robyn-runestone · 14 minutes
One of my favorite things with TMA fanart is when people draw Elias with eye paraphernalia or motifs because it makes pre entity discovery tma so much funnier
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robyn-runestone · 16 hours
Reblog and tell us your homemade blorbos in the tags. Those are you ocs that you feel Blorbo Emotions for.
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robyn-runestone · 1 day
I love how whenever ATLA recognizes Sokka is smart enough to solve a problem but it’d be too fast they just stick him in some kind of situation. Like he COULD’VE stopped jet from drowning a town so they tied him up and dumped him in a forest. He COULD’VE figured out what that spirits deal was so they lost him in the spirit world for 24 hours.
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
Have you seen the new show? It's on Tubu. It's literally on Heebee. It's on Poodee with ads. It's literally on Dippy. You can probably find it on Weeno. Dude it's on Gumpy. It's a Pheebo original. It's on Poob. You can watch it on Poob. You can go to Poob and watch it. Log onto Poob right now. Go to Poob. Dive into Poob. You can Poob it. It's on Poob. Poob has it for you. Poob has it for you.
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
The thing that Baldur's Gate got right is that each companion is both extremely cool, tempered with an appropriate dose of cringe.
Gale is a powerful wizard. He uses the phrase 'pish posh' unironically.
Lae'zel is a badass. She asks you to fight her and then gets emotional because you're fighting even though that was her idea.
Karlach. Badass. But we've all seen her idle dance moves.
Wyll is this swashbuckling vigilante and he has a pose he does whenever he says his own superhero name.
Shadowheart. Dark backstory, still striving so hard for the light. Makes a joke about poisonous flowers that falls incredibly flat.
Astarion. Capable rogue and a dangerous vampire. He practises his one-liners ahead of time. Within earshot of the people he wants to use them on.
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
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not really any memorable context he just said that
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
Going to try one of these
Spin this wheel to get a tumblr sexyman!
Reblog for a bigger sample size! And tell me who you got in the tags!
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
My fave super niche trope for the bg3 gang is when people make the tadpole psychic link work like a house’s shared phoneline or a tv channel or a groupchat. everyone left in camp uses it to watch the others fighting like its football night in an American suburban family home. astarion uses it as a mirror to do his makeup. minsc keeps using it to show everyone how boo is doing. laezel uses it to jumpscare everyone and says its “to keep everyone alert to threats”. Gale keeps infodumping when he’s bored. if someone thinks about music too hard everyone else hears it and will tell that person to shut up
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robyn-runestone · 2 days
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robyn-runestone · 3 days
whenever people are like "bloober team aren't that bad, they understand horror" i think of this clip of jerma playing 'layers of fear'
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robyn-runestone · 3 days
AI people: we're just as much artists as you are, you gotta be so observant and go through so many correcting phases for the picture to look good uwu also AI people:
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robyn-runestone · 3 days
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Area Man With No Self Worth Somehow Still Needs To Be Taken Down About A Peg Or Twenty
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robyn-runestone · 3 days
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thank you scherz et al. for bringing us the frogs Mini ature, Mini mum and of course, the Mini scule
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robyn-runestone · 3 days
It's still kinda wild how Phineas and Ferb managed to completely hijack an idiom. Now whenever someone hears a sentence leading with "If I had a nickel for everytime [...]", odds are their brain auto fills with "I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice," rather than "I'd be rich," or "I could [action that requires purchasing something requiring an obscene amount of money]". Y'know, what the idiom originally was
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robyn-runestone · 4 days
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Saph | High elf | Wild magic sorcerer | She/Her
favorite weapon: She prefers using magic, but when she needs to she can be quite effective with a longbow
style of combat: Slowing her opponents down with cold magic and trying to get as many hits in as possible
most prized possession: A small, green handkerchief that she borrowed off one of her older sisters and forgot to give back. It gives her a lot of comfort in these uncertain times.
deepest desire: Before, she would have told you that she has zero desires of her own and that her life’s work is to help everyone she can. Now, after travelling with her new companions, she desires to see the world with new eyes and experience all the wonderful things she missed as a child.
guilty pleasure: After coming out of her shell a little more, she found that she quite enjoyed pulling harmless pranks on people. Astarion is her most frequent victim, and as much as he hates to admit it, he finds them rather amusing. He even got back at her a few times.
best-kept secret: She is losing control over her wild magic. For most of her life, her family made her use her magic to help others. And as much as she liked making people’s lives better, she was never given a break. She was also never allowed to turn down requests from others, lest she be called selfish. All those years of repressed exhaustion and stress manifested into wild magic surges, and she is having a hard time keeping them in check. She’s terrified that if people find out, they will no longer see her as the strong, responsible person she was always supposed to be.
greatest strength: She’s good at analysing situations and figuring out the best coarse of action.
fatal flaw: She has an impossibly hard time saying no to things. Even the thought of denying someone or taking some time for herself makes her feel physically ill.
favorite smell: Steam
favorite spell or cantrip: Ice knife. It’s simple but effective.
pet peeve: People dancing around a subject and not getting to the point.
bad habit: Constantly denying herself comfort or rest. Karlach sometimes has to trick her into taking a break by giving her hugs so warm and comforting that she doesn’t want to leave. (After she got her engine modified, of course.)
hidden talent: Saph specialises in cold spells, and because of this she has gotten very good at gliding across any ice patches she makes. She can even perform a few twirls and leaps.
leisure activity: Shadowheart once took Saph to a sauna, and it felt like a breath of fresh air to her with the decade’s worth of icy magic building up under her skin. In the rare moments when she decides to relax, she’ll try and seek out any nearby saunas. Simply boiling some water helps a lot as well.
favorite drink: She’s not much of a drinker because she doesn’t want to set off her wild magic, but she does enjoy a good white wine from time to time.
comfort food: Any kind of buttery pastry
favorite person: She will always be close to her two adoptive older sisters, Peri and Ru. They experienced the same childhood as her, and they have always been there for each other through the stress and the obligations.
As for her party members, she’s doesn’t think she could ever choose a favourite. Shadowheart is her first true friend, Karlach is her lover who taught her how to live for herself, and Astarion is the brother she never had.
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): When showing affection, she often displays small, physical gestures such as bumping shoulders and squeezing hands. When she becomes more comfortable, or during significant moments, the gestures escalate to hugging.
fondest childhood memory: During a party her parents threw, her and her sisters managed to sneak off to the balcony to stargaze. It was a nice moment filled with hushed, casual conversation and genuine contentment.
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robyn-runestone · 4 days
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robyn-runestone · 4 days
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New Tav!
This is Saph, a wild magic sorcerer.
She was adopted and raised by residents of the upper city specifically because of her sorcery. For most of her life, her adoptive family used her as a way to gain notoriety by helping everyone with her magic. Although she and her two sisters (who were adopted for the same reason) were seen as heroes who would drop everything to assist someone in need, they were extremely overworked.
Before, when Saph expressed her tiredness or implied that she didn’t want to complete a task, it was met with severe backlash from her parents. Since then, she became quiet and withdrawn, never expressing how burned-out she truly is and never saying no to what’s asked of her.
These repressed emotions often manifest as wild magic surges, and the longer she keeps everything inside, the more frequent and powerful they get. Who knows what will happen when she finally breaks under the pressure?
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