rumbellexremadora · 3 years
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trix + text posts
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
I went to Steveston and all I got was this lousy necklace
I picked this up in anticipation of a reaching a nice number in my follower count when in Steveston last month as a thank you to all you patient people who voluntarily put up with me on your dash. *tosses confetti*
Yes, this is the lamest giveaway you’ll ever see. Also, forgive the crappy, low light camera phone pics. 
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Straight from It’s Posh, AKA Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop, is this lovely silver-tone swan charm. Pretty much the ultimate Swanfire symbol there is. You know, other than Henry.
Do you want it? Here’s how:
1. Follow me.
2. Reblog this post.
That’s it! On August 23 I’ll randomly pick a… winner.
For you lovely Rumbelle fans, I have a thing for you, too! No cheating, the same person is not going to get both.
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
I went to Steveston and all I got was this lousy necklace
I picked this up in anticipation of a reaching a nice number in my follower count when in Steveston last month as a thank you to all you patient people who voluntarily put up with me on your dash. *tosses confetti*
Yes, this is the lamest giveaway you’ll ever see. Also, forgive the crappy, low light camera phone pics.
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Straight from It’s Posh, AKA Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop, is this pretty, kinda large, silver-tone chipped cup charm. It’s about thimble sized and if you’re a fic writer who like drinking your readers’ tears, this is the prefect shot glass for you *. If you’re not a fic writer, this is a great receptacle for all those tears you shed. Also, you should start writing, we’ll love you forever.
Do you want it? Here’s how:
1. Follow me.
2. Reblog this post.
That’s it! On August 23 I’ll randomly pick a… winner.
For you lovely Swanfire fans, I have a thing for you, too! No cheating, the same person is not going to get both of these I will tell you that.
*Yeah, don’t actually drink out of this. Use a big gulp cup from 7-11 instead.
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
Same episode; " I do hope you're not going to break my little bell?"
OUAT S1 rewatch;
Episode 8; desperate souls.
Graham just died and Rumple wants Emma to have a keepsake of him.
He is really keen on her having something from her lost loved one to hold on to.
Like a jacket.
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
OUAT S1 rewatch;
Episode 8; desperate souls. Graham just died and Rumple wants Emma to have a keepsake of him. He is really keen on her having something from her lost loved one to hold on to. Like a jacket. Or a TEA CUP? HE WANTED HER TO HAVE SOMETHING OF GRAHAM BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO LOSE A LOVED ONE AND HAVE ONLY A KEEPSAKE TO HOLD ON TO!!!!!!
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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This is the Rumbelle “Untold Story” tidbit from the OUaT Facebook game.
So, yes, this is canon. This comes from the creators of the show. This is a thing that he actually wrote to her.
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
Rumbelle Secret Santa In July Gift
Hi, rorabear7! I am your secret santa and this is my gift to you :) I hope you like it, but if you don’t you can be completely honest; this is my first Rumbelle fic so I’d like some feedback. Happy Rumbelle Christmas!!!
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My name is Lucy Gold. I am the daughter of Belle French and my dad, Mr. Gold. I don't really know his first name, no one in Storybrooke does, but that's because Regina, who, when she was still the ‘Evil Queen’, cast a curse to bring everyone from the Enchanted Forest to the land without magic, wiping away their memories and giving them new names, didn't really bother giving him a first name at all. 
Most of the people still called him Mr. Gold, but my mom calls him Rumple, from his actual name Rumplestiltskin. Their story is quite extraordinary; they fell in love while he was cursed into being a 'monster' and had taken on my mom as a maid in Exchange of the saving of her kingdom. Yes, my mom was a princess, so I guess that makes me a princess too, but I've never felt that way or been treated that way (except by my parents). I have a lot of friends who would've been princesses too, but that doesn't matter, not here in storybrooke. 
After a few months working in the castle of my father, my mom and dad fell in love, but it wasn't so easy as it might sound; their relationship never had been. First my father had to get brave enough to commit to his feelings and my mom had to face being locked up in a tower and asylum by Regina, Pirates and memory loss, my evil grandfather who lead to the ‘death’ of my dad and some wicked, twisted, evil psychopaths trying to find their happiness by hurting others. In the end the curse upon my dad was lifted, returning him into his normal self, without his magic abilities and power. 
