robo-milky · 5 hours
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AWWWW OMG TYSMM!! It’s so nice to be included here, even though we don’t interact much and I’m glad the TWST community has been welcoming! Your time spent into this is worth it, and it was so fun looking for other mutuals and Yuus/OCs too! Hope your stay will continue to be as bright and fun! This is literally the sweetest thing ever hello??? Do we even deserve this masterpiece???
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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robo-milky · 23 hours
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He’ll be the volunteer librarian, given his age…
…so what if I told you Cloche (not Yuu! Cloche (Jin) but the character she cosplays as) actually has an owner (personal OC) and I’ve been thinking of TWSTfying him for the funnies (as an AU)?? 👁️👁️
I just think it’d be a funny take on the “fan meets idol” dynamic, except it gets worse…
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robo-milky · 1 day
……well while I’m at the hotel I might as well do my job right?? 😭😭 AINT NO WAY IM ESCAPING OUTTA HERE MYSELF. either i’m dying from stress or dying cuz of being caught!!! so maybe the most social job would be best? to find a comrade among the people staying here 😔😔 i’ve always wanted to be a waitress anyway 🤔 even if it’s self serving? ILL BE THERE TO HELP ☆ mr crowboy never really told me what my shift was anyway…….
🤔🤔 I’ll probably head to the kitchen/dining hall and lend a hand to anyone who needs it <3 here to make my customers happy or make a friend and hope I don’t anger one and they kill me!!! TEHEPERO. and w meeting a lot of people…… 🫣 maybe I’ll notice a certain red hair red eyed red heart round his eye trickster……. who’s a little more obsessive than I thought? 😳
🫶 HOPE I DID THIS RIGHT!!!! this event actually sounds so fun I can’t wait for what rolls in <3 grats again on 2000 ceruru!!! hope we stay mooties for even longer ☆
You have chosen: dinning hall
The Bleeding Heart
Ace x reader
Your hands ache.
Clutching plate after plate, you busy yourself by rushing in and out of the kitchen, serving up every dish as quickly as you could. Feet sinking into the carpet with every step, you could feel your balance faltering ever so slightly as time went on.
It doesn’t help that none of the guests seemed to be able to keep their entire body on the chairs allocated. Scale covered tails curled across the floor, along with claws the size of knife knives lay scattered on the floor, obstacles in your path. Gritting your teeth, you weave through them as deftly as you could, serving up freshly cooked dishes with a smile.
As your customers remark on how hyper you seemed to be, you were silently evaluating them. Glancing over their features, observing the dishes they ordered. Trying to gleam as much information about them as you could. After all, there was no way you would manage to escape this place alone. Hell, you had no idea what this place was in the first place.
A hotel for monsters? The underworld? Or maybe the whole thing was one massive hallucination. You wouldn’t know.
Either way, what mattered now was finding someone who you could ally with. You would have said someone you could trust, but honestly? You doubted if you could trust any of these… beings, for the lack of a better word. The best you could hope for was someone who didn’t seem like they eat you right away.
Those who seemed to have a thing for their food being raw and bloody were out. Those who were rude to their servers? Definitely out. Musing to yourself silently, you backed away to a darkened corner, carefully evaluating the crowd.
Now, who would you approach?
A sudden chill ran down the base of your neck. Something ice cold was tapping lightly onto your bare skin, digging into your flesh ever so slightly. Goosebumps raced up both of your arms as you whipped around, clutching at the back of your neck warily.
Only to see nothing but the wall. You glance around cautiously, trying to catch a glimpse of the culprit. Your gaze flickered from left to the right, until they finally land on the portrait above your head.
A exquisite bronze frame lay above you, elaborate designs of roses and thorns carved into it ever so gently, each petal so carefully crafted that they seemed almost alive, sprouting right out of the frame itself.
The portrait itself was of a man. A unruly mop of red sprouted from his scalp, stray strands sticking out at random. He wore a white suit, with his blazer crinkled, his collar unbuttoned and popped out. He sat on the chair with a relaxed, smug ease. Leaning back casually, fixing the painter with a nonchalant grin.
It would have been a wonderful classical piece, if only something about this guy did not annoy you. Perhaps it was his smugness. Squinting at the painting, you blinked in surprise. A red heart was spray painted over his eye, trails of paint leaking down his pupil. They look almost like tears.
