shewrites444 · 52 minutes
fire [coriolanus snow x reader smut]
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[Hello! It has been awhile. I wanted to switch it up and try out a fic on young Coriolanus Snow’s character from TBOSAS after hearing about the new Hunger Games movie! Please let me know if you enjoy his character. I also apologize if this story has some imperfections, I did not edit it.]
WC - 4.3k
SUMMARY - The reader is a prestigious pianist and composer for the Capitol. She finds herself in a mental, and physical, battle against her attraction to President Snow throughout his dictatorial rule and loveless marriage as months go on. Attempting to get under his skin through a rather bold encounter, she finds herself back to where she started as he reminds her of their similarities, but she holds more power above him than anticipated. 
WARNINGS - Cheating, angst, cursing, choking, fingering, detailed & unprotected sex. Coriolanus is a bit sexist and also doesn’t know how to shut the hell up, so fair warning on that. 
Coriolanus had spent the past few months focused on nothing but his political reputation, and the power he only continued to gain in the Capitol, along with the Districts. Well, it was more of a submission than anything, fear spread through Panem as his reign as President, or as many called him, a dictator, was unveiled. 
He had no focus on his chosen wife, Livia Cardew, knowing that she was solely a prop for visual acceptance, a showcase of a wife that he was able to find someone who supported him through his political career, and the most important time of the year, of course, The Hunger Games.
When the games were approaching, the Capitol organized several socials and meetings throughout the upcoming weeks in order to network Coriolanus with his political and social allies, the game-makers, the Academy students that were interested in working with Dr. Gaul and the rest of her associates, and any other connections that were essential to the duration of a successful season. 
I found it disgusting, and inhumane, just like those in the Districts, but I, just like everyone else who was ranked underneath President Snow, had to find ways to cautiously approach such a season of brutality. 
Serving the Capitol as a pianist and musical coordinator by trade, I found ways to avoid the Districts and remain in a fairly comfortable lifestyle as the years went on. I had been working mainly for Coriolanus’ wife, Livia, for her social events held with other women of the Capitol on weekends, typically. I had assumed Livia told Coriolanus of my talents, and the orchestra I would often accompany, so that’s when he had me perform before a meeting with several of his associates. That’s when it all began.
Was I just ashamed? Yes, but I was more disgusted with myself than anything. That was the best way to put it.
It was shameful, and quite out of character for me to be a mistress, for one, but it was worse to know the same man I often slept with was the reason for so many innocent and unforgiving deaths across Panem. How the hell was I supposed to get out of this entanglement, though? If I left, or even expressed that I was thinking about it, I’d be as good as dead. 
I hadn’t seen him in a few weeks, but when the buzz amongst the games began to pick up, I knew he’d be in my vicinity soon enough. Livia had asked me to perform for a social before the Reaping Ceremony, which I obviously obliged to. Something in me felt that she knew of my arrangement with her husband, but something else told me she didn’t even care. She had all the power in the world, and Coriolanus wouldn’t dare harm her; it would forever damage his reputation. She had nothing to lose. She knew I had everything to lose. 
“You were wonderful, as always.” Livia chimed, handing me a glass of wine as I walked onto the marble floor soon after my performance. I returned a gentle smile, sipping lightly from the clear glass before clearing my throat to speak up. I was used to being rather quiet, given my nature as a pianist. I spent most of my time practicing and playing in solitary, so I was not much of a talker, especially now that things had changed over the course of the past few months, but I kept my composure, and I remembered who I was conversing with. 
“Thank you, Mrs. Snow. I find it an honor you allow me to perform for such special occasions.” I say, my eyes scanning the room as I watch men and women of heavy rank socialize throughout the floor, some already dining, some already on their second drink of the night, maybe more.. 
Livia looked me up and down briefly, watching my nervous demeanor unwind. She watched me stand still, glancing around the chattery room, my fingertips lightly tapping my glass. A small smile wrinkled onto her lips. “Well, I will leave you be, Miss [Y/N], I’m sure you are quite tired.” She reached to gently hold my shoulder, sending a cold shudder across my bare skin. “Have a wonderful evening, alright?”
“Yes, of course, you as well, Mrs. Snow.” I watch her walk away, feeling as if I could finally breathe again. 
I felt faint, nerves stemming from Livia’s appearance sending me over the edge, and the usual guilt I felt only more demanding as seconds passed. I set my glass down before walking out the ballroom’s door, which led down a dim hallway stacked with offices, and a bathroom more towards the back. I had been here plenty of times before, so I knew a spot where I could cool off and freshen up for a few moments. 
Opening the bathroom door, I felt a hand press against the wall beside me, to stop me. I glanced up, his pale, slim fingers planted to the side of my head, making my face turn white. I slowly let go of the door, turning to face Coriolanus. He looked down at me, a sly look on his already smug expression, no shame in his blue eyes. It made my stomach turn.
“President Snow.” I said, my eyes averting to each side of the hallway, scanning the wide space to assure that no one was around, before looking back up to meet his gaze. “You startled me. I was just going to freshen up before heading back to the party.”
“Please, spare me the formality, [Y/N].” He grinned, taking his hand off the wall before moving it to my cheek, making my face heat up. “Come with me, hm?”
“Your wife is not even two doors down, Coriolanus.” I drip his name out in a cautious whisper, which he had given me permission for ages ago. He struck me as the type of man who’d prefer a formal reference, maybe even find attraction in it, but I suppose he’d rather something else from me. I didn’t question it. “And the rest of your business partners, might I add.”
Coriolanus laughed, almost mockingly, at my seriousness. “You think she is not aware of you and I, [Y/N]? She is not a fool.” He patted my flushed cheek before he grabbed my hand. “Now come with me.”
I didn’t argue further, just nodding silently before following him down the hallway. I recognized where he was leading me, just from a different direction. The Capitol was like a maze, at least the inside of it, but I had memorized much of it from Coriolanus, and my work. We head to his bedroom, the sound of my heels clicking against the glossed floor while he walked me further.
I hear him close the door, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. It’s not like I didn’t want him, because I did, it was more that I didn’t want the reprimands of being caught, or feeling so dirty for what I was doing. There was an underlying guilt each and every time I slept with him, or even as much as I spoke to him, no matter what the circumstances were. 
As the door locked, Coriolanus turned to walk towards me, before I took a step back, much to his surprise. He raised one of his light eyebrows, a confused, yet intrigued look on his face. I never denied him, and who’s to say that I was? I didn’t even know what I was doing, other than thinking out loud, which only made my blood run colder.
The tension in the room was tight, and could be cut from a string as thin as the threads that held what was under my gown together. I could hear myself breathing, and my thoughts racing to spit out of my shut mouth. My eyes lifted up to his own, and I stood straight, and firmly.
“Out of all the women in the Capitol, out of everyone you could have in the ways you have me, why did you choose to tangle me into your mess?” I ask, rather impressed with my own forwardness. “Why must it be me?”
Coriolanus shared a similar look as my own, but his expression curated itself into some sort of cheeky grin, almost as if he enjoyed my slight rebellion. He knew I didn’t take orders, so he never bothered ordering me around. He didn’t have to ask, he knew I liked it, and he knew I’d comply, and he also knew I felt guilty every time, but I never posed such a question, until now.
He tucked his hands into his slacks, stepping closer, his slim, tall build hovering before me.
“It is you because I find everything I prefer in you.” He answered flatly, following my questions. “My wife has no regard for anything but her own status, which I can admire, but she does not have any reason to achieve anything more. The women who seek to improve their status, say, by sleeping with me or attempting to, seek to achieve more than they ever will. Then there is you, who is firmly placed in between all of these women, who holds prestige, who holds respect, yet, in every way possible, feels that she is less deserving of it because she holds attraction to the one man she cannot have.”
His words frustrated me beyond my usual measure, and I couldn’t contain the pressure pent up in my chest, eagerly awaiting to push through my quivering lips. He angered me, and he made me feel lesser, when this entire time, he was the one who took out his frustrations on me, and he was the one who ran from every ounce of affection he was once offered, and threw it at me. It was always in the back of my head, yet I found myself in a delusion, one where I would never allow myself to see the truth, but it all came to me as he spoke. 
“You are the one who cannot have me. How could I make that anymore clear? After all this time, all these months of you thinking your usage was one-sided, how could you not see it, Coriolanus?” I loosened up my posture, and stepped forward, nearly closing the irritable gap that was between the two of us. “You are the one who finds me after my performances, you are the one who pursues me, time and time again. I comply, yes, but I am not the one who soughts after you.”
He blinked. I could read it as clear as day that he was taken aback by my words. A satisfying feeling burned in me, yet the tension geared towards the uncertainty of our conversation never left. I spoke up, and I was not pretty about it. What would he do now? Surely a pianist disappearing wasn’t common, but I wasn’t Capitol royalty, so it’s not like he couldn’t disregard me if he wanted to. Would he do that? No, I was too valuable to him in more ways than one. How worked up he got over this affair showed me that.
“Seems we both have our issues.” He hummed. Another foot stepped closer to me, the tip of his shoe nearly stepping on mine, but he knew that. He reached forward after pulling his hands out of his pockets, and cupped my cheeks with both of his cold, large hands. His thumbs pressed against my lips, and I could feel my lipstick brush against his fingers. “Yet neither of us have ended the arrangement between us. Why do you think that is?”
“Don’t make me answer that.” I shake my head, reaching my hands up to pull him off of me, and lightly push him away. “I will not engage in such a conversation.”
“You’re the one who started this conversation.” Coriolanus grabbed my wrists, yanking me forward. He leaned down to press his lips against my own, causing me to gasp, and attempt to fight it, but I couldn’t.
He knew I liked it, and he knew how to use it against me. I sunk into the feeling for a brief moment, before I pushed him off me, my hands planted against his dress shirt as I gripped the material, holding him in place while he looked down at me, his once slicked back curls falling forward, a few loose hairs against his forehead as he grinned, my lipstick against his pale lips. He tilted his head, his hands moving to grip my waist rather harshly, just enough to keep me still.
“Do I have to remind you how crucial this arrangement is to you? To make you answer my question, hm?” He held me, walking me closer to the opposite side of the room. Aggressively, he kissed me once more, flipping my body to face his vanity, while still keeping my face turned to his own.
He ran his hands down the side of my gown, bunching it up enough that he could push it underneath my chest to remain upright. “You claim to despise what happens between us so much, and you hate that you are what stands between my marriage, yet you cannot seem to walk out the door. Come on, [Y/N], you and I both know you are a bit afraid to fully defy me, but you don’t even try to, until now. But it’s all talk, you’ll never really break anything off.” He reached between my legs, which nearly trembled at his touch, as his fingers slipped into my underwear. 
“And you’re already wet.” Coriolanus mocked, looking at me in the mirror as he slowly slipped one of his fingers into me. He watched my mouth open, a pleased, and frankly, egotistical grin on his face, knowing he had gotten to that part of me so quickly. “Is this why you have not ended what continues on between us? Because no man can make you cum the way I do? Am I really so vital to you?”
“You are insufferable.” I gasp, closing my eyes as he began to work his fingers into me, the sounds of my pleasure much more relevant in his room than I’d prefer them to be. “There are many things you refuse to admit to me, too.”
“Exactly.” Coriolanus looked between my legs as I stood before him, the pressure in his pants brushing against the back of my gown. “We are two different people, yes, but we both have secrets that we strongly refuse to admit, yet we can read it on each other’s faces. You know I’m right. I see you more than anyone else, and you hate it. You hate that I can see you.”
“Then why do you treat this with such amusement?” I chime back, opening my eyes to glue them to what was occurring before me. I could feel his free hand move to begin sliding my underwear down. “Why do you mock me, when the scenario applies to yourself?”
“Because I have nothing to lose.” He returns, shooting me a glare as he drops my underwear to the floor as they pass my hips. “My wife is aware of my distaste for her, and for much of any affections. The Capitol will never question me because they know their lives, and their families, are at stake. No one will question me, [Y/N]. They have too much to lose.”
I feel him move his hand behind my back, tugging at the zipper that restrained him. He keeps his rhythm, and he keeps his eyes against my figure. He knew he had the upper hand, it would be impossible for me to overturn his rank, and his power, and nearly everything he had that I did not. I was constantly reminded of it, especially like this. 
“Then why entertain the idea of me holding any sort of power over you through our affections? Why bother administering mockery upon me, Coriolanus?” I hiss through clear annoyance, struggling to hide the pleasure that wouldn’t seem to brush away from my core. He wasn’t giving up any sort of competence. 
Coriolanus lightly pulled his fingers from me, grazing them against my inner thighs before turning me around, and holding them to his mouth. He licked his fingertips, causing my stomach to drop at the sight, while a smirk cracked onto his tinted lips. 
“I have never been with a woman who tastes as good as you.” The sound of his tongue swirling against his fingers made me weak, and the way that someone so manipulative, so cruel, was licking a part of me, felt wrong, yet it didn’t. It was a confusing battle with oneself. “You hold that power, if you must know.”
He pulled his fingers away from his lips, wiping his hand against my dress before tugging it out from under my covered chest, standing straight as he began to pull it off me, and I just let him. Fucking hell.
“You think I’d fuck a woman I didn’t hold any sort of value to? You think I would waste my time with mindless affairs filled with women whose sole purpose in life is to please me, and to please their husbands? The only pleasure they gain from me is validation, nothing more.” He moved my dress down my shoulders. “You want me to fuck you, [Y/N]. Not just any man of rank, me. It makes you sick, doesn’t it?”
“You fancy me just as much as you do anything else you do for yourself.” I feel him move my gown above my head, over my long, slicked ponytail. “You do this for yourself, no one else. You like that I feel such a way.”
He shook his head, dropping my dress on the floor beside my underwear. “Power and value are different. If I wanted to have power over a woman, I’d be fucking my wife, not you.”
My eyes widened at his words. What was his angle here? This argument was endless. “Then why do you act like you have so much power over me? You want to talk to me about value, yet you show none of it. You only exert power, and your ego, against me everytime I feel your touch. You fuck me like you own me, like you hold such a rule, yet you claim that I hold some sort of power. You baffle me.” 
He took my hands and moved them to his length, in which I nearly shivered upon touch, reminded of each and every time he came close to me, and how large he felt when he was inside me. I lightly stroked him soon after I spoke, watching his bottom lip slightly fall at my fingers. He began to unbutton his shirt.
“Am I supposed to make this easy for you?” He teased, sliding his shirt off his shoulders, now standing in nothing but his unzipped pair of pants and boxers that rested just above them. “Must all you women figure things out without assistance for once?”
“Oh, god,” I scoff, my eyes rolling off irritable instinct as I continued my actions against his stiffened cock. “You are-”
“Insufferable?” Coriolanus cued, raising his brows, his hands moving to guide me towards his bed, as we mutually climbed onto it. “I don’t imagine my cock is insufferable, at least, given your generous duration of touch.”
I groan, watching him lay as I motion my body on top of his. If I had some sort of power, as he seemed to suspiciously claim I do, surely I could show it? I glance at him, feeling his hands reach below to grab my ass, toying with the loose flesh as his instinct brought me above him. 
I don’t respond, rather slide on top of him in a swift motion, causing the both of us to moan rather loudly, nearly echoing across his lavish suite of a bedroom. I watched his eyes fall to my bare chest, before gliding down to the movement between us, as I began to move my body forward. 
“If you claim that I am of such value to you… and you give into submissions at times, then you’ll allow me to control you… hm?” I speak between heavy breaths, feeling his thick, restless cock bury between my thighs as I create a rhythm above him. 
“Like I said to you before, [Y/N], I’m not supposed to make it easy for you.” His eyes never left our bodies while he guided me down. “You’ll see.”
I lean down, his cock angling itself at a curve as I reach to slide my hands to his shoulders, gently kneading at his flesh before resting both palms against his pale neck, my nails digging into the back of it, sliding into his blonde locks. A grin tugs at my lips while I press them against his own, feeling his tongue slide into my mouth and muffle the moans I made with each stroke. 
I squeeze at his neck, my thumbs pressing against his adam’s apple while I ride his cock. Thrust after thrust, I could feel him twitch, knowing he was growing weaker and weaker as I went on. He liked the dominance, but he’d never admit it. Instead he’d toy with me, attempt to make me feel as if I had to work for his value, when I already had it. I had him, and I had all this time. I had nothing to lose. 
“What if it melts?” I ask vaguely, looking down at him amidst the loose hairs against my face. “What will you do then?”
Coriolanus released his hands from my ass, moving them higher to my chest, his thumbs toying with my hardened nipples as he held me up, but my hands remained on his throat. I could feel it move as he spoke. “What if what melts?” 
“Snow.” I breathe heavily at his stimulating touch, while I begin to pick up my speed between us. “What will you do if the snow melts?”
Coriolanus scoffed, pressing his thumbs down. “It won’t.”
I press down and lean down simultaneously, shaking my head as I laugh, the feeling of my physical position never leaving, only growing as I mocked him further. I knew how it felt now, to toy with the one who peaked your interest so high. No wonder he enjoyed this.
“If I hold such value, such power over you, Coriolanus, it’s bound to melt. Snow cannot be on top if something is to compromise it, hm? Must I remind you of what occurred the last time you allowed someone to hold power over you?”
I couldn’t believe I brought her up. Yes, I knew of Lucy Gray, just as many of us musicians did. I never knew her personally, but I was aware of what lengths Coriolanus went to erase her from existence for his political, social, and mental gain. Is that part of the reason I feared walking away, even if I wanted to? Yes. But I knew he wouldn’t kill me, or send me off. He’d have no one if not. 
“Shut the hell up.” He moved his hands to hold me by my face. “This is different.”
“In some ways, yes.” I feel his hands move my hair behind my ears, his eyes locked against mine. He was angry, but he was allowing me to speak further, so not angry enough. “In other ways, it is quite the same.”
“Damn you, woman. Experiencing quite the power trip, aren’t you? Why don’t you do so after we fuck?” He growled, one of his hands reaching past my face to grab the end of my ponytail, yanking it down to cause my head to rise up, my back arching in the process, gasping as he thrusts upward, sending volts through my stomach. 
Don’t lose control, [Y/N]. Don’t you dare let him fuck you into submission.
“If you think for just a second that this is not changing things for you, then you are a fool.” I spit, opening my eyes to stare down at him, fighting his grip against my ponytail. I feel his other hand move from my face to my jaw, holding my face down to face his own. “You can’t do this without me. You spend far too much time with a mistress to disregard her, and you fucking know it. That’s what makes you sick.”
All he could do was curse under his breath, his grip on my hair, and on my face, loosening. Was he admitting defeat? Was he finally showcasing some sort of disadvantage? 
I leaned down to pull him into a sloppy kiss, my tongue sliding into his mouth as he lightly pressed his own against mine, yet allowing me to hold the dominance. The feeling was strange but enjoyable, knowing that I was able to hold mental and physical assertion over such a man. 
I could feel him grunt underneath me, his body limp as I fucked his restlessly, until I could feel myself tighten against him, and his cock pump into me, lightly thrusting upwards to ride out the high that he pushed into me. I watched his face as I held his neck still, his eyes closed and his mouth agape while he came. His cheeks were flushed. I knew he felt defeated, and I knew in some way, he enjoyed it. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
I slowly got off of him, feeling his cum lightly stick between my thighs while I motioned to lay aside him. My hands were warm from their grip, and I rested one against his cheek, turning him to face me. 
“Do you know what makes snow melt?” He asks through a horse tone, looking up to me. He knew I wouldn’t give him the answer he was looking for, so he watched me silently shake my head. He reached forward to hold my own cheek, pulling me down to his lips, but not for a kiss. He let me hover, before he spoke quietly, his hot breath against me. 
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shewrites444 · 2 months
rule bender [thomas shelby x reader smut]
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word count - 3.9k
[ summary - following the events of season 2, the reader, major campbell’s abandoned daughter, meets with the peaky blinders to plot against her father’s downfall, but takes an unexpected interest in far more than what she came for. ]
[ warnings - implied age gap, virgin reader, dirty talk, oral sex (f), unprotected and slightly aggressive sex ]
there wasn’t much that needed to be said about my father other than he was a selfish, greedy, and obsessive man towards anything he wanted to manipulate into his life. i lived with him for only ten or so years before he took on his position as chief inspector, and ten years later, became major, assigned to the king and carrying out an extremely dangerous, highly destructive plan to not only use thomas shelby and the peaky blinders, but also get rid of them when done with.
i knew all this information through word of mouth and rumor, and frankly, didn’t mind using it to my own advantage. he was unaware of my presence in birmingham, and hadn’t heard from me in years since i moved to america, so i knew this type of threat would be the last thing on his mind.
when i wrote to the peaky blinders about my ideas, they expressed great interest in me, and intended to pay well for my travels and work ethic, allow me to stay with them or get me an apartment for some time, so much more than what my father would’ve done for me to carry out a mission for him.
when i sailed over, i spent the days wondering how much being back in birmingham would affect my well being, given the extreme amount of emotional turmoil i was put through in my childhood, but with the distance i had for so many years, i hoped that i’d be alright, and if i was being paid well, this would all be worth it in the end.
my father hasn’t seen me since my childhood, but i knew if we were to reconnect, he’d seem to pity me, and potentially present a soft spot to me, one i could easily manipulate for the shelby’s.
this didn’t even feel wrong, conspiring against him, given i felt no emotional connection. it was sad in a way, but i was struggling in america, given i was working as a secretary at a small bank and still remained unwedded. there were things i had to do to get by, and helping carry out an assassination of my father wasn’t plan a, but it paid almost as much as a year’s salary for me, so it must’ve been in the cards.
upon my arrival in birmingham, an assistant of the shelby’s had already been waiting for me, and drove me to their residence, where i was guided into a meeting room that also seemed to be a kitchen, so i already knew i was in the family residence. this could mean one of two things - i was highly trusted, or such a high risk they’d have to kill me where no one would find me. maybe both.
i sat down, the man asking me if i wanted something to drink, which i kindly declined. he told me the shelby family would be with me soon, and to remain patient.
i kept that request to heart, but also couldn’t help but feel anxious. of course, that was reasonable, but with such a high ranked family, i had to keep my composure, and talk business like my life depended on this meeting, because it did.
an older woman opened the slide in door, looking to me with a flat expression as she pulled out the chair next to me, sitting down and taking out a pack of cigarettes, offering me one, which i also kindly declined by shaking my head softly.
she chuckled, lighting it with a small match. “it seems america can change a woman. you can smoke here, dear.”
i smile softly, brushing my hair behind my ear and cross my arms, straightening myself out in the wooden chair. “i moved there when i was a teenager, i never smoked much anyway, so i’m used to living differently, i suppose.”
“well, if all is well and you house with us, get used to the smoke.” she said, putting the cigar into her mouth.
our attention was averted to three men that stepped through the doors, all of different ages and looks, but clearly related. the oldest, or at least who i assumed to be, sat aside the woman, and the other brother sat beside me, and the final, who seemed to have the most intimating look of them all, sat facing me, across the table.
he cleared his throat, looking at me and holding our eye contact, blinking once or twice before he leaned his elbows onto the table, holding his hands together as he collected his words.
“you must be [y/n] campbell. did you travel well?”
i nod, uncrossing my arms and resting my hands against my legs, glancing down at the table. “yes, i am, and yes, i did. it was fine.”
“good.” he says, leaning back and reaching into his pocket to grab a pack of cigarettes. the woman was right about their tendency to smoke.
he lights one before he begins to smoke and his brothers do the same.
“your father has been causing me and my family quite the trouble for some time.” he begins, shaking his head. “i’d never ask you to commit such a crime, but you are obviously well aware you have to assist through the process. if you don’t have what it takes to do so, we can sail you back home, if that’s what you’d prefer.”
“i wouldn’t travel this far if i didn’t.”
the oldest brother smirks, reaching to the middle of the table to grab the bottle of whisky, opening it and pouring himself a glass. “it seems she means business, tommy. don’t meet many women these days who plan on killing their father.” he laughs, gesturing his glass towards me. “shoot him yourself and we’ll throw in-”
“arthur, enough.” the woman interrupts, shaking her head with annoyance. she looks back to me, putting out her cigarette.
“continuing what thomas was saying, if you are completely prepared for this, we will allow you to stay with us, completely secure, as long as you follow what we ask you to do. we can’t let you leave the residence without our permission, given your identity. if your father finds out you’re here, you are a threat to not only us, but your own well being. we ask you only leave to visit him, when we thoroughly plan out that conversation, and other then that, remain here. you are free to eat what i cook and what we have here, spend time in the library, do whatever you please, in these walls. you are welcome to stay in the guest room, which has a bathroom as well, and i don’t mind getting you some clothes this week since you’ll be here for some time.” she stands up, nodding to me and pushing her chair in. “it’s getting late and we have business to do tomorrow morning, so if this is alright with you, we’ll discuss details tomorrow, and you can get settled in tonight. agreed?”