My story is not as magical as theirs had been; I never lived in a land called ‘the Enchanted Forest’ and I’ve never fallen in love. The only thing that makes me truly believe that my parents are fairytale characters is the fact that I, like my father could, can do magic. He‘s been trying to teach me how to control it ever since I, as a toddler, showed signs of magical abilities, but besides that, I am just a girl living in a town, going to school every day, doing my homework and having normal friends. I used to feel really like an oddball when it came to meddling with other children, because no one I knew could do the same things I can. But a few years ago, when I was ten, my best friend, Rachel, set her French dictionary on fire with her bare hands in frustration and it became obvious that she, too, could wield magic. 
That actually didn’t come as much of a surprise; the only surprise was that she didn’t show any signs earlier on, seeing as her birthmother was the wicked witch and one of the most skilled witches in town. Henry’s little brother, Mathew, had been learning magic since he was six as well and he was really skilled already. I guess being the savior’s son had its advantages.
 I was in my room applying some make-up, when I heard a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” I shouted and got as reply; “It’s me. Can I come in?” relieved to hear the voice of my mom and not my dad pulsed through my veins as I moved my hand and send a burst of magic to open the door. I love my dad, I really do, but on this subject he was being really irrational. I stood up from the chair in front of my make-up mirror, so that the dark blue dress with the red belt I borrowed from my mom twirled around my rather short legs. I look almost exactly like my mom; I have the same reddish brown, long hair that falls in waves over my shoulders and the same round face with the same pink, soft lips. The only thing different was that I have the exact same brown eyes as my father.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart.” Commented my mother and I smiled nervously. A few days ago a guy named Logan asked me out on a date and I accepted. He goes to the same school as me naturally (there aren’t many schools in our town), but I didn’t really know him. Rachel thought he looked cute enough, but I never really cared much for that. Anyway, to really know a person you have to get to know him and a date is a perfect opportunity for that. I hadn’t told my parents until this morning. I knew my mother wouldn’t really mind, but my father … I had had no idea how he would react. So this morning at breakfast, I convinced myself that I couldn’t wait any longer and blurted out about my date with Logan. For some reason my dad reacted almost exactly as how I thought he would; first he choked on his tea, then he started growling things that sounded a lot like ‘Lock her in a tower’ and ‘turn him into a snail if I could’ and eventually his wife managed to call him down enough for him to forbid me to go. Of course I couldn’t take that and I still got ready for my date, hoping that my mom could change his mind. This was the reason why I now shyly asked;
“Did he come around yet?”
“I don’t know,” sighed my mother, who was as beautiful as her name, “He’s spinning in the basement.”
I looked down at my perfectly painted, red toenails and sighed; he didn’t spin as much as he used to, he now only spins when Zelena, who was still stuck in the asylum, ruffled his feathers. Apparently spinning straw into gold is a skill you can’t lose, seeing as he was still able to do it even after losing his magic.
“I got something for you.” I looked up surprised and curious and my mother smiled when she pulled out a necklace out of her pocket and held it into the light. “My mother gave it to me when I was about your age and I wore it all through falling in love with your father. I lost it when Regina captured me, but I recently found it again in the shop. I didn’t even think it had come over with the curse.” I was looking awestruck at my mom as she stepped closer to me and turned me around so I faced the mirror. She hung the necklace delicately around my neck and I could inspect the object more clearly through the looking glass. It was a perfect, thin, golden chain with a single white pearl. It was simply beautiful.
 When I left my daughters room, I had to wipe away a tear of sadness; I remember clearly standing on the road in front of the library as I watched my husband pushing Lucy’s new pink bicycle, waiting for the right moment to let go. When he finally let go and came to stand next to me, rumple’s arm tightly wrapped around my waist and my head on his shoulder, we watched our small, precious, little, six year old girl ride a bike on her own for the first time. Her happy, surprised laugh still rang through my ears and I could still feel how proud and happy I felt of my little family. Now Lucy was growing up so fast. 
I walked down the stairs and headed for the basement. I leaned against the doorframe from the basement where Lucy had learned all her Magic and watched rumple spin. His eyes were completely focused on the turning wheel and his right hand glided over the green golden wood, while pulling out the golden threat with his left hand. The wheel was still the same one as the wheel she had cleaned so many times in the past and had watched him spin from in secret, while peeking around the corner and acting like she was cleaning a particularly dirty vase. Now I think of it, he probably knew I was there but didn't mind it anyway.
