slushycoookie · 5 hours
Blaming dragon age as the reason I haven't written anything lately
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slushycoookie · 17 hours
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Original template cr: @mhuyo from Twitter
32K notes · View notes
slushycoookie · 19 hours
Me getting a new fic idea:
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2K notes · View notes
slushycoookie · 24 hours
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Hi I saw your req open and I flew here ehe-
Hear me out please 😭
Miguel is a geneticist (someone who works around denetics) and sometimes he doesn't understand the programs that he 'made' and Lyla has to help him. That makes Peter B. and the spider-teens very suspicious of him.
What's even more suspicious is that once a month he leaves the Spider HQ to who-knows-where.
After some stalking investigating, they find out that every time that he leaves; he goes to a park to meet [Reader], that is the one who helped with all the tech he has at HQ.
When he returns the next day, he is confronted about it and explains that [Reader] is an old friend and he trusts them with the Multiverse secret. However Peter B. and the others obviously saw the mutual attraction between both of them so they help out Miguel confess to [Reader].
Fluff + a little suggestive with Gn Reader please ^^
Anyway drink lots of water and keep yourself healthy!! ❤❤
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[Undercover Lover]
lab tester: @hikaru-sama 🩻
pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!Reader
summary: Miguel is willing to stop the world for you, you just want to be the small part of his world that makes it better.
content warning: fluff, longing from reader and Miguel, the spider-teens are all menaces (as in they all have chismosavirus), Peter is Peter, a little suggestive but nothing crazy, I also made Miguel’s relationship with the teens pretty adorable (Papa Miggy 🥺)
word count: 5.8k, halfway proofread (don't ask...)
a/n: This request is not outlandish in any way, btw. It's very cute! I hope you don’t mind that I added a little extra to the programming aspect. THANK YOU TO THE MIGGY SERVER FOR YOUR HELP AS ALWAYS! I have been wallowing in the chats for who knows how long. I thought it would be cute and funny. Also, I've been doing better with my water intake! I hope you're proud. 🥺
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Miguel blew out a tired breath, eyes blurry after staring at the same set of files all day.
“Lyla, could you replay the scan from this morning?”
“I don’t know, can I?”
Miguel frowned as his eyes panned to the flickering yellow glow, “Are we doing this right now?”
“Doing what?” Lyla posed with her head tilted in her hand.
“Lyla. Replay the scan from Earth 450-”
“Here’s what I found on scams on 4chan.”
“I said scans not scams- what are you talking about? And what is 4chan?”
Lyla switched to a pose that mimicked The Thinker, her heart-shaped glasses morphing into ones made of stone.
Miguel shifted his weight to one side, hands on his hips as he watched Lyla float around his desk.
“Pull up the LYrate Lifeform Approximation code.”
Lyla snickers, glasses shifting to match the marks of a clown’s face, “You don’t know how to work that, buddy.”
“I didn’t ask you to tell me that, I asked you to-”
Lyla opens the file before he can finish his spiel.
“Now, what?” Lyla whispers with glee. “Gonna hack into the motherboard? Break down the firewall?”
Miguel ignored her and read through the constant formulas, coding that he's never even seen before becoming longer and longer.
Lyla popped up right in his peripheral view, pulling out one of the smaller codes to highlight, “What’s this one mean?”
Miguel squints at the line, “Something about how you respond to tone?”
“It’s my hair color,” Lyla’s voice is high and giggly like she was anticipating his completely wrong answers. “What about this one?”
“I, I don’t know. Your jacket?”
“Voice modulator,” the code danced around him as Lyla switched her voice to something of an old Hollywood star. “You’re not very good at this, tuts.”
Miguel felt a strange chill as Lyla walked around with a long white dress instead of a jacket and her brown hair in curls falling down her back. She laughed at him some more as she pulled her now, thick-rimmed triangle-shaped sunglasses to the top of her head.
Miguel’s watch jolted, a notification blaring at him. He answered with haste, mind frantic.
“Miguel? Is something up with Lyla, because I asked her to find this Mysterio’s dimension, and she started playing some wrestler’s theme song instead,” Jess huffed, throwing the villain's body over the back of her motorcycle. “Now, he won’t stop singing it.”
Miguel felt his head start to pound, “Something’s going on with her. She’s not functioning at her normal state.”
“You’re never functioning at a normal state,” Lyla sighed dramatically, arm over her head with wind blowing around her. “Always so tense!”
“Oh my god?” Jess’s eyes went wide as she took in the Lyla at Miguel’s side. “Why does she sound like that?”
“I’m not sure, but I’m shutting her down until I can fix it. Just send the Mysterio back here.”
“You can’t turn me off, Miggy! Don’t you want me to sing for you?”
“Yeah, hurry up and log her off. She’s freaking me out.” Jess ended the call with a disgusted face.
With her gone, the room was filled with Miguel’s thoughts and Lyla humming and brushing her hair in a vintage mirror, something she would have never cared to do on a regular day.
Looking at the lines of coding in front of him, there was no way he was going to find what was happening.
He reached across his desk to a new screen, searching for a certain folder. Miguel laughed to himself as he read the title.
Don’t open unless it’s ABSOLUTELY crucial to your health…and well-being. .3.
Miguel would consider this a crisis.
He tapped the folder, watching as a sprout of several different colors surrounded him. He shifted it through the lights, some of them being pictures of you and him, some of them being animated GIFs of cats, and others being helpful guides to small technological problems. He kept searching until he found a yellow tab that read “LYLA? LIGHTS OUT!”
With one click, Lyla went from twirling and singing in heels to being dormant, gone to the Spider Society. Letting out the breath he was holding, he shifted the files back into the folder and geared up to make the announcement.
“Attention Spiders,” Miguel held his watch up to his mouth. “Lyla will be down for maintenance for a couple of hours.”
He could hear the collective groan from the society all the way in his office.
“And I will try my best to get her up and running for future missions. Until then, please send any anomalies directly to Margo and stick to local crimes as well as protecting your respective neighborhoods.”
As soon as he ended the announcement, Margo was flooding his watch with back-to-back memes. Miguel remained confused watching a little girl in a cowboy hat complain to her grandpa while he dismissed her.
“I can send someone else down there to help you.”
“no because if anyone breaks my tech, it’s coming out of YOUR 🫵🏾 paycheck”
“Everything comes out of my paycheck.”
“whatever dad”
Perturbed, but not wanting to waste any more time, Miguel locked his office and called your number.
Two rings and you were picking up the phone.
“Hey, Spider-ider!”
“Hi,” Miguel refused to admit how the nickname sounded cute coming from you. “I need your help with something.”
“No ‘How are you?’ or ‘Sorry I haven’t checked on you in forever.’ Just straight to business, huh?”
“Sorry,” Miguel collected himself. “How are things? Did you manage to get the job with that tech company?”
“Why, thank you for asking, Miguel! I’m pretty good. Things are different! I did end up getting that job, but the manager is eerily creepy, so I’m trying my best to pile up the meanest HR case or try to wiggle my way into a new department. So far, the former is slowly but surely working, not sure if my sanity can take much more. How are you?”