“yes, ma’am.” i nod, looking around the table as everyone stares at me. “that sounds fine to me.”
thomas, who i now realized was the man sitting across from me, stands up as well, and gestures his hand towards me. “i’ll show you where you’ll be staying. everyone else, finish your business for the night and we’ll discuss this topic once again tomorrow afternoon.”
the room was cleared of the group within a matter of seconds, his authority made clear, as the door was shut by the woman. thomas walks towards me and gestures me to stand up. we walk towards a hallway left of the kitchen, a few doors down until we reached the guest bedroom, which was decorated plainly but well enough for someone to reside in for some time.
he lit the two candles on the dresser with a match from his pocket, setting it on the surface before he turned to me, his hands tucked into his pockets.
“i was the one who read your letter and wrote you back. it really shocked me, eh. i know you’re angry, and i understand that feeling, believe me, but don’t let it get in the way of what you, what we, are trying to accomplish. this may be revenge to you, but it’s business to me, and my family. try to make it seem like that to you as well.”
i sit down on the bed, my eyes averting from his hidden hands and up to his eyes. i sigh, crossing my arms. “i think i’ll be okay, thank you.”
he nods, holding eye contact for a short moment before turning around, walking towards the door and grabbing the knob.
“goodnight, miss [y/n].”
i watch him shut the door and sigh, shaking my head to almost physically get him, and that conversation, out of my head. i’m here for business, and yes, a bit of vengeance, but not for some sort of fatal attraction that just showed up when speaking to him alone. fuck. that’s the last thing i’m here for.
with that off-putting thought, i knew i needed to sleep soon. i changed into a nightgown that was in the top drawer, pulling my hair into a loose bun and washing my face from the long day of travel and conversation that i had, before i sunk into the soft mattress and bundled myself into the covers.
i closed my eyes, thoughts of not only my current situation, but thomas running through my tired mind. he was attractive, but clearly uninterested given his dry, blunt tone, but he was so powerful, god, it made me think. it made me think far too much.
although, even if he wanted me, i didn’t have much experience, so i’d make a complete fool of myself, and the mission i came here to perform, which had nothing to do with sleeping with thomas shelby.
this pointless overthinking wasn’t helping me sleep.
i slid out of the bedsheets, rubbing my forehead in annoyance and cursing under my breath as i walked towards the door, opening it quietly and heading back to the kitchen, one of the few places i knew in the shelby house, to grab a glass of water.
to my surprise, what i was attempting to get away from was sitting at the dining room table, reading through a few papers with a glass of whiskey in hand. i blush, standing awkwardly as he looks up to me when the wooden board i was standing on creaked. he set his drink down, but kept one paper in his free hand.
“looking for something?”
“yes, uhm, water.” i say, crossing my arms as my nerves collected and also to block any showing of my breasts, which were pretty visible through the white fabric. “i just can’t sleep.”
he stood up, pouring me a glass and handing it to me, glancing down briefly to stare at my newly changed clothes. “then sit out here. surely these would put you to sleep.” he gestures towards the documents on the table, pulling out the chair next to me.
"it's alright." i awkwardly nod, gesturing the glass towards him. "thank you for the water. i should at least try to lay back down though."
"i don't think you want to." he says bluntly, licking his finger to flip to the next page of the newspaper. "come on, miss [y/n], have a seat."
i sigh, walking a few steps over to sit aside him in the wooden chair, setting the clear glass on the table. "to be frank, i am really not in a sufficient mood to discuss anything that involves my father, mr. shelby... i do want to go to bed."
he chuckles, setting the paper down and sitting back into his chair. "i know you don't want to discuss your father, and neither do i at this hour. i was simply suggesting the reason you aren't in your bedsheets touching yourself to me is because you wanted it first hand, is that right?"
my eyes widen a bit as i hear him speak. i stand up, despite the urge to discover this scenario more, and push my chair in. "have a good night, mr. shelby." i say rather quickly, turning back to the hallway that lead towards my bedroom, before i hear his chair push back, his footsteps following my path.
i feel him take my hand, turning me around and into a deep, lustful kiss, his hands immediately traveling down to my waist, guiding me down the hallway and into my room, where he sets me on the bed, shutting the door behind him. i sit there, my body frozen, and frankly, already burning my passion, but one i was unable to act on with another. everything i was overthinking just minutes before was unfolding before me.
thomas tiled his head, looking at me confused as he began to unbutton his white dress shirt. he stepped closer, stripping of his top and letting it fall to the floor behind him. he pursed his lips together with a plain expression, yet so much thought was read before his eyes.
"you're a virgin." he says blankly. "aren't you?"
my eyes widen and i really couldn't hide the truth, if he was already getting that conclusion so quickly. i nodded slowly. "uhm, yes.. i.. i am.."
he leans down, and eventually, sinks onto his knees, lightly pressing both of his hands to the opposite ends of my hips, sighing softly through his nostrils. “in.. everything?”
“mr. shelby, i’m no pru-”
he chuckled, rolling the nightgown up enough to pull down my white panties onto the floor, gesturing for me to lay back. “then i believe you, miss [y/n], just lay down.”
i gasp softly as his lips kiss my folds, the wetness of his saliva trailing up to my clit as his tongue digs inside of me, sucking on my sensitive skin while his arms wrap around my legs to bury himself between my thighs.
i reach down to lightly hold him by the hair, my other hand hiking my nightgown up more and more until i was able to see his head. i meet his eyes, and that only pushes him to go faster, his tongue dancing in circles and different rhythms on my clit, but breaks free soon after, to trail kisses down my thighs, up to my stomach, to my breasts, and to my lips. i taste myself through our kisses, his hot breath enveloping mine as his tongue slides into my mouth.
i moan into the kisses, my arms reaching up to wrap around his neck, fingers lightly grazing his now exposed skin. he was warm, and he knew what he was doing, which frankly, made a bit nervous, but i wasn't opposed to letting him carry the weight of our situation.
he lightly pulled himself away before meeting my eyes as he hovered above me. he glanced down between our bodies before looking back to me. i could feel his erection through his pants as it grazed against my inner thigh, practically begging for its release towards my slit.
i felt his hand trail between us, gently rubbing my wet clit and watching for my reaction, as my mouth opens again and my cheeks grow redder at his touch. i close my eyes, my back arching lightly at the feeling, my legs spreading before him. he leans back down to trail kisses down my neck, before his teeth grab the top of my down near my right breast and pull it down, tucking it underneath the ball of flesh he wanted to see. he began to lick my nipple, sucking at an increasing speed, his tongue distracting me from his release from my clit.
i could hear his belt buckle, and his pants drop to the floor, his boxers following the clothes as he leaned up, leading me out of touch as he positioned himself between my inner thighs. he glanced down to me, his right hand lightly grazing his cock as he aligned it against my folds. he sighed through his nose, looking down at our bodies before lightly pushing his tip in, barely enough for me to feel.
"tell me if it hurts, [y/n]." he says my name alone with a husky tone, before gently sliding himself inside me, his thick cock stretching my tight, sensitive walls as he slowly worked his way inside.
i gasp, looking down between my legs watch his cock disappear into me, and his hand moving from his length to my thigh, lightly holding it up to push himself in further. when he finally got inside of me, so deep that i felt his balls lightly against my ass, he glanced down at me for the first time since he was inside.
"i-it feels good, mr. shelby." i say, knowing he wanted my word for it.
he clicks his tongue lightly, beginning to slowly pump himself in and out of me, the sound of my wet pussy enveloping the noise of the room. his cock twitched at the feeling, small breaths coming from his nostrils as he focused on the feeling of my body holding him close. he leans down, planting a kiss against my lips before pulling himself up, just enough that our noises were still touching as he breathed against my face.
"such a pretty woman you are, miss [y/n]. you take cock so well, you know that, hm? you feel so natural around me, love. like you were built for my cock."
i gulp at his words, feeling my face burn at the talk mr. shelby spoke above me, as his pace began to lightly increase with each smooth word. i nod, pursuing my lips together and feeling my core tighten as the sounds of our bodies against each other began to fill the room, much more than before.
he chuckles at my silent response, but i showed it through my body the more he fucked me. his strokes were gentle, but deep, his cock nearly leaving my pussy through each and every stroke, but pushing back inside through one thrust every time. i could hear him grunt at the sensation, and it was evident he needed more for release.
i lightly lean up, my arms shaking slightly while i adjusted myself, and he leaned up once more, still inside of me.
"d-do you.. do you think i could take your cock as well from behind me, mr. shelby?" i stammer, glancing up to him with a red face. "if.. if you think that would feel better for the both of us.."
a grin spread across his cheeks, and he lightly pulled out of me, gesturing for me to flip over and get onto my knees. he places his large hands on my lower hips, his thumbs resting on the top of my ass. i could feel his cold rings on my body as he leaned forward to push himself inside once more.
it felt much different this way, the way he was holding me, the way his cock was pushing through my tight walls at a quickly accustomed angle. god, it felt fucking good, but i knew he wouldn't be rougher, or more, with me, if i didn't say so. mr. shelby seemed to be a ruthless man, but he was taking it easy with me given the circumstances.
"harder." i mutter under my breath, but just enough that he could hear me from his position.
"are you sure, love?" he asked, his grip on my hips tightening and his cock begin to take up a new speed. "because i can fuck you like a whore, but i'm not too sure you'd like that during your first time."
"i-i am sure, mr. shelby. i need it."
with my permission, he pulled himself out of me, before nearly slamming himself back inside, his tip grazing close to what felt like my lower stomach as he began to pump himself further into my body, his cock making my body turn towards some sort of shock, as i felt a sharp feeling of pain yet pleasure escalate through my core, my legs, everywhere.
i gasp, leaning down to rest my head into the pillow, trying to muffle the loud moans and high pitched yelps as mr. shelby pounded his length into my pussy, every stroke earning a whine from my covered lips. he took one of his hands off of me to reach down and grab me by my tied up hair, lifting my head up to cause my body to arch in reaction, and my open mouth to gasp at his sudden movements.
"do you think whores stay quiet, miss [y/n]?" he tilts his head, looking down at my half-covered body as he talks, slightly taunting. it seemed a more demeaning attitude came with more of mr. shelby's dominance.
i shake my head, trying to catch my staggered breath as the question pent up my nerves. "n-no, mr. shelby.. they.. they don't.."
"exactly." he huffs, his hand moving from my hair to my neck, his fingers gripping my red, sweating skin. "so how should you behave when i fuck you?"
"but.. but it may be loud, mr. shelby.." i conteract, closing my eyes as his hard hits travel farther into my pussy, his balls slapping against my clit, which only increased my harsh stimulation. "i-i don't want to wake your family.."
thomas lifted his hand briefly to smack my ass, hard, earning a yelp from my lips. "does it look like i give a fuck what they think? i have the authority here, don't i? i can fuck you as i please, can't i?"
"y-yes.." i moan as his hand left my body stinging, nodding hastily. "you do, fuck, mr. shelby.."
he kept his motions at their highly aggressive rate, pounding my pussy and expecting the reactions i gave him, which were loud, visible moans and yells cued by his manipulation, as he fucked me so hard the room was full of our own created noise, and the sound of the bed frame creaking against the wooden wall, and the floorboards slightly screeching against the rapid movements.
i felt my own release building up, and with his thumb suddenly planting against my clit, i gasped, my climax releasing against his cock as he rode out his own high, filling my insides and thrusting momentarily before slowly pulling out.
he leaned forward to help flip me over, watching me catch my breath and straight my own out as he got himself dressed. he leaned down to grab my panties, then got on the floor to slide them up my legs, and adjust them against my hips before leaning forward, gently sticking his index finger past the cotton before slowly pushing it into my pussy, and sliding it out, licking it slowly before me as he stood up.
"we'll discuss plans for your father tomorrow, hm?" he asked casually, adjusting his shirt into his pants. "perhaps i'll take you shopping for some new dresses as well outside of birmingham?"
i nod, slowly sitting up on the bed. "uhm, yes, i'd.. i'd like that, mr. shelby."
"thomas." he says, leaning down to peck my lips. "no mr. shelby. you're a bit different than a business partner now, eh? we've bent the rules a little here."
i chuckle lighting, shaking my head. "i.. uh, suppose so, yeah.."
he holds my cheek lightly before walking towards the door and holding his hand against the knob. "goodnight." he opens the doors then, glancing to me.
"goodnight, thomas."
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shewrites444 · 2 months
OMG thank you so much for recommending my fic! i’m glad you liked it ♡
💜 cillian murphy fic recs (1) 💜
thomas shelby | robert fischer | jonathan crane | patricia 'kitten' braden
❤️ (fluff) 🔞 (smut) 🔥 (angst) 🩹 (hurt/comfort)
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🚬 Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
at the end of the day by @lis-likes-fics 🔞🔥
a man with a reputation by @kadwrites
girl dad (series) by @runnning-outof-time
fourth times the charm by @moral-terpitude
is it lightning that has me falling in love? (series) by @queenmaddsauthor
call me tommy by @acewritesfics
show me how you need me by @cillianhead
just another nightmare by @your-nanas-house
me time by @garrison-girl-08
nobody but her by @babybluebex
dada by @babybluebex
body worship by @mysaintkitten
frozen fear by @theonewiththefanfics
flipped (series) by @cillspropertea
afternoon shelby chaos (series) by @teenwolf-theoriginals
mr. giraffe
the boys
and her name is...
evening shelby chaos
happy birthday, my love
ava and rob
arranged by @shewrites444
mrs. shelby's birthday by @garrison-girl-08
jealous thomas by @padfootdaredmetoo
never tired of you @runnning-outof-time
bedtime stories by @runnning-outof-time
come to bed by @runnning-outof-time
request by @padfootdaredmetoo
lurking in the shadows by @pherelesytsia
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😴 Robert Fischer (Inception)
swollen boobs by @darlingsfandom
telling him you're pregnant by @babybluebex
morning sex by @mypoisonedvine
hurt/comfort trope by @babybluebex
are you asking me out? by @willaferrreyra
layover by @kiss-me-cill-me
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💉 Jonathan Crane (Batman Begins)
nsfw alphabet by @floralcyanide
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worry by @gh0stsp1d3r
age gap by @madlittlecriminal
closer by @floralcyanide
headcanons by @floralcyanide
crystal blue by @a-nemoiia
v.planifolia by @killmecillian
glowing by @acapelladitty
those little things by @mothhball
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👠 Patricia 'Kitten' Braden (Breakfast On Pluto)
cheri cheri lady (series) by @pictureinme
strap-ons by @pictureinme
reminiscence by @mysaintkitten
dolled up by @mysaintkitten
sweet dreams by @mysaintkitten
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lemon & lavender by @mypoisonedvine
blush by @mysaintkitten
little one by @pictureinme
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155 notes · View notes
shewrites444 · 3 months
unexpected - part 1 & 2 [ xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ i’m alive! i haven’t posted in ages and i’m terribly sorry. i’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and finally finished it up. it's a part 1 and 2 that just made sense to put in the same post. ]
word count - 5.5k
[ summary - the reader and xavier have despised each other for years, but when she discovers his unexpected attraction to her after being a bit too nosy, their dynamic takes a complete turn. ]
[ warnings - enemies to lovers, angst/jealousy, swearing, dirty talk, oral (f), unprotected sex, bit of degrading. ]
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁part 1 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
i was never a big fan of school dances, especially the kind where wednesday addams stole the show for wearing all black, despite that being typical of her, so i didn't really understand what the surprise was for. i had always been fairly close to enid, but when wednesday transfered to nevermore, our friendship diminished in some ways, but i wasn't drastically devastated or anything - i needed to focus on my education anyway. despite my new and improved academic achievements, enid managed to convince me to come to the r'aven, which i did solo, contrary to the norms at nevermore to never attend such a large event alone.
"she looks gorgeous, don't you think?" enid said next to me, a bit of excitement and pride in her voice as she clutched tighter on her glass of punch, watching the black haired girl walk in with tyler, a blank expression on her face.
i shrugged lightly, taking a sip of my drink as i leaned against the empty chair in front of me. "i mean, she's okay." i said plainly. i didn't even mean it out of jealousy or spite, i really didn't view wednesday to be as unique as she was painted to be by people like.. him, yeah, xavier thorpe.
i thought of xavier because as enid spoke in return to my dry comment, i saw the boy staring at wednesday with a bit of disgust, probably at her date, and also with himself. i would hope that was for being so obsessed with someone who never even returned his way-too-obvious feelings, but who was i to mindread?
i laughed lightly, nudging enid to look in xavier's direction, bianca's expression dropping to clear aggravation and jealousy as she watched her date's face. "why do you think she came with him when she probably knew he was going to react like this?"
enid shook her head, frowning a bit. "i don't think she thought about it like that at all. maybe she thought they would get back together."
"yeah, right." i set my glass down on the white table. "xavier has been mentally dick-riding wednesday since she got here. he wants what he can't have like most guys."
"then why doesn't he want you?" enid asked, giggling as she nudged me. i rolled my eyes and pushed her with my own shoulder.
i grin, looking over to her. "because he hates me so much he can't physically imagine fucking me. remember, he said that during our game of truth or dare last semester."
"oh, believe me, i'll never forget that." she takes a large sip from her cup, laughing through it. "i can't believe he said that in front of half the grade."
"i can." i smirk, taking her empty cup and grabbing my own off the table. "i'll be back with some more punch."
she nods and mouths a small "thank you" as i walk off, lightly pushing myself through the crowd of students and round tables, until i reach the trash can and the punch table that was next to it. i began to fill enid and i's new cups before i feel a tall, lanky, and, oh, deathly aggravating, presence next to mine.
i sigh, turning my body towards his as i look up at xavier thorpe. "upset about your public rejection?"
he rolls his eyes, grabbing a cup and beginning to fill his own after i step away from the bowl. "at least i have a date. i think you're the only person here who doesn't."
"maybe i'm untouchable." i tease, sipping from my cup and looking down at him while he shoots me a grossed out look as he leaned down to grab bianca a glass. "perhaps i stand out more than wednesday, but you'd probably say that was impossible. delusion does something to a person, i suppose."
he scoffed, leaning up straight and looking down at me, as if i appeared to be lesser than him. "you're a real asshole, [y/n]. you know that, right?"
i shrug, clearly unbothered by his comment. "it's my best trait."
walking back to enid, i can hear xavier's annoyed groan as he heads to the opposite side of the room to meet a very pissed off bianca. i pitied her, but at the same time, she agreed to go with xavier thorpe, so there wasn't much i could validate from that decision.
i noticed enid flirting with her date, so i set her drink down on the table and walked back towards the entry door, slipping through it silently and down the dark hallway that led to the dorms. everyone was occupied, and i didn't mind being left alone for a few minutes anyway. i was never a big fan of loud music, or parties, so it didn't suit me much there - i was mainly more of an emotional support for enid than anything. i didn't mind it much at all, but she was with her date, and i would never complain about some alone time on campus.
i slowly creaked open an empty classroom door, walking into the room full of desks and lab equipment. i quietly turned on the lamp aside the teacher's desk before sitting down. i reached into my pocket to grab a small bottle of vodka before pouring it into my drink. as i lifted it up to my lips, i hear a loud knock on the open door, making my eyes widen and avert to the glass bottle in my hands, which i quickly tossed into the trashcan before looking to who was at the door.
i rolled my eyes as i saw xavier, taking a gulp of the drink, which i quickly realized i needed for this interaction that was about to occur.
"what brings you here? did you think of any insults that pertained to something relevant?" i asked, turning the rolling chair towards him as i cross my ankles. "if so, i'm happy to hear what you've come up with this time."
"shockingly, i've come to ask if you wanted to drink with me, but i see you've already started by yourself." he says, leaning against the door frame, putting his hands in his pockets as he references the trashcan.
i gasp with heavy sarcasm. "me? drink with xavier thorpe?" i grin, standing up. "did bianca say no since you publicly humilated her by drooling over wednesday addams?"
he pursed his lips together as a red tint collected onto his pale cheeks. "no, i didn't ask. she's been ignoring me anyway tonight."
"can't blame her, i must have rubbed off on her." i say, handing him my drink as he very quickly took a sip. i blink a bit in surprise. "are you trying to get fucked up?"
"why would i not?" he said with a bit of a frustrated tone. "i'm not going to act like i don't feel bad for screwing over bianca like this. she fucked me over by using her powers when we were together, but i didn't really plan on being a dick to her tonight, it just happened."
"it just happened." i say in a low voice. "you really need to think things through before you say or do them, xavier thorpe. can't ask someone to go to a dance with you just because your first date ditched you. especially your ex."
he shook his head, handing me back the half-full cup. "what am i even doing talking to you about this shit? whatever." he said, turning to face the door. he seemed embarrassed. "see you."
i stare blankly at his confusing but unsurprising response. it seemed him opening up to me and me not giving him a sympathetic reaction pissed him off, but i don't really know what he was expecting from me in the first place. we hadn’t gotten along for years. truthfully, i couldn’t even pinpoint when our mutual disliking started, but it had always been around.
“you know, i may not be quite fond of you, xavier, but i’m here if you need brutal honesty.” i raise my tone as he walks off, leaving me with no response. i sigh, now a bit embarrassed with myself for displaying a small portion of kindness to him.
i turn around, finishing my drink off and tossing it in the trash before i walk down the hallway, opposite of the dance, back to my dorm room.
as i approach my room, i glance down to see a dorm key on the floor. my brows raise and i lean down, grabbing the metal and reading the side of it. my eyes widen when i see who’s it is. obviously, no other than xavier thorpe's.
“oh, shit.” i mutter.
i wouldn’t act like i wasn’t a nosy person, especially towards my nemesis - of course i’d be going to snoop in his room.
his dorm was a few down from my own. i quietly unlocked the wooden door, sliding myself through the cracked frame and gently shutting it behind me. flipping the dim lights on, i scanned the messy, yet also oddly organized bedroom. given that xavier thorpe was a strange person, at least to me, i very quickly found something interesting. his sketchbook.
i walk towards his desk, picking up the red journal and flipping through it, seeing well drawn pictures of different animals, instruments, nothing interesting.. until, the last few pages, which were not photos, but writing.
as much as she made my blood boil, her fierce personality grew on me, far more than i expected it to as the years went on. the hate i once possessed so deeply was altered into a deep, truly intolerable lust, one that i could never showcase to her, only myself, surrounded by my own walls and left to think of her alone, touching myself to-
my eyes widened and i shut the book, setting it slowly and quietly on the desk, exactly into its original place. good god, who the fuck was xavier writing a-list fanfiction about?
i bit my bottom lip, shaking my head as i glanced back down at the sketchbook. no, i couldn’t keep reading it. as much as i loathed him, this was personal. i would be drastically upset if someone read information of mine so private. it was like my hand was unconsciously gravitating towards the book anyway.
“i’m such an asshole.” i muttered to myself, opening the pages again, and back to where i left off.
her dominant words, her demands for me to fuck her in such an intimate, yet so dirty way that it was almost unimaginable. my body on top of her own, her arms wrapped around my drenched skin as i pushed myself inside of her warm, tight walls, walls that held me inside and possessed me as her own. [y/n]-
“oh, fucking hell..” i whispered with shock, now slamming the book shut and setting it back in place immediately after reading my name in the following sentence.
it was partially horrifying, but also oddly compelling that xavier thorpe, the same person who would probably stomp on my grave, was writing detailed scenarios of us fucking in his spare time. genuinely, i couldn’t wrap my head around it, but i didn’t have much time to regardless, as i noticed on his alarm clock that it was reaching close to midnight, and the r’aven would be over soon.
i turn the lamp off, the room shading itself into darkness immediately, as i walk to the door. my hand reaches to open it, and it instead comes towards me as xavier walks in. my eyes widen in fear, and i freeze up, the key in my hand as xavier flips the lights on, and stares at me, shocked and more confused than anything.
“you.. you took my spare key?” he asked, shutting the door and leaning against it, crossing his arms.
i shake my head, handing it back to him. “no, i found it on the floor.”
“so, you came to my room, rather than give it to me when you found it.” he said, following my explanation. “trying to rob me of everything i’ve got?” he gestures to his closet. “about the most expensive thing i’ve got is a pair of nikes, so have at it.”
i roll my eyes, my face a heated pink, so much so that i could feel it burning on my cheeks. “no, that wasn’t the plan. more curiosity than anything. truthfully, i just wanted to snoop around.”
it seemed the idea of his sketchbook didn’t even cross his mind. “oh? to find what?”
