rubberfuckey · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 5000 likes!
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
around again - rafe cameron
summary: exes reconnect at a party at tannyhill (: (: smut!!
wc: 2.1k
talk to me
Walking through the club and out to the golf course, Rafe was completely zoned out as Topper and Kelce talked about the party they were throwing tonight.
“Rafe, seriously man, are you gonna hit that tonight?” 
Topper’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he rolled his eyes, “What are you assholes talking about?”
“Stephie, bro, she’s basically been throwing herself at you since you and Y/N broke up.”
Topper cringed as he watched Rafe’s face drop at the mention of his breakup. He shook his head and kept walking towards the green. 
“What? Can’t get it up anymore?” Kelce laughed. Rafe took a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. He could still get it up, in fact, it happened quite often. Usually by himself, in the dark of his room, thinking about you; how wet you got for him, the noises you would make, how you clenched around him like you were made perfectly for each other. He didn’t want anyone else, you had successfully ruined him for any other girl. Topper stopped Kelce from going any further, feeling bad for Rafe, he thought he could relate with his Sarah situation but he had no idea. Rafe was heartbroken, sleeping around wouldn’t make it any better. 
“Can you both shut the fuck up and just hit the balls? Jesus Christ.”
The rest of the game went by quickly. Rafe played like shit, and Topper and Kelce made fun of him for it. He threw his clubs down and walked into the bar area to get a drink, keeping his head down. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, would you come to their party tonight? Usually, you wouldn’t miss a party, but things have been different lately. It was almost as if you two were galaxies away instead of a few streets over on Figure 8, he hadn’t seen you around since the breakup. He checked your social media obsessively, looking for any hint of what you’ve been up to since you left his house for the last time but you must’ve hidden your stories from him. He had half a mind to ask Topper or Kelce to see if they were blocked but he couldn’t bring himself to give up his pride. He left them at the club without another word and went home to shower and get ready to have a shit ton of drunk teenagers in his house. It was pretty much routine for him at this point to stand in the shower, the water running over his shoulders as he jerked off at the thought of you, he finished quickly and washed the sweat off of his body. He sighed, he felt absolutely pathetic and just wanted to text you but he knows he can’t do that. 
He sat in a chair outside, not really paying attention to the conversation going on around him. His eyes scanned the party and he sighed, giving up on the thought that you would show up here. He got up to get another drink when Stephie stopped him on his way to the kitchen. 
“Hi, Rafe!” She said in an annoyingly high-pitched voice.
“Hey, Stephie,” he sighed, hoping she would get the point. Of course, she didn’t. She walked closer to him, placing a hand on his forearm as she leaned in to talk over the music.
“You threw a great party!”
“Yea, thanks.” He nodded shortly, he didn’t want to be rude but he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.
“Rafe, you’re single, right?” She smiled up at him innocently.
He shook his head quickly, “I mean, I guess, yeah. Not really looking for anything, though.”
He looked over the top of her head, looking for any excuse to leave the situation when he caught eyes with you. You were standing next to your friends, looking like a deer in the headlights as you watched Stephie run her hand up and down his arm. 
“Rafe, did you hear what I said?”
He snapped his head back down to her, he hated the way she said his name.
“Sorry, what?”
“I was saying, I have a proposition,” she started.
“Yeah, Stephie, look I’m sure you’re great but I’m really not interested. Sorry.”
She dropped her hand, looking disappointed, “Not over Y/N, huh?”
“No, not in the slightest,” he shrugged, what was the point of lying?
“Well, good luck with that,” she laughed lightly, walking away from him quickly. He looked back up, but you were gone from where you stood. Great, he thought. He walked into his kitchen, going for his favorite drink that he kept hidden away from everyone else. He stopped in his tracks, not expecting anyone else to be there, he made sure it was known that it was off-limits to the general public. It was dark, so all he saw was the outline of a person. He flicked the light on, ready to kick them out before you turned around and he saw you standing there, wiping a tear out of your eye quickly trying to hide it.
“Oh, it’s just you.” 
He tried to play it cool but it felt as though all the wind was knocked out of his lungs at the sight of you. 
“Yea, sorry, too many people out there, I’ll leave though.” You sniffed softly.
“No, Y/N, you’re fine. Stay.”
You nodded and grabbed the bottle you know he came in here for, handing it over to him without saying a word. He smirked, you knew him so well.
“Shouldn’t you be with Stephie?” You cringed at your words, you didn’t mean for them to sound as jealous as they did.
“You’re crazy if you think I want Stephie,” he paused, “You’re crazy if you think I want anyone in the world but you.”
You looked down, hugging yourself, something he knew you did when you were feeling anxious.
“I’m glad you’re here. I missed seeing you around.”
“I shouldn’t have come,” you shook your head defensively.
“Then what are you doing here?” He asked.
You shrugged, not having an answer to that question. 
“Do you miss me as much as I miss you?” He whispered, you almost didn’t hear him. 
“Probably more,” you shrugged. 
“Then what are we doing wasting time?” He questioned, taking a few steps closer to where you stood. 
“Oh my god, Rafe, will you stop with all the questions?”
“Baby, I feel like I’ve been going insane every day since we broke up. I’m bound to have questions.”
He walked even closer, trapping you between him and the kitchen counter. It was almost impossible to breathe as he took over all your senses. He leaned down, staring at your lips, it wasn’t hard to guess what he was thinking. You swallowed hard, if you don’t break the silence you’re going to kiss him.
“Rafe, come on. We can’t do this. We broke up for a reason,” you whispered.
“Yeah? What reason was that?” He whispered back, huskily.
“I forget,” you bit your lip as you watched his tongue trace his bottom lip before he pulled you in for a kiss. You gasped and threw your arms around his neck. He grabbed your hips, pulling you as close to him as physically possible. You whimpered into the kiss as he grabbed your ass roughly and pushed his tongue past your lips at the same time. You felt your knees go weak at the taste of him, he was all-encompassing and you were overwhelmed. Pulling his hands away from your ass, you pulled him to follow you towards the stairs. He chuckled to himself at the thought of how everything is working out for him. You turned around and looked at him, smiling back at him. He smacked your ass harshly from where he was behind you on the steps. 
“Rafe!” You gasped, with a laugh.
You practically ran down the hall towards his bedroom, him chasing after you. He caught you before you could open the door and picked you up and spun you around, kissing all over your face and neck. You reached behind you and turned the doorknob so he could walk through it. He kicked it closed with his foot, reattaching your lips in a searing kiss. He walked over to the bed and laid you down on it him right on top of you. Your legs didn’t unwrap from around his waist until you started pulling each other’s clothes off quickly. He ran a finger over the waistband of your underwear, and you bucked your hips, too impatient for any teasing.
“Needy, huh?”
You just nodded quickly, and he slowly rubbed your clit making you moan in surprise. You reached for his dick to feel him through his boxers before you pulled his underwear. He looked down to watch you as you bit your lip and spit in your hand before jerking him off. He groaned and used a hand to grab at your throat making you gasp. He used his other hand to continue fingering you, you were already dripping onto the sheets below you. 
“Rafe, fuck me,” you whined.
“What’s the magic word?” he teased.
“Please?” You looked up at him with a pleading look in your eyes that he couldn’t say no to. 
“Good girl,” he tightened his grip on your throat as he lined himself up and slowly pushed his way into you. 
“Fuck,” you both said at the same time.
“Jinx,” you laughed. He thrust the rest of the way inside, wiping the smile right off your face as you gasped. He was unrelenting in his movements, desperate to feel you soak him, gripping him like a vice. The only things that could be heard in the room were your soft moans and whimpers, and the sound of skin slapping skin. He flipped you over and bent you over so he could hit it from the back, wrapping his hand around your hair, and pulling you up so your back was against his chest. You nearly screamed at the new angle, causing him to move his hand from your hand to your mouth to muffle your cries, his other hand making circles on your clit. Expletives escaped your mouth and tears were running down your face before his hand moved from your mouth to slap your ass and push you back down. Your head was buried in the pillow, grabbing at the sheets. He had both hands on your waist, moving you roughly against his dick. He groaned and flipped you over again. 
“Wanna watch your face while you cum all over my dick, pretty girl.”
You cried and shook your head eagerly. He stuck his index and middle finger into your open mouth and went back to your clit with the other, your eyes struggling to stay open. 
“Come on baby, cum for me.” He panted, feeling close to his orgasm too. You clenched around him as he sped up. He dropped his head into your shoulder, panting in your ear. His sounds of pleasure were enough to send you over the edge as you felt every muscle spazz, tightening and contracting uncontrollably. He groaned at the feeling, cumming right after you, pumping every drop inside of you. 
“Shit, Rafe,” you panted. He breathed heavily and dropped his sweaty forehead onto your naked chest, listening to your frantic heartbeat. You lay there for a few minutes in silence, before Rafe moved to make himself more comfortable next to you.
“Can we just stay here and not go back to the party?” He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
“You read my mind,” you smiled. 
"We should get back together," he said, nonchalantly.
"We still have our issues, Rafe, we can't just ignore them."
"No, I know. You're right. But I will do anything to make this work if you'll give me the chance."
You thought about it for a second, too wore out to argue. You sighed and nodded your head. 
"Yeah?" He said, biting back a smile.
"Yeah, fuck it," your face mirrored him until you yawned. He pulled you into him as you cuddled. You both fell asleep, sweaty limbs tangled together, ignoring the music coming from Rafe’s backyard.
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
all of your glory - rafe cameron
based on the song, all of your glory by broods !
summary: Rafe tries pushing you away, but you refuse. angsttttttt!
wc: 1k
talk to me
He was pushing you away. You were losing him and you didn’t know how to make it better. Things had been rough for him lately, everyone could see it. The parties, the alcohol, the drugs, all the fighting. The fury radiating off of him at all times was coming to a head. Before when something upset him you would be able to distract him from it all until his spirits lifted, but that was back when your biggest problems were boys trying their luck with you at parties and detentions from his least favorite teacher. Now there are huge sums of money and status on the line. Those stakes mixed with his increased drug usage proved to be ruining the relationship you fought so hard to maintain. Truth be told, Rafe had never been easy to be in a relationship with. It was so easy to fall in love with him, but disproving his self-doubt and self-sabotage was a hard task. He knew you loved him, you made sure to make it known in everything you do, but he knew he wasn’t worthy of any of it. 
“Y/N, why don’t you come sit with us?”
JJ shouts over the crowd at the boneyard. You looked around and saw everyone watching you. Rafe had chewed your head off loudly when you whispered your concern for how much he had had tonight. It was stupid, you should know better by now to keep your comments to yourself, even if it was coming from a place of love. You swallowed the lump in your throat and blinked back tears as you kept your head high and walked over to the pogues. You were sure you’d be in for it tomorrow when Rafe hears about you fraternizing with his least favorite people on the island, but right now you didn’t care. You deserved to have fun too. No one dared to comment on what had happened with Rafe tonight and you danced the night away, drinking beer after beer and hitting JJ’s blunt. John B dropped you off in front of Tannyhill at the end of the night, you couldn’t exactly go home in your intoxicated state. You tiptoe up the stairs and find your way into Rafe’s room as quietly as possible and smiled to yourself at the peaceful look on his face as he slept on his stomach. You walked over to take the shoes off of his feet and pulled the comforter over him. Pressing a small kiss to his shoulder blade, you got cozy in the bed next to him as he groaned and stirred. He flipped over onto his side, facing you, pulling you tight against him instinctively. 
“Goodnight, Rafe. I love you.”
“Hmm, love you more, angel.” 
You bit back a smile and pushed further back onto him. No matter what, you’re at home in his arms. 
You winced at the daylight flooding through the windows as you’re pulled from your sleep after hearing a door slam. Looking next to you, you see the bathroom door closed and Rafe slamming the drawers before he came out with an angry look on his face. You gave him a sheepish smile and looked at the clock on the wall next to him. What the fuck could he possibly be mad about at 8 am?
“We should break up.”