 "I know you’re lingering, dearie, and I must say it’s not nice to spy on people, even monsters like me."
"S-sorry." The pink color flushed to my cheeks as I stumbled forward in surprise into the main room. At first I wondered how come he had known I was there, seeing as the curtains were as usually drawn and the only light shined on the little step with the spinning wheel, but then I remembered he was the most feared wizard in all the lands. He hadn't looked like a dark wizard just now, spinning, he had just looked ... kind of… lost. He had seemed... Harmless.
"Now, what was it you want?" He still wasn't looking at me and kept his eyes focused on the spinning instead. If he had looked around, he might had seen the bemused look on my face.
"What do you mean?"
“Why did you come down here? I thought you were cleaning the library upstairs?”
“I didn’t need anything. I just… never mind.” I turned around and walked back towards the stairs, fighting the urge to glimpse back over my shoulder and I feeling his eyes on the back of my neck.
 “Are you going to sit down here all evening or are you coming up with me to enjoy a cup of tea?” I walked over towards Rumple and set down on the stool besides his. It seemed a little like the first time I kissed him.
“Don’t say you approve of this thing with that slug!” He finally took his gaze of the turning wood and stopped spinning to look me in the eyes. His face was a mixture of anger and disgust.
“You mean that Date with that Boy, Logan? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because she doesn’t know the guy!”
“Well in this land you don’t get suitors send to you by your father or have to chase after someone who stole your jewels or have to become the maid of a dark wizard to get to know your true love.” Rumple sputtered something at this part and tried to interrupt me, but I just held up my hand to tell him to listen. “In this land you NEED dates to get to know someone. How is she ever going to get to know her true love if we lock her inside the house?”
“She’s way to young!”
“Rumple, please, you’re acting like they’re going to get married! They’re just going to eat something at Granny’s; it’s totally innocent and they’re just going to talk and get to know each other. By all means, Granny will be there if anything goes wrong.”
He gave an undignified growl, but didn’t say anything, which I knew meant I had made my point and had won. He just turned back to his spinning and I stood up from the stool and started to walk back upstairs. Before I started up the stairs, I turned around and leaned on the doorframe again, watching him spin until I heard the doorbell go upstairs and realised I had forgotten the time and to walk back up the stairs at all. I saw rumple’s shoulders stiffen before I headed upstairs.
 I am not being unreasonable. The truth is just that I have a difficult relationship with most people. Ever since Lucy was younger, parents from classmates were eying her suspiciously, scared for their children and not wanting them to play with her. The reason for that is that she is ‘The Dark One’s’ daughter. Apparently they’re scared that I might do something to them, even though I lost my magic and the curse, and the fact that she could do magic herself didn’t help matters much. Of course the heroes, Emma Swan, Regina and Robin Hood, the Charmings and even Hook tried to smooth things down, but people are still weary around her. So they can say I’m being mean, unreasonable or pathetic, but I just don’t want anything to happen to my child, not again, and no matter how many enemies this town has defeated, there will always be people who are still mad at me and want to get back at me. I wish I could still turn people into slugs.
When the doorbell rang and I felt Belle go upstairs to open, I sighed deeply. I have made things harder for Lucy all her life, so the least I could do now is not make it any worse. When I heard the door shut again, I climbed the stairs and crossed the hall towards the drawing room. Most of the walls downstairs had the same dark pink color and the wooden details, like the doorframes and chandeliers, made the hall look a little dim, but it was nothing compared to the dark castle. Or rather the dark castle before Belle came. I sat down in the dark leather chair in the room and buried my head in my hands and only looked up when I heard something right next to me. Belle placed a cup of tea on the table next to the chair and gave me one of her most beautiful smiles. Of course I couldn’t resist it and grabbed her hand so I could pull her closer. She sat down on my lap and pulled her feet up so they bungled over the edge of the sofa and I wrapped my arms around her frail body so her head fell on my shoulder. The next half hour I focused on the sound of her breathing and the sweet smell of her flower shampoo, not touching the tea, which soon became cold.
“You think I am a bad father?” It felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders as I spoke the fear, which had resurfaced when Amelia told us she had a date, out loud.
“No. You’re not.” Belle answered firmly. “The fact that you care so much means that you are the best father ever.”