“well, i found some written porn.” i say quite boldly, looking up at him. “on someone very unexpected, actually.”
i watched his expression drop, and he shook his head in what seemed to be more disbelief than anything. it quickly shaped itself into anger, and some embarrassment. “you read my fucking journal?”
“i didn’t mean to.” i cut him off before he could speak any further. “it’s not like i wanted to voluntarily read that.”
“f-fuck..!” he yells, covering his face in embarrassment, the key slipping out of his palm and onto the wooden floor. “oh, god, you’ve got to leave, [y/n]. please leave.”
“will do.” i sigh, awkwardly nodding, and noticing his shaken up stance. “but you are sort of blocking my exit.”
he moves out of the way as i speak, probably the fastest i’ve seen him move in his life. i walk towards the door, reaching to open it, before i stop. i glance up at him.
“can i ask you what provoked such writing about myself before i go? does my hateful nature turn you on? i didn’t mean it to be that way.”
he shook his head, sighing. he looked up, unable to meet our eyes. he bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. “no, i.. i..” he sighed heavily. “you’re unattainable. someone i can’t ever imagine doing such things with for so many different reasons.”
“well, you clearly can’t get with wednesday either but i didn’t see pages of sexual encounters written about her.”
he steps back, shaking his head once again at my comment. “you’re completely different people, [y/n]. it’s not the same.”
“what’s so different?” i ask, now a bit intrigued by the conversation. i lean against the doorframe. “i’m genuinely curious.”
he finally looked at me, his mouth hung open as he stared at me for a moment. “the difference is you’re the only person i’ve ever wanted to fuck but deeply despise at the same time. it confuses me, and i.. i know it’s so weird, but writing about it was the only way i could… uh, process it, i guess.”
oh, god. his words pierced my core. not in the violent, gorish way i’d prefer them to, but rather a more sexual fashion that created a massive disruption in me. the forming wetness between my legs unsettled me.
“you’re right, it’s time for me to go.” i nod, opening the door as i spoke. “goodnight.”
i walk down the hallway, staring at the floor the entire time until i get to my dorm. i could hear him hesitate before shutting his door after he registered the conversation was over.
i shut the door behind me, quickly taking off my dress and setting it on my desk before getting into my bed, bare aside from my underwear, which i was starting to slide off hastily and dropped to the floor. he wouldn’t know of this. he wouldn’t know i wanted it, too, as strange as that seemed to me. it was something i needed to now keep to myself, just as he did previously. this was it, no more than this. one time touching myself to that asshole. one time.
the sensation was so fresh, so hard to grasp that i felt a sense of euphoria wash over my heated body as i closed my eyes, running my fingers down my stomach and to the slit between my legs, sinking myself into the imaginative state i was in as i ran scenarios through my head, consisting of the most unexpected person they could withhold.
one time. i thought again. one time.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ part 2 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
as expected, xavier and i's feud was drastically dialed down after that night. the classes we did have together that we used to bicker in were now silent, which was a weird feeling, but not as weird as what happened last weekend. i tried to black it all out of my head, and i was correct about touching myself to xavier thorpe being a one time affair. at least i held myself accountable for my singular mistake, and didn't make it some sort of off-putting habit.
xavier, on the other hand, seems clearly disturbed by our now lessening exchange of words, even if it was a simple insult shot across biology being absent. i could visibly see it on his face when i walked into the room, his eyes darting down to his textbook, and his lips pursed together in what i would assume to still be fresh embarrassment. i felt bad for him in more ways than one, i would admit. it was his personal thoughts, and i did invade them, but also cut off any further explanation he was going to give me that night.
cutting me out of those overbearing thoughts was the bell for last period, the students at my table scrambling their books into their hands as they rushed out of english. i sighed, slowly standing up and beginning to pack my bookbag. i didn't have any classes for the rest of the day, so it was time for me to head back to my dorm and start working on the paper we just discussed for the past hour and a half that i blacked out of.
"can we talk?" i hear faintly from the side of my desk. i look up to lock eyes with xavier, and my face immediately reddens. i press my lips together and breath lightly out of my nose as i think of how to even respond to his sudden question and frankly, startling presence.
"i don't think you're a creep, if that's what you're wanting to talk to me about." i say honestly, slinging my backpack across my shoulder. "i do think this obviously has created much tension between the two of us that will probably never fade out because of how substantial the situation is, but i think it's for the best, regardless. the semester is almost over an-"
xavier sighs and shakes his head. "no, not that - i mean, i, i agree with that, but i just wanted to explain myself. i don't want the last conversation we ever have to be what we had last weekend."
"understandable." i return. "so, uhm, you can come to my dorm if you'd prefer? this doesn't seem like something appropriate to discuss in the commons. but try to walk a few feet behind me so no one sees us together. bad for our image of hate towards one another."
he sounded relieved that i agreed to talk to him, and let out a small chuckle at my demand. he follows me to my room, with distance as directed, and comes in shortly after i do. i set my room key on my desk before gesturing for him to sit on my bed, and i sit against the headboard, facing him while he awkwardly positioned himself at the end of the mattress.
he cleared his throat, resting his nervous hands on his thighs as he looked at the ground. "i just wanted to apologize. i know that made you uncomfortable, and believe me, it made me pretty uncomfortable writing what i did, but at the same time, it's just how i get my words out. i.. i am really sorry if i violated you in a way. i didn't mean for you to ever see that, and i obviously didn't show it to anyone else. i burned it all last weekend so that it's gone and no one will ever see it but me and you."
i blink in surprise at how adamant he was about getting rid of the evidence he probably spent a lot of time writing. i nod, leaning down as i sink into my propped up pillows. "it's okay, i don't feel that you did that to make me feel weird. you obviously never expected me to see it, and i'm sorry for violating your privacy in the first place. i appreciate you getting rid of it."
he gave me a soft, but still uncomfortable smile. "so.. so we're good?"
"sure." i shrug, sitting up as i felt the conversation beginning to wrap up. "back to mortal enemies? or would you prefer strangers?"
he looked caught off guard by my question, his eyebrow raising at my words. "is there an option that combines the two of them in some way?"
"eh." i cross my legs and lean forward as i speak. "perhaps."
i hear the rain begin to beat against my bedroom window, the sky diming to accompany the sudden thunderstorm, then look to xavier in response. "you better go if you want to make it back to your dorm without getting drenched."
"yeah, you're right." he nods, clearing his throat uncomfortably before standing up. he looks to me, watching as i stand up in return. "well, i'm glad everything is okay."
i nod silently, the two of us staring at each other, unable to process a proper way to say goodbye. i mean, how could we with the conversation we just had?
"uh, me too." i cross my arms and shake my head out of the eye contact, looking up to him. "i'll see you tomorrow in biology?"
"yeah." he nods, turning towards the door to walk himself out.
"oh, here." i walk in front of him to grab my key. "i need to unlock the-"
"can i kiss you [y/n]?"
my cheeks redden and i set the key down, turning to face him. i blink in disbelief. "kiss me?"
"i'm sorry, that was a heat of the moment thing, i didn't mean to make this weird ag-"
"no, it's fine." i walk towards him as i cut his stammering words off, leaning up to take his head into my hands and pull him down to my height, pressing his warm lips against my own. he hastily wrapped his arms around my waist, our bodies gravitating to my bed as i push my weight onto his thin, light build, climbing on top of him and moaning lightly into his mouth as i ran my fingers through his long strands of straight hair.
while there was no rush to this sudden circumstance, we were kissing like we were on a time crunch, hands running down each other's clothed bodies and very quickly taking them off. xavier begins to unbutton my school shirt, the nude colored bra that laid behind it exposed to his eyes, which were visibly glued to my chest as he undressed me. i unbuckled his belt in the process, looking down at him while he moved his head closer to my chest, trailing kisses down my heated flesh and lightly brushing my bra out of the way for a moment as his lips kissed my nipple, tongue circling the stimulated bud which only earned a moan from my lips, xavier's body twitching against my own while my pleasure transferred into his own.
i reach down between us to slide my hand into his pants, a bit slowly to make sure he was okay with it, which he very quickly signaled by lightly bucking his hips towards me in return. my hand was met with his erection, straining in his khakis as i jerked it off, moans escaping from his pink lips and vibrating onto my chest which was starting to cover in light hickies and salvia.
he breaks himself away, forcing my body onto the mattress and my hand out of his pants, his own build getting off of me and onto the floor, his knees against the hardwood while he pulled down my skirt, and my underwear, my face dark red as i was nearly naked before him, nothing but my lopsided bra and half buttoned shirt.
"you don't understand how long i've wanted to taste you." he says through a low, seductive yet needy tone of voice. "i've wanted you in my mouth for what feels like ages." he leans down, taking both my thighs into his hands and pulling my bottom up and towards the end of the bed to reach him.
i was speechless, sitting up and staring down at xavier while he began to trail wet kisses into my inner thighs, his mouth soon reaching my pussy and beginning to lick the outside with great tease. i gasped at just his most gentle touch, one hand holding my body propped up as the other reached down to cup the side of his left cheek. he looked up at me, watching as i gave him a small nod to go further.
his tongue attacked my clit, sucking on the bud and my wet skin while one of his hands snaked between my thighs, gently pushing two fingers into my slit, stimulating my body through more ways than i imagined he would so soon. i moaned, closing my eyes and immersing myself into the moment, finding it still hard to believe that his head was between my thighs now when i would've laughed at the thought of this a few days ago.
watching xavier eat me out was so attractive, i almost couldn't comprehend what him fucking me would feel like. he knew what he was doing, holding our eyes as he pushed his fingers inside me, his touch sucking against my clit and twirling around in circles to tease me further, sparks sending themselves to my hot core. it felt never-ending, in a good way, of course, the way he was able to make me feel. the way he made me want him after all this time hating each other was insane. it was rather impressive more than anything.
i leaned forward, watching him pull his lips away from my middle and to my lips, the taste of my own pleasure now against my mouth, his tongue pushing forward and clashing against my own. with his fingers still in me, he adjusted our position, now on his knees in the bed and hovering a bit above me, watching as my mouth hung open at his touch, the feeling of another finger slipping into my tight walls. i could feel myself wrapping around him, which he visibly took note of, as the expression on his face shaped into a smirk, almost like he was proud of himself for the way i reacted to his strengthening touch.
"i've got to stretch you out if you want me to be inside you." he remarks, leaning down to kiss me between the sinful noises that left my lips. "you want me to fuck you like i hate you?"
"shouldn't be a hard thing to do." i grin, pecking his lips, gasping as he curls his fingers inside me at my response.
xavier pulled his wet fingers out, slapping them against pussy as i arch my body in response to the intense touch, my eyes widening as i look at him in surprise. he could only chuckle, standing up and taking his pants and boxers off, his hard length pointing itself towards me as he steps closer again, knees on the mattress and cock aligned with me. he wasn't lying - he was quite long, as i could have imagined by his height and lanky build, but he was thick, too. he was much more than i imagined he was, but i wasn't complaining.
he leaned closer, helping adjust my body to where my feet were now resting on his bare shoulders, spread wide as he pushed inside me, my eyes shutting and mouth opening at the feeling of him slowly pushing inside my body. good god, he hurt, but at the same time, he felt so fucking good.
he held me by my ankles, his hair moving with his rhythm as he kept a slow, intimate pace, watching as my breasts moved with his thrusts, briefly, until he pulled out. i blinked, confused. "is everything okay?"
"you want me to fuck you like i hate you, right, [y/n]?" he asks flatly, his hand running down his cock, before nudging me to flip over.
my cheeks redden and i shake my head. "i would think you'd want to see my expression when doing so."
"who said i wasn't?" he grinned, grabbing me by the hips and tossing me over, pressing his hand on my stomach to arch back before pushing himself back inside.
i gasped, unable to react as he grabbed my face, guiding it towards him and leaning down to where we were able to meet eyes, my hair fallen in front of my face, which he adjusted to fit behind my ears. i could see it in his eyes that he wanted to watch my expression in every way while he pumped his cock inside me, stroke after stroke causing me to moan, my vision clouding with the harder he held my face, the harder he fucked me and made my legs nearly melt at his rough touch.
"you're so fucking beautiful," he coos, placing a rough, wet kiss against my lips. "so fucking beautiful when you take me inside you, i can feel you tightening against me, [y/n]. i didn't think you'd want me around you much longer, but look at you."
"shut the fuck up." i say through pitiful moans, my hands holding the bedsheets as he talked. "you're not always going to have the upper hand."
he scoffed, picking up his pace, pecking my cheek before leaning up, his hand moving to hold the back of my neck while his thrusts only grew strong from his new position.
"says the girl who's letting me fuck her from behind with her ass propped up for my bare cock." he smirked as he heard me groan in annoyance. "you can tell me you like it, no shame in it."
i roll my eyes, now trying to hold my tongue. i figured this wasn't the time or place to cuss out the same person who was actively pounding me with his cock. "just shut up, xavier."
he leaned down to kiss my cheek quickly, his lips leveling to my ear. "i think you know me well enough to know i'm not going to."
he lifted himself back up, holding my ass as he guided me back and forth, the sounds of our wet skin slapping together while i enveloped his cock inside me, the stimulation far too great to not earn us both a very quickly approaching orgasm.
i felt him moan lightly from behind me, our voices, and bodies, and noises, sync together while the room seemed to grow hotter and far too much for either of us to handle, until we both finished, xavier staying in me for a moment before slowly pulling out, his cum leaking lightly between my shaking, red legs as i laid down on my back.
he laid down aside me, reaching over to undo my top completely and help guide my bra off, leaving the two of us now completely naked, lathered in our own, and each other's, sweat. i felt him wrap his arms around me and i rolled my eyes, lightly trying to nudge him off me.
"you're sweaty." i say, watching him laugh at my remark. "what's so funny?"
he stopped me from my squirming, taking my hand into his own and wrapping his arm around my waist. "you'll never be quiet, will you, [y/n]?"
i shake my head, my expression lightening as i look up to him. "i'm not the one who was begging to taste the other. remind me who was on their knees earlier?"
"i hate you." he playfully nudges me, pulling me closer. he sighed, and look up at the wood ceiling, his tone dialing down as he pursed his lips together.
"you know, you physically feel good, but this felt good, too." he gestures to the two of us, which i only blushed in response at.
"xavier thorpe, are you admitting you've peaked an interest in me?" i tease, squeezing his hand in response.
he rolled his eyes, shrugging softly. "maybe so, but no worries, i'll still follow a few feet behind you in the hallway."
"look at you, already listening. guess i really do have the upper hand in this, don't i?" i sit up, watching as he followed my actions. i reach over to hold him by his face, kissing him once again.
he chuckled, holding me by the back of my head as he returned the kiss. he raised his eyebrow, a bit of reflection on his face from what just happened. “why the sudden change of heart towards me?”
“i don’t know.” i shrug, looking from his lips to his eyes. “i guess we’ll have to see how this unfolds over time.”
“i guess so.” he grinned, kissing me once again. “no worries, ill still make sure to embarrass you in some way on monday in biology.”
“you wouldn’t dare.” i smirk, lightly nudging him onto his back as i climb on top of him. “good luck, xavier thorpe.” i begin to trail kisses down his neck, his arms once again wrapping around my waist.
“words of good luck from the enemy? today’s full of surprises.” he teases before sliding his hand between us.
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shewrites444 · 6 months
earned it part 2 [thomas shelby x mafia reader smut]
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[ apologizes for not posting in what seems like ages. i've been working and in school so i haven't had much time, but here is a continuation of one of my old thomas shelby imagines i managed to finish up. i loved this trope so much i needed to write a part 2. check out part 1 here ]
word count - 2.3k
[ summary - following the events of part 1, the reader abruptly meets with the peaky blinders at the races to discuss their unfinished deal. thomas takes note of her unkind, frustrated nature, and intends to loosen her up. ]
[ warnings - dirty talk, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex ]
the front door was opened for me by one of my guards, the ballroom guests granting me several admirable stares and nods, but nonetheless, eyes still coated with fear, given everyone in the room knew who i was. if not, they were about to.
i sigh, reaching into my purse and pulling out a small revolver and holding it towards the crowd.
"i don't plan on shooting any of you, i don't even know you." i begin, hearing the doors shut behind me. "i'm just making a point. i need someone to direct me towards the peaky blinders."
a shorter, scruffy man, who seemed to be the ballroom assistant, walked towards me with his hands up, gesturing me to follow him to another room, down a long hallway, to a shut, windowless door on the right. he opened it for me as i flag off my men to stand outside.
the door opens to a view of thomas and his two brothers, smoking cigars with three glasses of whiskey on the table and a bottle closest to the one brother with the thicker mustache, who i assumed was the oldest, given his drunken look and far more aged face. the three of them look to me, thomas displaying a bit of confusion, while the others smirk, the oldest nudging the other.
"i didn't know they sent us up a whore, johnny boy!" the oldest chuckled, setting down his cigar. "she's a pretty looking one, too. i didn't know italians worked around this area."
thomas coughed to stop his brother from speaking any further. "this is [y/n] [y/l/n], arthur. leader of the sicilian mob. please, have a seat, [y/n]."
i grin, looking to his brothers as their faces redden with embarrassment, their laughter stopping in quite literally, half a second. i sit next to thomas, taking a cigarette and letting him light it. i sigh, looking to his brothers.
"nice to meet the two of you." i say, setting my purse on the table. "i am armed, so i don't mind shooting either of you if you call me a whore one more time."
thomas chuckles, glancing down to look at me, up and down, observing the silk red dress and the black coat that complemented it. he took a sip of his drink. "to what do we all owe the pleasure, miss [y/n]?"
"i think you're a bit late on our agreement, mr. shelby." i look up to him with a serious face. "i wanted you to talk to those men, get them to my state, and it all goes away, hm? that would make life so much easier for our families, wouldn't it? if you did your job. i can't do mine until you finish yours, you know."
he smirks, putting out his cigar. "i think we could discuss this later, don't you think? my brothers and i are sorting through completely different business at the moment."
"well, it seems to me that business was waiting for a woman to suck off each of you. at least, that was their business." i stand up, grabbing thomas's half full glass and sip it nearly full, setting it back down and grabbing my purse. "i would say it's been a pleasure, thomas and thomas's brothers, but it has not. have fun at the races."
i open the door and walk out, back towards the ballroom. arthur immediately looks to tommy, shaking his head and nudging john on the side, the two of them cracking up with drunken laughter.
"you fucked her, didn't you?" arthur leans back, watching tommy look down with a flushed grin. "i'm impressed. i didn't think mob bosses went for peaky fucking blinders. i've got to find myself one now, eh?"
thomas chuckled, glancing down at his empty glass and tapping his ring softly against it. “good luck with that, arthur. last thing she’d want is you.” he stood up, filling his glass before getting out of the booth. he held it up to his brothers. “i’ll be back, boys. business.”
arthur and john laugh, gesturing their glasses back towards thomas before he shut the door. thomas sipped down the whiskey as he walked down the hallways, his eyes darting around the room to search for myself, unknowingly aware that i was in the bathroom fixing the pins in my hair.
it seemed he must’ve talked to one of my guards because the door was soon knocked on and opened before i could even respond. i glance over to thomas, rolling my eyes as he leans against the frame with a smirk. i tuck my hair behind my ears, facing him with a blank expression.
“you are aware i came here for business and business only, mr. shelby. i didn’t mean to interrupt you and your brothers, or accidentally share more information than what was given to your family beforehand, but this needs to be taken care of soon.”
he smiled at me, never breaking eye contact during my words. he gestured his glass towards me before taking a sip. “i hear you loud and clear, miss [y/n], but you’re not the only person i have agreements with, eh? i’m a pretty busy man.”
“and i’m a pretty busy woman, mr. shelby. you’ve mentioned it yourself, in our previous encounter, that i was quite a powerful, driven woman, hm? i’ve got other deals to fulfill other than ours, but i can’t do much until you’ve done your part.”
he walked closer to me, his free hand locking the door behind him. he set the glass on the bathroom counter, stepping close enough to corner me into the countertop. i sigh through my nose, crossing my arms. “just do your job, mr. shel-”
“i will.” he interrupts, leaning down to cup both my cheeks, lifting my face up to lock our eyes. “why don’t you let me do something else for you in the meantime, eh?“
i take his hands and pull them off my face, shaking my head and step to the right towards the door. “i told you i came here for business.”
thomas snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me back towards the counter, his grip still soft enough for me to pull away if i wanted to, but i didn’t, feeling him press me against the counter. he leaned down to kiss me gently, which i returned, feeling his hands slide my coat off in the process of it all.
i reach down to unbuckle his belt, then unbutton his pants, sliding my hand down his boxers and onto his forming erection, lightly stroking his cock while he reached behind me to unzip my dress. he slides it off my shoulders and it falls to the floor. i step out of it and scoot it to the side, now left in nothing but my underwear.
he broke the kiss, looking down to my nearly nude figure as he wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and sitting me on the cold countertop. he slipped off his jacket, unbuttoned his white dress shirt, and removed his pants, until he too was left in his underwear.
to my surprise, he leaned down, onto his knees, beginning to kiss my lower thighs, trailing his lips towards my inner thighs, softly licking and kissing and biting my sensitive flesh, until he was inches away from my already wet pussy, which was already visibly coating my white underwear.
“you know, i can’t seem to get the taste of you out my mouth, miss [y/n].” he began, reaching his right hand up to push my underwear to the side. “spread your legs for me, won’t you, love?”
my cheeks redden my stomach tightens and i begin to do so, but hesitated after a moment. it seemed this would be more entertaining and worth while if i presented him with a challenge. “what makes you think i enjoyed it the last time?” i smirk, looking down at thomas. “or better yet, what makes you think you deserve it?”
he chuckles, leaning up to face me again, eye level, and kisses me again, his hands holding me by the shoulders. “oh, is that so? just imagine how i’m going to talk to you when you’re on your knees before me, miss [y/n]. you’re going to be begging me to touch you.”
thomas takes me off the counter and gestures for me to get on the floor, which i do after a few seconds, watching him pull his underwear down, exposing his large erection, my face going red as i look up to him nervously.
“no touching you until i cum, so go on ahead.”
i lean closer, opening my mouth wide and sliding him inside and i begin to suck him off, looking up to lock eyes while i pump his cock with my right hand, which quickly collected spit from my mouth. i feel his hand hold the back of my head, pushing me towards him as his cock shoves itself down my throat, making me gag unexpectedly, while he thrusted himself towards me.
he pushes himself deeper down my throat, and i blink, stimulated tears rolling down my wet cheeks as he throat fucks me, my own pathetic gargles and gags weakly muffled through his cock. he smirks as we lock eyes once again, his balls slapping against my chin as he continues, his free hand reaching down to wipe the tears.
“you want to act like you’re so deserving and so authoritative, miss [y/n], but you’ll let me shove my cock down your throat in a minute.” he chuckles, no break in his rhythm. “you’re gonna swallow every last bit of me, eh? well, you don’t really have a choice with my cock so deep inside your mouth anyway.”
he releases his orgasm down my throat, pumping himself through it as he swallow every last drop. upon pulling himself out of me, i gasp, regaining air and weakly standing up with his help. he leaves no time to waste, kissing me passionately and quickly turning me around, pressing me against the countertop and angling my body towards him, pushing his cock into my folds after coating it with my wetness.
i moan loudly, feeling him reenter my warmth, and it feels just as good, if not better, than the last time. he reaches his hand over to play with my clit, which only causes me to arch my body more towards him, sinking him deeper into my pussy. i glance over into the mirror, his face resting aside me own on my shoulder, locking our eyes through the glass.
he presses a kiss against my cheek and snakes his other arm around my waist, pushing himself deeper inside of me, earning a gasp from my wet lips. he grins at my response, leaning my body up a bit to where i could see below my waist. the mirror that sat on the countertop was tall and long, providing me with a view of thomas’s cock thrusting in and out of me, along with his fingers as they played with my already swollen and overstimulated clit. i stare, my whimpers coating the the room while thomas groaned, fucking me so hard that i could feel the tip of his cock in what felt like my lower stomach.