Miguel's eyebrows shifted a bit, “You know you can just call for my help if anything goes wrong, right?”
“Miguel, you’re protecting so many people. More than I can even fathom, actually. I’m not going to ask you to stop to check on me.”
You should. He’d drop everything.
“It wouldn’t take much from my end, I could just-”
He bit his cheek, knowing you wanted to move the conversation along.
“How are you?” you asked again, tone back to normal.
“I’m neutral. Same thing as always. Now, it’s just that Lyla was really unbearable today.”
“Unbearable how?”
Miguel went into every detail, pulling in some last-minute reports from other Spiders that managed to use her before he shut her down.
“So you’re telling me she glitched out, wore an alligator head, and integrated ‘Flat Fuck Friday’ into every conversation?”
“Well, that was just one of the many cases. Is that, is that all you heard?”
“No, I got it,” you fixed your face to try and hold back your laugh. “It sounds like she hit her funny bone.”
Miguel looked up at the ceiling and back at you, “This is serious.”
“And I’m being as serious as I can be!”
“She’s causing all of this trouble because of a funny bone.”
You laugh at Miguel’s deadpan tone, “Ok, so technically it’s called a laughing virus. It’s been hitting a lot of major search engines for some reason, but Lyla is the closest to human-like AI there is, so it’s a funny bone!”
“As stupid as that is, I need your help to come fix it.”
“Aw, you need me to come check your work?”
Miguel avoided your gaze, “There is no work. I couldn’t tell one line from the next.”
“But Miguel, you were doing so good last time. What happened?”
“I-I don’t know, I thought I had one right but I mixed up tones with shades.”
“That’s still on the same playing field, so you got something right! That’s good progress, Miguel.”
“I’ll be there soon. Don’t do anything crazy, although you’ll probably just loom over the desk dramatically.”
Miguel opened his mouth to rebuttal but you already ended the call with a laugh.
With truly nothing but his thoughts, he hurried to clean his space. There were a few loose wires and an empty box from the cafeteria scattered around.
By the time you were tapping the code into his office door, his platform was back on the ground and he’d just swept up some dust that managed to build in the corner of the room.
“Don’t clean up now just because I’m here,” you watched as his shoulders jumped a bit at your voice.
“I’m not,” Miguel huffs and sets the broom against the wall.
Miguel comes closer to you with his hands on his hips.
You were probably the main reason that Lyla was the way she was, sarcastic and immature.
The only difference was Miguel could mute Lyla or switch modes for some peace. For you? It was non-stop. The only way he knew how to get you to stop was a method that’s been crowding his dreams ever since he met you.
He saw your lips moving at a mile per minute, but nothing was really reaching his ears.
They looked so soft, so perfect. He wondered if he should just let the society function on its own for just a few more hours.
“Miguel!” You waved your hands in front of him. “Lyla being down has really stressed you out, huh? You’re unfocused.”
He cleared his throat, “I still have a lot of work to do.”
“Well, let’s get to it!”
Miguel moved so you could walk to his desk, heart racing.
Whatever it was you were about to try to teach him wasn’t going to stick. He just knew it.
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“Hey, Miguel! You know, I was wondering if we could implement some type of spider-baby daycare? MJ is pretty busy these days,” Peter strided into Miguel’s office with a wiggly Mayday strapped to his chest.
The platform was down, but the serious figure was nowhere to be found.
Peter tried to feel him out, but there’s no way anyone could miss Miguel in plain sight.
“Hm,” Peter put two fingers out for Mayday grab. She squealed glee, taking one finger to chew on. “If I were a Miguel, where would I be?”
He pondered through the halls, eventually finding himself at the entrance of the cafeteria. Mayday looked up almost as if she was disappointed.
“I need fuel to think!”
Peter ran down the line grabbing his usual: a 2099 burger, a large fry, and a medium cola, he’s dieting!
At the end of the line, a familiar voice called his name.
“Hey, kiddo! How’s it going?” Peter made his way to the table occupied by the younger spider crew.
Miles squinted at him, “Not a kid, but it’s going good! Have you seen Miguel? He was supposed to be training me an hour ago, but he’s not answering his watch.”
“Funny that you say that,” Peter stuffed his mouth with a handful of fries. “Went to his office and he wasn’t there.”
“What is with him and disappearing lately? It’s not like him,” Gwen mumbled. “I was supposed to report to him not too long ago and he wasn’t here.”
“Time is an enigma,” Hobie was tuning his guitar. “Glad he’s finally taking advantage of it instead of chatting about doomsday.”
“True, but he missed part of the big party we planned three months ago, too,” Pavitr supplied.
The table stopped and stared at Pav with various deadpan looks.
“What? He promised he’d try my special dish! He never breaks our promises.”
“He did pile a load of work on me when Lyla broke. Usually, he would come down and help me, but he said he was busy fixing her,” Margo turned to Peter.
The table sat and pondered for just a second then the teens started spouting out nonsense.
“He’s retiring!”
“He’s going to give HQ up.”
“He’s not going to another universe again, right?”
“He’s finally taking breaks.”
“He’s dying!”
Again, the table stopped to look at Pavitr.
“False alarm?”
“Look,” Peter held his hands up. “I don’t think it’s any of that.”
“What makes you so sure?” Gwen sounded nervous.
“Uh, he would tell me!”
Miles snickered at that which caused Mayday to fall into a fit of laughter.
“What? He’s told me things before. We’re buddies!”
“And where is your so-called buddy right now?” Margo folded her arms.
“Touche,” Peter took a giant slurp of his drink, cupping a hand under it to make sure nothing dripped on Mayday’s head. “But don’t you have a way to find him?”
“The Grumpy GPS? Yeah, but I’ve never used it because he’s always here,” Margo sighs.
“How about the next time he disappears, you let us know?” Gwen suggested.
“Love it,” Hobie fist bumps Gwen.
Miles scratched his neck, “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
“Says the guy that snuck into the Spider Society,” Pavitr shook his head.
“That’s different.”
“Is it?” Gwen raised her eyebrow. “Margo is on Miguel-duty. We’re going to get to the bottom of this, right guys?”
Everyone nodded their head in determination.
Peter smiled. He’s still got this mentor thing down!
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Margo was down near the Go-Home-Machine running Style Savvy through an emulator.
“That is so ugly,” she sang as she watched another contestant’s outfit go down the runway.
Her judging was interrupted by a dancing cartoon spider with bushy eyebrows.
She paused the game and stretched her arms to the other side of the room to give everyone a call, “Mission ‘Where is the Old Man?’ is up and running. The Grumpy GPS has been added to you guys’ gizmos. I’ve got everything ready to hack.”
“It sounds like we’re doing a lot more than tracking,” Hobie mumbled.
“But what if he actually is dying?” Gwen was lacing up her ballet shoes tight. “He would tell us, right?”
“Oh, but when I said that, it sounded crazy,” Pavitr pulled his mask down. “The double standards are appalling.”
“He could be just avoiding us. Can’t say it hasn’t happened before,” Miles’ voice was low and testy.
“He wasn’t avoiding you, Miles, he was just…projecting,” Gwen said matter-of-factly.