Your jaw dropped, “Come again?”
“We should break up. I’m not good for you.”
“No. Don’t cut me off when I’m trying to talk. Kelce texted me, what the fuck were you doing with JJ? No, actually, don’t even bother answering that question. I pushed you to this point, right? You’re slumming with dirty pogues now? Baby, that’s a new low. You need to get away from me.”
You shook your head in disbelief. Standing up from the bed, you walked straight to him and grabbed his chin to make eye contact with him. His pupils were blown and his eyes darted across the room as he fidgetted. 
“Rafe,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes.
“Y/N, stop,” he voiced cracked, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” You asked softly, hands moving to hold his face.
“Like you’re disappointed in me.”
“I’m scared, Rafe.”
“That’s why you need to get away from me. Far away.”
He sniffled, you couldn’t tell if it was the drugs or his emotions getting the best of him. You stayed silent until he continued.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I can’t be what you need.”
You shook your head in refusal.
“Rafe shut up. Seriously, you’ve been saying the same shit for months now.” You dropped your hands and walked back to sit on the edge of his bed as he watched, mouth agape. 
“Things haven’t been good for a while. You’ve been annoying, you’ve been an asshole, I’ve hated you some days. You’ve made some really shitty decisions and you’ve hurt me in the process. But, Rafe, that shit doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, because I believe it will get better. I’ve stuck by you for this long and I’ll be damned if I let you push me away after everything you’ve already put me through. I love you, Rafe, I’m in love with you and I cannot see myself with anyone else. So suck it up, you’re not just getting rid of me like I don’t matter. Because I do.” 
You ended your rant with a huff and looked at the shocked expression on his face.
“How can you be so sure that it’s worth it?”
“At the end of every day, I know I’m coming home to you. That no matter what happened in the day, we will be laid next to each other at night. You love me, right?”
“That’s a stupid fucking question.”
“Exactly, that’s all I need. Unconditionally, you in all of your glory.”
He tried to hold back the emotions as you looked at him unwaveringly. He paced over to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Don’t leave me,” he whimpered.
You were sure you’d have to have this conversation another time in the future, but for right now it seemed to lull the dark thoughts in his head and that was enough for the time being.
“Never,” you replied.
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
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Summary: After a worried phone call from your ex-boyfriend's little sister, Wheezie, you decide to return to Kildare.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs & alcohol and eventual smut!
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven *nsfw
part eight *nsfw
part nine *nsfw
part ten (coming soon!!)
138 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
Good God
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133 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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Cutest boi
324 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare.
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
part eight part nine
wc: 1k
a/n: the grand finale! i'm so sad it's over, i hope y'all loved it as much as i do!!
talk to me
You didn’t wake up the next day until 2 pm. After you went back down to the party, everything was a blur. You and Rafe went shot for shot, not the smartest thing you’ve ever done considering you were practically half that man’s height. You looked over at him, lying on his stomach, drooling on the pillow. You were both completely naked, you had hickeys on your stomach, your inner thighs, your chest, and bruises on your hips from where Rafe must’ve held you. You literally looked like you were attacked but you couldn’t be happier. You grabbed your phone to use the front camera to look at yourself. You cringed at the sight of the dark hickeys littered across both sides of your neck. Rafe stirred and groaned, reaching an arm out for you. 
“Rafe?” you whispered.
He cringed at the volume even though you were as quiet as possible, “Hmm?”
“What the hell happened last night?”
“I’m pretty sure it was the best night of my life,” he mumbled. 
You smiled, “What time did we fall asleep last night?” “Everything after like four o’clock is fuzzy.”
“Did I get in a fight with a damn wild animal?” “What?” He opened his eyes and picked his head off the pillow, immediately looking at the bruises all over your body.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“I should’ve been more gentle. You just kept begging for me to be rougher and who was I to decline such a beautiful girl?”
“It’s okay, I’m happy.”
He had a sleepy smile on his face as his head hit the pillow again. You sat up from the bed, ready to get in the shower and wash the grime away. 
“Where are you going?”
“To shower, you coming?”
He jumped up, keeping his eyes closed on his way to the shower. 
“You feeling okay?” you laughed.
“Yeah, when there’s no light or noise, I’m great. How are you not dying right now?”
“Just luck, I guess.”
“Or you’re just annoyingly perfect,” he said.
“Or that.”
You pulled him into the shower with you, washing his hair as he leaned against the wall.
"I have something to tell you," he says.
"Uh oh,"
"That gets funnier every time," he said sarcastically.
"You're so sassy," you laughed but he shot you a look and you stopped real quick, holding in your laughter.
"What I was saying was, yesterday when I was inside making phone calls, I also signed up for an online, anonymous anger management class," he looked so proud of himself you could've cried right then. "And I looked for a therapist, I don't know, maybe you could help me out with that one?"
"Of course I will, I'm so proud of you."
"Good, I'm doing all of this for you."
You opened your mouth to scold him for his reasoning but he cut you off, "I know, I know", he threw his hands up in defense.
You smiled and hugged him, letting the water run over the both of you.
You got dressed after your shower and walked down the stairs, grabbing two Tylenol for each of you, washing them down with some Gatorade. You grabbed his sunglasses out of the key dish in the foyer for him, and he put them on before you opened the front door to inspect the damage. You walked over to some guy passed out in a lounge chair, shaking him awake and telling him he has to go home. He stumbled off, confused, as you laughed. You grabbed a trash bag from the shed and started collecting cups and other trash people left everywhere. 
“Babe, don’t worry about it. I’ll pay someone to come clean everything up.”
You laughed at him and shook your head, continuing what you were doing. He fell asleep with his head in his hands at the outdoor table. His tolerance must be significantly lower now that he’s clean off the hard stuff. You finished bagging all the trash and grabbed the hose to water Rose’s flowers when you heard someone yell your name from the driveway. 
“Wheezie? What are you doing home?”
“I got bored at Samantha’s,” she shrugged.
She took in the scene around her, bags of cups and Rafe asleep on the table, “You guys did have a party. And I missed it?” She scoffed in offense. 
“Trust me, Wheeze, you did not want to be around for last night. Too loud, too many people.”
“Yeah, I can tell you two had a good time, what the hell happened to your neck?” 
She poked at the hickeys on your neck as you tried to cover them with your hands.
“Nothing, Jeez Wheez. What happened to Rafe’s little sister?”
“So are you two back together yet or what? Because I’m calling it now, I’m being the maid of honor at your wedding.”
You laughed and shook your head, “I don’t know, I guess we are? We haven’t really talked about it being official.”
“Yeah, not much talking going on with you two, huh?”
You whacked her with your arm as you gasped. 
Rafe woke up at the sound of your gasp, “What? What’s wrong?”
“Your sister is too grown, that’s what’s wrong!”
“Whatever, I’m going to shower,” she laughed.
You walked over to Rafe and plopped down in his lap.
“Hi,” you whispered with a smile.
“Hi,” he replied, grabbing your hand and placing a light kiss on it.
“Rafe, what are we?”
“What?” he laughed.
“I mean, what are we?” you repeated.
“Man, you move a girl back to town, give her back her promise ring, and make sweet, sweet love to her all night, and all the sudden she expects a title out of it.”
You rolled your eyes as you giggled.
“Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend again?”
You bit your lip with a smile, nodding.
“I would like that.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, Rafe.”
He kissed you, cupping your face in his hands. 
“That’s cute,” Wheezie deadpanned, making you jump.
“What happened to getting in the shower Wheeze? You stink,” Rafe teased.
“I should be getting a thank you right now, maybe a ‘Wheezie you’re the best sister in the world and I’ll drive you anywhere you need to go for the next two years’. Y/N wouldn’t be back here if I didn’t call her.”
You shrugged looking over to Rafe, “She’s kinda right, you know.”
Rafe sighed, “Thank you Wheeze,” he mumbled, knowing he wasn’t going to win that argument against the two of you.
“When you’re done being disgusting with my brother, come upstairs, it’s time to wedding plan,” Wheezie said before walking back into the house.
“What?!” Rafe exclaimed as you laughed.
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11 @five-seconds-flat @palmwinemami @m-indkiller
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
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Summary: After a worried phone call from your ex-boyfriend's little sister, Wheezie, you decide to return to Kildare.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs & alcohol and eventual smut!
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven *nsfw
part eight *nsfw
part nine *nsfw
part ten
138 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare. Some light smut for your Monday evening (:
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
part eight
wc: 3k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it! the next part is the conclusion!
warnings: mentions drugs & smut!
talk to me
The doorbell rang as the first guests of the night showed up. Rafe dapped them up and walked them into the backyard, kissing your cheek quickly as he walked past. The door opened and you watched as Sarah walked in with John B right by her side. 
“Hey, guys! John B, I didn't know you were coming too!” You said excitedly. 
“You know me, I love a good kook party,” he replied, sarcastically. 
You shook your head and walked with them to the backyard to grab some beers. 
“You look fucking hot in that dress, Y/N,” Sarah shouted over the music. You thanked her as you got caught up on their last couple of days. You laughed at a joke John B had made before Rafe came over, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. They stared at each other menacingly for a second before you squeezed Rafe’s hand and he fixed his face. 
“Hey, guys,” he said, trying to act indifferent. 
“‘Sup, Rafe,” John B sent him an obviously fake smile. 
“What’s up?” You asked Rafe. 
He turned his head to whisper in your ear so they don’t hear him, “Just checking on you, you look too good tonight.”
You giggled and pushed him away, starting to feel dizzy from the mix of alcohol and his attention. He smiled and walked away as someone else called his name. Sarah and John B looked disturbed by your little moment and you just laughed at them, changing the subject quickly. You sat down with them, your eyes moving until you found Rafe, already looking at you, while a stranger talked to him animatedly. You bit your lip to stop yourself from smiling as you looked away to hide the blush on your cheeks. Sarah watched the interaction, seeing the look on Rafe’s face when you looked away. She sighed, she knew he loved you. There was no doubt about that, and you felt just the same. John B stood up to get everyone another round of drinks and left the two of you sitting there. 
“So?” She asked expectantly. 
“Have you fucked my brother yet?”
You choked on the last of your drink, coughing as you laughed. 
“Come on, we haven’t really had the chance to girl talk.”
“So to fix that, you want me to tell you about the sex I have with your brother?” You laughed. 
“I mean spare the nitty gritty details, but I want to talk to you about what’s going on in your life. Even if it is with my brother.” 
You nodded and sighed, “No we haven’t fucked yet.” 
You watched him across the room as he leaned his head back, laughing at something the guy had said to him. 
“But you want to?” 
“We’ve slowly gotten closer to it happening, it probably would’ve happened by now if he could get it back up earlier.” 
She gave you a questioning look as you laughed at what you had said, providing no context. 
“He gave me head last night and then I gave him head before the party.” 
“No wonder he can’t keep your eyes off of you tonight.” You looked over to see him staring at you again, looking away once you made eye contact. 
“Look,” you pulled your dress up your thigh a little to show her the garter you were wearing. 
She squealed, “Yes!”
“Never in my life did I think you would be so happy to hear about my sex life with your brother.”
“Okay, if you could just stop reminding me that it’s my brother we’re talking about, that'd be great. It’s really killing the vibe.”
John B came over to take his seat next to Sarah, handing out the drinks. “What’d I miss?”
You shook your head and before you could tell him he didn’t miss anything Sarah blurted out, “Y/N’s getting dick tonight!”
John B looked at you with wide eyes. 
“Sarah!” You gasped, “Do you need to be cut off from the drinks already?” 
“Congrats,” John B said awkwardly, laughing, “But Rafe, really?”
You died of laughter at his reaction and just shrugged, “It’s a nice dick, what can I say?”
They both howled, “Ew, Y/N!”
“You’re the one who wanted to talk about it!” You defended. 
They laughed as they told you all about Pope and Cleo and JJ and Kie, they all became a big group of couples. You stood up from your seats and led them to the kitchen, all deciding to do some shots. Rafe excused himself to walk into the house after you, finding you cheers-ing with your friends. You had the most beautiful smile on your face, he was so happy you were happy. He watched your face as you cringed at the alcohol burning your throat, and laughed, letting them know he was in the room. 
