scrubbinn Ā· 7 hours
TW: Dark thoughts, depressing subjects, self harm
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This one took ages to craft, because it's the longest I've ever done and perhaps the most emotional one for me. And here's the cover soundtrack made for it <3
Enjoy <3
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scrubbinn Ā· 7 hours
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals canā€™t rb this then we canā€™t be mutuals
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scrubbinn Ā· 18 hours
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scrubbinn Ā· 22 hours
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Dragon HRT Filler Episode 7: 16 months
Fish HRT Episode 5 (part 3/3): 4 months
Random science bullshit go!
And that's it for me! Third and final part of this collab from @welldrawnfish coming soonā„¢!
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scrubbinn Ā· 23 hours
This man is so powerful
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scrubbinn Ā· 1 day
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Happy pride from the ISAT fandom :D
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scrubbinn Ā· 1 day
Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says ā€œIā€™m madā€ but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way youā€™re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Donā€™t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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scrubbinn Ā· 1 day
Happy 24-6-01!
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
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gay meth
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
driving is so freaking fun guys dont you just love being in a big metal thing that can completely crush you if someone feels like doing stupid things on the road
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
Slime HRT - 18 Months
Another few months, another update, this oneā€™s been interesting.
First, the general progress update: Iā€™m down to just bones in my body, no more muscles or organs, the latter of those hurting a lot as they were each dissolved and absorbed. My stomach was the first notable one to go, and that hurt like all hells. It initially felt like a horrible stomach ache, and when I looked (ā€˜cause enough of my musculature had dissolved that I could see my internal organs) I saw that a hole had been punctured in the side of it and acid was leaking into my body, which was why it was hurting. I did call the doctor, and apparently itā€™s normal, and in fact is how my slime will be able to dissolve things in itself. So that went on for about a week, which sucked, but once the acid had all leaked out, true to what the doctor had said, I found that things I put in myself would dissolve.
Iā€™d be lying if I said that reaching this stage wasnā€™t euphoric, or that I may have put a few random pieces of crap I had laying around into me to watch and feel it dissolve. At first, I could really only dissolve cardboard and similar things like that, but recently Iā€™ve been able to eat some plastics - which is really useful for reducing waste. It is a little weird to be able to kinda feel things dissolving within me, but at the same time itā€™s kind of cool. It typically feels kinda bubbly if I had to describe it, like Sprite or something, but wherever Iā€™ve put it. Which is another thing worth noting, the acidity kinda spread - from my stomach to the rest of my body.
The only drawback with this is that a) I canā€™t store stuff inside myself any more, and b) I do have to be a little careful hugging people - while my outer membrane keeps my insides safe from the outside, and vice versa, apparently it can be a bit of an irritant to sensitive skin. Fortunately, apparently, I can learn to control it, both the location and strength of the acid - so hopefully hugs will be back on the table soon! Iā€™ve just got to work out howā€¦šŸ˜…
Another benefit of the acid is that I donā€™t have to clean lint out of myself any more, I can just let it dissolve in my acid and add to my mass, itā€™s really convenient, although I do miss the satisfaction of pulling it out of myself.Ā 
The other thing Iā€™ve begun to notice, more so now that my acidity is up, is that Iā€™m occasionally getting some strange cravings, for things like metal and stuff, and I couldnā€™t help but notice itā€™s for denser things. Unfortunately most of those things are used in stuff, so Iā€™ve had to find similar, disposable objects to quell the cravingsā€¦ really hoping they go away eventually, as fun as it is eating all this new stuff.
An extra note worth adding is that I canā€™t really taste what I eat unless I ingest it through my mouth, which makes sense, given thatā€™s where my tongue is. Certain things I think get passed up through my body - metal is definitely one of them, can usually taste that at least a little when I absorb it.
The other organ I noticed changing was my lungs (surprisingly most of the others went without any issue - not sure what to make of that). Initially it started as a pain across my lower chest, which I naturally investigated, seeing that my lungs were kind of peeling apart. The pain continued to get worse over the weeks, more and more of my lungs peeling as the acidity of my body ate away at them. It was excruciating towards the end, until one day, I suddenly felt what could only be described as a stabbing pain in my lungs. Naturally I tried to inhale from the pain, only for it to not work. As I struggled to breath I looked at my lungs and found that they now had holes in them - which explained the troubles I was having with breathing. It didnā€™t take long after that for me to pass out.
When I came too - which at the time I was a little surprised about - I naturally tried to breathe trying to recover after what had happenedā€¦ except it felt off. I kept breathing, going from short, panicked breaths to deeper, more controlled ones. It didnā€™t take me long to work out what felt off - my chest didnā€™t move when I breathed; it didnā€™t rise and fall with my breath. I looked down , inside my chest, only to see that my lungs had mostly dissolved - just a small part of the top remained, and I could still feel a tingle where my acid was eating away at it.
In some respects I had been prepared for this - when my lungs first started hurting, I knew this was coming - I just hadnā€™t expected it to hurt so much, nor leave me unconscious. I did wonder how long I had been out, and upon checking, it had been around 2-3 hours (I hadnā€™t exactly checked the time before I lost one of my vital organs) which only added to my curiosity as to how I survived.Ā 
I tested my primary theory, holding my breath and waiting, quickly noticing something else off - I didnā€™t feel the kind of build up of pressure that humans got when they held their breath. The longer I held my breath the more it became evident as I never felt any kind of push from my body to start breathing again. I did find a small instinct that told me that I should breathe soon, but with no alerts from the body signalling the same, I continued regardless. After a little while I was getting antsy, mostly at staying still so long, so I stopped holding my breath, and despite my mind waiting and expecting it, I didnā€™t take a deep breath in after, I just kinda kept breathing as if I had never tried to stop myself.
