Blog Post #9 Infographic
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Works Cited
Cooper, Andrew. “Grassroots Opposition to Offshore Drilling and Exploration in the Atlantic Ocean and Eastern Gulf of Mexico.” Oceana USA, 24 May 2018, usa.oceana.org/climate-and-energy/grassroots-opposition-offshore-drilling-and-exploration-atlantic-ocean-and.  
  “Oil and Gas Drilling.” Earthjustice, 10 Apr. 2017, earthjustice.org/climate-and-energy/oil-gas-drilling.        
The Endangered Species Act: A Wild Success, www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/public_lands/energy/dirty_energy_development/oil_and_gas/gulf_oil_spill/a_deadly_toll.html.                          
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Earth Day beach cleanup in Pacifica!!
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Civic Action Assessment of Issue
1.      What do you see as your roles as a citizen of this country in meeting the needs of our community?
As a citizen of this country, I feel I need to reach out to my community rather than waiting for my community and nation to reach out to me. It is my job to help out and make a difference.
2.     What have you learned in this class about civic responsibility?
I have learned that it is not how large of a difference you make, but the fact you are striving to make an impact on your community.
3.     Do you feel it is your civic obligation to help address the problems your civic action issue has created? Explain.
I do believe it is my civic obligation to help address the problems my civic action has created, because I do feel strongly about my civic action and I believe that if one has a strong opinion about something, they may as well try and shout out and help the issue they believe in.
4.    Have you volunteered your time to respond to this issue, either by directly volunteering; educating the public about it;  expanding your knowledge of the issue by attending government or non-government meetings, demonstrations, etc.?  If so, explain this experience in detail, provide dates and evidence.
Yes, I went on a beach cleanup on earth day! Oil rigs ruin many of California’s beaches, marine life, and ocean ecosystems. Although there are not many oil rigs in northern California, I still helped my cause by cleaning up a beach since oil rigs do effect beaches. The beach cleanup was a great experience! Earth day was on April 22nd this year, and this was the day that me and a few other kids and parents went to Pacifica beach to help make our beaches beautiful and clean! We were surprised to see that there was not that much trash on the beach! So although our action was small, we still made a big impact on the Pacifica beach community.
5.     If you have not been civically engaged, what are YOU willing to do in the future to respond to your civic action issue?
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The 3 P’s Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
1. Include: a. A brief statement assessing the position of EACH party.  If you cannot find the party’s position on your issue please state so and provide a few general inferences as to why the party may not include this issue in their platform .b. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not? c. Which party position do you identify with most? Is that surprising? Would you vote for the Presidential candidate?
Republican Party:
a. The republican party would like to expand offshore drilling to create more revenue.
b. I agree in the sense that more revenue would allow prices to drop which is good, but I disagree due to environmental impacts.
Democrat Party:
a. The democrat party would not like to expand offshore drilling.
b. I agree in the sense that they are looking out for our environment.
Libertarian Party:
a. The libertarian party would like to expand offshore drilling to make it the best energy source.
b. I do not agree, because there are different great sources of energy we can be using.
a. Green would not like to expand offshore drilling.
b. I agree, because it would ruin our environment.
Peace and Freedom:
a. Peace and Freedom have yet to have a stance on this issue.
b. __________________________
c. I probably agree most with the Democrat party, just because they don’t want to expand offshore drilling for the environmental issues and that makes a big impact on our earth.
2. Identify one national interest group that represents your issue.
a. EnerVest
b.  This is a group that runs a lot of large gas and oil companies, “Buy, enhance and sell proven onshore production. Use our operational expertise to dominate key basins, optimize efficiencies and profits. Finally, hedge strategically to mitigate risk”.
c. Right now, this industry is under attack in Washington D.C. and in many state capitols by “ill-conceived, misinformed and potentially destructive legislation”. This Government Relations Website was created to inform and encourage our employees, working-interest owners, royalty owners and partners to take an active role in the political process.
d. This company most likely desires Trump, because Trump supports the expansion of offshore drilling.
e.  This company is located in Houston, TX.
f.  There are no available volunteer opportunities since it is such a big corp.
g. I find it interesting how they feel they are being attacked by Washington, even though President Trump is on their side.
3. Identify one state interest group that represents your issue.
4. Choose one PAC or Super PAC that pertains to your civic action issue.
a. Exxon Mobil
b. They are multinational oil and gas producers so they are very important in the business.
c. They have raised a total receipt of $1,023,357. They have spent $936,758. And have $260,133 on hand.
d. They have spend 8% on democrats and 92% on republicans.
e.  Every single one of their donor’s is from Texas, which makes complete sense because Texas is very much on the right wing of the spectrum.
