shallliveoninsong · 16 minutes
It took a lot of debate and argument from Fu Xuan's side to get Yanqing and Madam Yukong caught up to speed with the severity of the situation. Convincing them that the general was likely too far gone was a painful endevor, but she got the result she wanted in the end. She could tell Yanqing still was in denial, but so long as he agrees to lend his sword she would leave him be. If he had to witness for himself the abomination Jing Yuan had become to believe her words then so be it.
After some digging on Koski's side the missing starskiff was located. A little uninhabited barren planet not too far from the Luofu's current location. A freight ship had witnessed its flight there and found it odd as it was just a hunk of rock.
Fu Xuan decided that Madam Yukong would stay behind to hold together the Luofu in the absence of both the general and the Master Diviner. She insisted that the Foxian only bring reinforcements if absolutely necessary.
If at all possible the Cloud Knights deserved to remember General Jing Yuan as the kind-hearted brave leader he was. Not what he was twisted into being.
While the planet may have been barren, the skys were anything but. Thunderclouds raged above the radar ping of the starskiff. The lightning was so fierce Fu Xuan had to move their landing point further away just so they could safely reach the ground.
She knew it must be Jing Yuan causing this.
"I'm afraid we're going to have to walk the rest of the way," she said hopping out of the starskiff.
Yanqing only made a grunt of acknowledgment before following suit.
His eyes widened at her words. He was so used to groveling in his life, Sampo was ready to do it. To get on his knees and beg for this one single favor. But what also took him by surprise was her words. She thought he was strong? It pushes more tears out. If he was, surely he could've done something sooner. Surely he could've told them what happened. Maybe then Jing Yuan could've been saved. So many what ifs.
That kindness was undeserving for a Fool like him. Yet he clasps her hand that wiped away his tears. Holding it with both of his hands like a holy relic. It was so undeserving, yet he yearned to hear that. That he was capable of helping a friend. Sampo pulls that hand over to his lips. A small kiss to show his gratitude for granting him this one favor.
“I-I’ll do what I can.” He said in bated breaths. “Thank you L-Lady Fu Xuan.” Despite this kindness granted it still hurt the old Fool. They were going to put Jing Yuan down. It still didn't sit right, he doubted it ever would be right. He wished he had made an oath to Qlipoth instead at times like this.
Aeons knew he would need that resolve to stay steadfast for this. “Just.. give me a minute.” He said, now hiding his face by looking down. 
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shallliveoninsong · 1 hour
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"Hey, don't tell on me!" he protests. The comment was just loud enough for Jing Yuan to hear, but he took no offense to it.
"Lady Fu Xuan and Qingzu already chewed me out earlier today, have some mercy, my good fellow," he says with a little laugh. "I wouldn't fall so behind if I didn't have so much tedious redundant paperwork to do."
"You already get into enough trouble..." Kai muttered from where he stood at his post, his sensitive ears picking up on the general's grumbles.
He dared not speak it any louder. Risking being heard disrespecting the general would be bad for his reputation, so Kai decided to keep his grievances to a low roar.
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shallliveoninsong · 2 hours
"Ah, well… good! That's good."
He rubbed the back of his head as a new vessel of wine was brought. He could have used that a few moments ago for courage, but better late than never he supposed.
Jing Yuan was a caring, man who extended selfless loving-kindness to all he cared about. It was something intrinsic to his being, something he did without meaning to and sometimes without even realizing it. It was a great virtue.
But sometimes his strong feelings caused things to be...muddled in his mind. Not that he was confused, but rather he didn't know where he stood. Or if any additions were possible or even likely. The lines of distinction weren't as clear for him so he often held off on trying to decide.
"No, no, you didn't," Jing Yuan protested quickly. "It was only my own worry that I had spoken carelessly that made me uncomfortable."
He picks up the refilled glass but doesn't drink. Just holds it as if it were a warm cup of tea on a cold morning, staring into the liquid.
"If you'd like, I could say similar things more in the future."
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It was a consequence of the Eternal Freeze, he knew. That Jarilo-VI would perhaps always be a bit more dangerous than other places he visited. But it was home- it was his home and he adored it. Found a peace there that couldn't be seen anywhere else. At least, not for the vidyadhara.
Eros rested his head in his chin for a moment. His tail flicking curiously as the silence stretched in between them. His eyes darting to the empty vessel as he tried to flag down a server.
"I've noticed that about ya, sugar. Y'like lookin' at who people are first and foremost." He shut his eyes with a small nod. It was different than him- who liked to see the way people reacted when they got flustered. Saw who people were in the moments they were told how gorgeous they were.
Those purple eyes opened and rested on the other. Heart pupils gleaming before he looked away with a soft laugh. Trying to diffuse the stark silence. The awkwardness.