This must have been the work of vandals or… something. Despite your initial annoyance directed towards the person in the picture, you couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him. Gently, you reach for the painting. Brushing over the canvas lightly with your fingers, giving it a soft tap of appreciation.
Only to have your fingers sink right into the canvas, disappearing in a whirl of paint. Your eyes widen in shock, as you desperately yank at your arm, trying to pull your fingers back out. Unfortunately, your fingers sank at an alarming rate, taking the rest of your hand along with it. It almost felt as if someone’s hand was wrapped around yours, fingers intertwining. As if someone was pulling you into the painting.
The hand was warm. What an odd feeling. As if it was a comforting touch of another human, not some unknown being in a painting.
Struggling away, you put up your best fight. Yanking and pulling away, shaking your arm as vigorously as you could. The painting seemed to loosen its hold for the briefest second. You heave a sigh of relief, relaxing your entire body for the briefest of seconds, before your entire arm was dragged in, along with the rest of your body.
Determined not to be sucked in, you grasp at the frame as a last resort, doing your best to keep your head afloat. Yet that attempt was proven futile, as you were dragged in.
The world outside disappeared into swirls of paint, waxing and waning right before your vision. A pair of arms snake around your waist, holding you as tightly as they could. Clutching you within their embrace, almost like what a lover would do to you. It would have been comforting, if only the warmth wasn’t so painfully familiar.
The same warmth that dragged you within the painting.
Wiggling around, your right arm breaks free. You immediately start jabbing your elbow blindly behind you, hoping to hit your assailant. The moment your elbow sinks into something soft, you knew you hit the jackpot.
However, the owner of those hands didn’t relent so easily. They still stayed tightly around you, even despite a yowl of pain along with a muttered curse. You turn around the best you could, ready to chew out whoever dragged you into this twisted world of colour and paint.
Only to come face to face with the same smug guy you’ve seen on the portrait. The man with a heart over his eye. He frowns at you, lower lip jutted out ever so slightly in a small pout.
“Ow, why did ya hit me? I’m trying to help ya out, y’know?”
You raise an eyebrow, before bursting out angrily:
“Because you dragged me into a bloody painting, you jerk!!! As if I wasn’t trapped enough-“
He sighs in exasperation, before releasing you from his hold. You immediately drop downwards, falling down swirls of colour and lines, blending into each other into a whirlpool of chaos. You yell in protest, hands fumbling around, trying to get some sembelace of footing.
Out of the corner of your eye, you were vaguely aware of the man following your fall, lounging around on thin air while sighing. He laughed at your plight, leaning into his palm:
“Y’know, I’m just trying to help you, you stubborn fool.”
Even despite your screams, you manage to shout a furious retort right back at the man.
“I just want to help you escape.”
You fell silent, staring at him in disbelief. The man shrugged, before smiling back at you.
“It’s true. I’m super sincere in this, y’know? I’ve always wanted to one-up the ol’ crow man. Also, having a cutie like you die here would leave a bad taste in my mouth.”
Narrowing your eyes, you fix him with a glare. All he does is shrug again, a lazy smirk dancing across his lips.
“Believe me or not, it’s up to you. But the only way you’ll ever escape is with my help.
So why don’t you take a chance, sweetheart?“
A hand is stretched towards you, an offering from the strange man of hearts.
“ I’ll never let you down.
Bet on me.”
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robo-milky · 2 days
…so what if I told you Cloche (not Yuu! Cloche (Jin) but the character she cosplays as) actually has an owner (personal OC) and I’ve been thinking of TWSTfying him for the funnies (as an AU)?? 👁️👁️
I just think it’d be a funny take on the “fan meets idol” dynamic, except it gets worse…
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robo-milky · 2 days
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robo-milky · 2 days
when the tsum
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TSUMSHI IS A LITTLE……. TOO TRANSPARENT W ITS EMOTIONS especially regarding it’s feelings towards ace and ace tsum is the peak rizzler. both pairs get along but one survives a little better than the other
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robo-milky · 3 days
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No, thank YOU for this fine meal! This was so worth the wait and ahhhhh it’s so satisfying seeing all the details come in together! Rook lapping up at the blood… 👁️👁️// What else can he— *gets stabbed by a beak for misconduct*
(Ahhh feels like it’s been a while since I’ve last requested ^^;, go crazy with it! Look at you, a big shot now!)