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Executive Action Assessment of Issue
1.      Briefly summarize (four-to-five sentences) President Tump’s stance on your issue. 
Trump has a very different perspective on this issue in contrast to every other political rep in the country. Trump has come up with an idea to expand our oil production and increase the amount of oil rigs we have on the west coast, which would overall increase our oil exports and income. Doing this would put us as the world’s largest oil producer by 2023. This has pros (more production = more income) but A LOT of cons (extreme environmental effects).
2.      Do you agree or disagree with his position? Explain.
I disagree with Trump’s position, because I believe we already get enough revenue from offshore rigs that we do not need anymore. The more we have the more danger we put our environment into!
3.      Which Executive Cabinet manages your issue?
The U.S. department of energy and the environment.
4.      What is the Cabinet’s mission statement (usually on the homepage)? Explain if it relates to your issue.
“Americans have long been told that our country is running out of energy, but we now know that is wrong. America’s energy revolution has produced affordable, reliable energy for consumers along with stable, high-paying jobs for small businesses—all while dropping carbon emissions to their lowest level in 25 years. American energy policy must balance environmental protection with economic growth in order to encourage innovation, discovery, and prosperity”. This says how we now have enough energy to prosper and thrive, however, we must be able to have a healthy balance of environmental protection as well as energy.
5.      Explore the Cabinet’s Programs and Services.  Which would be suitable for responding to your issue? Briefly identify and explain them.
The Environmental Management system “is a process for reducing the environmental impacts resulting from LM work activities, products, and services that directs work to occur in a manner that protects the workers, the public, and the environment”. This would help with offshore drilling’s environmental impacts.
The Safety and Health system “LM ensures safe working conditions at its legacy sites, offices, and other work areas by implementing safety and health programs and systems and evaluating the adequacy of worker safety and health programs for federal employees and  contractors”. This would help with worker’s rights and ensuring health care for many of our hardworking employees.
6.      Based on your review of the President’s website and Cabinet programs, assess the executive action taken on your issue.  Explain your level of satisfaction and provide examples.  Is this department one which President Trump wants to cut funding?  If so, do agree that this is a viable approach to resolving your issue?  How would decrease funding to this department affect your civic action issue?
My issue is still a big issue because it is a huge dictator of the economy’s prosperity. Unfortunately Trump wants to expand offshore drilling which would not be resolving my issue in any way, shape, or form. Decrease funding to this department would cause a huge plummet in the economy causing a major crisis. It is important that offshore drilling is funded, we just can't have it expand for the sake of our environment.
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Legislative Action
1. Review the congressman Desaulnier, Senator Harris, and Senator Feinstein’s websites to answer the following questions.
a. Desaulnier disagrees with Trump’s new plan of expanding oil rigs on the west coast. He believes we should cut all new sales of offshore rigs to eliminate the number of rigs we have on the west coast.
b. Desaulnier introduced the offshore oil and gas worker whistleblower protection act of 2015.
a. Harris strongly disagrees with Trump’s plan of reopening offshore rigs, and believes they should be eliminated.
b. Harris has sponsored bill S31 which states, “West Coast Ocean Protection Act of 2017 This bill amends the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management from issuing a lease for the exploration, development, or production of oil or natural gas in any area of the outer Continental Shelf off the coast of California, Oregon, or Washington”.
a. Senator Feinstein also disagrees with Trump’s offshore drilling plan, she believes it is a major threat to our oceans and needs to be halted.
b,  Feinstein has also sponsored bill S31 which states, “West Coast Ocean Protection Act of 2017 This bill amends the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management from issuing a lease for the exploration, development, or production of oil or natural gas in any area of the outer Continental Shelf off the coast of California, Oregon, or Washington”.
2. Go to the issues tab and choose the issue that best represents your civic action issue.
a. There are about 8 bills that pertain to my issue.
b. This article is Bill S31.
c. This bill talks about Trump’s plan to expand offshore drilling to all U.S. waters.
d. This would increase the amount of profit in the oil industry, however, could be very detrimental to our ocean ecosystem.
e. I would vote nay, because I would not want more oil rigs ruining our beautiful oceans, there is so much to lose with this risky idea.
f. The bill S31 originated in the senate and has been read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. It is currently undecided.
g. I am pretty satisfied with the current federal legislation of my issue, because people are rejecting Trump’s new plan with a lot of force which shows how much the environment plays out in this argument, and people realize that which is important.
3. Scroll through my list of tweets and review an article that is specific to your issue, SACAPS.
Subject- Offshore Drilling Environmental Impacts
Author- Elaina Zachos
Context- Trump’s 5 year offshore drilling plan is unveiled and the public is astonished. Trump’s plan will cause major environmental impacts on our oceans, beaches, marine life, and much more.
Intended Audience- The intended audience is all of America, this is our President wanting to ruin our environment so it is our job to take a stand!
