shootingstarrfish · 9 hours
About the transmasc mammon ask, what if his top scars are crow/bat wings?? Very unrealistic but i think it'd be neat
omg anon your brain is so big... realism isnt important, but maybe he could get the wings tattooed on if anything!!
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shootingstarrfish · 9 hours
how do people have dreams about the obey me cast like when they appear are they in the obey me art style? Or is it realistic, or is it like another art style?? Or like ur art style for example??? How can people get obey me dreams I would kill to have those
ooooh this is a good question, honestly this wasnt a thought that ever crossed my mind? whenever im dreaming im never aware that it is a dream so to me it feels like whatevers happening is happening for real, so i suppose they just looked like real living people to me? thinking back on it though, i dont even remember what they looked like. they were sorta just fuzzy figures that my brain assigned as each character, and this tends to happen a lot in my dreams
i wish i could answer your second question anon, my dreams are very weird and unpredictable i cant help much hahaha i would love to have a belphie dream that involves him actually being there though...
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shootingstarrfish · 10 hours
i'll tell yall about a funny obm dream i had a while ago, all my belphie dreams have been scams so far i want a refund >:v
so i can only assume id just been on an outing with the brothers and it was the end of the day. they were all squished into my itty bitty car to the point where asmo was sitting on my lap while i was driving (it was weird dream logic so he kept alternating between sitting on my lap and sitting on the floor at my feet??) of course lucifer being the insufferable eldest sibling was in the passenger seat beside me, belphie was directly behind me and i believe levi was beside him in the middle? i cant remember what satan mammon and beel were doing lolll they were never particularly relevant in this one but i know they were there
anyway i tell them all we're almost at the train station and ill drop them off there and it should be easy to get home by train, and i hear a chorus of groans behind me so i figure it's not too far out of my way to just to drive them directly home and decide to offer to do so, to which they all cheer except lucifer and...
i hear belphies voice directly behind me suddenly try to get my attention, and i get really excited because belphie is talking to me. i turn around as best as i can to face him "oh whats up belphie?" i ask casually, trying not to seem too excited or anything. im curious though, again it's belphie we're talking about. i have to admit im happy he's talking to me. clearly in this dream au im quietly pining after him so im delighted. he shuffles around a bit, not speaking yet. i think to myself that he looks very cute. i wonder what he's gonna say. is this the development of our dream au relationship? he awkwardly opens his mouth to speak:
"uhh, i think i'd rather walk home honestly..."
my entire world shatters. the one person i wanted to be there suddenly wants to leave? (for some reason ignoring that asmo, who i also love very much, is sitting on my lap) i try not to seem too upset tho and let him leave to walk.
i set up my GPS and play some music, i specifically decide to play anime openings because i know levi will vibe with it. he starts trashing my taste in music
and then i woke up
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shootingstarrfish · 12 hours
i know you probably have a lot of requests so pls no pressure but can i pretty pLEASE beg you for transmasc mammon i’m on my Knees 🫶🏻 him being trans is so canon btw i know bc mammon is just like me fr (i’m threatening solmare to never mess with my mammon hcs, so real) (i’m sane about mammon)
HELLO ANON im so sorry this took me forever to get around to, here's transmasc mams for your pocket :D i hope it's okay i gave him nipple piercings hahaha my friend has converted me and i fully believe he has them now
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shootingstarrfish · 13 hours
I am back from the exploded realm to say CONGRATS ON 2K FOLLOWERS AAAAAAA YOU DESERVE IT!! I hope your art continues to get a lot of recognition because you're so talented <3
Now I shall go back to the exploded realm, it was rather ni- 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
i hope you enjoy the exploded realm that i had absolutely nothing to do with :D
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shootingstarrfish · 13 hours
∧ , , , ∧ ( ̳ • · • ̳) / づ ♡
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shootingstarrfish · 13 hours
meow ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
MEOW!!! /ᐠ˵- ᴗ -˵マ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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shootingstarrfish · 13 hours
congrats on 2000
it would be a shame if i explo- 💥💥💥💥🎆💥🎆💥🎆💥🎆💥💥🎆💥🎆
(i brought fireworks hope you dont mind💚💚)
thank you anon!! fireworks are great!!! the explosion just got bigger >:D
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shootingstarrfish · 13 hours
Lemme tell you about my dream starr
I don't even know how It started and where we were going but me, lucifer and diavolo were outside this shady sketchy ahh building at midnight, so when we went in it looked like a daycare and we went inside one of the rooms and saw solomon and simeon and luke and a few other kids and a random woman
Simeon was sitting in one of the kiddy chairs staring intensly at a wall that had a spider on it cuz he was scared, so the woman was like "Are just gonna keep staring at it?" And simeon snapped out of it, then diavolo went and picked up the spider with a tissue and threw it on simeon😭😭 and simeon screamed and got up and backed himself up into a corner scared, then lucifer joined in and he grabbed the spider and also threw it on simeon and simeon screamed again and ran out of the room while me diavolo and lucifer were laughing and solomon was like "guys stop I feel bad for simeon :(" and went after him
Then it cuts to us sitting on a couch and now it's my turn and I GRAB THE SPIDER AND ALSO THROW IT ON SIMEON💀💀 and simeon once again screams and this time he starts CRYING😭😭 and solomon got mad at all of us💀💀
Poor simeon bro cannot catch a break, this is why he was blurred out in the last part of the new lessons trailer, we kept bullying him to the point he's boutta snap😭😭
Also idk where luke went
this is the most bizarre thing i've ever read oh my god, what if the spider somehow represents barb....
solomon defending simeon omg true friendship right there
simeon for scientific purposes or whatever 💀
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shootingstarrfish · 15 hours
🐍🧡Leviastans pspspsps...🧡🐍
I was thinking of maybe opening a discord server to do a FREE digital zine/collection about our favorite sea serpent. Would any artists/writers/digital merch artists be interested? It would be something low pressure and just for fun.
EDIT JUST TO CLARIFY - This would be an open zine for all levels of creators. I'm well-versed in modding zines so I'll make sure it's nice and organized, and may ask for some help from others who are experienced with digital zines, but the overall purpose would be for all of us to come together and make a variety of works within a flexible timeline. We can then share the pdf for free download with the world!
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🐍🧡Leviastans pspspsps...🧡🐍
I was thinking of maybe opening a discord server to do a FREE digital zine/collection about our favorite sea serpent. Would any artists/writers/digital merch artists be interested? It would be something low pressure and just for fun.
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I love your art so much, you're so talen- 🔥‼️🔥‼️🔥‼️💥💥💥🧨🧨💥🧨🔥🔥🧨🔥💥‼️💥🔥🧨🔥🔥💥💥🔥💥💥💥
HEY CMON now youre just being dramatic whats all this?? i didnt put this in my ask box okay >:(
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oh my god..... we NEED to take that ukulele away from yo- *EXPLODES* 💥💥💥💥💥💥
too late teehee :D
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Congrats on 2000 btw!!! Hope I don't explo 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
thanks!!! oh i thought i fixed that... hmm....
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You want more explosions?! oh no- 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 🪦🕊️
>:))) oh yes
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*Arises from the dead*
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH <33333💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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So many explosi- *boom* 💥💥💥💥💥💥 (also congrats on 2000 followers you deserve it, I love your art <3)
- <3
whats an explosion (thank you!!! <333)
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