ruthplaysthesims · 2 days
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HELLO Back w/ a joyous Winterfest with the Daghers 😎🎄
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ruthplaysthesims · 3 days
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The start of Alegría VS Caruso.
Chef Bianchi: Chef Alegría, your asparagus penne pasta is exquisite! Keep up the good work.
Dulce: Yes, Chef. Thank you so much.
Chef Bianchi: Class is dismissed. Some of you have to work a little harder, so make sure you practice more over the weekend.
?: Whoop-de-doo. Little Miss Diced Junior comes in and becomes the teacher’s pet. What a surprise.
Dulce: [Turns around] Excuse me? And who are you exactly?
?: Caruso. You don’t pay attention to your surroundings? [Rolls eyes]
Dulce: Interesting. Caruso is usually a last name. Are you embarrassed of your first name?
Caruso: Is that even important? Look, I know the kind of person you are. Mia D’Angelo-Ramirez probably got you into this school.
Dulce: Ha! I’ll have you know that none of this came easy to me. I’m sorry you can’t cook simple pasta, but don’t take out your frustrations and insecurities out on me.
Caruso: Just a fluke. I know I’m the better chef in the kitchen and I’ll prove it. You’ll be irrelevant in a couple more months.
Dulce: [Sarcastic voice] Ohhh nooo, I’m so scared. My entire career is threatened by you! Please, have mercy.
Caruso: You think this is a game?
Dulce: Yeah, a really funny one too. What kind of Italian can‘t cook pasta?
Caruso: You are unbelievable.
Dulce: 0kay, since you want to play a game soooo badly, let’s do this: Whoever gets the highest grade in this class wins whatever silly competition you created in your mind.
Caruso: Fine. You’re on, Alegría.
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ruthplaysthesims · 3 days
What's up good people? Hope y'all are doing great on this glorious Sunday. Just letting y'all know I am going to be taking a mini hiatus from posting. A lot of changes are happening in my personal life and there are some things I seriously need to tend to. I should be back soon.. Until then, I shall be enjoying you guys' content and supporting all of y'all especially you, all my beloved mutuals. Please take care of yourselves and see ya when I see ya!
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ruthplaysthesims · 3 days
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"..That's why I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight. When high school wasn't easy she's the reason I survived.."
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ruthplaysthesims · 3 days
Yumi might have a lot of friends...
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But we all know who her number 1 will forever be..
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The tattoo says it all
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ruthplaysthesims · 4 days
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"..That's why I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight. When high school wasn't easy she's the reason I survived.."
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ruthplaysthesims · 4 days
We're gonna turn this sow's ear
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Into a silk purse
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Was working on this while planning out the events leading up to the gala for Kaori's story and also planning what i'll do next for Raina's diaries. Might have a use for him. Or I'll just put him up for download for all my fellow simmers to use. Who knows?
Also shout out to @deardiaryts4 for literally helping me with pose making. I cannot thank you EOUGH for helping me out I'm still getting used to the ropes but once I do, it's over!!
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ruthplaysthesims · 4 days
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"..That's why I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight. When high school wasn't easy she's the reason I survived.."
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ruthplaysthesims · 4 days
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"Wake up, check on Lou, do some work around the house, sit in the garden and mope sleep and repeat.. That's what my days have been like. I haven't made any jewelry ever since the incident.. and it's not like the crystal tree has been of any help... It hasn't given me a single crystal.. I'm too scared to return to the cove.. I guess I'll have to accept that this is my life now; living on the run while worrying about the wellbeing of the ones I care about. Ever since I moved here, I have had this very unsettling feeling that I am being watched from all corners of this town. It feels so empty, yet I know there are people here.. Am I going crazy? I might be.. What about that boy I saw by the cottage? I still don't know who he is. Aunt Berta told me his name... Nikolai.. it's a pretty name. She also told me to be careful around him. Is he dangerous? I also thought of the unthinkable: I entered the portal, but it kicked me out before I could see what was on the other side. Was it because of my lack of powers? *sigh* I guess I really am a disgrace to the Almeida bloodline.. A spellcaster with no powers... I'm nowhere near special.. I should just stay home and make sure Lou gets back on his feet.. Then I'll figure life out from there.."
-Raina A.
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ruthplaysthesims · 5 days
What memory does your OC find themselves ruminating on most often?
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ruthplaysthesims · 5 days
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"Wake up, check on Lou, do some work around the house, sit in the garden and mope sleep and repeat.. That's what my days have been like. I haven't made any jewelry ever since the incident.. and it's not like the crystal tree has been of any help... It hasn't given me a single crystal.. I'm too scared to return to the cove.. I guess I'll have to accept that this is my life now; living on the run while worrying about the wellbeing of the ones I care about. Ever since I moved here, I have had this very unsettling feeling that I am being watched from all corners of this town. It feels so empty, yet I know there are people here.. Am I going crazy? I might be.. What about that boy I saw by the cottage? I still don't know who he is. Aunt Berta told me his name... Nikolai.. it's a pretty name. She also told me to be careful around him. Is he dangerous? I also thought of the unthinkable: I entered the portal, but it kicked me out before I could see what was on the other side. Was it because of my lack of powers? *sigh* I guess I really am a disgrace to the Almeida bloodline.. A spellcaster with no powers... I'm nowhere near special.. I should just stay home and make sure Lou gets back on his feet.. Then I'll figure life out from there.."
-Raina A.
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ruthplaysthesims · 6 days
hi, my dash is kinda dead so please interact with this if you’re an active simblr! i’m looking for more people to follow <3
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ruthplaysthesims · 6 days
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Remember the earpiece? Yes, ok. Wolff heard everything and ran looking for Taryn. The rest is self explanatory....
Beginning - Previous - Next
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ruthplaysthesims · 7 days
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Of all the men you could choose, Not only are you crushing on Carlos, but you have the AUDACITY to ask your crush's BEST FRIEND if you should ask your crush's GRANDFATHER out?!?!?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!
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ruthplaysthesims · 7 days
Hey love, just wondering wcif baby Lola's hair?
Hey, boo. You can find Lola's hair here 💛
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Shout-out to @goamazons for this lovely hair
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ruthplaysthesims · 8 days
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ruthplaysthesims · 8 days
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Take your time...
Carlos just woke up from his recent dream and decided to call someone he hadn't heard from in a while...
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