UNholy Hotel - Yandere
I’m in the kitchen polishing silverware. Spoons can be used to excavate, forks to pick locks stab, and butterknives to even shimmy in between particularly old doors. It’s a shame, the kitchen knives themselves would make great weapons, but too clunky and hard to hide… The utensils will do. Under Rook’s curious gaze, I’ll have to figure out a way to pocket my tools. Maybe if I play along with his rambles and make eye contact, I can fold/roll the silverware into the rag, in plain sight.
Location chosen: Kitchen
A Wonderful Meal
Yandere Rook Hunt x reader
Chance of Escape: 30%
Your fingers slip into the handle of a shelf cautiously, wincing at the rust prickling your palm. Tiny particulars of crimson and brown coat your fingers, nestling themselves into each inch of skin that they could reach. Gritting your teeth, you pull gently, trying to open the shelf.
Unfortunately it is as a futile endeavour, with the little shelf refusing to budge. Heaving a sigh, you tightened your grip. Only to yank your entire arm backwards, forcing the compartment open. The shelve opened, screeching shrilly in protest. Its contents rattle violently, the sound like a thousand blades clashing against each other.
Rubbing your sore shoulder, you peek into the shelf curiously. Rows after rows of silverware, bent at odd angles, their once spotless surface covered with grime and some mysterious darkened stains. Rubbing a finger tentatively over them, you muse silently. Wondering what sort of lavish dishes these utensils have sunk into. Was it a grand feast fit for kings? Or was it a warm, hearty meal shared over a shared table?
Curling your lips into a straight line, you chide yourself. This was no time to think about those pointless things. If you didn’t get out of here soon… you might not get to eat another meal. Your gaze flickers across the room, spying for anything else you could get your hands on.
Tools, for your escape.
Your eyes fall onto a block of knifes, left abandoned in a corner of the kitchen. Rushing over, you attempt to pry one out of the block. As comfortably the handle fitted within your palm, the blade was long rusted, chipped in some parts even.
Perhaps good for bludgeoning someone, but you doubt it would do any permanent damage. Especially to people who weren’t mortals… whatever that meant. The masked man didn’t seem to be very good at explaining things fully, unfortunately for you.
Pinching the very edge of your sleeve, you try to slide the knife up the sleeve of your uniform. This was attempted without much success, and similar attempts to conceal this new weapon somewhere on your body met with the same result. A knife was simply too big to hide anywhere.
Throughout your many attempts to hide the knife, you noticed something. Your uniform didn’t seem to have pockets. As if it was designed to prevent you from concealing anything on your own body.
How odd.
Returning the knife to its slot, you return to the first shelf you prised open reluctantly. Poking through the silverware carefully, trying to find something that wasn’t too damaged. Your fingers curl around a stained butter knife, carved with elaborate designs of ravens and feathers, curling round and round its length.
Not the ideal weapon, but it may come in handy prising open doors or something like that. Either way, it was small enough to conceal on your being . Rubbing a finger down its blade, you stifle a yelp as a line of red blossoms on your hand, beads of scarlet blooming along its length. Sharp enough to cut skin.
You might just have hit the jackpot. Sighing in relief, you just relaxed for a second before you hear a creak.
A long, drawn out creak. The same creaking that announced your arrival into the kitchen, like a great big gong hit in celebration of the person’s entrance. Despite that, a chill crawled down your spine, slipping into every crevice it could, sinking its dastardly cold fangs deep into your core.
Someone was here.
Your shoulders tensed once more, and you quickly busied yourself with the cutlery. Grabbing a rag, you fold the butter knife into its depths, concealing the bulky shape with your palm the best you could. With a swing of your hips, the shelf slides right back into place.
Whipping around, you come face to face with a pair of emerald eyes. A rich sort of green that brought to mind portraits of great big fields of grass and nature, the sprawling beauty of the wilderness. Yet there was something sinister about it as well. As if the green was just a layer of paint concealing the true menace underneath. His hair flowed like woven gold, shimmering in the faint light.
Bowing slightly, the man reaches for your hand gently. Raising it towards his lips, pressing a feather light kiss onto the back of your palm. A gentlemanly greeting, from times long passed. Your heart fluttered a little, but you couldn’t really tell if it was from embarrassment or fear.
“Ah, what a je travaille dur, petite chérie! Already so diligently toiling away within the kitchen, preparing such scrumptious meals.”
The man chirps excitedly, clutching a hand towards his chest. All you could do was to laugh awkwardly in response, tugging at your own hand lightly. Trying to prise it loose from his steel-like grip.