“i-i wanna watch you cum inside me, thomas. i wanna feel you inside of me.” i moan, my hands holding the edges of the counter. “please fill me up, fuck, please!”
he nodded more to himself, looking me in the eyes through the glass once more as he held me tighter, fucked me harder, and moved his index finger on my clit though a circular motion, the two of us reaching our orgasms soon in harmony, his filling up my insides within seconds of release. he slowly pulled out of me, my own wetness coating his cock and small remains of his cum dripping from my pussy, down my thighs.
i watch him grab a towel from the rack to the side of the toilet, wiping my cheeks and my mouth and then wiping off his cock. he handed it to me to wipe off my pussy, and i then tossed it into a basket of towels aside the rack.
“begging to finish inside of you now, eh? seems someone is losing up their high nature, miss [y/n].” thomas teases as he begins to get dressed.
i shake my head, biting my lower lip as i do the same, slipping on my dress and turning around for him to zip it up. “let’s pretend i didn’t ask you to do that, if you’re going to rub it in my face, mr. shelby.”
he leans down to hand me my coat, reaching into his pocket and grabbing a cigarette, gesturing it towards me and then lighting it for me. he begins to smoke as well, opening the door for me to leave first.
“perhaps the next time i’ll be the one on my knees, if i deserve it, hm?” he jokes, looking down at me with a smirk as i scoff, rolling my eyes.
“i wasn’t lying about that, mr. shelby. you want to taste me so bad, i’ll be the one fucking you like a whore, but that is an act i don’t think a man like you is quite ready for.”
he shakes his head, now upon reaching the room his brothers were still in. he takes my hand and kisses it lightly, his other hand on the doorknob. “i’ll finish my side of the deal this week, miss [y/n]. next meeting of ours, i’ll be ready to see what you have in store for me. i’ll see you then.”
“if you say so.” i grin, winking before i turn the other way and walk back towards the bathroom where my guards stood. i wipe my mouth and hold my head high as i walk down the stairs and towards the doors of the building.
i wasn't someone to give up authority so easily, but thomas shelby was something and someone else. i couldn't even imagine how our next meeting would be after our deal concluded, but whatever it entailed had to involve me having the upper hand.
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shewrites444 · 11 months
earned it [thomas shelby x mafia/dominant reader smut]
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word count - 3k
[ summary - the reader, the current head of the sicilian mob, meets with thomas shelby to discuss an issue that intervenes with both of their organizations. despite their mutual disliking for one another, thomas takes an interest to the business woman before him, and doesn’t seem to realize how powerful she may be. ]
[ warnings - mentions of violence, strong cursing, dirty talk, dominant female, oral (f & m), praise kink, unprotected sex ]
“and if we get ‘rid’ of him and his members, how are we going to go about that?” thomas shelby asked me from across the obnoxiously long dining table, lighting a cigarette and sinking into his chair.
i shrug nonchalantly, resting my arms against the table as i chew the steak his supposed aunt polly cooked for us. we’d be discussing this matter for so long my food was starting to get cold.
“we can handle that, all i ask is for you and your family to do the talking. get them out of birmingham and into italy. i know it’s a far stretch, but we can make it work. when someone is offered a lot of money, they’ll travel. the last thing their organization wants is no protection. i think they’d trust the mob’s word over a group of drunken, horse-betting brothers.”
thomas scoffed, moderately offended but also carrying a tone of impressment, taking a sip of his whiskey and gesturing the glass towards me. “you italians have a mouth on you, eh? you crawl around europe like the coppers, thinking you own the cities, only you’re not afraid to take out your guns, hm, mrs. [y/n].”
“i’m not married.” i mutter, once again taking the steak knife in my hand as i begin to cut the tender meat.
he quirked his brow, setting his glass down. “my mistake. i assumed that a woman who ran one of the most dangerous gangs in italy was wedded. i should’ve looked at your ring finger before i commented, miss [y/n].”
“we’re not here to discuss my marriage status, mr. shelby. this group of communists pose a real threat to both of our families. i can get back in my carriage right now and send my men in here to shoot you in the fucking head for all i care, if you don’t cooperate, or we can get back to information that actually matters, and your life goes on.” i look him in the eyes, a blank expression on my face.
he stood up, walking over to the bar cart and pouring himself more whiskey, taking another glass and filling it with a new bottle of red wine after popping the cork. he set it beside my plate, pulling out the chair next to me and sitting down.
“you can get pissed off all you want, dear, but i’m the one with a gun in my pocket. i could kill you, and your men, in a matter of seconds, so don’t think your words even draw a nick of blood on me.” he threatened, sipping his drink, enough to nearly empty the glass. “we can agree to disagree all night, or you can change your temper and we can figure out a neutral solution for the both of us.”
i chew my steak, watching him speak with a smirk on my redly tainted lips. i take the glass of wine and drink it slowly. “you are quite charming, mr. shelby. it almost offends me that you think i walked into your home unarmed, too.” i take my napkin and dab it on my lips before standing up, dusting off my black dress. “do as i say, and get them to italy. we can discuss the specifics after you speak to their leader. walk me to my carriage, won’t you?”
thomas stands up, pushing both of our chairs in before walking me to the back doorway, his whiskey glass still in hand, only a few ice cubes left inside and not even a shot’s worth of alcohol. i glance down at the purse in my hand, looking through to find my lipstick, confused if i had dropped it when i stood up from the table. i sigh, looking up to the peaky blinder who stood before me as he opened the door for me.
“give me one minute, i think i dropped my lipstick by my chair.” i set my purse down on the table aside their coat rack and walk back to the dining room, hearing his footsteps trail behind as he followed.
i lean down, seeing the lipstick on the floor and pick it up, turning around to bump into thomas, our faces not even two inches apart as he lightly pushed me against the table.
i roll my eyes, both hands planting against his chest and pushing him off. “i don’t think me saying i was unmarried was a suggestion, mr. shelby. not every woman becomes a whore when you have them over for dinner.”
“do you ever freely sleep around, miss [y/n]?” thomas asks, looking down to meet my eyes, then averting to my lips. “surely, a woman like you, can get whoever she wants. you run apart of the bloody world, for what it’s worth. do you ever fuck anyone on your level? someone as powerful as you are?”
“that’s none of your concern.” i say, glancing down at the light erection that was intruding his black slacks. “although, i definitely don’t fuck men that rudely come onto me when i make it clear i came over for strictly business.”
he grinned, one of his hands gently sliding onto my back, the other setting the glass on the table, one ice cube sliding onto his fingertips. he pressed it against my collarbone, sliding it down my skin softly.
“oh, but you definitely do. i think this says otherwise, don’t you think?” thomas tilts his head teasingly, gesturing to my hardening nipples as they protruded my dress.
i blush, shaking my head in disbelief. “you have a cold substance near my chest, that’s a natural reaction.”
“it’s not even near them, dear. i’m still pressing on your shoulder. it’s not a bad thing to admit you like this, miss [y/n].” he slides the ice cube further down my chest, his pinkie pushing my dress back, the v-neck fabric tucking itself underneath my right breast through his manipulation. he slid the substance over my nipple, causing me to sigh heavily. he couldn’t help but grin at my reaction.
thomas leaned down, dropping the ice cube back into the glass and licking my erect nipple, sucking lightly on the bud before pushing me against the table and sitting me down. i moan softly, looking up at the ceiling, my body now in a heat at his teasing touch.
“i think you choose not to fuck. from what it seems like, it may be a distraction for you. you’re a busy woman. perhaps there is no time for any sort of play.” thomas says, reaching over to expose my other breast. “you really don’t let anyone in, even physically. you and i, miss [y/n], are probably more alike than you realize.”
“don’t even try convincing me of that. i know you fuck, mr. shelby.”
“oh, really? you know that, how? because of how wet i already have you?” he asks, reaching his hand down and into my knee-length dress, pressing his fingers against my warm panties.
i hold my mouth shut, breathing heavily through my nose as he pushes the fabric to the side, lightly tracing his fingers against my wet folds.
“a woman like you wouldn’t like to be fucked like a whore, though. you expect much more than that. you’d like to be praised, as if you were a crown jewel in terms of your status. you’re someone who is clearly unfazed by most men, i can see that. you don’t give a fuck about them unless they worship you.”
“do you think you could possibly do that, mr. shelby? worship a woman?”
“not just any woman, no.” he begins, reaching his arm across my waist, snaking it around me to pull me up and into his chest, where he held me up and guided me to the bedroom next to the dining room. “it takes someone who knows who they are and what they can do to make me feel like they even deserve that type of treatment.”
he helped pull my dress off, leaving me in only my panties as he set me on the bed. i chose to oblige, partially due to the pleasure he was sinking me into, but also because i found it interesting he thought he would even have full control over the situation. thomas was right about me choosing to not fuck, but that didn't mean i fell at the feet of a man who knew what he was doing. thomas shelby was a powerful man, sure, but he could never climb the ladder high enough to reach my level.
“but you, you know what you can do. you do what has to be done, miss [y/n]. you threatened to put a gun to my head, what kind of woman does that? a fucking powerful one.” thomas nearly moans at his own words, leaning down to kiss me before he began to undress.
i return the kiss, my legs still shut, as thomas began to unbutton his shirt, glancing down at my waiting body. he undressed himself fully, standing naked before me as he climbed into the bed and leaned down on his knees, sliding off my underwear and tossing them to the floor.
he hovered above me, planting a passionate kiss against my lips, leaving red residue from my lipstick on his own lips while he slid his tongue into my mouth. i feel his fingers slide inside of me, my legs spreading in reaction as he began to finger me. his lips trailed from my neck to my breasts, sucking my nipples back and forth as he pumped his fingers in and out of my pussy.
i close my eyes, my mouth hung open as i moan in pleasure from his touch. i could feel his eyes on me, watching nothing but my expression. the mental part of me hated giving into thomas shelby’s advances, but the physical side of me could care less. he knew what he was doing, it seemed like, but frankly, so did i.
“oh, you’re so fucking wet, love. you’re practically dripping onto my fingers, onto my bed..” thomas cooes, pulling himself out of me and into his mouth, licking my juices. “and you taste just as good as i imagined. how did i get so lucky to touch you?”
i lightly sit up, leaning over to pull him back into a kiss as i climb off the bed, thomas now sitting at the edge. i get on my knees and take his cock into my hand, spitting on his tip and beginning to lick his cock, up and down, pressing light kisses against his skin as he watched, his expression showing nothing but lust, as he grinned from cheek to cheek at my actions.
“fuck,” he mutters, resting his hands on the bed. “you look beautiful when you play with my cock, love.” he moans as i slide him into my mouth and down my throat, still looking up to meet his eyes. he reaches over to hold my chin in one hand, gently guiding my head up and down. “that’s it, please keep taking my cock. you’re so pretty when you do so, love. i can’t wait to fuck you, you’ve got me nearly finishing at the thought of it.”
i pump him inside of my throat, feeling his orgasm nearly reach the surface as he groans at the build up of it all. i pull away, taking his length in one hand as he cums onto my face, his seed coating all over my mouth and cheeks.
“oh, fuck, you look so fucking good, [y/n]. your mouth felt so fucking good.” thomas praises, watching as i lean back, tracing my finger across my cheeks, licking his cum off and into my mouth. he stares in awe, reaching his hands over to help me stand up and get back onto the bed. he presses a hard kiss against my lips, laying back down as i lay on top of him.
“i don’t think you understand this, thomas.” i smirk, cupping his face with both of my hands. “you don’t just get to fuck me, you know that, right? you have to earn it. i’m the motherfucking leader of a mob, after all. i don’t fuck just anyone, not even thomas shelby, no matter how good you may be at fucking.”
he tilted his head, grabbing me by the hips and pulling me back down. “is that so? your cunt is practically begging for me to fuck it. we don’t have to play this game, love. please, let me touch you further.”
i roll over and out of his grip, laying down next to him and spreading my legs, gesturing for him to get in front of me. “then fuck me with your tongue, and we’ll see what i think of anything further than that.”
he chuckles, seemingly surprised by how bossy i could be, but leaned down anyway, adjusting himself to wrap his arms around my thighs, his face stuffed between them as his tongue attached to my clit, flicking the bud of sensitive flesh. i moan softly, watching thomas lick between my folds and back up to my clit, back and forth, which only drew a pit in my stomach, as my orgasm slowly began to build. i was more surprised by his efforts more than his experience. of course thomas shelby knew how to fully pleasure a woman when she demanded it.
“fuck, thomas..” i moan softly, reaching down to hold his black hair with one hand. “just like that, baby, and you’ll be fucking me so soon. god, that feels good.”
he quickens his pace a bit, my back gently arching up in reaction to his action, my free hand gripping the white bedsheets as he helped me very quickly reach my orgasm, my fluids releasing onto the sheets and his lips. i dripped down his chin but he didn’t seem to care, taking me by the hips and moving one leg on top of his shoulder, sliding his hard length inside of me with one slow stroke, both of us moaning at the sudden stimulation.
“oh, fucking hell, [y/n], my god, dear, you’re so fucking wet, you feel so good, fuck,” thomas groans, leaning down to kiss me, his free hand taking my breast into his his palm and squeezing harshly, earning a moan from me into his mouth as our tongues fight for dominance.
i pull away from the kiss, looking down to watch him pump his thick, wet cock into my pussy. my tits bounce at his thrusts, my core feeling every single touch. thomas held my ankle to keep my leg up, his other hand pulling away from my breast and down to my hips, holding the side of my waist to further his steady grip.
“you take my cock so well, [y/n].” thomas compliments, glancing down to meet my eyes as i look away from our bodies. “i could watch you forever, fuck. the way you look right now is absolutely stunning, no one can ever fucking compare to your cunt.”
i lean up slightly, resting on my elbows, grinning at thomas as he fucks me. “you really think so, thomas? then why don’t you fuck me harder? make me cum again, baby, i want to so badly. make me cum with you.”
“if you want me to fuck you harder, [y/n], you’re going to have to turn around for me.” thomas suggests, lightly pulling himself out of me and also wiping the sweat from his forehead, assisting me as i turn around, all fours against the bed as i arch my ass up, feeling tommy’s hands play with it by squeezing the flesh and slapping it lightly.
“you’re perfect from behind too, fuck. is there anything about you i can dislike? you italians may have bloody mouth, but you take me so well in yours, love.” he says, pushing himself back inside of me.
he holds me by the hips, starting to fuck me, but much harder than before. our skin slaps together as he pushes himself in much deeper, so much so that i was gasping at his touch, grabbing the sheets and holding them as hard as i could, despite the sweat that was collecting on my palms.
“f-fucking hell, tommy..” i moan into the sheets, my head resting against the pillow. “you fuck me so good, baby, keep going like that, fuck! fucking fill me up, tommy, fuck!”
he leans down to grab my neck, pounding inside of my walls before our moans begin to sync, our orgasms releasing a matter of seconds after as we finish together, his warm seed filling my insides and my own cum dripping from between us, tricking down my now shaking legs.
thomas pulls out of me, turning me over to lay beside him. he wraps one arm around me, but glances down to meet my eyes, and kisses me tiredly.
“next time, you’re going to be the one begging me to fuck you.” he says in a more demanding tone, a small smirk on his lips. “i don’t like to ask nicely.”
i sigh, rolling over onto my stomach so i could face him completely. “then you’re fucking the wrong woman, thomas.”
he shook his head, cupping my cheek and kissing me once more. “oh, believe me, i think i’m with the exact woman i need to be fucking.” he sits up, rolling out of the bed and to the dresser, grabbing a pair of underwear.
“let’s discuss this communist issue one more time, work out the details.” he says, slipping his boxers on. “and if we come to an agreement tonight, i’ll ask nicely again in the morning, unless you need to get back to your people?"
i stand up, picking up my underwear and sliding them on, as thomas hands me a larger white shirt to put on. “i think i’d rather you ask again tonight, mr. shelby. my people can wait overnight if it's for a good cause.” i tease, opening the bedroom door before walking back out to the dining room table, grabbing the half-empty glass of wine and taking it down in one sip.
thomas stands behind me, taking the empty glass and setting it back on the table, pressing himself up against me, placing his palm on my back to push me down on the furniture. "let's push our meeting back a few more minutes then. here's me asking, miss [y/n]."
he begins to kiss my neck and i reach between my legs, pushing my panties to the side as i hear his boxers hit the floor. this was going to be an unexpectedly long night.
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shewrites444 · 11 months
arranged - part 2 [thomas shelby x reader smut]
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[ this is part 2 of my first thomas shelby fic, arranged, which you can read through the link. i will say this storyline is a bit heavier in terms of tommy’s tv character, given he can be, well, toxic. also, this fic is like extremely detailed, just as a fair warning. ]
word count - 3.4k
[ summary - months after their wedding night, the reader and tommy experience their first real issue at arthur’s birthday dinner. there’s much more to their relationship than they realize, as they physically prove to each other how deep their affections go. ]
[ warnings - jealousy, accusations of cheating, dirty talk, slight bondage, unprotected & rough sex ]
shockingly, the morning after tommy and i first slept together, we grew much closer to each other, so much so that i had a trusted role through the peaky blinders when it came to their finances and arrangement of meetings. tommy was reluctant at first, but given that i was the reason they were five times wealthier and also had much more property now, my points were well made to him and his family.
i wouldn’t say i was bossy, but i knew what i wanted, and despite tommy’s attitude in front of his family, he sure seemed to like it when we were alone. i thoroughly believed i knew him pretty well, even if we had only been married for four months now.
i knew i didn’t want to be the type of woman who stayed back home and let their husband do all the work, but there were days where i was exhausted, wether it was from staying up late working on the money distribution, or making sure tommy’s son was asleep before the sun was up. overall, i wanted to work, and i wanted to have a place in not necessarily the peaky blinders, but his family, because they were now mine too, and truthfully, the only people i had now that my father was gone.
something polly and i agreed to work on together was arthur’s birthday dinner. i wasn’t very close to arthur, which was perfectly fine, but i wanted tommy’s family to know i cared. polly needed the help anyway, given how busy the boys had been lately, so i kept my promise to help her set up, plan the guest list, and get the gifts for arthur. from what tommy told me, he seemed to be having a rough time lately, but a party would probably cheer him up and help him get out of such a negative headspace, even if it was only for a few hours.
after we finished setting out the utensils, i rushed upstairs to get myself ready before tommy came home. part of me was hoping tonight wasn’t all about business for tommy, because while we had grown much more fond of each other lately, his mind was still so enclosed in his work. i knew we weren’t in love, but we had something there - more than just physically.
as i was slipping on my evening gown, i hear the bedroom door creak open, turning around to see tommy, who looked up to me with a drunken smile. my eyes widen a bit, more confused than shocked to see him in such a drunken state so early, as i walk towards him, helping him slip off his jacket onto the hanger next to the door.
“arthur insisted we start the party early. i promise this wasn’t intentional, [y/n]. i don’t want to be in too much trouble so soon with you.” tommy said through a suggestive smile, taking my face in one hand before pulling me into a kiss, the taste and smell of whiskey heavy against his lips.
i return his kiss, but lightly push him off of me, walking back to the dresser to grab my necklace from the jewelry box. tommy walks over and takes it from my hands, brushing my hair off my neck and clasping the metal for me. i smile softly, looking to him through the mirror and shaking my head in disbelief, amazed that he even agreed to get drunk so early in the evening.
“i may have to monitor you tonight, tommy. how many drinks have you had?” i question as i turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into another kiss.
i feel his hands slide down my back and to my ass, attempting to lift me onto the dresser before i stop him once again. i shake my head, pecking his lips again before pulling away. “that gives me a pretty clear answer.” i tease, leaning down to slip on my heels. “i didn’t think i’d have to be babysitter tonight, especially for my husband, the most serious man i know.”
“oh, [y/n], you and i both know i can loosen up when i choose to.” he took my hand and walked towards the door, opening it and gesturing for me to walk through first. he snaked his arm around my back, holding me tightly, and protectively, as we walked down the wooden stairs. “who knows, maybe i’ll loosen this tonight too.” he pats my ass, tugging at the fabric of my silk dress, which only made me blush at his suggestion. i roll my eyes and link our arms together, opening the front door to begin our short walk to the brewery.
a fairly large crowd of tommy’s family and friends were already there, surrounding the bar and drinking more alcohol than what i’d ever seen in my life. there was a side of tommy’s family i wasn’t fully exposed to yet, and i knew i’d receive quite the introduction to it tonight.
“there’s some people i’d like you to meet tonight. is that alright?” he asks in a more serious tone, despite his drunken appearance. even with alcohol in his system, tommy still knew how to conduct business, and the room around him.
i nod at his question, to where he then takes me to the bar and gestures me towards several people, business colleagues and family friends, who were all very kind to me, and addressed me never by my first name, only “mrs. shelby”.
i felt someone bump into me, averting my eyes from the woman i was speaking to and to none other than arthur, who was so drunk that i was almost surprised polly wasn’t having a nervous breakdown at the sight of the much more than tipsy birthday boy. i give him a soft smile and shake my head, taking his arm and helping guide him to one of the round tables.
“i think you need water, arthur. let me go get you one.” i say, standing up and staring to walk towards the bar again, before his hand unexpectedly grabs me by the waist, forcing me down onto his lap. my cheeks go red in the matter of a millisecond, immediate discomfort and anxiety rising to the surface.
“stop it, arthur, please. just let me go get you something to drink.”
arthur chuckles, keeping his grip so firm on my waist that i genuinely couldn’t get up without causing a scene. “[y/n], i always thought you were too good for tommy, from the day i met you. change it up a bit, eh? he wouldn’t mind it for a night.”
i scoff, glancing down to the drunk arthur before aggressively pushing myself off of him, taking the drink he was holding in one hand away and setting it on the table across from him.
“fuck off, arthur. you’re his brother. i know it’s your birthday, but i am the last thing you’d be getting as a gift tonight.” i run my hands down my dress to brush off the wrinkles his grip created. “sober up.”
i turn around and walk away with a quickening pace, opening the brewery door and heading back to the house. a part of me was hoping tommy didn’t see that because i knew he’d make a scene, and tonight wasn’t the night to cause any trouble.
i walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cigarette, lighting it the second i sat down at the dining room table, sighing as i blew out the smoke and rested back into the chair. it wouldn’t leave my head, the whole situation. i knew i had to tell tommy because he’d be upset if he found it out from anyone but me, and i knew this was going to be some sort of trust test - if arthur was lying, or if i was. fuck. either way, i had to go back, or they’d be confused as to where i was, and the last thing i wanted tonight was for the attention to be on me.
walking back to the brewery with a cigarette in hand, i opened the door and returned to the reeking smell of alcohol. i wince as it hits my nostrils, forcing myself into the room that now felt so suffocating.
i feel a light tap on my shoulder and glance down to see polly, a frown on her face as she guides me to the corner of the room.
“you know have to tell me what happened, dear. i’ve got arthur in the other room, far away from tommy. i don’t think he’s aware of the whole situation, but arthur didn’t seem to help explain your side.”
i sigh, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. “of course he didn’t. he tried being suggestive with me and pulled me onto him, made it look like something it definitely was not. i went back to the house to cool off. i don’t want tommy to think it was my doing. i would ne-”
“i know you wouldn’t.” polly gave me a small smile of reassurance. she look my hand and walked me towards the private room in the back, one part of the brewery that was set up more like a meeting room. “tommy’s in there, i think it’s best you go to talk to him. i know you’re being truthful, and i do think he believes you, dear, but he needs to hear it from you. not me.”
i nod, biting at my bottom lip as a pit began to form in my stomach, knowing that this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. while i do think tommy believed me, or i at least hoped so, his image and my own was at stake. people who didn’t know me so well that saw arthur and i’s interaction may take me to be a cheater, and tommy to be carefree towards our marriage, even with his own brother coming into it. the entire situation wasn’t good for anyone.
i creak the wooden door open, meeting tommy’s eyes immediately upon entering the room. i shut it behind me and walk over, standing before the long table he was sitting at, silently. i sigh.
“you know i would never hurt you, tommy. he grabbed me, telling me he wanted me and that i was too good for you. you know i pushed myself off. i wouldn’t do that, ever.” i justify, crossing my arms and looking down at him as he stares at the table. “you, and your entire family, mean a lot to me. i would never want to put this arrangement, or us, in jeopardy.”
tommy sat up, walking towards me and reaching over to hug me softly, where i return his gesture by wrapping my arms around him tightly. i sigh, leaning my head onto his shoulder with relief. after a few seconds, he pulled away, grabbing me by the waist and helping me to sit on the table.
