rosesnwater · 8 days
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"Don't worry, my dear. I will love however you wish, but I promise you...you are worthy, and you are enough."
[finally drew this goils again]
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rosesnwater · 10 days
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rosesnwater · 10 days
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Beautiful vintage book spines
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rosesnwater · 10 days
In defense of a "Wicked Stepmother":
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Sarah's Stepmother in "Labyrinth", named Irene in tie-in media, only gets about a minute of screen time before Sarah rushes off to her room in a soaked snit. Fanfic writers usually turn her into an evil bitch and even the manga sequel, "Return to Labyrinth", has her cold and abusive to Toby, her biological child. But here's the thing...
I think Sarah's mother gets a bum rap.
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Dressing nicely for an evening out and having mild conflict with a teenager does not a Lady Tremaine make. And as someone who actually lived with a narcissistic, manipulative, emotionally abusive stepfather, I can tell you that Irene doesn't even come close to wicked step parent territory.
Backstory first. It's never spoken of in the film, but clues in Sarah's room tell us that her real mother is a stage actress who abandoned her and her father for another actor. Sarah idolizes her mother and tries to emulate her with play acting. Sarah's father met and married Irene sometime after Linda ran off, and Sarah, who thinks her mom walks on water, resents the hell out of Irene for taking her place. A place that Linda abandoned for another man.
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She couldn't help it. He looked like David Bowie.
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Let's look at her first alledged transgression. She won't let Merlin into the house. Instead she orders him into the garage. Heartless, we assume because we all love dogs and only the most soulless of monsters don't. But slow down. She didn't leave him out in the rain. She put him in the garage. Furthermore, Merlin is an Old English Sheepdog. Is he a nice dog? Sure, but he's also a breed that's notorious for being high maintenance and hard to keep clean and right now he's soaking wet and filthy. Irene isn't being cruel, she's trying to keep him from ruining the carpet.
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So now Sarah and Irene are in the house about to have their confrontation. "Sarah, you're an hour late..."
Sarah lost track of time. Sarah is the one who screwed up. Irene has every right to be frustrated. For all we know, she and Robert were supposed to see a movie or meet someone and Sarah's tardiness wrecks their plans. Note, please, that while she is frustrated, she's not even yelling. My mom would have screamed bloody murder and then held it over my head for weeks.
"Your father and I go out very rarely..."
"You go out every single weekend!"
There is no way to confirm who is right on this. I will say Sarah is the one prone to hysterics and exaggeration, so it's not looking good for her.
"And I ask you to babysit only if it won't interfere with your plans."
I ask. Irene asks. She doesn't demand, and she doesn't expect Sarah to give up her previous plans.
"Well how would you know what my plans are? You don't even ask me anymore!"
Sarah, you were LARPing in a park by yourself. Furthermore, with the storm you would have gone home anyway.
"Well I assume you would tell me if you had a date. I'd like it if you had a date. You should have dates at your age."
Irene doesn't want Sarah to be a Cinderella stuck at home every night. She wants her to go out and have a social life. This is literally the opposite of the bedtime story Sarah tells Toby later.
Also, "I'd assume you tell me..." Irene might not be wording it in the best way here, but she wants Sarah to communicate with her. She wants them to have a relationship.
Then Robert enters the scene. "Sarah, you're home. We were worried about you."
WE were worried. As in both he and Irene. You think that's the reason she was waiting on the porch? Because their sixteen year old daughter is an hour past when she said she'd be home and now it's raining and getting dark?
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It's not like she'd ever talk to a stranger.
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Sarah runs up the stairs in a snit, not even acknowledging her father and leaving Irene dismayed. "She treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story no matter what I say." Her voice isn't angry, it's hurt. She's making an effort to reach Sarah, but nothings working. She can't break through the tantrums and the anger and the hero worship of Linda.