“I’m terribly sorry, but you are?”
The man gasps, before bursting into a million apologies. Unfortunately for you, his fingers remain wrapped around your hand, refusing to let you budge even an inch.
“Ah, I forget myself! My petite chérie, I am but a humble traveller around these parts. I am Rook Hunt. You may address me as Rook, if you wish.”
His grip tightens as he says that, fingernails digging deep into your skin, pressing bloody crescents into your hand. You wince ever so slightly, pulling at your arm in earnest now. This only seems to spur Rook on more, as his other hand wraps itself around your wrist, squeezing firmly. His fingers pressing hard enough for your wrist to sting, dark bruises blooming onto your arm.
Rook’s lips twitch ever so slightly, spreading from ear to ear. A gentle, smoothing sort of smile, if only his gaze wasn’t so cold. Lowering his head towards your fingers, you felt something warm and wet lap across your wound. Rook’s tongue, licking up the beads of blood dripping down your hand.
He was close.
Too close.
Close enough for you to see the barest glimpse of razor sharp fangs peek through Rook’s lips. Hell, you could feel his breath tremble on your fingertips. Almost like a dog on a hunt, once it caught the scent of its prey.
He glances back up at you in amusement, before muttering softly:
“Thank you for the meal.”
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robo-milky · 3 days
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THESE COMPARISONS- I’M LOSING IT??? Phonetically, RookLochEpel works and fits, R*llo is just a fourth wheel with no room for him
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I stg you absolutely didn’t have to nuke me with all three of the boys at once what the heck??? Rook and Epel’s are so cute!! Let the hunter be flustered and the apple turn even redder! …staring and hissing at R*llo from a distance- bro should be on his knees and blessed for being graced with my presence at all smh /j
N-No, you’re staying on the tables and chairs- Cater tsum can and will expand itself just to reach you 💕
Excuse me, allow me to *changes wig and hat* AHEM
To our esteemed cat maid,
I see your infatuation with Rook has been wavering, as of late. It seems those swimming in their own degeneracy aren’t completely unsalvageable. I acknowledge the talent and skill you possess, but they’re all wasted on your idolization of mages and the like. Not that I’d want my image drawn by your hands, of course, I’ve no need for frivolous displays of vanity. …Especially not after those salacious works to come out of you. There’s still time to reflect upon the media you’re consuming and endorsing. It’s not too late to change for the better.
- 🔔🥐
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robo-milky · 3 days
Y’ALL WHO IS RIZZING CLOCHE UP AND WHO IS SHE RIZZING???? You don’t want her- trust… run away before it’s too late-
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robo-milky · 3 days
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NO CLIPS OR MID PARS OR SIDE PARS ARE FIXING THAT UNHOLY MONK CUT- AND AS IF I’D EVER FALL AT R*LLO’S FEET??? AND THE SHOUJOU VIBES???!?! Ugh okay, I guess he looks okay and maybe even a little… fine but that’s cause it’s your godly art <3 Would never believe the first attack I get from you would be of h*m-
…unfortunately, after searching up the definition… Epel and Vil do have bob cuts 😭😭 BUT AT LEAST THEY’RE STYLED WITH GOOD BANGS- HECK I CAN EVEN FORGIVE ROOK’S BLUNT BANGS-
Let’s get you back to fluttering around Sam, shall we? Maybe tsum! Sam’s tsums from the other side can help…
Excuse me, allow me to *changes wig and hat* AHEM
To our esteemed cat maid,
I see your infatuation with Rook has been wavering, as of late. It seems those swimming in their own degeneracy aren’t completely unsalvageable. I acknowledge the talent and skill you possess, but they’re all wasted on your idolization of mages and the like. Not that I’d want my image drawn by your hands, of course, I’ve no need for frivolous displays of vanity. …Especially not after those salacious works to come out of you. There’s still time to reflect upon the media you’re consuming and endorsing. It’s not too late to change for the better.
- 🔔🥐
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robo-milky · 3 days
"How much do you think I'll be recognized in my old school?"
For @starry-night-rose 's Glimmering Soiree Event, Albert found himself going back to his first school's grounds. A part of him (a lot of him) hopes his outfit makes him unrecognizable to anyone.
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"Will I be staying 'til midnight? As long as there aren't any incidents..."