“you know how this looks for me, you, and my family though, right?” tommy begins, sliding up my dress, just enough for it to rest on my lower stomach. “i know you, [y/n], and i trust you, but members of the peaky blinders and others we work with don’t yet. they see you as more a placeholder for the void i haven’t been able to fill in years. do you understand that?”
i frown, looking up to tommy and reaching down to pull my dress back down. “tommy, that’s really not a nice thing to say to me. i don’t think anyone sees-”
“well, they fucking do.” he interrupts, grabbing my hands and setting them on the table.
he loosens his tie and pushes me down on my back, sliding the fabric off and onto my wrists, hastily tying them together above my head before pulling me down, my legs now fully hanging off the table, my heels falling down and onto the floor due to the angle i was laying at.
“you and i both know i don’t care much for what others think, but when it comes to this, to you, i care. you and i aren’t ever going to be perfect, but i think we have something, and i know you agree.” he says, unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants down, the sound of the metal clashing against the wooden floor. “we have more than just this,” he says, gesturing to our bodies, “but right now, i’m more focused on those people out there knowing at least apart of us is together.”
i gulp, a rapid heat forming in my core as i watch him undress himself into nothing but his half buttoned dress shirt. he pumps himself in one hand, the other reaching over to rub my clit, causing me to moan loudly upon touch.
he grinned at my response, looking between my legs and watching himself touch me. “you are mine, mrs. shelby. no one else’s. i know you know that, but it seems that i’ll have to prove it to everyone else in the world, too.” he walked closer, grabbing my panties that hung on one leg and slipping the off, before gesturing for me to open my mouth, shoving them inside.
“can you be quiet for just a few minutes, love? i don’t want to fuck you like a whore, but it seems that i have to.” he leaned down to kiss my forehead softly, lips then trailing to my ear. “if you can take it, i’ll let you have your fun with me after, hm? i’ve been so busy lately, we haven’t had much time together. i bet you want my cock inside that pretty mouth of yours, [y/n].”
i nod to my husband, feeling him grab my body and turn me around in response. he helps me to lean against the table, my arms still tied and now laying in front of me as i arch my back, pressing myself against tommy while he aligns himself with my pussy. i feel him slide inside me, moaning through the fabric in my mouth, as tommy does the same, but more freely, of course.
he grabs me by my waist, fucking me like there was no tomorrow for either of us. his hands hold my hips firmly, the sounds of our sweating skin slapping together filling the room, along with the accompaniment of my muffled moans. yet my mouth, being hung open, made my panties to fall out and onto the table, which only caused tommy to slap his hand harshly against my ass, making me yell at his touch.
“you really can’t control yourself, [y/n]? am i going to have to stop?”
“fuck - no, tommy, please don’t stop!” i shout, my hands flat against the table and my face resting on top of them while he rocked my body back and forth. “i-i can put them back, baby, just please don’t stop..”
“this isn’t like you, love, so fucking desperate.. although you always get what you want, so i can’t be surprised. are you getting fucked like you want? you like taking me from the back? it’s not your usual style.” he teases, reaching past me to grab the underwear, tossing them to the floor. “keep talking and they won’t have to go back. i never hear you like this, [y/n]. i like when you beg. i didn’t know you could act like such a slut.”
i shake my head, burying the side of my face into my hands as he only pushes himself deeper, his fast-paced strokes calming down and his rhythm changing into something so much slower, but so much deeper than before. i feel him in my gut, my eyes closing as i savor every thrust he gave me.
“i-i think about it like this, sometimes…” i mutter, leaning my head up and gasping, feeling tommy grab the back of my head with one hand. “you fucking me from behind, so fucking deep, practically torturing me through my orgasm… fuck, tommy, i want it to hurt so much that it feels good.. i want you to make me sore..”
tommy groaned, leaning down to angle himself in a way that he was so deep inside of me that his balls slapped against my clit with each movement. he wiped the sweat off his forehead before moving that hand to my ass, the other holding my waist firmly. “you have a way with words, don’t you, mrs. shelby? i can make it hurt, if that’s what you’d prefer. i can make all those people know how much my wife wants to be treated like a little slut.”
i blush, nodding at his words and resting my chin against the table. “fuck me like you own me, mr. shelby.”
“i think you’re going to have to prove yourself if you want me to do that, love.”
tommy slowly pulls himself out of me, my pussy rapidly pulsating as i adapts to his release, his hands helping assist me into leaning up and onto the floor, where he then laid on his back, erection in the air. i lay on top of him, where he unties the tie and sets it on the ground. he kisses me passionately, taking me by the waist and leaning me up.
“bounce on my cock until you can’t anymore, hm? you wanna hurt, right? this is the best way to do that.” he tilts his head, assisting me into sliding onto his length, causing both of us to heavily moan into the new position, which somehow, brought us both to an even better feeling than before.
“touch yourself for me, love. i wanna see how much you can take.” tommy commands, reaching over to hold both of my breasts, playing with the nipples as i move one hand down to my clit, rubbing the sensitive bud as i grind on top of him, his cock hitting my insides perfectly.
i chew my bottom lip, looking down to tommy as i fuck him, nothing but a plain look that still displayed pleasure on his face, watching me move up and down, my fingers pressing onto my skin while he plays with my tits.
i felt like i was melting, so overstimulated that i wasn’t sure how much longer i could even move. my eyesight was clouded by the sweat on my eyelashes, my entire body drenched in sweat while i fucked my husband through my own touch, my orgasm climbing to the surface and in a matter of seconds, reaching its peak.
“fuck!” i moan, riding it out as i came, my own fluids mixing with tommy’s while he pushed himself up, the two of us thrusting at each other, our bodies clashing through each of our climaxes. i feel tommy fill my insides, my own fluids leaking from between us as he cock blocked anything further.
i pull myself off of him, his orgasm dripping from between my legs as i slowly stand up, holding the table as support, watching tommy walk over to hold me, kissing me gently and leaving love bites across my neck, and chest.
“i’d prefer our motivation to fuck like that not be caused by an outside source the next time, mrs. shelby. if you want to be fucked like a whore, just say it. i think you know i don’t mind.” he grinned, kissing my forehead before walking over to a cart of drinks, grabbing a few towels and sitting me on the table, starting to wipe down my body.
“i don’t think i can be fucked like that for some time, tommy. i don’t think i’d be able to get out of bed in the morning.” i blush, watching him slide the towel down my inner thighs to wipe himself off of me. “we’ve been gone for awhile anyway, don’t you think we should get back to the party?”
“in just a minute, [y/n].” tommy says, setting the towel down before spreading my legs a bit further. he kisses between my thighs, before gently rubbing my clit, causing my back to arch at the touch. “i think my wife needs to cum again, don’t you think?”
i sigh, leaning back against the table and holding the sides of it. “fuck, tommy.” i moan feeling his arms wrap around my thighs, his face now buried between my heated skin. “i think so, too.”
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shewrites444 · 11 months
arranged [thomas shelby x reader smut]
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[ i’ve never written about one of cillian murphy’s characters but oppenheimer has me feeling a bit inspired lately. i haven’t watched peaky blinders in ages, so apologizes if it’s not completely accurate to the storyline. ]
[update: arranged part 2 ]
word count - 2.1k
[ summary - the reader and tommy agree to an arranged marriage that suits both of their needs. despite their disliking of each other, the two seem quite fond of each other in the bedroom, especially on their wedding night. ]
[ warnings - enemies to lovers trope that includes unprotected sex, oral, roughness, etc ]
thomas shelby was the last man i ever imagined myself being wedded to, but when my father unexpectedly passed and i no longer had the protection of his people, i had to find another way to make sure i wouldn’t be a victim to any gangs of birmingham - including the peaky blinders.
of course, tommy would never have married me if there wasn’t something i could offer him in return - that happened to be a ton of inherited money from my father, and several breweries i now technically owned, and numerous meeting spots that only i knew about, that the coppers would never find him or his family at, during anytime of the day.
despite the convenience of our arrangement, there was nothing favorable for either of us past the business side of things. our families had been at each other’s throats for years and now that my father was gone, a lot of that tension was, but nevertheless, you can’t expect a peaky blinder to not hold a grudge, even on their wedding night.
“see, that wasn’t so bad.” i mutter to my newly wed husband, walking into the dimly lit bedroom as i took off my white heels, setting them aside the now shut door. i watch as tommy began to unbutton his white dress shirt, and i sigh to myself, but loud enough to quirk his brow.
i tuck my hair behind my ears, walking to the bed and pulling the sheets down to prepare for what would hopefully be a fairly long sleep, given that i’d prefer not think much about who i was now standing across from.
“you don’t have to stay in here tonight if you don’t want to or even at all, tommy. you already have children and i’m aware you don’t want more, and frankly, i don’t want any, so just lie and tell polly the marriage was consummated tomorrow morning. go on.” i gesture my hand up and towards the door, watching his blank expression as i spoke in a more demanding, harsh manner.
he walked towards the bed, untucking his side, his shirt now unbuttoned and his toned, pale body at my exposure, which only made my cheeks redden as the muscles flexed with his movements. i may have despised the man for his profession, but it’s not like he wasn’t physically attractive.
“i may not be so found of you, mrs. shelby, but i do keep my marriage duties, at least to sleep beside you.” he says plainly, sitting down on the white sheets before looking up to me with a teasing expression. it almost felt wrong to see him show any emotion besides, well, none. “now, do i have to make you turn around while i fuck you, or can you bare the sight of me while doing so?”
i roll my eyes with a smirk, laying down and hovering my face above his before biting my bottom lip, glancing at his own with a bit of temptation, but nothing i couldn’t ignore for the sake of my ego. “i’m shocked you even asked to touch me, mr. shelby. peaky blinders have always seemed so forward with what they want.”
he tilted his head, his well-groomed hair bouncing lightly at the movement, now reaching over to hold the back of my neck, running his fingertips through the ends of my hair. “would you prefer i not ask? you didn’t strike me as the type of woman who’d prefer to be fucked like an animal.”
“you didn’t strike me as the type of man to wait until we were wed to even discuss sex, so we’re both a bit surprised. have you been distracted with other women through our engagement, dear husband?”
he scoffed at my comment, sitting up and leaning himself down to peck at my neck lightly, his heated breath against my tingling skin, a pit forming in my stomach at the touch he never dared grant me until now.
“you never gave me any suggestion to fuck before tonight, [y/n]. i assumed you wouldn’t allow me to lay a finger on you. this all seemed like a business opportunity, a plan for protection and financies, nothing more.” he muttered through his kisses, trailing his lips down to my covered chest before looking up to me again. “so, how about i ask you like a gentlemen, mrs. shelby. is this for business, or not?”
i shrug softly, glancing down to meet his seductive, icy blue eyes. “i think i’ll be able to tell if it is or not when you fuck me, mr. shelby."
he reached over to pull me on top of him, grabbing the white gown that dressed me and helping me to slip it off my core and past my arms, tossing it to the floor, which exposed me in nothing but my underwear, my breasts falling out of the fabric and resting before him. he took one hand to hold my back, the other cupping one breast and his thumb flicking at the hardening nipple. i feel him push me down, his lips attaching to the bud as i let out a soft moan, shocked by how sensual thomas shelby could be if directed to do so.
i could feel the bulge in his pants growing, beginning to grind myself against the black pants while he fondled my breasts with his mouth and free hand, the other that was once on my back now guiding itself down to my ass. he pulled himself away from my breast, panting softly to himself as the tension began to increase between our moving bodies.
“take off your panties and lay down on your back, won't you.” he said to me in a more demanding tone. i stood up and did so, spreading my legs before him as he undressed himself at the side of the bed, soon leaning down in front of me.
i chew my bottom lip at the sight of the man before me, but gasp as his tongue links to my clit, swirling and flicking around the sensitive bud of skin, while i only grow wetter through his touch and the saliva that collected against my entrance. i reach down to hold his head of black hair, my other hand resting against my chest while he continued to give me nothing but pleasure.
“this… this doesn’t seem… like b-business to me…” i stutter my words, my back arching at every sensitive touch he brought to my body. my words made him pull away, a smirk on his wet lips as he stuck one finger inside of me, pumping and curling it slowly enough to draw a loud moan from my lips before pulling it out right after.
he leaned down and gestured for me to open my mouth, sticking his finger inside for me to taste my own juices before pulling it out and licking it himself.
“neither does this, how wet you are for me. are you sure you want to take back the consummation of our arrangement, hm? it seems you like my tongue, mrs. shelby. do you think i’ll like yours?” he grinned, standing up and pointing his full erection towards me, holding it in one hand as i sat up on the bed.
i blush, getting off of the bed and onto my knees before him. i take his length into one hand, pumping it slowly as i look up to him, our eyes locked when i lean forward and take his tip into mouth, a heavy sigh coming from his lips as i begin to suck him off. he was thick and much longer than any man i’d ever been with, and frankly, if we were to sleep together tonight, i was a bit nervous of how my body would take him and the aftermath of it all tomorrow morning.
“fuck, fill your throat with me, [y/n]..” he moaned, both hands holding the back of my head as he thrusted himself towards my face. i took his cock down my throat, my eyes closing almost immediately as a tear runs down my cheek from the unexpected penetration, moving my head back and forth as his balls slap against my wet chin.
he tilted his head, mouth hung open as he watched me take him down my throat. i could hear his breath cutting short each time he thrusted, his cock twitching inside my mouth as he edged himself through each stroke. when he could tell through my reddening expression and glossy eyes that i was a bit overstimulated, he slowly pulled himself out of my mouth, leaning down to help me back on my feet and onto the bed.
he kneeled down before me, grabbing my face with both hands and pressing a passionate kiss against my lips, his tongue pushing itself into my mouth, which distracted me from the way he was moving my body off the bed again. he wraps his arms around me and guides me across the room and to the dresser, where he then breaks the kiss and turns me around, bending my body against the wood to where i made eye contact with the mirror that connected the furniture.
"i think this is worth the watch, don't you?" he teases, a devilish smirk across his face as he takes my neck in one hand, the other trailing before my pussy, his index and middle fingers attaching to my clit as he pushes himself inside of me without warning.
i gasp, watching my mouth open as he begins to fuck me, hard, against the dresser. the stimulation above my insides didn't make this any easier to take, given the fact i could already feeling my climax building in a matter of seconds.
i rest both palms against the wood, watching tommy's lips trail to my shoulder as he kissed against my sweating skin, leaving fresh hickeys from time to time, marking me like i was more than just an arrangement to him. if anything, this showed me that thomas shelby may not favor me, but he sure wanted the world to know i was his wife, and no one else's.
"i could fuck you all day, [y/n]. nothing fucking... compares to... how good you feel, fuck.." he muttered between kisses, looking up to meet my eyes in the mirror, his hand moving from my neck to hold my left breast tightly, halting it from bouncing throughout his thrusts. "do you feel me as much as i feel you?"
i nod, mouth still hung open, unable to even speak a word as tommy pulled my body closer, his fingers digging into my clit and forcing me to arch my back down, my ass pressing against him and causing even harsher friction between our bodies while he quickened his pace at the touch, the sound of our skin slapping together overpowering the bedroom.
i suddenly feel his arm wrap around my waist, and then the other, holding me so close and his body leaned so far down my back was touching his core. he thrusted deeper, further than what i even thought was possible for him to go, and so much so to the point i was in immense pain, but god, it felt so fucking good. his cock overpowered my entire body, and i felt my orgasm rushing to the surface, fluids leaking out from inside of me past himself and dripping between my legs, his own orgasm filling my insides within a matter of seconds after.
i feel him slide out of me, catching his own breath and helping turn me around to face him. he takes my hand and places the other on my back, guiding me to the bed once more and laying me down, pulling the sheet on top of me to cover my stomach down, my breasts exposed to the cold air. i feel his lips against my chest, lightly kissing from my nipples, to my shoulders, to my neck, and to my lips, once more. he smiles softly, and genuinely, to me, before snapping out of his sappy mood to grab a cigarette from the nightstand, lighting it.
"do you think we'll be doing this again?" he asks quietly, handing me the cigarette. "doesn't seem like it would be a negative thing to add to our arrangement, eh?"
i smirk, blowing the smoke out from my lips and towards the ceiling. "i wouldn't be opposed, but if you fuck me that hard every time, i'm not sure i would be able to get out of bed the next morning."
he chuckled to himself, standing up and walking to the other side of the bed, sliding himself into the sheets and putting out the cigar. he took me into his arms, lighting running his hand across my hair. "we can see about that. goodnight, mrs. shelby."
i rest my head against his chest, closing my eyes and smiling to myself, partially hoping tommy wouldn't see my vunerability.
"goodnight, mr. shelby."
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shewrites444 · 1 year
ghost [xavier plympton x reader]
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[ inspired from ahs 1984, and of course written by me. super cheesy smut fic since i wrote this over a year ago and it has been sitting in my drafts, but why not post it for my ahs lovers. enjoy! ]
word count - 2.4k
[summary: the reader is a counselor at the former camp redwood, now camp meadow, and meets a very friendly, yet also flirtatious ghost during her first night.]
[warnings: dirty talk, oral, unprotected sex]
regardless of how much my mom and i argued, i continued to deny her stupid reasons to not work at camp meadow the summer. the second massacre of 1984 was not even in the current century, so i knew not to overreact about any possible harm coming my way. i loved a good thrill anyway, so maybe some stupid kids pretending to be the night stalker or mr. jingles would be the most enjoyable portion of the long week anyway.
after finally convincing my friend [y/f/n] to come with me, i was felt my decision was for the best. the drive was a few hours long and once we arrived, we were able to meet our fellow counselors and the head counselor, who seemed nice enough, and not very strict whatsoever.
"i'm going to try my hardest to make this week enjoyable for not only the kids, but the counselors as well." miss thompson smiled at us, nodding her head with respect towards the young group. "i know this place has a lot of bad memories, but with a new name, new cabins, and much more, we can make newer, better memories. if you guys have any concerns or questions, please let me know. i'm available anytime."
[y/f/n] nods, then raises her hand, which miss thompson acknowledges immediately. "what about showers? we haven't gone over that yet."
miss thompson told us we had to shower before midnight, to make sure we had hot water the next morning for the kids, in case they needed a bath or anything of the sort.
after taking turns one by one, i was last in line for my shower. i decided to wait until it was dark, so i didn't have any concerns about my friends coming to prank me with stupid, useless scares. they were all tired, cuddled up in their bunks and ready to prepare for the next morning, which would be extremely busy with the amount of kids the head counselor said we were expecting.
i grab my towel and a change of clothes, along with my razor, and made my way towards the showers. i set everything down before stripping off my baggy, light washed jeans and plain black crop top, then turn the water on, waiting until it's hot enough to step into.
i close my eyes, humming quietly to myself as i wet my hair, reaching over to grab the shampoo bottle. i squirt it into my hand, then sigh upon realizing it's all out.
"just fucking fantastic." i scoff, setting the bottle down and just deciding to shave instead. i grab the bar of soap and lather my right leg up, grabbing the razor and sliding it against my skin.
while doing so, i feel a cold gust of wind against my heated, wet skin, looking up with confusion as it suddenly stops. i shake my head, ignoring the situation and going back to my legs. after shaving, i set the razor down and glance to the shower next to me, seeing there was no shampoo in there, either. i really preferred to wash my hair tonight, knowing that it would be funky the next day, since we were expected to take the kids in canoes and swimming.
"looking for this?" i hear a low masculine voice, making me jump and squeak in surprise, turning around to see a blonde boy, dressed in a pair of white khakis and a teal sweatshirt, with a pair of white high-top converse. he had one silver cross earring, which hung on his right ear and shook as he stepped closer, holding a small shampoo bottle in his hand.
i blink numerous times, trying to fathom the fact that the boy was really there. he looked like he belonged in a different universe, or era, to say the least. i step closer and grab it from him, squeezing it in my hands to assure what was happening was actually real. i realize that if this is real, i'm bare ass naked in front of this random guy.
i snatch the towel from the sink, holding it over my body as my cheeks begin to heaten, and not just from the hot water. "who the fuck are you? and why the fuck are you in here while i'm showering?!"
he ran his fingers through his blonde highlights, laughing to himself, as if the situation was amusing. "well, i actually live here. i heard you and your buddies talking about the massacres that took place here earlier today. kinda disappointed you don't recognize me."
i wrap the towel around myself, stepping closer to him, and crossing my arms in complete confusion. "i'm sorry, but i don't think anyone just casually lives at camp meadow. this is like, a summer camp. i don't think it's legal to live here unless you own the camp, and the person who owns this place is a woman. so, i ask again, who are you, and why in the hell should i recognize you?"
"i'm xavier!" he yells in frustration, seeming offended i didn't know this infamous name. "xavier plympton. i was one of the few who were killed here in the '84 massacre. you haven't read up on the conspiracy there's ghosts here? you're looking at one from the 80's." he winks, watching as my eyes widen in shock.
"there's no way." i shake my head, looking at him from head to toe, completely flabbergasted by his unrealistic explanation. "ghosts can't just live here on earth forever, right? i thought you guys would at least go to heaven or hell, or something. not that i believe in that shit, but you'd at least go somewhere other than here."
xavier shrugged, taking a step closer to me, reaching his hand to my bare, wet shoulder. he smiled, sighing as he felt my skin. "i wish i felt like this again. being a ghost sucks sometimes. i feel so empty, so inhuman. i haven't felt someone so warm, so human, in years."
i pull back, pushing his hand off of me. "okay, um, xavier plympton. sorry to disappoint, but you probably won't be feeling this human ever again. now if you'll excuse me, i really need to wash my hair. thank you for the shampoo, but i seriously need you to leave."
he sighed, crossing his arms and lightly tapping his foot in annoyance at my resistance. "come on, [y/n]. i'm the whole reason you can even wash your hair. one more touch please, maybe on your face or something? it makes me feel normal again!" he whines, making a pouty face towards me.
"how do you know my name, weirdo?" i ask, looking at him with annoyance and a bit of confusion. "and no, you can't touch my face. if anything, that's the farthest from feeling normal. that's just being a creep."
xavier walked closer to me, "i do my research. i have nothing else to do around here, so why not eavesdrop on the new counselors before they're here forever like the rest of us, hm?"
my eyes widen as i walk back, hitting the shower water with my back, and feeling the towel begin to get soaked. i gulp, trying to scan him for any potential weapon. "well, if you kill me, then you won't be able to like.. touch my shoulder or whatever.. i thought you wanted to feel what it was like to be human, remember?"
he laughed, reaching to tug the side of the towel, biting his lip and looking up to meet our eyes. "i wouldn't hurt you or let anyone else do so, [y/n]. you're not like everyone else around here. you seem different, like you aren't afraid of a fucking stick breaking when you walk at night like those other pussy counselors. i mean, you came out here at almost midnight and showered all alone, so it's like you were practically begging me to touch more then just your shoulder.."
i blush, crossing my arms to make his fingers break from the fabric, breathing in and out rather heavily, as i felt my stomach turn at his words. "what would ever make you think i'd want you to touch me? maybe that's your brain, just because you've only had ghost pussy for like twenty years."
"maybe, instead, it's because you excite me." xavier snaps back with a flick of his pink tongue. he grabs the towel, slowly pulling it back off of me, then tossing it to the wooden floor. he grabs the shampoo, squirting some into his palm before lathering it up, gesturing for me to turn around. he sinks his fingers into my hair, beginning to wash it with soft, relaxing strokes from his fingertips. i close my eyes, practically melting at his touch and feeling my legs quickly drench with pleasure as he begins to kiss down my wet neck and soon to my bare shoulders.
this goes on for a few minutes, when he then helps to wash the shampoo out of my hair, and turns me back towards him. i watch him strip of his clothing, except for his light blue boxers, which showed off his stiff, hard length, poking directly towards my wet pussy.
i chew my lip, looking down at his length, before locking our lust-filled eyes. he moves closer to press his lips against my cheek, then smiles seductively.
"if i'm going to fuck you, i'd like to do so in a place more, comfortable. for the both of us, of course." he explains, taking my hand and pulling me away from the water. i look to him, raising a brow, and watching as he hands me the towel.
i follow him outside, as he walks towards an empty cabin, several down from the one i was staying in. i let him sit me down on the bed, where i pull the towel off of myself and set it on the dresser. i lay on my back, spreading my legs in his direction as he pulls his boxers down. he looks at me with a grin, chuckling as he walks over to shut my legs, making my sit up with complete confusion.
"thought we were going to have sex, xavier. not play games, right?" i chirp, looking at the blonde as he sticks two fingers in his mouth, then pins me back down, sliding them to my clit, answering my own question. so no sex yet, only some foreplay so far, which was absolutely fine by me.
he came off as a man who wanted to skip the foreplay, but the second he pumped his fingers inside of me, i was thankfully my interpretation was wrong. i gasp, letting out a loud moan as he began to finger me, curling his digits inside of me with each thrust, in and out.
xavier leaned down to latch his lips to my nipple, sucking softly for a minute before pulling his head up. he looks down at me, pleased with my moans, while he reads my lustful expression.