“Are we back on this? Sending the entire society after me is projecting. Missing our training sessions that he set up multiple times? That’s just foul.”
Gwen and Miles went back and forth, fussing over little things.
“They’re bickering again. How cute,” Pavitr stage-whispered.
“1 mission on Miles winning?” Hobie asked.
Pavitr thought for a second, “Deal.”
“You’ll probably be the most upset if he really is sick,” Gwen comments.
“Says who? I’m not worried,” Miles zipped up his jacket halfway.
“Then why are you bouncing around like that, Miles.”
Hobie sighed while Pavitr cheered.
“If you guys are done, Miguel’s moving on foot heading down 5th. I pinned a checkpoint,” Margo sent the coordinates to their watches.
“Time to go see if big man’s a killer,” Hobie yawned. “Or not.”
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Peter felt the ground shake under him, hair rising on the back of his neck. His senses were screaming at him to turn around.
The thing is, if he turned around, he'd lose track on Miguel who was currently inside of the very building he was standing on top of.
The shaking grew, pebbles and vent plates rattling around him, then everything fell back into place.
One, two, thre, four pairs of feet hit the ground.
“Where’s Margo?” Peter asked, eyes not leaving the ground under him.
“In our ears singing,” Gwen groaned. “Where’s Mayday?”
“Enjoying a lovely Mommy-Daughter date with MJ and her girlfriends. Glad to have you all join me.”
“How’d you know he was going to be here?” Hobie crossed his arms.
“Like I said, buddies!”
“You waited outside of his office, didn’t you?” Pavitr pointed his finger at Peter.
Peter turned around with an offended face, “Details-schmetails!”
“Well, do you have any idea what he’s up to now?” Gwen put a hand on her hip.
“Well, we’re on the roof of an apartment, super expensive might I add, and I’m assuming his apartment is here. So maybe he’s just getting a nap in.”
“He’s on the move,” Margo’s voice buzzed through all of the teens' ears and they ran to the edge of the building, practically pushing Peter to the side.
“He’s wearing normal clothes for once,” Gwen’s voice was shocked.
“His trousers are quite nice,” Hobie nodded as if he was looking at a magazine.
“It’s so…weird,” Miles shuddered. “I’ve never seen him in anything else but his suit.”
“He wore a nice button-down to my Zoom celebration once,” Margo hummed.
“Guys?” Pavitr’s voice went high. “Where’s Peter?”
The three of them turned around to see a missing pink-robed Spider.
“Oh, come on!” Miles jumped from the roof to the next one, following the pink fluff. Miguel was walking fast on the sidewalk and Peter was keeping his trail from up high.
“Really, Peter?” Gwen swung alongside the two with the rest right on their tails. “Some mentor you are.”
“I’m a great teacher! You’re all catching on quite well,” Peter swung lower as Miguel crossed the street.
Colors flew across the sky, contrasting with the constant grays and small specs of green of Nueva York. Scaling from building to building was a lot easier with flying cars added to the mix, but it was a little odd to see wobbling vehicles every now and then.
“I think you guys should slow it down. His pace changed,” Margo noted. “He’s stopping at…a park? Didn’t know they still had those here.”
With a sturdy pull, Miles used his web to stop Peeter from running any further and the now quintet landed on the ground a safe distance from the park.
“A little dreary for a park, innit?” One eye on Hobie’s mask went higher than the other.
From where they were hiding, steel statues stood tall, tufts of greenery growing up the structure. There was more pavement than grass and the walkways contained several dips and turns.
“I think there’s some flare to it,” Miles countered. “Could use a lot more color.”
They quieted down as they watched Miguel find an empty bench. He sat down and started to rub his hands against his pants. He sat for a minute or so before he checked his watch and his leg started to bounce.
“Is he waiting on someone?” Gwen whispered.
“Oh, I wonder who it could be?” Pav whispered back.
“Why are you guys whispering?” Margo paused her side mission of trying to find any security cameras in the area.
“Doesn’t he have super-hearing?” Miles asked.
“Over this much noise?” Hobie brought the talking level back to normal. “If he doesn’t suspect us of following him, there’s no need for him to focus on us.”
After about five minutes of watching and making a game out of how many times can Miguel check his clothes, with Peter mumbling about how the pants aren’t going to get any looser with those thighs, everyone holds their breath as they watch someone take a seat next to him.
Miguel’s entire demeanor changed.
His face lit up, his back straightened, and the tension from his body fell.
“No way,” Pavitr whispered excitedly. “Guys!”
“What’s going on? I still can’t get into the security cams,” Margo’s voice was impatient.
“Miguel…has a partner?” Gwen tilted her head watching the two react. The mystery person got up to hug Miguel as he sat on the bench. He hesitated a bit, fingers twitching awkwardly before he hugged them back. “Or not.”
“If one of you could get closer, I could pitch the sound to everyone. And, I could see!”
Everyone turned to Miles.
“Why is everybody looking at me?”
“You can turn invisible, genius,” Gwen said.
He just sighed and faded from head to toe.
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“How’s it going Spidey?” you lean back from your hug to look down at him. Your hands rub his shoulders. “You look nice today.”
Miguel averted his eyes, “You’re not supposed to call me that-”
“Outside of HQ or our phone calls. I know, I know. Seriously though, why are you so dressed up today? Got a hot date waiting?”
Miguel tilted his head, “Do I really look nice?”
The shirt he was wearing was barely hiding anything, any tighter and it would have been considered a muscle tee. It was tucked into some slacks with a belt that made his tiny waist even smaller. The pants hugged his thighs just enough.
“Yeah!” More than he could imagine.
“Thanks,” he smiled a bit. “There’s no hot date. Just wearing something casual.”
Your shoulders lifted at the words.
“Cool, cool.”
“You look nice, as well.”
“Really?” you looked down at your last-minute outfit. Some gray joggers you found at a thrift store and a hoodie you’re almost certain has a random bleach stain somewhere on the back. “You’re digging the midnight chic?”
“Midnight chic?”
“Yeah, an outfit you wear when going out for a snack in the middle of the night.”
Miguel pursed his lips, “It looks soft. Comfortable.”
You involuntarily gripped your bag tighter, watching Miguel’s eyes roam you from the neck down.
Lately, he’s been saying things that make your stomach flutter, from being willing to beat up your boss to fussing at you for running errands so late to remembering small details from months ago.
Only recently has his eyes began to wander. He doesn’t catch on as fast when you explain things to him. You’ve caught him staring at you while you’re looking at other things. His smile lingered a little longer. His hands were a lot more careful. Sometimes, he’d tense up when you touched him.
It was all so confusing and the feelings you’ve pushed down for years have crawled their way back up, waiting at the back of your tongue to be announced.
Still, you were just here to help him for as long as he needed you. Nothing more, nothing less.
You cleared your throat, “Okay so, you said you needed help with…Excel?”
“Mm hm,” Miguel nodded and locked his eyes back on your face.
You pulled your laptop, turning up the brightness so that the scenery wouldn’t shoot straight through the transparent device.
“So, this program is like, extremely old.”