Bias/Perspective of author- The author obviously has very strong feelings toward Trump as well as the environment, which most everybody does want to save the environment so that leaves a bias toward not wanting to support Trump’s plan.
Significance- The significance of this article is how even the most powerful and important people that we think of greatly, such as our President of the United Staes, can destroy our earth, it is up to us, the people to save it!
I agree with this article, because in these times, we are in very desperate need to save our earth and watch out for the environment.
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State Action
1. Research the position the following lawmakers take on your issue:
Assembly member Catharine Baker:
a. Baker is pushing for the federal government NOT to expand offshore drilling along the coast of California, and instead introduce a resolution.
b. I do agree with her position, because although oil rigs bring in a huge profit, they are ruining our beautiful california beaches as well as our marine life.
c. Baker sponsors bill AJR29, which deals with oil and gas- offshore drilling operations and deals with the “new Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas operations in federal waters offshore California”. This bill supports moving away from offshore drilling operations in order to support our marine life and environment.
State Senator Glazer:
a. Glazer is also urging the government NOT to expand offshore drilling along the coast of California.
b. I agree with his position, I believe we do need to protect our environment, since after all, we do only get one earth and one chance to keep it clean.
c. Glazer helped pass the Propositions 12 and 13 Water and Park Bonds in 2000, this protects clean water, clean air, parks and the California coastline. Glazer also sponsors bill AJR29, which deals with offshore drilling operations and moving to different options.
2. Next, you will research current California bills that pertain to your issue.
a. The bill number is AJR29.
b. The bill was introduced January 16th, 2018.
c. The last major action of the bill was March 7th, 2018 when the bill was chaptered by Secretary of State.
d. I feel this bill is a heavily debated topic, it suggests that we do not add any more offshore drills to California, and just keeps the ones we have, because so far they have caused no environmental damage or issues. I agree with this because in Trump’s new plan, he would like to add more environmental precautions, however, he would also like to add more rigs to California which would eventually just increase environmental damage no matter the precautions taken.
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Constitutional Issues
1. Venezuela v. Helmerich & Payne International Drilling Company. 
2. Case decided May 1st, 2017. 
3. In 2007 both companies Venezuelan state owned oil corp and Helmerich & Payne Drilling issued a contract allowing Venezuelan oil corp to use Helmerich’s offshore drilling rigs. By 2008 the contract added up and was over $63 million in unpaid debt, and in the end was over $100 million in unpaid debt. In 2009, Helmerich & Payne announced that they would be packing up their drills and on top of that would not be renewing the contract. In response to this, employees of the Venezuelan oil corp as well as members of the Venezuelan Coast Guard blockaded the yards where Helmerich and Payne were keeping their equipment, leading to President Chavez issuing a decree of expropriation.  Helmerich & Payne then sued Venezuela under the expropriation and commercial activity exceptions to the FSIA.
4. The constitutional question the justices were deciding was: “When determining whether a claim that alleges that a case falls under the expropriation exception to the Federal Sovereign Immunities Act should be dismissed, should a court only dismiss the claim if the allegations are determined to be “insubstantial” or “frivolous”?”. 
5. The expropriation claim and the commercial activity claim are in question. 
6. The court held that, “The “frivolous or insubstantial” standard is not consistent with the text and purpose of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA)”.
7. This decision establishes that the court has bigger worries than deciding a case frivolous or insubstantial.
8. I agree with the court’s decision in the sense that this is something the two companies should be able to figure out on their own, rather than with the help of the U.S. Court of Appeals. The court has bigger issues to deal with rather than small one’s that don’t concern many people other than the two companies.
"Venezuela v. Helmerich & Payne International Drilling Company." Oyez, 23 Apr. 2018, www.oyez.org/cases/2016/15-423.
Subject: Drilling the Great Australian Bight: Hoping for Jobs, but Fearing a Spill.
Author: Jaqueline Williams
Context: The Australian Bight is a very unique place in the world. It is so rich in marine life and tourism therefore it’s fishing industry is very wealthy and does extremely well. The problem with establishing offshore rigs would be the possibility of disrupting the marine life and driving the fishing industry downhill. Another potential factor is an oil spill. An oil spill in the Bight would be completely destructive to the area around it, especially since it is in an area that is not easily accessible nor has great weather patterns (making it difficult to install, work on, and clean up a spill).
Intended Audience: The intended audience for this article was locals in Australia and potential tourists. Nobody wants to see a place so unique to this earth get ruined.
Bias/perspective of author: The author seems to have two perspectives on this topic. Yes, the oil industry is huge and would bring a lot of potential jobs to the area, but it also would have major environmental effects too.
Significance: The significance of this article is to show readers that oil rigs really do have a good and bad side. They have destructive environmental effects, but also bring a lot of revenue in to each country drilling, since oil is such a necessity.