“Rafe! Come take a shot with us!” You beamed. 
Sarah and John B shared an apprehensive look and Rafe looked at them, “You guys cool with that?” 
They shrugged and Sarah poured four shots. Rafe came up behind you, which was a bad idea. You pressed your ass against his crotch and he grabbed your hip roughly to keep you from moving.
You raised your glasses and smiled as you took the shot, Rafe not letting you go once. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
“I’m great, you okay?” 
“Yep, not feeling the drinks yet?”
“Maybe a littleeeee,” you trailed off. 
“Me too,” he chuckled. 
You pulled him in for a kiss, forgetting where you were for a second. He grabbed your cheeks, deepening the kiss. Sarah cleared her throat before you gasped, pulling away. 
“Sorry,” you apologized quickly. 
Rafe’s eyes didn’t leave your face as you gave her a sheepish smile. 
“You guys enjoying the party?” He asked them. 
“Yeah man, it’s cool.” John B answered. 
Your phone buzzed on the counter, Wheezie sent a selfie of her and her friend doing face masks. You smiled and told Sarah to take a photo with you to send back and she instantly responded.
Are you assholes throwing a party?
You laughed out loud as you showed Sarah and put your phone back down. Rafe hugged you closer against him, he was super touchy tonight while he was tipsy. Things were still a little tense but it was much more bearable under the influence. You heard the next song come on the radio and you gasped, “I want to dance!” 
You grabbed Sarah’s hand as you dragged her to the door back outside, leaving Rafe and John B standing there. They both made their move to the door to get out of there as soon as possible but stopped as they tried to go out the door at the same time.
Rafe stepped back and waved him through, “Sorry, go ahead.” 
“Thanks, man,” John B passed him, they stood next to each other watching you dance with Sarah. You were in front of her, grinding on her as she grabbed your waist, dancing back onto you. The beat dropped and so did you, moving your ass against her as she cheered loudly. You threw your hair back as you laughed, having the time of your life. Your dress started to rise up, John B and Rafe both looked around to see most people watching the two of you. Rafe moved in to grab the bottom of your dress and pull it down but not before noticing the garter you had put on earlier, he pulled you closer to him and away from Sarah as she pouted, John B walking over to her too. She kissed him, distracting herself from missing her friend. 
“What’s that you’re wearing, Y/N?” He asked. 
“Nothing,” you answered feeling kind of shy in front of all these people. He reached down to grab your ass and pulled you against him to place a searing kiss on his lips. You couldn’t stop if you wanted to, sucking on his bottom lip before he reattached your lips and devoured you in a kiss. Your hands were in his hair, his hands grabbing your backside harshly. You moaned into his mouth before you heard a yell next to you. 
“God damn, Rafe, are you trying to swallow her?” Kelce laughed as he came over and threw an arm over your shoulder. 
“Hey Y/N, welcome back!” 
Rafe huffed, annoyed at the interruption. 
“Kelce! I’m so happy you’re here!” You jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. He chuckled as he grabbed you before you knocked him back. 
“Missed you too, Queenie.”
Rafe gave him a glare and he immediately let go of you. Looking next to you to see John B and Sarah dancing. 
“Oh shit, Sarah and the pogue are here!” Kelce shouted confrontationally. 
“Yeah, hey Kelce,” John B deadpanned. 
“Kelce just leave them alone, okay?” You said. Rafe gave him a look that said to drop it. 
“Whatever you say, princess,” he rolled his eyes, and walked away, seeing someone doing a line on the table and sitting next to them. You looked up at Rafe nervously, his eyes watching them as they cut and snorted the lines. John B and Sarah watched as you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, breaking him out of his trance. You smiled up at him and he smiled back, “You good?” you asked. 
“I’m perfect, I’m with you,” He smiled. 
You let out a sigh of relief as you looked over at John B and Sarah. 
“I think we’re gonna head out,” Sarah whispered in your ear, you wiggled your eyebrows and she nodded excitedly. You threw your head back and laughed, “Are you sure you’re going to be okay with him here?” She asked.
“Yeah I got this,” you smiled confidently as he came over to rest his head on your shoulder, kissing your neck. You giggled and yelped at the teasing bite he left, John B practically dragging Sarah out of there.
“Be safe!” You yelled.
“You be safer!” She yelled back. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here for a little,” Rafe whispered in your ear.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you through the crowd.
“Okay, Cameron, get some!” Kelce yelled from the table and the crowd around him cheered, your cheeks turning pink. You looked next to him and noticed Sofia looking at you with a small smile on her face, you waved and kept walking You grabbed the bottle of whiskey off the kitchen island and poured two glasses leaning against the counter, thankfully everyone seemed to be outside. You cringed as you took a sip, “How the hell do you drink this shit so casually?”
He laughed and grabbed the second glass, gulping it all down at once. He shrugged, trying to act cool about it so you grabbed your glass and downed the rest of yours. You held in your cough until you couldn’t anymore and he laughed at your struggle to keep your composure. He laughed harder than you had seen in a while and in your intoxicated state, you start to feel a little emotional. He was here, he was healthy, and you were working on getting your old Rafe back from before everything went wrong. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I just really missed you,” you sniffled. 
“You’re drunk,” he waved off.
“You're drunk, doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you.”
He sat there staring at you, feeling the love in your eyes. 
“I missed you too,” he said softly.
He kissed you all over your face and neck as you squeal, his hands tickling your sides. 
“Y/N? Why do you want to have sex again so soon?”
“Because you’re hot as fuck and you know exactly how I like it,” you paused before continuing, “but honestly, I also want to feel as close to you as humanly possible.”
Rafe nodded, deep in thought.
“We can wait if it stresses you out. But I want to, and you want to, it’s not like we haven’t done it before. It’s not a big deal.”
“Y/N, you’re the one who wanted to slow down.”
“I didn’t want to fuck you on the second night I was back. A lot has changed since then.”
“Like what?” he argued.
“I saw for myself how hard you’re trying to be a better man.” He softly smiled at that. 
“Don’t put so much pressure on it, Rafe,” you said, getting closer to him to massage his tense shoulders while you whispered in his ear, “I’m not going to keep begging for it, but just know, I’m all yours if you want me.”
“Oh, you’re gonna beg for it,” he replied.
You leaned over to pour two more glasses, wanting to keep the buzz going. He watched your head lean back, your throat exposed as you swallowed the drink. Your face scrunched at the burn and that was enough for him. 
“Fuck it,” he grabbed you from the back of your legs, picking you up quickly. You yelped, leaning down to swipe the bottle off the counter, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pressed you against the wall outside of his room while he tried to unlock it with his key. You leaned down and started biting and sucking at his neck, trying to leave marks. He hissed at one particularly hard bite and pinched the back of your thigh. He got the door open and threw you on the bed roughly, turning to lock the door behind him as you set the bottle on the nightstand and pushed yourself back towards the headboard. 
Your dress rode up your thighs while you adjusted and Rafe turned around to watch as you tried to pull it back down, “Don’t get all shy now.”
The music thumping outside matched your increasing heartbeat, he stalked over to you and immediately kissed you, all niceties had left the atmosphere as he immediately shoved his tongue into your mouth, groaning at the taste of you. You kissed back breathlessly, caught off guard by the lightning-fast mood switch in the room. Rafe sat down next to you without breaking the kiss and you climbed onto his lap, garters exposed as you did so. “What else do you have under this dress, baby?” 
You stood up in front of him, he turned so he was completely facing you with his legs bent off the side of the bed. You pulled your dress over your head teasingly slow as he watched with bated breath. “God damn,” he murmured. You sat on his lap, your back facing his as you ground onto him, letting him watch your ass move in your thong. He ran his finger under the strap, snapping it back against your skin harshly before grabbing your asscheeks and slapping them causing you to whimper. You turned around straddling his lap and he looked down to see your boobs practically spilling out of your bra, he groaned at the sight and leaned down to leave hickeys all over before pulling your bra down roughly. You reached behind you to unhook it, dropping it on the floor behind you and he pulled his shirt over his head. You pushed him back by his shoulders so he was laying down and started grinding over his growing erection. He slapped your ass again before flipping you over to resume control. He licked and sucked all over your chest and worked his fingers down to your underwear, feeling your wetness. 
“Damn, baby, already ready for me?”
“I want you so bad, Rafe,” you whined, grabbing at him through his pants. He pulled his pants down, relief washing over his face as he freed himself from the confines. He kissed you again, reaching to grab a condom from the drawer as he kicked his pants off. You took it from him eagerly, ripping it open with your teeth and rolling it over him as he moaned at the feeling. 
“You ready?” He asked, moving your underwear to the side, teasing your clit with his dick.
You nodded rapidly and he slowly pushed in, you both moaned out at the missed feeling. He tried to contain himself and move slowly to not hurt you. You squeezed his arms, digging your nails into his biceps as he push himself, filling you to the hilt. He stayed still for a moment, looking at your face. Your eyes were squeezed shut, trying to adjust to his size. 
“Okay?” he asked.
You nodded, keeping your eyes closed. 
“Look at me,” he said softly, you opened your eyes, “So pretty,” he whispered as he thrust into you again, faster this time. Your back arched off the bed and you moaned loudly. He shushed you, laughing at your reaction but didn’t slow down once. The headboard started slamming against the wall, encouraging him. You whimpered as he grabbed your leg, stretching it to hang over his shoulder. 
“Fuck, Rafe.” “I love this fucking pussy. Missed this so much.”
You nodded frantically, dragging your nails down his back. He hissed at the pain, not once letting up on you. You clenched around him, causing him to moan out.
“Keep doing that baby.”
You squeezed against him again and his hips sputtered, dropping your leg for you to wrap it around his waist. He moved his hand to rub your clit and you cried, practically drooling from the pleasure. You chanted his name, practically yelling, hopefully no one from the party was in the house. 
“You wanna cum?”
All you could do was nod, he sped up pushing you that much closer to the edge. The man was relentless, it was like he was possessed.
“Beg for it Y/N.”
“Please, Rafe. Oh my god, please let me cum. Rafe, please.”
At a particularly hard thrust, hitting just the right spot, you came around him. You squeezed his arms, knuckles turning white as your vision went blurry. Hearing and feeling you cum around him was all he needed to get there, cumming into the condom before pulling out to throw it out. You lay there looking at him with a hazy smile on your face and he smiled back. 
“Well?” you asked.
“Everything you wanted?”
“Everything I wanted and more.”
He agreed and you both sighed, getting up to get redressed to go back down to the party. The two of you peeked over the balcony over the party and saw everyone still dancing and drinking the night away. Someone from the yard noticed the two of you. You were wearing his shirt, and he was shirtless with just his pants back on, so it wasn’t hard to guess what was happening upstairs. Everyone cheered and started a chant, “Cameron! Cameron! Cameron!”
He shrugged with a dopey smile on his face, grabbing you by the throat to pull you in for a kiss in front of everyone.
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11 @five-seconds-flat @palmwinemami @m-indkiller
179 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare.
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven
wc: 2k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it! part eight already, only two parts left!
warning: mentions of drugs & smut (:
talk to me
You woke up the next morning feeling like you were still in a dream. Rafe was holding onto you as your chest lay flat on his chest. You hugged your arms around him tighter, nuzzling your head further into him. 
“Good morning,” he laughed. 
“Not close enough,” you mumbled, trying to push yourself closer to him. 
He grabbed your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss before you snapped your head back, “No! Morning breath!”
You tried to push him away but he was too strong and pulled you in for a kiss anyways. 
“I don’t care,” he mumbled into the kiss. You sighed happily, kissing him back. You moved to straddle him, pulling him closer with your arms around his neck. You rocked your hips against him, desperate for some friction. He held your hips and rocked you faster, groaning as he bit your lip. You grabbed his hands to move them lower, giving him the message that you wanted more. 
