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are u dating a girl named robin
I'm assuming you're saying this because of my recent-ish post about teaching my girlfriend the patented troy & abed handshake. no, my girlfriend is not named robin, my name isn't marc (anon said that in another ask), I am a lesbian who is currently going to university in san diego. but good for your friends marc and robin 👍👍👍
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welcome back brokeback mountain
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I just taught my girlfriend the trobed handshake. maybe I’m capable of loving and being loved after all
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you GUYS I cannot BELIEVE that my ROOMMATE whom I LITERALLY INTRODUCED TO SUNNY got to go meet GLENN HOWERTON today at a FOUR WALLS SIGNING EVENT and I DIDNT because I don’t turn TWENTY ONE until SEPTEMBER and it was HELD in a LIQUOR STORE in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I have never been more APPALLED in my LIFE this is HOMOPHOBIC and also ABLEIST.
but happy for her though that’s so awesome!
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You guys should all watch Glenn Howerton lose his shit over this via psychotic break in season 3 of A.P. Bio
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i hate that "that that" is grammatically correct. why is english the joke language
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Really intrigued by this cut plotline with Abed's unrequited love for a sentient tv that wants to date Annie instead
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I know some people are already saying this in the notes, but as a self-proclaimed community encyclopedia I feel compelled to tell you all that this episode is available for streaming on peacock! idk how many of you are students, but the student subscription to peacock is like $2 a month. I subscribed a few months ago to watch the fnaf movie and a.p. bio, and I do already have the community dvds (which include this episode and a bunch of special features etc), but I am still very happy that I can now stream the whole series. especially since I’m not at home very often, but I always have my computer.
this episode is fantastic, it’s in my top five community eps, so I really recommend you watch it if you haven’t seen it! chang’s blackface is unfortunate, but it’s supposed to just make a joke out of how out-of-touch he is. (he’s cosplaying a dark elf.) shirley calls him out immediately and he’s honestly barely in the episode. I’m not excusing the joke, and I’m not black so who am I to even say whether it’s excusable or not, but just wanted to give some info for those who might not know. but anyway! barring that part, this episode is Fantastic, we get a lot more depth for Neil, I love Jeff in it, Abed basically says Troy has a big dick, there’s a ton of very funny jokes, I love D&D, and the events of the episode are referenced pretty frequently throughout the rest of the series. so.
but! if you haven’t seen it, and aren’t able to/don’t want to purchase the dvds or a peacock subscription, I did find this youtube playlist, which has the entire episode (split into seven parts and with pretty bad quality but oh well) for free lmao. it’s how I first watched it. here it is if anyone is interested.
anyway. that is all 👍🏻 sorry for manifest destinying on your post op. thought I’d take this opportunity to spread the word about this development and inevitably get sidetracked talking about the episode itself.
TL;DR community is now streaming on peacock and includes the previously unavailable episode that op’s clip is from: season 2, episode 14: advanced dungeons and dragons. it’s one of my favorites.
They may tell you that they deleted Advanced Dungeons and Dragons because of Chang's blackface, but don't listen to their lies. It's really about Abed-saying-Troy-has-a-big-dick erasure.
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If u interact with my posts, just know I respond like this:
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i’m not gay, mac
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sometimes I forget how good season 3 is. like yeah. cougarton abbey. really? So you're Clark M. Eichelburger? So ive had your photo around my neck since I was in high school? Todd. REMEDIAL CHAOS THEORY. GAYYY MARRIAGEEE!!! yk room temperature? this is the room. ohhh infected that's the word I was looking for. some flies are too awesome for the wall. I am jehova's most secret witness. I'm still rewatching the rest but they're good too
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(Coughing up blue ink) I made the thing!!