“I know, but it's a middle ground for all of the Spiders. Anything newer would be too much for about a fourth of them and anything older would take ages for anyone to complete.”
“Got it,” you inch close enough to Miguel for his cologne to dance around you. He leaned closer to squint at your laptop and you had to will your hands to not shake like jelly. “So, the program is actually pretty simple. You just enter formulas, charts, numbers, or information in these boxes. There’s a lot more manual work than we’re used to, but it won’t take much to get used to.”
You walked Miguel through everything you’ve taught yourself over the past few days. Having him put in formulas and waiting for the result.
“Like this?”
“Almost! You’re missing a letter here.”
“Can you go over it again?”
Miguel's hands would hover over the keyboard, eyes focused and nose scrunched. Sometimes you would fight the screaming in your head and place your hands over his, helping him punch certain numbers in.
“Miguel, I think you’re messing with me. We’ve repeated this same thing on four other sheets now. I know you’re smarter than that.”
He poked his tongue in his cheek, “I’m just quadruple checking. Gotta teach this to some older people.”
“Fine,” you snort. “One more time and then I have to get ready to go.”
“Already?” Miguel turned to you. “I thought you didn’t have to be somewhere until this evening.”
“I don’t, but I can’t go looking like this. You spent 30 minutes arguing with me about the interface. Don’t you have to go back to HQ soon?”
There was a noise behind you. You turn around to see nothing but a curved wall embedded with vines.
You put your heart to your chest, “God, I thought that was a reporter or something. Just the wind I suppose.”
Miguel’s eyes stayed planted on the empty space, “On second thought, let me walk you there. Don’t want any surprises.”
“So you don’t need me to go over this for the fifth time?”
“Nope,” Miguel grinned down at you. “I got it the first time, actually.”
“Oh my god,” you laugh as you hit his arm. He doesn’t even flinch. “You’re such a jerk.”
He looked around and got behind you to squat down, tapping on his gizmo. You could only hide so much of him. “Would a jerk swing you to your apartment?”
You look up at him equipped with his mask.
“He probably would, actually.”
“Aw,” Miguel said, red marks for eyes holding so much sadness. “Oh well.”
You yell as he yanks you up by the waist and shoots his web up to the nearest flying car.
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“Miles! You almost screwed us over!” Margo did her best to wipe their trace.
“I panicked!” Miles tried to explain himself as he ran on the windows of a skyscraper.
“For what?” Gwen flipped as she connected from one structure to the next. “It was so clear that he meant that he wanted to be with whoever that was, not because he wants to quit HQ.”
“Seeing him like that feels like we met a new man,” Hobie said. His boots were light in the air. “Don’t like it.”
“You say that like he doesn’t let you get away with everything,” Pavitr said.
“Like what?”
“Like giving away food to the street cleaners.”
“Or like pasting your band stickers everywhere.”
“Or painting an ACAB mural.”
“To be fair, Miguel aligns with every single one of those things,” Hobie shrugged.
“This is great and all, but talk about a major fail,” Peter sighed. “He clearly needs a wingman.”
“I thought he did pretty good!” Miles said.
The rest of the group made a range of judging noises.
“His game definitely needs some work and he’s already on his way back to HQ, so hurry it up, guys. We need to hustle and huddle.”
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Miguel was at his dock again, preparing to go check out the anomalies of the week. 
He was back doing the thing that distracted him most: thinking about you. 
Yesterday only confirmed what he’s been thinking about ever since you opened your mouth. 
He’s absolutely infatuated with you. 
At first, he thought it was a fluke, a blip in his timeline. No matter how many times your jokes made him chuckle or your smile brought him warmth, he wasn’t going to lean into it. 
But then, you called him one night and your voice brought him back from the darkness that was consuming him. Stories of your life, an exchange of nostalgia, a whisper of hope for the future, and the confirmation that he was more than the error in time that he thought he was. 
You’re something that he more than adored. 
And yet, he still hasn’t figured out how to tell you. 
He wanted more than the monthly meetups to refresh his memory on the stupid tech that kept this building running. 
Truthfully, he could call Gabriel, or worst case scenario, Xina for help, but every time he got a chance it was your name that crossed his mind. 
Miguel sighed as he started to shut some tabs down. 
“Spiders incoming,” Lyla popped up to inform him. 
Miguel saw the gaggle of teens plus Peter walking to his office. 
“Here we go,” he grumbled. 
“Turn that frown upside-down! Company is always good,” Lyla said. 
Before Peter can open his mouth Miguel is beating him to it. 
“What do you want?”
“Ouch!” Peter laughed. “Not up for a bit of family bonding time?”
“Not with you.”
“Oh c’mon, Miguel,” Peter inches forward as Miguel’s platform comes down. “Hear us out.”
“Make it quick.”
The teens all stared at Peter who looked back and forth between them. 
“Do any of you not know what the word ‘quick’ means?” Miguel asked with irritation lining his voice. 
“Well,” Miles started. 
“You see, we were thinking that you might need some help,” Gwen finishes. 
Miguel crossed his arms, “Help with what.”
“Your sad flirting,” Hobie says. 
“You know,” Peter puts his arm around Miguel’s shoulders. “You need a wingman!”
Miguel’s frown grew deeper, “What are you talking about? Did you guys spy on me?”
Six voices overloaded Miguel’s eardrums, all explaining their part of some convoluted scheme. 
“Alright, alight! Quiet!” Miguel holds his hands out. “Margo!”
Miguel pinned his eyes to her with his eyebrows pinched. 
She danced from foot to foot, face scrunched, “We just! We were worried about you so we followed you and saw you making googly eyes at someone!” The words spilled out of her like water. 
Everyone but Hobie looked at Margo incredulously. 
“What?” she whined. “He was giving me his disappointed look. The disappointment was torturing me!”
Miguel turned and paced, pinching his nose as he whispered to himself. 
“Miguel, they could help you!” Lyla said cheerfully. “You’ve only been crushing on them for what…multiple years?”
“Multiple years? No wonder you’re always so tense. That’s pretty sad, bro,” Pavitr hummed. 
Miguel pointed his finger, “Don’t bro me.”
“Still seeking authority in his moment of weakness. Something’s got to give,” Hobie went to lean on a wall. 
“We really thought something terrible was going on,” Miles’ shoulders drop. “You also go M.I.A. whenever you have a problem.”
“We just wanted to help,” Gwen supplied. 
“Hey man, don’t blame the kids for this one, alright?” Peter’s voice lowered so only the two of them could hear it, albeit a bit useless in a room full of power-holding teens. “Say the word and we’ll stay out of it, but the kids deserve to know why you were canceling on them at least.”
Miguel looked at Peter with an exasperated face before looking at the teens, three of which looked like they were about to cry. 
He rolled his eyes to the ceiling and let out a deep breath, “I’m not sick.”
“But lovesick?” Margo asked. 
He gave her a tired look, “Yes.”
“Well why not say that instead of just disappearing?”
“They’re the one who helped make the tech for this society. Without them, there would be no updated gizmos, no updated Lyla, no new ideas. Every time I left it was to…get insight on something here. To fix broken tech.”
“And to stare in their face,” Pavitr snickered. 