He shook his head into the kiss and sighed, “Slow, Y/N.”
You whined, “Why are you using my words against me?”
“I don’t want you to feel like we rushed into things. We have the rest of our lives to spend together.” 
He tried to butter you up with the sweet sentiment but it wasn’t working right now. 
“After the way you ate me out last night, fuck going slow. I want all of you back.”
He genuinely smiled at your statement, he loved when you got all needy for him. He still shook his head, moving you off of him to stand up and grab his shirt. You sat there pouting at him and he rolled his eyes teasingly, bending down to give you a kiss. 
“I have some calls to make if we’re going to have a party tonight.” 
You nodded and stood up to pack some stuff for tonight and tomorrow. Walking down the stairs you see your mom making pancakes in the kitchen, “Good morning guys!” 
You both grumbled a good morning in return. 
“I’m making pancakes, would you like some?”
You looked at Rafe as he subtly shook his head. 
“No, Rafe has some stuff to take care of and I’m gonna have to help. Thanks though!” 
You gave her a hug and you both said your goodbyes as you started the drive back to his house. You made sure to water the flowers and he went in the house, on the phone with someone to get a keg for tonight. You lay on the lounger by the pool as you waited for him, still thinking about ways you could convince him to fuck you. You knew he wanted to, so why hold back if you both want it? He came outside to sit next to your outstretched legs. Your skin was glowing and you looked so happy.
“This guy wants a $200 tip for same-day delivery on the keg, what a fucking idiot.”
“Obviously he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with.”
“Obviously not,” he chuckled, resting his hand on your leg. 
“What needs to be done? What can I do to help?” 
“Just keep laying here looking sexy as fuck, it’s a great motivator.”
“Oh yeah?” You laughed. 
“Yeah,” he pressed a sloppy kiss on your forehead before his phone rang and he got up to take the call. You pulled yourself up and decided that if you weren’t going to help you could at least get a quick tan in. You grabbed your bag and walked inside to change into the bandeau bikini you brought. You laid back on the lounge, rubbing some tanning oil over your stomach when you noticed Rafe looking over at you from the balcony. You smiled and gave him a flirty wave before he shook his head with a bite of his lip and turned to walk back into the house. You dozed off in the chair for a little while until you heard someone call your name, you opened your eyes to see Sarah walking over to the chair next to you. 
“Oh my god! What are you doing here?” You asked excitedly. 
“I ran out of clothes at John B’s,” she shrugged. 
You smiled, “Did you see your brother yet?” 
“No, not yet. I wanted to talk to you first.”
“Rafe wants to have a party tonight, you should come.”
“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” she hesitated, “I just don’t trust him, especially if he’s gonna be drunk or high.”
You nodded, you weren’t going to argue with that. 
“I get it,” you said with a tone of disappointment. She instantly felt bad, maybe she could try to make it work. 
“Maybe I could stay for the first hour or so? Leave before it can get too crazy.”
“Yes!” You cheered, jumping up to pull her into a hug, “I miss partying with you!” 
 “You and me both. I should probably go grab some clothes, John B is waiting for me in the Twinkie,” she looked nervous to go in. 
“Want me to go in with you?” You asked. 
She nodded quietly, “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.”
You walked in and passed Rafe on the stairwell, “Hi, Sarah.” 
“Hey, Rafe.” 
You squeezed her hand as she kept walking away from Rafe and up the stairs to her room. She let out a deep breath as she shut the door to her room. You were talking about what you were going to wear tonight before you heard a knock on her door, Rafe turned the knob to open it. 
“Hey, Sarah. We’re uh, throwing a party tonight. If you wanted to come,” he said anxiously. 
“Y/N told me.”
“Yeah, it should be fun. I got a keg, and I’m clean so- you know, no drugs,” he shrugged, he looked to you for encouragement as you gave him a small smile of support. She kept her back to him as she sighed, grabbing clothes out of her closet.
“I told Y/N I’d come by for like an hour.”
“Oh, really? Cool. Alright, we’ll see you later then?”
She just nodded her head and threw the clothes into a bag. You gave him a smile and he left the room. She just looked at you with an unreadable expression and you shrugged. You walked her down to the front door and waved to John B from where he sat in the Twinkie. 
“Hey Y/N!” He yelled. You blew Sarah a kiss as she walked away backward, she laughed pretending to catch it until Rafe came up from behind you. Her face dropped and she turned back to the Twinkie, Rafe placing a hand on your hip as you watched them stare at you until they drove away. 
“So you were able to find a keg on such short notice?”
“Yeah, I’m paying the jackass $100 extra dollars, but it’ll be here.”
“I think that deserves a celebratory drink, what do you think?” 
He nodded as you grabbed the bottle of whiskey to pour him a glass. He grabbed all the ingredients to make your favorite cocktail and mixed them together quickly. You thanked him with a kiss to the corner of his mouth as you walked teasingly back to the lounge you were on earlier. He sighed, watching your hips sway, and followed you out. 
After tanning and swimming around for a few hours while Rafe watched, you decided to get up and get ready for the party. 
“I’m gonna go shower, okay?” 
He nodded and you walked back into the house and upstairs to the bathroom. This was the perfect time to scheme. Conveniently, you ‘forgot’ a towel when you got in the shower. You washed your hair and the oil off your body before you reached for your phone sitting on the cabinet to FaceTime Rafe who was still outside, setting a few tables up around the yard. 
“Hello?” He answered, confused. 
“I forgot a towel.”
“Damn, maybe you should just walk around dripping wet and naked then.”
“I already am,” you replied, hinting at the double meaning of being wet. He hung up on you and walked upstairs. He grabbed a towel from the linen closet and walked into the bathroom. He should’ve known better than to expect you to be behind the shower curtain, protecting your modesty. You stood there, completely naked, watching him stick his arm out, handing you the towel. You thanked him sweetly and grabbed it. He stood there frozen, dick straining against his pants. 
You sighed, “Rafe,” 
“Y/N?” He questioned as you walked closer to him. 
“Please let me return the favor?” You puppy dog eyed him. 
You were nervous he was going to reject you but you put on a brave face and acted as confident as possible. You walked even closer, your hand ghosting over the top of his pants. 
“I just want to make you feel as good as you made me feel last night.”
He sighed, moving his hips to make you feel his bulge. 
You got down on your knees and unbuttoned his pants before stopping “Rafe, is this okay?”
“Yes,” he breathed as you pulled his pants down quickly. Your mouth watered looking at him through his boxers, it had been way too long. You missed it. You pulled his underwear down and ran your fingertips over his length as he shuddered. 
His breathing got heavier as you teased his top with your thumb, “Don’t tease me, baby.”
You licked his tip, moving your hands up and down as he grabbed your head, holding your hair. You tasted his precum and decided he had had enough teasing, you didn’t want to hold back a second longer. You took his full length in your mouth, shoving him down your throat. He let out a guttural moan and you choked, tears filling your eyes. 
“Damn, Y/N.”
You relaxed your throat and continued to take him, letting him fuck your throat. You moved your tongue around him as he thrusts faster. He looked down at you and you looked up through your eyelashes. His mouth fell open at the sight of you and he damn near whimpered. 
“So fucking pretty.”
You moaned around him, bringing a hand up to cup his balls. 
“Shit, baby, keep doing that, I’m close.”
You nodded as best as you could and sped up your movements. He groaned loudly and came down your throat before he could even think about pulling out. He panted as you swallowed before leaving a kiss on his tip, standing up in front of him. He kissed you roughly, backing you against the cabinet. 
“Fuck me, Rafe,” 
“Baby, I just came so hard it’s gonna take probably a few hours before I can even think about fucking you.”
You giggled and pushed against him to walk past him and to your bag. You plugged in your curling wand and grabbed your makeup bag, ready to get all dolled up for tonight. He left you to get ready as he lay on the bed, scrolling on his phone. After you were done, you walked back into his room to grab your underwear and party dress for the evening. You hid the underwear in the fold of your dress and closed the door behind you in the bathroom, making sure he doesn’t sneak a peek at what you would be wearing under the dress. You picked out a black lace balconette bra and thong, and garters for around your thighs, making sure they were high up enough for them to not be seen when you were wearing your dress. You walked out of the bathroom to see Rafe shirtless as he pulled his shirt on, his muscles flexed as he did so. You bit your lip and rubbed your thighs together, he looks good tonight. But so did you. You wanted the overwhelming sexual energy to diffuse, and there was only one way to accomplish that. You both walked downstairs together to pregame in the kitchen before people started showing up. 
“You’re gonna wear your ring tonight?” Rafe asked. 
You looked down at your hand, “Do you want me to?”
“Do I want everyone to know you’re mine?” He tapped his chin, pretending to think, “That’s a stupid question.”
You rolled your eyes but agreed silently, finishing your drink as you waited for people to start to show up.
part nine
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11 @five-seconds-flat @palmwinemami @m-indkiller
124 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare. Some light smut for your Monday evening (:
part one part two part three part four part five part six
wc: 3.1k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it!
talk to me
You woke up the next morning, opening your eyes with a groan. It was way too bright, you turned over to see if Rafe was up but he was gone. You sat up and tried to flatten your hair down, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You grabbed your phone on the table next to you and noticed a Tylenol and bottle of water sitting there too. You mentally thanked the high heavens and took it immediately. You stood up to go find Rafe and noticed the ring still on your finger, you had forgotten to take it off before you went to sleep. You didn’t want to take it off though, it belonged right on your finger. Rafe walked into the room, catching you staring down at it. 
“You’re still wearing it?” He asked with a hint of hope in his voice. 
“Yeah, I mean you gave it to me, right?” You tried to act casual about it. 
He smiled brightly and picked you up to spin you around in a hug as you giggled. 
“Rafe stop, I have to go brush my teeth,” you laughed. 
He dropped you down and watched you walk to the bathroom, his shirt riding up on your legs as you reached for the top shelf of the cabinet. 
“Did you sleep okay last night?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea, I figured with the way you were snoring and drooling all over me.” 
“Oh please, like you’ve never done that to me before,” you said, toothpaste still in your mouth. He chuckled and laid back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. You finished up in the bathroom and crawled over him to the other side of the bed to grab your phone. 
“Aw, my dad asked if I need any help packing today.”
You thanked him anyway and told him how excited you were to be officially moved back by the end of the day. 
“We should probably get on the road.”
You nodded as you both walked to the front door. Rose had stopped you both on the way out, “Hey I’m leaving tomorrow and going out of town for a few days so Wheezie is staying with her friend. Would it kill you to water the flowers while I’m out?” 
Rafe immediately looked at you, “She’s got it.”
You rolled your eyes but nodded anyways, “I’ll take care of it.” 
She thanked you as you both got in his truck and pulled off. ‘Empty house?’ he thought.
A few hours later you arrived at your apartment, the moving boxes you had ordered online were sitting right outside your door. You sighed as you walked in, looking around at your fully furnished apartment for the last time. 
“Wow, it looks really nice in here,” Rafe said. 
You thanked him and immediately got to work. You connected your phone to the speaker and took it room by room, starting with your bedroom, and Rafe working on the living room. It was like who you are as a person exploded all over the place, this apartment was so perfectly you. He wanted to be completely encompassed by you like this all of the time. 
“Are you sure we shouldn’t just move all this stuff to Tannyhill? You can live with us.”
“You’re gonna have to work a little harder for that,” you teased as he smiled, “And I really am looking forward to being back in my parent’s house, even if I have spent every night at your house.” 
Packing went by like a breeze, there wasn’t much to take. The apartment was already furnished by your school so you just had boxes of your belongings, all fitting in the truck in one trip. You stopped for a quick lunch on the way back to Kildare and you grabbed the tab as a thank you for his help while Rafe went to the bathroom. 
“Why’d you do that?” 
“Because you helped me so much today, the least I could do is pay for your burger.”
He shook his head, “Well, thank you, but you should’ve let me pay.”
You knew he would be against you paying, that’s why you had to be sneaky about it.  
