scooplery 8 hours
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LAUREN LONDON & T.I. ATL Movie (2006)
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scooplery 8 hours
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im at toys r us
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scooplery 8 hours
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S*Jijumas Oracle Camilla [Pedigree]
馃惐 Oriental Longhair
馃摳 Monica Molinder [S*Jijumas]
馃帹 Blue Tortoiseshell Bicolor
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scooplery 8 hours
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scooplery 8 hours
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Victor Molev (Russian,b.1955)
Great ghost of Caesarea, 2016
Oil on canvas
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scooplery 9 hours
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scooplery 11 hours
hi!! I鈥檓 a teenager who鈥檚 also transmasc and also loves painting! :D
I was wondering how you choose what colours go good with each other for the added contrast and depth and things; I鈥檓 really bad with colors.
Hi! Couple things I try to keep in mind when painting when it comes to colors:
1. Warm colors come to the front and cool colors get pushed backwards, same thing with saturated and muted colors. To bring something from the forefront i try to keep them brighter and warmer, and make my backgrounds the opposite!
I made this eel super bright and kept the background fairly grey:
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2. Higher contrast areas become the focal point. Sometimes your reference might not look that way but you can push the contrast to tell viewers what to look at
For example in this painting I wanted people to look at the head first, so I added a lighter blue outline to the face to make it stand out more:
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3. For stylizing colors I tend to adjust the saturation in my reference photos to bring out the undertone of the colors and then push that as far as it can go. I feel like this is really evident in some of my old portraits in the skin tone where sometimes I鈥檓 using green/blue/purple. Id say value is still the most important factor though, even if your color hues are off value will fix it!
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scooplery 12 hours
This kid is going places
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scooplery 12 hours
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all the paintings I worked on in May :')
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scooplery 12 hours
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scooplery 13 hours
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scooplery 13 hours
I finally made my first yarn wig after 10+ years of crocheting my cosplays...
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scooplery 13 hours
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White-bellied Treepie聽(Dendrocitta leucogastra), family Corvidae, order Passeriformes, Kochi, India
photograph by聽Jagdish M Thadani
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scooplery 13 hours
girl dinner (big fucking plate of carbs and protein) girl math (complex analysis) girl career (trades and engineering and politics and compsci) girl sports (dirtbikes and football and weightlifting) girl instruments (drums and bass guitar and electric) girl personality (loud and opinionated and annoying and brash)
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scooplery 13 hours
crossfaded on a pastry + a little drinky drink
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scooplery 13 hours
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this week's nails 馃懢
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scooplery 14 hours
i once drove ten hours in a row but i didn't drive ten hours straight if you know what i mean
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