roguescarlett · 1 year
one of the biggest man-made environmental disaster in decades!
the Kakhovka HPP is completely destroyed and can’t be restored.
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water continues to flood Kherson, Nova Kakhovka and other cities and towns, taking lives and destroying Ukrainian ecology;
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over 200,000 residents of surrounding settlements lost access to drinking water;
there is a threat of nuclear disaster due to possible cooling issues at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant;
over 150 tons of machine oil have contaminated the Dnipro River. there is risk of a further 300+ tons leaking;
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river water drifts russian mines, they detonate in the flooding zones.
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regardless, thousands of animals, both wild and domestic, affected by this flooding. Ukrainians save everyone they can find. the search for animals and people continues for the second day.
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the scale of this terrorist act is difficult to predict. it threatens hundreds of thousands of lives — flooding will continue for at least another 4 days.
please do not be indifferent, spread information, reliable information from the Ukrainians who are experiencing this catastrophe in real time. do not believe russian propaganda, support Ukraine and Ukrainians in our battle for life!
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roguescarlett · 1 year
"Boris Johnson resigned as MP"
He did it. He did the thing.
"I've been forced out over Partygate"
Karma comes back to bite you in the arse when people died from Covid while you had lockdown parties, you bloody muppet.
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roguescarlett · 1 year
Kherson region.
People and animals being rescued for more than a day.
Fucking russians.
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An excellent list of organizations that can help Ukraine :
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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Yes, they have done it, the act of ecocide. It was predicted almost a year ago when it was first reported that the Russians had mined the dam. They've been preparing for it. Over the past few months, they have been draining the reservoir while simultaneously filling all reservoirs in Crimea, because blowing up this dam means no more fresh water supply to Crimea. So everyone who claimed that Russia invaded Ukraine to secure fresh water for Crimea can now go fuck themselves.
Of course they first claimed it was Ukraine's doing. Although some occupiers already happily admit that it was russia who blew it up, and call for blowing up more of Ukraine's infrastructure.
UPDATE: video evidence that the russians did in fact blew it up, and it wasn't destroyed due to any shelling from the Ukrainian side
It's typical russian scorched earth tactics. Blowing up the dam can possibly prevent the Ukrainian army landing on the left bank of the Dnipro, and it frees russian troops from the left bank, meaning they can be sent as reinforcement to other front lines, for example, in the Donetsk region.
It is probably the greatest ecological catastrophe since Chornobyl, with thousands of people affected, left homeless, entire villages destroyed probably forever. But the russians don't give two fucks about that. They don't care about any life. Their main objective is not necessarily to claim the land for themselves, but rather to ensure it is not Ukrainian. If they cannot have it, they want to leave it uninhabitable.
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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Imagine waking up in the morning and the first thing you know is that russia committed another war crime/ecocide/crime against humanity. The reservoir cools down Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and gives water to the North Crimean Canal (hew, remember how russian claimed that they attacked Ukraine because they needed water to the occupied Crimea?). Hundred of villages and towns will be drowned just in a few hours. Thousands of people will lose their homes. 
I can’t even start to describe how vile it is, how angry and heartbroken I am right now. 
russia delenda est
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roguescarlett · 1 year
Friendly reminder that if you're in any way supporting russia or russian people/culture/etc or you're russian yourself, you're not welcome here, get out of my page
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roguescarlett · 1 year
💔 Photos that break the heart. Russian terrorists kill defenseless animals
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roguescarlett · 1 year
PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS! RUSSIA HAS BLOWN UP THE KHAKIBKA HYDROELECTROSTATION DAM AND IS FLOODING COUNTLESS UKRAINIAN TOWNS AND VILLAGES! THIS IS THE BIGGEST ECOLOGICAL CATASTROPHE IN EUROPE SINCE CHORNOBYL! Post written and provided by @ohsalome: Now, the situation is desperate. I know I've bothered you with donations recently, but this is a time-sensitive matter. I've collected several organisations that are currently helping to evacuate people from the territory that is/will be soon flooded. Please, please, send them any cent you can and signal boost this, the things are really BAD and we need as much help as we can get: Vostok SOS helps people evacuate from dangerous territories, since the beginning of the war they've already helped 46 000 people. Elderly and disabled people are of an extra need of assistance. Helping to leave is another organization that has been helping evacuate people from occupied territories, and is currently gathering funds to help people in Kherson region.