Miguel panned his eyes to the floor, too embarrassed to admit it. 
“What’s the hold up in telling them how you feel?” Peter asked. “There’s no time like the present.”
“Don’t tell me yesterday was an example of what happens when you try to confess?” Gwen’s face twisted up, teeth clenched in second-hand embarrassment. 
Miguel’s silence was enough of an answer. 
“Tío,” Miles closed his eyes then looked back up dramatically with his hands out. “¡Vamo’! Sácale, llévale al cine.”
Lyla put a spotlight on Miles and held a microphone out to him while Miguel groaned. 
“Cómprale, un ramo de flores!”
“Ya no puédo mas,” Miguel swiped through the holographic mic. “Eso no va a funcionar.”
Miles slumped, “But how do you know? You haven’t even tried! Bañate, junto con el-”
“Don’t finish that song, Miles,” Miguel’s fingers went to his temples. 
“You should really listen to the lyrics-”
“Why don’t we help you win them over?” Margo stood in between the two, ending the squabble. “It’s clear that they seem to like you too.”
Miguel's eyes went softer staring at Margo’s pleading face, “How do you know?”
“We quite literally saw it,” Hobie spoke as if Miguel lost his mind. “No one ever talks to you that sweet.”
The teens all nodded their head in unison and Peter did a horrible job at hiding his laugh. 
Hobie wasn’t done, “Don’t let someone like that slip through your fingers.”
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Miguel was at the park again, dressed up even more than last time. An open navy button-down was tucked into his pants, his slacks were dark gray, and he had on one of the more expensive pairs of dress shoes he owned. A chain he borrowed from Gabriel adorned his neck and he let his hair natural and loose for once. 
Under Miles’ advice, he did buy some flowers. Hobie told him to remain calm, Gwen told him to just talk, Pavitr gave him a bullet point list of what and what not to do, and Margo told him that he was the best no matter how the confession turned out.
Peter went on and on about the importance of love and relationships but Miguel was never inclined to listen to him. He did keep the comment about letting you know how much he means to you to heart, though.
He was so in his own thoughts when you showed up in front of him that he didn’t even notice you at first.
He jumped when you tapped his shoulder.
“Woah, it’s just me. And you’re super dressed up today. What’s the occasion? I’m not taking ‘casual’ for an answer this time.”
Miguel swallowed dryly, grip on the bouquet of cool-toned flowers almost enough to wilt the stems.
“Flowers?” your eyes went to his hand.
“Yeah, um.”
Just breathe, Miguel!
Margo’s perky reminders sounded off in Miguel’s head.
“I brought them for you,” Miguel placed them in your hands.
“Oh!” your face lit up. “These are beautiful. Thank you so much. I didn’t get you anything, though. I didn’t know we were bringing gifts today.”
“No need. I wanted to get them because,” Miguel felt his throat closing in. “I really, really like you.”
The smile on your face dropped as you stared at him.
“It’s been particularly hard over the past years to try to focus without you running through my thoughts and I don’t want the fear of myself or my circumstance to stop me from having a chance to be with you.”
Maybe his ears could pick up how fast your heart was going, too.
“So if you’re willing, will you please go out with me?”
You dropped the flowers and brought him in for a tight hug. 
“Are you kidding me? Of course, I’ll go out with you.”
Miguel was quick to wrap his arms around you today, burying his face in your neck, “No hesitation?”
“I’ve been wanting and honestly, waiting for one of us to make a move for years. You’re always so busy, so I was too nervous to even bother,” you look back at Miguel’s face, smiling from ear to ear.
“Sorry to keep you waiting then.”
You looked from his lips to his eyes, “Can we skip a few steps?”
“Such as?”
You pushed forward, melting into him as you slotted his lips against yours, head full of warmth and clouds. Miguel matched your pace, hand on your back as he pressed against you. When he opened your lips you pulled back, breath dancing against his. 
“Swing me to my apartment?”
Miguel smirked, “Always.”
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As always, like, reblog, and COMMENT. Let me know how you guys feel! 🩵
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slushycoookie · 2 days
In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.
I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!
From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!
I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.
The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.
(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)
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If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.
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The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.
insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
delete -> self explanatory
on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic
The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.
Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.
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slushycoookie · 2 days
Only we know 💭💥🕷️
Miguel O'Hara x gn! Spider Reader
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Synopsis: a request for my lovely @swiftyangx12 🖤🖤🖤 TY FOR REQUESTING and your patience 😩😩" How about Miguel and Spider![Reader] attend at a Comic Con back in [Reader]’s world?
The plot for this one is [Reader] signed up to participate in a cosplay competition and they invited Miguel as their moral support (and he took that opportunity since he has a huge crush on them and they also like him back so they can show off their work). I’m thinking of them dressed up as Jinx from LOL Arcane series."
Word count: 2.6k whoops
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
You documented your location, voice recording your mission notes as you drew up an orange portal back to Earth 928, tossing the bound anomaly through it like a sack of potatoes before you followed shortly afterwards, leaving the senior citizens at the retirement home with higher blood pressure and jaws on the floor.
Another day on the job complete.
Few things kept you motivated like having a big event marked on your calendar. This summer's item was going to be Comic Con, held in your dimension Earth 108-13. You were particularly looking forward to this one since you took a leap of faith and signed up for a cosplay competition. Also, you and your friends splurged a little bit and got tickets to the one in Las Vegas, meaning there would be a whole weekend of partying and things to do besides just the Con.
As a gamer, one of your favorite series recently came out, Arcane, which was based on a game called League of Legends you had been a long time player of, and the fandom at this time was buzzing. You had planned out your costume to coincide with the trending media and cosplay as Jinx, one of the main characters of Arcane and a playable champion in the game.
No offense to your two friends you were going with, but they had recently crossed over into dating territory, and you weren't exactly all over the idea of third wheeling for an entire weekend, especially in a place as fun as Vegas.
You had someone in mind you were going to invite. And if you weren't misreading the banter and subtle signs you were holding onto like an oath for several months, then you were quite certain he was going to say yes.
Spider Society HQ, Earth-928
Miguel doesn't turn much from his monitors that he's locked onto in a dead pan stare, watching the same Vulture sniffing candles at a TJ Maxx for the millionth time in a row. But his neck nearly breaks when he hears the familiar and most welcome sound of your voice.
"Hey, Migs."
"H-Hey! *Cough* I mean....hi."
His face morphs back into all business, but with just a hint of pleasantness that he only seemed to allow to bubble underneath the surface with just you. And it made your heart stop every time.
You smile at him, removing your mask, your face glistening with the sweat of a successful mission. Miguel feels his heart leap in his chest.
The afterglow sure suited you and he felt it a little bit more difficult than usual to be in your presence. Nevertheless, he didn't crack.
"Mysterio has been stowed successfully in sector 4." You say proudly, lightly panting as your breath caught up to you.
"Good, good." Miguel's lips pulled into a smile of admiration and gratitude. "I appreciate you doing that despite it being such a moment's notice."
"Ah, well it was a Moose-sterio, actually. So he went down easier than a normal Mysterio." You chuckle, casually perching yourself on Miguel's desk.