"Whatever it was- it made me feel real nice." How softly he spoke, now being the one to take initiative and pour their drinks. Something to try and ease the general's mind.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think I made ya uncomfortable here, hah."
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shallliveoninsong · 3 hours
"Oh you know it's like breathing to him, Dan Feng! He's never going to take it easy."
It was something worth respecting, Yingxing's motivation and care for his life's work were truly admirable, especially for a short-life species.
One of the finches hopped down to Jing Yuan's shoulder and he gave it a gentle pet with his fingers.
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"We'd have just as much luck asking Master Jingliu to not practice her skills with a sword so much!"
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The sight of birds making themselves comfortable in Jing Yuan's amply fluffy hair was one that hadn't grown any less amusing to see even after all the time the group had been friends for. Seeing such a renowned war general who'd seen plenty of battles having tiny little birds find rest on his head was quite the contrast.
"So they took their time coming to you tonight, that's quite surprising." Laughing quietly as he sat down and the birds chirped at the disruption of a guest, Dan Feng made sure to give Jing Yuan enough room so the birds did not see fit to fly away and flee.
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"Perhaps they could tell us a secret on how to have our dear craftsman not feel so compelled to work overtime, we could ensure he's always on time for when the lot of us hang out here. Last I saw him a few hours ago he was still waist deep in forging a new pair of piercers for some new Cloud Knight recruits."
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shallliveoninsong · 3 hours
@maskednihilism cont. from [X]!
"Forgive that I can't exactly knock," the Voice replied sarcastically.
His temporary form blinked into existence before the thief, lounging midair as usual without a care in the world.
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"I'm a busy man, Sampo Koski. I don't have time for such foolish things. The only vision I intended for you to see was of the pitiful exile fleeing from the Howlers. To give you a little taste of what things are like in my world."
He twirls a bit of his hair around his finger.
"The Sentencing Ceremonies were but only old memories of those horrid criminals I have granted the mercy of exile."
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shallliveoninsong · 10 hours
He shouldn't cry. He was Arbiter-General of the Xianzhou Luofu. He'd seen and participated in countless bloody and horrific battles. Seen mara overtake friends, his Master, and his people.
But here he was. Unable to stop the tears from spilling out.
Jing Yuan had moved on from the Quintet's deaths, whether literal or not. Not becuase he wanted to, but because he had to. Because there were people who needed a leader, someone to protect them since the previous General had passed.
He always kept moving because he had to. Just like the Luofu itself. Even if he was alone when doing so.
Lightly calloused hands grip onto Yingxing's tunic tightly.
"T-The others, Baiheng she--" the words that tumbled out of his mouth were messy, unorganized, and barely sensible between his sobs. "--there was nothing left--"
"And then you and Dan Feng tried to bring her back a-and Master Jingliu--"
A chaotic wave of witheld turmoil and pain erupted from Jing Yuan. He didn't feel like an Arbiter-General, but a lost little Cloud Knight trainee.
"I-I had to stop her… I lost all of you! Why couldn't I have died with you all!? Why did I have to be the only one left!?"
Despite his lungs being once more squeezed almost painfully, there was a relief in sensing that Jing Yuan was allowing his feelings to flow much more freely now. They'd all been public figures in some regard, so Yingxing was very used to the difference a bit of privacy could make.
"I know. I know. You're not alone anymore," he murmured, burying one hand in Jing Yuan's fluffy hair - that, too, comfortingly familiar. He was glad he'd hurried back. Out of all of them, Jing Yuan was certainly less the type to enjoy long periods of solitude, and it was painfully ironic that he had been cursed with being the one left behind.
Yingxing tightened his own hold, silently encouraging Jing Yuan to cry properly. In fact, he didn't think he'd let him go until he did. Yingxing's own throat felt tight, his eyes burning.
"I'm not going anywhere, dìdi. I'm here for you now. I'll help carry your burdens, just like I've always done."
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shallliveoninsong · 13 hours
do u ever just point at two characters and go “i want that one to get hurt and i want the other one to get really angsty about it”
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shallliveoninsong · 15 hours
"Please for the love of Aeons do not bash his head into a step ladder!!" Oh, the way his hair all but stood on end at that. Going to grab the other's arm as he held onto the list tightly. "Y'act like- like s'bad that I know Yingxing-- or is that he's teasin' ya? C'mooon- let's calm down for a sec- c'mon-."
"He has it coming!" Jing Yuan protets, stopping only because Lài grabbed him. He could probably pretty easily pull away but he should probably provide some kind of explanation as to why he just sounded like he was going to commit homicide.
"It's not that you know him that's the issue, he's pranking me with this and it's not the first time! We're in the middle of a bit of a war you see."
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shallliveoninsong · 24 hours
"Uh- mm- how do I phrase this um...I found him in the snow? And there's another man- apparently- that looks just like him who's wanted for crimes- I cannot explain." He was fumbling, for once, over his words. "So- he gave me that secret- I told him my secret- and then- he gave me this- it's a long story, A-Yuan- don't- don't worry about the specifics."
