sapphire-weapon · 2 seconds
cleon or cleve?
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sapphire-weapon · 3 minutes
maybe if you guys stop comparing the RE girls to each other in terms of worthiness of leon's cock, people will stop treating you like you're an asshole
just a thought
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sapphire-weapon · 6 minutes
No they dont. Cleons hate us too bc Ashley has more chemistry with Leon than Claire.
judging from this ask, it's sounding like, in your particular case, the problem is you
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sapphire-weapon · 25 minutes
"I much prefer this other ship name, but nobody uses it so I guess I won't either." -500 people thought in unison.
Guys, a good chunk of us Cleons use the EagleOne name when referring to you to help normalize it in our own circles. Because it's a cool name! And you should keep pushing for it!
Seriously, it kicked ass in that poll against the other names. And like... I'm willing to bet at least SOME of the votes Leshley got were from people who don't like the ship and just picked the worst name.
So just... use it! Put it in the tags! Talk about it openly! Don't wait for others to do it first!
Like! You've been handed a name that great and you don't use it!?
like don't add eagleone to a tweet that also tags #leshley
just stop using leshley all together. just embrace eagleone
our cleon brethren have our backs !!
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sapphire-weapon · 2 hours
also every time an aeon gives you shit, just copypaste this to them:
you don't even play the games 💀 don't take it out on me because people who actually play RE like jill and claire more
and then if they try to say anything else, just keep spamming
you don't even play the games 💀
regardless of what they say. just keep spamming that
"I DO PLAY THE GAMES" "you don't even play the games 💀" "BUT I LITERALLY DO AND I CAN PROVE IT?" "you don't even play the games 💀"
just do that
that's some millennial internet advice. if you don't wanna deal with someone just be obstinate and annoying until they go away
i do that shit to people all the time. it's the same principle as "u mad"
the goal is to actually make someone mad by insisting they're mad when they're honestly probably not. "but what happens when they do finally get mad?" then it's funny. then you laugh. and keep pointing out how mad they are. because people can only handle being laughed at and belittled for so long in a conversation before they just leave.
there's also nothing that a bitch on the internet hates more than being held to a single topic of conversation. they want to get you going in circles trying to "explain" yourself to them so that it gives them more angles to attack you with. don't do that. be annoying about it.
like the one girl who blew up and blocked me after she tried to pull a "the devs said that they wanted people to see leon and ashley as platonic" on me and i just kept asking "where's your source for that"
no matter what she said, i refused to engage with her attempts to get me to defend xyz point or argue against abc claim. i just kept spamming versions of "so do you have a source for what the devs said or not?" "okay but where's your source though?" "so you don't have a source then, you just made it up that the devs said that" "i'm still waiting for your source" "no i'm not going to argue with you because you're a liar. unless you can bring me a source for what you claimed the devs said."
i knew that the devs never said that. so i knew she'd never actually give me a source. and the more i pointed it out to her, the angrier she got. until she eventually gave up and just blocked me.
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sapphire-weapon · 2 hours
The problem is also that most artists and big accounts who are like casual shippers use leshley too. So if you interact with them, you're immediately a target. Atp it's hard for them to enjoy the ship normally like they should. It makes me so mad. But thats the case with every ship that isnt aeon too.
tell the artists to change too
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sapphire-weapon · 2 hours
look i'm not saying that it's going to make you impervious to attacks
if the deer takes off the vest and the lights, they can and will still be hunted
but their chances of not being spotted go way up
if people stop using "leshley" on REtwt, a not insignificant chunk of aeons will think "WE WON" because there's no content being put in the tag anymore and nothing's coming up on searches anymore
some of them will still find you
but you will deal with significantly less bullshit
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sapphire-weapon · 3 hours
People will still find them even with a different ship name. They're obsessed w eradicating the ship. It's exhausting even to see.
