satancopilotsmytardis 4 hours
Do you think you'll ever write any Masc Tomura wearing any pretty lingerie and match with his baby girl? We always have Dabi dressing up pretty, what about Tomura? I can imagine Dabi walking into the room to see Tomura with on of his bras on..
Dabi: what the fuck, duster?
Tomura (completely unbothered and nonchalant): what? does it look bad?
Maybe! Shig definitely looks cute in lingerie too, and I do imagine he would wear it and just be completely unbothered (save for the fact that trying to find panties to fit his monster cock would be so annoying 馃ぃ) and would rail Dabi to prove to him that clothes only impact dynamic/gender if you assign them meaning, but it's definitely not an idea that jumps out at me as something that would be exciting to write
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satancopilotsmytardis 5 hours
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Bunny, wolf, kitty, moth, and incubus oh my
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satancopilotsmytardis 7 hours
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satancopilotsmytardis 9 hours
Shigaraki 7E please!
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Dabi: you should have more shame
Shigaraki: You have more than enough for both of us
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satancopilotsmytardis 10 hours
aggressive dog tomu and owner dabi is such an idea... now I can't stop thinking about tomura mounting him while dabi holds his leash
Exactly! Dabi holding his leash, whining about how bad his dog is being, telling him to stop as Tomura pins him down and growls as he gnaws on his neck and shoulders and "knots" him roughly mmmm
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satancopilotsmytardis 10 hours
9G for Shig
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Bun squad!
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satancopilotsmytardis 10 hours
Will u ever write a fanfic where Shigaraki is the sub? It would be so funny ngl
Not unless it was for a commission, and even then, I would be extremely hesitant depending on the pitch, I don't like Shigaraki as a sub, so that would be like pulling teeth
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satancopilotsmytardis 11 hours
Enji is definitely the queen of hearts, just as loud and destructive as her with red hair to boot
Toga and Twice have to be Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
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satancopilotsmytardis 11 hours
Oh that last doodle is giving Dabi in wonderland vibes, so cute!
Oh absolutely, but does that make Endeavor the queen of hearts?
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satancopilotsmytardis 11 hours
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This remind me of the Fnaf fic you were talking about 馃槶馃拃
I was literally thinking about that AU the other day lol, maybe for Halloween
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satancopilotsmytardis 11 hours
babygirl dabi in 6f 馃挄
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satancopilotsmytardis 12 hours
oh my god petplay with a sub owner is so funny. And i know shig is more of a dogboy but him being a cat works so well in that dynamic 馃槶
It's a real thing! But yeah I think Dabi would have more fun with an aggressive pup who pushes him down and turns him into his bitch than an owner spoiling a pampered kitten
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satancopilotsmytardis 12 hours
No promises, but I'll be starting to learn animation in a few months. If it's alright with you (snowball is your character), maybe I can try to animate them. It won't be for a long while, but snowball crawling around also is living rent-free in my head.
If you're interested in animating Snowball then, I don't have any problem with fanart!
If I still had a working tablet, I would have probably tried to do it myself lol
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satancopilotsmytardis 12 hours
Occasionally I re-read clear cache because I want my heart to feel like it's shattering, but is rebuilt by how shig fixes and communicates to stop dabis spiral.
My chest Burns, bc dabi sweet boy he loves you and it's your fault. He heart reading his breakdown...
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Do it again.
Lol absolutely fair, sometimes it's so fun to see Dabi's abandonment issues come in and try to ruin his life even more, especially when he can get some real emotional support after 馃挄
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satancopilotsmytardis 12 hours
I wish I could animate stuff bc the ask answer with Snowball crawling into the conference room and Dabi picking them up lives rent free in my head
It would be so cute! But alas,it cannot be 馃様
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satancopilotsmytardis 12 hours
Okay Shiggy in 4D would be so funny to me. Imagine dabi's reaction. Hilarious shit. Obvs if you don't want to you don't have to (Also I LOVE your style :0)
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Dabi challenged Tomura to wear the dress he got him, and unlocked another kink by accident, and in other news, sometimes during pet play, the Owner is also the Sub
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satancopilotsmytardis 13 hours
I鈥檝e randomly found one of your story while scrolling ao3 and now I鈥檓 reading all your works, i really love how you write and everything you do, i really wanna say thank you because your story always makes me feel so emotional.
I will probably re-read them all again once i鈥檓 done, your stories are addicting.
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying my work!
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