"the minute i saw you walk into this camp, i knew you'd been needing a good dicking, [y/n]. the way you looked at those other counselors when they were introduced to you.. you've been wanting someone inside of you for awhile now, and who better then me, hm?" he talked into my ear, his hot breath against my skin as he worked his magic inside of me. "i could fuck you so hard tonight you'd never wanna leave camp, baby. you'd be begging for my cock from when you wake up to when you go to sleep. i can already feel how good your pussy is, so i may be begging you for the same later.."
i glance up at him, then down to his hand, as he rapidly finger fucks my insides. i'm dripping at his touch, my juices sinking between my ass cheeks and his fingers, visibly noticeable as he pulls out of me, moving his index and middle fingers to my throbbing clit.
as he rubs, i moan loudly, my eyes shut while he motions himself in front of me. he kneels on the bed, using his free hand to line up his length with my pussy. he pushes himself in slowly, as a way to warn me of what's to come. he was big, and it was now very obvious as he had already filled a substantial portion of my insides with not even half his cock. i nod with reassurance, allowing him to push himself into me, so deep his balls were pressing against my folds.
xavier begins to thrust, pulling his hand away from my clit and taking a hold of my own hand, lacing his fingers with mine. he smushes our lips together, the kiss entrancing the both of us as we become one through a sinful, yet so beautifully pleasurable act.
"you feel so good, [y/n]... dead or alive, this is the best pussy i've ever had in my life.. i never want to stop fucking you, baby.." xavier compliments me, giving me a wink as he raises himself back up. he keeps our hands together, thrusting himself inside as he lets out small moans, and continues to speak his sexual, dirty words to me.
he looks down at me, watching as my tits bounce with each one of his rapid, fast-paced movements. "how do you like this cock, sweetheart? so thick and long for you, hmm? you make me hurt with lust, babygirl. you make me want to cum deep inside you."
"please, xavier. please cum inside me.." i moan, nodding as i look up at him, my mouth hung open as he rocks my body in the bed. "that's all i want right now, for you to fill me up so good.. i need you so bad.. i need you to fill my pussy.. fuck.."
"and that i fucking shall." xavier pushes inside of me with one last deep thrust, filling my walls with his warm, thick seed. he pulls out, a small portion of white trailing from his head and to my pussy lips.
i sit up, panting as i pull myself off the bed, leaning down onto my weak, shaking knees. i place my lips on the tip, sucking the excess down my throat. he shivers at my touch, moving one hand to cup my cheek and insist i stand back up.
"maybe tomorrow night you can reward me with head, baby. you've got a big day soon." he pecks my lips, handing me the towel off the floor. "so why don't you go clean up, again, and i'll see you soon."
i smirk, nodding as i wrap the towel around my top. "xavier, please join me. maybe i'll wash your hair this time." i wink, watching him pull his boxers up.
he laughed, shaking his head. "i hate to reject the offer, sweetheart, but i need my beauty sleep, too. go get some sleep, because tomorrow night will be far longer than tonight's."
i turn around, my cheeks burning as i open the cabin door and shut it behind me, walking back to the showers. i couldn't believe i had just let a ghost fuck me, and that ghost being the xavier plympton. maybe i'd have to stick around camp meadow for longer than this week after all.
[ a/n - i did want to mention i will be writing much more in a few weeks - finals and college/work in general has been consuming a lot of my time lately, but i am hoping to find some inspiration for new fics soon! ]
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shewrites444 · 1 year
visitation [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[a/n - so in my attempt to make up for my horrible posting rates lately, here is a pretty dirty plot i came up with.]
word count - 2.5k
summary - following xavier’s false arrest, the reader visits him to see if she can help in any way. of course, she can.
warnings - dirty talk, unprotected oral (m receiving), 69, unprotected sex in diff. positions
xavier looked pathetic behind bars, with the way his head hung low, no matter who he was speaking to, or if he was eating, humming, drawing on the walls - he always looked so glum. despite my bias opinion due to our friendship, i didn’t think he was the monster. he really wasn’t capable of that kind of sin, despite the edgy persona he put on during the day.
while xavier and i weren’t the best of friends, we had an understood connection since we met a few years back through nevermore. our parents treated us in similar ways, and while xavier radiated huge daddy issues, i was on the opposite end of the spectrum. my mom and i weren’t very close due to how consumed she was in her work, and the fact that my dad passed on the genes of an outcast to me was something she seemed to resent heavily. hence, her practically shipping me off to boarding school 9 months out of the year.
due to these similarities, we grew close, and soon, after about a year or so, we ended up sleeping together after a party. yes, we were nearly blacked out, but it happened, and there was no coming back from that type of thing. when he was with bianca we never did anything, and when he was infatuated with wednesday i stayed clear of that, too. we had boundaries, of course, and that was made clear from the beginning. no strings attached wasn’t so bad, except when my causal hook up was now being accused of ripping apart a handfuls of citizens in our area. so, while visiting xavier wasn’t the best idea at the moment, i knew he needed a friend, or at least someone to talk to that wasn’t the cops.
after the last employee walked out of the police department, i grabbed my purse and slung it over my shoulder, skipping over the dark road before closing my eyes and teleporting into the front office. yep, that was my thing. not very common at nevermore, but nevertheless, had its perks. i’ve avoided many situations, and people, believe me.
i walked down the blacked out hallway until i reached a room that was filled with a small amount of noise, in which seemed to be pure exhaustion. i leaned against the wall in a bit of confusion, listening quietly through the opened door. a belt was unbuckled, pants unzipped.. good god.
i roll my eyes with a smirk, walking into the room to see xavier spitting on his hand, but quickly jolting back into his bed with red cheeks and wide, embarrassed eyes.
“jesus, [y/n]! a knock could have been nice!” xavier shouts in frustration, wiping his hand off on his black pants, zipping them back up immediately after.
i shrug my shoulders and set my bag on the desk aside the wall, before walking over to the cell. “i wasn’t aware you spent your nights wacking right after the police leave. tell me, are you imaging the detective girl that turned you into here?”
“are you jealous?” he teases, looking up to meet my eyes with a light grin on his lips. “i’ve gotta find some ways to distract myself from my current situation.”
“i could never be jealous of something i already have.” i snap, passing him a wink before walking in front of the silver bars. i sigh, insisting for him to walk towards me, which he does instantly. i watch him lean down to lightly peck my lips between the bars, which only makes me laugh.
“so romantic. i love fucking a criminal.” i joke, sliding my jacket off and onto the floor. “but i don’t know if it’s worth it to bring myself into that cell, xavier.”
“oh, it is.” he moans into my mouth, kissing me once more. “why don’t you get on your knees and give me a taste before you make your decision?”
i pull away, glancing down to the erection that was already pushing against the fabric of his cargos, which only made me blush. “try to command me again and i won’t even lay a finger on you. you’re lucky i feel moderate pity for you.”
“noted.” xavier nods, unzipping his pants before sliding them down with his boxers. he watches me sink to the floor after kicking my shoes off, taking his cock into my hand through the bars as i begin to pump it, spitting on his tip as well to increase my rhythm.
he moans loudly as his length encompasses my mouth, pushing towards me and pressing against my throat while i suck him off, jerking off his length and the other hand moving to play with his balls. i look up to meet his eyes, his expression nothing but lust, mouth open and eyes subtly rolling back.
“god, i’ve missed this.. you’re always so good at sucking my cock, [y/n]…” xavier groans, holding one bar with his hand while the other reaches through to hold the back of my head, and a good grip on my loose hair. “why don’t you come in here, baby? please. you’ve got my dick so hard. you always do.”
i ignore his words and continue what i’m doing, pushing my head forward to deep throat his tip into my throat, earning a gag from my full mouth, which only makes xavier harder, and far more turned on. i keep myself in place, closing my eyes as i practically face fuck him, given his frozen movements while i stuff his cock down my throat. my hands trail away to rest against the bars while i suck, up and down, back into a rhythm to give my throat a break. i could feel his eyes on me, and i knew he wasn’t going to take them away from me until i got into his cell.
i pull away, taking a breath, and a moment, before i stand up and brush my hair out of my face, walking over to the desk to grab the key to unlock his chains. i then close my eyes, and bring myself into the small space within a second.
i look to xavier, who walked towards my figure and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a passionate kiss, which i return while taking my top off. after i toss the white shirt onto the floor, i take the key and unlock his shackles, watching the hard, cold metal drop the floor.
“we’re gonna have to unfortunately put these back on you when i leave, you know.” i say, setting the key on the ground before wrapping my arms around his neck. “can’t have anyone know i was here.”
“okay, okay, come here.” he mutters into my mouth, basically ignoring my serious statement, and instead dragging me to the bed, where he lays me down on my back. “i’m gonna fuck you so good. i’m gonna make you cum so much, baby.”
“we’ll see.” i tease, watching him pull my pants off. he kneels before the bed and pulls me closer to him, one hand holding my left leg up as his fingers trail to my entrance, pressing his thumb against my clit.
i moan softly, looking up to meet his eyes while he rubs the sensitive bud and sits up, aligning himself with me before slowly pushing the tip in, and quickly working himself into a rhythm.
“you’re so tight around me, fuck..” xavier moans, releasing his finger before leaning above me, thrusting inside of me still as he presses his lips against my own. “you know i’m not the monster, [y/n], but god, if i was, i wouldn’t lay a finger on you.. you’re so fucking hot, you’re the only one i’ve ever truly wanted to be inside of.. i wanna fill you up, baby.. make you mine…”
my eyes widen as i look up him, watching his lips trail down to my breasts, as he pecks them and kisses at the erect buds. i knew xavier wasn’t the monster, of course, but being in here with so much spare time must’ve sure brought in some creative dirty talk. i never knew he wanted me like that. he was always so into wednesday lately, that i figured i wasn’t even a thought. we hadn’t slept together, or done anything, really, in a month or so. basically since she showed up.
while i wasn’t the jealous type, xavier had been feeding me attention for awhile now, and to have it taken from me so suddenly, it was more annoying than anything. despite how much i liked being single, i did like to feel claimed, and i know he liked to feel that way, too. so the more i thought about his words, it wasn’t much of a surprise. if anything, it was just fucking hot.
“you really want me? only me?” i blush and bite on my lower lip, glancing down to him as he sucks at my right nipple while cupping the breast up. i shake my head though, taking my words back, after quickly thinking over how sensual that sounded. i hated how he made me feel so good, no matter what he said, or did. fuck.
he looks up to me and pulls off my breast with a smirk. he could definitely tell i regretted that actual expression of normal affection.
he sits up, holding both my legs above my head before pushing himself deeper inside of me. “can’t take that back, [y/n].” he winks, watching my mouth drop open while he pushes his cock fully inside of me, thrusting lightly, but just enough for me to feel him pressing into my belly. god, it hurt, but it felt so fucking good. he was so big. he knew it.
“well, i take it back. fuck whoever you want.” i say with a blank face, gulping as he began to pick up the pace, but stopped abruptly at my words.
he pulled out of me, standing up and lightly holding me up before helping me onto my knees, turning me the other way to press against the cold tile walls, my legs spread underneath me. he comes up behind me, pushing his cock back inside of me, which only pressed my body more against the wall.
“well, i chose to fuck you.” he expresses, wrapping his arms around me, cupping each breast in one hand. he pecks the crane of my neck, holding me tightly. “i chose you over anyone, [y/n]. you know how to make me feel good, even in here.. you know how to take my dick, baby.. you’re such a good girl, you know.. pressed up against this wall letting me fuck you so good.. there’s no fight tonight, baby. i love when you just let me control you..”
“hm.. well, there’s about to be… if you don’t make me cum… as promised...” i say in between moans, turning my head just enough to meet his eyes, watching him smirk while he releases one hand from my breast and down to my clit, which he harshly presses against, causing my back to contort backwards, pressing my ass against his lower abdomen.
“god, you’re so sensitive tonight..” xavier coos, holding me tightly against him. “you gonna cum all over my cock? i bet you taste so good, love. you’re gonna taste so good mixed with me.”
i press the side of my face against the wall, both hands against the bricks as i sigh heavily, biting my lower lip in order to keep my mouth. i hated letting him have the upper hand at times, he got so cocky. he knew he was making me feel good, and terribly wet, so it tended to get to his head. i didn’t like to give him what he wanted immediately. he had to work for it.
i began to move my body backwards, almost grinding from behind him to stimulate him further, which only made him moan in pleasure, throwing off the rhythm he had going.
“lay down.” i say firmly, feeling his hands release from my body and onto the bed. i move myself on top of him, where my pussy then hovers before his lips, and i’m aligned with his hard cock, which i leaned down to take into my mouth almost immediately.
“f-fuck…” xavier stammers, reaching up to hold my ass as he pulls me down to meet his lips. as he licks my folds, twisting his tongue into the flesh and gently pressing against my clit, i feel two fingers push inside of me, which only catches me by surprise as well, my moans muffling through my busy lips.
he pushes another finger inside, stretching me out as i moan loudly, pulling myself away from his dick and beginning to grind my pussy on his lips, until he pulls his fingers out and focuses his mouth on me.
i close my eyes and sink myself into the moment, one hand on the wall while the other pumps his cock, which was coming closer and closer to finishing.
“i-i’m gonna cum, baby.. please fuck me..” xavier moans, lightly moving me out of his face and nudging me towards the lower part of his body.
i nod, moving myself down his figure to align with his dick, pushing myself back onto him. i hear him moan behind me, almost whining at the amount of stimulation i put him through already.
i move my fingers to my clit, rubbing the bud in order to increase my upcoming orgasm, bouncing on his dick while his hands held my waist, guiding me up and down.
my mind was at a blank, genuinely focused on the pure pleasure this brought the both of us, and nothing else. just the moment that i was so terribly engrossed in, and not the fact it was all in a cell. i was with xavier, and this was the release we both so desperately needed.
and fuck, we got it.
our moans synced together as we gasped throughout the stimulation both our organisms brought us, our juices intertwining as i rode out the high of our climaxes, up until the moment his body went numb beneath me. i got off of him, my weak legs moving to grab my underwear off the floor, and slowly began to get dressed as he watched me from behind.
"you're going leave already, [y/n]?" he asked, leaning up to grab his clothes. "what happened to all that talk?"
"ignore that until you're let out of prison, xavier." i turn around, zipping my pants up. i lean down to grab the handcuffs and the key again, putting them back on him after he got dressed, and pushing him back to the bed.
he purses his lips together and sighs, cupping my cheeks before kissing me softly. "fine. but you need to come here again. no one's ever gonna make me feel as good as you do - i mean that."
"i'm flattered. maybe i will." i tease, pecking his cheek before leaving the cell in a blink. i grab my purse and glance to him before walking out and into the dim hallway.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
for me [switch! xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ hi besties, here is a short but detailed one shot. please let me know what you think of these kinds of fics, i know i tend to write more but i have been super busy, so i still hope you enjoy! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ ]
word count - 1.3k
[summary: the reader teases her boyfriend xavier when she comes to his dorm one night.]
[warnings: sinful amount of detail when it comes to female worship, teasing, breeding kink, and dirty talk]
xavier's hands wrapped around my waist as i spread my thighs across his lap, my body pressing closely against his while we staddle each other, his back lightly pressing against the headboard of his bed as his eyes glued to my now exposed chest, which was already stimulated enough from the cold air blowing through the room due to the large dorm fan above us. i trailed my hands to cup his cheeks, lifting his gaze up to meet my own. his eyes were wide, but hung low with purple eyebags, as if he was already drained from the amount of lustful stimulation i was bringing towards his needy body.
he leaned himself up to press his lips against my own, gently adjusting his grip on my back with his left palm before reaching his free hand over to cup my breast, breathing heavily into my mouth while his fingertips lightly rubbed my nipple's cold bud, twisting at the skin while he bit my bottom lip, sighing heavily through his nostrils.
i pull away from his lips with a sadistic grin, tilting my head teasingly before i grab his hand and set it on the bed, causing my breast to bounce back into it's resting place as he loses grip on my skin.
xavier sighs in frustration before looking up to meet my eyes, chewing his top lip while he continues to dart between my eyes and my breasts. he shakes his head softly and gulps, the apple on his neck moving with his expression.
"why won't you let me touch you, baby? can i at least please you in some small way?" he asks softly, a confused look on his face.
"trust me, xav, this is pleasurable enough." i grin, beginning to grind my hips against his lower body while he groans in deep frustration at my motives.
he moves both hands to once again hold my waist, watching while my body presses against his own. i give him a moment to process before i stop, pulling myself off of him and reaching over to untie his black sweatpants, helping to slide off the fabric, along with the waistband of the underwear that lied underneath them.
“do you want me to fuck you, hm?” i tease, reaching between us to lightly pull his hard length out of his pants, lightly jerking him off as we meet eyes. “or are you going to sit and watch me edge you until you can’t even sit up straight?”
“oh fuck..” he moaned, rolling his eyes to the back of his head as his back pressed against the headboard. he glanced down, watching his dick as my hand stroked him, his face burning red at my words. “you really want me to beg for it, [y/n]?”
i tilt my head and nod, a grin across my lips. “well, if you don’t, you don’t get anything but this.”
he sat up, reaching over to cup my breast and his other hand cupping the side of my face, as he pulled me closer into a deep kiss. he fondled my nipple, his free hand trailing from my face to my neck, which he held lightly. he looked up to me with pure love and pleasure in his eyes, his mouth hung open as if he didn’t know what to say, considering he was typically the one with the upper hand in this scenario.
“you don’t know how bad i want you, baby.. god, if you could just let me have you on top of me, i know you’d be riding my dick so fucking good..” he coos, pulling me closer to him as my heart begins to beat faster. “you’re just so fucking beautiful, you know i want you to let me inside of your pretty pussy, baby.. i bet you taste so good..”
i chew my bottom lip, slowly pulling my hand off of him before propping myself up on the bed to slide my panties off, laying them on the floor. i lean down before him and slowly spread my legs, my cheeks reddening as his eyes dart to what was between my thighs.
“then taste it, xav.”
he nods, pulling himself up to lean between my legs, his tall, lanky body pressed against the mattress as his arms wrap around my thighs to pull my closer. his lips attach to my pussy, tongue twirling around inside of me while i moan softly, reaching down to hold his head while my other hand slides between my legs to play with my clit.
xavier moans into my pussy, his fingers gripping my skin while he sinks himself deeper inside of me, his nose lightly brushing my finger while i move it away, gasping as he pulls away from my folds and moves his tongue to my clit. his eyes look up to meet my own while i watch his tongue flick against the sensitive bud.
as i feel my climax beginning to build, i move his head away softly and pin him back down on the bed, which he obliged to, now getting between our legs before pushing himself into me while i sat on top. as xavier’s length fills me, i moan loudly, feeling him reach over to hold me by the waist while he begins to suck my breasts.
i bounce on his dick, the bed shaking with my every move while my tits bounce in xavier’s mouth, the room filled with nothing but moans and various other filthy noises. xavier pulls away from my breasts and kisses me, passionately holding my waist and pushing me down, balls deep, on his cock.
“you want me to fill you up, baby?” he whispers in my ear as he kisses my cheek. “let me make you mine, [y/n]. why don’t you let me take control, hm? you look exhausted, sweetheart.”
i roll my eyes, looking over to kiss him once again. “what, you don’t like me in control, xav?”
“i never said that, baby.” he smiles, brushing my hair out of my face. “just let me please you.”
“you can do that by being quiet.” i snap back with a smirk, pushing him back down on the bed before lacing our fingers together, restraining him against the bed.
i begin to ride his dick once again, our skin slapping together as i move, looking down to watch him as his eyes closed, but his mouth remained open, only filled with moans while i hovered above him.
i grin, releasing my grip from his hands before adjusting myself onto my feet, before i began to bounce on his cock, one hand moving to rub my clit, as that familiar knot of pleasure began to run through my stomach.
“you gonna finish soon, xav?” i tease, watching his eyes open as he watches me move up and down. “you gonna come all in my pussy, baby? i bet you wanna claim me so fucking bad.. you wanna know i’m yours, huh?”
he grins, sitting up on his elbows while he watches my body move on him, beginning to thrust up, which only causes more noise in the room. the only thing i was focused on was the moans that rose from his pinkly tinted lips, and the way his entire body tightened as he reached his climax seconds after.
i pull myself off of him, leaning over to kiss him softly as i lay aside him. my legs wrap around his own, and his hands wrap around my waist before pecking my forehead.
“you’ve always been mine.” he smirked, watching as i ran my fingertips through his hair. “no one else’s.”
“so vain about it, huh.” i tease, feeling his heated palms press against my bare waist. “why don’t you reassure yourself of that claim by getting on top of me.”
“oh really?” xavier blushes, lightly pushing his legs off of me before crawling on top of my figure. “let’s see how much more of me you can take, baby.”
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shewrites444 · 1 year
favorite distraction [xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ hi loves, so after a great amount of support on continuing to write on xavier, here is shorter one shot on xav as a thank you for how kind all of you are. please feel free to send me requests and i will try my best to pick up my posting rates again. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ]
word count - 1.5k
[summary: after coming back to nevermore for the next semester, the reader and xavier take out their sexual needs on each other.]
[warnings: filthy dirty talk, oral (f receiving), fingering, protected sex, friends with benefits type of situation, small hint of the plot but mainly smut]
xavier and i had always been good friends, but after his recent heartbreak caused by no one other than wednesday addams, our connection turned into something far more sexual than either of us seemed to expect. sure, we still had a ton of respect for each other, but using each other to get our urges out wasn't a bad idea on either end. besides, we had been so sex deprived for the past few months, now was the best time to let it out.
so, not even an hour after principal weems announced "lights out", i was already half naked in his dorm room.
xavier's fingers ran through my hair, guiding my head down onto the propped up pillow that rested against his bed's headboard. he pulled his shirt off before reaching over to do the same for me, as i lifted my arms up to assist him.
i laid my back against the blue bedsheets, feeling his lips trail down the nook of my neck and towards my collarbone, his tongue sliding from the heated skin and down to my breasts, which were already exposed due to the fact i walked into his room minutes before wearing nothing but a long sleep shirt and underwear.
"oh, fuck, xav.." i moan quietly and bit off-guard, my eyes closing as his lips attached to the stimulated bud, his lips trailing around my skin while his hand slid up to hold my neck. "you don't know how much i've missed this.."
he grinned to himself, looking up to lock our eyes while he pulled away to kiss me, his tongue sliding between our lips to meet my own, saliva mixing between the messy pecks while his grip on my throat adjusted to a comfortable hold for the both of us, but just enough of a harsh grip to make it clear he was the one in charge.
i wouldn't say xavier was typically the one to take the lead, but he was the one to maintain it best. i figured that after months of no sexual stimulation towards each other, he would have the upper hand, and i wasn't complaining about that.
"you're gonna have to be quiet, [y/n].." he muttered into my lips, moving one hand towards the waistband of my panties, his fingertips trailing down into the fabric. "if you still wanna keep me a secret, that is.."
i scoff, a grin spreading across my cheeks as i look up to meet his eyes. "fuck you."
"gladly." he winked playfully, dipping his middle finger into my juices as he began to finger me, curling the digit inside of me to earn a loud moan, which was muffled by another kiss.
xavier moaned into my mouth, simultaneously pleased through my own pleasure, while he pumped one finger in and out of me, before his thumb attached to my clit, rubbing the bud in a circular motion before i quickly arched my back in response.
"if this is already causing you to shake your legs, how on earth am i going to be able to fuck you? gosh, [y/n], i'm not too sure if you'll be able to take it." he teased, kissing the side of my head as he continued to stimulate my lower body. "how badly do you want it? i don't wanna make you cum too quick."
"oh, hush." i roll my eyes, looking up to him with a grin before leaning up to kiss him once more. "you'd melt at my touch." i say seductively, kissing his cheek before working my lips to his left ear. "if you wanna fuck me, you better be able to make me cum quick. gotta work for it, thorpe."
"fuckkk..." he moaned to himself, adding another digit to my wetness as his fingers fucked me, his pace picking up rapidly through his newfound goal. "you really gonna cum on my fingers, baby? you feel so fucking tight around, you have such a pretty pussy.. god, i wanna fuck you so bad.."
"oh, is that so?" i tease between breaths, glancing down to his hand as his fingers thrusted in and out of me, his rapid pace causing the bed to slightly rock at his movements. i sink into the pillow, xavier's hair lightly brushing against my face as he hovered above me, holding eye contact with me through my words. "if you want my pussy so bad, why don't you taste it?"
he grinned, pulling his fingers out of me after slowing down his pace, sliding them into his mouth before leaning down before my entrance, watching me spread my legs and sliding the two digits into me once again. he begin to flick his tongue against my clit, my fingers running through his hair and holding his head against my stimulant while his eyes locked with my own.