"The cape? My hometown finds pigeons and doves actually rather lovely birds. Either pure white or pearlescent, their feathers seem to shine, don't they?"
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house@thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt@honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys@oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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robo-milky · 3 days
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Ugh…why did I have to go out of everyone..?!
Hello!! Made an SSR card along with its groovy for @starry-night-rose ‘s fan event! Read more features a short story, the cards without the banners, and Saga’s outfit design! Do enjoy!
Step, one, two
Step, one, two
With the way the gloomy stranger dances across the floor, most students would not believe the fact that a mere hour before, he was tripping on himself trying to get into the building. The slippers he wore were not even fitted correctly, as he was forced to attend this glittering ball with little time to procure an outfit.
Still, none of that matters anymore. Not when even a mere glance given to him makes his heart jump. His partner twirls him around once more, and he mentally thanks his justice-driven friend from ignihyde for his aid in an impromptu dance lesson. He makes the right step as the music changes, allowing him to switch partners.
Step, one, two
Step, one, two
The internal chant may be silly, yes, but it beat making a scene and being recognized for a crime far more horrifying than falling on his face. He’s dipped downwards and pulled right back up just as the music dies down, and the dancers return back to their friends.
He lets out a sigh, before catching the glance of a certain Ramshackle student. Yuu, who learned of the stranger’s hatred of being captured on photo long ago, opts to not snap a picture. Instead, they walk over to him, hoping to comfort his ever-growing paranoia. His hair is coming apart, likely from all the dancing. The prefect puts aside the camera and adjusts it, and is caught in the gaze of the forlorn man’s single blue eye.
A silence gathers as one looks at the other. The stranger speaks before Yuu can.
SAGA: Hey…why are you staring at me like that..? You’re making me nervous…
He surely is not the belle of the ball, not by a long run. But to a small few, Saga might have been the most enchanting person they’ve seen that night.
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robo-milky · 3 days
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OMG THIS IS SO CUTE HELLO??!?!? Cloche looks so soft in your style- I love- Ahh it’s always fun to see her with more expressions- she’s always done with everything 24/7.
I love your thoughts of Cloche’ interaction with Darla! I think them being opposites of each other adds conflicts and spice to interactions! The “emotional v.s. emotionless” is always a classic! Whether they can grow to tolerate each other or harbour an ick, who knows 👁️👁️ Feel free to pop in for future events/interactions!
Anyone is welcome to answer/interact/explain ^^ I’d love to hear all kinds of interactions with different/new OCs!
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robo-milky · 4 days
Yuuta sat across from Cloche, their hands shuffling the worn tarot cards with care. "It's your birthday, right?" They asked, their voice soft.  “To be honest, I don't have much to give, but  maybe this might be helpful?” He shrugged with a laugh. "Let's see what the cards have to say. Hmm...You have the Nine of Pentacles, which indicates self-sufficiency and material abundance. And here, the High Priestess, suggests intuition and mystery. Interesting combination.”
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Yuuta pulls out the final card and focuses on the voices that whisper to him; spirits that are tethered to the magical deck. He smirks in realization. “Finally, we have the Two of Cups, symbolizing harmony and connection. Hmm…It seems like this year might bring opportunities for deeper connections and understanding. You might find yourself opening up more, expressing things you've kept hidden.”  After a moment he tucks the cards away, silencing their chatter, and then digs in his other pocket.
"I wanted to give you something else too, nothing major. The colors made me think of you." Yuuta continued, placing a small round Labradorite stone on the table. "It's for when things get overwhelming. You can keep it in your pocket whenever you feel uncomfortable. It's kinda like…a silent way to process your emotions when you hold onto it. Maybe it’ll be useful to you, since you're so quiet n’ all." He shrugs once more before giving her a small, knowing smile. He didn’t know much about her, but thanks to his "powers". he knew her feelings, and how leashed they were.
"I know we haven’t talked much since I saw you at the flower reading event, but don’t be such a stranger. You’re like one of the only tolerable cats at this damn school. Pfft, Happy Birthday, Cloche!"
(sorry for late, love you all you do Chris!💚)
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash]
REN!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS AMAZING READING AND INTERACTION! I just love the details and the tie in of the Fairy Gala event, too! Bit by bit… Cloche will warm up! It’s a work in progress, but how can she possibly not with so many great friends and support?