“But because of me being me…”
“Don’t even finish that sentence.” She interrupted and she sat up so she could hold my face in her hands and look me in the eyes. “You’re not going to start this again; Amelia loves you and I love you. Nothing else matters.”
“Oh come on, Belle, you can’t say that being the dark one’s daughter has made her life more pleasant.”
“Oh, Rumple.” She sighed. “She isn’t the dark ones daughter, she’s your daughter. You know, she was really disappointed that you weren’t there to say goodbye.”
Confused and somewhat pleased I asked;
“What? I thought it would be best to stay away from the boy so not to scare him off or anything. I didn’t want to hurt her any more.”
“Rumple, you would never hurt her. She just wanted you to be there for her because she loves you.” I sighed and felt like an idiot; apparently after sixteen years of being a parent after three hundred years of darkness you’d think you learned something.
“I love you, darling.” I told her and meant it with all my heart.
“I love you too.” The rest of the evening she sat on my lap still, reading a book with a fresh cup of tea, until Lucy came home with the story about their dinner that had turned out fine and the news that Logan was really kind and that they had a lot in common. Before she headed up the stairs to go to bed, she wrapped her arms tightly around me in a big hug and whispered in my ear;
“Thank you, for turning around. I love you.”
“I love you too.” And I kissed her forehead before sending her upstairs with the reminder that they were heading to the shop early tomorrow. I knew she would probably sleep ‘till eleven as usual, but I was probably going to let her sleep in anyway. That girl gets away with too much. 
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! *more major fangirling* Bobbie Calling her Angel is everything!!!!!!
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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Day 7; favorite kiss: 3x10 No lies. No fears. No worries. No doubt. Nothing to cloud the moment. Just sweet Rumbelle doing normal, trivial things like tying his tie. 😍 Credit gif: fuckyeahbelleandrumpelstiltskin
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
Raven’s Belated 1000 Followers/San Diego Comic Con Celebration
I hit 1000 followers a while back and I wanted to do a big celebration, but had no idea of what to do. Then, at SDCC, the clouds parted, the sun shone down and it hit me! A Comic Con exclusives giveaway!
For my giveaway I brought back 2 prizes. First place will have their choice of the two and second place will get the remaining prize. So without further ado, the prizes are:
Comic Con 2015 Exclusive Regina Funko Pop!
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Only available at the Funko Pop booth at SDCC 2015, this Regina is awesome! Unlike the Regina funko that’s coming out later this year, the exclusive is dressed all in black and is holding a heart in her hand rather than an apple.
Season 5 Dark Swan poster signed by Adam Horowitz, Eddy Kitsis, Ginnifer Goodwin, Josh Dallas, Robert Carlyle, Emilie de Ravin, Rebecca Mader, Lana Parilla, Sean Maguire, Colin O’Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison!
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Thanks to deravinous, my husband got to go to the autograph signing and meet the cast. That leaves us with 2 signed posters when we really only have the wall space for one. So I thought why not give the other one away to a fan who couldn’t be there!
Now for the rules:
You must be following me.
You must reblog. Likes will not count.
Will run through Saturday, July 25, 2015 with winners announced Sunday, July 26th. 
I will ship anywhere!
Good luck!!!
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
Hello! I hope you have a great time in Spain! Or are you already back? I also love the Holiday, but I haven't read "To kill a mockingbird". yet. I'm planning to do so though. And I have a question. In the story I'm writing is a tiny fight scene (because I'm incapable of writing fluff without angst) and I was wondering how much violence you like in a story. A little bit? A lot? Game of Thrones level of violence? *hugs you* I hope you have a great weekend!
Hi!! Yes, I'm already back from Spain, but I leave for Cambridge tomorrow :) To kill a mockingbird is great and I just got the sequel! It doesn't matter how much violence there is; you can just tell the story you want to tell. I do like angst though ;) bye! *hugs you back* have a great weekend too! ~only a few days until I find out who you are... ~ ^_^
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
I miss my two adorable dorks.
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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30 day challenge; day 6; favorite scene: rumbelle wedding vows
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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30 day challenge; day 5; favorite villain: again this sweetie pie
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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30 day challenge; day 4; least favorite female character: Blue Fairy
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rumbellexremadora · 9 years
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30 day challenge; day 3; least favorite male character: Peter Pan
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