Sarah is a fantasy junkie. It's all over her room. Her books are all fairy tales. Her dog and her teddy bear are named after figures from Arthurian legend. But she's wrapped herself in a different kind of fantasy, a toxic one. One where Irene, well meaning and kind, is one of the evil stepmothers from her fairytale books, while Linda is good and virtuous like one of the dead moms at the beginning. Except Linda isn't dead. She's shtupping a costar.
Part of Sarah's coming of age and maturity is rejecting Jareth, the stand in for her mother's lover and therefore finally rejecting following her mother's selfish path. We see her finally let go of Linda by putting her picture and clippings in the drawer. Hopefully, the next morning, after she picks the confetti out of her hair, she'll finally be able to start over with Irene.
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rosesnwater · 11 days
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books made of magic, fairytales, poems and love
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rosesnwater · 11 days
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rosesnwater · 11 days
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rosesnwater · 11 days
Hey, I can just put that in a post! There's no way I'm ever going to be able to find the tumblr post that inspired this, but it was talking about how the term 'unalive' should refer to something that is to 'alive' the same way 'undead' is to 'dead'. A few people were trying to work out what that equivalent might be, and there were some fun possible examples thrown out (food service workers! anyone employed by a call centre!)
However. 'Undead' is a term that has a very specific meaning in relation to 'dead'. It doesn't mean 'alive', because 'alive' is opposite to 'dead'. It also doesn't mean 'not dead', because plenty of things are not dead that were never alive and are, thus, not undead, either. 'Undead' specifically means 'dead, but in a way that is wrong'.
Which means that, if 'unalive' is to 'alive' as 'undead' is to 'dead', then 'unalive' should mean something that is alive, but in a way that is wrong.
And just as 'undead' is not synonymous with 'alive', but shares traits with it, 'unalive' should not be synonymous with 'dead', but share traits with it. Something that is unalive should not be dead, but should have traits associated with death.
The unalive thing, then, should be something that is alive, but the wrong kind of alive, in a way that shares traits with death. Perhaps something too alive, too energetic, too exuberant, too enthusiastic, too aware and appreciative of every sensation or symptom of life. Perhaps something a little too hungry.
Like a fungus.
Or a wellness influencer.
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rosesnwater · 11 days
Stuck on the idea of vampires as a kind of reverse fae, or like someone's twisted, perverse attempt at moulding humans into fae.
They're repelled by liminal spaces.
A vampire could never enter fairyland, not just because they'd never be welcomed, but because most of the usual entry-ways are naturally barred to them.
They can't cross running water. They can't be seen in mirrors. They will wait forever at a crossroads, unable to pick a direction to go in. They can't even step over a thresh-hold unless there is absolutely no ambiguity about whether they are welcome inside.
They crave human blood, iron and salt, but are repelled by herbs and plants. They are supernaturally prevented from harming you unless the rules of hospitality have been invoked.
A fairy may replace your newborn child with something unnatural and ever-hungry. A vampire will do the same, but with your grandmother's corpse.
The fae are typically associated, even in stories where they're the bad guys, with flourishing and purity. Vampires, even in stories where they're the good guys, are typically associated with decay and corruption.
The fae turn ancient human burial mounds into fancy halls for their courts. Vampires take ancient human castles and let them grow mildewed and cobwebbed, exchanging the beds for coffins, turning them into burial places.
Fae don't tend to live among humans, but can generally pass for them with relative ease if they so choose. Vampires nearly always live among humans, but tend to find not revealing themselves a huge struggle.
I can't think of many stories I've read where fae and vampires even exist in the same universe, let alone ones where they actively interact. I feel like their enmity is almost more inevitable than that between vampires and werewolves, however.
The rivalry between vampires and werewolves is, essentially, the rivalry between two apex predator species who share a territory. (Even in stories where the werewolves aren't actually hunting humans.)
The vampires hate the werewolves because the werewolves interfere with their access to prey. The werewolves hate the vampires either because they consider themselves aligned with humans (the prey species), or because they are also predators and the vampires are competing with them.
By comparison, I think there's some story potential in the fae finding something genuinely creepy and uncanny valley about vampires.
