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i think it's misguided to complain about trans women being banned 'for no reason' or 'despite breaking no rules' because then you just start having a pointless argument about whether or not post X or post Y broke ToS and miss the actual vectors by which this stuff works. for better or for worse this site's users are constantly skirting and violating ToS and 99% of the time it gets overlooked but when the moderation hammer comes a swingin' it comes a swingin' for trans women. it doesnt matter if predstrogen or charlottan broke ToS or not and arguing that they didnt is a waste of everyone's time and a deflection from the real issue which is the blatantly targeted and uneven moderation practices
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*doing your tarot reading*
oh. two of worms. it means worms are coming to your house.. interpret that how you will..
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When queers in liberal towns/regions/countries tell queers in conservative towns/regions/countries to "just move," they fail to understand that this is yet another attack on our right to exist as free beings. People in liberal regions tend to demonize conservative regions and the only narrative they accept is queer people "escaping," with little to no understanding that it is possible to love your home, love your culture, love your family more than you love the safety and comfort of a more liberal region. Even for those that choose to leave, there's a lack of compassion for how it can break your heart to leave the landscape you know and love.
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Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s
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Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
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louis looks at armand and sees his own passivity and is repulsed by it as dre said. armand looks at daniel and sees his own blank slateness and is repulsed by it. daniel looks at louis and wants to hit just once please please please
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there's a lot of good stuff in the new Miyazawa interview but this bit in specific really speaks to me
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FASCINATING to me that in lashing out against the skua, a symbol of Revachol, Harry also destroys a symbol of reality itself. Not only that, but the discovery of the Insulinde that the skua represents is what leads to the proclamation of Her Innocence Dolores Dei. It's truly everything Harry is trying to run away from, all tied up in one neat little bow.
So he fucks it up, he destroys that reality, and then, ta-da! Mission accomplished Harry-boy, you wake up in a hostel room and can't remember shit. It's all gone. You got rid of it.
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science fiction as a genre was invented specifically to show lesbians some greasy sweaty women in tank tops fixing machinery
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serenity-the-firefly · 12 hours
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“Change everything you are and everything you were. . .”
Commissions Open
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serenity-the-firefly · 20 hours
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DOCTOR WHO Original Television Soundtrack — TRACKS 15-30 composed by Murray Gold
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serenity-the-firefly · 20 hours
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Guys I need him so bad guys oh my god.
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serenity-the-firefly · 20 hours
My friend got pregnant at 17. Deeply religious family (she would be kivked out if they found out), one night stand, she just could NOT have the baby. Thing is we live in a country where abortion is illegal. Our only option was to illegally buy some pills online and hope they worked and we didnt go to jail
But these are hecking expensive and we needed to rush
So i set up a twitter/fb/insta/furaffinity/etc account and advertised my furry art EVERYWHERE. Im not that good but i said id draw basically anything no matter how weird (not cub art or anything illegal). I got a lot of weird coms (vore, scat, inflation and some i dont even understand) and for two weeks i did nothing but draw weird shit all day. My hand hurt so bad, but i got the money.
We spent a week afraid we'd been scammed and afraid we'd get caught, then a weekend afraid my friend might die once we did the procedure in my house. But it worked
I never told her how i got the money and i never will. Id rather die than tell her i funded her illegal abortion by drawing the wolf from robin hood swallowing robin through his belly button. Im pretty sure she thinks i was a prostitute for those two weeks and id rather her think that
To this day i gift her condoms on her bd as a joke bc im never doing that again
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serenity-the-firefly · 20 hours
Why are you telling people to kill themselves?
Because they are ruining my diet pepsi experience
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serenity-the-firefly · 20 hours
I am currently in grief so hoping this reaches the fandom for a show that stopped 5 years ago
I haven’t started season 5 yet I’m still grieving the season 4 finale
(My answer here is Eliot, Quentin is a VERY close second)
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YELLOWJACKETS Jessica gives me a chill pill, Angie Sijun Lou
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