Based on a true story
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They literally only have eyes for you hellooo??
Your f/o loves you btw, they told me. <3
[Pro-ships DNI - To the person that "borrowed this meme - I saw that. Make your own memes sweetie x]
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“Ay, no need t’tell me tuwice~.” Debi-chan smirked playfully, with a devilish glint in his eyes. “I’d mo’ than lav ta tickle my señorita.” Debi-chan went on all fours as he slowly approached Shiri closer and closer. Shiri’s eyes grew wide , hands clasped by her modest yet sweetly inviting chest, and both their hearts were fluttering with excitement. The tension in the air and their passion for each other were palpable.
Then, without any warning, Debi-chan pounced on Shiri and fervently and boldly tickled her ribs and waist, straddling her.
“A! Oh my gh-kyahaha!uhahahawakh-ghaheheheh!”
Her yelps and giggles were almost instantenous, but it was so delightful to both Debi-chan’s and JujuBear’s ears.
JujuBear though, felt both adoration and glee at Shiri’s beautiful laughter and yet, he also had this bitter pain gnwaing away at his heart. A wish. No, a core need deepened its’ claws at his entire being; a need to delight his Shiri and make her feel more intense love and pleasure than Debito. He wished to be with Debi, to complete his newfound part as a soldier in Shiri’s tickle army.).
Debi-chan, unaware of Jumin’s emotions as he greedily took in more and more of Shiri’s delightful responses, tickled Shiri’s bare feet as he straddled her and her laughter was now mixed with tears of joy 💗
JujuBear couldn’t take it anymore. JujuBear took his position behind Shiri’s head, cradling the back of her head as he stood on his knees, looking possessively and passionately down at her. “I love you, Shiri. More than anything in the world.” And kissed both her cheeks, her forehead and then. Lips.
“Ah. I see. Jealous, are wieh?” Debi-chan sneered, looking at Juju with a knowing eye. “Well, can’t blame ya. Shiri’s like a sparkling jewel ya wanna stwheal n stare at fo’eva. To trweashure an’ cherwish.”
“Yea. Shiri’s our most precious angel. And I will not let you take away all of her heart and attention, Debi. Shiri’s not just yours, so you better learn your manners, gunner.” Jumin poisonously worded, hugging Shiri’s elegant yet soft torso to him as he eyed Debi straight in the eye.
“Hgeh. Gunner. How simplistic. But better truthful, wild and free than calculated, cold and cunning.”
“What was that, killer?” Jumin seethed at the provocation, glaring hatefully at Debi.
“Whoah whoah! Guys, please! There’s no need to fight with dirty hateful words towards each other!” Shiri instantly felt the need to create a peaceful ground between her two lovers, feeling their sharp poisonous spikes attacking one another’s hearts.
“Um. I think both JujuBear and Debi-chan are precious and lovable as you are.”
“JujuBear learned how to be more cautious, intelligent, mindful and careful with others in his life because of his past. People tried to manipulate and take advantage of him for his looks, wealth and fame.”
“And Debi-chan had to learn how to viciously fight for what’s right and what’s important to him. He had to fend off for himself and his brothers since his parents’ deaths when he was just a kid.”
“…Not to mention that he lost his siblings too. I can’t imagine how painfully heartbreaking it must’ve been for him”
“I believe mutual understanding and friendship, a sense of camaraderie could heal your conflicts with each other!”
“Now! Let’s cuddle it out all three of us. I believe my precious beloveds deserve kisses of love and healing! 😊🍯”
Jumin and Debi-chan eyed each other and sighed.
“A’iight, Amore.”
“Hauh..If you say so, love..”
They both resignedly comforting their previously peeved hearts with Shiri’s comforting calls for peace.
Hugging the two, they repositioned themselves. Shiri was sandwiched by her two lovers. One hand caressing Debi’s cheek behind her, and one on Juju’s cheek in front of her. “You two are my home, my wild ride through this beautiful, colorfully painful and sweet lives together. I cannot imagine myself without you two. So please, learn to get along with each other..okay?”
“But. I’m quite the jealous lover too so..”
Shiri trailed off, eyes lowering their gaze awkwardly and bitterly to the ground.
“Oh? Our Bambina is worried we’d fall for ohne an nuthah n leave ya be’iind? Please, Shiri, Mi Amore. I’d never choose anyone othah than ya.”
“I must confess the same. I’d never find it in my heart to fall in love with anyone else other than you, my Angel Shiri.”
