sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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au where mermaids migrate to warmer waters in the winter && where maui successfully stole the heart && moana was given the heart of the ocean when she was born 
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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DAY 1: Firsts with an alternate of Moonlight/Sunlight 
...so of course I did both. And I’m late. Am I surprised by either of these facts? Sadly, not really. 
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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AU where Jane is immortal and her true love has been reincarnated throughout her lifetime - it’s a big reason why she travels and adventures so much. 
One day Jane is looking at photos, reminiscing about past lives and loves when Nani walks in - Jane decides to take the plunge and tell her girlfriend about their history. It’s never easy to take the plunge, Nani could always reject Jane, leaving her alone to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. It had happened before, it could just as easily happen again.  As she slowly puts in each slide, she tells small anecdotes about each one.
The first time Kida had taken her to the see the kings of the past, beaming with pride at her heritage. They were glorious, full of majesty and beauty and the rich history filled Jane with such a sense of joy that she burst into tears after the picture was taken. 
The dark forest, birds singing around her as Pocahontas took her into her arms, the summer air hot and heavy, the world falling away until it was just the two of them. Time seemed to stop in that moment and Jane finally understood what it meant to have a soulmate. 
Chel always surprised her, more often than not bringing her gifts that then had to be returned to their rightful owner - Jane was not getting kicked out before she was truly able to explore the hidden Mayan civilization. For all it’s gold, the people of El Dorado didn’t seem very rich and so, Jane blushed very deeply when Chel brought her an old tome - a tome, she had been assured, was attained quite legally. 
Voice trailing off, Jane sighed away the ghosts clinging to her skin and brought her focus to her abnormally silent girlfriend. At first, the immortal was concerned that she had pushed too hard, it had been too much too soon. But there were tears in Nani’s eyes and an amazing amount of trust and belief for one as wary as the young Hawaiian and Jane knew that she’d found her love once again. 
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Would you please make an icon of Aurora (either Briar rose or pink gown) in front of the Lesbian pride flag? Thank you so much!
how about one of each lovely?
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
I was wondering if you could make another Esmeralda icon with the bisexual flag? I love her so much and she's such an inspiration to me ❤️ Keep doing what you're doing because it really means a lot to so many people
absolutely lovely! esmeralda is my ride or die - I will fight for her to the ends of the earth I love her so much so i will always make extra icons of her
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Could you make a Rapunzel icon with the ace flag? She's my favorite princess! :)
isn’t she just the sweetest?? here you are darling ^^
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
If you could make Belle with an asexual flag I would cry from happiness. Been feeling super down lately.
i'm sorry you’re feeling so down lovely
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Can you make aurora with the gay flag? She was my favorite when I was younger
here you are darling, she’s so wonderful isn’t she
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Could you pretty please make an Audrey Ramirez icon with the gay flag? Thank you!
absolutely! i couldn’t decide which one i liked better so you get three ^^
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
I would love you for a million years if you could do a Cinderella icon with a pan flag
hey love, of course!
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Could you make Anna with bisexual flag?
absolutely darling, here you go!
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
Can you make a bisexual icon of Frozen's Anna? :3
here you are lovely ^^
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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Happy Pride Month !!! 
Here are some quick Bi icons - if you want a specific character with a specific flag, just shoot me an ask and I’ll whip it up! Just please be aware they need to be Non/Disney animated icons cause no one wants to see me edit real human beings!! 
Please don’t claim these as your own and like or reblog if you use them ^^
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
working on a Moana & Ariel piece right now so i’m hoping to have that up sometime tomorrow - also have requests for Mulan&Audrey, Jasmine&Mulan, Izzy&Sophia (i’m not too sure about this one so we’ll see) some general wedding kisses, and then a lovely anon that sent in a bunch of requests!  this moariel one has been niggling in my brain for a while and since i’m off all tomorrow i should have time to write up the story
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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Disney Femslash Week information post.
[Image description: A teal green poster with a pink circle on it. In the circle a silhouette of Belle gives a silhouette of Tiana a rose. The poster has the following text. “Disney Femslash Week, July 3- July 9, July 3 - First Alt: Sunlight/Moonlight, July 4 - Flowers Alt: Still Together, July 5 - Villainess Alt: Rare Pair, July 6 - Dancing Alt: Domesticity, July 7 - Cuddling Alt: Colors, July 8 - Replace the Prince Alt: Young Love, July 9 - Free Day Alt:Meet the Parents, #Disney Femslash Week.]
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
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I Will Follow You Anywhere (listen here)
so close (Jon McLaughlin)// i see the light (Mandy Moore)// falling in love in a coffee shop (Landon Pigg)// marry me (Train)// it is you i have loved (Dana Glover)// can’t help falling in love (Ingrid Michaelson)// a thousand years (Christina Perri)// i will follow you into the dark (Kurt Schneider)// anywhere (Evanescence)
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sapphicprincesss · 7 years
hello !! I'm so in love with your blog and I was wondering if maybe you could do some cute belle/esmeralda stuff, ily
adsfkj thank you! I’ve answered it here - I’m sorry it took so long but I wanted to write a few paragraphs to go along with it and then it evolved into something…more ^^’ I hope you like it!
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