Was his hearing starting to go in his old age? Was this a dream? Was he actually fast asleep at his desk and that was creating this odd conversation and Qingzu was going to shake him awake any minute--
"You know Yingxing!?"
He knew that sixth sense of his was tingling!
He pushes the list back into the Vidyadhara's hands.
"Your language lesson is going to have to wait until after give him what for by bashing his head with a stepladder."
Wait, had Lài also just called him A-Yuan?
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"Yeah, I asked him an' he said you'd be happy t' help and if he told me, it wouldn't be half as funny." He gave a little nod at the thought. Even though he'd whined and pouted for explanations- he'd only gotten one out of the other. "And he praised y'f'er th' quick thinkin' on gettin' me a job, too." [it should be tingling very much so cuz there's a certain old man that gave him that list]
"W-what!? It's just translating words, how is that funny? Who was it if you're also telling him about the... arrangement?"
Whoever he was, Jing Yuan wanted to know what was going through the head of the person who insisted on the list being pushed into his hands.
He hadn't read all the list, just skimmed the first few entries, what else was in there?
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(Tumbles into your inbox without any idea of what I'm doing because I'm not used to interactions with multi-muse blogs.)
Hello. Feel free to ignore this if you want. I'm just trying to figure out how I should approach interactions with others using my ocs. I wanted to check and see if you were cool with it before sending/relogging any starters.
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◇ Hiya! No worries, yes I'm open to interacting with OC's. Thanks for having your Rules and muse Bios in your pinned/easy to access! I just gave them a read and we can always discuss/plot in IMs if you'd like for any previous connections with the muses or just plot in general.
As for me being a multimuse blog it's very similar to interacting with a single muse blog. You're welcome to interact with just one muse or several, doesn't matter to me! I do ask if you send in a meme or ask that you specify what muse it is for or I'll just yeet a random one at you or whichever I think works best.
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Exit Wounds
◇ cw for blood, injury, and some not so pleasant medical descriptions
He stayed conscious longer than he thought he would.
Thankfully, long enough to make an inspiring speech to stick it to Phantylia before she retreated. But the fight took its toll and darkness claimed him soon after.
Jing Yuan hadn’t received any kind of significant injury in battle for hundreds of years. Perhaps he had gotten too…complacent. He was a good fighter of course, but compared to the frontrunners of his peers…
Despite Phantylia's defeat she got a few last laughs in. When consciousness returned to the General his mind was a disorienting blurred mess. He didn’t know what he had been doing or where he was. People were moving him, talking, rushing around doing something he couldn’t make out through his swirling vision.
All he knew was pain.
It tore through him without mercy, like a rabid beast. It was as if every drop of his blood was attacking his flesh, the sensation permeating from his back. Too weak to move from where he lay the only sign of life consciousness were his muffled cries of pain.
Why…? Dan Heng—right, that was the wound from Cloud Piercer! But then why…
Phantylia’s taunts echoed in his ears.
For my next trick I’ll turn each of  you into my voidrangers. The power of the Destruction will eat away at your flesh and transform you into pawns of the great Nanook!
The connection between himself and the ravager had been broken and yet—
The Destruction must still be in him. It may have lost its source, but with an open wound like the one in Jing Yuan it had a place to cling onto like an infection, still trying to turn him into Phantylia’s pawn.
The voices are talking to him, but he can’t make out what they’re saying. They must be from the Alchemy Commission.
Jing Yuan tries to speak, to say he doesn’t understand, that everything is all jumbled that it hurts like nothing he’s ever experienced before and please do something to grant him some kind of solace, but very few incoherent sounds actually make it out.
Then, a young voice cuts through the haze.
“General!” Bailu yelped.
No. Lady Bailu shouldn’t have to witness something like this!
He musters all his strength to try and sit up, act like he’s fine and hide the ugly sight, for he hates to scare her so, but his efforts are only rewarded with a fresh wave of fiery agony.
“Stop him from moving!” another voice shouts.
Hands grasp him by the arms forcing him still while others tend to his wound.
I’ll be fine, it’s worse than it looks, he tries to tell young Bailu. But all that comes out is tearful 'sorry's.
Bailu shushes him. Pushing past her shock she jumped right into helping.
Jing Yuan wasn’t well-versed in the healing arts. Nor was it easy to differentiate which pain he was feeling that was due to the healers' work and what was due to the Destruction. But he does wish he could be under during their efforts. Why didn’t they put him under? Were they afraid of how any sedatives would react with the Destruction?
The wound itself is its own grisly mess. Cloud Piercer wasn’t exactly known for having a dull blade after all. But if it was just flesh that needed to be mended and bleeding halted that would be easy for the Xianzhou medical technology, albeit it would take some time.
