rom-e-o · 3 hours
When the Twins (and maybe a bit moreso Wolf than Adonis just because of the bigger age difference with Bess) first come to the cottage to visit and they see all of these vintage/retro/antique items instead of being hit over the head with all the latest, trendiest, high-tech things like one might expect in a house full of young women, and see how so well cared for and obviously treasured and admired these items are, do you think it touches something inside them? Do you think they think to themselves, "This girl is definitely the one"? Because it just seems like that would be even more of a window into the girls' souls.
I think id definitely hits them as a surprise. A very pleasant surprise, and a relief.
Like you said, I think it may hit a little harder for Wolf, as their age gap is a little larger and Bess is indisputably a young woman while Connie is in this murkier area between 'young woman' and 'old lady' depending on who you ask.
Still, the definitely notice that the apartment is filled with vintage antiques, but also, that everything is cared for. They also can't help but notice that there are some pieces that have been lovingly refinished to restore and preserve their beauty. These items also aren't reluctantly serving as furniture or decor until they can get something else. They'd not hidden or crowded with junk to hide them. Everything is displayed, and looks beautiful and cozy.
I think it convinces them of the girls' merit, and definitely touches them.
These aren't ladies that are putting them on. They're not in this for a laugh, or to get a bag. They really built a life and home in London, and they did it with a house of beloved antiques, trinkets, quilts, handmade pieces and more.
W: It's admittedly been a while since I've been in a lady's residence, but I recall their flats being different. They usually weren't so...decorated.
A: With antiques, you mean.
W: Frankly, yes. These ladies have put a lot of time and work into their cottage. It's ... nice to see, actually.
A: It feels like a home, not the back storage area of a tech store. No cords everywhere. No clutter. (Chuckles) They even had landline phones.
W: YES! Bloody landlines! And an AM/FM radio. Bess even said they were saving for a Victrola. It's ... actually quite wonderful. I don't have to worry about feigning excitement about the newest 'whatever' to come out.
A: I agree. I think it speak to their tastes and priorities quite well.
W: Then again, we ARE biased.
A: I think they're well aware. I just don't think they mind.
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rom-e-o · 6 hours
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My tumblr notes when mutuales clock in to like my posts
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rom-e-o · 1 day
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Partying at Soulard Pride 💕
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rom-e-o · 2 days
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Reading tabloid articles written about you, your age, your weight and your relationship is NEVER a good idea.
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rom-e-o · 3 days
Anyways while racism in the writer's room is definitely a thing and does affect how black characters are written and portrayed, to say "well this character wasn't written well (because of racism) so THAT'S why I find them boring!" is just disingenuous and trying to shove blame elsewhere.
Wyll may have been shafted in terms of writing, but he still clearly had more effort and time put into him than Halsin. And yet out of those two characters, which one is more popular in the fandom?
Dragon Age: Inquisition may bend over backwards to make Vivienne seem like a villain at times, and her opinion on the Vircles is a bit complex, but that game also has Cullen in it - who was an antagonist for two previous games, and also has even stricter views on mages and the Circles. And out of the two of them, who's the one people are more forgiving to?
Preston Garvey might have a bugged radiant quest that means he says the same thing over and over and over again, but why is it annoying when he does it and endearing when it's characters in other games? (Brynjolf's "Sorry lass, I've got important things to do" comes to mind)
While yes, we should hold writers and developers accountable for the racism they bake into their games, this does not change that fandom is a transformative space. Fandoms will regularly take characters who were underwritten, who were treated poorly by their source material, or who were overlooked, and create beautiful works of art and fiction surrounding them.
So it's quite telling when they refuse to do this with the black characters.
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rom-e-o · 3 days
Ordering clothes without exact measurements is just not good.
I usually wear a small. I ordered a 'medium' uniform girl's skirt to pair with some sweaters/jumpers/pullovers/coats/anything large and bulky on the top half of my body. I figured, 'it'll be roomy, that's fine.' It fits like an XL, NO WAY it's a 'medium'. Especially for a Royal Uniforms skirt. Their clothes are made for students.
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rom-e-o · 3 days
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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rom-e-o · 4 days
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Ball gown. c. 1894. French. Kyoto Costume Institute.
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rom-e-o · 4 days
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rom-e-o · 4 days
Unmute !
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rom-e-o · 4 days
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Eccentric doesn't even begin to describe these
4 new floor tiles handmade and prettied up with public domain patterns that can pep up any granny kitchen. Why, yes, I randomly clicked on some tiles to make it look all wonky! Even had my eyes closed sometimes! Look ma, no peeking.
Download the quartette here [ZIP]
They are sorted by shape. You find them in flooring > tiles. Keep in mind some of them need more space to show the full pattern. I put Mathilda on .25 scale so try that one in a 4x4 room. Meanwhile Simone's swatches can be combined to create new patterns entirely. The whole set is fun.
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rom-e-o · 4 days
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Heritage Home Build Collection
Turn your sims home into a classic Parisian building with the Heritage Build Set. The set includes 23 building items with windows, doors and arch suitable for Drag & drop Easy install and the textures are Maxis Match friendly!
My Download Page
Visit my Pinterest and my Instagram to check out more of my cc collections
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rom-e-o · 5 days
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♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ Find it Here ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
Full body clothing
Female body type clothing
EVE body
14 swatches
Undressable with 3 stages
Found in Everyday, Formal
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rom-e-o · 5 days
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BUCKSHOT ROULETTE, a computer game by mike klubnika.
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rom-e-o · 5 days
It’s SO fun, but will suck you in like crazy.
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Requested by @hypn0sssss
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rom-e-o · 5 days
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Great hand forged snake window guards on a home in California
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rom-e-o · 5 days
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Missing Persons Report (2024)
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