Jumin and Debi’s eyes then both met and in an unspoken resolution they both mutually decided to reach out and kiss Shiri’s cheeks and neck on opposite sides.
Melting their beloved with affection and drunkenness of heartgoo-eingly kisses, delivering all three of them to their private heaven; their hearts emotionally soaring above like doves and crows, harmoniously and with such tenderness, gentleness and freedom.
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JujuBear’s silver moonlight eyes were twinkling with affection and adoration as he turned to eye Shiri’s own, deeply with his silver ones, as if he just let his whole soul succumb to Shiri’s earthy depths.
“Dear heart of mine, Shiri. Your eyes are as warm as melted chocolate. They soften my heart to see how bright, deep and how innocent yet alluring they are.”
“Wow 🥹😍🥰..Juju…You definitely deserve kisses kisses kisses!” Shiri awwed in melty honeygoo driving her drunk with love back towards divine, sweet, genuine Juju. She felt a little bashful and shy, in front of her just as treasured beloved; who is so helplessly in love with his angel princess Shiri, just as JujuBear is.
But she stood up and languidly walked towards Juju with a quiet passionate heat in her eyes. “Juju, I love you..” she breathed lovingly as she sat in JujuHanniHubbyBear’s lap, cradling his face with her hands. Then, they kissed. Slowly, passionately, completely, adoringly, meltingly, heavenly, it felt so heart flutteringly divine. As if their souls were melting into a different world of their own.
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when you rush his route to get to seven’s
please ASK before reposting anywhere
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YOU ARE your f/o's first choice.
They love and will always prioritize you.
You are their first thought in the morning - and what they think of when falling asleep.
They'll always choose you.
You, and no one else.
Because -
You are your f/'o's first choice, always.
[Pr0-ships DNI. Please respect my damn boundaries x]
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what goes through the RFA’s minds when cuddling with MC ?
Thank you! I took another turn with Seven, it just came naturally. Hope you life them!
“soft. warm. nice”
“I hope she doesn’t care being the big spoon most of the time”
“little spoon for life”
“cuddling for life”
“actually, mc for life”
“wait mc don’t go”
“oh ok you were going to the bathroom”
“pls don’t take too long”
“what i’m supposed to do now” homework
He’s definitely the big spoon, mostly because he’s really tall
Although, on bad days, he could really use being the small spoon
“I love how your body fits perfectly well with mine”
Will definitely whisper soft and cheesy words
“Have I told you lately how happy you make me? Because you do, sweetie”
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me”
“I can’t wait to wake up every day with you by my side”
“You’re so perfect and— wait”
“pls stop moving mc”
“mc stop”
“mc remember your cute bottom is against my– omg mc”
Alternates between being the big and little spoon
Not really a fan of cuddling but also not against it
“I could easily fall asleep right now”
“I know this is supposed to be relaxing and it is, but do you feel comfortable? Should I move a little? Should I be doing something else beside laying here?”
*phone buzzes*
“Can’t I have this one night to just—?”
*MC turns off Jaehee’s phone*
“I think I love you, MC”
“When did I get so lucky, honestly”
“Wait MC, why did you stand up. Oh, are those? Yes, yes they are!”
“Wow so Zen’s musicals really are better with cuddles”
“I can’t comprehend how could someone be so beautiful and smart at the same time”
“While also liking cats”
“Is she already sleep?”
“Yes, Assistant Kang, I’m able to see your face on my phone but I don’t plan on answering any call right now”
“Not when MC is asleep in my arms. So perfect. So pure”
“Is this what perfect wife material feels like?”
“Yes, Elizabeth the 3rd, you can join too”
“Sometimes I wonder if she would still be by my side if she knew all the things that go through my mind”
“Also how did this woman become so important in my life what the hell”
“But seriously”
“There I was, pretty happ– well, I existed before her. I did the hacking, didn’t get involved, joked around with the RFA, thought Saeran was safe, decided to go on and suddenly…”
“She appeared, she decided to go against basic instinct and followed a random stranger to a random location”
“Honestly, MC, what were you thinking”
“Suddenly, there she was, and she was so damn cute. So nice, so helpful, so… different”
“Well it would certainly take an unique person to change the life I was having”
“Now I have Saeran, we’re trying to resolve his trauma, but…”
“What did I do to deserve her? Fact is, I don’t think I ever did anything. I think I dont quite deserve you.”
“So just keep sleeping. Please.”
“Please don’t ever wake up from the dream of loving me”.
