scrollonso · 6 hours
yk. makes sense.
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i wonder who wrote the first ever f1 fic on ao3
i hope theyre having a great day
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scrollonso · 7 hours
i wonder who wrote the first ever f1 fic on ao3
i hope theyre having a great day
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scrollonso · 7 hours
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scrollonso · 8 hours
same difference
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scrollonso · 11 hours
you guys are such NEGATIVE NANCIES. he's going to red bull 😕
"carlos might go to williams" "someone save carlos" "alex and carlos might be teammates"
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scrollonso · 11 hours
what do you think nikola calls lance and nando? is it dad and papa ? who’s dad and who’s papa? or like dad/papa and whoever answers answers? did lance have nikola or is he adopted? did they have him since he was a baby if adopted? what was his first word? who cried more on his first day of school? and on his first win in karting ?
i’m thinking about them a lot sorry c:
so for me at least nikola calls nando papa and lance dad, i didn't really put much thought into it tbh? it just naturally ended up that way
lance and fernando adopted nikola (though in another au, not first kiss, i could see lance having him)
the timeline is perfect in my first kiss au so they adopted him when he was a newborn (maybe in another au i'd just age him down? say he was born in 2019 or something)
i havent even thought about his first word, i feel like lance and nando shower him with so much unconditional love so i wouldn't be surprised if his first word(s) were some form of i love you. love you, je t'aime, te amo. i thought his first words being in bulgarian would be cute but im not sure 4 syllables is a realistic first 😭 (obicham te)
lance is definitely the stricter, more serious parent but he's also the most emotional when nikola isnt around. because he adopted nikola (in first kiss) when he had just turned 19 he practically grew up with him so he gets super emotional at big milestones like school, karting, and graduations
nikola started karting at four and won his first race at eight, again i dont feel like fernando would be much of a crier he'd just shed a tear or two and be proud. lance would cry. LMAO. but he refuses to let nikola see him like that so he'd be sure to gain his composure before nikola came to them after the race
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scrollonso · 11 hours
i’m late to the party (i have finals) but you’re giving me so much strolldiaz brainrot omg i can’t stop thinking about them now
sososo glad im not the only one 😭🙏 they mean so much to me its crazy
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scrollonso · 17 hours
First Kiss (Race 17)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.5k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {fluff chapter! they go on a little date :3}
last part - masterlist - next part (coming soon)
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As soon as Lance got off the plane, he checked his phone and smiled at the name on his screen. Nando.
"You are free tonight?"
"Yep," Lance quickly typed, coming to a standstill in the middle of the airport.
"Dress pretty, I'll come at 5." The Canadian nodded to himself and wheeled his suitcase out to the car his dad had sent for him.
Over the past week, Lance had finally come out to his father. He was scared of how his dad would react, but Lawrence had simply hugged him and apologized for the hurtful things he said. Lance had cried, feeling both embarrassed and relieved. This time, his dad didn't call him a queer for his long hair, (but he did ask if that's why he was growing it out, like a mating call.)
Back at the hotel, Lance anxiously checked the time as he lay on his stomach on the bed. He'd been dressed for two hours already, and there were still 20 minutes until 5. Sharing the room with Nico meant Nico had to endure Lance's constant whining and complaining as he waited.
"Bubu," Nico started, Lance looking over at him before he continued "Shut up."
"You're so rude." Lance groaned again, slamming his face into the pillow in his arms "If you were waiting for Lewis you'd be impatient too." He mumbled into the pillow
As soon as Fernando picked Lance up, his face was lit with a broad smile. "You clean up well," he teased, leaning in to give Lance a quick kiss on the cheek.
Lance blushed, his heart racing. "Thanks. You look great."
In the car, they talked easily, their hands occasionally brushing against each other.
Fernando's thumb gently stroked the back of Lance's hand, sending shivers down his spine. Even though they'd been together for months at this point Lance still felt like he had an embarrassing highschool crush.
They arrived at a cozy Italian restaurant, a favorite of Fernando's, with dim lighting and an intimate atmosphere.
The host led them to a quiet corner table, where they settled in. Fernando reached across the table and took Lance's hand. "I've been looking forward to this all day," he admitted, his eyes softening as he gazed at Lance.
"Me too," Lance replied, squeezing his hand. "It feels good to be here with you. I missed you"
When the waiter arrived, Fernando confidently ordered for both of them. "We'll start with the bruschetta and caprese salad, and for the main course, the seafood risotto and the truffle gnocchi."
Lance smiled, appreciating his decisiveness, knowing that he would've stared at the menu helplessly if he had to order for himself. "You really know your way around a menu," he laughed, remembering how Fernando had talked about this place before.
Fernando hummed. "Is not too hard, I know what you like."
As they waited for their food, the conversation naturally shifted to the upcoming Grand Prix.
"Are you ready for the race?" Fernando asked, his eyes meeting Lance's in the warmly lit resteraunt, it wasn't too busy so there was no reason for them to pretend this wasn't a date.
"Definitely," Lance replied. "The team's been working hard on the car, and Nico's been great. What about you and Giancarlo?"
Fernando nodded, a playful grin on his lips at the thought of his close friend and teammate. "We've been pushing Renault to the limits, am convinced the engineers are tired of both of us. The circuit is hard, but always a fun one."
Lance leaned in, eyes lidded slightly as he smiled at his boyfriend, laughing at his own anxiousness. "I'm worried."
Fernando laughed too, the sound warm and reassuring. "You’ll get it. Just trust yourself."