Miguel can't help but crack a smile at that. "How did he find himself at the retirement home anyway?"
"Beats me." You hum. "Maybe one of the residents hunted his family when he was younger and was out for long, overdue, revenge served cold."
Miguel shakes his head. "Now, that's a dark thought." He pauses. "But I'm afraid the moose vendetta pales in comparison to the need for multiverse stability. How do you say that plural anyway, is it mooses? Meese?"
"Nah, moose." You chuckle, kicking your legs. "One of those weird ones where the singular is the same as the plural."
"An anomaly." Miguel quips.
"Is it ever not possible for you to talk about work?" You give him an incredulous look, but still keeping the same air of playfulness.
"Old habits die hard." Miguel hums.
You notice he's gradually made his way closer to you, a little off guard when you raise your head to look at him and he's less than a foot away. Your lips part and Miguel clears his throat, turning his attention to the monitor behind you.
You slowly breathe out, that was the closest he's probably been to you the whole time you've known him. You could've sworn if the tension hung in the air any longer than it would've resulted in a kiss that finally unmasked the elephant that sure was doing its best to draw attention away from itself in the room. How you wanted him and, (unknown to you) how much he wanted you just as badly.
You figure now is a good time to ask.
"You have any plans next month the weekend of the 22nd?"
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "I don't, same Spider business as usual, why?"
"Come to the Vegas Comic Con with me. My other two friends are going but they're a couple and I'm not trying to be the odd one out all weekend."
"Vegas?" Miguel feels his pulse steadily increase. He had been to Vegas only once, and that was when he was recruiting Ben Reilly, not really having any time to pause and sightsee.
Partying and going out in public spaces wasn't exactly his thing, but the freeing feeling of being out in the city at night did kind of make him curious. He thought gambling was for chumps but he enjoyed a good card game. Maybe Vegas could be one of those "one and done" things. Just to say he had the experience.
"Yeah." You smile. "I mean, not to make it weird or anything. I just figure you need a break and I'm supposed to be cosplaying and I'm used to having at least one person tag along for moral support but-."
"I'll come."
"You....really?" You smile brightly at him, trying to make sure you weren't dreaming.
Miguel sighs. "Yeah I'll come to this... convention, as you put it."
"You don't know how excited I am right now. It's going to be fun! And you gotta dress up with me too." You smirk, your mind suddenly coming alight with all these fun ideas you and Miguel could try out.
But, Miguel is already eagerly waiting to pop that bubble, "I don't wear costumes."
You raise your eyebrows, "You wear one every day!"
"It's a suit, not a costume." He crosses his arms."There's a difference. Who are you dressing up as anyway?"
"Jinx from Arcane." You answer proudly.
"What's a Jinx?"
"Jinx is a person, silly. She's from a TV show called Arcane which is based off this game I play called League of Legends."
"Never heard of it."
"Just watch it on Netflix! There's only one season, nine episodes. It's one of those you can binge really quick.
Miguel huffs a little in amusement at that. "Okay I might watch this show, but I'm still not putting on a damn costume."
"Alright, wise guy." You cross your arms. "If you're not gonna dress up, you'll still at least come with me, right?
Miguel smirks at you, leaning in a little closer. "Wouldn't miss this weirdo convention with you for the world."
Miguel's bloodshot eyes blinked with a heavy stare as the final episode of Arcane concluded, leaving his eye bag expression reflecting back to him on his dark TV.
He was definitely not beating the down bad allegations for you anytime soon, which Peter, Hobie, and Pav loved to so graciously point out every time they could.
The down badness raised to another degree entirely though at the sight of you in your Jinx cosplay in your Vegas hotel room.
Blue wig with the two long braids true to the character running down your shoulders, body art design on your midriff and right arm to mimic Jinx's tattoos, some ripped up purplish-maroon capris, a black crop top and leather accessories to accent the look on your arms, reminiscent of a sort of edgy steampunk vibe, with combat boots and some magenta colored contacts on your eyes, making you seem even more otherworldly and ethereal.
Miguel can't stop gawking, his feelings ranging from awe, to admiration, to pure want, to sudden jealousy at the realization that other people, (most likely hundreds since you were a contestant after all) will get to lay eyes on you all day like this.
Luckily, you're too anxious and proud of yourself to notice, examining yourself in the mirror for any details that might be off, but you could see none, turning and giving him that signature smile of yours that makes the tops of his ears turn red.
"Y-you look great." He manages to say, in a tone that he only hopes disguises his obvious affection and wordless effect you have on him.
His disguise is completely transparent, however, but you try and mask your obvious flattery and slight giddiness at his reaction. "Thanks, Mig."
But, you're horrible at pretending, too, a fact that he mentally seizes with both hands, stuffing in his back pocket for later with a dizzy look of admiration when your back is turned.
Once you're wholly satisfied with the look, and both ready to go, you and Miguel and your friends hit the Vegas strip, Miguel trying to keep his cool as neck after neck turns as you walk by.
Once at Comic Con, you end up losing your friends, off in a world of their own as a newly formed couple, leaving just you and Miguel alone.
Miguel's eyes soften when you take a picture of your passes hanging from matching lanyards side by side angled at the ground with both pairs of your shoes in the shot and post it to your social media stories, realizing you have every intention of showing him off.
You feel fuzzy on the inside when you get stopped for pictures with fellow attendees, giving you numerous compliments at how good you look and chatting about how much they love Jinx and they're so stoked to see such a well done cosplay. (That $500 charge to the arts and crafts store was Soo worth it)
Your favorite photo op was meeting someone with an equally wicked Vi cosplay, standing side by side in a way that looked like you both were copy pasted from the show itself.
Miguel gets mistaken for your boyfriend dozens of times, but he doesn't correct them once, just a little smile on his face as he plays photographer, butterflies in your stomach as he walks a little closer next to you, halfway shielding you in a chivalristic manner from all the extra attention as though he was your personal bodyguard.
You stop by booth after booth, politely conversing with the various artists, actors, and writers, collecting more stickers for your laptop, buying a t shirt, some adorable pins here and there. Like a kid in a candy shop, you take in and gravitate towards every one of your interests and medias you adore like a moth to a flame. Miguel endears himself even more to you with your little Oohs and Aaahs.
You notice Miguel's a little starstruck when he sees one of his favorite comic book writers as a kid, letting him know he can go for a photo op if he wants since you both have the all access tickets, smiling at how cute and nervous he looks as he approaches the writer, scooting a little closer and popping a little awkward thumbs up at the camera. Still, he comes out looking just as photogenic and gorgeous as ever. You shake your head with a smile.
Soon, it's time for the competition. You bounce your leg nervously as you sit in your chair on the stage, feeling what seems like a millions pairs of eyes boring into you, but then you catch Miguel in the audience, both of you the only two people in the room as your gaze stays anchored on him the whole time, nearly missing the announcement from the host that you were awarded first place. Miguel stands and claps loudly as he uses his fingers to whistle, leaving you with a smile that could break your cheeks.
After a successful Con and maybe a couple more bags of merch than you should have indulged in (Miguel being responsible for at least 2 of those, getting you a couple stuffies and t shirts as his congratulations for sweeping the competition away), it was time to have some fun on the town and see what Vegas had to offer.