“I do need to look for a job now that I’m home, I never got one while I was living here so I pretty much drained my savings.”
“Or, you could just not work. You know I’ll take care of you.”
You shook your head immediately, “You can’t just buy everything I need or want. I need to be able to provide for myself.”
“What other reason was there for me to melt down an ancient cross if I can't take care of the people I love?” He laughed. 
You deadpanned, “Not funny.”
He laughed it off as you stood up to get back in the truck. 
“Ready?” You asked, sticking your hand out for him to take. 
He took it and pulled you to the truck. 
The rest of the ride was quiet, after he declined your offer to drive to give him a break, you knocked out for the rest of the drive. He looked over at you while he was stopped at a red light and couldn’t believe his luck. You were the most beautiful girl in the world to him, and the ring he had given you was still on your finger. He would do anything to keep it that way, forever. Forever never scared him with you, not being together for the rest of your lives terrified him. He needed you, and everyone knew it. You stirred awake after he hit a pothole and opened your eyes slowly to look at him. You smiled to yourself. He’s so handsome, and he’s all mine. You reached out for his arm that was leaned against the center console and wrapped your arms around it, resting your head on his shoulder, falling back asleep quickly. He woke you up once he had pulled up in front of your house. You jumped out and walked up to the door, your parents opening the door before you could even reach for the handle. 
“You’re home!” Your mom cried. 
“We’re so happy to have you back!” Your dad cheered. 
They pulled you into a group hug and you pulled away to see Rafe grabbing boxes already. 
“Someone’s eager to have you officially back in the Outer Banks,” your mom flashed you a look, as you flailed your arms around to defend yourself from their teasing pokes and prods. She gasped and grabbed your hand, the sight of your old ring catching her eye. 
“I knew it!” She whispered screamed before Rafe turned around, “Hi honey!” She said, trying to play off her excitement. 
He chuckled, “Hi Mrs. Y/L/N! It’s great to see you both again.” 
He came up the steps with two boxes in his hands, “Where do you want these?”
“Just set them anywhere, Rafe, you should take a break. You’ve already done more than enough today.”
He ignored you and carried them up to your bedroom, immediately coming down the stairs to grab more as you stood there talking to your parents about the ride. You sighed happily, “I should probably go help him, he won’t stop until it’s done and I don’t want him to have to do everything on his own.”
Your parents nodded as they went inside to sit down while you continued carrying the boxes in. Once everything was in, Rafe helped you open everything back up to unpack it back into your room. Your mother came up the stairs and watched in the doorway as you talked quietly, moving around each other to place things where they belong. 
“You guys hungry? I was thinking about ordering a pizza,” she asked.
You look to Rafe and he shrugged, “I could eat.”
You smiled and nodded in agreeance, it had been hours since your lunch. 
You continued to unpack until the food was delivered. You went downstairs and sat in front of the tv, eating with your parents. It all felt so normal. He followed you back up the stairs, and you finished emptying all the boxes. 
“Wow, I can’t believe we got it all done,” you sighed, sitting down on your bed.
“We make a good team,” you smiled, “and a hot couple,” he added. You swatted his chest and let out a belly laugh. 
“Shut up,” you laughed as he looked at you with a bright smile on his face. Your laughter died down, but he still held the same look on his face, nothing but love and adoration. Your cheeks grew red under his intense stare before you both started moving toward each other slowly. Just as your lips were about to connect, your mom knocked on your open door frame, obviously catching what was about to happen.
“Sorry to interrupt, Rafe, are you staying the night?”
Neither of you had talked about it, he looked to you as you silently communicated that it was fine with you.
“Would that be okay?” he asked politely.
“Sure, just none of what I almost walked into, got it?” 
He nodded his head furiously fast, “Yes, of course, won’t happen again
“Rafe!” you cut him off, shaking your head.
Your mom laughed and left you two alone, you flopped back onto your back in your bed as he looked down at you.
“So I was thinking,” 
“Uh oh,” you cut him off. 
He rolled his eyes before continuing, “Anyways, I was thinking since Rose and Wheezie aren’t going to be at Tannyhill, maybe we should celebrate.”
“What are we celebrating?”
“You being back, obviously. You’re officially home, we should throw a party to let everyone know!”
“I don’t know, Rafe,” you sighed, nervously. 
He was immediately frustrated, he thought you would be excited.
“Come on, Y/N. What’s the issue?”
“A party, Rafe? All the alcohol and the drugs? I’m just worried about you. Can you handle all that?”
You didn’t mean it in an undermining way, but he sure did take it like that. He shook his head, sighing.
“Rafe, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like-”
“I’m good. I can take care of my shit, okay? You don’t need to worry about me like I’m some kid.”
“No. Can’t you see how damn hard I’m working on being better? I wanted to do something nice for you,” he raised his voice. 
You sat up on the end of your bed, nodding with tears pricking your eyes. He scoffed as he walked to the opposite end of the room, staring at you as you wiped the tear falling from your eye. You didn’t want him to be upset, you didn’t want to go through these issues again.
“Rafe, I know you-”
“Just forget it, Y/N. We don’t have to do anything. Fuck it.” 
You didn’t say anything else, walking past him to get to the bathroom, immediately getting in the shower to wash the sweat and dirt off yourself from moving all day. When you got out, wrapping yourself in a towel, you partially had expected him to leave, but there he was. Sitting on the floor in front of the foot of your bed. You stayed silent, going over to grab a pair of underwear from the drawer, putting them on under your towel. You heard him moving, coming up behind you. He bent down to whisper in your ear, hugging your waist from behind. 
“I’m sorry,” he huffed.
Chills rolled down your spine as he whispered apologies into your ear, his breath floating down to your neck. You nodded, still not saying a word, turning around to look up at him. 
“A party would be fun,” you whispered, still nervous about his reaction.
“No, if it’s going to stress you out then we shouldn’t.”
“You really think you can handle being in that kind of environment?”
He stopped before he rolled his eyes again, didn’t you just talk about this?
“Yes, Y/N.”
“Then I trust you.”
He instantly felt guilty hearing those words, he just yelled at you, and for what? You cried. He felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. You didn’t deserve that. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“No, it’s okay,”
“It’s not okay, I yelled at you just for being worried. I’m so sorry.” 
He repeated the apologies frantically, are you going to ditch him now?
“Rafe, I accept your apology it’s okay.”
He started to hyperventilate at the thought of ruining everything. Every emotion of his flipped like a switch. You put your arms around his neck and leaned up to press your lips against his, thinking ‘Maybe that’ll help him calm down’. You kissed him eagerly, trying to convey everything he couldn’t comprehend in his current state. He immediately grabbed your face with both his hands, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss. You reached up to pull at his hair, causing him to groan. Your tongues moved together and you could feel yourself getting wetter, this time not caring about the consequences of your actions. You pushed him back until he fell onto the bed, you were climbing right on top of him. The towel fell as you continued kissing and you didn’t bother to fix it. He broke the kiss after feeling the fabric move, and his jaw dropped at the sight of you sitting on top of him, topless and only wearing underwear. He threw his head back against the bed in disbelief, “I don’t deserve you.”
You leaned down to kiss his neck, “Yes you do. You deserve everything good in this world.” 
He groaned as you rocked your hips against his, feeling him grow underneath you. You continued kissing until he broke out of his trance and demanded control of the situation. Flipping you over, he got up quickly to lock your bedroom door and rip his shirt off. You giggled as he practically ran back over to you, trapping you in another heated kiss. He grabbed at your chest, before immediately moving down to suck your nipple. You surprised yourself with how loud you moaned at the feeling and slapped your hand over your mouth. He looked up at you with a smile on his face before he moved to the other nipple. You whimpered at the feeling and bit your lip to keep quiet. He kept his mouth on your neck, collarbone, and chest, not leaving an inch of your upper half unkissed. His hand moved down to your underwear, teasing the waistband as you giggled at the ticklish feeling. He moved your underwear to the side and immediately ran a finger along your folds, looking up to watch your face. He chuckled at how disheveled you already were, not to mention completely soaking wet. 
“This okay, baby?” he whispered huskily in your ear as you nodded eagerly. He readjusted his fingers to instantly find your clit and started rubbing it perfectly. 
“Oh, Rafe,” you cried.
“I know this pussy better than anyone else, huh?” 
You nodded frantically as he sped up, teasing your slit as he did. You grabbed the arm that was holding him up and held onto it tightly as he sped up his movements until he finally dipped a finger into you, he retracted to play with you with two fingers this time, your nails digging into his arm as your back arched. A moan fell from your lips as he curled his fingers, he continued as he moved down to bite at your neck. He kissed lower down your body until he was finally at eye level with your pussy.
He slowed his fingers and he looked up at you, “I hope you know how sorry I am for upsetting you earlier.” 
He reached his left hand up to grab yours, intertwining your fingers as you squeezed his hand.
“Rafe,” you whispered breathlessly, but no other words came out as he instantly licked a stripe from where his fingers were and right up to your clit, circling it with his tongue. You grabbed his hair and moved your hips as he continued his movements, groaning at the taste of you. 
“So fucking sweet baby. I wish I could eat this pussy all day long, every day. You deserve it.” 
You were at a loss for words and he got back to it, scissoring his fingers and slurping at your clit loudly. You cried out, feeling close to your orgasm already. You couldn’t stop yourself from pushing him harder onto your face and you bucked your hips. He groaned, he loved when you lost yourself like this, completely using him for your pleasure. 
His name left your lips repeatedly, “Please don’t stop,” you cried.
He moved his hand out of yours to hold you down by your waist. “You wanna cum, pretty girl?”
You nodded, tears pricking your eyes, this time the good kind. He groaned at an extra harsh pull of his hair and the vibration was all you needed before you fell apart. You moaned out, grabbing the pillow on your bed to silence yourself. He didn’t stop until your legs closed around his head out of instinct. He pulled away as he watched your chest heave, smiling at the mess you’ve become. 
“Holy shit, Rafe.”
“Did you like that?” He teased, with a proud smile on his face.
You just nodded, leaning up the meet his lips, you groaned at the taste of yourself and reached down to grab his dick. He grabbed your hand to stop you from continuing.
“No baby, tonight was about you. We’re still taking it slow, I just wanted to make up for earlier.”
You nodded, too exhausted from that amazing orgasm to fight. He helped you pull your underwear back on and cuddled up next to you, pulling the covers over the two of you and hitting the switch on your lamp. He whispered a soft ‘goodnight’ but he already knew you were asleep.
part eight
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11 @five-seconds-flat @palmwinemami
180 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare.
part one part two part three part four part five
wc: 3.1k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it!
talk to me
The next few days went on smoothly, you and Rafe opting to spend most of your time in his house to avoid any confrontation with anyone on the island. Wheezie loved the fact that you had essentially moved yourself into their house, and Rose was happy to have a friendly face around. Every single night you spent laying next to Rafe, still not touching, until you fell asleep and your bodies naturally gravitated towards each other like always. You were finishing up your last final on your laptop sitting at the desk in Rafe’s room while he sat quietly watching you from his bed, that man really would not leave your side. The plan was to pack up your stuff tomorrow to be officially moved back into your parent's house and he couldn't hardly wait. Neither of you had talked about what all this means in terms of your relationship, and you hadn’t kissed since the other night. You didn’t want to rush into things, but it kept getting more challenging as time passed. Every time he looked down at you or smiled at you or pouted his lips out of habit while he focused on something, it made it impossible to not want to kiss him. You really wanted to take things slow, how can you be sure you’re ready to be back together again? It’s only been a week since you’ve been back but being with Rafe felt so natural, it was like you two were put on this earth to exist together. Once you submitted your final, the two of you walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab a snack and Rafe made cocktails for the both of you. 
“Wanna go for a swim?” he asked.
“Yes. It’ll be so nice to float around for a little while after sitting for so long. Wait I don’t have a swimsuit. I guess I can just run home real quick.”
“Or,” he trailed off, “No one is home, we could just skinny dip.” You hated how much you loved the smirk on his face and tried to hide your smile.