Jdjdjjdjd processing emotions?? Cloche doesn’t need to process emotions if she doesn’t have any- *unreliable narrator-* The internal turmoil she’s having of wanting to enjoy something yet also not wanting to be too comfortable is hitting hard… Once her character development comes, trust-
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robo-milky · 4 days
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I stg I don’t have a thing for bob cuts- I appreciate Rollo’s character and story, and Rook’s cut simply grew on me. That doesn’t explain anything about my still undying love hate for Epel!
Excuse me, allow me to *changes wig and hat* AHEM
To our esteemed cat maid,
I see your infatuation with Rook has been wavering, as of late. It seems those swimming in their own degeneracy aren’t completely unsalvageable. I acknowledge the talent and skill you possess, but they’re all wasted on your idolization of mages and the like. Not that I’d want my image drawn by your hands, of course, I’ve no need for frivolous displays of vanity. …Especially not after those salacious works to come out of you. There’s still time to reflect upon the media you’re consuming and endorsing. It’s not too late to change for the better.
- 🔔🥐
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robo-milky · 5 days
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Screenshot taken from TWST Discord Server ^^; Good luck!
if anyone wants to shoot over the fonts for like twst cards and stuff i'd heavily appreciate it ; ;
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robo-milky · 5 days
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[More Info]
Henchman (Grim) | Claws (Ace) | Clochey Wochey (Cater) | House Cat (Leona)
Shrimpy (Floyd) | Trickster -> La Petite Clochette (Rook) | City Kitty (Epel) | Kit -> Honorary Human (Sebek)
Kit of Beasts -> Heart of Man (Malleus)
In Return:
Master _____ (Everyone except for faculty)
Uncle (Ramshackle Ghosts)
An emotionally distant girl who thinks with her brains more than her heart. Her words may come off as insensitive, but it’s always said in a neutral tone. Prefers to state the facts and look for the most efficient way out, than tackling more abstract concepts like emotions. Despite this outlook on life, she is a skeptical, worst-case scenario planner. Cloche will go the extra mile if it means security and success is guaranteed. When it comes anything, be it a task/person/subject, Cloche is the type of person who would want to know anything and everything about it to be prepared. When push comes to shove, Cloche will take on the role of leadership and make all the hard decision no one else wants to make. Cloche is a very “the ends justify the means” kind of person.
Core Values -> Competency + Freedom
A cosplayer from Earth who, after exiting from a con, took a wrong turn to get home and was swept away by the NRC horse carriage.
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Ghost Camera: “I’m pretty sure Headmaster Crowley gave this to me as binding to keep me here.”
Snow Hand Cream: “Master Rook could tell this cream is from Neige’s line just by the smell! Isn’t that impressive?”
Bandaids: “I originally bought these for myself, but I end up giving them to others…”
Advils: “Would you like one? Binding Bells told me you were getting headaches, so…”
Handkerchief: “Here, let me wipe that up for you, Master.”
Hair ties: “Master Epel gave them to me during a joint P.E. class. The day after, I overheard Master Vil complaining about his missing hair ties.”
Pencil Case: “If you wish to borrow a pencil, I expect you to give me something back as collateral— so I know you’ll return it back to me.”
Lollipops: “The lollipops in Twisted Wonderland are great and all, but they can’t beat the taste of Chupachups.”
Thread and Needle: “Oh, you’re missing a button.”
Lactaid: “You don’t need one… do you?”
Scrapbook: “Do NOT touch.”
Textbook: “I’m so close annotating the whole book. Just a couple pages left…”
Spiral bound notebook: “Master Rook complimented the calligraphy title in my notes! …Maybe I should do the same thing for futures ones.”
Phone: “Master Grim, please stop playing games…”
Sketchbook: “Master Epel complained about me drawing him too ‘girly’, but I only drew what I saw.”
Notable Thoughts: Cloche’s
“Headmaster Crowley must be busy running such a prestigious school like this… So busy, I wonder if he’d have time looking for a way I can go back to my world.”
“Master Grim’s orders aren’t as bad you think. All he really does is make me do his share of the chores. The simplicity of his orders are a blessing compared to other students’…”
“Master Riddle is accomplished, but he throws tantrums too easily at the drop of a pin.”
“Master Ace may be annoying, but he can be a surprisingly reliable when needed.”
“Although Master Deuce has a good attitude, I don’t think I’m patient enough to wait for him to catch up.”
“I do like Master Jack’s work ethic, but his moral compass is suffocating.”