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From season two episode six "Epidemiology"
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took me 2 hours to make it, also please ignore how i spelled Jacobs..i will cry
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“we can have a candlelight vigil like lesbians on the news!!!” episode 2 and annie “girlkisser” edison is already longing for bits of that wlw lifestyle. I know what you are
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jabed wanting to kill themselves is a daily mood
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more random textposts that have been sitting in my drafts for weeks. god bless
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Overall what do you think of mythic quest? It's on my list to watch. How would you intrigue someone to watch it
(just want to preemptively say that I know this ask has been sitting in my inbox for months and I am so sorry for taking so long to get back to you)
I absolutely love mythic quest. It's my #4 sitcom of all time, which might sound not very high, but numbers 1-3 are taken by the good place, community, and it's always sunny, and I mean. there's no beating those. anyway
I don't know how much you know about it, so I'll give a quick introduction. mythic quest is centered around a video game studio, which produces a video game of the same name. season one opens with them launching their new expansion: Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet. the show follows around the different employees of the company as they each chaotically try to achieve their goals. there are a lot of sitcoms centered around a workplace (the office, parks & recreation, brooklyn nine-nine, superstore, just to name a few), so I suppose you could say mythic quest follows a similar sort of formula to those. but, I think it's super unique and has a lot of stand-out qualities, which I love. it's difficult to make something so unique, to do things on tv that have never been done before (or, at the very least, are rarely done) and I think mythic quest does a great job with all of that.
for one, the types of interpersonal relationships mythic quest portrays are extremely unique. it's hard to go into detail without spoiling too much, but I'll do my best. the show is definitely an ensemble sitcom (a whole gang of "main" characters), but I'd say the show focuses mainly on Poppy and Ian, and their relationship. but, they make it explicitly clear that they are NOT romantically or sexually involved. there's a few jokes here and there, but they react with disgust every time. their relationship is 100% platonic, throughout all three seasons that are out, and it is the FOCUS of the show. how many tv shows have done that? hell, how many stories, period? it's so incredibly important to me, especially as someone on the aroace spectrum, and it makes mythic quest that much more unique and interesting.
(disclaimer that of course there are some people who ship poppy and ian together, which is just kind of. objectively wrong imo. but yk. people can do whatever they want I suppose. the point is, that ship will never sail in canon.)
the ONE current romantic pairing is a lesbian couple!!! that is just SO wild to me. literally none of the other main characters have any sort of (canon) romantic subplot or anything. and the lesbians don't get put through a ton of heartbreak and unnecessary drama either!!! there's pining, there's slight miscommunication and the characters themselves go through some things, but the relationship itself??? pretty much thriving, even through the end of season three. again, SO incredibly important to me.
the character work, writing, and acting is also exemplary. given that mythic quest is already on your list to watch, you probably know some of the actors who are in it: namely, Rob McElhenney, Danny Pudi, David Hornsby, Ashly Burch, etc. The show was created by Rob McElhenney, Megan Ganz, and Charlie Day, who all obviously worked together on iasip. Megan actively writes for MQ, Rob stars in and writes, and Charlie has been pretty hands-off since the show actually got up and running, but who knows. maybe he'll have a cameo one day. David, Danny, and Ashly have all also been involved behind the scenes. I'm sure there's other stuff I’m missing, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head, production and acting-wise.
one of the biggest things that makes mythic quest unique is that, once a season, they have a "backstory" episode, which provides context to a different aspect of the show. the first time I watched season 1 and the backstory episode came on (it's called "A Dark Quiet Death") I had to double check that I didn't accidentally click on another show lmao. I didn't know What was going on. the backstory episodes from seasons 2 and 3 have more immediately recognizable connections to the main story, so they're easier to follow right off the bat, but yeah. the mythic quest backstory episodes are absolutely fantastic. it allows the writers to play with different story layouts, deviate from the established feel of the show, introduce different characters, etc. I could talk about each one for hours, but I won't right now. but yeah. those episodes alone would make the show worth watching.
a few other things I love: danny pudi playing mean, brad as a character in general, the chemistry the characters and actors have, the way it's shot is beautiful, the post season 1 specials (quarantine and everlight), how fleshed out and real the universe is (so much so that I thought mythic quest was a real game for a while), the animations they use as scene transitions, the multitude of background details that I notice more of on every rewatch, the sheer complexity of the characters, the diversity and representation (queer characters, mental health issues, familial trauma, etc), and god so much more. I could go on and on and on about this show. because this ask was so long ago it's possible you've already watched it but if you haven't please do! if you're not the asker and you haven't seen mythic quest and are reading this, ALSO please do! and let me know what you think afterwards If You So Choose. as we've pretty clearly established, I am always super down to talk about my favorite shows :)
TL;DR: mythic quest is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone. unique episode/season layouts, dense worldbuilding, great writing and acting, lesbians, hilarious yet occasionally heart-wrenching plots, complex characters, and so much more. give it a shot. you won't regret it 👍👍👍 (plus season 4 is coming out this year!!!)
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