You got matching drinks from the Hello Kitty cafe, went to the M&M's world (Miguel nearly had a stroke from being surrounded by so much sugar), and the shark reef aquarium. You could have sworn his finger brushed against yours a couple of times when you both were zoned out in the shark tunnel, completely lost in an oceanic world together with no plans to return, until a group of over-zealous and unsupervised 7 year olds nearly knocked him over.
You even convinced him to just try the slot machines once, not even waiting for his cash out coupon for 40 cents to print out before he was yanking you by the arm out of there while you were wheezing with laughter.
Sharing a 12 pack of cheeseburger sliders at White Castle (Miguel had like 8 of them), and some freshly cooked french fries, dashed with the tiniest bit of salt.
Now, you were watching the fountains at the Bellagio, both of your hands creeping closer and closer together as the show went on, until both of your arms were wrapped around each other. Your head was against his chest as the fanfare blasted in the speakers and the gorgeous aqua, teal and fuschia lights of the water lit up the Vegas sky overhead in a spectacular display like a starry watercolor painting.
The mood of the night suddenly felt extremely peaceful, and sensual, a tranquil moment between you and Miguel. Honest feelings underneath the surface that were begging to be released at long last.
You turned your head to find him already staring,
"Miguel, I...."
Before his lips already met yours in the sweetest first kiss, the water splashing behind you in front of the well lit Bellagio, the shooting colors akin to the fireworks bursting inside your heart, before you both gently break it, foreheads still pressed against the other.
"In love with you?" He asks softly as he brings a thumb to your cheek, tracing the tiniest circle before he kisses you again.
"I absolutely am."
You both get lost inside this out of world experience, kissing each other underneath the warm, nighttime lights of Vegas, still dressed in your Jinx costume, both pairs of arms locked around the other, hearts stirring in your chest as you cement this moment permanently into memory.
You Uber back to your hotel, no longer staying in separate rooms with evening plans of all-night snuggles, binging another series together that you've been meaning to show him, and, if you are both still awake, maybe convincing him to run down to the lobby together for late night snacks from the 24 hour food court in your hotel, and room service waffles in the morning.
Two lovebirds brought together at last by the nighttime lights of Vegas, and all because of a little Comic Con convention.
A special love rooted in friendship with a sacred meaning only the two of you know about, that playful look in each other's eyes as you open the door to his hotel room, another portal to a cozy world for you two to get lost in as it softly clicks behind you.
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slushycoookie · 4 days
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slushycoookie · 4 days
A Strong Man
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Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x Female!Reader Summary: Chilling with Miguel on the couch but it leads to something else. Miguel recalls last night's activities. Word Count: 743 Warnings: lap grinding; oral sex, female receiving; p in v; unprotected sex (wrap it before - you know the drill): daddy kink (reader calls Miguel "papi"); breeding kink (maybe? does this qualify? idk); size/strength difference kink; reader speaks and understands Spanish; I think that's it Masterlist MINORS PLS DO NOT READ
Imagine hanging out with Miguel on the couch, you’re on his lap with his arms wrapped around you. It's all innocent, just you two cuddling and being cute. You keep showering his face with kisses, unable to stop yourself. He just has such a kissable face!
You keep kissing his face, calling him cute and handsome in between kisses with your sweet voice. Miguel accepts them, his hands lowering to your rear to give a gentle squeeze as you shower him with kisses and compliments. His cheeks are red thanks to your compliments, leaving him flustered. His brain is all fuzzy and overwhelmed with your sweet compliments and attention, your lips so soft against his skin. And of course, your little movements do nothing to help the ache that’s been growing between his thighs since you climbed on his lap.
"And you’re so strong," you say, kissing his neck gently before sucking on his skin, causing his breath to hitch loudly.
"How strong?" he asks in a whisper, his hands gripping your ass tighter.
"So strong, baby,” you murmur against his neck, moving against his lap. You know what you’re doing. “Remember how you had me last night?"
Miguel's pupils dilate as memories of last night flood his mind, how he had you pinned under his weight on your shared bed. You kept squirming, whining and whimpering from being overstimulated while he ate you out. Your sweet whimpers and moans had only fueled his need to keep making you his, making it impossible to stop giving you pleasure by lapping at your sweet little pussy like a starved man, and then fucking you with his big cock, stretching that tight little hole to his size while you cried out his name. You always get so needy, so desperate for him that you beg to be fucked harder - to be filled with his hot cum. And of course, Miguel obliged like he does each time. He fucked your tight sweet pussy until you came around him, your back arching and breasts on display for him. Even during your high, you, his sweet needy girl, begged him to fill your womb with his seed.
“¿Que quieres, preciosa [What do you want, precious]?” he asked as he continued to slide his length along your walls. He was so, so close, but he still wanted to tease you, to hear you say what you wanted.
“A ti, papi [you, daddy],” you said, whimpering. “I need you - I need - fuck!”
“¿Que preciosa? Dilo. ¿Que necesitas? [What precious? Say it. What do you need?],” Miguel grunted out. He was so close.
“Tu [Your]- ah- fuck, papi [Daddy]- your cum - please! Need you - to cum inside me!” you said, desperately bucking your hips against him to help him reach his release, unable to touch him because your hands were pinned above your head.
“You need my cum, eh, princesa [princess]? Papi te dará lo que quieras [Daddy will give you what you want].”
So he did.
Miguel shot his thick, hot load inside you, still pumping his cock into your greedy pussy to push his seed as deep as possible.
Miguel shudders at the memory now, his cock throbbing with need to be inside you again, buried deep in your tight little pussy, and filling it with his cum once more.
"It felt so good, to be pinned down by you - such a strong man," you whisper in his ear, his cock throbbing painfully in his pants. "The way you had my wrists pinned above my head... With no way to escape."
Miguel lets out a low growl, pulling you closer and gripping your ass tightly with his large hands, before he leans closer to whisper into your ear. "No way to escape me at all," he whispers before biting your earlobe, cock hard and twitching. He’s sure by now there has to be a damp spot on his briefs from all your damn grinding.
Of course, you feel the way his cock twitches against your heat, your panties beneath your nightgown growing even more damp. "I wouldn't want to escape anyway, papi [daddy]," you say whimpering, grinding your hips against his large bulge, making him groan and grind back, pushing his hips into you to make you feel how hard you've made him.
"Mm, I know you wouldn't my sweet, needy girl," he whispers before he flips you onto your back in the blink of an eye, pinning your hands above your head and nestling himself between your legs to repeat last night’s activities.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! <33
Alondra ❤️
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slushycoookie · 5 days
Can you please do a Miguel x reader that is basically the scene from Divergent where Four attacks Tris because he’s under mind control? And he has her pinned to the ground, ready to rip her to shreds, but the mind control/poison starts to fail because he loves Y/n so much 
Sorry, I'm not taking any requests right now
But this is actually a good prompt, I might come back to this.
Edit: You are the exact same person my moots have been talking about in terms of sending people the same ask. Please don't do this anymore. It's very rude.