“I can relate to Master Ruggie’s pragmatism to some degree, though I personally disagree with his disregard of fine arts.”
“If Master Azul ever asks about my whereabouts, no he did not.”
“Is it bad I felt no sympathy for Master Kalim when Master Jamil overblotted?”
“I feel like I’ve been seeing Epel more and more since he stayed over at Ramshackle for the VDC. I get that it’s probably convenient for him to go with me, if we’re going to head back to the same destination anyways, but he doesn’t have to accompany during short breaks.”
“I think Master Rook is very admirable! He’s intelligent, athletic, and creative! …I wish more people could give him a chance and see him for who he really is— but… he probably wouldn’t like that… After all, half the things I know about him, he’s never told me in person.”
“I have deep respect for Master Vil, I really do. Although I have some qualms with the lyrics he wrote for ‘Absolutely Beautiful’.”
“Before asking Master Idia for homework help, Master Grim and I always play a game of rock-paper-scissors. …Why? Because neither of us want to be the bargaining chip.”
“I don’t see why I should fawn over the prince of a foreign land— let alone, from another world. Master Malleus will not be my king, nor will I be his subject. Sage Island is out of his jurisdiction, anyways.”
“…Some of my acting was genuine. A part of me was so desperate to rid myself of the curse, that I was fine with fooling myself. I’ll admit, if Master Rook didn’t come first, then I’m sure he would have... ahem— Capable, composed… it’s almost scary.”
Notable Thoughts: Others’
“Cloche could’a been the perfect henchman if he didn’t have to call other people ‘Master’!” - Grim
“With Cloche around, Heartslabyul doesn’t have to resort to using a cat beastman to play the violin, but an actual cat. That way, we can follow rule 529 without any loopholes.” - Riddle
“Me, friends with that stick in the mud? Pfft—! As if!” - Ace
“Even in a sticky situation, I’ve never seen Cloche lose his cool before. I wonder how he does it…” - Deuce
“For a beastman, Cloche really doesn’t like noise. I get that too, since our ears are more sensitive than humans… but shouldn’t he have already gotten used to it, by now?” - Jack
“I can’t have Leona ordering Cloche around, cause he’ll steal my job!” - Ruggie
“It’s such a shame Cloche refused my offer for him to work at the Monstro Lounge. …We could have made good money and attracted more customers if we used his cat form to promote on our Magicam…” - Azul
“Cloche is really nice! He’s kind of like Jamil, helpful and a bit stern. …But I also feel like there’s a darkness… Ah— Nahaha! N-Nevermind! I want to know more about him to.” - Kalim
“Cloche is surprisingly weak. He could barely lift up a crate of apples when I called him over for help the other day. I ought to be annoyed he couldn’t help, but I’m also kind of glad?” - Epel
“I thought I could feel the claws of a wild beast, but there’s a beauty to reservation too. Perhaps I’ll need to lure it out.” - Rook
“Honestly… All the work I put into reviving Cloche’ natural curls has gone to waste, since he left Pomefiore.” - Vil
“‘Master Hornton’, an amusing nickname, indeed. I was under the impression Cloche had known my identity, but it seems my expectations had been subverted.” - Malleus
“Tch. Cloche can play the victim when needed, I’ll give him that. Manipulating his curse to his advantage makes him no better than those Night Raven College miscreants he claimed to have disassociated with.” - ???
- Birthday: May 12
- ISTJ-T/6w5
- “She/Her” is only used in a meta/narration sense, otherwise— she uses “he/him”
- When Cloche is in her cat form, she has no conscious thoughts and move as if she’s on autopilot, like a normal cat.
- Cloche has no distinct handwriting. It varies depending on what she’s writing and who it’s for— yet even then, no two letters look the same. (Unless forging)
- Cloche has no inner fur in her ears. It’s to signify that the cat ears are unnatural— fake.
- Has a habit of either covering her mouth with her hand/sleeve or turning away whenever she breaks into a genuine smile. Can smile on command for a camera (cosplayer intuition).
- Goes to the school forest to calm down whenever she feels emotional or if she has an inkling that her feral side will come out
- Cloche has germaphobic tendencies.
- Has a habit of biting her index finger or thumb to suppress pain/excessive laughter.
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Groovy!! [SR Tsumsitter]
Groovy!! [SSR Union/Birthday Jacket]
[SR Luxe Couture]
[SSR Birthday Bloom]
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