“You’re not that lucky, Cameron,” you patted his chest as you walked past him to get a water from his fridge. You walked outside to the pool and started to strip, leaving your underwear on, not even turning around to see if Rafe was watching from where you had left him inside. It’s not like he hadn’t seen you in underwear before, and no one else was home. What’s the harm? He shook his thoughts out of his head as he watched you dive right into the pool and started to pull his clothes off too. He grabbed your phone off the top of the pile of your clothes and unlocked it to connect it to the Bluetooth speaker, shuffling your liked songs. You smiled at the effort he put in to make you as happy as he could. He jumped in as close to you as possible to splash you and you laughed, splashing him back as soon as he came up for water. You went over to finish your cocktail and poured another glass out of the strainer. You floated over to the edge of the pool and rested your head on your arms, Rafe following closely behind you. You turned your head to the other side to look at him, a clump of your wet hair falling on your face. He reached out to tuck it behind your head gently and you gave him a soft smile.
“You’re so gentle with me, I wish you could let other people see this side of you,” you whispered.
He folded his arms on the ledge of his pool and rested his head too. You watched him get lost in his head for a second until he spoke up.
“When Sarah told you about
 everything. Did she tell you what happened to my father?” 
You stopped for a second, he hasn’t mentioned anything about him at all since you’ve been here.
“Oh my God, Rafe, do you not know?”
He shook his head sadly, “No one told me.”
You told him everything Sarah had told you, he started tearing up when you finished and you swam over to hug him.
“As much as you don’t want to hear this, it wasn’t the pogue’s fault. It just sucks.” 
“You really believe they didn’t have anything to do with it?” He asked skeptically.
“No, they would never do that. I wish everyone could get along. Sarah lost her dad that day too, and so did John B.”
He nodded as he sniffled and leaned down to rest his head on yours. Once you pulled away, you both swam around for a little bit quietly until your phone chimed through the speaker. Finishing your glass, you pulled yourself out of the pool to check it. Rafe tried not to stare as he watched you come out of the water, clearing his throat as he watched your backside sway as you walked. 
Can we talk?
“It’s your sister,” you gasped.
“Sarah? What the hell does she want?”
“Be nice, she just asked to talk to me.”
Of course, when?
We’re all at John B’s if you want to come over.
“They want me to meet them at John B’s. Would it be okay if I showered here before I go there?”
“You don’t have to ask,” he sighed, disappointed that your pool time got cut short.
You smiled at him and grabbed your clothes to walk back into the house, passing Rose in the kitchen, awkwardly waving as you tried to cover yourself as much as possible with a towel.
“Have a nice swim?” She smirked as Rafe walked in, obviously shocked to see her standing there. The two of you practically ran up the stairs to avoid the situation, he changed and sat on his desk chair as you went to the bathroom to shower. 
“Nobody’s home,” you mocked his voice through the door of the bathroom as you stripped out of your underwear, “Thank God I was the smart one and said no to skinny dipping.”
“Yeah, sure,” he laughed.
After your shower, you came out with a towel still around your head, and he chuckled.
“Can I drive you there?”
“If you want to, sure.”
“I do.” 
He smiled as you hung up the towel and brushed your hair out quickly, not bothering to dry it. 
“Wanna take the bike?” he asked as you walked down and out of the front door.
You smiled and nodded as he grabbed his helmet for you to wear. The ride over was quick, but the air felt nice. You got off the bike when he pulled up and he looked over at the pogues, nodding his head in their direction. They all watched you take the helmet off to put it on him and smiled as he told you to text him when you want to be picked up. 
You walked up to them as Rafe pulled away and waved, “Hey guys.”
They nodded in your direction as you awkwardly stood there. 
“We’re sorry,” Sarah started, “We shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
“No-” you tried to interject but she cut you off quickly.
“No, seriously, we were just trying to look out for you but I think that got lost in translation.”
You nodded, “I get that you guys hate Rafe, I completely understand why. But I can’t just leave him.” 
“Hey, Y/N, whatever you decide to do, it’s not our business, right? We’re here for you,” JJ added.
“Aw, you guys
” you trailed off with a smile and ran up to give them a big group hug. 
“Do you want to hang out for a little bit? I’ve barely seen you since I’ve been back,” Sarah asked.
“Uh, yes, of course.” 
You all decided to make a fire and partake in some of the alcohol they had left over from their last party. You all talked until everyone started to feel the alcohol and JJ suggested truth or dare. Everyone took turns; Pope had to run into the marsh, JJ shotgunned three beers, Sarah had to share the weirdest place she’s ever had sex, and now Pope chose you next. You looked at him nervously, he wouldn’t be that harsh, right? You chose the safest bet and went with truth.
“Are you and Rafe back together?”
“Nevermind, dare,” you replied instantly.
A chorus of shouts came from everyone, “Chicken! You can’t back out now!” JJ yelled.
“Okay, okay. I don’t know the answer to that question. I swear, I’m not lying.”
“Well have y’all hooked up since you’ve been back?” JJ asked.
“JJ! Only one question per turn, sorry!” 
Another ensemble of shouts, this time Sarah jumped in, “Come on, you can’t blame us for being curious. He hasn’t bothered any of us in almost a week. He’s gotta be holed up at Tannyhill for good reason.”
You sighed, “No, we haven’t done anything.” 
Everyone was quiet like they knew there was more to the story, and the alcohol made you let it all loose.
“Okay fine, we made out. It was a one-time thing and I told him I wanted to slow down. But now I’ve been sleeping in his bed every night and it’s all becoming very confusing” 
They all looked around at each other and then busted out laughing, “You guys are so getting back together,” Pope said.
As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a text. How you holding up?
You couldn’t hold back the smile on your face, he was thinking about you. What was he doing right now while you were gone? This is the longest you’ve been apart since you got back and you already missed being around him.
Great, tipsy, they love me again. 
I’m happy for you, let me know when I need to come pick you up.
“Shot time!” JJ yelled swishing a bottle around, Kie trailing behind him with seven little red solo shot glasses.
Miss me?
It’s too quiet.
You sighed happily at his response and put your phone away. When you looked up, everyone was already looking at you, “What?”
“It’s just weird to think that Rafe Cameron is the person who’s making you this happy,” Pope said.
“What are you talking about?”
“That girl is in love,” Cleo chimed in.
“You can’t stop smiling, who else would you be texting right now?” Sarah asked.
You paused, “My mom.”
They all cracked up laughing at your terrible attempt at a lie. 
“Yeah right, come do this shot with us,” JJ said.
The game of truth or dare continued, the shots kept getting poured, and everyone was pretty heavily intoxicated when you decided to text Rafe. 
Come get me???! Pleaseeeee I’m ready to sleeeeeep
Be there soon, be safe
You too <333&lt;333
“Are you staying tonight, Y/N?” Sarah asked.
“Nah, I’m gonna go back with Rafe, I have no comfy clothes here. I just texted him.” 
A teasing ‘awww’ came from John B. You were telling them about how Rose had caught you both in your underwear earlier when you heard a car pull up. Rafe put the car in park and stepped out, walking in your direction.
“Oh great, now he’s coming over here,” JJ mumbled, causing Kie to elbow him in the ribs when she saw the sad look on your face at JJ’s reaction. She watched as it changed to completely lighting up when you made eye contact with him. He looked almost
 shy as he walked over, shoving his hands in his pockets and trying to hold back the smile as you waved at him excitedly. 
“Rafe! You’re here!” you smiled.
“Yeah, hey guys,” he said awkwardly. Everyone grumbled hello’s and he could tell no one else was happy to see him. He walked closer, pushing himself into the circle you all had formed around the circle. 
“You ready?” he whispered.
He nodded and helped you up from your seat, you giggled as you lost balance, making him grab your waist to steady you. He paused for a second and cleared his throat, making everyone look at him.
“I know, that this probably doesn’t mean anything to you guys. But I just want you to know, I sincerely apologize for everything that has happened. Okay? I didn’t mean to hurt anyone, I just lost my cool a few times. I wish I could take it back. So I’m sorry. I’m trying to be a better man.” 
He stabilized you and walked over to John B and stuck his hand out for him to shake. John B looked at him, then at Sarah, and then at you. He took a breath and shook it, with no other words exchanged. Rafe went to Pope next, who shook it wearily, and finally JJ. JJ laughed incredulously but took his hand, sighing and shaking his head in disbelief. You smiled, giddy at the thought of things looking up, you were practically floating over to Rafe. 
“Okay, goodnight everyone,” he said, trying to be respectful. 
You turned so your back was facing him as you look at everyone with wide eyes and a surprised look on your face as you shrugged. 
“Bye, guys!” You waved as he walked you to the car with his hand on the small of your back, opening the door for you.
“Okay, what the fuck?” John B whispered as they watched you drive off.
“So you had fun?” Rafe asked.
“Yes! It was a great time! I missed them so much, we played truth or dare and it was so much fun. And then they asked me so many questions about you and then we took so many shots,” you ranted, obviously energized from the alcohol. 
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, “Yeah? What’d they ask about me?”
“Just about if we had fucked and if we’re getting back together.”
He was caught off guard by your bluntness. He almost felt bad for asking this next question, knowing it could seem like he was taking advantage of your intoxicated state, but he needed to know what you thought. 
“What did you tell them?” He tried hard to act nonchalant, but you couldn’t tell right now,
“I just told them the truth, that we made out, and now every time I see you I want to do it again, and more.”
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Me too, Y/N,” he said softly. You looked at him and smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. This time, you noticed the blush on his cheek when you pulled away. 
“What’d you do while I was gone? Besides miss me, of course.”
“I missed you, thought about you, wondered what you were doing, texted you, and that took up pretty much all of my time until I had to come to pick you up,” he shrugged.
You giggled at his goofiness as he pulled up to the house, “Don’t move,” he demanded as he ran over to the other side of the car to open the door for you.
“Your castle awaits,” he said in a fake posh accent, grabbing your hand to help you hop out of the car.
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” you attempted to curtsy. 
“Okay, let’s get you into bed. We have to be up tomorrow to get you all moved back.”
You groaned at the thought, “Why’d you let me drink so much?” you asked, pretending to be mad at him.
A look of panic flickered in his eyes when he thought you were actually mad at him until you broke out with a smile, “Just kidding!”
You walked up the stairs and made your way to the drawer of his t-shirts, taking what used to be your favorite one. You took your shirt off without a second thought, and he snapped his head in the opposite direction as he caught a glimpse of your bare back. Your bra was still wet from swimming earlier so you had left in the bathroom to hang up, and he didn’t want to take advantage of your trust in him by trying to sneak a peek of your naked chest. 
“You can turn around now.”
He looked at you, in his shirt, hair tied up, and no pants on. He was speechless. 
“Y/N. On a scale of one through ten, how drunk would you say you currently are?”
“Probably a 6 or 7, why?”
“I have something to show you.”
“Is it your penis?”
He laughed, “No, Y/N, what happened to taking it slow?” 
You shrugged, laughing at his reaction as he walked over to his nightstand, grabbing a velvet box. You sat down on the bed next to where he stood as he opened it to show you what was inside. Tears pricked your eyes as you took in the sight of the promise ring he had given you years ago. 
“You kept it?”
“Of course I did. I always hoped you would come back to me and want this back.”
You took it from him and slid it on your finger, “Still fits,” you gasped. Tears fell from both of your faces as he looked down at your hand, it was perfect, and right where it belonged. 
“I love you,” he whispered, your breath caught in your throat. 
“I’m sorry,” he backtracked, watching your face intently, shock written all over it, “Shit, I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfor-”
The words fell silent as you reached up and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.
“I never stopped loving you, Rafe.”
He couldn’t hold himself back from placing a kiss on your lips. It was short and sweet. You whimpered at the feeling, longing for more. He wanted more so badly, but that would have to wait for a night when you weren’t out drinking without him. 