"you are so good at that, xav.. you always are, my god, babe.. just like that.." i praise, glancing down to watch him while he fingered me and flicked the bud, his hair tucked behind his ears, but falling back against his forehead with every move of his tongue.
he wrapped his free hand around my leg, lifting it to rest above his shoulder as he continued to overstimulate my shaking, sweating body. i felt my core tighten at his sensitive touch, his fingers gripping my thigh to hold my arching body down to nearly force me to withstand his tongue pressed sharply against my clit, as i moaned loudly, releasing as he pulled his fingers out of me, his tongue continung to ride me through my orgasm.
he pulled away from me, leaning up to press his lips against my own as i taste my own juices, his erection pressing against my abdomen while he reaches across me to the nightstand, opening it and fumbling inside to grab the condom.
as xavier slipped it on, i sat up, glancing to his now naked body while he helped to pull me off the bed, wrapping one arm around my waist to guide me towards the dresser. i smirk, looking up to xavier as he leaned me down, my breasts pressed against the cold wooden top.
"i wanna watch your face. it's been awhile, hm?" he smirked, kissing my neck as he helped push my body into an arch, guiding his length between my folds and into my entrance, sliding inside of the wetness with one thrust, his balls pressing against the front of my pussy while he began to fuck me, one hand on my neck and the other around my waist.
i moan, looking up to meet his eyes in the mirror while his mouth hung open, watching my breasts bounce with every thrust, his fingers tightening around my neck as my moans stagger at his touch. i chew my bottom lip in an attempt to be quieter, watching him grin in satisfaction.
"you able to take me?" he teased, pumping himself in and out of me rapidly, my toes curling against the floorboards at his thrusts, his balls slapping against my clit with aggression. "or do i need to let you take a break, baby?"
i shake my head, pressing my hands against the dresser as i meet xavier's eyes. "oh, i can take you. fuck me harder." i command, watching his eyes widen in surprise as he nods with a grin, releasing his hand from my neck to meet the other parallel to my waist, thrusting his dick farther and deeper inside of me, making me shout with heavy moans while the dresser hit against the wall, our bodies colliding with each slap of skin.
"f-fuck..! like that, fuck, xav, oh fuck yeah.." i gasp, feeling his length pound my pussy through each and every movement he made inside of me. "you're gonna make me cum again, baby.. oh my fucking... fuck!"
as xavier and i's moans align, we both reach our climax, while he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer as he slips out of me and adjusts me stand up, my ass pressed against his body while he kisses me cheek passionately. we both take a minute to catch our breaths before separating.
i glance up to him with flushed cheeks, watching him slip the condom off and walk over to toss it into the trash. he turns around with a heavy sigh, brushing his hair out of his face. "quite a way to start off the semester, [y/n]. always a pleasure to fuck my closest friend."
"shut up." i smirk, walking back to the bed to grab my underwear, slipping them on before turning my shirt inside out. "you always know the right words to say." i tease with a hint of sarcasm as he gets dressed aside me.
i grab my phone from the nightstand and watch him sit on the bed, walking over to straddle him, his hands reaching over to cup my ass cheeks as i kiss him softly. i tilt my head, smiling as he watch him breathe heavily through his nostrils at my teasing gestures.
"how about we start off the weekend with me on top of you, hm?" i say quietly, quirking a brow while he grins in response.
"can't wait." he gestures me off, walking me to the door with his arms around my waist as he leans down to meet my height. he pecks my forehead before opening the door. "text me when you get back to your room. see you then, [y/n]."
"later, thorpe." i wink before he shuts the door, and i turn down the dark hallway and back to my room.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
jealousy [dom! xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[ this is a requested prompt that i am super excited to write on! i will say this one shot does contain some angst and toxic themes, but it does end positively, of course. enjoy! ]
word count - 3k
[summary: the reader unintentionally makes xavier jealous at the carnival, and he intends to make her feel the same way he felt. when she confronts him about his immature actions, the two argue, but there's only one way that seems to prove their feelings for each other are true.]
[warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, arguing, angry make up sex, unprotected sex, daddy kink]
"don't you understand how stupid this all sounds, xavier? you're my boyfriend, for christ sake! why the hell would i make any sort of move on ajax?" i shout across the room as i slip my black converse on, looking over to my frustrated boyfriend, as he paces back and forth across the wooden floor, the boards creeking at each obnoxious step he took. "all he did was help me win that panda at the fair. he is obviously interested in enid, and has been your friend for years, so he'd never do anything to come on me, and you know i wouldn't allow it anyway!"
"you sure? because the way you hugged him when he handed you that prize said otherwise. what's next, he wins the poe cup in your honor? i don't fucking think so." xavier says, walking over to grab his keys and aggressively hand me my jacket. "i can't believe we have to go to that stupid dorm party tonight. i’m sure he's going to be eyeing you all night."
i roll my eyes and scoff, sliding my jacket on before opening the dorm’s tall door. "it's you that for some reason still wants to go. once again, no sense in making someone jealous when they don't want me in the first place. you're being ridiculous about this.”
he takes my hand as he locks the door, before walking down the hall with me and towards the next one, remaining silent during the five minute walk to ajax's dorm. our fingers were interlocked but the hold was fairly loose, as the two of us stared at the floor while we walked through the darkened hallway.
xavier and i had been together for a few months now, and while we rarely argued, jealously, and being overly possessive, seemed to be a pressing issue in our relationship. my boyfriend wasn't the kind to take other guys flirting with me lightly, and assumed that the smallest shit, like me literally hugging ajax, who was also my own friend, to be a sign of me returning affection that wasn't even there from either one of us in the first place.
upon reaching the dorm, xavier opened the door and greeted everyone with a smile on his face, sitting down on the bed aside yoko and enid. as i went to sit on his lap, he lightly nudged me off, which caused me to raise a brow, and plop down aside him instead.
"so, how was the carnival?" enid asked with a smile, looking around the room with excitement. "did you guys win any prizes? i got another shark plushie for my collection!" she pointed across the room to the giant mountain of stuffed animals against her window that was practically unable to be missed.
xavier rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "[y/n] won a panda, actually. it's super cute, if i say so myself, but it would be much cuter if i won it for her. isn't that right, ajax?"
ajax sighed, looking up to xavier awkwardly. "chill, bro. i happened to be at the booth and lended her a hand. she's not the best aimer when it comes to darts." he laughed in an attempt to ease the burning tension, but obviously, that made xavier way more amped up.
"she's also not the best when it comes to showing her friends affection. she's also not a big hugger, so she must have been really thankful for your help."
"xavier, quit it. you're being embarrassing at this point. i really don't want our friends thinking this of you, or our relationship." i frown, looking around the room of clearly uncomfortable guests while he nods, patting his hand on my thigh.
"you're right, baby. my fault." he says sarcastically, looking to enid. "i'm sure you had some sort of game for us to play, like usual?"
she nodded awkwardly, coughing to break the silence. "i did, xavier.. everyone up for truth or drink?"
everyone nodded, and we were thankfully, back into our normal routine as a group. back and forth, everyone went around with the bottle of cheap vodka passing from hand to hand as we each admitted something silly we were asked, or took a gulp of the horrifically smelling alcohol.
when it was xavier's turn, enid must have not thought her question through, because it sure got him riled up again.
"have you ever had a crush on someone else in the room besides [y/n]?" she asked, everyone muttering a small 'ooo' under their lips.
he chuckled, taking the bottle and placing it between his legs before looking to bianca. "obviously, enid. that lovely siren across the room from me."
bianca blushed softly, batting her blue-colored lashes before her cheeks flushed. "that's ancient history, xav."
that nickname slid smoothly out of her mouth, and boy, it stung me like a hornet. i held a fist aside my thigh to avoid letting anything slip out of my mouth, while i watched the encounter through a blank face. enid looked to me with pure panic on her face, as she mouthed an obvious 'sorry' while i merely nodded at her words. it's not like she was the one being a complete asshole about this, or blowing it insanely out of proportion.
"is it?" he answered with a wink, causing bianca to giggle loudly, as ajax interrupted the sinful flirting with a gesture towards xavier to grab the bottle of vodka, taking a hefty sip to prepare himself for the next few hours of pure torture for everyone except xavier, apparently.
the fact that he’d flirt with his ex in front of me to purposely make me feel jealous blew my mind. yeah, it worked, but this was on purpose. i knew he didn’t have feelings for her anymore, but he sure knew how to make it seem like it.
the next hour was complete and utter torture for me, as i watched everyone discuss the latest nevermore gossip and enid give a tour of her giant squish collection. as the night grew closer to midnight, i not only grew tired, but i was also ready to head back to my dorm and call it a night. it was best i didn’t speak to xavier tonight or crash at his place, because i really didn’t want my night to go further south than it already had.
“well,” i began, standing up and grabbing my phone, stuffing it into my pocket. “i think i’m gonna head back to my dorm, guys. it’s been fun.” i smile awkwardly, nodding to enid and giving her a soft thumbs up. “thanks for inviting me, i’ll see you in class monday.”
i turn around to walk out, shutting the door behind me before i speedily walk down the dark hallway with tears collecting in my eyes, reaching my dorm and upon shutting my door, i kick my shoes off and plop onto my bed, batting my eyes and wiping underneath them to calm myself and avoid any further embarrassment, even though i was now alone. while xavier did mean the world to me and i truly did love him, he could be a serious asshole at times.
i hear a knock on my door and i roll my eyes with a scoff, clearly aware of who was waiting for me on the other side. like i said before, i really didn't want to speak to xavier tonight, but he was really leaving me no choice.
i stood up and opened the door with a blank expression, allowing him to walk inside. i turn around, my hand still on the knob as i looked up to him with a frown.
"if you're just here to argue, then you might as well walk right back out this door." i say sternly and a bit flatly. "what you did at enid's was so embarrassing for not only you, but us. you know i didn't mean to make you upset, xavier, but you made me upset on purpose. you don't even like bianca, so why the hell would you pull that?"
xavier rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged lightly, walking over to sit down on my unmade bed. "look, i'm sorry, babe. i really didn't mean to make you that upset, i was just trying to make you feel the same way i felt."
i frown, walking over and sitting aside him, taking his hand and squeezing it softly. "our relationship isn't a competition. we need to talk things out before coming to conclusions, and also using other people to make someone else jealous? that's just fucked up."
"i'm sorry." xavier said quietly, resting his chin on the top of my head with a heavy sigh. "you know i love you."
"then act like it." i say coldly, looking up to him as i chewed on my bottom lip.
he pursed his lips together with a heavy sigh, pulling himself away from me before standing up, grabbing me by the ankles and pulling me down to where my back pressed against the mattress. he climbed on top of me and i lightly nudged him off, attempting to squirm out of his tall build.
“let me prove i’m sorry, baby, please..” he said quietly, pressing his lips against my neck while i continued to fight his touch.
he ran his tongue against my heated face until he landed at my mouth, pressing a soft kiss against my lips while his hand reached in between us to slide the waistband of my pants down.
i shook my head, kneeing him in the stomach, which quickly got him off of me.
“ouch!” xavier frowned, looking up to me as i got off the bed. “what is wrong with you, [y/n]?”
“what’s wrong with me?!” i turn to face him, my hands naturally throwing themselves into the air as my frustration only grew. “you’re the one who thinks i’ll just forgive you after we have sex.”
he sat up, sliding himself off the bed before walking towards me until my back was against the wall, with nothing but his hands sliding down my waist and to my ass, squeezing lightly before he leaned down to kiss my forehead.
“i didn’t say you had to forgive me, babe. just let me please you.”
i roll my eyes. “i would’ve been pleased if you didn’t throw a hissy fit tonight. now get away from me before i knee you where the sun doesn’t shine, xavier.”
he pulled away, holding his hands in the air and smirking down at me. “okay, fine. you wanna play that way, we’ll play that way.”
“what?” i quirk my brow. “what way?”
“the way where you pretend you don’t want me railing the shit out of you right now.” he smirked, taking my hand and pressing soft kisses against my knuckles. “i know you’re mad at me, but that doesn’t stop you from imaging what it would feel like to have me inside-”
“shut up.” i interrupt, pulling my hand away harshly before walking back to the bed. i sit on the side and cross my ankles as they hang above the floor. “you can leave now. seriously. maybe we should sleep this shit off.”
“gosh, [y/n], stop being so hardheaded.” xavier complains, walking up to me again before wrapping his hand around my neck, the other motioning down to press against my warmth through my pants, causing me to moan lightly.
a satisfied sigh slips from xavier’s lips as he steps closer, looking down at me as i avoided eye contact. “honestly, [y/n].. i’m not sure you’d be able to take my dick tonight.” he grinned, glancing down to the erection that was forming in his sweatpants. “i don’t know if you can handle me fucking you while i’m upset with you.” he slides down my pants to my knees, leaving me in my white panties, which were already covered with my wetness, despite how much i didn’t want to admit it.
“mind if i stretch you out a bit, baby?” he smirks, moving my underwear to the side before his thumb attached to my clit, rubbing softly and earning a heavy moan from my lips. he added one digit into my folds, fingering my softly as he began to open my walls up.
“you’re gonna take my dick so good, love.. i’m gonna make sure you’re mine tonight, and always, hm.. would you like that, baby?” he said softly, watching as he pumped his finger inside of me, while he gently added another.
i bite my lower lip, shaking my head slowly as i looked down between my legs. "you make this so complicated.."
"then fight it." he said back, raising a brow as i looked up to him with a shocked expression. "that seems to be your favorite thing to do tonight, right? fight?"
i scoff, rolling my eyes. "you're hilarious if you think i'm gonna fight this. go harder. you wanna fuck me mad, then prove it."
he nodded with a grin, tightening his fingers around my neck as his others finger fuck my dripping entrance. his digits curled within me, sending me into a loud moan as i looked down to watch his erection grow in his pants. his eyes glued against my entrance while he added another finger, making me yelp as all three fingers fucked me deep, stretching me out the more he pushed himself inside.
he pulled away once the bed began to hit the wall with each movement he made in me. he helped to flip me around, pulling my underwear down to the floor before sliding his own off.
"this doesn't mean i forgive you." i mutter, feeling his tip press against me before pushing inside. "i'm still angry."
"how about this," xavier began lifting my ass up on the bed and pressing my back down, pushing himself deeper inside of me, causing me to yelp as his balls hit my clit through one rough thrust. "less talking, more fucking. we'll talk about it in the morning."
i groan in annoyance, pressing my head against the pillow as i nod, sighing heavily. "fine. fuck me then."
"that's more like it." he leaned down to peck the back of my neck before his hands locked around my waist and he began to thrust, holding me tightly while he fucked me from the back, the two of us moaning in sync while the bed shook and the floor squeaked at xavier's every move.
"you're so wet, baby.. it's like you being mad at me just turns you on even more.. you gonna let daddy come in you tonight?" he cooed in my ear, pressing a kiss against my sweating temple. "i need to fill you up."
glancing up to him, i bite my lip and nod, small moans slipping off my lips as he pumped in and out of me, his hands traveling down to rest on my ass as he continued to thrust.
"you gonna answer me in more than a nod?" he said sternly, slowing down his pace as he leaned over to watch my facial expression drop.
my cheeks heated up and i sighed, locking eyes with him and nodding once again. "fine." i scoff, grinning softly. "fill me up, daddy. you wanna be so possessive over me, then prove it. make me yours."
"fuckkk.." he moaned at my words before starting a rhythm inside me again. his fingers gripping my ass cheeks with every thrust.
after a few more strokes, he wrapped one hand around my stomach before flipping me over, hovering over me and positioning himself once more.
"hold your legs." he said, watching as i took both of my ankles with each hand, holding them above me while my legs spread further and he slid inside of me once more. "i wanna be as deep inside you as i can be, love."
he slammed himself in and out of my walls, my legs shaking from the amount of stimulation he was filling me with. as xavier thrusted, i watched his face while he stared at my chest through my tank top, one of his hands trailing to slide underneath the shirt and to rub against my nipples, playing with the stimulated buds as he fucked me harder and harder.
"rub my clit, too. i wanna finish with you, xav." i demand, looking up to him as he nodded, moving his free hand to press against my skin, rubbing lightly as he worked himself up to even the stimulation out.
i moaned loudly the more his thumb press against the sensitive bud, and the more the knot in my stomach grew at his touch. god, no matter how mad i was at him, he sure knew how to make me reach an orgasm. every fucking time.
"i-i'm gonna - fuck - i'm gonna cum..!" i shout through staggered moans, my eyes closing as my back arches underneath me and i let go of my legs, both feet crashing onto the bed while xavier picks up his pace, closing his eyes as his orgasm grows closer as well.
i begin to buck my hips up, reaching over to grab his hand that was on my chest, interlocking our fingers together and squeezing his hand as we both reach our orgasms.
xavier moaned heavily, slowly pulling out of me before laying aside me. he cupped my cheeks, pulling me into a deep kiss. he smiled softly before taking my hand again.
"you still hate me?" xavier said with puppy dog eyes, taking me by the waist and pulling me closer to him. "because you're stuck with me, love."
"oh, fuck you." i kiss his cheek before slowly sitting up and pulling my top off. "fuck me again and maybe i'll hate you a little less."
"sounds good to me." xavier said before grabbing my waist and pressing me against the bed once again. he climed on top of me, kissing me once more. "i really do love you, though, [y/n]. i'm sorry about tonight. i let jealousy get ahead of me."
"hmm. how about this? less talking, more fucking." i copy his words from earlier, winking at him. "but i love you, too." i peck his lips in return, before pushing him down on the bed, and getting on top of him.
[ a/n: i also did want to mention i am back in classes and working more, so now so my posts may not be as frequent :'( nevertheless, please still share your thoughts and feel free to send me requests! ]
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shewrites444 · 1 year
watch me [sub! xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[ so this is different than how i usually portray xavier in one shots so far, but i figured a kind of submissive xavier would be an interesting change. enjoy (•؎ •) ]
word count - 2.8k
[summary: the reader helps an insecure and inexperienced xavier through masturbation and foreplay.]
[warnings: female masturbation, female receiving oral, submissive xavier, some deeper discussion of insecurities and mental health]
no matter how popular xavier thorpe was amongst our student body, he didn’t care much for relationships. bianca had been out of the picture since the rave’n of last year, and wednesday, respectfully, was so focused on herself that xavier stopped pursuing her once the semester was over with.
xavier and i weren’t friends, and never had been, but deciding to work with him as his essay tutor seemed like it would be interesting. he wasn’t a bad writer, or frankly, bad at school at all, so when he texted me over instagram and begged me to help him, i figured something must be up.
when it grew closer to nighttime and there was darkness slowly coloring the sky, i made my way to his dorm, which was still empty of a roommate from last semester, so we’d have the peace and quiet we needed.
i knocked on the wooden door and felt it unlock after a few seconds, where i was greeted by the tall boy, his hair tied into his usual bun, his black shirt hanging loosely on his lanky body with a pair of grey sweatpants to compliment it.
i never denied that he was attractive from the day i met him, but he seemed like he was a hit of a poser. it’s not like i was analyzing everyone at nevermore’s sex lives, but xavier was so mysterious about it, it kind of made me nosy. obviously, he and wednesday did nothing, and the only other girl he was publicly with was bianca, who i overheard many weeks ago in botany that xavier wasn’t the best. ouch for him.
i walked through the door and tried to push those irrelevant thoughts out of my head, hearing him shut it behind me before walking over to his bed, grabbing the laptop and setting it in his lap. i plop down beside him, sliding my converse off before glancing at the screen.
“so, what seems to be the issue? the prompt? proofreading? writers block?”
he looks to me with wide eyes, pulling up the tab where his essay was about a paragraph deep written. “getting straight into it, huh.”
“i mean, you did pull up your laptop immediately, and it’s not like there is a need in small talk when it comes to tutoring. we’ve talked outside of this like, maybe once, anyway.” i justify, rubbing the back of my neck a bit awkwardly at how tense this encounter already was. “i’m not trying to be rude. i’m sorry if it came off that way, xavier.”
he sighs, looking through his downloaded documents in an attempt to find the document with the prompt and rubric. “it’s fine. i know it must’ve been weird that i texted you about this. i just heard you were a good writer from enid one day in class, and i figured if you were willing to help, it wouldn’t hurt.”
“you’re right.” i smile softly as he pulls up the prompt, and i gesture my hands out for him to hand me the laptop. i scan it for a few moments before laughing a bit to myself, and looking up to xavier with a grin. “you’re stuck on writing an essay on how we can better women’s rights in jericho? seriously, xavier? that’s pretty much a given.”
xavier’s hands cover his reddened face in embarrassment and he takes the laptop, setting it next to him and turning to face me. “it’s an important topic, and i don’t want it to seem like i don’t care, you know. enid already had the whole class laughing at me last week when i said that one of my points was to start a march here during women’s history month.”
“that’s actually a really good idea.” i turn my legs onto the bed and cross them, leaning across the boy to grab the laptop again, and type it down as a point. “anything else you thought of? and you can always use a point of another student that you agree with, you just have to make it your own.”
he shrugged lightly, pinching his forehead as he thought. “not really, [y/n]. this sounds really stupid, but i’ve only ever truly interacted with like, bianca, wednesday, and enid, who’s solely from class and knowing wednesday, so i’m pretty bad when it comes to knowing what women would like to have around here when the only ones i know were pretty toxic.”
“well you know me now.” i say gently, looking up to him with a sympathetic smile. “and i know that you’ve only had experiences with those girls, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t research more about this essay. i think you’re mixing two things into one and it’s giving you a huge writers block.” i laugh a bit to myself, “so let’s try to separate the two.”
“it’s just hard.” he sighs, “i don’t know my mom closely, or much at all, so i’m kind of surrounded by guys. and there’s nothing wrong with that, but like i said, i just don’t know what women around here want to help them out.”
i knew what i wanted, and it really wasn’t what xavier was talking about. while i didn't know xavier that well, there was something so gentle and unknown about him that intrigued a side of me i typically didn't let come out of me.
i sort of felt bad for him, because it was clear that he was in some sort of funk from the way he was venting to me within minutes of personally meeting me, but then again, i did have some strange type of therapeutic touch that most of the douchbags at nevermore didn’t have.
“well, im a woman.” i begin, closing the laptop and setting it down next to me. i shrug lightly. “what do you think would help me as a girl on our campus, and in jericho?”
he purses his lips together, looking down to me and thinking. “i don’t know… uhm..” he pauses as our eyes lock, and shakes his head after a few seconds of staring blankly at me. “fuck, sorry. that was weird.”
“not really.” i giggle, talking his pale, anxious hand and squeezing it lightly. “you’re not a bad dude for not knowing much about women’s rights. i don’t expect you to, and i don’t think your teacher does either, when you’re new to the idea of it anyway. i’m not judging you, okay? you seem sweet."
xavier nodded, just staring at me for a moment before he leaned in and pressed his lips against my own, cupping my cheeks gently with the kiss. my eyes widened and i pushed him off of me almost instantly, not even wanting a taste of his lips before i got anymore ideas, and any more turned on. this was a bad idea. no matter how attractive i thought he was, i really didn’t want him to feel like that’s all i came here for.
“woah.. woah.." i blush, standing up and glancing down at the horrifically embarrassed boy. "i don't think we should let that escalate. you're clearly in an emotional state right now."
xavier grabbed his laptop and opened it, staring at the tab and starting to type. "yeah, you're right. i'm sorry, fuck." he closed it again in his lap before burying his face into his hands, sighing heavily to himself. "that was stupid. i'm sorry."
i sat down next to him, a frown on my face as i reached over to hold him gently across his back. "it's okay.. i get it, we all have things come over us and sometimes we can't control little things like that.."
"i just kissed you and barely know you even though we've been going to school together for years, [y/n]. shouldn't you be upset?" xavier asked, confused, as he pulled his face out of his hands and raised a brow to my oddly calm nature.
i purse my lips together and look up to meet his eyes, breathing nervously through my nostrils.
"i didn't say i was upset." i mutter quietly. "just that it was not a good idea."
he nodded, setting the laptop on the nightstand beside his side of the bed before gently patting my thigh and standing up, adjusting his posture and gesturing to the door. "i can walk you out, i'm sorry i even asked you to come here."
i raise my brown with a confused expression, taking his hand and helping him to sit back down on the bed. "xavier, i get that we don't know each other the best, but i'm not just going to leave someone in their room after that just happened. do you want to maybe talk more about it?"
he shook his head. "no way. it's really embarrassing."