Denys Fedko is a volunteer who currently collects money for fuel, which is always in short stock during war; and general evacuation needs.
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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I had to
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roguescarlett · 1 year
it fucking breaks my heart hearing käärijä go "...but i wasn't the best :(" when he literally scored the second most points EVER in eurovision public vote, second only to ukraine in 2022, like sweetie NO LISTEN, you WERE the best actually
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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This is fucking hilarious!!!
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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so anyway good job finland
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roguescarlett · 1 year
yes yes rigged this cha cha that but please let’s not ignore this right now:
https://www.aftonbladet.se/podcasts/ab/episode/355975 Swedish “eurovision expert” Tobbe Ek (for those of you who aren’t Swedish, this is the same guy who accused Måneskin of doing coke on live tv back in 2021) and his posse of minions decided that it was time to spread some absolutely hateful rhetoric against the people of Finland by calling them shitty, idiotic, telling them they should be ashamed of not voting for Sweden (??? literally what???) etc etc, while also dragging in other contestants like Lord of the Lost and insulting them as a means of questioning why the Finnish public voted for them but not for Sweden. (You know. Because it totally doesn’t make any sense at all that a country known for having the most metal bands per capita in the world would vote for Lord of the Lost. Not at all.) 
As the cherry on top of this xenophobic shit cake, they started to go on about how “There’s no way there were ten contestants who were better than Sweden this year.” (Again. Not only disrespecting the other contestants, but them pretending not to grasp the concept of a country known for preferring heavier music choosing to vote mostly for bands this year… Yeah… Couldn’t be their preferences…)
Again, this man is considered a Eurovision expert here in Sweden, yet this is the type of behaviour he and his coworkers display over a nonissue like the Finnish public not voting for Sweden this year. If there’s something shameful here, it’s this.
To reiterate: These are three grown-ass well past 40-year old people having a genuine meltdown over one (1) singular country not voting for them.
Why are we giving Tobbe Ek (and his irrelevant coworkers) a platform, again?
Hoo boy, there’s more. Because of course there is.
ALRIGHT here’s an article from one of our tabloids using quite suspiciously colonialistic sounding rhetoric about Finland being “the kingdom’s previous eastern half”.
The specific quote in Swedish: “Tv-tittarna i tidigare östra rikshalvan gav nämligen Sverige noll(!) poäng under Eurovisionfinalen på lördagen.”
Translation: “TV viewers in [our] kingdom’s previous eastern half gave namely zero(!) points to Sweden during the Eurovision finale on Saturday.”
Yeah, Johan Bratell (the writer of the article) is technically not wrong about Finland having been a part of Sweden. But why bring this up now? This was so clearly meant as a condescending insult.
The article also talks about a throwaway comment that the Finnish commentator Mikko Silvennoinen made about tactical voting (or more specifically, an anonymous comment he read out loud about tactical voting). From my understanding this was a joke reference to the previous elections which took place recently in Finland and forced a portion of the Finnish public to vote tactically as an attempt to block a far-right party from getting into the parliament. It’s embarrassing how much these people are reaching.
And even if they were voting tactically, so what? Sweden won. Why are we so focused on the public vote of one (1) country, Jesus Christ this is embarrassing.
