blessing or a curse? Rex is never sure of the answer.)
— akingnotaprincess, from between one heartbeat to the next
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
The middle dragon was by far the biggest. His dull scales made it hard to make out if his scales were yellow or gold. Cautious golden eyes held more reluctance to engage with her if it came down to a fight. The other was similar to the first, brown and black scales. The difference in him was the mass of black scales on the side of his right temple creating a 5.
The first one steps forward again, shaking his wings and letting out a low roar. Not to be outdone she too stepped forward but let out a more aggressive high-pitched roar trailing off with a low hiss. Her spines flared and rippled in combativeness. He backed off and looked at the dull yellow dragon. He grunted and turned away, not seeming to want to fight her. They disappeared over the dune moments later.
— RedWolf9481, from Chapter 1: Into the desert in ‘Journey to a new home’
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
“That’s why Echo’s better. You’re up to something.”
“Am not! I’m just trying to determine where I stand. Now I know not to buy your drinks next time, not worth it.”
“Yeah Rex, there’s gotta be someone out there that you like more than Cody or Echo? Who is it?” Jesse added, a devious curl of his lips accompanying the statement. Again, Rex’s mouth betrayed him, and the words tumbled from his lips against his will. “I like Ahsoka more. She’s nice.”
“Just nice?” Fives countered. Then, without subtlety whatsoever, Fives stated, “You like her, don’t you?”
— Snips2112, from Chapter 1: Fives Hatches a Plot in ‘Tihaar? More Like Truth Serum’
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
Rex greets Ahsoka softly, not wanting to set her off. She's exactly where he expected her to be, aggressively laminating pastry dough by hand as though it had personally offended her, her cloak still on with the hood up. She doesn't acknowledge him. Maybe it's the moving meditation. Her massive sleeves are covered in flour. Rex bites his cheek to keep himself from laughing. This isn't the time.
'Do you want some help with that?' Rex asks, approaching Ahsoka from behind, hardly noticing the fluttering in his chest as he puts his hands around her middle, resting his head gently on her shoulder to watch. Ahsoka flinches, but allows it.
...she's never flinched at his touch before. 
With a deep sigh, Ahsoka hangs her head, refusing to let go of the rolling pin. 'Can you just stay like that Rex?' She asks quietly. 
So she does still want him. To touch and be around her at least. Well, Rex can pretend everything is normal if she can.
'Of course cy- Soka.' Rex presses his lips together, not breathing until Ahsoka begins folding the dough again. 
He doesn't see Ahsoka squeezing her eyes tightly shut, nor the broken expression on her face at his slip-up. Maybe Rex would allow himself to speak freely if he didn't have to leave her, or if he didn't think it would send her running again, but that isn't his life.
'So…what are we baking tonight?' Are the words that leave his mouth instead.
— Darthgoose, from Chapter 11: Baby Sith Lords- er, Sith Ladies, Couple's Costumes, and Emergency Croissants in 'They Didn't Prepare him for This on Kamino'
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
A week later she asked, “Are you mad at me?”
He was sharpening a hunting knife while she was reading on the couch. He glanced up. “What? No.”
“You’ve barely spoken to me. Do you not want me here?”
It came out more sternly than he’d intended: “I always want you here.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
He wasn’t used to talking about his feelings. He wasn’t used to having feelings. “I’m…upset,” he managed, though it felt a little like gutting himself open. “That you enlisted.”
Her face softened. “Of course I enlisted. It’s what I’ve been training for. What my whole life revolves around.”
— betts, from In Water Falling
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
When he can’t take the pain any longer, he mercifully takes her hand, then begins to lead her towards the ship. Telling himself it's for both of their sakes does little to ease his mind, he can feel the grief that surrounds them. He knows she carries the weight of the world in guilt on her shoulders, as does he. They’ll mourn together in the silence, just like they always have.
— acatinwinterfell, from light in the dark
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
“So, uh,” Anakin cleared his throat. “Are you going to tell him?”
“No!” Her brow furrowed with frustration now.
“Then what are you going to do?”
“Nothing! I’ll just ignore it and avoid him until things go back to normal,” she growled. The truth was still heedlessly pouring out of her, but her tone and flushed features conveyed her real emotions on the matter.
— TealMist, from Blue Liquid And An Elevator
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
“Come on, little brother.” With the hand that wasn’t holding the plate, Cody reached down to grab one of Rex’s arms and hefted him up. “We’ve got sugar and carbs to consume. You can have a breakdown at the realization that your star-crossed love is requited some other time.”
— armchairaloof, from Chapter 3 in ‘Douse the flames’
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rexsokaficquotes · 2 months
He wants to know more, know her more.
He…loves her, he really does. She shouldn't have to hide such a huge part of her life from him, sneaking away at night to do...Sith things. Rex only just realized it in the last couple of months, but she has likely been doing it the entire time he's been living here.
— DarthGoose, from Chapter 20: That Dystopian Fishbowl Planet pt. 1 in ‘They Didn't Prepare Him for This on Kamino’
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