Do you know how crazy these ppl are????
no i just joined shipping fandom yesterday and what is this
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sapphire-weapon · 3 hours
leon/ashley fandom would literally rather endure harassment and abuse over their ship instead of just use a different ship name
gotta make sure everyone knows exactly what you're talking about when you're discussing your ship, even and especially the people who are specifically trying to find and attack you
i can't bros
i fucking
don't understand any of you i swear to god
you're like deer that wander into the woods during hunting season wearing bright orange vests and with blinking lights attached to your antlers because all your friends did but you don't understand why your friends are dead
"but the orange brings out my eyes"
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sapphire-weapon · 3 hours
Whats sadder is how dead the ship is. Like i know all the shippers and theyre always getting jumped 😭.
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sapphire-weapon · 3 hours
like i will probably die salty over the fact that my contributions to leon/ashley fandom have become foundational for the ship's fandom culture
but i couldn't fucking convince you guys to use a different ship name
i was able to convince enough of this fandom of RE4make being a romantic fairytale that leon/ashley was listed as semi-canon on the wiki, using a series of very dense, intricate, and nuanced arguments
but i couldn't fucking change a goddamn ship name
which should've been the easiest fucking thing to change people's minds on
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sapphire-weapon · 3 hours
Thank you for being anti-Leshley 🙏 it really is the ugliest possible ship name, I have no idea why that became the popular choice. I personally like Ashleon, but EagleOne is cute too. Anything is better than Leshley 😭
be the change you want to see
i will NEVER use the ship name. EVER. and people know that. so when people come here, they don't use it, either.
just start doing that. the more of us who do it, the better chance we have at erasing that garbage.
the name "eagleone" won by a landslide in a poll of what people prefer. people like the ship name, they just don't use it because REtwt doesn't.
start fucking using it on REtwt. refuse to say leshley. just refuse. even if you're talking to someone who's using it. don't say it back to them.
just stop using it LMAO
the biggest problem with this fandom is the way that people conform to shit with no resistance. that's why people eat up the wiki's garbage and buy into the aeon cult. they just make themselves small and mimic what other people are doing.
but this fandom is filled with morons, imbeciles, and charlatans. so bad shit gets spread constantly.
we can change that. we have the power.
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sapphire-weapon · 4 hours
Reading your blog make me realize I really know not much about analysis. I read all the time but I can't analyze shits. Maybe I should buy a book about it and learn...
honestly bro the biggest problem i see in fandom re: analysis is that people fucking do it backwards.
you're supposed to look at what the text says and follow it to a natural conclusion.
people start with their conclusion and then pick things out of the text that support it.
that's not how that works LMAO
you can't start with the conclusion "leon and ashley's bond was based on shared trauma" and then just try to dig through the game to find things that support that conclusion.
you start with nothing.
you start at zero.
and then you go through the game and see X event, then Y event, then Z event, then A event, then B dialogue, then C interaction
and you go
it looks like all of these things are connected
when i follow these connected events to a logical conclusion, where do they end up?
you start with a question. not a conclusion. a question. and then trace back through the story to find the answer.
you start with something like
"why would leon cry over krauser's death if krauser's such an asshole"
and instead of just inventing a reason and then using that as a conclusion and then finding things to support it
you look at what the text actually fucking says. not what you think it should say or what you want it to say. not what makes sense in your brain for it to say. what it actually says.
you're not supposed to answer the question yourself. you're supposed to let the story answer it for you.
fandom doesn't know how to let the story speak for itself. because they're too busy inventing their own in their heads.
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sapphire-weapon · 4 hours
People use the term ‘trauma bond’ incorrectly all the time and it drives me crazy lol. People think it means two people who went through traumatic shit together and therefore they’ve developed a special kind of bond they can’t share with anyone else. The actual meaning is exclusively for abusive relationships. It’s just like gaslighting; it gets thrown around incorrectly all the time and loses the actual definition
i know, that's why i specifically went to wikipedia to get the actual definition
i know what anon was trying to ask
but how the fuck you gonna build an analytical argument when you don't even know what the words that you're saying mean
lmao modern fandom will do literally anything to try to undercut or erase romance, it's insane
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sapphire-weapon · 6 hours
I LOVE YOU BROOOOOO🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅����🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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sapphire-weapon · 6 hours
So... if american people hate french people, does that mean we better not say we're french on social media?
it's a meme bro
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sapphire-weapon · 6 hours
do you think the argument could be made that leon & ashley’s relationship was just a trauma bond and not romantic?
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