For those of you who are not in the know about Swedish politics, these statements are reflecting some far-right political views that have their roots all the way back in the times when Sweden ruled over Finland. In recent memory, our far-right political party Sverigedemokraterna claimed that the Swedish minority group Tornedalians are not Swedish, because they may speak local dialects that blend Finnish into Swedish, or speak the minority language Meänkieli. Coincidentally, Meänkieli just so happens to be a minority language that blends Finnish and Swedish, as it is mostly spoken by people who live by the Torneå river, i.e. the Finnish-Swedish border. Here’s an article about this controversy (however you may not be able to read it unless you’re subscribed to said newspaper): https://www.dn.se/asikt/orimligt-att-tornedalingar-inte-skulle-vara-svenskar/?fbclid=IwAR33K_UVRhXlJhyPd3gY7GDXN_lotUdrtM1AeL-nRzWE26Tmq5BFE0lIUzw
Sverigedemokraterna also believe that the Swedish minority group of Sweden Finns should essentially cut their ties to their Finnish roots and that they should not be able to be citizens of both Finland and Sweden. https://aip.nu/sverigedemokraterna-och-de-dubbla-medborgarskapen/
This sort of rhetoric is ridiculously common here, and in situations like the ones that have occurred in light of the ESC, they almost never get called out. Because it’s common. Because it’s okay to call Finnish people names and to use colonial rhetoric against all Finns, both those who live in Finland and those who live in Sweden. Because this is “friendly banter.” Mind you, as someone who technically belongs to both of the aforementioned minority groups I’m completely fine with the actually friendly banter and piss taking that we usually partake in, because it is just that. Friendly. But this is not it. This is actually harmful. I have never seen so many Swedish people attacking Finns on social media as I’ve seen these past few days. The usual colonialistic and fennophobic insults have started to rear their ugly heads: People have started to insult the Finnish language (a fennophobic sentiment that goes way back to the days when Finland was under Swedish rule and the Swedish tried to get rid of the language), they have started to insult the way Finns look (goes back to fennophobic rhetoric of Finns essentially not being “white enough”), etcetera. For more information on how the Swedish government treated the Sweden Finns and Tornedalians (the fact that they tried to abolish both the Meänkieli language and the Finnish language from Sweden and have even done skull measurements as an attempt to prove that these minority groups are not equal to Swedes), here’s another article: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/norrbotten/regeringen-tillsatter-sanningskommission
For those of you who speak Finnish and are interested in the topic, the book Kansankodin pimeämpi puoli by Tapio Tamminen goes into both issues, with photographic evidence of skull measurement incidents among other things. Meanwhile, the Finnish media is mostly just reporting on the tomfoolery of these “journalists.” Sure, there are a lot of Finns who are acting out as well and spreading hateful rhetoric against Swedes, but the difference here is that one group is punching up, while the other is punching down.
Whether Tobbe Ek, Jenny Ågren, Markus Larsson and Johan Bratell meant to cause this does not matter. They’ve still done it, in the case of the former group, they’ve even dragged other Europeans (and Australians!) into this mess.
They’ve gone ahead and spread fennophobic rhetoric on huge platforms: Sweden’s biggest national tabloids. They should be held accountable for this.
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roguescarlett · 1 year
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i am not immune to finnish man going cha cha cha, i have eurovision brainrot
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roguescarlett · 1 year
I still can't believe they only let Go_A, Jamala, and Verka sing a very short part at the very beginning. And what we got for the final performance was a lame-ass Imagine.
Like, they don't even turn on the mic for the short part with Ruslana.
To top it all off, you don't even have a Ukrainian announcer with you on stage during the vote counting, arguably the most important part.
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roguescarlett · 1 year
If we were in a movie, the fact that Ternopil, the hometown of TVORCHI, was bombed by russia minutes before the band's performance in the Eurovision finale would be deemed bad writing. It's over the top, it's trying too hard with the drama, and why make the villian into a cartoonish character? But the reality is such that russia is the cartoon villian. No tragic backstories, no understandable motivations. Just the desire to erase Ukrainians as culture and people. I know that for a lot of those living in other countries, the war seems like something distant, a scary story they want nothing to do with (hello, Switzerland with your 'I don't wanna a soldier', it's not like we haven't noticed, neutrality and all). But here's another reminder that for Ukrainians, fighting russia is fighting for our right to simply live.
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