Their appetizers arrived, and they shared bites of bruschetta and caprese salad, playfully feeding each other small bites and laughing at the mess they made. The conversation flowed from racing to personal stories, with Lance sharing funny anecdotes about his childhood and Fernando recounting his early days in racing, really whatever they could think of that the other didn't know.
When the main courses arrived, they dug into the rich flavours, occasionally stealing bites from each other's plates.
Fernando brushed a strand of hair away from Lance's face, his touch lingering. "You have no idea how happy I am right now, Mi sol." he said softly.
Lance smiled, his heart swelling with affection. "Me too. I missed you."
As the evening went on, their hands found each other across the table, fingers intertwined. They talked about their hopes for the future they wanted together, their fears, anything and everything that came to mind. Fernando's support and understanding made Lance feel more confident and secure, ready for the weekend ahead.
When they finally left the restaurant, the night air was cool, and Fernando wrapped his arm around Lance's shoulders, pulling him close. "You'll do great, Lance. Just remember why you love it."
Lance smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest. "Thanks, Nando. I needed that."
Back in the car, they drove back to the hotel, the city lights reflecting in their eyes. Fernando parked and turned to Lance, his expression serious but tender. "I believe in you, Lance. Both on and off the track."
Lance leaned in and kissed him, a slow, lingering kiss that conveyed all the feelings words couldn't express. "I love you," he whispered.
Fernando smiled, his eyes sparkling with emotion. "I love you too, Mi vida."
The Suzuka Circuit was buzzing with anticipation as the weekend kicked off. Qualifying had been a mixed affair for the drivers. Fernando was barely leading the championship and only managed to secure 5th on the grid. Lance had managed to place 11th, earlier in the season he would've celebrated but 11th was embarrassing in a race-winning car.
The lights went out, and away they went. Fernando had a great start, quickly moving up to 3rd by the end of the first lap. His driving was precise and aggressive, every move perfect.
Lance, starting from the middle, was determined to score points for Racing Point again. By lap 10, he had already made his way up to 8th, maneuvering through the field with newfound confidence and determination to not let down his team. Nico was battling just behind him, holding his own and supporting the team's efforts.
Renault'a strategy came into play as the race progressed. He timed his pit stops perfectly, managing to leapfrog his rivals and move into 2nd place. With ten laps to go, he managed an overtake for the lead, cementing his position at the front. From there, he maintained a relentless pace, never giving his competitors a chance to catch up.
Lance, meanwhile, continued to impress. By the final laps, he had climbed to 6th place, a remarkable feat given his starting position and the teams results earlier in the season.
As the chequered flag waved, Fernando crossed the finish line first, securing a vital win and extending his lead in the championship. The crowd erupted in applause, celebrating his drive as they alwaya did. Lance finished in 6th, an excellent result that underscored his growing potential.
The podium ceremony was a blur of cheers and champagne. Fernando stood tall on the top step, the Spanish anthem playing as he raised the trophy high. Lance watched from the sidelines, his heart swelling with pride and admiration for his boyfriend. He couldn't wait to see his lover on the top step a hundred more times.
After the ceremony, Fernando made his way through the throngs of well-wishers to find Lance. Their eyes met, and a smile spread across Fernando’s face. Lance stepped forward, not hesitating before embracing him tightly.
"You were incredible out there," Lance murmured, his voice distorted in the fabric of the Spaniards fireproofs.
Fernando pulled back slightly, looking into Lance’s eyes. "You too, Lancito. Sixth place is amazing. Getting better every weekend."
Nico eventually joined them, a satisfied grin on his face. He had finished 9th, a solid result, but his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere. Lance caught him glancing towards the paddock entrance where Lewis Hamilton, still in GP2, was standing. There had been whispers about Nico and Lewis, and it seemed those rumors were grounded in truth.
As the evening wore on, the celebrations moved to the Renault hospitality area. Fernando and Lance found a quieter corner, away from the people still in blue and yellow.
"Every race, I see more of your potential," Fernando said softly, his hand brushing Lance's as he continued to praise him.
Lance smiled, leaning into Fernando's touch. "I only drive fast because the sooner I'm done the sooner I can see you," He laughed, embarrassed at his own confession
Their connection was undeniable, even those convinced it was purely platonic couldn't deny the connection between the two polar opposite drivers. In that moment, surrounded by the hum of celebration, they found a moment of peace and intimacy.
"To many more victories," Lance whispered, his voice full of promise.
Fernando smiled, pulling Lance closer. "Together"
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scrollonso · 17 hours
shes done. 1 more race until the final chapter.
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scrollonso · 17 hours
working on the next chapter, so far i hate it
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scrollonso · 1 day
suddenly i forgot how to write
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scrollonso · 2 days
marc marquez x valentino rossi vampire - olivia rodrigo
do listen with headphones for the best auditory experience
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scrollonso · 2 days
you are giving me strollonso brain rot and now im thinking of how in different universes they still go together :( (jk love you for it)
theres plenty brainrot to go around 🙏
i adore putting them in different situations and time periods in my au's because its so fun making them fall in love
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scrollonso · 2 days
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scrollonso · 2 days
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mermay sketch on the last day of the month🧜‍♂️
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scrollonso · 2 days
Truly his father's son
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scrollonso · 2 days
imagining lance and fernando explaining to little nikola that even though theyre spanish and belgian-canadian he's bulgarian and he should be proud of that
and now nikola's helmet always has the bulgarian flag and lion on it because he is proud
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