“Come on, let’s go to sleep,” he whispered and you nodded, climbing into the bed next to him. He opened his arm to you, and you laid your head on his chest, your hand resting on his abdomen and your leg tangling between his. 
“Goodnight, Rafe.”
“Goodnight, baby.”
part seven
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday @tahliac11
176 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
when will part six be out?! đŸ˜© it’s so fucking good i cant even
Omg thank you SO SO much!!! I’m working on it now (:
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
rafe cameron would absolutely buy you an anklet with a little charm of his initial, just to know you belong completely to him. he loved to see it every time he has you folded in half. your legs would be pulled up to hang around his shoulders with tears streaming down your face while he fucks you roughly.
84 notes · View notes
rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare. Fifth part!
part one part two part three part four
wc: 2k
a/n: i just want to thank everyone for all the support in this series! as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it!
warnings: little violence, little kissy kissy, mentions of ~anatomy~ lol
talk to me
You dropped Wheezie off at 4, leaving you plenty of time to go home and get ready to go out to dinner. You showered, fixed your hair, and did your makeup just how you like it to feel your best. 
Rafe knocked on your door at 5:55, exactly five minutes early. You ran down your stairs, trying to catch the door before your parents could reach it, but of course, your mother beat you to it. 
“Oh, Rafe! What a nice surprise,” she smiled, giving him a knowing look. You walked towards the door, pushing yourself into view. 
“Hey! You ready?” You asked before your mother could start with her questions. He nodded and you excused yourself as you crammed yourself between her and the door, ready to drive far, far away. 
You guys talked about where you wanted to go for dinner as he walked you to his car. The ride to the restaurant was nice, he let you have aux and you danced around in the seat and sang along to your favorite songs. The restaurant was pretty quiet, and you were able to get a booth in the back corner. You sat down and looked at the menu, making small talk over what you were going to order. You looked up to see a group of six being sat at the table in the middle of the room and just about had a heart attack. Of course, the pogues would be here. Rafe clenched his fists as he noticed them sitting there. Sarah noticed you first, mouth dropped open. Kie looked over and looked at you two with nothing but disgust written on her face. 
“Y/N? What the fuck are you doing with him?” Kie asked, not so nicely.
You looked at Rafe, he was visibly getting angry at their judgemental stares. Oh no, not good. 
“We’re just getting dinner, okay? No big deal,” you shrugged. You really didn’t want any drama tonight.
“Is she fucking serious?” Kiara asked rhetorically, looking around at the others at her table.
“Yea, Y/N, there are so many better ways to be spending your time here. Did you forget everything he’s done?” JJ piped up.
Rafe stood up from his seat, looking down at them.
“Rafe-” you started
“Watch your mouth, JJ,” he cut you off as you moved to stand next to him, trying to keep him from doing something he’d regret later. You pushed him in the direction of the door.
“Come on, we can just go somewhere else to eat.” 
He looked down at you and nodded, scarily silent. You trailed behind him as he walked out towards the parking lot. Just as you were about to praise him for not losing his cool in there, JJ followed you out the door, everyone else not far behind him. 
“Seriously, Y/N, don’t be an idiot. The dude is a murderer,” he shouted.
You couldn’t stop Rafe after that, he got to JJ in record time, slugging him right in the nose. You gasped as JJ fell back on the cement. Rafe leaned down, pulling him back up by his collar. You’ve seen Rafe get in fights before, but this was different. His mind went blank and he couldn’t stop pummeling JJ. He landed another punch to his jaw before Pope and John B jumped in to help. Tears pricked in your eyes, as you watched helplessly. You look at Sarah, and she just shook her head with a disappointed look on her face. An employee of the restaurant ran out, hearing all the commotion, and yelled that he was calling the police if they didn’t break it up. The pogues let him go, only after getting a good few punches in too. Rafe spit blood from his lip onto the ground as he stood up to walk away. He walked to the car without another look in their direction and started it. The pogues stood there staring at you as if you were frozen where you stood. 
“Seriously, Y/N, don’t get yourself caught up with him. Come back with us.” 
You looked towards where Rafe was sitting in the car, holding a napkin to his lip, waiting to see what you were going to do. You just shook your head quietly, still making no attempt to move. 
“You think you can come back for a few days and magically fix him?” Kie asked. 
“No, that’s not what-“
She rudely cut you off to slander his name even more. Some friends they are, they won’t even let you explain yourself. 
“You guys don’t get it, okay!”
“Y/N there is something wrong with him. He is dangerous, I’m scared he’ll hurt you too!” Sarah joined in. 
Tears pricked your eyes, “He needs help.”
“And you’re going to be the one to give it to him?” John B chimed in. 
You just shook your head, walking away from them and getting in the car with Rafe. 
He turned to look at you, mouth open, trying to find something to say. You just gave him a look that told him you just wanted silence right now. He put the car in reverse and drove out of the parking lot without another word. 
He drove you back in the direction of your houses before he finally spoke up, “Are you still hungry? We can stop somewhere and get you something to eat.” 
You shook your head quietly and he sighed, as if he was annoyed by your answer. 
“Fucking pogues just have to ruin everything,” he muttered under his breath. You ignored his comment, what were you getting yourself into?
“I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to lose my temper back there. I’m trying to be better, for you.” 
He thought that was going to fix this?
“Rafe, you can’t do it just for me. You have to want to be better for yourself.” 
He deflated even further at your scold and wished he could sink into the car seat and never come back out. 
“Do you want me to drop you off at home?” You nodded and he stayed quiet for the rest of your ride. 
After he dropped you off, you sat on your bed rethinking the past hour. Was I too harsh? Hopefully, he cleans that cut on his lip so it doesn’t get infected. 
You sighed trying to brainstorm, he needs help beyond your abilities but what could you do? You can’t exactly Google ‘what to do when your ex-boyfriend is a killer’. Anger management? Therapy? Deescalation training? All of the above? You grabbed your laptop and pulled it open, sent some emails, and walked downstairs to talk to your parents. 
Back at Tannyhill, Rafe was a mess. He paced around, mumbling about how he fucked up. He stopped to stare at the box he used to keep his stash in. He should just call you. But he couldn’t, what if you blocked him again? He really, really didn’t want to do a line, but that’s the only thing that could calm him down right now, right? He shook his head, “I can’t. I can’t,” he spoke to the empty room. 
As if you had a sixth sense, you called right as he started to break down. 
“Hello?” He croaked. 
“Can I come back over?” You asked
“Yes, please,” he almost whimpered. 
You hung up without another word and immediately got in your car to go over. You walked in without knocking and went straight up to Rafe’s room. He was laying down in his bed, lips stained with dried blood and tears running down his face. You sighed as you took in the sight of him and went to his bathroom to grab a wet washcloth to wipe the blood off of him.
“I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to keep fighting all the time. I wanted to kill them too. They would deserve it for killing my father.” 
You ignored his comment and started wiping away at the blood as he flinched, his hand instinctively moving to your waist. He moved his hand back quickly and you smiled softly. 
“I reached out to my professors earlier,” you started as he looked up at you from where he was sitting, “I only have a week left of classes and then finals. I only have three classes because it’s the summer semester. They all agreed to let me take them online. I can transfer back here for the fall semester and move back in with my parents. I just have to go get my stuff from my apartment.”
He just shook his head, his face unreadable. You dropped the rag from his face and stood there, unmoving. 
“What?” You asked, suddenly getting nervous at his reaction. 
“You can’t do that just for me. I know I said it before but that’s a big decision.” 
“It’s not just for you, I was getting pretty homesick anyways. I missed my family. What, do you not want me here anymore?”
He shook his head with a laugh at the thought of ever not wanting you around him. He was pretty sure that was completely impossible. 
“Are you sure you want to do that?” He asked. 
“Yes, Rafe. It’s not a big deal.” 
He shook his head, yes it was. But he let it go, he stood up and pulled you into a hug. It was the most innocent hug you two had ever shared, you could feel him holding his breath. 
“If I’m sticking around though, I want you to look into therapy.” 
He rolled his eyes at the suggestion but he knew he would do literally anything you asked of him. You pulled him into the bathroom to rest against the sink as you grabbed the Neosporin for the slit in his bottom lip. It was your turn to hold your breath as your face got suffocatingly close to his. You touched his lip gently, focusing on only looking at his lip, too scared to make eye contact. You could feel the intensity of his gaze, you bit down on your lip as he moved to gently place his hands back on your waist. You looked up and met his eyes, stuck in your place. You couldn’t move away even if you wanted to. 
“Y/N,” he trailed off, you nodded slightly in response, “if you don’t stop me, I’m gonna kiss you.”
You shook your head again, hand coming up to rest on his jaw as he leaned down and kissed you. You kissed back softly, trying not to hurt his busted lip, but he squeezed your waist and before you could stop it he kissed you even harder. You let out a little moan as he pulled you in by the small of your back. Close wasn’t close enough for either of you right now. He moved his hands down even further, grabbing your ass as he trailed his tongue across your bottom lip. You both groaned into the kiss, tasting each other for the first time in what felt like forever. He turned you around so you were pinned between him and the counter and kissed down your neck, starting to suck on the spot he knew you loved. He reached under your shirt, slowly moving his hands up to caress the skin of your back as you grabbed at the collar of his shirt, pulling him into you. 
“Y/N,” he whispered breathlessly in your ear, placing a kiss right behind your ear. You opened your eyes as the reality of the situation started to set in. 
You loosened your grip on his shirt, “Wait, Rafe, wait,” you panted. 
He pulled off, scared to push you too far, instantly apologizing. 
“No, no it’s okay. Really it’s fine, I just want to take things slow for now.”
He nodded, “Slow, okay, I can do slow.”
You smiled, thankful for his understanding, “Do you wanna just watch a movie or something?”
“Yeah, anything you want to do.”
You nodded as you walked towards the door, turning back when you didn’t hear him walking behind you. He was still facing the counter like before, his back to you. You watched as he dropped his head down and let out a deep sigh, reaching down to tuck his dick into the waistband of his pants discreetly. You stifled a giggle as he turned around knowing he was caught. He gave you a sheepish smile as you grabbed his arm to wrap it around your shoulder and walk downstairs to the TV. 
part six
tag list: @user3737338292 @koalalafications @mutual-mendes @allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover @bibliophilewednesday
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
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summary: After a worried phone call from Wheezie, you decide to come back to Kildare. Fourth part! Mentions of blood and a teeny snippet of violence.
part one part two part three
wc: 1.5k
a/n: as always, let me know what you think! hope y'all love it!
talk to me
It always started the same. 
Rafe was sitting outside on the porch at his house. Rose comes out holding a large bowl filled with the salad she just chopped up, everyone else already sitting at the table as they prepared to enjoy a nice dinner together. Everything was as it should be. Even you were there, sitting next to him holding his hand under the table, eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Rafe told stories and cracked jokes, everyone laughed and listened intently to every word he said. All of a sudden, your smile dropped as you looked past him. His head turned as he watched JJ and John B walk across the yard towards the table. He went to stand up and tell them to leave the property, but he was stuck. He couldn’t get up from the chair he was sitting in. As they approached, he tried to yell at them, but his voice wasn’t working. He thrashed in the chair, trying to yell and move his legs. He felt completely powerless as they got closer. John B and JJ laughed as they ran up on Ward, all Rafe could do was sit there and watch as they raised a brick and smashed it right against the back of Ward’s head. His head hit the table, and they ran away. Rafe panicked and started sobbing uncontrollably as he watched him bleed out.
You woke up on the sectional across from Wheezie after hearing a scream. Wheezie was still in a deep sleep but you sat up, hearing footsteps on the floor above you. Rafe came down the stairs and stopped when he saw you sitting up on the sofa. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at his feet. He looked exhausted.
“Uh, I’m sorry if I woke you, I was just coming down to grab a bowl of cereal.” 
You looked at your phone for the time, who eats cereal at 2:47 in the morning?
“You want some?” he asked. “Sure,” you weren’t hungry, but you didn’t want to leave him alone like this. 
