now that i saw you (i can never look away) - chapter five, preview
She’s always known that the polywool blues they wear don’t quite do him justice, mainly accentuating his arms and nothing else; out of uniform, his trusty Henley of choice works a bit more magic as it outlines a little more definition in his arms and chest; what he wears to work out highlights even more though that’s specifically tied to the tension in his body when he's weightlifting or doing laps at the sandbag; and twice now she’s seen him in a suit which despite the many layers is still when she’s found him the most attractive. Well. Until now. Even though she'd previously seen him at least half-naked standing in the middle of Rachel’s living room in only a fucking towel, that still could not have prepared her for this. Granted, she’d been more focused on the fact that she won their bet and was finally out of long sleeves but even later than night, after the excitement from the win had settled it wasn't something she allowed herself to think about too much because that was her training officer who she had found at her friend’s house the morning after. It felt too awkward to let herself fall down that rabbit hole so instead she focused on the sweet victory that was short sleeves. Perhaps she should have paid a little more attention though because if she had, she wouldn’t have been so surprised to find out that despite how annoyingly attractive he looks in whatever he wears, his best look is definitely naked. It also may not have distracted her long enough for him gain the upper hand again as he uses the opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist and push her toward him to roll her over onto her back. “Hey!” she protests.  He shrugs with a smirk, “I was trying to get your attention.” “And my name didn’t suffice?” she laughs. “Maybe but this was more fun.” 
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sisterofficerlucychen · 10 hours
since there was an almost two seasons difference, i thought this happened much later but i just realized that jackson died less than a year after the captain did 🥺
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now that i saw you (i can never look away) - chapter four
He says it again, a softer whisper this time, and she's not sure who of the two he's trying to convince. Her eyes soften as she meets his stare once again, watching how he continues to search for affirmation of how bad of an idea this is. Because it is, there are so many reasons for them to stop, to call this a judgment of error, and never speak about it again.  But when are things that simple? “So we don't,” she whispers. It's the only answer she's able to give that's remotely along the lines of what he's looking for despite there being absolutely nothing in her tone that actually implies this, drawing closer to him instead as an arm wraps over his shoulder. “We stop then,” he repeats as his words don’t quite match his actions either, hand moving to sprawl over the small of her back as he tightens his hold. “We’re stopping,” she echoes, her lips a feathered touch against his, just shy from closing the gap between them again. “Stopping ..."  She doesn’t hear it but she feels it, his breath hot on her skin, how his lips move to form the words against hers before they’re kissing once again fueled by that same rush as before. He’s kissing her with fervor as her fingers scrape alongside the short strands of hair at the nape of his neck. He shifts his hold as one hand spans over her mid-back and the other cups the side of her face, fingers tangling in her hair. Each kiss becomes sloppier, needier, while her mind buzzes completely drunk off his touch. “If—we—do—this—,” he mumbles, train of thought strung out as his mouth wanders down her jaw leaving peppered kisses in its wake.   He doesn’t have to finish the sentence for her to know what he means either. 
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i just want to nap for the next year and a half 😴
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uh oh, i'm falling in love (again) 
“You’re staring, Lucy.” Huh? She’s about to question what was just said when her mind catches up but she’s not quick enough to respond before Angela continues. “I know my child’s cute but that’s not why you’re staring, is it?” she quips with a quirked brow and knowing smirk. “I—um,” she stammers as she meets the detective’s gaze, a rosy hue spreading across her face as she fails to come up with an excuse knowing she’d see right through it. “He’s really good with them,” she finally answers. “I know, that’s why he’s their Godfather — but that’s not what I asked.” Lucy scoffs in response, shooting her a playful eye roll as a grin spreads across her lips at the comment. Of course she wouldn’t let her out of it that easy. “I know,” she affirms, acknowledging how she’s being evasive. It’s not that she’s trying to be secretive about it, she knows she clearly wasn’t doing a very good job at disguising the fact that she’d been captivated by the pair and what her expression read as while she watched them. “I just—I’m—“ Terrified? Confused? Apprehensive?
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When Lucy discovered she was pregnant again, when her first child was only five months old, Tim cried, Tamara snorted and tried to give Lucy a speech on sex education, and Lopez and Harper straight cackled. “Bradford. You just can’t keep your hands to yourself for five minutes, can you?” Angela taunted. Tim pursed his lips and shook his head, annoyed at the fact that his sex life was being openly discussed at work. “It was Valentine’s Day. Not my fault.” “Literally all I wanted was a back rub.” Lucy replied curtly as she walked over and dropped a file on Harper’s desk. Nyla looked up, eyeing her up and down. “Yeahhh…Leah was a backrub baby too.” Angela chuckled. “Jack was a ‘few too many shots of whiskey’ baby. Also a ‘we don’t need a condom it’s just one time’ baby. And Wesley wasn’t allowed near me for at least six months after he was born. So, good for you, Lucy.” "Yeah, well…” She smiled; eyes cast downward. “He’s not exactly bad at it…” Tim huffed and threw his arms up. “I’m right here. You see me, right?” The girls erupted into laughs as Tim stormed off, muttering about this being the exact reason he didn’t discuss his personal life at work.