But then, sprouting from both sides that Cloud Piercer impaled him were jagged cracks of fragmentum corrosion. It kept growing and spreading, reopening the wound whenever the doctors tried to close it up.
They had no choice but to cut it out. They removed as much as they could that was deep in the wound and stitched up the rest but there were still jagged lines of darkness flecked with gold on his skin’s torso.
Lady Bailu concocts a medicinal pellet to suppress as much of the fragmentum's power as possible and manages to get Jing Yuan to take it. After the long arduous process is complete, the corrosive feeling from the Destruction begins to dull slightly, finally allowing him to speak fully.
“Thank you…”
Jing Yuan is careful to keep the true severity of his injury to a few select people, most of them being the healers of the Alchemy Commission. He sees no need to create unnecessary worry. Besides, he’s reached a point where they are no longer fearful for his life. The effects of the Destruction were far from over, but the chance of it doing him in diminished significantly after Bailu’s consistent aid. Yanqing, Fu Xuan, the Astral Express crew… they should all be celebrating their victory and focusing on those who still needed aid in the aftermath of all this, not worrying about an old man.
He insists on attending the ceremony for the dead, despite Yanqing’s protests. Jing Yuan plays off the severity, joking with his retainer that he’s too eager to take his place. Yanqing relents and stops making a fuss about him attending.
His whole body is sore, it takes all his effort to mask his exhaustion as the Luofu sees the released Starskiffs off. But it is the right thing to do. Jing Yuan survived. Again. The least he could do is honor the memory of those who died.
It could have easily been him after all.
But it wasn’t.
Why did he always remain?
Why did it have to be him?
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"I remember bits and pieces, but nobody ever called me any o' these. So I don't know 'em." Another shake of his head, tail flicking curiously. "He said it'd be really fun t' let y' do it." [lmao we can be clueless together mew]
@draconicfool | in ref to [x]
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Golden eyes narrowed as he looked over the list. Something felt... suspicious. Who exactly was this friend and why would they think it would be so funny?
"That's... an odd thing for this friend of yours to say. But alright, I'll go through them with you."
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girl dad
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"Nice to meet you Apollyon. My name's Jing Yuan," the general said with a polite dip of his head. He felt like he had heard the other's name before, but it was slipping his mind at the moment as he was quite sleepy from a long day of work, but something did sound familiar.
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"As experienced as you may be, I do recommend asking a Cloud Knight to deal with the mara-struck or any monsters in the future. Were there any others that you saw? I can take care of the rest so you can enjoy your vacation."
He was in the middle of giving Mimi some exercise after all. She could do for some action.
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Oh, he was seen... Offering a soft nervous smile and shrug at the mention of it being unsanitary. His meals were probably always considered as such, it's hard to find a "sanitary" monster to eat in the end.
❝Apollyon of Melustanin.❞
At least the general was nice! Of all he heard of the man he had expected him to be kinder for a man of his position, but not so openly kind! To show worry for a stranger, even if that stranger had unintentionally performed an act for him, was heartwarming.
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"I ain't sayin' that. This life isn't mine anymore so I don't recognize any of 'em." He sighed as he handed it over. "They're all terms endearment I think?"
@draconicfool | in ref to [x]
"Really, that doesn't carry over?"
He supposed it made sense, but then some High Elder magic knowledge did seem to carry over from life to life so were there any rules?
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"Oh, indeed they are. But if you don't remember any of the language it will be a bit difficult to explain since some of them use wordplay or refer to what characters are used to write them."
Jing Yuan laughed. "Guess you're about to get a language lesson as well."
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Sushang stared dumbfounded at the stranger. Then, she rushed back over to the table she had been seated at to retrieve the book she'd been reading and quickly flipped it back open to the page she had been on.
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"Are you serious? Then why don't they just say that!?"
Really! Why all the purple prose for such vital information!?
As her brown eyes skimmed the page some of it did start to make sense with the new context the stranger had given. She still got mixed up with a lot of the old characters used though...
"I guess it makes sense... even if it is brutal a spy can cripple an army's defenses."
“Hm, I am familiar with the contents, yes.” It is a book on war strategy she’s read for leisure before. The principles are fairly simple past all the complicated language used. After all, war and conflict are languages she’s learned, both in theory and in practice. “It would be my greatest pleasure to assist.” 
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“It is a volume on war strategy, yes? Although the language can be difficult to decipher, the principles are fairly straightforward.” If she recalls correctly, the other had been at the part of the book where the usage of spies had been being discussed. 
“I believe the section you are reading is regarding the use of spies, yes? It states that there are no situations in which one would not employ a spy and that if before the mission the matter has been exposed, the spy and those that the spy informed should be put to death.”  
A pause. “Is my summary perhaps a bit too brief? I can elaborate further if necessary.”
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