All this to say: I no longer need to breathe! And it really is breathingĀ  - I tested putting my head in water to much the same effect, I could keep my head under there for as long as I liked, although trying to open my mouth did lead to issues with my remaining human biology. So Iā€™m pretty sure I now absorb air through my slime, passively as I walk around. I think was only breathing at the start because of 20 of years of muscle memory and instinct, but it wasnā€™t long before I did that thing where you forget to breathe for a little, but instead of suddenly taking a large gulp of air, I justā€¦ genuinely didnā€™t notice for a while, and when I did, I wasnā€™t entirely sure when I stopped. Since itā€™s happened, some people have noticed something ā€˜offā€™ about me, which I quickly learnt was the lack of breathing - apparently humans find it a little unnerving when animate creatures donā€™t visibly breathe. While Iā€™m not super worried about that, I have worked out how to imitate breathing, chest movements and all, to help quell that unease (of course some people just find my general existence uneasy, but Iā€™m not spending time worrying about thatā€¦). It is really neat not having to breathe anymore, and itā€™s another very affirming change - breathing feels like something very human, even if itā€™s something many organisms do, so to no longer need it gives me that distance from humanity, and greater closeness to slimeā€¦ity? slimeness? Whatever itā€™s called. Basically not having to breathe makes me feel less like a human, and more like a slime, which just makes me really happy.Ā 
Between my lungs and stomach, I have noticed that the process seems to need to absorb certain organs before the slime can begin to mimic their function e.g. I definitely still had to breathe before my lungs went, and the change is even more pronounced with my stomach and new digestive abilities. It does make me wonder how thatā€™ll work with the remaining organs in my head.
One thing that has me a little concerned now is how exposed my spine - and thus a core part of my central nervous system - is. With all my musculature and organs gone now, I just have the bones in my torso floating around in there (pelvis is pretty much gone), so my spine is kind of very exposed. My slime does provide a general cushion, but my back is still very sensitive now, and Iā€™m just worried about some lasting damage happening while I wait for it to dissolve. The other thing about the torso bones is that they seem to move less than the rest of my bones did - with my arms and legs I could push the bones around and rearrange them, but I can at most wiggle my ribcage a little, but nothing much beyond that. Nothing really to note about that, just an observation I made.
While all this was happening in my torso, my slime also made some progress on my head, having gotten as far as the skin, so the muscle is visible now beneath the thin layer of slime. A little bit of my nose has gone, as well as my ears, although neither sense has been affected just yet. Surprisingly my eyes have been untouched, although there is a slight pain in them - which Iā€™m guessing is from the acid now in my slime. It could be worse, and I donā€™t notice it if I'm distracted, but it is a little painful when I do.Ā 
The other funky thing around the eyes is my eyelids - while theyā€™re still there, theyā€™re now translucent, which, uh, means that I canā€™t really close my eyes in the same way anymore - Iā€™m still able to see through them when I close them. Itā€™s made sleeping a little harder, more just ā€˜cause itā€™s unnerving to be kinda able to see while Iā€™m falling asleep, despite having my eyes closedā€¦ really hoping that something happens or that I can do something about it ā€˜cause it really is a pain.
Interestingly, while the inside of my mouth has changed to slime (not sure quite how far/much, but lips have and the mouth I can see in the mirror) my tongue hasnā€™t, which is another weird experience - meat tongue in slime mouth. My teeth also havenā€™t changed, which mostly looks weird rather than feeling weird like my tongue, but theyā€™re still there.
I will add though that now that my skin is slime, my hair isnā€™t as cold against my face, and thereā€™s no real difference in ā€˜wetnessā€™ now, so thatā€™s a pro.
Lastly, and more lightly since this has been a kinda heavy entry, even if the end results on the whole have been super euphoric for me, Iā€™ve continued to mess around with shaping my slimy body. I can now firmly say I have a tail! Interestingly, it seems easier to hold that than it did to reshape my legs and arms - Iā€™m guessing ā€˜cause they already had existing forms, while the tail is completely new. I imagine the phantom tail Iā€™ve been able to feel for a while helped too - gave me a mental template to build too. I decided to go with a long, medium-width tail shape, with a horizontal fin on the end - I always liked how aquatic designs looked - mermaids and dragons - so I decided to try it out myself. Combined with the claws and talons, and you know, the general sliminess, I definitely canā€™t be mistaken for human any more. Only con of the tail is itā€™s a lot harder to hide how I feel - when I get happy, my tail wags, and sad, it droops - itā€™s honestly a little embarrassing, but I do still like it, and itā€™s not like I particularly want to be hiding my feelings anyways. Although in the early days of having a tail, wagging would occasionally send blobs of slime launched off the end of the new limb - or the end of the tail itself, which was very embarrassing, but I think Iā€™ve got it under control now.
Anyways, I think thatā€™s everything Iā€™ve got to write about this time, was a painful few months, but the payoff has still been worth it, so I ainā€™t stopping anytime soon! See ya in the next one, goobye! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Might be a little while til the next update, but working on another thing in the meantime First - Prev - Next
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
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Should i try posting here
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scrubbinn Ā· 2 days
Sometimes, monsters are what the world need
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Noona is a wizard slimefolk, even tho she prefers the term "witch". Evolved from a normal slime in the underdark, this slime is on the search of the adventurer that she fell in love with
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scrubbinn Ā· 3 days
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scrubbinn Ā· 3 days
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for @romaine-tic of his oc, kat
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scrubbinn Ā· 3 days
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