-Only Love Can Hurt Like This by @thisnightissparkling089 (submitted by @chenfordspiral)
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the way i accidentally broke off plastic snake drain in my bathtub and this is either a super easy solve or i really fucked up 🥲
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i’m such a silly little goober (and a complete dumbass) 🥲
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*cries in i will never finish this* and i can't even skip it and come back later because it's literally the only thing i have left to write 😭
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jake's crush on amy and the switch from constantly annoying her once he stops denying that he likes her to being nice and complimenting her always gets me 🥹❤️
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There’s less awkwardness between them. They’re able to talk about cases and suspects together without that momentary awkward hesitation beforehand. She laughs at things he says, sometimes. Gives him a small smile in greeting and bids him goodnight when she passes him in the parking structure. She lets him hold a door open for her here and there. Then, they get even better. They are able to ride together, seamlessly, for the first time. Then, they ride together and it’s actually… nice. They’re able to talk normally, they stop for lunch. He tries to pay, an act of kindness that he’s vowed to give to her – she refuses, the dose apparently too large for now.
-the golden age of something good and right and real by @stina-bo-bina (submitted by @zadien)
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chenford + applicable quotes/lyrics (1/?) (insp.)
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Official Summary: The hardest part of Lucy’s day is going to bed. Before the breakup, when going to bed meant making funny faces at Tim as they brushed their teeth together, slow kisses and cuddling, it had been the highlight of most days. She had looked forward to bed. Now she brushes her teeth alone and crawls into a bed that is just hers. Or almost just hers.
Her mind makes sure that memories of Tim always join her. Her personal army of Ghosts of Tims Past, reminding her of what once was and will never be again. Tonight is no different.
Lucy takes a trip down memory lane as she considers the recent breakup.
Unofficial Summary: I gave @sisterofficerlucychen an actually very difficult challenge and now I have to reap what I sow and do it too.
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the thing about shopping for others is the slippery slope of ending up shopping for yourself instead 😭
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I don’t know if anyone has asked you already but, I want to know your answer so I’m sending back your question to you.
If you could pick a type of episode that doesn’t require cannon (au, origin story, bottle, musical etc) what would it be and what’s involved with it?
thanks, raquel ♡
also afkljsalfsas bc all of them? 😂 
ngl, selfishly because i love melissa’s voice so much, i’d love to see a musical episode bc i’d love to hear lucy sing again and musical episodes can be so much fun if they're done right. plus, jenna and mekia are trained dancers, so they’d also serve too haha.
jk — they would all serve??? i ran to try and find clips to see who i could finding singing and damn, this cast??? this now feels like a need now because the way they’d all sound so good 🥹
bottle episode
these are so much fun and i still feel like them trying to figure out the five player trade could have been such a good bottle episode on it's own???? i think because of that, the first idea that comes to mind is all of them being stuck at nolan’s for one reason or another? or they’re stuck at the station working against the clock to crack a case?
i am a sucker for these when their lives turned out somewhat different but they all still find a way to come together bc these friendships and relationships were meant to be? like lucy becomes a psychologist instead of a cop but gets pulled in as a consultant or something on a case bc of some connection, tim's a huge grump/has even more unworked trauma bc he never met lucy, nyla still a uc and the case they just got is the one she’s currently undercover on, it's nolan’s rookie year and it’s aaron and celina who are assigned with him to mid-wislhire (instead of jackson and lucy - bonus: we get captain andersen back for an episode lol).
origin story
i’d love to see this for all of them because it’d be so cool to see how they ended up at mid-wilshire but specifically - lucy (because she was in grad school and it was on a whim), celina (to specifically see through these different stages and how her sister’s kidnapping/murder shaped her), aaron (after he gets released and his ordeal to even be accepted into the academy), and angela (we’ve gotten different takes on why she wanted to become a detective - 1. that she’s always wanted to be one, 2. that it was her plan b and random, so it’d be nice to get an actual answer lol. bonus: seeing her mom make her promise to never arrest any of her brothers). 
flashback to real time
a group of them are called to testify in court and the trial unfolds in real time but context but the backstory of what the case is and why that specific group is called to testify is provided through flashbacks as the pieces connect throughout the episode. 
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it's always a gamble to try beat the food ick before the meds kick in and then nothing sounds good to eat 🥲
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