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JujuBear…you make me feel so lucky, happy, loved and blessed. Your presence is so calming and safe yet I simultaneously also feel so warm and melted, drunk in love with you…I just adore cherishing you like how you spoil and love me so wholeheartedly!
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Aunliuyez Twitter
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Imagine your f/o being very warm and snuggly, and hugging you.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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Seeing more of the twins bonding makes me want to fall to my knees and cry tears of joy. They deserve to be happy together
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Sometimes, I look at the art we've gotten since Saeran's After Ending and I cry because the boys deserve to be happy and do silly things together.
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This new cg has me in a chokehold, so have some cute profile pics I made for me and my friends! I love them your honor 😭💕
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Based on a true story
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They literally only have eyes for you hellooo??
Your f/o loves you btw, they told me. <3
[Pro-ships DNI - To the person that "borrowed this meme - I saw that. Make your own memes sweetie x]
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 10 days
Debito Fluff Alphabet - [Z]eal
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Fandom: La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Debito x Female Reader.
Type: Fluff Alphabet.
Z) Zeal: What he is willing to do for the relationship/the lines he is willing to cross.
Debito isn't necessarily a very zealous person in his day-to-day life and only gets passionate about very few specific things; the rest of the time, he's relatively laid-back. But when it comes to those very few specific things, those things he strongly cares about, he's willing to go to great lengths, especially if they involve his morals and the things he stands for. This is something you've had the chance to witness, as Debito's partner: ever since the first day you two got together, it was very obvious to you that he would be ready to do anything for you, no matter what it would ensue. In fact, he made this clear to you by letting you know directly that he loved you too much to let anything bad happen to you, and that he'd always be there for you, for whichever reason you may need him. Financially speaking, he's willing to spend a considerable amount of money for you, which you've always been highly grateful for, although you know this is in no way something that bothers him: as the head of the Coins division and the man in charge of money circulation for not only the Family but the entirety of Regalo as well, you're well-aware that his lifestyle is highly comfortable on a financial level, and that he can afford all of the things he's ever willing to get you. Debito is willing to cross more than just a couple of lines for you, even if it involves breaking the law; you know of this, as you've gotten to see this side of him before, and every time it's happened, a part of you quivered. You know, just as well as he knows himself that his emotions can take over him under certain circumstances, especially if he's got pent-up anger. It's no secret to anyone he's sworn to kill Jolly in the past for all the things he's done to him, and it's no secret to you he would be willing to go as far as hurting or even killing others for your sake, to protect you to the extreme.
Mini Scene
"Keep quiet, pretty face."
"Let her go, you bastard!"
Debito and I had been on our respective ways to work when the unexpected happened: a man ran toward us, visibly a criminal, followed by a few members of the Swords division, chasing after him. But when he came across us, when he noticed I was a member of the Family, he saw an occasion and took it. Before I even knew it, he had jumped on me and had taken me hostage, keeping me as leverage.
And here I was, held still by this man, a dagger against my side, piercing deeper inside my skin every time he grew angrier.
"Wait... I know you." He exclaimed at Debito. "Yeah, you're that kid who runs Isis Regalo, eh?"
Debito had one of his twin pistols pointed at the man's head, ready to shoot at any second, a look of fury on his face.
"I've lost a lot of money because of your stupid casino, you know?" He said angrily. "So, while we're here, and since you seem to care for the lady, why don't we add some of your money to the deal?"
"The only thing I'll be giving you is a bullet to the head, asshole!" Debito shouted.
But he could not shoot: although the man was a criminal and needed to be neutralized, it would have been wrong to kill him, he had to be arrested alive.
Debito's threat made the man dive his dagger deeper into my skin; until the pain suddenly stopped altogether.
In the blink of an eye, he was thrown face-first onto the ground in a strong blast. When I turned around, I saw Pace standing behind me, his fist glowing with his stigmata and an upset expression on his face.
"Good thing I happened to pass by..." He said as he stared down at the unconscious man. "Are you okay, [Y/N]?"
"Y-Yes, thank you so much, Pace." I replied with a shaky breath.
Debito came running to me, his pistol still in hand, and held me tight in his embrace.
"I know you really wanted to make this man pay, Debito." I softly said against his skin. "But I'm glad you didn't. I don't want you to shed any more blood for me."
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 days
Ask game questions created by proship-blissbliss ! Your questions are lovely snd sweet and it filled my heart with warmth to answer them! 🌸🫶🏼☺️!
💌 - What pet names does your F/O use for you the most? Which pet names do they like being referred to with the most?
