senliin · 4 days
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senliin · 5 days
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[posted 4th of June 2024: "Yesterday two relatives died because of dehydration TWO of them, one of them was bridegroom to be, his wedding was in the coming days, we are dying of dehydration in west.
Please help me rise this funds so we can evacuate sooner from this hell"]
i have donated $5 to this and hoping others who see this can match my donation
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senliin · 5 days
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✨ as some of you may have seen, i am participating in @northern-passage’s raffle for palestine, which is starting today!!
what exactly does this entail? we have five gfm’s we are specifically trying to focus on, and with each proof of minimum donation, you earn a raffle ticket! this raffle has so many amazing art & writing prizes, including art from me!
please see this post which goes over the specific fundraisers and some info about the families, as well as links to the other prizes and more info on how to submit your entries.
it brings me a lot of pride to be included in this with so many others who are happy to offer a little something in return for something that is so priceless to me: the safety and support of palestinians, which is the point of this all.
above are some more examples of what you can expect if you get lil ol’ me in your raffle draw! except imagine them with flat colors cuz ill color it if you want!!
from the river to the sea 💚❤️🖤🇵🇸✨
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senliin · 6 days
This fundraiser belongs to Wafaa, who is trying to evacuate her family from Gaza. She has 15 family members in Gaza including her grandchildren, one of whom is an infant. Her family has lost everything and are currently displaced within Gaza, and she would like to evacuate them to be reunited with them safely in Egypt.
This is a legitimate fundraiser, so please do not hesitate to donate, reblog, and share! She is currently only at €9k/30k. If you’re unable to give to her fundraiser yourself, share it with someone in your life who you know does have the means. Let’s do everything we can to get Wafaa to her goal!
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senliin · 6 days
General list of some verified gfms that have reached out to me:
Momen Alostaz - €8,947 raised of €70,000 goal
Wafaa and her family - €8,530 raised of €35,000 goal
Eman Abuhayya - $41,364 AUD raised of $85,684 goal
Shahad Abumousa - $9,695 raised of $40,000 goal
Abdallah Alanqar - €6,680 raised of €35,000 goal
Firas Salem - €29,041 raised of €65,000 goal
Little Yusuf & his family - €38,310 raised of €85,000 goal
Issam Aziz - €2,835 raised of €7,000 goal
Fadi Sharif - $29,885 raised of $62,500 goal
Ruba Abushaban - €20,675 raised of €55,000 goal
Ahmd Iyd - £9,031 raised of £150,000 goal
Hadi Abudaya - $1,121 CAD raised of $17,732 goal
Mahmoud Balousha - €10,775 raised of €50,000 goal
Bilal salah - €32,624 raised of €70,000 goal
Ahmed Shaqqoura - €10,159 raised of €45,000 goal
Anas family - $7,880 raised of $20,000 goal
Marah Salem - €10,376 raised of €55,000 goal
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senliin · 6 days
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senliin · 9 days
Anytime i see a bunch of pride flags i have to restrain myself from saying "where mexico" bc i doubt anyone will know I'm referencing this
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senliin · 9 days
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happy lesbian visibility week
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senliin · 11 days
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hey guys please give what you can https://ko-fi.com/emilygwen
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senliin · 12 days
We've lost EVERYTHING .. Please Help Us not lose each other. In the blink of an eye, we've lost our home, our city, our memories, our friends , members of our families ,our money ,our safety and our peace.
Things are getting worse, we need your help I just want my kids to be SAFE HELP US AND DONATE click here
Help me rescue my Family of 11 out of war ,diseases, and famine. We’re all sick almost all the time (especially my mother and brother, they can’t seem to recover) , and now my kids got sick again with no healthcare and little money and resources.
Every € Counts !!
Every € takes us one step closer to our Safety
Every Share and Ask takes us one step closer to our GOAL
PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE ! Thank you so much for your support
I can't share as much as accounts got shadowbanned .. please help me share (Verified fundraiser by @el-shab-husseincan and others  ) If you need any verification I can provide
@sayruq @nabulsi @communistchilchuck @palipunk @fairuzfan @ibtisams
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senliin · 12 days
not gonna lie, discovering the word “ough” changed me fundamentally as a person
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senliin · 12 days
I want to die in Gaza. I'm not very interested in my life, but please don't let me see my sisters and brothers die in front of me. Please help us evacuate them from Gaza. There isn't much money left to evacuate them. Please donate and share the campaign..
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senliin · 13 days
man. it could be worse. i could be the archivist
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senliin · 13 days
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dungeon lord who makes your dream come true
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senliin · 13 days
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I literally don't know what possessed me to make an 11 page comic over these sad old men! bon appetit <3
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senliin · 15 days
so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch
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senliin · 15 days
Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost
This is a collection of links to various posts concerning fundraisers I've vetted and instructions on how to submit fundraisers to me. These are primarily ones for Ghazzan families although some fundraisers for Sudanese families are also listed (I'm more familiar with my own country's politics and dialect and am more capable of vetting fundraisers for Palestinians as a result). Each post will have a time stamp indicating the latest date of update. And fundraisers will have colour-coded disclaimers according to the particularities of their case.
I know that people do not like clicking on links or navigating between posts, but please actually look through these posts and choose a fundraiser to donate to. Please.
Instructions on how to submit a fundraiser. (for those not Ghazzan) تعليمات لتقديم طلب توثيق و نشر حملات التبرعات الخاصة بالغزاويين و عائلاتهم (للغزاويين فقط)
ملاحظة خاصة نشر الحملات.
List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan. - PRIORITY.
Vetted family evacuation fundraisers list 1. - Particularities Listed.
Vetted family evacuation fundraisers list 2. - Particularities Listed.
Unvetted but highly likely legitimate fundraisers.
Additional fundraisers for various purposes.
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