Williams, Jacqueline. “Drilling the Great Australian Bight: Hoping for Jobs, but Fearing a Spill.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 24 Mar. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/03/24/world/australia/australia-drilling-the-bight.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FOffshore%2BDrilling%2Band%2BExploration&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=collection.
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Economic Assessment of Issue
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12. Here is a graph representing oil production and imports in the U.S from the year 1920-2012. This is a graph from wikipedia from an interesting article regarding Barack Obama and the Oil Spill of 2010. This probably worries the audience  after reading  the article or seeing  the graph because it shows how much we as a nation  rely on oil and offshore drilling, even though offshore drilling as seen can have such a harmful impact on  our environment. Barack Obama ordered U.S. drilling  companies to hold on any new offshore rig plans until we have cleaned up or at least settled after this massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil companies were furious but  understanding because they know what they had caused.
1. Offshore drilling effects many people and things. Because many rigs are drilling oil, it affects the marine life in the oceans and destroys our water/beaches. Offshore drilling brings oil which brings gas to our cars which eventually leads to pollution if you are looking from an overall prospective. Although it does harm to our environment, we also could not live without it. I would say the resolution for this issue is more of a want. Yes, it does damage our environment, however unless we all drive electric cars there is a constant need for oil in  our daily lives, therefore, it cannot be a need because we DO need oil from offshore drilling in our lives. 
2.In order to deal with this issue or resolve this issue of oil spills and oil cleanup, it would take a very long time to remove all of the different offshore rigs as well as cleanup the oil damaged beaches, and  after that happens where would we get our oil from? 
3. In order to alleviate this issue, we would need to manufacture a lot more and cheaper electric cars to start the process of eliminating offshore drilling. 
4. More electric cars and eliminating gas stations and increasing the amount of charging stations would be good factors of production to consider.
5. President Donald Trump has administered a plan to open almost all of America’s continental shelf to offshore drilling/energy exploration. Congresses from  each coast have wildly disputed this, and the public is most definitely not in favor of his  plan. I as well do not agree with his plan, for it will damage all of our beautiful coastlines and marine life leading  to an even more polluted area to live in. 
6.  In order to tackle this issue that Trump has brought upon us, we would need to find a new  way of drilling deep into the earth, and also as I mentioned earlier the  manufacturing of more electric cars and other important items would be doing us a favor by slowly driving the offshore oil rig companies out of business. By creating more electric cars, we are wasting a lot of money we could be earning from oil rigs. And by eliminating oil rigs, we are using our time to focus on that rather than 
7. Yes, I would say these two opportunity costs would be worth the social, economic, and political challenge, because, it will clean up our water, air, and earth as a whole. Something this small can truly make a large impact in our world. 
8.Oil companies make a HUGE profit off of offshore drilling since the entire world relies on  them in order to drive their cars on the daily. If we were to drive them out of business or somehow shut them down it would cause  a huge uproar. 
9. Electric companies as well as car companies who sell electric cars would majorly benefit from the elimination of offshore drilling. People would be flocking to them by  the thousands in  order to purchase the new  necessity.
10. I believe this could be a result of an externality, since offshore drilling drills for oil and cars use the oil, but since it is such a necessity, the oil  companies get a ton of money in return  leading them to have the ability to expand their businesses even more. 
11. I honestly do not think this problem can be resolved in payments, because the offshore drilling  companies  take  in so much money from oil that in order to shut them down, the government would be having to pay them a ridiculous amount  of money and that money otherwise could be put to more  important  things other than shutting down offshore drilling. Offshore drilling and oil companies are some of the most successful and  large corporations in the world, so attempting to shut them down would be a long shot in the dark.
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Getting Started
I have found a blog on Offshore Drilling. Its author is apart of GN Solids Control supply high quality solids control equipments and systems for offshore drilling. The intended audience is offshore drill companies and people interested in knowing more about what happens on the rigs. There really is not much about offshore drilling on tumblr to blog about other than the different machine parts and news about oil rigs, so there is not much I can agree or disagree with. However I believe that the author is bias towards the oil rig companies because he or she belongs to one, so they have a more positive view towards it. I decided to follow the blog since there are not many other tumblr blog choices out there, I am interested to see what more they have to show/say. I followed AV Offshore, Blue Planet Society, Sea Drill Careers, Offshore Energy Today, and Environment California. I am following these because they have to do with offshore drilling in the oil industry as well as environmental concerns with our water, and air, which both oil and oil rigs affect. The offshore rig companies have positive opinions about their work and how they are helping the people, however, the environmental companies are not so please with how rigs are affecting ocean marine life as well as air pollution. I agree with both sides which is difficult because we need oil for just about everything in our everyday lives, however, it truly does hurt the environment in the long run.
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