roundedbellyfa ยท 22 hours
Tried on my old work uniform. I think I weighed 130 when I last wore it. I'm not almost 150 pounds ๐Ÿฅต. I could practically hear the seams creaking in the pants when I tried to sit down
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roundedbellyfa ยท 22 hours
I'm posting lots today but I ate 3 takeaways this weekend and I'm the heaviest I've ever been, I can't stop trying on old clothes and get turned on by how my body looks
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roundedbellyfa ยท 22 hours
It definitely still fights but do you think it's obvious I've gained weight since I last wore this??
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roundedbellyfa ยท 22 hours
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roundedbellyfa ยท 23 hours
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So stuffed..
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roundedbellyfa ยท 23 hours
I ordered doordash three times today, no shame. Gotta work on this physique ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’•
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roundedbellyfa ยท 23 hours
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Everywhere has gotten so much softer canโ€™t wait till I get some stretch marks on my belly ๐Ÿคญ
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roundedbellyfa ยท 23 hours
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Just some winter weight
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
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So I did some mining snacking off camera and... gained 20lbs
Can you tell? feel free to tease me...
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
2024 -- 2022
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In my defense, I'm a little bloated in the recent gif...
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
how has 20 more pounds affected you? ever feel out of shape or unfit? whats it like
This is the heaviest I've ever been, and it happened on accident! I started to notice my baggy pants were actually fitting kind of snug after eating a big meal (hmm wonder what eating as to do with this..) like, I'm talking baggy as in Can't Keep Them Up Without A Belt baggy. Two Sizes Too Big baggy. Yes, I have comparison videos/pictures if you're interested.
As some of you know, I had sizable thighs back then. Nothing major, but in contrast with my small waist it was pretty impressive. Not the best reference I have, but it will have to work.
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I swear a good percentage of this added weight went right to my thighs. So now I know what chub rub is like first hand. Incase any of you feedists on tumblr were dying to know Bearbabe's stance on chub rub, it sucks. Very annoying. I know some of you sick fucks (as a term of endearment of course) will be into it.
This is all really quite embarrassing for me. Just for some perspective, I am returning two years later visibly chubbier, likely chubbier than some of the gainers I once interacted with as an encourager.
I'll have more gifs and pics soon, but for now you all have to accept a little belly shake from the same bloating session I had last night.
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Thank you for the question! I don't want to ramble too much about one topic (unless y'all want more humiliating details. Lmk)
keep teasing me
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
Have you ever been so full you can barely burp? I've learned to love that feeling. The pressure increasing inside my belly, making it harder to breathe. Do you think I can fit more soda? I feel like I'm going to burst..
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
is chub rub all youve noticed in terms of physical changes? have you tried to exercise since gaining all the weight?
Well there's also the "love handles" situation..
And believe it or not, I do enjoy going on walks/short runs. Though, the running has gotten. Less frequent..
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
These were meant to be high waisted but I think lowrise pants are trending again.
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At least I hope it's trending. Yeah.. lowrise is much better.
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
2022 vs 2024
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This fit a little better 20+ pounds ago...
Working on setting up an onlyfats!! You'll find the video for this there soon ;)
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
How about showing us your current empty belly?
Well, in order to do that I'd need to stop stuffing myself. With all these feeders encouraging me I don't see that happening anytime soon.
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roundedbellyfa ยท 7 days
How perverted would it be of me if I went to the mall with the only intention being to try on clothes I know are way too small for me. And record it.
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