"that you kissed me?" i say with a frown.
"no! definitely not." xavier frantically said back with defense, before taking a short, uncomfortable pause. "look, [y/n], please don't tell anyone this, but i'm a virgin. i never did anything with bianca besides the most amateur foreplay known to this horny campus. i didn't trust her fully, number one, but i also was horrified i'd fuck up since i didn't know squat about the female anatomy."
i smile softly, sitting back on the bed comfortably before speaking up. "that's not that big of a deal, trust me. tons of people here are still virgins. it's not embarrassing, and it's better to wait than sleep with someone, or do anything with someone, that you don't feel fully comfortable with. right?"
xavier nods, "yeah, i guess you're right. i just don't even know where to start. maybe that's why this essay is so hard. i'm thinking more of how i can't pleasure a woman in the bedroom than politically."
laughingly, i move towards the backboard of his bed and rest my back against it. "well, what have you done before to a girl?"
"well.." xavier coughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoids eye contact with me. "i mean, i fingered her, but like, once. i was told i couldn't find the clit, so that made me kind of discouraged."
my cheeks heat up at the mention of those words rolling of his tongue, and i bite my bottom lip, running over what i should say carefully. i breathe heavily, and shakingly, before looking up to him.
"i mean, i could show you. if you want.."
he looked to me with widening eyes, and nodded silently at my offer.
i look down to my black shorts and slide them down slowly, along with my panties, letting them rest before my feet as i spread my legs and watch xavier adjust himself in front of me. he sat with his legs sprawled, on each side of my own, while he eyes attached to my fingers as they dipped into my wet, warm folds to get wet, and slide up to my clit.
"see." i say quietly, planting my middle finger on the bud before starting to rub softly. "you can feel it when you touch it. that how you know you're on it. and you just keep rubbing in circles, not too harshly, but just enough so that she is stimulated. it'll be pretty clear, by her reaction, that you found it.."
he nodded, his length beginning to grow visibly hard in his grey pants as he moved his hand to cover it, watching while i touch myself before him.
"and if you want, you could always finger a girl, or eat her out, at the same time." i say nervously, while i look up to meet our eyes, "or, you could lick her clit, and flick it with your tongue."
"i.. i'll try.." he leans closer, and moves his body to where he laid on his flat stomach, pulling himself closer to where his mouth was inches away from my entrance, as his long, pink tongue slid into my folds and he began to explore my insides.
my eyes widen and i arch my back a little at the sensation, my finger pressing harder against my clit. "see.. you're not bad at this, at all.. oh, god..."
xavier reached over to hold each of my legs while he pushed his tongue in deeper, before he pulled away to suck on my outer folds, pressing a gentle kiss against the entrance before looking up to me, almost for approval.
"was that okay?" he said softly, after pulling himself back up.
"yes." i look down, pulling my finger away from my clit. "now you try there.." i gesture, sitting up and moving a bit closer to him.
he sat up and moved his finger inside of me gently, penetrating me just enough to dampen his digit before moving it upwards, feeling my skin before it meets the bud, and lightly pressing against it, beginning to rub. i moan softly, nodding with a soft smirk as i look up to him. "you got it, xavier."
he smiled softly, leaning closer to meet his lips against mine, kissing me softly while he stimulated me. i pulled away to look down at the bulge in his pants before gently taking his hand off me.
"okay.. now watch me, again." i instruct, watching him nod as he sat back once more. "i'm gonna cum for you."
i sit back again on the headboard, spreading my legs further and moving my middle and ring fingers inside of my folds, beginning to finger myself before the boy while he sat back, sighing heavily as he watched my body react to each thrust of my fingers.
"fingering feels good, but typically, a girl is going to cum better, or easier, from clit stimulation. obviously, when you're having sex, it's going to a little harder to rub her clit, but it's not impossible. that'll just make it feel better for the both of you, if you do.."
i use my free hand to slide my tank top up, exposing my breasts while the shirt rest above them, my nipples hardening at the cold air and the overall stimulation before me.
"have you ever done any sort of nipple play?" i ask, watching him shake his head 'no'. "come try."
he once again leans closer, closing his eyes as he attaches his soft lips to my left bud, sucking softly while his hand reaches over to hold my right breast, and after a few moments, began to play with my nipple. i moan, moving my hand out of my folds and up to my clit once more, rubbing aggressively to pick up my pace, and lower my stamina, as i begin to approach my orgasm.
xavier pulled away again, and he leaned down to my entrance, with a clear sense of confidence washing over him, as he slid two fingers in, pumping them in and out of me. i looked up to him, our eyes locked and mouths both hung open.
"yeah, just like that.. that feels really good, xav.." i blush, nodding with approval to him as he smiled confidently.
i close my eyes as my moans grow louder and louder, feeling his lips press against my neck while he curls his fingers inside me, and i yelp, my walls tightening around him and my climax reaching upon it, as fluids begin to drip out of my walls and onto the blue bedsheets, soaking his fingers in the process.
he pulls his digits out of me and looks to me with a flustered face, a small grin forming on his lips.
"w-wow.." he said quietly, watching as i began to pull my top down. "that was.. uhm.. amazing, and very helpful.."
i lean up to peck his lips softly. "feel better about pleasuring a woman now?" i tease, weakly moving my exhausted legs to grab my underwear and shorts, slipping them both on.
he nods, sitting up and attempting to disregard the slight erection that was still in his pants. "much better.. you are just so amazing, and beautiful.. and so, just comforting.."
"oh stop." i smirk, reaching over him to grab the laptop. i open it and click on the essay before handing it back to him. he sat down next to me and sighed, resting his head on my own. "guess you're my tutor for two different things, huh?"
"don't get too ahead of yourself." i laugh, watching him pull up the prompt once more on the screen. "all i did was teach you the basics. i think the rest you may have to figure out yourself."
he smiled at me before leaning down to peck my lips. "maybe. but i wouldn't complain if you taught me how to do a bit more."
"i'll think about it. let's finish this paper first and we'll go from there." i kiss him once again, before glancing back at the screen and putting my focus towards what i originally came here for, no matter how hard it was to stop thinking about what it would feel like to have xavier thorpe between my legs right now, again.
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shewrites444 · 1 year
hello lovies, to keep my page more organized and make it easier for you guys to navigate certain stories, i’ve attached below each smut i’ve written with the fandom and individual characters. all of my stores are x reader and nsfw. this will continue to be updated as i post more on my page.
i also did want to make it clear all characters are 18+ in my stories.
i will take most requests as well. just shoot me a message and i’ll see what i can work with if it’s a prompt i’m comfortable writing on. as of now, the characters listed below are really the only ones i write on because i know them well enough to portray.
thank you for reading! <3
xavier thorpe
over part 2
competitive edge
watch me
favorite distraction
for me
unexpected part 1 & 2
american horror story
michael langdon
the 8th wonder
xavier plympton
brother’s best friend
peaky blinders
thomas shelby
arranged part 2
earned it
earned it part 2
rule bender
the hunger games
coriolanus snow
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shewrites444 · 1 year
competitive edge [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[ like usual, written by me and only me. i figured an enemies to lovers trope would be an interesting one to write, so enjoy ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) ]
word count - 2k
[summary: the reader and xavier have never gotten along, but when they're unexpectly forced to be on the same team for the poe cup, the two learn they're more alike, sexually, than they think.]
[warnings: enemies to lover trope, teasing, quick sex, risky sex]
"are you fucking serious, ajax? you told me xavier wasn't going to participate this year." i roll my eyes in annoyance, walking down to hall with the boy as we turn into our biology class. "you know i wouldn't have agreed to any of this if i knew he was coming."
ajax signed, sitting down on the black stool before setting his backpack on the floor. "it's really not that big of a deal, [y/n]. it's not like you have to talk to him, you know." he opened his notebook and clicked his pen to begin taking notes. "and remind me again why you two are so called mortal enemies in the first place?"
"he humiliated the shit out of me freshman year, dude. remember?" i look up to ajax in confusion and a bit of frustration. "i don't know who could forget he was the one that started the rumor i brought that red paint to the rave'n because i had failed one of miss thornhill's exams and he didn't, which like, almost caused me to get expelled."
"well, if it makes you feel better, i did forget. but now you have reminded of that disaster of an event, so thanks for that." ajax jokes, winking at me playfully as i scoff, burying my head into my hands as i think about the events that were about to unfortunately unfold this weekend.
the reason i disliked xavier sounded kind of silly, but it really did take a toll on me. we had lightly competed a bit in terms of academics since we were freshman at nevermore, and when he scored better than me on that exam and i was going to take it to principal weems (since i never failed anything in my life), he like, flipped out on me and caused an entire scene that was a normie's fault in the first place. we had no previous grudge, but since that day, we've barely spoken, and when we did, it was because we were either in the same friend group, or in class for a project of some sort. this whole poe cup ordeal made me just wanted to drop out of our group, but it was too late now - the competition was literally in two days.
so the next 48 hours were pretty stressful for me in terms of how i'd be able to move past this and put on a fake smile for a few hours so that we were able to win this and have it be over with.
when the time finally rolled around, i sat in the brown boat with a cold expression and a stupid costume, grabbing the oar and feeling a familiar lanky presence sit behind me, squeezing my side as i winced with a heavy blush on my cheeks, turning around and punching no other than xavier thorpe in the arm.
"fuck off, thorpe." i say quietly, looking up to the boy as he laughed, shaking his head at my frustration.
"it's been almost two years, [y/n]. can't you loosen up? no one remembers anything that happened, like, ages ago." xavier justifies himself, grabbing an oar and holding it to his side. "can't we just get along for a few hours, at least? i don't bite, [y/n]."
i roll my eyes, looking up to him with a blank stare. "i don't think it's necessary for us to speak throughout this."
"i do." he grins, tilting his head to the side as he glanced down at my figure. "i can't not look at you dressed like an idiot."
"we are literally wearing the same thing." i snap, turning around and shaking my head. "asshole."
the sound of xavier's laughter taunted my ears as i glanced in front of me at the blue lake before us, anxiously awaiting our cue to go so that this could go any faster. time felt like it was on standby from how much i wished this was done with, so i knew this was the universe's way of just forcing me to go through an uncomfortable situation to maybe somehow bring peace to it. who the fucks know?
the sound of the whistle finally cues us to go. as each boat begins to rapidly row across the water, the sirens, like always, rigged the game by knocking over several boats with one of their teammates, but we were luckily not one of those boats. in a way, i obviously wished we were. this couldn't end any sooner.
as we reached land, ajax got out of the boat and looked to me while i set my oar down, helping me up and watching as xavier stepped out after me. he sighed, looking to the two of us. "both of you go ahead and find the flag, please. i can watch the boat so no one fucks it up."
my eyes widen and i shake my head frantically in rejection to his idea, looking to xavier who grabs my hand and immediately yanks me towards him as we run into the empty woods.
"seems that whenever i want to get away from you, this bullshit keeps us together!" i shout to him with annoyance as i yank my hand away, jogging behind him while i look around the forest.
he smirks, turning around to face me. "that should say something, hm?"
"shut up." i scoff, watching him laugh as his hat bounces with each step he took. he looked ridiculous, but no matter how much i wanted to not admit it, he oddly looked kind of.. cute. gross.
i stop in my tracks as we run into an abandoned white building, where our flag was stuck against the side of a nearby tree. i walk over to grab it, but upon turning around, i bump into xavier, who's now hovered above me.
"move." i say, looking up to him, my lips pursed together. "we need to get back to ajax. we have the flag."
xavier takes the flag from me, dropping it to the ground. he steps closer, forcing my back to hit the back of the tree while he moves one hand to cup the side of my painted face. "he can wait. these flags take forever to find anyway, we just happened to get lucky."
"no way, xavier. if you think i'd even do as much as kiss you, then you're fucking insane." i push my hands against his chest in an attempt to push him away, but he persists, moving his other hand to the top of my pants, sliding his fingers down to press against my warmth.
i rest my head against the tree, looking up to him and shake my head, sighing heavily through my nostrils. "no. this is wrong. you fucked me over."
he leans down to meet my height, opening his mouth and beginning to lick from the side of my cheek to my jawline, planting kisses to the left until he is now up to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss against my painted skin.
"your body doesn't think it's wrong."
he was right about that. damn it.
whatever - fuck it.
i reluctantly return the kiss that was probably a mistake, looking around us to make sure we were in the clear, before i unzip the front of his suit, my hand sliding down into his underwear as i grab his hardened length, beginning to pump him while he rubs his fingers against the outside of my costume, small grunts coming from his closed lips as he looks down to my hand on his dick.
"let me fuck you, [y/n]." xavier looks up to me, moving his hands to unzip my front, pushing it off my shoulders to expose my black bra. "and then we can hate each other again if you'd prefer it that way."
i smirk, moving my free hand to slide my bra straps down and expose my chest. "tell a soul and i'll kill you."
xavier grins, leaning down to slide his hand into my underwear and his mouth onto my chest, pressing kisses around my breasts before his lips attached to my nipple, sucking the bud aggressively as he slid one finger into my entrance, the two of us pleasuring each other into such a sensational edge that i really couldn't take not having him inside me right now already.
"fuckkkk..." i moan, looking down to him as he reached one hand over to pick me up, straddling my legs on each side of him while he kept one finger inside me, moving my hand to the bottom of his dick to position himself towards my entrance, looking up to me with nothing but lust in his face while he takes his finger out and slides his dick into my wet entrance.
he groans, his head falling back while he slowly begins to pump his length inside of me, my covered ass pressing against the tree behind me while he begins to pick up his pace rather quickly, so that within a matter of seconds, he was slamming himself inside of my walls, while my arms wrapped around his neck, and our lips crashed together, bodies in sync as we fucked so fast that almost everything in me was numb except the most indescribable, dirty feeling that i was fucking someone who nearly ruined my life because he couldn't admit i was smarter, and better.
"you gonna cum soon?" i say through shaking breath, breaking our kiss to meet our eyes instead.
xavier nods silently, his lips pressed together while he continues to pound me, looking down to watch as my tits bounced rapidly through his thrusts. "mhm.. are you?"
"you're not gonna make me cum." i tease, my voice smooth and seductive while i look up to him with a taunting smile. "you don't get to have that, xavier. i said you could fuck me, but i never said you could cum."
his eyes widen and he tilts his head to mock my actions, but a smirk grows on his face while he grabs my ass, holding my tightly while he pumps more and more harshly inside of me. "you're funny for that, [y/n]. i know you want me to cum from you. i know that when we pass each other in the halls, in the dorms, anywhere, that you're gonna wish i was fucking you all over again... you're gonna want me behind you, on top of you, you riding me.. you're gonna regret saying things would go back to the way they were, because they won't.. i won't let that happen, because i wanna fuck you sooo much more than just once.. i wanna fill your pussy over and over, because no matter how much you hate me.. you're gonna want me inside you again.."
my mouth hangs open as he speaks, my cheeks so heated that i can feel the burn while he finishes speaking and instead moans loudly, his cum filling my pussy and dripping into my underwear as he sets me down and zips his suit up, doing the same for me after adjusting my bra back into place.
i stand in disbelief, watching him grab the flag, and then my hand. he grins, leading my towards the boat.
"you're so fucking cocky." i mutter, looking down at the ground while we continue to walk.
"you're so fucking hot." he winks, reaching his hand over to lightly tap my ass.
"oh, shut the hell up." i roll my eyes, a small grin on my lips as i take his hand into mine again.
"never." xavier says as we reach ajax, and hand him the flag, getting back into the boat. he leans over to rest his head on my shoulder as we get back into place. "gotta say, i already love this new dynamic between us."
"fuck you."
"again already?" xavier gasps with a hint of sarcasm. "gosh, [y/n]. didn't know you wanted me that bad."
i smirk to myself, nudging his chest with my elbow. "i've never hated you more, thorpe."
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shewrites444 · 1 year
over - part 2 [xavier thorpe x reader smut]
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[per request, here's part 2 of "over". linked right here is part 1 if you haven't read it yet. enjoy!]
word count - 1.9k
[summary: after the reader's intimate encounter with xavier at the coffeeshop, she doesn't realize how serious he was about finishing what they started.]
[warnings: slight mention of female masturbation, 69, unprotected sex, dirty talk, more dominant xavier]
no matter how much i tried to forget about it, i couldn't. the fact that i allowed such an unspeakable, dirty act happen at my own workplace still baffled me, even a few days later. i couldn't go to sleep without imagining him next me, or on top of me, his lips pressed against my own as he fucked me just as hard as he said he would.
even though xavier and i exchanged numbers, i really didn't expect much to happen. sure, we had texted back and forth a few times, but it was nothing insane. we flirted a few times over text, but no talk of him coming to see me during a shift, coming over to my place, or me going to his. obviously, this is what i expected, you know. for him to be wrapped up in wednesday, just as much as he was that day in the coffeeshop.
regardless of how oddly disappointed i felt, i spent quite a bit of my time imagining what it would be like if he ended up seeing me again. there wasn't a bone in my body that didn't want him to fuck me. it was exhausting, honestly, considering i really didn't care much for particular guys. maybe because i had been messing with normal people my entire life. while being attracted to an outcast wasn't a kink like xavier joked, it sure was a turn on, at least.
i glance to my phone and sighed, looking to the time to take note of the fact that it was 1 in the morning and i was still wide awake. i decided to distract myself by scrolling through social media, which i think made my insomnia a bit worse, but at least it got my mind off the long haired outcast that seemed to consume every sexual thought that ran through my head.
you up?
my eyes widen at the text from no one other than xavier. i sit up, staring at the notification as a thousand thoughts bombard my head, wondering what i should do. i didn't want to look desperate, because i honestly wasn't a desperate person, but for xavier, i would honestly let him fuck my brains out if he the offer stood. i bite my bottom lip, opening the text to respond as casual as a i could.
yeah, what's up?
my heart begins to beat rapidly, my cheeks burning red as i watch as he immediately reads it and begins to type.
you want company?
i grin, clicking the facetime button as i await his response while the ringtone plays. xavier picks up, looking through the camera with a smirk.
"i meant in person, [y/n]." he laughs, brushing his hair out of his face as he speaks. "i can drive over if you'd like me to."
i sigh, holding my phone up as i rest my head on my pillow. "i don't know, xavier. is that a good idea? you had a lot to say the last time i saw you. saying how this wasn't over."
"i think it's a great idea, actually." xavier says, "i meant everything i said."
"oh really?" i tease, smirking at him through the phone. "fine then. i'll send my address."
i hang up after he grins back, texting him my address and watching him like the text. my heart begins to race faster than it had before. this entire situation seemed more unbelievable than it already was. i hated the fact that i genuinely wanted this. i hated that someone made me feel this good.
setting my phone back on my nightstand, i lay down and slide my pants off, setting them on the floor as i turn my lamp off, leaving only the moonlight shining through my window to illuminate my room. glancing down to my underwear, i sigh to myself and slide my hand down the waistband and to my already stimulated entrance. i slide one finger onto my clit and begin to rub, looking up to the ceiling with my mouth hung open as i think about the course of events that were about to happen to me.
the more i thought about him, the wetter i got. the more i imagined how good it would feel to have him in me, the more i wanted it. fuck. what the fuck was i doing? i couldn't even wait for him to get here to touch me.
i feel a gust of wind brush through my room and i pull my hand away, my eyes widening and my cheeks burning in a heat of red while i look to see the tall, lean build of xavier thorpe enter my bedroom through my now open window. he looks to me with a grin, seeing my grey underwear wet and my hand on my stomach.
"holy shit. you really couldn't wait for me to do that for you?" xavier teased, walking over to the bed and laying aside me. he cupped my face and placed a passionate kiss against my lips, rolling on top of me, where i then felt his hard length press against my wet panties.
i moan softly, breaking the kiss and looking up to him with a grin. "seems like you couldn't wait either."
he grins, using one hand to slide my tank top up and attaching his lips my left nipple, his tongue circling my hardening bud as he began to dry hump me, my eyes shutting as i sent my head into the pillow, enjoying every ounce of pleasure he brought to my body already.
i reach down to the waistband of his sweatpants, tugging at them as he allows me to slide them down, lifting his head back up to meet our eyes.
"since when did you get so submissive towards me? you sure had a lot of nerve the last time i saw you." xavier says as his hair presses against my face. i feel him lean down to pull his underwear down, as he sits back up to pull his pants down with them.
i sit up, moving my legs across the bed to slide my own underwear off and onto the floor. "who says i still don't have that nerve?"
"true." he says back, turning back to me and kissing me once again. he takes my hand and brings it to his dick, as he lays down on the bed. i sit up, moving one of my legs across him and positioning myself in front of his dick, before i lay on top of him and spread my legs before his face.
i feel his tongue attach to my clit as i spit on his length, sliding my mouth down on his length, one hand beginning to jerk him off as i suck his tip, and the other moving to play with his balls. he sticks one finger inside of my folds and he begins to pump it inside of me while he licks my aching pussy, which was already begging for another part of him to be inside of me.
he moans, the heat of his breath pressing against my skin. i continue to suck him off, tasting his pre cum as it swirls around my tongue while i suck his tip, my hand sliding down his wet dick as he groans gently.
i moan as i suck his dick, while he continues to press his tongue against my clit and he pumps a second finger inside of me. the more he stimulated me, the closer i was to cumming, and there was no way i would let that happen so early. i feel my legs begin to lock at the stimulation he was bringing me, and i slowly pulled away from his mouth, and my own, sliding myself down to his dick, as it pointed at my entrance while i leaned up to hover over his length.
"turn around. if you're gonna fuck me, i want to see your face."
i nod, turning my body around as i lock eyes with xavier, my wetness clearly on his lips as he sucked my juices off his fingers while he held eye contact the entire time. he was so fucking hot.
i position myself again before i slide down on his dick, moaning loudly while he filled my insides. my knees touch my mattress and i begin to ride him, as he reaches over to hold my waist with one hand, the other grabbing my own and intertwining our fingers.
"you're so hot." xavier praises, looking up to me, and back down to our bodies as i fucked him. "god, i can't wait to cum inside you, [y/n]. you feel so motherfucking good."
i lean down, pressing my lips against his and cupping his face with one hand. "what about me finishing? him?
he grins, kissing me quickly before letting go of my hand and reaching between our bodies to attach his thumb to my clit. he begins to rub it rapidly, pressing against it while i pick up my pace, starting to bounce on his dick more than ride it. i gasp, feeling him begin to thrust up, earning a slap from both our skin as we collide.
"i've never wanted to fuck someone so bad, so many more times.." he moans, his eyes motioning down to watch as my breasts bounced, the tank top still on, but pushed up above them. "i could fuck you all night, wherever you want.. hell, i'd fuck you in that coffeeshop, for all i care.."
i giggle, looking down to watch him rub my clit, my mouth hung open as i feel him slam into my walls, which only tightened the closer i grew to my orgasm. "i'd let you fuck me anywhere if you make me cum."
"is that so?" he smirks, leaning up, grabbing my and setting me into his lap as he pumps his length into me, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist while he fucks me balls deep. "then why don't you cum for me, baby? i wanna feel you finish, with me. i know you'll look so fucking beautiful when you do. more than you already do."
i press my lips against his, muffling our moans as he continues to thrust into me, my climax rapidly building to the point my entire body melts at his touch, our mouths both opening, teeth pressed against each other's while we hit our climaxes, xavier's cum filling my insides as a warmth rushes through my body.
we catch our breaths for a moment, before he slowly lets go of me and sets me down on the bed. he glances down as his cum slowly drips from my entrance, his face reddening as he thinks about what just happened. he leans over to peck my lips, resting aside me and reaching over to take my hand.
"we need to do this more often. fuck." xavier says, looking towards me.
i grin, shrugging lightly as i squeeze his hand. "yeah, i agree, but not with your little crush in the way. like i said before, this should be happening with her, no matter how good that just was."
"enough about her." xavier shakes his hand, leaning my hand up to press it against his lips. "like i said, i could fuck you sooo many more times. she doesn't even compare, [y/n]. i already know it."
i roll my eyes and let go of his hand, leaning up and pulling my tank top down. "you're funny, xavier thorpe. we can talk about this tomorrow. i need to shower."
"need company for that, too?" xavier winks, leaning up and snaking an arm around my waist, kissing my side. "because i wouldn't mind a round two."
i laugh, taking his hand again and pulling him up, feeling his arms wrap around me as we walk to the bathroom. "that doesn't sound like a bad idea."
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