You sat in the kitchen quietly eating, you didn’t know what to say to him. 
“Rafe,” you dropped your spoon and turned towards him “does that happen often?”
“The nightmares.” 
He looked at you and shook his head, “I’m fine.” 
“That’s not what I asked you.” 
He should know by now that if you wanted an answer to your question, you weren’t going to let him skirt around the topic. 
He rolled his eyes, but still answered, “Just about every night since I found out he was dead.”
You nodded slowly as you watched him push a single piece of cereal around the bowl of milk. 
“Do you want to tell me about them?”
“Yes, but not right now baby. I’m so tired.” 
You felt your heart break as you watched him get up and dump the milk down the sink, grabbing yours on his way. He called me baby, he didn’t even realize what he said. It just felt natural. He was shirtless and barefoot with just a pair of old gym shorts on his hips. His hair was starting to grow back and it was a complete mess right now. He looked like a hollow, cracked shell of the man you once knew and loved.
“You should get back to sleep,” he whispered, “I’m sorry again for waking you up.”
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong. The couch was kind of hurting my back anyways,” you looked down nervously, hoping he’d take the hint. 
“Oh, do you want to take my bed? I can take the couch, or you could just take the guest room. I don’t know, whatever you want,” he said all in one breath. You just smiled and grabbed his hand as you pulled him up toward his room. You sat down on what used to be your side of his bed and patted the space next to you. Not even back for 24 hours and you’re already back in his bed. Should you be concerned? Maybe a little. Did you care right now? Not in the slightest. He bit back a smile as he walked towards his bed and sat next to you, unsure of how to lay down. You moved down his bed, pulling him down too. You weren’t cuddling, in fact, your upper halves weren’t touching at all. You were both too scared to make that move. You faced each other, breathing each other's air and you moved your legs slightly to rest under his. He sighed contently, no matter how much he wanted to hold you, he was ecstatic just to have you here lying next to him, your cold feet on his legs like they belonged. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, and he whispered gently, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Rafe.”
You woke up the next morning, in a completely different position than you had fallen asleep in. Somehow during the night, Rafe had turned his back to you and you wrapped your arms around his waist. Your face was smooshed against his bare back as he held onto the arms wrapped around him so tight it was like he was scared you would slip right out of his grasp. You didn’t move, if he had really been having these nightmares every night consistently, he needed the rest. You stayed still, dozing back off, until eventually, he started to stir. You pretended to still be asleep as he turned his head slightly and let out a chuckle at the feeling of you all wrapped up against him. He had to still be dreaming, right? Your phone buzzed on the nightstand and he grabbed it, Wheezie had texted you. Morning voice in full effect, he called your name to wake you up. 
“Y/N, wake up, Wheezie texted you.” 
You groaned, not ready to get up for the day, but you pulled yourself off of him as he handed you your phone. Hello?? Where’d you go??
You hated lying, but there was no way you were going to tell her you had slept next to her brother. Guest room, couch was uncomfy. Be down in a sec.
Rafe watched you send the message and snorted, “Liar.”
“Hush,” you giggled. You sat up from the bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. He got up and walked into the bathroom attached to his room, grabbing a toothbrush.
“I, uh, still have the toothbrush you left here if you want to brush your teeth.”
Your heart swelled at the sentiment, “Gross, Rafe, that thing is probably all dusty and dirty by now.” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re probably right,” he laughed, “I have brand new ones too.”
“Perfect,” you smiled as you got up to join him in the bathroom. You shared the sink as you both brushed your teeth together quietly. You left the room and went downstairs to where Wheezie was, making Rafe stay up in his room for a few minutes so it doesn’t seem suspicious. 
“What do you want to do today, Wheeze?” 
“Let’s go shopping!”
You nodded excitedly, “Okay! Go get ready, and then we can stop by my house so I can change and then we’ll hit the town.”
Rafe passed her on the steps as she went to go get dressed for the day. You sat on the sofa scrolling through Instagram as you waited. Rafe came down and sat next to you and you looked up from your phone.
“Y/N, do you think you could unblock my number? I promise to not leave you an embarrassing amount of drunk voicemails anymore.”
You laughed and nodded, going to your phone app to resave his number. 
“What did you guys decide on doing today?”
“We’re just going to go do some shopping.”
He nodded as Wheezie ran down the steps, dragging you out the door, shouting goodbyes behind her as you looked back to smile and wave at Rafe.
Shopping was great, you tried on so many clothes and filled your arms with shopping bags. As you were walking into the next store, your phone buzzed, it was Rafe.
Let me take you to dinner tonight.
As a thank you for last night.
He double-texted? You shook your head with a smile, this should not be making you as happy as it is. 
No need to thank me. I didn’t really do anything. 
He texted back not even a minute later; Think about where you want to go. does 6 work for you? I’ll pick you up.
Kk that works see you soon (:
“What are you smiling at?” Wheezie questioned, pulling you out of your own little world.
“Nothing!” You locked your phone and put it back in your pocket quickly. Real smooth.
“Okay, I’ll pretend I don’t know you went upstairs with Rafe last night and now you’re smiling at your phone like a weirdo.” 
Your smile dropped as you looked at her, shocked, “When did you get so grown?”
She just shrugged and walked over to look at a dress that was hanging up across the store.
part five
Tag List:
@allthesefanfics @f4ll-for-you @colbysbrocks @writtenwordslover
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rubberfuckey · 1 year
cupcakes - rafe cameron
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summary: minimal plot, smutty smut smut
wc: 1.5k
a/n: not proofread (: <333
talk to me
You should’ve known making cupcakes for your friend’s birthday wouldn’t go to plan as long as Rafe was involved. It had started off fine, only getting sidetracked a few times while buying the supplies at the grocery store. Now you two were at his house trying to finish them before her birthday tomorrow. All the ingredients were lined up on the counter. Rafe had pretty much let you take charge, sitting at the island, ready to do anything you asked of him. Helping you mix the batter, naturally, he swiped some of the batter across your forehead when you weren’t paying attention. You yelped and pushed him away as you wiped it off and pretended to go back to what you were doing until he let his guard down. When he wasn’t looking, you scooped some with your finger and ran it along his cheek. He scoffed as he moved closer to you, trapping you between him and the counter. 
“Okay, okay, we’re even! Let me go!” you laughed as he squeezed your waist.
“That’s not how this works, you should know this by now.” He grabbed more and rubbed it down the bridge of your nose, chuckling as you scrunched your nose at how cold it was. You went to reach the bowl to get more on your finger but Rafe was able to stop you before grabbing more and rubbing it on your cheek. There was no way you were going to get out of this, so you decided to take a turn that would ensure your power would be back. As he went to rub more on your opposite cheek you turned your head and brought your hand up to his wrist to draw his finger into your mouth. You licked the batter of his finger clean, making sure to suck it a little bit as you pulled your mouth off of his finger, not breaking eye contact once. He sucked in a breath of air as he watched you smile up at him. 
“You’re gonna kill me one day, Y/N,” he sighed as you wrapped your arms around him.
He leaned down to kiss you and you met him halfway, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. He groaned as you tugged at the roots, and picked you up to set you on the counter, running his hands down to your thighs to bring your legs up to wrap around his waist. You slipped your tongue into his mouth as he did, moaning at the taste of him. His hands didn’t stop moving, from your thighs, to your hips, up your arms, and in your hair. He was everywhere. He was kissing you so feverishly that you would think it was the last kiss you two would ever share. You heard a gasp from across where you sat and pull apart to see Sarah looking at you two with a look of disgust. She walks quickly away from the kitchen, causing you and Rafe to both bust out laughing. You pull his face back towards you to continue the kiss as he lifted you up to carry you into his bedroom, the brownie ingredients still thrown about in the kitchen. You didn’t break the kiss until you reached his bed as he threw you down to go lock the door. He was immediately back on top of you and pushed you further back onto the bed. Once you both reached the headboard, you flipped him so you were on top, straddling him. Breaking the kiss you sat up to take your shirt off as he watched you. You moved your hips down onto him, causing him to groan and grab your ass. Feeling him harden underneath you, you continued to grind down onto him until he flipped you back over. He broke the kiss, and you took his shirt off, smiling as it came off. He immediately reattached your lips and brought his hands to your breasts, pulling your bra down. Kissing down your neck, he kept squeezing and pinching your nipples, causing little whimpers to break from your lips. Dipping down further, he took one of your nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue until switching to the other to give it the same attention. 
“Rafe,” you whimpered, raising your hips to make contact with him. 
“Y/N,” he moaned back. 
“I can’t wait anymore, I need you now,” you whispered. 
“Baby, we’re just getting started.”
“No, Rafe, please.”
“Please, what?”
“Fuck me, right now, I just need to feel you,” you reached down to feel him through his pants, he was more than ready to take you.
“Shit, baby,” he whispered, running his finger along the band of your pants, pulling them down along with your underwear. You kicked them the rest of the way off and leaned up slightly to unhook your bra while he watched. You reached for his pants and undid the button, kissing him again. Usually, he held all the control, you submitting yourself to him, but he did enjoy this newfound feeling of being needed so passionately. He reached over to the nightstand to grab a condom, but you grabbed his arm and looked up at him.
“Maybe we could just, not use a condom this time?” you looked at him sheepishly.
He must’ve died and gone to heaven. Truth be told, he hated condoms. There is nothing in the world he wanted than to feel you raw, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he kept his complaints to himself.
“You sure?” He asked gently as if you would change your mind if he spoke too loudly.
“Yes, I want to feel you for real.” He could’ve cum just from hearing those words come out of your pretty mouth. He pulled his pants down in record time and pulled your legs up to rest on your hips. 
“One more time, you’re sure?”
“Yes, Rafe, please,” you could barely get out your please before he plunged right into you. You were so wet, he had to stop for a second and stay still. You moaned and clenched around him feeling every ridge and vein of his dick. He started to move, leaning down to kiss you to muffle both of your moans. You tightened your legs around his hips and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him to rest in between where your neck and shoulder meet. You pull at his hair as he moves even faster, all that could be heard was skin slapping and the noises of your wet pussy. 
“Babe, I’m really not gonna last long like this.”
Rafe had never been a quiet partner, but today was extraordinary. 
“It’s okay I want you to cum,” you moaned.
He started panting, “Where?”
You decided to kick it up a notch and really get him there.
“In me, Daddy, I wanna feel it.”
What did he do to deserve this? It took about two more thrusts and he was a goner, you never heard him cum so loud, arms giving out and crashing down onto you. He rolled over and pulled you into his side, still trying to catch his breath. You lay there quietly for a few minutes until he turned his body towards yours and reached down to rub your clit.
He just shushed you, “Don’t worry I didn’t forget about you cumming too.”
He inserted two fingers into you quickly as you moan out at the abruptness. He curled them upwards as he had down a thousand times before and moved down to place his other hand down on your stomach to heighten the feeling.
“Oh my God, Rafe,” you all but yelled as he continued, motivated by the squelching sounds coming from you. His name fell from your lips repeatedly as you felt your brain start to melt at the insane amount of pleasure he was giving you. It didn’t take long for you to cum, but when he would usually stop at the worry of overstimulating and overwhelming you, this time he couldn’t pull himself away. Ignoring the burning in his fingers, he kept moving them at a brutal pace. You thrashed under him, trying to get away from him, but he pinned you down with an arm around your stomach keeping you in place, until you started to gush around him. You screamed out, your vision going blurry and he didn’t stop until the sheets under you were completely soaked. 
“Holy shit babe,” he laughed, but you were still coming down from your high and it was like you were hovering above your body.
You whimpered as he moved to wipe you down, “Sorry sweet girl, gotta clean you up.” 
You nodded and curled into his side as soon as he laid down on his back next to you. He loved when you got like this, so fucked out all you needed was his touch to bring you back down to Earth. He ran his hands up and down your back as you sighed, quickly falling asleep on him. Once he knew you were out like a light, he threw on a pair of sweatpants and went to the kitchen to finish up on the cupcakes you had abandoned.
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