Juju loves calling me Angel, Kitten, Sweetheart, HoneyBunny, Princess!
Juju loves when I call him my JujuBear or HanniBunnyHubbyBear! Because his last name is Han and the base of our nicknames for each other are HoneyBunny.
🌸 - What's their favourite season? Are there any seasonal activities in that time that they like doing with you?
JujuBear’s favorite season is winter, and so is mine! Though we find spring to be a special season for us too!
He loves it when we snuggle under the blankets, whether it be on the couch or in bed, and we just. Enjoy each others’ warmth 💗🥰🥮🥹 as the rain or snow fall outside our windows.
On winter nights we also love waltzing together in the living room or kitchen, after dinner, to romantic music. It’s so precious and heartwarming 🫣☺️🤗🌸🍯🗾🎑🌌 and romantic!!! 😆🥰💞
My Hanni JujuBear also loves celebrating my birthday on December, only a few days before Christmas (on the 22nd of December). Last year we celebrated it by baking frosted sugar and butter cookies together 💗 They turned out super yummy! and held the shapes of hearts, stars and snowmen! Also a few clumsy snowflake shaped cookies 😅❄️☃️🌟🩷.
He also played the piece ‘Once Upon A Dream’ on the piano for me as we sang the lyrics together and I sat on the piano seat with him, swaying from side to side.
After a bit of nudging from me, he mellowed and we played our romantic song playlist on youtube and we clumsily yet joyfully and warmly waltzed together 😊.
Hehe, reading this you can probably tell how much I adore waltzing with my Sweetheart JujuBear!
We also love humming softly to each other and cuddle in bed if one of us has trouble sleeping or had a nightmare or a bad/rough day 🥹❣️💗🌸💞🌺
✨️ - What's the height difference between you two? What are your F/O's feelings on that?
I am 159 cm and Juju is 184 cm, so. 25 cm difference. We both love it! Juju feels strong and protective of me and I feel safe and all fuzzy and warm with him ☺️🍯🥮💜💌 and Juju also finds my short height to be so adorable and precious! Aaaaa!!! I love JujuBear so much!!!! Juju is so precious too!!!! My HanniBunny makes me feel so loved and special!
My HanniHubbyJujuBear is my first and hopefully also my last love. Juju is so important, special and loved. I hope JujuBear knows how precious he is to me too…I’ll always hold my JujuBear close to my heart. I feel like we’re spiritually and emotionally together even when we are physically apart 💗💞💗.
🎀 - Do you/they take the other's clothes often? Which piece of their/your clothes is stolen the most often?
AND JUJUBEAR LOVES TO TALK WITH ME ON THE PHONE WHEN HE FINISHES HIS WORK FOR THE DAY OVERSEAS AND SMELL MY PILLOWCASE THAT HE TOOK WITH HIM 💗💞💗🥹🥰🍯🫶🏼. It simultaneously comforts and excites him. Makes us miss each other all the more x)
😳 - What about your F/O do you find the most attractive?
While I adore everything about my dearest JujuBear, I love his romantic and faithfully passionate heart the most!
🐕 - What animal do they remind you the most of?
Juju reminds me the most of a black cat/black panther or raven 🥰. I am these animals too! (But he is also a wolf and I am also a bunny)
💘 - What was the first thing that made them interested in you?
Juju was first of all attracted to my warmth, gentleness and kindness. Mixed with my wisdom and purity.
But we’ve been together for more than seven years so since then I’ve learned how to be perceptive and sharp minded like him (towards people we can tell have bad intentions against us or people close to us) and JujuBear learned how to face his emotions and express his love, trust and kindness with the people he cares about and cherishes. To open up his heart :’)
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 days
Fellow therian/otherkin selfshippers imagine your f/o being fascinated with your animal shape.
They love feeling the texture of your fur/feathers/scales
If you have a tail they are obsessed with touching it, holding it and maybe playing around with it but they are always very gentle and are very careful to not pull it.
If you have paws you'll find them taking one to poke at or trace around your pawpads.
If you have claws they love to run their finger along them and poke at the tips of them.
Same with those who have horns/antlers.
Edit: just to point out, any anti-kin on this post will just be immediately blocked. I don't have time for your bullshit. find someone else to seek attention from.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 days
you deserve your f/o's love. right now. as is. you do not have to change for it and you do not have to suffer for it, you do not have to do anything to earn it. not now. not later. not ever. there are no tricks and there is not a catch. it's not too good to be true. your f/o loves you. you deserve it, you will always deserve it. and you can just enjoy it.
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