They're immortal, like them, but also dead. They can be beautiful, like them, but that beauty is something they actively require humans to sustain. They like to inhabit beautiful and ancient ex-human dwellings, like them, but they actively work to make those places dark, damp and empty.
Fairies who are unflappable in the face of all sorts of Otherworldly monsters, can look an eldritch horror in the eye(s) without blinking, and have never been phased yet by any human, but will recoil from even the weakest vampire.
Vampires who hate fairies just as much, but in a more envious way. The way that the creature for whom immortality is a curse is bound to hate the creatures for whom immortality is an eternity of sunlight and laughter.
Maybe their touches burn each other. Maybe vampires can't stand physical contact with anything so alive and vital. Maybe immortal fairies become ill from too much exposure to the undead.
Maybe they fight over the human population when their territories overlap. The fairy need for servants and people to make deals with, competing with the vampire need for thralls and blood to drink.
Just… fairies and vampires. We need more stories about them interacting.
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rosesnwater · 12 days
I will be honest guys, the Red portrait of king Charles is gorgeous asdfghjkl
it's a bad portrait. Like. Objectively. It does the opposite of what's intended. It looks like the painter is insulting him. If it was in a contemporary gallery with no context you would see it immediately as the ambivalent criticism of Charles's reign, how he fades into the overwhelming red background as a tiny little figure, small and insignificant, insufficient for the clothes he's wearing. It reminds my of Goya's portraits, how they were so 'realistic' that they ended up making these great figures look pathetic to the viewer. So these are our rulers?
the sheer novelty. the surprise and shock, the kinda cunt it's serving for no reason. I. I love it. It's an incredible portrait by Jonathan Yeo. By the sheer fact that Charles, the man, is impossible to portray as greater than man because he's just such a nothingburger of a dude. So a portrait made to make him look huge and interesting made him be swallowed in red brushstrokes. The butterfly, that reminded me immediately of " we will all laugh at guilded butterflies", draws more attention than him. It looks like an omen. It looks like a warning in all this red. Something is not right here.
This is the best royal portrait ever 10/10
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rosesnwater · 13 days
Why "Panna a Netvor" is a beautiful version of "Beauty and the Beast".
This 1978 Czech movie is a retelling of a tale as old as time, but still able to create something new.
The title itself literally means "The virgin and the monster".
The main girl have an actual name, Julie, and she was born from her father second marriage.
Julie's father lost all of his fortune because the beast k**l his aides, and he had to travel to town to sell his wife's portait in order to repair his debts.
The beast have the features of a bird instead of a mammal and he's forced to k**l humans to eat (he have voices in his head who tell him to do the same to Julie).
They meet in an oniric scene, where Julie wear a beautiful golden dress. And they kiss!
The castle is in ruins, full with statues and wild bushes, pure gothic.
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rosesnwater · 21 days
Do it 👀👀👀👀
Gonna spend the day FINALLY watching Bridgerton S3 (SCREAMING AND THROWING UP GUYSSSS) and working on my Regency fae romantasy WIP cuz Y E S.
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rosesnwater · 21 days
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that's my fucking girl
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rosesnwater · 27 days
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“The first time I watched you sleep.”
Stolitzweek2024 | Day 1: First Time
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rosesnwater · 27 days
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rosesnwater · 27 days
The fact that the term “fairy tale” was coined in the 1690s by a woman, for the stories she wrote and shared with other women, who then wrote their own fairy tales about bad-ass women, only for Charles freaking Perrault to write the tales that are still the most well-known today in western society—it’s honestly just hilarious, actually. 
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rosesnwater · 28 days
Hello! I know that you create Beauty and the Beast content sometimes, so I thought you might be interested in this fandom event coming in September: https://www.tumblr.com/beauty-beast-week/750363084474974208/be-our-guest-at-beauty-and-the-beast-week-2024?source=share
If you are or may be interested, please follow the blog to find out more soon! If you’re not interested in participating, but are willing to share the event with others who you think would be interested, I’d appreciate the support! Thanks!
that is interesting, you should send this in the batb lovers discord, i can send you a link to it if you would like
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