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slushycoookie · 5 days
Thanks for the tag, @cupcakeinat0r! (I'm sorry this took me so long to do)
This or that…
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold| pop or alternative| freckles or dimples | snakes (I touched one before and loved it) or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees I macarons or eclairs l typewritten or handwritten (i like feeling my handwriting) | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens I masquerade ball or cocktail party
Everyone else has been tagged already so anyone who sees this wants to join, do it!
Thanks for the tag @steven-grants-world (we won't go into how giddy I get when I'm tagged in something!)
This or that…
coffee or tea (neither!) | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees I macarons or eclairs l typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens I masquerade ball or cocktail party
no pressure tags: @marieziffer, @jewelsrulz, @diplomaticprincess, @wrenwithapen, @witch-oftheflowers, @lunar-ghoulie, @coneygoil, and anyone else who wants to because I hate forgetting people! Do it!
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slushycoookie · 6 days
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Since y’all liked my niche fic meme so much here’s another one
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slushycoookie · 6 days
I had a couple conversations with people about the style they use to write their first/rough draft, and it has me curious how other writers go about it. Personally, I am complete linear format only—full prose, fleshed out scenes, start to finish, no place holders. I have been told this is... odd?
I realize there are a lot of different methods, but go with what is closest (or the other option if none of these are close)!
*D is not combinable with other options as it is meant to represent the form I described for myself at top of post.
(Reblog for larger sample size please 😊)
2K notes · View notes
slushycoookie · 6 days
I haven't written anything in more than a week and I think it's because my mind is catching up to me about the fact that I've been writing non-stop with no breaks AT ALL recently
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slushycoookie · 8 days
Hey everyone!
I don’t like doing this, but I just wanted to write a very gentle reminder <3 about reader etiquette.
Sending in asks for more parts of a fic is a no no.
Recently, I’ve been receiving multiple asks that demand more parts of one of my fics. I am not mad!!! Far from from it!!! It’s just that… rather than encouraging (which I’m assuming is the intent), it feels sort of discouraging than anything. Writing is something I love to do and do for my own enjoyment, and sharing it with you all is pretty vulnerable already, so when people send in asks, not to just to me but to authors in general, asking “Where is part ()⁉️⁉️”, it feels like unnecessary pressure, and worse, it feels invasive, to a certain extent. Writing is something that is created naturally; over time. It is not something to be rushed. We are not robots. Authors aren’t even obligated to give you more parts, so please realize that that is a privilege when we do. For free.
Instead of sending in asks, you know how you’ll get that next part sooner? Likes, as well as reblogging, and commenting!!!!! Preferably reblogs and comments!!!! I can’t stress this enough!!! And when an author does give you more parts (that took time and effort), show your gratitude in the same ways listed above!!! Not in the ask box!!!!!!!
This feels way more appreciative and genuine. When we receive those reblogs and comments, we feel much more compelled and willing to write! The ask box does… the opposite. With that being said, you can still use the ask box if what you’re sending is a, “wow, part () was so good! Keep up the good work!” Or alike, then yes! This is good!!!
Please, we ask you as readers to not send in asks like “Where’s part ()?” or “I need part ().”. The ask box is for questions, concerns, requests (if open), and/or compliments, and nothing else.
Please and thank you <3
- Cupcake xoxo
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slushycoookie · 8 days
Hey! I just read your latest Toji drabble, I love it. Can you please do smth like this with Sukuna (modern version) and blind reader? Preferably fem, but gn is okay too, up to you!
Hope you having a good day 🩵
info : implied fem. reader, established relationship, sukuna being sukuna honestly but he’s kinda nice, blind!reader, extreme fluff, modern!au, literally just a word dump
a/n : tysm!! i hope ur day is good too anon :33 !!
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sukuna who is typically an impatient person but with you? he can wait all day. struggling to read the braille on menu when ordering? he’ll wait patiently for you while glaring at he waiter to do the same.
not to say he still isn’t a menace, it’s sukuna for heavens sake. he knows you memorized the layout of the apartment you two shared, some times he would shift all the furniture just to see you bump into everything with a smug smirk on his face.
sukuna who does anything and everything for you. his favorite thing to do was your hair, he would always put your hair up in pretty styles, describing each one so you can get some sort of idea of what they look like.
“it’s like braids, with bows on the end”
“c’mere, feel them”
speaking of that, he always has you feeling something you’re curious about. whenever it’s a hairstyle or an item he’s talking about or even something on him—emphasis on something on him, he would never admit it out loud, but he loves lying to you that he gotten something new done on his body just as an excuse for you to touch him.
(on many occasions he convinced you to touch a bug with a shit eating grin, laughing loud as hell as you scream at him.)
sukuna who understands you have a sensitivity towards light. always taking you out shopping to add to your collection of sunglasses. he’d lead you into expensive stores under the false guise of it being the cheap store you used to go to before the two of you started dating.
“sukuna! i like these, how much are they?”
“don’t worry about it, put them on. lemme see”
he loves taking pictures of you in your glasses, especially when you couldn’t locate it to stop him. his favorite was the .5 pictures where your forehead and eyes look bigger looking in the general direction of the phone.
sukuna who, no matter how many times you tell him “i have my stick, i can walk on my own y’know?” will always have you holding onto his arm. in public or even when you’re just going to the kitchen.
sukuna who never lets you walk out the house looking crazy. he always picks your outfits out, even secretly making his outfits match with yours .. but he wouldn’t tell you that.
you trust sukuna with his judgement on style. even with how irritating or annoying he can be, he knows you care too much about you’re appearance—he’ll never know why, you can’t even see yourself—sukuna will always make sure you look like the center of attention.
“done. go look in the mirror”
“oh right, pfft”
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slushycoookie · 8 days
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Nanami Kento x AFAB!Reader
Making out so slowly with Nanami in the backseat of his car, overlooking the nighttime waterfront of the city bridge. Body scorched with goosebumps when you hear him softly groan. Lips slightly cold and sprinkled with the chill of the outside and the adrenaline of finally being somewhere together so intimate, all alone.
The softest clicks punctuate each time your lips softly roll off each other, until you feel the wet, inviting tip of his tongue smoothly prodding the seam. 
You accept his invitation to deepen the kiss, his tongue warm and wrestling with yours, tasting and exploring the inviting plush of your sweet mouth, lips gooey and supple as they trail gently to your throat, until his heart stops in his chest when you softly squeak the prettiest little whine. 
His body on fire, neither one of you strong enough to stop it as you tear back layer after layer, hands slipping underneath clothes and pained moans, the passion evident on the windows with every pretty breath you release in his mouth. The lust caging you in this dark car together. 
Nanami slowly rocks you on his fingers until he just can't take it anymore.  Rough fingers pulsating around your throat, letting every veiny inch of his cock fuck you with deep, patient strokes.
Steamy, slow, sex in his backseat while the nighttime world outside is none the wiser. 
Moon hanging in the sky as you connect your souls while a gentle storm rolls, painting the ground in unexpected raindrops in July.
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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slushycoookie · 8 days
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Saw a post like this with negative outlook so I asked for it to be fixed
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